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VW MIAs . beesi.tfs with 4t110111.
Aad maks ber bead talar and Mg i,
/m breed se Imp Ike appals s I
whet r 1 snakes bor pastry mach
A area, leer bisbeed eau so mneme
Though pts he bevel used to tooth?
Whet r n Aortas' cake so ace,
Setter than laid, while less in peter,
And does the cooking to • trice 1
What is at that Gres oysters, fish.
Croquettes, or eggs, or soh like dish.
As tune sod quickly as you'd wish t
tinker is it saves the nate and can
And pumice of our women fav,
And kelps them take thea cake w rare?
Woe Y it three the grMsade
Of every lover of pure food
•y making "COTTOLCNC"seised.
Made only by
Wellington and Ann 8trests,
ay sAO AVIA- DALL►x.
" Toe cook hoe given warning, anti the
. hambermaid gays that, where Susan goes
t he goes likewise,'" said Mrs. Montgomery,
in a Nate of despair. " And at i have Just
paid their wages they are puking to go.
What wicked, wicked women. Not a word
of warning. '
" Why, gramma ' what as the reason of
this au Iden demo lion •" queried Emily, the
only daughter of the bonze, agett eighteen
-and she l:.u&rhed.
Your father foetid fault with the beef
last Sunday. Ab --there is nothing to vig-
ils over, 1 am sure," said the matron,
dropping into • rocking chair. " A week at
the auielligeuee uth.,e for mel, while the
booth goes to wreck and your papa loges his
temper over the downers, for old Mrs.
Chump, the only preen 1 cen send tor, a1 -
ways ruins every duh she touches."
" And we ...outwit have Mrs. Chump this
time. mamma," said Emily. "She le in
bed with rheuuati.m. 1 met her little
niece in the drug store buying medicines
and lo;tons for her, and she said she w..,
vc ybad."
Then the end has cone "' sighed Mrs.
•• It u't fret, mantas, l'tl do the work,"
said h:roily. " I ti ok it might be fan for
a while. '
•• 1), you Mrs. Montgomery asked, ear
oaatically. Ab r'
Easily kughed again.
" It's the best you Dan .1o," shemid,"ao•l
I'll give paps a high tea ; with omelette and
chicken sandwich, and all the things he
likce, and no doubt you as find some one to
tome tomorrow...
"Oh, no doubt," raid Mr.. Montgomery.
In still mon sarcastic tone.. "1 wish 1 had
your saturnine teanper•mrnt,
'• loot' bye, mum and mem," said cook,
looking in at the door. "taxed bye, and I
wish you luck suiting your.ell, I'm mire.
No doubt there is them that might if they
bad the p•tieuce of Job; net else."
"Gond bye, lathe.," sail the chamber
maid ; " lin Lath to leave you, but Susan
and me &roes the two of ua t..gether, always,
e at if she is insulted, 1 am [maeww."
" Good bye," said Emily, calmly.
Mrs. Montgomery turned her hack. and
muttered " Ungrateful wretches between
her t •eth.
'Asti I actually made over my nary -blue
Redford oord dress for that woman,' she
said. after the door eI,.wt, "and never fasts
she had to buy an apron. There 1'11 go and
begin my martynloin, anti, Emily, 8 you go
mW the kitchen, put on my rubber gloves
and my mob cap, that I wear for dusting
my resent coal ashes are the ruin of the
hair and a big apron - your looks are my
Emily kissed her another, saw that she
went off comfortably, and hen obediently
donned cap, gloves and apron, and descend-
ed to the kitchen.
Cook, in her wrath, hal left the kitchen
in a state of chars
Dishes piled high in the .ink, towels on
the boor, pots an.l kettles in sore need of
.enuring, oeerdowing tube, a pen of potato
peeling., • kettle of sillies all by way of re-
ven4le for the insulting criticism of last Sun•
day to dinner.
The prospects were alarming. but Mie
Emily went to wort with • will, finding it
rather more digitcolt then in her iueiper
sense.h" had suppeed and wished that her
mother huh not an oarefully gaoled her
delicacy at the expense of her usefulness to
kitchen affair.
