HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-27, Page 44 Th $ual, IS WOW=Ste L;VERY THURSDAY MORN INU n el. nesiMalierStestf. Mee of ,st ( tarflt Nortkatred, Trema of tleMe.tpetea e Ons swath. 1.sidearm . Three month.. If cry die is arm, the (trots ger win be g u I lo0e failM &4vseteMe sues Legal and other casual .4vertie mealh IA . par list for dreg iu.ertioc, end y orals per kw each .uherqueat fosertioeo. Meeeswm • a0eparetl assts 8uslsw• cards of six lines and under. IP per year. Adrertinssusaa of Loot. Puuad, 4trayed. Mtestlon. Vacant. tlltuetlon. Wasted and )sostoss ('lenient Wanted, not .zoe.ding 0 Hams nonpareil 71 nor month. Honer. oa :Ode and Panne o• dale, mot to sacred 0 I.nr.. 11 for and mouth, .itis. per sus seekent month. larger advt.. h prop.'niaa Any .proal netts." the object of w hieb 1. to promote the pecuniary he•t41 of say Lodi - ,W.•1 or ,tompany, to be considered so •d- eenl..•nH•ud and chewed a•'rordlnrb. Local Dot wee In noaparell type one eco' per ward, no notices less than •SC Local amines in ordinary reading t pe •we }q4 per word. No notice for her than Mo. etfeer for shin hes and other religions and baarvuleat inotn itions halt rate, f'asasaerrlaa tbsaarraer 44,0,11•emr.l.. A demoted nemhw of dM advertise tar n,i will be Inserted at tM wths rates . Per In, h. one interline(M /0 four insertions three mnntha six months otos year. 5 00 No advenlrmrot ler this two laches In Iesglb will be alculatrd err shave basis 6 per neat. der ount allowed far cash payment* M [hare months' contract : 10 per e»L on a(x arathi . and 15 per cent. on • > ear's. These send itIons .ill bis strictly enforced. rlNrt •'Thr M al" Mllresy. gm►werlher who fail to receive Tilt 81011AL p.01•rly. either by carrier or by mail, will eemlev • favor by arquan.tins us of the fact at sm early a date as partible. Leah at Veer label. Your labrl I. • standing receipt of the date to which fen ■re paid up. here that it is not allowed to fall into areesr. When a charge of address Is desired. both the old and the sew address sborld be Elven. Rejected manuscript. cannot be returned. Co,reepoodenoe must be writsn on one side of paper only. 100 ! 00 300 P.NMh is heeler, .1. C. Le Tou.rl, of Ooderich, has bee..p pointed LAYS! Travelling Agent for the town shite of (Roderick, Colbor.e, AslIIeld and Wa- wa/oat). Loral po.twa.te,s over the Airtriet are also empowered to receive emh.ertptlo[s to Trot emvat. All eummuatcations must be addressed to D. McOiLI Wi'DDY. Telephone ('all 70. OODERICH. THUMIDAY. APIM IE. 1111111. Tul wieners= Lee wags wan aTtpewT- Iv borrowed frees March. TRW WAR A TRRRIRI.E Tail rkOM TNI /liar Iasi week. Evidently the cur was sorely hit. BY TRE IA AT Ulan te=a Iv c• Also CLAIM it WAW.Aet talk ono feels like haying," What • faculty for choosing font tor •ssoc:atea Mir JoHN THOMraop leas" Tea .,t tog no ('auADA " BY Jae urn" -a. ku'uaRD ARrwTR..Su,Pre.ident of Imo Toronto Young l'on.ervstives puts ht- - .oulinuns with ua.bued war in this see- liioa. Tut ULSTER swim wen torte THE New' Hooped Ends fault with THE SIONAI. beo•ose it is in favor ot Continental Union. 1f the News -Record understood the questing' and wasn't pap fed it would not be fool enough to take exception. " Where ignorance is blit 'tea folly to he wise_"_ " Lrr ME warm 116111075418 or a mummy and I care not who makes its laws," "aid s . ute@m.0 of yore. In like manner, a man n amed limo violate writes to Tut SIoNAI., " Let me appoint my own investigmting communes, and I care not what charges are made against me. THE TWIT 741wwrarvR.. or Wrnr Hutson are not satisfied because Tum SH.NAI. would not allow the (o .ervuive organiser to load Mae dice against it. Our co.teinporeries are so need to having to say, " Me. too," to everything the political gamblers of their party undertake that their sense of right sad wrong is eatirely bleated. Ttia f;1R*T