HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-27, Page 3'l'11E SIGNAL: CODEMCII, 0NT., 'TRUI;Si)AT APRI I. V. 1s13. 0013ilg4 cuohTY J� g 711111KIBLEQPtt1KNCf< OF A Wtlt•eTO'W FARM RR. ass• assarrr .nnjae UNTOLD eons" .t •• rtetwa17ise TWAT OMLY _sewn „Vin 1'U,,,,(, see as ar..W non Os ,,.i resit 44m YtL•a r*I` •rxtova Teel OTIthas 1148001.14 esrrrit .t •Iv presisse'a• Ill. Williams' P•mk Pdis .re • parkin hoed bedder sod nerve reeteret, ettfi0g oast dimness ea r►.sentnm• emedgt., paralysie, loose ote..tama a Vitas aereeme 11s.d.eh.. serves* prestre ties and Ow tired feels( therehem, the .tar edama of la (rtpp..-Mm seven meth, Loom depesdtag i■ the bio.d, smash, ohlualo er7stpbey m.., Pink Pals give s healthy glow to ple and sallow a.wtpl.iIoss, ..d ars ametals lar the trembles p.l to the foetal. nota system, asd t• the esu d noes thew effect • radical este, in .11 asses arena forte mental worry, ever- work or eaueme• or my eater. 'rheas thus are m.nulaotured by the Dr. Williaana' Medicine Company, ilr'ookvt)k, Out , and So►weuwly, N 1 . , and am •o1•1 nal le boxes Learing the Ulm • trade mark ori wrapper, M bOuta. a box or six buses for f1Sb0. Bear ret muni that Dr. Willienin Pink Pith are wet sold in bulk, or by the dome er 11endrerl, sod soy dealer w hu utf+r. substitutes in this twin is trytug to defraud you and should be .voided. Ttte public art- also motioned against all other so -celled blood builders seri nerve torsos, No m, er whet name may be given them. They arc all imitations whose ntakero web to reap . pr•ceniary advantage from the wonderful re- putation achieved by Ur. Williams' Pini 'ills. Ark your rimier for 1►r. Ptak PIM, for Pale People and rele.e .sl ImlNwna sed substitutes. Dr. Willi.me• Pink P1l1s nosy ►,y ha.1 of .11 dillfft or direct by mail from 1)r \Vi{d■� ionic 1'ompaoy from either rmsq 1•deiie•a••••IMO'dram° WWI 01141. Me herr LL•1.011Pr •dtspu a( u a61.4r'' aa •art ow .,, it we) 110 wIM.' 7 RASO a boar they beef of ellittOehtfilig j rye •dsde!. Irvin they env u brae _ • Iodi desse w es d, seer .ere believetheybelieve. i ter to pass tr.f,h4 tketr su m& without uts(say , art .101Mmaws_ Nouse Nk cal atlstt'•.`'vt bee •uy1Ii01 •ter odhretiug people whom, I, every w.' r ii.i r Mind. ,nus end new eager fur the (Iciest.. Fur seem mm..tbe lode bean published 111 the col. tae ludew•et+t from Lift* to time, to art renerk•ble owns hassle by t het justly Dues 1e,t,G.w-Dr. W dining' 'lot rill, tut Pei, People.p„wtbly same (..r reeler. here looked Mous. steer 01 boo ayes••.' as dewribt°g cure% 1441(111, o probahie, d not lo.trrsetarW. And yet sego'...1 not ho the caar-, for they ars all ,pths ; t.•r .,y respeatsb•e newspapers,Mau old ha, so anent a mettttg fled by !y sad d w hu would be jeaerwrt ,lar nen reeleri were they to du •u. How is believing used Kara Morrttt, tire. *a"''1t stead" berth today as art ;o,.•i, 4' by el curativelirtmll WWI.) Iu the waMtmmd power. oaf chi• not at all over-mautnated coed rear lir Wilmer Pooh. Pill• Having Wad that a nowt remarkable cam had been Awed nt the tere of lir. Merritt, the mit • to of the Iwfepe0Ieut, with that desire prrsel by most oce.aylaper esu for vert lyuig temp coating under Moir w.i isle, re Mord t wed 'gate tie mow end satiety kentelt at' to the truth or the *tory. '4oree Lys sou he dn.re over w S,mthvtlle, sed at owe relied sopa. l) W. M..mm•a. (Dag - o,.. etmight for •ar.1 booboo man whose weed 1s ss read se 11n hued elle .111 who to knew tem. Mr. K.etu.ao •IM.d Dud teem of the ease 0t Mr Meerritt, sedPcam- eleer