.lust a. she took her pots and kettles in
hand, .lack Spinner, the milho.are'a sus,
llytng along upon his Mcyele, tame very
Dear running into . young m.... woo et
upon a euristeoe, newalns psteooaly, and at
nate alivhtmd.
• taxwl heavene' I haven't hitt you,.. he
•' No, ser,' replied the Leeann •ddretwl,
who was enveloped in a Mistenotu water
proof costume, and covered from head to
Lot with ashes " 1 was .•lane deed Shea
you came op. I've gnt the cholera or the
typhus, 1 du.o • which, and 1'11 low my
lob, foe I'm .ole Inc it an longer, and tbere
i• no mercy nu you if you neglect • thing
if 1t is ever i0 with you no mercy "
" That is very cruel," said ynwag Sen
eta, who had the teod.rat heart in the
world. " 1. it that soli Bart yon are
" It i. indeed, ' raid the anttrtuh•t•.
" And there. six barrels to empty yit, sod
me .ot able for it, 1 eneld dnve book, but i
couldn't lift the barrels
At bowie they called Jaek, ices Quixote,
far be was always sweeoriap sear forlorn
beteg u deters, ttmmid ne cash it .lade
se mattes whish. Ncw he iwMantly be.
�t him what te de for this peer •re►
earl rlvtr.
e rr a mho fellow.
(Sane along," M raid taking tie eta
by the arm arid Isiag him late • drag I Im.ard's leassaoal tee dwsaa-w.
awn bard N. " 1 11 telt tae Sealer to see
to you, aad empty the res of the barrels
tarjelly fou for tae, yes kee are'
reed�p year 1pb, ..d .11 that."n
The are petrified with a•taaisM'Ut,
pretty e.ly lift his hands, aged 1u • .unset
mere • still more astonished drop eksrk had
• patriot-wellpod fur la msdvaaM--ad
wee miii g hot warmer aid whiskey. sad
spicing *horse, well with *horse, a
cdr+p flag
cholera mixture foto • glee awl flag
mustard plasters, to the little bac moor
babied the story.
St, awe bouws, sail Jack, walking
insetde the cart, "straight down,' the tea.
He rhouldere.l the nest barrel rod dump
e.1 it. A .bower of eel s covered him, but
he only laughed. Next tams a new can,
quite elegant in appearance, but filled with
.lewytug tedetabis, sod orsam.uted by
the ussaiswte forms of three murdered kit
Mr. Jack gasped, but he intended to finish'
Isis work of charity now that he bad begun
it. And, with varied results, new oipertea•
tea to bine the young athlete emptiest Ire
barrels. lin the loath pavenent he tmud
What au Ashman s duty waa he del not
know, but be beret hu invalid's interepu at
stake, and most Jo hit beet Inc him, so be
descended the areaway sod rang the bell.
In .t tnpmemt • girl in a moputp,• oigapron,
and rubber gloves. opened the door.
• • lteg pardon, I am sure,' said Jack,bew-
tug, •' but ,to you wish your ale barrel
emptied r
He spoke in the In sit elegant msauer,but
fan was covered with ashes as with • gar
went ; his mous'•che was whitened, his
heeds begrime'', cinders adhered to his hair
and bit fact wise dirty
The recd before him was not quite tree
Dont marks of kitchen labor. It was
Emily, who had been waeeblug the pow and
kettles for the tint cote iu her life.
'• What a beautiful manner he has,' she
thought, he must le someone in reduced
And she smile.) apo. hem
'• You are the -the ash gentleman, 1 sup
pose ' the queried.
" I all in that capacity.' mid .Jack.
'• Theo if it is not too much trouble the
10611 un etamrls in this fatale piece tinder the
frost elope," said Emily
"No trouble whatever, said Jack, diving
into the place indicated : " 1'11 bring it bee
whenit is emptied.
"1'ou are too kind, said Emily, unaware
of the pot black on her chin.