wToirel. The report. whheh reach us from outside potato go to .Mew that not only in (;.derioh bet elsewhere throuvhoot the country the damage done to property by Thursday's norm was of • far reaching nature. The far=ming community suffered prticu• laxly, which is to be the more rerrett.uI when it is remembered that we live in an sra of low pricy for what the farmer bas to sell, and of high taxation for what he has to buy. Fortunately there was nn Moe of human life daring the great storm, and where the destruction to property was so widespread, there is all the more manna for theaktel. tress on that memos MfrultsA'0 SAmaa see ICVAUT. The altar was somewhat wrathy last week, and undertook to make • number ot denials that were not denials, they were simply f•lsehnods it attempted to deny that Hes J.C. PAT- TI.M.w undertook by • telegram from we Cabinet M ionise to preye that • detective had not lase sant up to Oederiek to de dirty work by wether ('.hint Mishits, it cud that (loos was sea appointed to • positinn on the dredge, and ashssehwmle d:sobarg.& • olesey falesheed es the part of the Star, whisk .re,yca. In tows knew" Os be a falsehood it damid that Orme kawated The Aur d- oss and was . hewn Vetoed d Mmemeu'i ✓ this seems of east year ProvWms* Mei% sake Seedav-orhnol seprrt.n- daees sail lead preteens. ob.rehmemhe , dews for lying •owedaye, or thew wasM he • tarps se millhf hes at The flow elks al Cdr MewerstJ. masa that su.mssl Aad Saan7 , The Star ohjso a to the fellow Mg That appeared is Tn. filewu, name weals age se• may this esetie. he Dem that lgrsl a.h abseil haww, ro T11 F. SIGNAL : GODERICB ONT., TAITRBDAY, APRIL 27, 1893. .eta/ia the same ..meet 1a the tame paklie bershag hoses' Why demi The Star ob jssI be that ewe - mems 1 lima that Gere amid ham her imprisoned for his perjury, ad essersd the jadge for letting him off w easily. Tek Stamm. agreed with The Star, bet ul.imed that el the two eriesiade MITCMan.L we• the greater, .ad that Goss should cot be un- duly peuished whilst his as.uciMe, who had spread the dander( broadcast, west fres Perbap. Th. Sur, now that the spirit of lying has taken pttas.mhoo of it, will deny that MITI acts was .sst.ciated with (ouax to this attempt to black- est the character of a Wwwn'. To lustier this Tit& Si..'AL will furnish ts- tiapi•bis proof tutu The Star was hand -tis glove u din eminating the .la.Jer, but that the editor tearfully . poloeised for h ushers in the filthy bummer, exonerated the mw whom be sad t;cute had traduced, and hum- bly craved forgt,euer fur the wrong he 11.7 .1.,... The snaking of the apohwry rued Mrn•utl. from occupying " the wine nor ridor in the same public bearding bowie' with Stotts. The language of Mr..Ir'aTH'0 *mum, lo paannr sentence on M17w HILL, was not lees scathing than the language which Mr. Jr% 154.1 Ruth used towards Goma, and hors 001 what l H1 14:SA1. has stated in effect "That they wets' unlovely in their actions and raying. outside, and in Out they should not have been divided. Following as the apology which M(T<•ueu. wrote on the ocow.ioo, and which nww coa- stitutea his badge of Infamy -- --e The article in question was tosede4 upon erroneous tutor - mottos re.ceuved in good faith by this paper. Upon prepar- ing our defence to the true bill found for libel at the re- oeot wises a rigid .lamina• Roo w•a made of .1! the est - denim which could be given in support of the pka of justi• (kation of the libel charged. It was found by counsel that it was impassible to plead juui6c•tioo of the art•cla The evidence In support of the charge against lir. ('am - eros that be had erduaed Klima Lomas esu found to be wholly unreliable. W e regret ex.;eedin,tly the publication of the ar- ticle in question. and • pnooise to Mr. carnet -on and him faintly for the pain which the moult accusation to 1.1 nave causal them. a Signet ( J A M FS MITCHELL. The editor of The Star signed hu name and subscribed to either at1 uth or • falsehood when he endorsed that document with his signature. If he signed what he believed to he true theta he writes what he knows to be false now, and he is a liar and the truth is not in him, despite his loudmouthed re- ligious professions. 