it • *10 m 1 rr•rk lmer stn. pad Dome 4, him O.I. day and asked him ,f hs could give hint anytime( that weld help hoe hro.her, Ears Illus'', who ams Dll"nnq untold ag0ay with p.iw in all W Mato. he back •.d hs bead. Mr. Mer lin listed that hie lrother had tried every- tkiag. erre *said hod 'oohing to help him that the doctors meld give biases estate hesdr.:t. r from the United States had told 1110 peeirelt that there eras so help ter 11ite, eel that death only could set him free from hi. .,rosy lir. Merritt further told Mr Karma' that his brother imbed to try IR N dii•n s Pink Pills tad asked him if he thought it wou:d be try oar kir. i1Oatasan Mem' hem to try thews. as wood's -fel tuna had Lamers worked by their tam Mr. Merritt acted o0 his advise sed eentimeed the see of Pink Pills .still hes sow a well ono area .toona u avert. The editor trueo drove over to ire Mr. Merritt. a,d found that weedemmao eased s*d ht.rt). looking over be cattle is 11,. tone)ori. Mr. K.'a Merritt is • well-to- do all-tindo farmer ow nine two bo. terms ►host 3i ruin mei, of Smith. Ode, in the uweekip of South o.nn.ahy. it hew the newspapermen Old the "hp et of los vest Nr. Merritt ex- prowed lot w.lhoguw to give hie the full- e%parutular$ o1 his case, a.d weesnad do better than give it in lir owe word• : "Tbe first use 1 eutrouhkd,"old Mr. Merritt, " we ot..Iuly first. 14191. We wma.eaced haying ••u that day sad I lett were sed stiff in .11 my pont.. 1 Noir believe the trouble origiett.1,hroarh my walking loam she* s old water the proceeding April, when I treat into the water sled stayed so losg than Mile 1 41110e out my lee were mush, but 1 dal not feel say hod malts awl July as I mot. 1 gradually grew worm soul I maid scare.lyt do asythies. I kept on try tog to work bet it wee • terrible straggle. rel Me way 1 ..feted was somethingawful. Elroy joint In my body was Duni rod ...ensely painful. As time peesed on 1 gradually grew wow, the puss went into ■) ha k and at tines my sway was skeet sabe.rsl.k. 1 had tried •11 borne -sends resales but without wail. I then one - salted a doctor hat his reedier* had no egret. At the tate of the S.,rthvilk fair • doctor w 11 e• er here from the States mod i •401011. d him He said my cam was hope les, test 1 need sot expect wythisg hat death 10 rek•se me from my pain. As winter came no the pais got into my bead rd my oath/rings wen soetethtag terrible. Atlout dark tie pain would start about m7 ►•r and work op until it remakes the crows of my heed. Aa moraine mew ou the psis MI my Iw.I would subside, bat the miss is the rest of my body rover left Me, mad at last 1 grew so had that whew I world he on me back i could not get up to save any life withost arn1taaoe Although I had eat let my apg.etito 1 became weak, so lead that though 1 could walk around 1 ooeld sot Stoop to lift • pored. 1 60/mew se weak it. the. way that i atm depolarised 114 Inst .11 bops of ever getting better• was eht.et this time that 1 heard of the wo•dertul cares by the ems a Dr. Williams' Pink Pile, and Mr. ILmm•n, of 3mithvilk, •dyed that they he rives • Dist My brother got me m box and I took them but felt an great results. i took eti11 another tae and .1111 no p•reeplible Meat, .ed I felt en weak .led dimouragd that 1 deeded set to take 007 mon. At this time • lady bran Hermit/is came to visit at 081. plane sad .he Aroogly advised me to owLi.es ming Pit 1 IM. She hod knows Mr. Marshal) at that eity sed blow tbett kis lass was home fide. I thought it uss4010 to mount..., hut .t the urgent