HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-13, Page 88 TO giGKAL : TIIIMODAY, APRIL 13, 18lf. �Ilt'OILiU, 11..77 A WHOLE race • CARES. 0. THOUGHT IT WAS THE FAULT OF 1 the Roar, bet toted I was mlatakaa IT WAS TMS FAULT Oi TEE PAT.\T BAKING POWDKR I WIRD Hou M. 1 meed }EAR'S ul' idi(;vEtism TARTAR 1i� BAAKI(l$)WDK e mad bad WON LEltVU' 1. scut:Ese 00 lading teat 1 mansard to he.e es rod mama 1 l•HEEHYI LLY RECOMMEND Flt: punk OMAN r f.&RTAR • .AEINO pow twit i Melt wishing t-. ob•ain and nee A PURE. $TRONO, and ('HEAP BAKING POWDER. MRS. H. HALE Ureteric t. Mac. el. IYm. Art Aka v R. l'ROCKKTT, AI1TI T. la.d.cape, marine and portrait painting in oil .red water eolvre CLASSES Oe Thurdaye. an ! dattrdaye. trona t 0.11 to It o'clork, and front ' to 5 o'clock r 11. Architectural and ntrecbanical drew nag. IM.wlrors for patents. etc. STl' ¶ )IO North-m..11re door from the Square The People'. Column Q I'RI NG SPRING ' GENTLE I' SPRING We wish to spring it mildly but en,phat Wally that Smith. ratannrc Store hoe the best bed springs in Momently. tied is manufacturers agency for the only reliable sanitary bed spring .n market. Arrou going to furnish a homey Theo Smith ma nterest you. 11e hu one of the largest and best as.:meted stuck+ of forni torr is the County. And in tnatressee. pillow., window shade.. uphoien'rers. braes goods cud hour-fnrni.hing novelties an endless variety. The pricer will suit you. A look through his Large stock w ill inter...,• you. whether you hay or sot T(> FA KM kits . f{aeswood. hardwood luta ber and tan bark taken hr exchange. SMITIrr FURNITURE STOItK. --- Next Downing a Shoe Store L' iDD'S PLANING MILL. -- la L A8U AND DOOR YACTORY.-- 0 ALL G(ND S Wool' R OItK. 4.'Aralf.1L.- 10.000 • mrd. heading. 1 wdl M. ef •.O per cord to exchange for building nu erial WANTED,-beltowrrrf-nay-in exchange building material. WANTED I".•e.r.,rd* of store or rough wood in exehanwe for building material. W ANTKD. All kiadoof logs ioexchaner for ^beanie lath. Morin*. siding. kr . tc. tt'A* rKD) A fee norm people to my i Mire no dry loather on hand and nothing but culls WANTED.- Allthem who think of buli•fiog to come and see. i Date more lumber than sat the planing milt in Oodcrleh or l'linwe. Plans of efevatism. interior of each net turn Sobel JOSEPH KIDD. weir Near the (1.1.1*. depot. Special Notions. NEW CHIOPPiNG MILL. 1 am prepared to do all kited, •1 grain chop- piest on shortest notice. MBI M naming at all (lean. 1 have the .".teat sed best Improved machinery tor eli.pmtch aad s.lcie.ey. Prices esaonabla No delay In gentile your chop home with y u(. JOS. KIDD. Ally 17 Britaanla-et. TKoohanics' I9StaSats. !`tODKKICII 31 EC INSTI- lJF TUTK LIBRARY AND REAIIINU- WMp , trot. of Meet street and Square to Open from t to 6 1•.o,. and tram 7 to II r.w. AIIUt'T 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY. Lea.itoq IMtty. Weekly and Ilftlrbofe(I Papers, Mmf.e:Bras, rte., on Fife. itgMHERSHII' TI4•KIT. ONLY saws, granting free um of Library and Reading - Room. Aprooateone fot. membership received by Librarian. in room. W. H. MI'ItNR%. 