1f, on the other hand, he signed what he knew to be false, for fear of being ow - Owed to the felon's cell which he so mistily merited, he is • cowardly poltroon whose word and action are of no more value than I ;ORR'. where honest men's opinions count. Jawm MIT'HiL,. mo chose either horn of the dilemma. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. A cheers affsaaa pe. Was worts. Asia kill preset U. FINE TAiLORING. - Sprts, and Sumteer elo,ke la great variety at the Ch(cate Honest. Wes -@L You cue have • big choke and rely "o good style and et at very moderate prices. 17. tiaoC.wmae. Mgr. It lases the professional fishermen to tell catchy yarns. hut if you want • taking photo cabinet pu'Iure nr ral.r.emeat doe's fad to call epee 1t R. `allows a{ hhi 'Indio. Dormer Maltreat N. and -square. It doesn't follow Flat a remark carelessly dropped tails eat, 1st , salt of olotbee ravis- her', made shows hat the tailor is sot what be ought to be. You • ..'t get say of teal Iliad of work from 0'. .1. Pridhsm, the people'. clothier. HICy4-t.R. Istendl h,n yaof Bicycles should call on W. T. W and get Ida priors h.1on perrha,tsg. Mr. Webb hes h». ey pointed arrnt hare for the.01O. f Whitwaltl olio emote a renal*. 1104.8 make, Sull ed with pntratatio Ores sed t latest Insp eve - meets. Prlom renelw from Onto 8116. TEMrsassoww MEgnw4. -The meeting to be held hes the Temparasoe hall next Sar day afternoon at 415 o'olook will be sA dreamed by Re.. Father West, pastor of St. Peter's R.('. choreb, ST. I:nonan', DAT. -The " Union .lack Bested from the flagpole of the Bank of Commerce .on Mnday net. The reason was that k1s (:gorge's da fell no (deeds, this year, amid manager Williams was based to let the rad ernes Manor wave some day during the week. ('IO,MLr, Awn Hi -'T.. The well- known evangelise, ('ro.slcy and Hester, smiled in sandmenh by the anemone (tai. Weicped&y, •sed were driven around town by Rev Messrs. Howell mid Tarnow'. t1oy are hnldisg • service to oleo. op their work of • couple of months ago, as we en to pew». Ammo,' Sana -Iles'( ttwget Bolamy's sale of household furniture, ~pets /ermine, pieturm, Sowers, Novas• carman - ter" tools, ore, es Thetwday, April With, at halt peat use e'elnek, at kir residcsee, o pposite ahs Collegiate ieoiteta ivory thing will M sold without my peewee. Thomism Owodry, emotions. A Saxer is Arms Paters Latttss .d• Mem frees Britain inform ss 'let the hot - taw Ise dropped net d the pricea hereto- fore paid for (bootie. r sad that late ensmigemrna ha.. sherries. The to- rah the. washer mess. for the Omi- » It win pods M7 that hew pries will adias set is the Itagitelli market M.nwawwe' iww,rgT. AwwwaL Mmwtws, -The missal eremites ef the /7odererh Mod..iee' Deetkeas will be hie in the the bat et May [rose, t .'sisak, far the purpose tdemrM1g the e.- e mud (.poet a1 tie dtrw ... , i+.1i.. r ob- oes (tad say other bait= that may be brought bel.,e the mestbs. Wits Fes Him. -A o►ap r traValliag Waugh the oseatry trying to .wheelie parties with a contract fur wire Iesoee He seers to give mumps wire to fames • ten- sors lot it the party will sign a smatrm& to take an me.oy for the wire. The .entrust is where the swindling comes is. If y.e read closely It turns out to bs a Pr otaireer note for $15, after • few words ore with acid. A Koval. Terries Kt'$1wL - Tbe fen oral of the late James Vivian was cadest- ad under the •oepiom of the Royal Tem - plan oa ••tualsy Int. There was • large attendance of members is the procession (0 show respect to theeser7 of the t d - ed brother. The wte•eed