•' Not at all, ' said .lack of the cudera,
end tbey bowed as if they wro dauciogthe
Io • moment Jack had dumped the ashes
mud returned with the can.
He was greeted by r great puff of smoke
✓ ad Emily, blushing and coughing, came
out into the area for tar.
"• Hee pardon," mid Jaok, ••but the home
is taut oe tire!-
" I hope not," mid Emily, "toe tire went
our, and I'm tryiug to kindle u. but it
stokes so."
" Perhaps it's the damper, mud .lack,
•' I'll look if you dont mind "
"• 1 shall be grateful," gasped Emily.
"It is the damper," said lack, "and t:.r»e•
things in the o.en, now if 1 may have a
bit o1 paper and some wood
He found them howbeit, made • tire,
opened the windows, and waited anti: the
smoke had vanished from the kitchen, and
then shot the windows.
•• 11' hat • wonderful aehman,
" What an eley'•nt girl to .'o k, .lock
maid to hi.melf.
" It is 60 kind ot you," said Emily, '• so
stupid of mel. But 1 did not know shunt
the dampen : 1 never ensile a tire beforr,
hut the servants haus taken French leave."
" Oh' " said Jack, to himself. "rhe
young lady of the house doing amateur
kitchen housework. 1 might have known
,;. And she thinks ere the aahman," And
h • Oohed. •• Good day, he said, bowing
Belore Emily amid reply a head was
throat in at the window that of the original
" An' here you air, sir'" he said. Ao
sure the medicine the doctor dad be given'
nim has male me • new man, an' I'm for
ever obliged. And sorry 1 am you've spoil
el the fine clothes you hal no ye. An1
you'll find your boy -suckle in the doctor's
shop. I've trnunoed the rascal that woe
gun' off Sid it, to • jelly. I'll drive down
air, and never forge your kindness. May
you be mayor of New York yet."
"Oh, you .re weloo.ne," said Jack, and
now Emily was staring at him.
•• Not. the &Bhutan:" she was saying under
her breath, and .lack, laughing, answere I
her glans..
•• My first ash .art, as this was your first
fire," he said. The driver was ill, anti 1
rook hie plat.. It has been great fun,
though rather dirty work. May i intro.
duce myself r
He took • card from his pocket and pre
mental it.
•' 1 ant Slim Moot.amery, ' mid Emily :
" and 1 think my father meet know yours
very well, if you are Mr. William Spinner'.
son. They are 1n the same business."
So it proved. For special o eoa.iona who
can say what the etiquette may be! Emily
said to herself that it would be simply hu
mane to help this martyr to his kindly syn
pathies out of his cost of ashes, and rent
him to her brother'. room to find clothes
brush anti wash basin.
When he met her again site wore neither
Molt cap or apron, but was attired in •
pretty morning deem, and leer hair curled
bewilhiagly on her forehead.
And. since this was he eta of her father's
old friend, it seemed but hoepit•hle to a•k
lion to lourh. Mamma would not be at
hone, she wee quite alone. it was •wfully
unproper but this latter print never
reentered to Emily, nor to Jack, and these
ton were both young and piked sweet thing•.
anti .lack declared that he never had se
delightful a lunch before.
It wee a romanse which is different
from fiirtetioe that little epi•nde, and it
tlway■ remained in the memory of those
two young people as the sweetest moment
of their lives.
When her mother returned, Emily wore
map, apron and einem. The hith tea was
realty, and .11 the work accomplished.
after • fashion, and the girl looked so pretty
so happy
•' Cooking meet agree with pas,' Mrs.
Montgomery said.
Hot Baily dud not threat of the amateur
ashman, or her lunch party of two, until
Lug after alt, long, long after --for it weet,
some days before Mr. Spinier nailed on the
father, kroneiaw this wee with bier some
weeks befnre they were malted to an afore
none tea Seam menthe Wows Jerk became
• 'rimed of the faintly and quite a year le
fore ha engagpwt to M le Emily Moot
rtnner•v was aannneeed to hie frs.