080. STIVKN, Pre,l.tenr. Secretary. Gor1•rirh Mach 1.11. lett. Hotel A000mmodatlon. THE IIKII'I.;H EXCHA11011. - This popular betel as�o M - steed end moen !stere mks arta more takes iu s 40011E 0.01 Imre ot hoose of Oedtaloh Omer lithe • sample sotto•: •ao•Hsat allettelMildathelt 1e .erste W. CRAIG. p.eet4Lr. UNION HOTEL, GODERiCH Tbt• well known general and farmers' hotel has hren taken poeeslon of by mantle Erman and swatted in every rearmed making owe of the neatest Sed quietest houpem in the trade Nice lacunae Excel/eat sta_- blia Rate, moderate. SAl'I.T$ y'r.prle tam 111 -if Auotion..Mnel. ►rf1OI11A8 GUNURti. ACC?IONESR ■ ad lasursnce Agent.Oat. Agent London and laacaahtn las. Co.. sad Dore District Mutual Ins. Oa. Salem at leveled to In any pert of 1M oaoty. p-iy JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC- h.aeseload valuator. less .ad Iserame ..sal. Rales attended le MI par* d poems. I� ('orreepotoloweIs$ dted. Andean JOHN sit/.FIN K4.11. Ream left at Tee Btawar. O+ee peertptly atte.ded HN KNOX, OEINERAL ACC- i& sad lead valts.ter. OMor$eh. .t Revise bad eo Mdssble apspleso. la •enticeme ist trade. he le 1a • ponian to hareo with tltero.gh eatlefe..len all am mislnna .otrnet.t'd to him. Orden nth at Ins Hotel. nes seat by mall be 110 ad.iresa lel P. 0.. carefully .horsed lie. JOHN Oa Gaunt, Auwi.erer. 1111171t L'SELJAY'S LiVIR IAZENliES, 11"4 Tie A BOIL ANTI 1'HO1.UUKA DLD;ID rete. roma- DODO'S I(unlit /..I.'. r" fee 14 PINT PiNK PILd&, W Il •KIN8 IRON .cad a'MINA RTR; PHLS. WDIJr0We PUNK RAKING POWDSR. J. Wttee e'. P.eowso■ Dove Soma TMephen• Ma 11 P roperly ler Dale oe ter INNIS. PALACE RIA K FOR MINT. -TH= Old Pales a ova_ �... ,wab••Mdad will � - ter meats.~ egis t• Yr. J. HA li M. a -00D ROCS' ROCSE1OM RENT. -THAT Oememellas��t 1 zalkelH44a t.. feamA=aoo b W Wm - t. reemmobleant=house kitten. pastry. gad ecaallpp= Re.. and has (a eeoaaoti00 wo garden WS t ITL. R l r d asart- meat or • .moll aril. to HL'O G ATT owner ol - sad H.issanle Head. Bins OR 10 LIST - TSB il-ciat sore of the W Wm.,. well racked with fruit trees, gropes. our rants. goomberrion Md other swell fruits Also a lot with geed hoes and slsbl. in 8t. townlck. Ward ..rr*4..bttatorw part o'1(ha VAR MS FOR SALT OR TO -RUT. - r The properly •r the late David near. ho/0g warts of lots 3 as1eon. 1 oostainiag re ISO acs. also south half of lot 7. les 1 W It C'olburne. containing 50 Erre.. Thew lots will be euki either separately or re tiler. /or particulars apply tote executors. J H. M11,- L1AN..1 B. WHIT 1". or to MARY I. FIS- HER, executrix. of R. C. HAYS. Goderich 407-0 P. 0, LI� OR Ws, - TOWN LATS 109 Y/Ilps Mtag. sed M. TM win b Lit street. Terme a wit cacti 1�he tDte !NOW W. Jt)HNSTUN41. A 0001) HOUSE TO LEi'. NEAR sas.p.�e,er� would cell •t a bargain. Apple BltoMd. MOLT. or 4'. PAl'NK. on the _ _ torr. arm •ALI" ABE FAR FOR SALE. -LAT 34. con 1 Godwieh tp, situated on gra vel rued. 1 miles front Hayfield and It miles from Uodench. roinpri *nit 8) •'res. of which 10 acres arc stood berdwoud bush. Soil. clay loam. 1Iaod frame homer with 10 roans. 