ked bees h for a considerable length of Limo, ad leaves a wife and family who haw the heartfelt sympathy of the oommuntty. LoomlNu Ot'T run Hot Vit.t.Aut -Reeve Kerr, of Bruasel., was i0 town Tuesday for the purpwe of taking out an injunction to restrain J. 1>. Ronald of that town from closing a chattel mortgage en • woolen mill man wined Howe, of the rate place. The action of Ronald would, it was claimed pre judice • claim held by the town realest Howe, who some years ago received a boons of 86,000 from the village. YTalch es air ILL'ciu. We regret to learn that on Sunday test Registrar Dick son wen stricken down with • stroke of par tial p.ralysie. Mr. Dickson is one of the pioeeers of Huron, •and is one d the most widrly kouwe residents of the county, hay. ing occupied responsible public nosiness for upwards of forty years. Hie inse.m will be mach regr„tied by his many friends amide •od outside of the county, and all will hops for his speedy recovery. A CILIA Smarr.-" This is the tint tints in the history of (joderich jail at this time of the year" that we have not had • prisoner inside the walls," said jailor Dickson to THt SioNAL Tuesday moraing last." We let out "Scotty McPherson and his chum " Pea4g " this morning •ad now we have nobody but • few hots, -of -re - lugs folk in our keeping," be oontanoed, as be *trolled down North-st. tapping the side- walk, and headed for the river bank. - Sl'NDAI ArrcttN"oN AT THx T1MPLRAN1. Hau. The Temperance Hall was crowded to the doors on Sunday afternoon last at the open meeting under the auspices of the Royal Templar,. Capt. %Virgins, of the Salvation Army, addressed the gathering and delivered a most effective discourse, which was thoroughly appreciated by the large and attentive gathering. School In- spector Tom also throw some bot shot in the temperance interest, in an earnest and oonvtncing manner. key. J. K Howell occupied the chide WORLD'S -- WORr.D'e FAIR Timms -1e yes ere going to the World's Fair, Chicago, pt your excursion tickets acid also aware hotel end boarding s000mmciation and re10bi. Intormation from H. Armstrong, town ticket agent I:. T. R., Tickets, telegrams and expresses to till parts of the world. Agent Allen, Dominion, Anchor, Cunard and At- lantic steamers Be sore and ties Cheadle. Express Co'. money orders It to the cheapest, safest and moot oonveomest method of sending mousy. Receipts given end mon refunded if orders are lost. They an also be deposited in basks same as checks or drafts. They are sold at all nines of the company, wad are payable at over 10,000 plaoes in the United State., Canada and priocip•1 cities of Europe_ hiATRiM4.NIAL. On Wednesday evening of April 511, 1883, • few freeds met at the rea[deoce of Jas. McN. Breckenridge 3,144 lillman-at., Chimp, Ilk, at 7.30 r.u., to witness the marriage of his stater, Miss Maggie S Breckenridge to James F. Clark. The bride, who won old rose silk and veil with white roses, was attended by MirJee- .ott Edward, who was attired i. • costume similar to that of the bride. The groom was attended by Robert Tobey. The legal mar- riage services were conducted byJustice of the Peace Charles W. Wooman. The ceremon w•1 conducted W. Porter, of r. the htlirem ot Chicago,who dwelt eta the r..paae bilities of hot arties and duties of each, and the walking in even steps in the fear of the Lord. Congratnlatiotr were then tendered the bride and groom, with all best wishes, after which the guests sat down to a well spread supper. After • very plcaw01 evening the guests dispersed, the bride and groom retiring to their borne, which for the protest they have made in Chicago. Presents were numerous and loan" very beautiful. The bride and bridesmaid were formerly resident. of (ledesick, Can. oda. AN Imew 15va Tu Woms.