awlieitetiora of not frien.l. did •n, mad►1 y the time I wee thv.uggh with the third hex 1 beim to feel • IA refit from them. This gave we bee* which did not again waver, as i fowled 107 - telt growing ste•arlily better, Ord eostiseed tke we of the Pink Pith .0441 now I w as well as ever i was is soy Ilfs. 1 brew that it wee i ink HIM that saved me whets .Il ahs led failed, and i have ss obieatiaee whatever te Myles the leery el m7 ogre rehlisbed, wit any le the uses•• of ks•yeng same other smarm hook Mit a health *hart ever slam thatsed glaskhe sefear of m hard ars work, and hes net W the slightest Mum of the piss or the ssif.ess t• the TIM PIM BOX -COAT. Ay.r's Pili. Are better known and more genre - ally used that any other cathari '. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable, I and ft ee from mercury or any other i injurious drug, this is the ideal i family medicine. 1'h'iu;.;h 1'rompt g energ*tic ::t their aeteaa, t!t•' i g■■ Of the pills is attended wi 't ' only the best results. Theis ea.,. is to strengthen :.red regulate 1..: organic function., I• Yaw esp.. i..=• beneficial in the '. arious d.:.. .:. - ments of the stomach, livt--'.. .! bowels. Ayer's Pills If the ladies ..1.'i .1.r crinoline we mg are recommended by all the 1c:'.ti '! gest this style for toe dudes 1 physicians, and drt'ggists, art 11.e most prompt and effective re - ' Lissy 1.• borrow, but hard to lend -True for biliousness, n:al'+T't, C bre. lhd the f).tgln•l b1e worebtpp ra evw11 ness, indigestion, slugi:.' ' ally go to Blues* the liver, Fundic:, ti' . 10 wee sten u sweet ones synod, loons i pain in the side, ands'. :k i ria,. with rep: vision. also, to relieve cold:, f'r.'., : The Min who cao clip Lis '0111 one getter r.lgia, and rh:'.uth.•-isle. 'r' mllr cuts quite a ligur ;tic taken with great '- Why is the letter 'i\ .e • hot fico: castor it makes 111113 Vibe.,chills and the di east"; r•-..'t:•t;: Lillie -She ales)* tells the truth. Amy the South. For traveler:, '"1 by land or tea, address price et which *AmIhll• --Nilo', • oo.wnce she mud be' are tram Wake • mane of treaties' coo, I If tau .iuui.t a et tb. world moves 0•k -r•.. iwgpea•iye 01 ..ep■nd wltl t'r^�La some driver of l furniture -vat, about it. other rossilie■ ter m.adiewl De tOsnt. M. rete tee, Mother ireprovtugly l -Riney doll \.,, have lir lust an atm, ora leg, ur a hr i ami some hero t.otbing left bet the Leafy. Now what aro yon going to do' Little Itth.I,Ihoegktfully) I duo t know. unless 1 ploy 1i*.**'- Tne most releeeetive tonic an. mild •tnmule f rt res Meet, Iron and W one. I no Cpm t11M Ttreeas. Has year hu.h.rwl • pet name tor your Yee : y,. calls one ' his boots.' • " How ra"l.•r. What dues be call you that f. r !' " Because Ent us to hon, l supple." Unsightly pimples blotches, tae, sad ate Kofi Achingi humorsthe skis are resound by She -Bon: what goad woul.i 'DO .itt.• e k,d.. ro.. He -00, it would est41-111h a precedent - MIk( -Shan., Pat, keel'h 11 • god thing to bave P.;-.-Yn, Moike, eapecl+lly when yea .s Nei 11 •11011 tunny that • 'onug fellow *koala he livetter wham there .re no boos!. to his coo fact Sh. tmtt$tngir Whoa 411,1 the morning sten sang together' He (earnestly) -in td e morning. I suppose. Charley . Wit) did they bury pour (bider at night' Arehic• He heti no deceul clothe. but • dress snit. moor k Low's Sulphur Seep. ln. Thorn basses Ow lir. I*.suvw-" 1)„ you believe that Smutty women ars atomic' Mr. R.cbe• --" Sometimes they are.'