00 atone foundation ; also good tank barn. U. the premixes are feu stowa young. beam or- chard ; Also a good creek and peter falling well. Apply to DANIEL J. N AFTKL, blade - rich. 1'. O. 1112-tf Mar. let 1Ra1 lJ ul'NE TO [Mel -House with up - I I saint oeller. wood abed. glad water: in a convenient healthy and pleasant part of the town to rent .heapApply at once to st tf JA MKS It LKl), carpenter. Wolfe -et. .'ARMS Ft1R SALE -- TWO VALU- E. improved farm, on the fourth con- cession of Uodurich township. three miles f rom Ooderlch. For particulars •ppoly on the mem isms to MRS. ANN IIINCKS or by letter to (k,d..rich P.O. ECU 00 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -THE 1.00 old homestead of the late James tasem- .lay, of the township of )first Wawanosh. be lag Wt half of lot 28, oocoeesia 1. on the gravel road that leads from Ooderich to Wing - hem. io(tum. 1t is situated about l80 rods from Aub- urn. a thriving riling* with four churches and •.school near at hand. 1 comparatively eel. frame house with seven large r000I. and cellar with other conveniences. and good bank barn and about MO large bearing frud trees are on the premises. About 90 acres are cleared. The sal le of the beat. Farther information from MILS. l'ASSADAY. Auburn P. 0. a.* FOR SALE. -N. 4 LOT S1,1*D CON- ossion.l0em Wawanosh. It/Isere'. This is • srstclaes farm. Also Were lot 474. Gone - rich. also lot Y11. Ooderich town. oo which PHILIP• rout brick cottage. Apply ,to HOLT. 116-tf, .POR SALE AT A BARGAIN, -THAT 1 commodious bulldetyton Kitageo., Brus- at prepeat occupied u • paint by Solt! it on sale. Terms ray. j to P. 8. SCOTT. Brussels P. 0. 1(] OC13E8 FOR SALE. Nicotine= e.ttaee en St Lev id -a. near Organ Factory : gco.l cellar. summer kit then. and all co..reo'euces. In first elms coo d&Hon. Terme 10 amt purchaser,. O•iy Horse and t acre of land with good orchard to St. De. ides %yard. Just the pleee for a re- tired farrier. Terme easy. Oa ly .. 1500.10 Apply to LOPrus K. DANCET. Barrister. ke.. Rl.kr . Block. Oodertch. Ont. NMali •NW LANDS FOR SALE. 5(nni ACRES OF VALUABLE Improved and u.impro, d form lands at dr...tans es vsrytrg from I to 11 miles from (fu'Appelle Station. N. tt. T.. for sale very cheap. No better lands foe mixed farm Img are to he found la l ana.da. Tor tut' part.cul.r alryi- to A D. D1CKS4)N, lfat rioter. ml tt Qu'AppW. fief... w u.BvW1108. ONEY TO LOAN. - $25,000.00 eel Private Feuds to lend 116 y per est. an nail,. LOFTUBL DANCET, HDake's Meek. (loderkh. Oaf c MEAGER, AGENT FOR THE . t.onoox Aral tuxes (A,wrintr. Of Loa - don. Kagsud. One of the oldest and etreasest rite Insurance l'oma.ion in the world. la- cerp��t.ed A.D. 1710. Assets over dihteee million dollars. A share of business to re- specth'ly solicited on Metall of the obey. Company. 4'. SKAOEI(. McLean )tock. Moutrs et., Ooderkh. f Lo J. T. NAFTKL, FIRS, LITE AND re t I..unince t1�t IM MO uO ✓ ates.. North -e6 Wanon. God - 0,404.. ft - 000 TO V CAMIRON 1IONNT TO OE &meant =lemma edea to BARROW I MR0 LOAN. APPLY TO AOL. t 004.MKSli0ede- pg�LEND.-A L A RQ 11 qrpU T car, tams snialle for vsdel tl IIQI RADOIJPTS, 0ILx*RAL IN t e illreprer.onilaar5• O.4 Iairdeeesppa.�tm • Maws* to Lend en =nigh loam et the lowest a of Istarer l In etaany doge hem suit Wem akn� etch. Good Oraln. `ESD OATS FOR SALE --A Q(JAN- k thy of seed iota ROSEDALE ter sale at eta per bu.hd. Apply le T. 1URN8. Canova, talk Astable tar Rein tFOR. RALE a-�/A WILL Inn HULL, IO HPI1 ARHIK. ICI. .. rQ ONUS -ft is QHORT HORN BULL FORstLe OR to Kaaba,. Wa14.ee tad. - n.Nk u . satle old. odor red. good gooney. Will sod m a remestabl. .w(ee or exchange for 0o and Isa1salable ter say lard ISA AI'1A1.EKkn. Walnut Perm. lot S. re,. 