And it seminal os the eve el barwwddine
told that Emily toSmother that Jack had
fallen in love with her at find sight and
how mad where
And Mrs Montgomery declared that it
wneld Lee been very sheekisg -frightfully
imprudent if it had been thyme bet Jaek.
bet Diet reds .11 the djswrsa Jr* wee
. Clears ...•marea
Bea mwiet elegies
el •1 dam s erne. ss •
r Yaw + with elm or pate
or goer m ata a telae is ma tk..dss• ape
And 'wad a mese par .stew they t e tee at once le
,he dy ha pre ease boys wee te tae ow
That ovoidal de • i ies 1w,' .reed worked 1•d w as
and taut;
Teda)the mammaths b•ms to male. epos
1L,r II ,
Aad .4,r tM paler wesdrais fra1...1 tab
tar. that ewer rare bull , o.rty
No Wager 1'y11 aural v;... 100 0011 Y, •6 Ler
And du tot ,can alis plaudit. .1 the nine., ..tilt.
Fake the, re gayly�� dila elm aryl au.i . ',•,1
anr,n.t kat d1,4••
1 oar t imaut•e .bat 0.71 ellLf Wager, os . a 1'154
The IOW ibowning g as pow ) hue a e sill h.e t�.1 . A
. rent
of bumps upon Ilea poor old twits tuna , r, r, 1.-0••
11Umre�aeM glare t to musk. .s M 1010. ,Sita. • n
And Ltlp•pasot,• r lel dawn t0e l irk 6111.
The n.o.tr). •rt glen teen they u twat. 1,14. .. n
.'boost )•.-lets.
tad set a k•'1'ant mill then be 1001 •,mtio.i . /Syr
h ie .puts
1 would the 1 .'o..ld fay. sail Mai great nm. .h..it
maw around.
Whoa en, 0* lenia rill .tnl.•h 1t Ins./ tier Ir.-•t•Ure
Male .g j/.wird:
)tot 1111 1 lit• the new NJ 1e .o mu -h to u 1. r
e st I'm to betas that by that curt M. lost well
bo. r 010 J..►..
Juba le,•
b. the Morns 011 Taurru •-
•1 i.ere never was • betiding
the w,.rid,' w.l tits btsiop, 'it t •s
Brigham 1'ouug' s idea'
1u .i c non! and stood m the enormous us -
1.1 en, w .hicUUt.O primula may at eft asy
day. and 1(1,14)0 eau be a'.tted 11 stook are
bro.,ght etre Not eve.. Hoary Ward
Between • old Plymouth Chop► t, more
plain Dud bare. It as just • great hall n 1' b
• wide gallery around the three rd... with
little wooden posts. which look like marble,
to 'support the gallery ; with battabous of
pews on the soon, and • gigue t: ,•rgan
• t on•• eat rats t •brie :Y.• g•,, n Yr
. pa. • I ever saw to a .har.t•.-taut '• ._t, as
turn, is above a tetanal series of platforms
leading down to the main door, like a very
broad but abort staircase.
A man stool at the end of the chinch.
He said "Go up ►n t he gallery and walk
to the other end of the builwug. It is 250
feet loug and 140 feet wide. yet wbcu 1
whisper you will bear me, eo perfect are
the acoustic properties of the 1 ulldmp. 1
walked the length of the church., My foot-
steps were repeated to h.any tun.. to
echoes that the aeverberetton ,uuud. -.'.k.
• drummer's roll call -almost as if Ow,s •
ragibtsot .-marching. From where 1 .1 .ad
at laat the man who bad spokto looked
like a buy. He heed up his h..i:41.
"Aseewer me us • natural awe wbcu I
speak to you. I am going to whisper "
(Timm the whisper caste distinctly, •'('an
you hear me whisper : 1 em g .tug to .Trop •
pm on this altar rail, see it you Drat .1. '{
He held the pis two inches above the r.itl
and dropped It. I heard it as if -.s 1 lover
supposed • pen could make fleet hear.i a
foot away. "Aud uow," said the mea,
"see and heti wbat I do cow.' He : ubhed
hu hands together, and • sound like a loud
rustle of silk floated thr.•ugb the hall.