. Mrs. L•oo•v --" N'hes• Mr. Rebel- " They were always sincere whoa they are trying to match ail.. .t a dry goon coesto*." lye. (.owes Worm Syrup Ise removed tap worms tram 15 to 30 feet lone 1t also dee em trays all other kinds of worms When • men persists in drinking like flim.. he shouldn't complain tl he finds no reputation growing /caly. K.nm Pasha has Lnee mardtted agate. 1t mut take an of K,.u's income to pay hu frequent funeral uprose.. Mars Withers -Ill sever worry Mw. Prime --Don't say that. Some 00* may leave you • fortune some day. There is a strange .ci.ntilc fact about Ilse colors in g••ods. The 'aster they ate the less liable they are to tun The Legrhtture has protected tncat of our same bards except the chickens They are protected by the rket price. "Poo meet bare Ier•eeveranoe." said the, young physicts0's friend. "No, was the reply. "treat 1 wan: is p.tteau." Mae m Law .R Nee nava. Fellows -" The law courts have month decided that a mother•to beam u • member of a m•.0 faintly. tad that be is 000apell... to iierart her. " That s nothing new. Baleen (sadly) e. N motIser•i0-law decided that case for her .elf beg. 100g aro." Constip°ties claims matey venue. Wan, ug the dread dismiss by the ares of seed sugar-coated Burdock Palls when Deeded. 1o. Tb. 1e.aew area. it is easy to forget bow much children have to Imre, sed bow the obv now facts of life mod experience may be to them myster res the roost profound. So it happens fre quently that tree stories wend impossible. .11.1 of this class` perhaps simmer a thing olc her little Boston P whither. had land She was only 3 -fen old and she t,she h lisle no exp. rieace is natter 0_ beyond that afforded bye the tcaseak ural 1 •• carol! .Inst -lt roast have Ileo. her family of dulls 'Tama mo a dtaf1. in W fail • break her own arm, and r soonTem" Burgles-1 ..es that Patti r to 00 she dis,.uovere l w hal had happened to her make another farewell tout. 1 we0der She cried outwhat aloe will slog. Miss Angles -Offen 0 mamma, will it drop off •" hsch 1 pre -alae. •• No, dealing.- the mother answered „What s Ms greatest acenesplrhaeent '• 1 will hold it w that 1 will not hurl you 's4kat.v rept till the doctor t.,mse, and he will fix it .11 you know o my mid molting •Ikst y, yoned non replied nicht mamma- the little ohs raid, the 7oung «81004. K'dl. imPa 1 1. 10 beI "Whet were thears lett words r ag her bps 0 WHO, iso that t sew -•Well, history my. 'Et tY Brats ! but I'll bravon i 't bold w W►t, het • dollar they cnnsteted of a Series of dont wast roc out ' Youth's Companies. Two.Snmeas *bees well defined Owehea." an •rush. "1 late • ma weo k Whamore themt a forlorn, A well-ksow0 American art+m won lest do,•' said Ct•• W . lead said Me .um108• .ketcbing in the gait nen of Lha !needle. life you mus ,.. Louvre in Pare. Being at work he had, of sywWp A M wse Maud. to maks sal course, s0.uothlsg the s rano• of being re 7 place. and as such he was this year! Potts - i think I shall. had a • habitue of tksseveral times addrbythe visitors. garden lest tsar th t kept ms *applied with ele1tily Said 10 Ike (sleeken. clear up uii frost. A lady oar day att1(h us that artist Ale o rim the nape pl• know se mock " Will you be so kind as to direct ax W flesh s atm sense W0P' the stator of Catharine de Medici •" Isms the■ She scriptures Ghat they feel ,u 'sling thens•elve.s(slats. The statue * Catharies dm Medici Y' he justified Nim T•Ditha-Ahoy 7 r " 1 don't re- mi. a 011. m dear also., e.pmated i0 Some peaphaii . 