1. Oedereh Tows .11w Ess u Wasted. WANTED. --7111 HIOHIIdT trititzittat. ay • - --lizfonner(i 11•61011 EXSCUTORB' BALI 01 FAE.MB. INK sew, let 7. O!a. L W. 0., C lberws M o.Wais acres. Tttc Hoek halves of Loa 5 sad b... t , rad the dew'h garters d lata I sttd� (ns,. 1 W. U.. Colborne. IM sores. Part et the S outh half .f Lot 4. Casa W . D. Centers& le wrp, sad pert of lab H. 1Wtlend Coosa CWbarse. 47 screw apply to Ices Price and Aedre w A. Y. aeoutere d the11sayte W�,�J. 41.111...e le 1 . C. Hay.. SMloitsr. adssi..• Yit MNICHOLH01'(, L,D,It.-DRNTAL . t0am. opo -oda Pant * . 01.1 Ou,ls,cs. All s .adord w i •pp ored loaf e.aaabetles on bund tor Woke, mo -'o- extrac- tion of teeth. UR, E. RICHARDSON, L D. B„ ttuna& dead= Gra aad "t,slleed sir sdmtniatered for extracting of teeth. atteatM M to_t�s prole.. . ups.•. em West Up DR.. •HITILY a BUSTIN. ogee --e Ili/ opsin Hew. sow. DS. SIIANNON & SHANNON, Physicians. tlurgeoa., A000sohent to. tr. M'. Swaxxoc -Residence, Napier.! near, Uaol. J. It Sway vox-Reedescc Nwlh0., opp. Model Sk►oul. lanai (' &MIPION t JOHNSTON, BARRIS- lJ ten, dolIcttor.. Nolan 1 c.. 'lode: ch. takes --.Over Jordan* Dna, t le CAM riON. 4J. C.. M. U. JOHN..&JN. Mosey to loan. t3 -I I/ (1FTL'NE. DANCEY. B.',RRI11TBR, Solicitor. Coov.yeor, tc., etc. Money to loan at lowest rate Blake's Block. Code - rich. Ont 23S1-11 N. LEWIS, BARRISTER. PROC• 1J. for Is Maritime Courts of Ontario (Mice -South Cotbone hotel. • e1113 t1N DAVISON, BARRISTER, Cr• Solicitor, Co*tey'aaee'r, Re.: horsey to lead. three over Pot-OIU e, oederle.. 10if C. HAYS. SOLICITOR, Ac. R. Osoe, corner of Square aad West street Goderich, over tclrgraph *Moe. Pri- vet. rands to lend at 6 per omit. roe (I AIIROW t! PRUt DFOOT, BAR- li rioters, Attorneys, Solicitors, tc.. Gods rich. J. T. Barrow. Q.C.. W. Proudfoot. (`1AMER3N, HOLT & HOLMES, J Bar...tier., Solicitors in Chancery, Sc. Ooderich. M. C. (lameroa, t1.('.: P. fiat : Dudley Holmes. G. WARD, CONVEYANCKR, . tc., sad commissioner for takl!ssg( and n- asi ing recog.ttaoces of bail. allaying a amrmetloae, depositio.a or solemn declara- tions in or commenting any set ion. met or pro- ceeding in the Hirth Court of Jamba the Courtof Appel for Ontario. or is alp 0111=0 s• IMvYiloa Coon. A11 and IT _ emitted_ addremi Dltals_emitted w oat. PUMA ReekwaS \V I/TICE. -ALL PERSONS FOUND 1 treenailttg on my lands by 'bootleg. hunting, remise. camping. asbi•g or other wise will be prosecuted avcording to taw. Such lards are the Hart farm, in the township of Colborne. and the property known as the rats Reserve, in the townships) of Ooderlch aad Colborne. E. CAMPION. V. C.. X. BAECHLER, 4011-lst !Solicitor. Proprietor. itODKRICH FOUNDRY AND! • >< MACHINE WORKS. To the public :- Maytag acquired the above badness and hav- er had sixteen years of practical experience. 1 hope by strict rtte.tion tobusia,-,.. to move your patronage, se 1is the put. All kinds of castings made to order. Re- pair work a specialty. Agrtcunural impts- meets for sale Including the Watford make. t Thaekiag you for pkat favors I remain. Your rspeotfmtly, lilt J. B RUNCIMAN. `�,ALTPORD TANNERY -To THE • 1J puMfC.