---Tbe aceom • pining litter lase been received by Maple Leaf Lodge Aaeieut Order of United Work- men and explains its object. Bro. ('rmbb he an eathnsismtio Workman and thoroughly in love with the Order, and • sincere believer in its stability sod permanence. A tin 'Winne" von was paused by Maple Les/ Lodge •oespting the trophy on behalf of the Workmen of the snooty, and thanking Bro. Crabb for Isis generous gift. The (ropey 000esu of a haodsomnely decorated limner Broom, in silk velvet and ribbon, .std en. closed in a beautiful mahogany ase with glees front ornamented with the emblem" of the (oder and sritahly lettered To the (sinews end Members of Maple Ma Lodge No. 17. A. O t'. W. Dealt Si.. *.n RR.rre elm, 1 Misr for your acogptanoe • Benner Broom decorated std emclnnwl in a mahogany cams, to be bald by your lodge for the rewind, year and to he open dor companions by the di/sr.t lodges of the A 0 L7. W ia the essay of Huron. The oesditiesm od the eslmp.tltp.s are that the lodge adding the most sew Master Workmen members &snag any year will Is entitled to hold ye lar the following year. The D. D O. 44.1W. ie to wake the 'instil deeidiwr whish lodge is ea - tined to theapey asd it is be t the eneawmfntl 1sedge u wM on the flit► day of February is eek year. New ledges will only be eligible te ester is the emepwYes after tis monk' from the elms of their charter. The trophy is to Meese* the pro. pay Mf any ledge that wise it three see - emirs years Wrahissg your loam and the lalgss of the maty iwereased prosperity wad sueea.s. I ramie years u C. H. send P. Pane A. (hen, We sdraf Ledge No int, Rum nagmww, Mob. Mirka The swamp rimae is ere Vis. reading rem we the eaanw el Made, MI ewe seriatim melee sett M eM afawwrge• COUNTY CURRENCY. pass%( ~isusing asm. of Stapes, gbirth M twee calves last week. Sealarth : James Arubob• d siligestil a ear load of rery dna heavy horses M peg ea Wed.od.y. Morris . Jai Indeed, 3rd bas, bas Int five Me yeses Nee wile grubby head, wain& :he Irk few wee4 Kamm : O. the lbs► ... Apr4 IP72, isotopes' sedan ago, mom to the depth td six ia.'bea fell is this viaiaity. Seal.rth : K. 5. 1lsattie, V. S., d Sa- forth,w•e maimed in Detroit as Wednesday, to Maas Maggie Skase, d that atty. Clinton . The ase ting of l toterich Dis- trict Methodist church, wail be held to the Ontario street u►oruk, •bout the lllth of May. Seaforth On Monday last Joku 1'ytl, manager of the SeWorth flax mule, t out 1,277 pounds in tel bean with dye @ catches 'd two breaks Ifullett The first animal to leave Huron for the World's Fair, was • sow .hipped Iron 1.uodeeburo oft Tueed•y, and owned by W. (;rurger, of Hallett. Blueva e : John Kobluse° got • telegram on the 13th front Maoit1e cuacerning the death of his daugbter-[a•law, who left 8 childrad to mourn Stec deoe.se Relgrave . The funeral of Kliz•beth Ker- nlgbasi, of East Wwanoah, took place oa Thursday of last week and was largely attended. She was u her e9bth year. Morrie Duncan McMillan had his arm injured the other day while untying • oow, by having • hook caught into it. He is carrying the injured member is • shag. Grey . Chard(= tluserengesser bas pur- chased • farm in Liman township and ssa, reasons to it next Fall. lis that event It is said his brother will ran the sawmill. moth : It is said that Mrs. T. Hall. now of Hoofs opt, will assume charge of the Revere House, In Brussels, on Flay 1st instead of W. (:. 1.) lir. Seaforth : E. Piercy, ledger -keeper in the Canadian Book of Commerce, having been granted leave of •Loewe for a term o1 six weeks, leaves this week for Fogland o0 • visit to his parents. Heooall : Whilst T. Cameros was ea- gagef in mother staves et McKean's mill, be had the misfortune to get three of his ringers takes off. We are pleased to sal that he is doing nicely. Zurich - Wm. Parry, who has been kept by tl.c flay council during the past the y» .ars. .M .• l.,hn H:idemlr•sd's on Mon- day, At the ag.