0 tames SA. n 111101100t0•11,member ouch • stator. cover marM no undo of the Tama. wwmen08PK1Or r info Niece --But I Shall thee ever 0s she ruled e ve to, h deer nowt, or ales remain • 011, its nae or ow tem known Natawlo 1 bet anartist would •-am-C*r_r Tera" play r incomplete ; yam knee 1agreed leave tam• 10*ere at the sweeter afar, k.o.r when r b to los f as There was so mach seem in Mr mosso riothiegtu indicate their totem with d She "1„..leo .rho word '. ,„„d " am. Anther -I t set ap to write tragedy, at otw weed aasd an did i Chantey --Count M.ug.pawnt I. ``10itt1 It ant that his featly wealth i. •Im{,ly f•l.u• lo... Symms -You bet it's fabulous. ver Jasper -No bort ,t 5 t00 oid 1.0 learn. w .udert 1 how Jugpq.pe- - "• soon they all get too ..1 t to want 10 learn. 1 thought you told me your father war • retired mrrchaI` •6 ,Soh11h i. ^ When 'he sheriff took woe Old Party in Cable -Car -Conductor, what's the matter with this ear that it .hou:d jerk so! C.-,odortor -It's got the Mr H bought you a t monkey to He-I've70o liY She 1'llh. how kind amuse yon, darling. .( yet' Now I shan't mew y on 0114o you're sway. wr •broad to mike 11,4 When •sea r f.rtane, and comes tuck bronre.t, may w.- oese'wfe that he's es,od nothing but cop- lose - Kati, you never come to sue me .104)1 when You , cowantf room* , keeper than oney Karl --But. MT dear aunts. I 'lo ' with • Joie• --1 sew • fellow ye•tt'rdy Ayer's Pe are t e best, and r.?tota:i r omitted In thea_tfi:. 'i'' their medicinal • .,; climates, they tun:, f -'•• as well as bores. •r 1 have used r. family 'orrreve:?=y• ... found thein tc b' kat purer tri ?, h effect on the pill pirir, Ry. rre,sr-, J 1.4 Dr. r: Every kit I. John gore, of Fontb:ll. 1•robsltly u.cul-t eat man in \Vellau•i ou::ut', •11. 1. •.'v.1 93. Maj. -Geo He.l.ert let* t) tt+.1 i:'•6 - a0 Monday to costes with the Br,' •'•.:other . it regarding the defet'en at h: griln.lt. hoas•nd. grown- ..w did you know ••1 �,. ::rr sees appatentiy at f ,'•...1. o db that terrible AM' •..cl..-rr... had failed. AHD 1.1 1.1 Ni\14:N'1' cartel hart at d i a'- 1- ,_''y It-tnn�ms0( .1 to all w h.. may le la used of a good holly em• •Pr.'. Jou D. Noctn.isay French Village. it 44 1 it IP �1f 1 i4 it '1 The Brant o maty - rise. maims repand t Ilt.nifo,d ., y. \ r. Justice Howe ,maid Then are diva civil wits ..,,d lee o, Janina! . e. '1 ho , ret COOP o. Me 1 at is Mies v. Odle:, 1, r, I•• wr tt fail an sal. THREW AWAY HIS CRUTCHES the Dal I a se artist,- ser° Casing I •_PPDs• Yaw an; kwowa he rid, " 1wt 1 esaot de since you etart«d kis tt' I w v tom it ht be that you um* "haulm Gundotag rice younes ate thee I v Wp s aelase it mcg '78810 d• 10.dm • mistake, okl it r. the Why. be keel's more thaw i did wins I wee look fes." .r e TM Mdlei lou ssi are which come over Me f$c0 sink melee my autograph? ox "Why do you �^,ere�s• of the rel yieg. of was bock ludicrous ( �d the plot who Irked to hear w ef ��� "Daewoo 7s. see the '.el num •rd Why." diesstammmed, "it was the w�►o�e•s write it;' ear the •Alay Venus do Medici that i wanted, of seeress. IOW o Do you keel where that is •" ekhere .n times whse. nom ens display y. Oh, n mi 7 that!•d' ItmilinR Any the' tee meek originelit7 is he yes that !" {oak artist can troll , d ApoTS/r TSAR$ Of" TAIRRIV1.I $UPPI Rt "e. AN INTERESTING 441110(11. i 1 4f 1 1.4 Spring Stock NOW COMPT .=T'E And we are safe in saying that we have SS tine a stock of Prints, Challies, Delanes, and Dress Goods as can ire found in town 5c. Print, in light and nark shades. 