-Haring enlarged the manetactsr- Ing c. ity of the Salt -ford Ussery formerly earrtr. on by A. t J. R. -,k. by the purchase of the Kirkpatrick Stone Tannery. 1 Intend Coex- tend the trade in every branch, and am now prepeord to offer the highest price for bides of every description. limit BEC eat Milford. Proprietor. Ruth A FARMER CAN CLEAN 1 I ANY BSKU O1tAt1C THOROCOHIA. AND iTH WHAT TO Ib iT. Mummy. Fetter• Golden Vine or other peep can have all splits. uta he.. taken from them or small peas separated from large ones at one cleaning. Shrunkrn and broken barley. wild oats. mon Eked seed, wile peas and all foal ends cam be 1horonghly separated from Beed Barley. Cocker. chase, wild peas, wild nate, mustard ;Malty.. eau thoroughly separated from What. Fox tail. mustard. lambs quarter. light oafs, Itc.. and other things objectionable In Sssd Oso ranted from them. ('lover seed. timothy seed. flax seed. dens separately. or separated from each other. Any kind of grain or seed can be clamed s It should be tor end. No foal seeds blown Into the ehr'" This eta all be done with the IMPROVED APMBTRONG GRAIN AND SHED CLEANER. • tennlme 01111 attachmemt. No new mUl re - eared. Com be put la any m111. old or new. without t.J.rlig the mill or dieartaaging It for the mese Oita owe sieves. All machines guaranteed to do the work claimed for them. Filey bushels of groin as be cleaned per hour for market pnrpo•s. Orden by mall promptly alma to. Bag - ✓ en attached to any mill. PUMP DIPARTM ENT Ree the fleas pump. now design adapted for ay depth of well by moons of- thumb screw shift. Faelly worked. wicks, good eatl.t r tier. A11 Mad of pumps soppl:.•d. AR=WRONG BROS., rump and remota( MUI Works. OM.ri.4.. O.t Arebelow tar ago 0VNO WALNUT TREKS FOR VIlale 1 for el Gedori -. Apply to L 4C. HAT8. 1iME FOR SALE. --000D FRESH 1 Lime kepi e.onet.uuy • 115.1 at the India y Reserve Lime Ella. All .edrd..ln for da- IAE(`HLiR� .ros.ptiy eta is X. L"OR BALE -TWO 1s iN. OAST 1' pu i,p - 46 s. herr, 1 11-e Is r .ma Leered to St larger ygft tire. naw, y►IS be odd u a reaanmabl. o 711n R sold41a • re nniaa Matta. -e I U.dwleh. Tr. Ofdlda GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Tealse arrive sed depart BbMot6M. lee'. -- :....-:_-_....=__- M*U sad ��rum AwrfL CIA NADIAN ORDER OF HOME Mail rmd K:i.+ p`m' Cala Qalaefeh Coon No IK eraser MINA •. • • • • • ... • sae. tend Mesd•j d mom wo.tk I. she ba11 ever sod " " - • ................ •• ., .... -10 pm. 1.. wmwo, ellen Rpeelal re In swam lanweeise end oink latan�i Aw...m,Rb K , I iilw ::.':::::: .:•....:::: : p. W • Y . '""PAIL hi - own RHJOIrr Both the method and rr_'ults when Syrup of Figs i.3 taken; It is pleasant and refrtzbing W the taste, and sets gently yet promptly on th^kidneys, Liver and IIowcbl. cleanses the sys- tem effectunlly, dispclticolds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever prop dur.d, pleasing to the tests and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action send truly beneficial in ita eff, ota, prepared only from the most healthy ::n(] agreettl .le substances, its manyexri Ile;itqualitiescommendit to all and have matte it the most popular rernetly l:aoc: •l. Syrup of Vire is for teal. in 75o bottle. 