- of 90 years, 40.1 w1, buried in the Brom !Inc .,.0-n*ery. h.i.uton Nits, lieu. Riwas, who west to Herrn t, Meetena, a year ago lot 11. beueut ' Ler ita01t4..i.• .t there on Monday, and the remains will be interred ben ; s ',eaves • family of eight children. Kiobssa ; \Yee. Clash ha. sold • fine pair of draught mares to James Archibald, for ill Chis is • pretty good price ileo. Hobert McDowell elan sold • hoe ma. c 60 : he same gent emus t. r 7150. Bruoislu : The 300 icet of 3 ply baker fttbri: hose purchased by Brits .Is Conseil fr ni the (;tet.. Pomba and Rubber \lanu- tacteriag Co., of Toronto, for tat Fire Departs..., came to hand last week. Tuckenmiil Joha O. Sproat, of the mos, 1 line ,.f Tucker.mitb, is in luck this year. 11. luta • sow that last week pre sewed him with twin calve!, and he has 22 lamb* trams 11 ewes, and they are .11 living tact ,hrir.ul. ltn:ou - :Jai. ,.., ,. , atfs of Chas 1pooaert who has thou retia; for a couple weshe, died oe Tuesday night : she .eaves tine sous and teres daughters, two of the latter beteg Mrs C. McGregor, of Hallett, and Mrs. Hall, of town. Brussels : Angio Campbell u sow i1 charge of the dynamo and electric light apparatus, Harry James, who bas been at- tending to it, intends leaving town to take • more remunerative position. He has looked after the work is first-class style. Clinton The wife of Wm. Higgins, for away years a resident of Clinton, but lately residing at Creditor, died on Toss - day, April 18th ; she was the mother of • large family, her eldest daughter, Mrs. Job (aper, being the only one now residing Gerrie : The Presbyterians, of (:orris, failed to extend a call to • minister at the meeting of the Presbytery in Harntitoe, oe Tuesday. it was also decided, at the re• quest of the bulk of his congregation, not to acoept the resignation ot Rev. Mr. Stewart. of Belmar. Tuckersmith . Os Sunday last as Min .Johne, • lady who We been in delicate health for some time, sat by the stove, rhe fainted and fell forward, Iter bead resting on the top of the stove. Her left ear was so badly burned that it is feared she will loss It entirely. Varna : ()wing to the heavy rain on Wednesd•r eight of last week, Wilson Cook's ostler was flooded to • depth of nearly four feet. He carried out several hundred pails and then secured the serviose of Mr. lamp, who put the hose in •ad pumped it out an a short time. Clinton : lis complaint lodged by In- spector Wheatley, . W. Cook' pa psatth before Mayor oTaa p wwrrtt o►argtej with • violation of the are-by.law is not *nag shingles in mortar, en the building he is erecting oa Albert St , as provided by the by-law. He pleded guilty avid was tined 71 and costs R•rl3ck dohs (:rustier, of yr Ism 10 ewes which have given birth to phis, lembe, and he has 12 ewes yet to Ionia By Ws time they are all (breath hee a Soak of 70 sheep and lamb, M Mire r. Crssier's sheep double up worm thee com- posed istsreat. 11 is batter 10 be Ian lucky them rich, and Jahn in always leaky. (listen : Four weeks age, as Lawmen, Massing was retuning bowie one eeeatvig, as immersed plashes the sidewalk tripped him and he NI beovily en his side After bring earned bowie, it wee found that be had s.Misd • ravers benne which cennee4 him to the aetil the peewees week. He is sow able to be aroeed, hut reaming the w d twx entebe.. New lire : The toll of four or five inches et .mew the Other ewralag was the »bles* d remark assess @.ural pesons, whim a rends.