5c. (,•Rallies and :ie. Muslin*. We have the celebrated Crumm Print in indigo Blue, guaranteed not to fade : also in light colors -all fast. Our Pongee and Delane Prints are perfect pictures, and i n 0 fine alAx'k o[ Sateens in black and cobs. Our Dress Goods are in splendid shape. A great variety of the newest linea and trimmings to suit. A line of I)rrrw Goods at les than WHOLESALE prices good sound goal+ and good colors. We want you W examine our tiring Mantlings. We have • grand lot in Black, Navy, Fawn. Drab and Grey the newest things in the market. - Tweeds a specialty - -nice gond■ at 35c. to 50e.50e.A complete stock of Hosiery and Gloves. We are show ing a new lacing Kid Glove, every pair warranted -splendid Cuff Glovesvalue. loves in Colored rad Black Silks. A Black Silk 1 Glove with a pocket something new. Lacing Kid Gloves, Black and Colorrrl. We have taken great pains to select our stock, sail we know oar prices are right. colors good. rera We carry the largest stc:ck of Bru•esele, Tapestry, %% ool and Union Carpet*, Art Squares, Rugs and Mat;, Oil Cloths, and Linoleums ever shown in the County by one house, and our stock for Spring is now larger than ever, as our growing trade &mends it. A grand litre of all wools, right from the mills. Carpet Prices --ranging frotn 10c. to $1.20 : A at 40c., aal a Brussels at 60c. Our Carpet trade so far this Spring is away ahead of our expectations. A big stock and close price* does it. Be our., to sex our stock before you buyit will pay you. tl II it 14 4" 4�1 union We will have fully 500 sets of Lace Cur- ! tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for Spring, from 50c. to $6.75, and of unheard of value. See them. 5% discount for Cash on clown cut prices. A 'A first-class Dress and Mantle Maker up -stair, •• COLBORNE BROS ■ GODERICH. Warehouse t*m County. ill 8 • mg _°8� ire 1 0 it -� : o :a g • Ai 1-- r�Cid r d F e0 L I. - 4 M 3 • *1 -. a C ys *PI0 ': YO a23 2 J' Lr I W r, o ' w a .d 6 Y • en s3"o a a- i s p d °..Sri i. t i C boy • S I;hot 6 �$ Z is 01 � it o 331411yi a P4 U� d 132 .2 • a it t ;, E e� _.,i • :Qp_ o u to. s•;� " I= ala ` !0 . Ne I 4411 °i • ae:84 A Vi Q V3/14! S iI s.3 i! YV Ci ' 15_,11 -E • -E 1 ,'O •e �. . iiia .4 v- • 3 o.^e. c 27 = a --g. a Y 'IL ° T-i€r es a g 'i • e _ � t4'•a Q tr.ri i! a$• ". ret k ° 1I! g, e TiT4! a .€,. �5 tQ cs �l ellalbses the uhisse oasis 'a .i - esti rase f_Mmd bj th.t reethh Meat M d Ptak anaat sales �i were samewkatinsinmeren Mr. Meront li Mire 111140re • ._ y .era. On mot no5131i°0 he was - by 0 sample d Mhos, te and the states ••Q.ayou toll eswhen °f Oiled, amid-" She the evident baret he would Ant hor out, bet be had th the _Perth., pronounced is so many war Chet be woe eeriest, tes ere what would he made out of it wow The •biter. finding resesses the sane. thatwoaleltweed he aunty to het p..iow l the st11014p!t7 said int.10ssk em Why, ad seems bees amou * rates of �hPN'� who i. ami11f10Ofoerge all �oa_r_, reeler, ken.err msed as 1'4'Ilike7." with the , a0 le "tits itate. rage 111.4 Aa■tsanii.rn beies .....sd ea a kiwi arra Pet b 7 etereltaat he was STETIIIENT W -. 15. EMI. For eight years I was tt ubled with • *ore it broken. The doctors kept me my Mg which resulted from hato heal t up. in bad fire mouths trying tried all sorra kat all b no puppies. 1 d salve*, liniments. ointments, pills and blood medicines but with no benefit. In 1004 It became so bed that I had b sit on one chair and keep my fool on an- other for foal months. 