Afterwards i sat by that amiable au•1 in-
genious Inas, and taw him go :trough the
performance for others. The only trick
was to the building.
Bahup Preston, seated with me u, the
echo -haunted hall, then told me shat I
would see were it Stonier In the thou
space I would see 300 trained augers end
the organist. At the top of the tetrads
of benches would set Prrstdeut Wilford
Woodruff Ithe Brigham Ynuug of to day',
au aged mean who knew the founders of the
Citur.h, was long an Apostle, and now is
"Presiding Hign Prist. He bis two
•ina.11ors, and m1. three compose what is
....ed the First Pre..deacy of the (thereto
Next below -one atop down -1 would tee
such of the Teeter Apostles as might be
then in Salt Cake Pity and their President.
These, 1 was told, ars gifted eloquent
pre..hers and t►w,logisos. TMS would be
seen .•0 lower tiers the • .Seventis," woo
now number 100 ms of
ministers each. Ittvery Sevnty vena
seven ('residents, who are the derec-
tuts of the group. The seven First
1'resideuts of the Seventts are thadirectot,
of all the Seveouet, to the world. rosy aro
ministers, sp waders of the gospel Their
work le that of the Apostles, with ars too
few in number to do what is required, and
Herefore have ibis wastance. Next below
would be men, on a Smithey, the Prime*, n•s
of i:ake•-a stake benug whet we coil a
county. These dioreaaa rulers leve
spirt, nal control over all the bishops, whom
they matt and direct. Next won demote
Inc Eighties, or toasts, of what blame is •
host They are often called apo to pr..ob,
and are preperi.g t , become "Seventies,'
or full -fledge 1 pte.chen. Next would be
seen the Presiding Ilbhous in charge of the
temporal affairs of the Church. The Pre
smug High Priest. bis two oom.adlton, the
Apostles, and the Presiding bishop are
the general officers of the Church. les eats
side of theme terraced platforms was au et,-
elr.ur., tailed off. Ona was for the Bishops
of Wards, and tbe oche. for Higb Coen.
milersand High Pi ieeta Endug thermion
of departments, between the leaders and
the plain taints, was the communhn table,
on which the bread anti water rest every
Sonday. --Julian Ralph, in Harper a
Yells uses n.perettt,.s..
Nabs, the Paris dr..sm•ker,eredtted with
reviving crinoline, used to dram earth
Bernhardt, all the resp to ser the toilets
be bad "r. -tell" for her first garnparu
bar was so great :ha site had to true
nambersl tickets to those .ortou• to ad
mire. It was Felix wno int had the ids
whip, forg silks and velvets made of extra
the wide, smile seamed skirts et
iha Memos.
The original Felix, wise, by the way, wee
ass Felix at at all, hat plain Joseph, was
mere!y a keirdreesei. l5 this capacity be
served the Empress Regime before .be b.
ease an Empress, mei be It was elm is
vented the coiffure which came to be 'den
tilled woes her and her mierses se the mil
mel ball when Loci. Napoleon was Presf
dent. When she brume Bmprer she kept
her hairdresser, .ad undsi hoer pnwertill
prvtectiee he grew and prospered. There
• ne 13 an the Roe da Faubourg 8a
Amor., tad this i. ..ley : Tee .near,
was •op•r.ut..sa .tad is that had •
.yaperhese, is hi. Empress, who, is as -
e wer to his parties, asses/ the number l3
wheel) bie heath hare, to be rhaagwd to 1
tea that ever re.. tee area bad been hoed
from the presorts is M that ill-osus..d ni-
bs. -New Tart Seem der.
Them •A0• team.