1-y all 1(x -ling druggists. Any relit). ,-'ho may not ,n here it ..band will procure it promptly for any olio who wishes to try it. M t;lufaetured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., 91.1* FRANCISCO, CAL. :vemsv:L.."LT. 1.1-= f:z.a•74 (BSO. A. P'IAR, AOT AT GoDESICS. HARBOR NOTES. .4 number of the 8.htltg boats aro being repaired and painted for the coming sella. • work. Itredve No. 9 is being painted this week. Two new smoke stacks have been put uu it lately. The schooner Mary S. t.ordon is now up on the beach tad is being thoroughly over- hauled. The tug .1s. Clark has been haviss her boiler repaired, sad some new mectineery put in her the post few weeks. The scow on the island In the harbor. which has been under coestructiou fot some time past is now nearly finished. The two tugs, which have been shier construction daring the winter, are sow nsrly finished and will be Iasached at an early 41.ie. PRINTS ANL) SATEENS. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. Safe army eta Mira area 4.f /UM WU mold O. Now is the limo, whsa derlsp to plebes s heir to have .01018. vM fuck as. best lKid4 . * Iowa So' m.� apprises. These In a drttded s4.., (• 5 edoines'• alyawl mace brat s.rag. Ion we• t be " 1a qq et all ware 'IlIe flet year Ss�.rrl1ag suit tram F. J. Praha'. the people's dsthdw. FINK TAILORING. -Spee( .ad summer *Vet. groat variety at the CkIc•e. *Vat. Yon as have • We dates sad rely se good style sad tk at Lv5R tftodet'sta penes. Blryt L. leten41 g b .yen of Nina*. should o•U w W. T. oak and pet rtes price, beton spat here Mrr t Wath top hero an. par spat here for the rale of hit woo= Humber. Balslam It Saran eyries. All fire. ales whale of notable 8.441.4. mane, Iliad with p.aesaUc tires asd the alas imprave reents. Prices r•ngleg Crum 146 to 41414. We are showing without doubt the le'.t value in prints and sat - rens that has ever been shown in Goiterich front :is:. per yd. up. Ashton's prints 7c. per yd., warrant- ed fast colors. Crumm'• fine prints 10c. per yd.. even piece warranted fast. A fine line of American lateens wide widtbs and fast colors, 101'. per yard. Buy your print* early as they have advanced and cannot 1* repeated at the prices. Cour customers inay depend on our prices always beteg right. We are pleased to show goods at all times, and hese values compared. JAMES A- REID. Jteds.'s Bloat. Dederick. March .. 1101 1'vl - TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Sltnstlons Vacant QIRVANT WANTKD - A 0000 Olrl, to do g(seiisstaal1 homework end allot 1e the care of ohUdrea. Apply to MRS. Mc- OILWCl'DDY.77 West -et. TEETH EXTRACTED WITNOIT PAIN Of Tem tow ()It AT DR. Z. BIONARDSOIi'S 11189'VIL P*8.LefL gNII 1111111E RAS /EST -STREET Bim, ONT. It meds me unlimited eatl.famlee. after. gt tlher!fytls teOS re f degi Iethal the rmeet si a �i sung= = lle(steOtr•lweit that l hove the only w etoleolve right tr ase In Oeiterieh. the au= etlaatlse dieeovery, whit* is warranted serer to eta the Maar pales /unto the ort of testi er .temp of nay tial, 1s, tm. every .les. pad try little palm h the met ..trate .m•.. AlfTI-IfM1Rv P01111WA. Is $ le.