1 could not put my fool om the ground or the blood would rush out in • steam and my leg swelled b twice lie natural dte.. gLIVEN RUNNIN® SORES developed on It which reduced me b a hotly! akddon (I lost 70 Ib.. in four tttt'ontbs . Friends advised me to b the Hospital; but I would ort kn w they would Ishii m leg flhw or wasted b split it epee and serape the bow. bat I was too weak b stead th. operation. One old lady s� i Basi Yarned b blank bad could vert lir ward. I never beard of Pe*dtok Blood Bitters then, bet 1 read de Whir. Ben. Mr. Stout, who bad loss inured d aseverembaiilroo She nook D.i.3.. atm nadia.l aid had fu1•d- Mg Aim,,m raid the of entries by tie naw I - I would try it I Mg nv,r toms •sap• II k e • I Ila 1 •.s• It $ e W ✓ $� i•° C i °I aC s �jw ►� s s' & i eta to W /21a a y° I 3t k3: NEW ARRIVAL MILL �f- \PLANING ISTIetISMEs IINS 'Buchanan & Son, statioczn, I A ATES'r STYLES. Remnants to be cleared out. Perfwn sad Showy •1000.. �, „, "`th- Fi. DUNLOP "Why, Amble, 7ewi're set at that jam � walk on ewdh... ■pkN emblem lour istlL I amid ttflssle' y P: 1 heA•d you telt oleate fikrngliaMt and at b red oat" Niehwd for it an ogle- me toe teed, a T throw away �M tin■ rtllevee tie • 1 tiow 4$ i' ni laboriously F aa �Ag en11n1 1eoted ap t 1>io°s. of loose A little *lilt year prepared ..�� �e bed worked out of it amid the verde Baster gift ler this year Wee bock b their natural Please Win- gre sideseed her. It was m�eeam � ~As Is ; Theis w•• sine years ago and it kin■ Wades or 11b - " sado a broken out sine». I ern WAR MOIL Teel* MU MIS CryIUIUITT1 "Go and Stam Na Mere" I Dave[ •a . olmel lot ar W)DRiutb k'R� s*mrlm worsted . art hie i *^ >,tlse b day Y fad w ao7eM tal A s. earl re Mee ells bed keg , and all this I owe b B. B. W. wYli le wares Mai M I . Patrol lens thee mash bedrt s os. aw.iag • h•ems,whisk 004 11y lovd ane 10. df not as1 1�1. tlstian0 w' ya1 e�ne•l10 Pavtt Aar le Of - gape mid 11110 to 0111 (led ler .o o with I dmoartdl7 room fa.0a it Mall wtmere. like tier -owls REIN w• 0s.' the OTW- k m cowl faith. pirouetted 1.1.i Mend MODRL OR DR/ mad fsiM. 71st might his papa Oise B. B. B • tii.I. it will mere yes s■ 0t s I0e aal0MMo ' soil .iter l the esveted wm•viMm• It did me. d GO setts i Ij• Lars .04 I Mood ft Mem u the IMe4. fellow's Tours troll. I TAM P_` INT. the Pusssiammr the liemeed at the I Wu. Malfss. Bt. bile P.O.. Ost 'S"iit r •.. a , ent .airs e a wwerh they s heir would I 0 f. C. on, the he lass sada m .Mama s aur is .tat the ens and Per eey. Mee mei Oso ef o � NOW � hems* • .., esar: �y *revs t►e„gy,, on had whipped S1hIN'a- A the sod d the sixth my r•wu►ao*cwela' BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers Is all Stade et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Asa Mode'• semsrial of every ae•rrtenes tet west. T..la.• School Furniture si Specialty. is *scud th that •r e• faN« Ops■Ma. Past IiienerweswIlX0 � the is- tW Ws is • eeriest tlMslfi�te■ian. ss• woo 1` sassily .wars , ,�g�, •tp� semis y flg■�1kfN 4b 411WIt 7 a'ah..ift nrllfM- sav'� (bwI rd ...k'i• daae� ri i 1001 �s lilw . 1-w e t toot r',s.-I50 5., Strip the child es dalekly s• 7w0 can eta pet It lab . het bath- lite yc ar .lhai se • test If voter elbow las staredeon e e roams el the water, thee y . 7 pet the chill (0 after donor which greatly pour cold e•ter'•n the hood This .hoel.l stop the os0vulaina.le ,0 few minutes. is any .vest •e Injeetir'e efwar 11 erno lief seal whp.enld •Ieay• he gives. oh1aieed by these ti•easer'ee, pet • me.t ard plaster, kwle u ith awe pert muawd earl three of None, op MA there the spine, Wee careful sot to I'tister. Vaseline do g■w mod alter asking of the Psa. a t,estm.0t Usev�b Ass plm7el.i0ss b ewer. dap dui Hudak