The Sha' a Pomo pmsae.s• a d
pearls Mouth/ so by dower en the Peens
wan, sash Galivaleol pawl el wbhb Is tie
wet the star .f • era se&
SOON lYatlr SSA IlinallieWW
VILE gua a
• • • • • • •
If you
Linen to
be White
as Snow,
will do
aaasd� qecent • U e L l • HT
osdM.ntsals w w
elt►.r) r .ttstbsa em
your hands• Qr••asm
.are lo ess04. d w la
unarefamlaso, eked 1 t
quality Is sa
Uaa 1I�y diewee�aa�l atilk ofd
soap`ia the Wort&
yea test this? If
you here never wad
thus who ue it what
they Wok of IL thee try
It for yo.rewlf. 'i'I,e •
salt will please yeti.. J
y o. r Wothee will e •
embed 1. far Ism true.,
w itb Lea Labour,
tiraeae Ouaton . end
will be whiter than they
base ever bean before,
whoa you aced .ed.n•ry
not the loot way to ea
tido lb* matte, .• Ytre
by .aqutrine what the
seperia•rr 1. of those
who alr..dy t... to
S.eo.dlJ' bya fur trial
yourself.Ton are nee
commuted le say may
to .tee the map; ; all we
sak : Dont, ay. t ry
1 a
it the nett washing day.
• • • • • • •
Jest take weather.
"We can t go buggy rid,: g in this driv-
ing rain," aid young Mr. I nevelt to Mies
••1111y, 1 should Just think we could : "
replied the maiden. "If it's a driving rain
both vuur arm. u*11 be at l.btrty, you
Sim ear The that gave uwheticr Iset pees
MI 060 ay
Tee @NId Bicycle Ce. u.
• YON= srwsIT gyatflpr,d, Art
Gus W. THOk o1 ,
The only duty there will
be in connection with my
gods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing a
bpecialty, and everything in
the Latest and best Dry
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard-tirnes prices at
16 rink Cash Ste
P. O'DEA, Manager.
r.f�le teey.�.o.e
1.71-D 14
$citati£tc American
zzleMpl,�w..^A��g a Me
1 •
s AKFAi{T,
"By ifiereitti lupewledge of the auroral
taws water trent the eteratra• of dklssliem
rend ant raise, meal bel • r'Mmfal .holes ire. rt
he Mae aroprftlr J wekeeketed 1.0.s,
✓afto b.e pn elated oar breakfast tables with s
tei4 • ea •rernal beverage which y save
etre roarhtm
hew r t {,sears' 1111.. 1t Is by the Jodt
kom es Of Daae trial.o of diet that cooed
My • may bre ps41101 y bald sp mall inroad
'mush to maim ester, NtApur to Censor.
'fee/reds of sable m&dwe are Isatiew
.rour:d as ready to ellen* where.r then h •
week pular- W. may erste away • fatal
-haft to keeping oerml►s well fertIll d with
p*�fftt%�kknd and a properly aces -abed frame." -
(Ye+! .strode( (7Marfte.
Made Wept) with Milieu water dr n1tt.
'in.:d Daly in oak halals, Wooers, labelled them :
41411111.1 arra 4 eel.. •_- pathle llama.
Id.. aerates Ianbad.
Xlatrp�r's Magazine.
Haerak'. NAoaxtsr for I416 .111 c.t•ltaaw
tom terrain the unrivalled a(aadard of meet -
lea e which Pas ci.atautrteed h f►os the 1e-
gir•dnr Animus the no able lesions of the
jeer them will be hew tweets by 1. Cerate
Doer x..CO? atasitl resinous Woulao., sad
W tett An Huts Short Mewls, will he caitri-
buted by the MOM papular wolves of Lbw der.
isctud/ng MAav It. %Natsrra, HN•a*.n Hasu-
1ea liar{.. MAa.Aa►T 1101. alit,. I1aAaua.