•1 •.e.patios ts the �Mtee1- Met sewer h railed• ami swag sad the heat lr.w.a•C the nee= nunimeritne91 p l• e.iM WIL .s.see =a B le Pett.ta f4.5Y.uli Uarveleme In i moss. MAf NNW CO th•resursieedt== aro Wen 0.. L IMONA1fM011. It vow WAxr now newest thi.g law w . kala call at Solt►'s remitter* ore. 1 vs the hugest line or abadl•p ev.rshown is - ertch. .ad 'iia*stacture us the premien all the Meet Onus In leinged. lace trimmed em- btoidered. Is.. sad embroidery iseert4*.. to , and carry an tmmetue nae of brsutUWl) doe crated shades. Shade cloth sed trtmml.ps. ppopd ceYYrlagepd shades caster ileartahe moth u w o pting ru'1-•r all uomptete lions :P'. up. In certain pties. pole St. Mina bras rade. brae upholsterers goods. lc.. we alar• lead. Th. - anon •lurk : the latest city Hyla : ewe *4.suo el eniah'a Y,. Moue Store. Crabb'• Block. e tote eludes any size armee to order. R•A. KtrtAril DE41_-Wm. Brophy, who hu resided oe Quebec. •,1. for • Dumber of years, ba• purchased the reeideece of Ricbd. 11..an,y oppuala the Collegiate In•ttlete. TawraaA"rx Marrow. Rev. .1..4. 'An- derson. rderson. S. A., -pastor of Knox church, will address the limpet Tewpesice Meeting to be held in the Temperance Hall :Su..lsy etleroo'.o newt at. 4:16 o'clock. ELK, Tett ■r Ao't-.mane., --A ',wrung of the electors of SL Deride ward was held in the council chamber on Wednesday evening, April 6(h, 1803, at 7.30 u'clool for the purpose ul teoa.viae neo:mations tut the elect Bou of councillor to fill I he vacancy causal by the seat of W. l'. lioode bang de- clared vacant. The hour ter remit rug n ominations having expired and there being no further nominations, .1. W. South was d001•red elected s councillor for :St. lawn's ward for the balance of the term made vacant by the uo/e.ttug of W. C. t:cede. " Tun Cob &env WA -O. T.eady even - isg " The Countryman ' was played before • lair audleam in the Grand Open Honer. The scenery- in this show u very realistic sod the acting is very good. The eboree- ten of Ham G1otr and ,I.rueba Jibe were very amusing while that of Dempsey !:raft was " out of eieht. " The mandolin music was very much appreciated as was evinced by tint masetaoa fregtl•.tly encored. The game of harebell by Jasper .files and Hints Clint: afforded hsps of fan. The ear - wittier d.aoe by Mie Carlton was mach admired and brought great applause from the ,adagios FIRE A1.aau. - -Oa Tuesday evening Iamb about 8 o'clock Garr were term through i widow its McLean'• block in the rooms over W. T. Hays t (:o's atom end which were occupied by Mr. mad Ma. Lloyd who were •beent •1 the time the Bre started. The back window was opened and it was found that the fire had dose aoesidershis damage 4* carpets, etc. The Ire alarm was rung aid the fin brigade was secs on the •oeoe bet its services were not required as the application of a number of pais of water was sufficient to q..aah the limes It is supplied that the Bou a•ipea ed ley the explosion d • lamp. H. V. M- Atrao'uTtox. -TM first reviler tweeting of the Huron Veterinary Medical Assertion was held is the town hall Clinics, o. the 5th inst., with :he following members of the prolamine presetMe- Iutesh V. S., Pew., J. E. Blacken V. S., Tress, J. J. Walker V. R., Sec., W. E. Clark, V. S., J. Grieve, V. S„ J. Chesney, V. S., D. Miller, V. S. Mr Blackall rave • very interesting communication which excited considtrahk diecwatoo. The meet• int adjourned to meet again in the town of R Ingham, July 5, 12 o'clock. All members of the profession are cordially invited to at- tend the next meeting in Wingham. 