* d Hallett spoke ap sad mid :- Yes, its • Ism fall of maw, bet I'.. Bach la knew. it to be ter, ler i well re member repag to church M lodeskerat with a setter envie years ago. ea the ssened Seeds" i. May, sail the sleighing w.. pretty geed, ten. Wbghan • Dr. Mel►am.N win ([hart( remove bis renblen s be the lot jest meth el 1. Davis' r 0Ne.ee es (lovien street, seed win .rwaly seism" and improve it. The bleat D r. McDonald haeme er. ap g Ws year, where big t dime and r144.... is eit.sed, will be three durum bgt, the front M be el ref premed brad, the wfa- dew seed deer data to be of OreiM Talky alma Th.e A be her apace he the Ger---am. doable and bio 'sae s=emi low win be &lied alp ler (tai the third 4fe4ge teem IS will be lie hesineaer1 bled! la few (bass gene t leer, .i DOOMS ANO KMOOI0AL8 Woureun sent lumeea.!ae ltlaa.at■. ler May .hew reniarkabie and newish es the part et oW U ly ia4rel• las periedbeal, whir has shindy wee hr Wei as eenshM plume among the ease..( i1tlgatra of the day. It has hem enlarged (era pen sa is order M e1ve epees ler itiostriliiitiesis, sad sloe that the papers se the various Dupert- ane.11, who* are • stashed and very rals- able andere el this periodiuel, may here- after be grinned it larger ty Ire, orrespemi ia- M that en the body el the mapr-ias The Iaten1.as d tb. pubh.h.re were eery kneel .t the start, but they are previa themselves far beater than their woad, std the Arwwae wpprt of eabauribere ad of the readbg pubic generally, warrants this 154U.4)4 rtpmwtitor.. Bused as all previa one mumben ve, the hone for May is the haat it .11 ; and tabs is say tog much is view of the very hs.h .teud•rd of eceeilenee Worthington's has already eslabtls►d lar Rent. HAnran's MAuaur c for May opine with as illustrated .rude us early New Yak 11s, ty Thom.. A. Jammer, 1.. lowed by • d..- cription by Usatlaae Wheeler of toe latest aubevwa.c•t of Cba.t(o, "A Drawn t h the marvelu.a bsuld►np of the World's Fair. to '•A Drooatentml Provisos," Henry Loomis Nelson gives one phaseof life ha Quebec --the French I.rnter..truggle with tee wuru wt .oil and the heavy lames. Other armadas nt more than usual unrest are "Phil. lip. Brooks, "a e.um•te of the life and work of the lam Bishop by los brother. the Rev. Arthur Brooks; • puna as James R..ssl Lowell, by Charles 1Gwt Nortoe; "The Fresco Soars of 1575," by Mr. De Rbwite: .ad "Colorado ail its Capital," by Julian Ralph. A. (scan Doyle's historial rw- meow, "The Refuges," is 000110.ed, the May installment ending with • thnlltag climax, and there aro some deliabt chapters t Mfr C. F. Wooler a. story, "Horace Chase." Short stories are ou.tributed by Brander Matthews and Eva Wilder Mtt:Ism sun, •sed the sense of Shek.eprrean comedies is continued by "Loves labor's lost," with sial illustrations by Mr. K A. Abbey, and wannest by Adrew Lang Outside the Editor's Ikawer,y.,e are no versa in the n umber. Tat METHODIST MAuAxllrr roe MAT. -- Tb. editor begun is this amber lin ..rife f inters (numerously Illustrator]) oe "Teat Life is Palest •oe," describing journeys from Jaffa to Jericho, and Hebron to D omeaseu., which .re •.nouncel to be more fully » 1n. tested with engravings of armed .mass than •ay other mag•une series of the eon eve published in any country They will be of special interest to .11 Bible readers. Hee Majesty's **sooty -fourth birthday w wmeismmorated by • paper 4u " Oar Oradotis Queen," with • number of os- osnast pictures of ber favorite bealth re- sort. Of patriotic i•tcr.s% is • review of "P.ikmaa'. Great History d (;sands," wi I. portrait sad other pictures Irony Years Among the Zulu" " is a well written missionary artiste, by Mr. J. R. Panaceas. Rev. Dr. J. V. Smith gives one of his charming Chisbrl.ad .ketches, " Th. Dimmed in the Rough." J. W. Bang mgh the Will Clrktoa" of Canada, 1*. • graphic narrative peso ..! the [Doral re- cl•m•tioa d a j&il bird, enti led " Made W kde," Arohdeeoon Farrar as " The Sci.00. of Preaching," and iesalments of the .aml Nevis, (rake "p an excellent aaWMr. Price 112 a year : 81 for ail moathe ; 20 oats per amber. Tomato : WWni•m Briggs Tae Lamm' Hors JocnoAL.