YAm)iws. sad 55507 ethers. The Ulmosited
dew rt•aive papaw will emaroos amieWb,
Ji wit RALrw ea new bombers and Western
sebjecte; by Ti.000ns Ctrs, n es l.410; by
Pot LT.11111 IlltilrLoW en Ramie tad Ganser :
by Ricismau Hasani.et DAVIS 011 • London sea -
ion; bt (*dowel f. A. Down as Karan Riders.
err. emits A. Answer lt►tatr.tlose of Thaw
*par.'s Comedies wit be ru.tis.ed. Bremer)
ar. ivies will be ooatributed M enamors hast
Naaroa Nr., JANmr T. Foetus. Woman
»cawHowsata, Anaheim Warranties. turd
11.4 /WERE WEEKLY 4 de
114 PIPER'S BAZAR. h are
HAUUPElt'i 1 011150 PIRIPLR_. _ . e on
Misr to all s.barribrrs in tar! Valved
40.4.., 'asede earl Mesirv.
1'..e Volumes of the herr aloe begin wit.
the Numbers fear June and December of seek
veer. When no r(mt. Ir Optic OW. sab.en►ri.5a
!; t.rgln .115 the Number ewrrwnt N the
-nee W receipt or order. hound "theme. of
i:tere•r'e Mee(pazi.e foe three years back, is
,est cloth binding. will he rpt be Mil. ppao011..
:.aid. on receipt of gate per velour. (].iii
'IMO, for b. od'tut• 50 oats each - by alai, poet-
Item:ttasc,s should be mad., by PostMse
`*arse) Gelder or Urate, to as ted cameos of
Newspapers art Sof fo 1444 advertise
mewl rit)e.t the impress e'er of Harper t
Broil . rs.
New Yak.
Harper's Weakly.
It.I.V1r'1t AvrEn.
11o,I'ws'• WEra LT le &caroms ledged as
.ta5du.g 11rs1 emoug illustrate./ weekly periu.t•
..•5ts In Astelrica It opesplsa • pklem 0e1e..
that et the hurt tell daily pees, sad that of the
lett Unsay monthly reseed.,. ltlsdadeeboob
moisture and waw., and with goal
force and felicity the eve All of ewnrot
history and *be lm.gtaative Meow of swim.
'in account of les very cempkI. sere* 01 111111M -
fraternal el the World's Pair, It w1U 1e aha only
the beet guide to the wrest lt=pedtime. hutMme
de boor souvenir. Every public ewer mf .-
(Tel Interest will be rsuy Ulaetrs4i is Na
wres. Ile castrtbMls.abeim frost the beet
riter and •ria& lee this era.try. It will ems
User to excel 1. laeistare, sews. and tllwrY..
tiers, all other publications .f its clam•.
Pee fear:
HARPER'S J4 EKA: L Y....... et to
HARPER'S BAZAR.. ... ... .
Postage fru to all .vb rrdbers io the railed
.Malts. Caaoda and Merwo.
'1'be Columee of 1h0 WsaKLT Desire with the
drat \umbel for January of each year. Whoa
no , me is mentioned. subscription will Merin
with the Number current at the time ot r.cei .t o1 order.
Ilound V slum.. of Hatr.am W.mswty far
three years back. In nest cloth Mohair, w111
be test by malt. towage paid. or by expres.
free of espouse 'provided the freight dos sat
exceed one dal•r per volume*. for 47.00 per
('loth Casa for each solos•. suitahie for
bawling, w111 be sent by moil, post peld,oe re-
ceipt 0( 41.00 each
Remittances should be wade by Pest aloe
Money ruder or Dra11 to avoid cisme* of
Newspapers are sot to mpg Gra alert/es
sten( without the express order of Hannan t
N.w Tort.
Earper's Bazar.
Hasps'• Ha,a. is •journal for the boos,
1t wives the fullest and latest lalle moos.
about 4ashisa , s.4 Itswwmwsus7NYNMsa
Paris isdd Mme' b•ie slNs
to the bras dress -
esker sed tthltee al meNste. No ex
pease is upset to sake 1u srUstk at emotive -
oft hoes order. Its bright stores.