-- Unknown to thousands, Thomas Carl le's yoaysst sister in . resident of tela Western mans- mt. This utereaunr fact the Luba' Hesse Journal bas discovered, and the hems -life and perso.ality of "the last of the C•rlyk s" are moat iatermtingly pictured sad de- scribed in its May issue, which goes out to its hundreds of thousands of readers in • striking cover, preasating one of Charles Dan. /ribeeo'e styl.sh women. Mr. Rowell'. pit -tare Of rill life. "The Oct. of Bohemia," grows in interest, a[d Will N. III/rhea gives the opening chatpsn of a short metal emery, "Before two Altars," The World's CColumbien celebration is remembered In a stately poem by Edna Dean Proctor, mantled "The .New World's Queen." That problem of polite moiety, " The Married Woman's Signature," is made the subject of as interesting discussion by Julia Ward Howe, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mn. Benda Harrison and other famons women into as .ympesrum " Under Winch Name • Om the tame subject is the plea made by Frances F. Lanigan for the adoption of • form at signature which nil serve se as identification of all feminine letter writers. Edward W. Bok makes a strong plea for men to give their wives more recratio6 and Once them out of their hoes.' -ale, wbtle Elisabeth Robins. Stored contributes • paper on " The Art of Letter -Writing Altogether this May number is so fall of gond things that Do woman ma afford te be without it. Published by the Glottis Pub- lisbiag Company, Philadelphia, for Tee (.'Lia per number, and One Dollar per year. BRUCEFIELD AND LONDON ROAD. IrTom our own earrwges4est. John McIntosh hes his rig out cm the road this week. The seeding le put back ler a time by the stated the weather. Jas Swam ie selling a large •neem( if b•rvssting us•ehuiery. W. MoQmeee taught in S. 8. Me. 3 Trask - ..mite for • few days so &benne of Mr. Scott, atllmdieg the marriage of hi ettudm. Brownie : The dry geode msroheete of this plate ham agreed to clow up their res- pective Normo at 7 aide k every emesis (Saturdays .reepted) dories the Summer eta.tk.. Yea• int feed it with Scott's Emelsios. Fedingib cold kills it, [wed so new an shred le have a cough or calker -ate and leafing le camallmptfoe, lsrkbg . SIJOTT'$ EMULSION Of pawn Piermempdaw Qad Liver OU aged Srpeprbe.pitus streag loess Walt Lalbgl, clacks an W flh_. awl i a meneritabir Rauh . Alone(PNatt&s as BR.WILLIAMS' INK ILLS P E PLE ss Awe 4a w • ,, aeYw iieh..'. =seam. a tetamureas s, =ium00 ' WEAK MEN Iaeh ve y•7e` y talewillwensasez Ter ie.lief• phl}aledsad Nltz •Lr~~ SUFFERING WOMEN ftf &torr « paler b tk! few can. A Su me▪ wl an bad a Winam we e y III bodes f y►aa ihr ; lig 0R. WILLIAM! MED CO., MeivWe (let. K Moatissowu. b.f. ac x OldChwn (CUT PLUG.) OLD G11UM (PLUG.) No other brood of Tobacco has ever ea. joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Ping Tobacco. Wiwi tial Takao assiote. -Idr MONTREAL Cit PLsg,c, let > -TH 3-- _ RECOGNISED STANDARD WOOS Mungo, Kicker, Cable. Univer'sal1Y acknowledged W be superior in every res- pect to any other brands in the market. Always reli- able, as has been fully dem- onstrated by the millions that are sold annually and than increasing demand for them, notwithstanding an increased competition of ov- er One Hundred and Twen- ty-five Factories. This fact speaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturers. S. DA VIS &SONS MONTRNAL Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada. 7(4-11 Trowelling Guido. ukJNl, ?RUr'K RAILWAY. Trains arrive .ad AIMS 0s4wa.h as w lour.: seamen 4.twill and x.d RLs- ... Mir....... Mired _ .. ....... g iitspreme .' :::......::: loom - - 'Pei £DV'/11ClfgM. Nodes at sbai sant boo MI at ibis Oda setlaser. the Nalsrdy nosh T. Oopy for (shawl oust be left art later flans Nos - day mesa. awtal Advertisements mospord up to noon W.daesaaymob week. 1 LIS 00 t0. f1olm. SEalerth : rr. 64.1. amh• of faNhses. hes arrived is Lis ad Lyes Mr. Wm Yn b ethe ( .4Lse ihmk .t oren Morrie t The (lee. leanly ennead by 3. Teem. ea As fob dor de pride Jamas who field w the 7168 Ymp w b=ossed • aha. Ohl W eiedsedy work h .t