•is y all t oots[Kmsadd I aed lam page le l famous
budget of wit sad Manor plc it weekly termor
everythlsg 1. footpath welch loot tatereet to
wanes. The Serials for 111111 will be written
by W ALTsm Dna t VT and lira. LYALL
('Hatertes Tsartt•res Mutineer will Thrash •
Maui' Km, Ilctical eums sTwnor. Mita led • At the 5., 5041
renown Wwawi.set well be trequeat cestttbe
ton. The wart of women In ala CMunbfaw
Es.ostloe will be fully repeseoted with mar
hlearaierra T. W,Hmoo rwwau in "Wanes ase
Men.' .111 please • cultivated .allows&
Pew wears
Hod NPRRR WEEKLY .. .. • . 410
i'.Mw paw Nal ewbrerawre As the t e4.4
.etre, lsead., aid Maeda.
The Tolima M the Reath Mala with the
ant Number M January of sae year. Wain
no time le msent(s.M. nbnrfale...U1
with the Number arrest .e the thee el reeler
.1 girder.
Nesse Telmer M HA5tsin Rosin
three yeses .b, 1s sant ant
he at 5.•,M ie
relhytrzy asat
sa,helarHIyewvp�5vMmWger 41.00 tees
y�111••••111K°154.661 "rob
e.A.»eim diser.tta
test MN
eta Ire ria flies
tenet s amniaeri► y p
11ew Tis•.
The Signa
woo Www, es=seg.t1eJ attaNse N Kt
jimmied"!1fin1igg 'rill wkiuk en tltlef,
•t,Miie.hs ail: tae tb. p.,trep
and essenWa of all alarm d
A p=nnl d tbls meet ia.ere
maw. mais y
lyr .1.f �M maq
N•ames14.4 ysush ease ou
cit yoourtrtmaiehellos cadhisie
that our effort* to pampa will meet with
tl,e approval of tier patrons
' ort litutt io
'1Lia useful akar a kept In alt. faN
rrnaur1�ae of yualiUe. wnr as k taw
be alt. Whik
-Mater i\rues
In this litre we have s very 1.w
stork of fuze writing papers jt
able for every class of buskin
repreerutal in this locality, soar
priaitag laid and wove, lista.
quaalnlle and other paper, ruled
or unruletd, as may be required
N►,: nu) . 4‘tu,6.s
are not 60 generally uaerl, they till
an important place In commercial
oorreaptrlttlance. Bee what we've
got under the above heads.
$\�\ Dwd►s
the orderaot the yd yplan
.l tired
for .mount paper would not be
Ito great , but there are some calm
who get so many thinners that
they wonder if the stock will eve
run out. We dont intend it to,
and at present our stock is con
plate in this line with four eine.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Mo.terne nes
Both single and double dolls=
mid mats columna They coma
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after e
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
Vavviv \ores
Now, it would be haul to get
along without envelopes,and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in .tock, •ad
the prices will range from 75c. t.
$2.00 per M. We handle can
mercial and legal sines exclusively
CuritmeNtei%ta\ P r;• n ung,
has already Ven partially anus
erated in some of the heed. above.
Torre is, however, a vet amain
of work under this hemi that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire apace occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all st Tex
r+b\tcA ohs
to an "At Horne" or a wedding
require considerable taste in seise
tion sometimes, but we make it
au easy nutter by keeping in
stock t very latest and best
samples to be bad. Call and rue.
We aim to excel in all the differ
ent kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy paper
suitable for all requirements.
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
Cards langur T'\ektts
This head coven a large range of
work, from • bread or milk ticket
to • neat calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to s tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
done by as. This line •leo in-
•t 61011 our three fast -running job
present are aide to torn out in a
surprisingly short time.
K 0.\t
along to the poster .irpnrtlmeet
also, and we snake a specialty el
them _promptness being our aim
in this respect. A notice of tab
will appear in Tea BIoxAL free cf
charge when hills for Saone are get
4\\\ Y s &s os W croNt.
in the typographical printing line
can be dome is this establishment
in ea expeditions and artistic
masse, and
Ovv Pr\te% nasi\\\ be. loatf\d
Oxy rteiksoaob\t.
We extend our thanks for pati W-
ere and @Mat a eemtdm••mse dal the
T JAIL 81Wean" 1111“