90,000 HMV. roe a F1 -..,Tet c. Every' body has bees reading in the papers durisv the last few days, *woman of eventful ex peneooe of i>.tectire Murray while pursuing the Burlington forger, C. Hanle ihvldso.. It was neoesemry for him to remeb Canada from Mexico without touchier Cade Mao's domain., sometimes called God's country. Daring the time he wee away be Covered 20,000 modes and touched at, after leaving Mexico Ven ('rtu, Santiago de Cuba. Port au Prince, Hayti and Jamacia, thence to England, from whe.oe he sailed to Canada The crowd at the (Teton Station in Tomato asemble.d to meet these dtetinvai•hed arri- vals esu Targe, but as • mat'.er of fact wan not a circumstance to the crowd that is dally seen making its way to poker's dye works, where they get their garments dyed and cleaned in the most improved h.hio., e that they are always ready for a leas tnp. CrA.ae. W ITw RAra. -The Cr,,,,gloo. ally knows as " Tab ", was up on remand before Reeve Pnadfoot oto Wednesday after000i charged with rape, rt the i.st•ace of Sarah Kirkpatrick, of God.rioh towh- ship. it is alleged that primmer committed the drew.. over nine moats. ago, sad as • emelt the complain•:a wee delivered of • chill on Tuesday, April 1. it le arse alleged that the defeeda.l is not atroeg in mind and that for that reason esrH- e intersection wee net yid against the primmer. The 'widows of Dr. h• ea Wednesday, teat to show IMS admisie.s had bon made by nem pisie- amt that intercourse had existed totems the parties on mon than ore occasion. 11. C. Hays appurred for complainant : L. R. boner for primmer, anal E. N. Lewis watched the sass for the ovown.to the inabilityorm el the pka. i.t to es es • wither • farther roams ►.ded wa until Wedeeedy, April 19. HTriw.al.-A quiet weddias eek pine. at Sha retlamemea of Mr. and Mn Wm. llabeetroo, Remit -tel.., at 8 o'oloek Tuesday 155 i.g, April 4th, lone. their eldest &Lash M, Jeaateta Campbell, was nutted in mat imm.y to Samuel .1. R. Nephiss, d The ogre carte w.. p.rfvw,n.d b► Sha J. E. Howell, M. A. In u,, •betas el M father the bride wet rem f away by bar brother, W. A. %Menem. 4 we wee .erred i• • mauve seeded west toad ' .Ob dram trimmed with Deletion less. Sb.l were • bridal veil and enrage Morro L The beide was her Allem M( IAmie .ed M blyp, IA. ogre wined in dream. d •44.41., temere. f/�. Mins Ne1I4e nears, d Aylmer. dka.wl ` .ream, mated me maid of boner; 711e geese wee May •mend a by hiww.v P .k a. S.i *.les, d S-' Da.p • Is ' 2 Biwa 84 • Ls arivAp Bad Ohm N'sA Nag woe me�it dtOfesh w it V heirso vigor whoa yet feel " ran - doer', and used up, th, tot thing in thl world is Doetts Pierce's (;olds, Medical Di.cos- esy. It promotes aU the both') fwlotiof8, rouses ever7 organ tete healthful cation, ponies and i* riabss the blood, and through is eissfsee, repairs, and invigorate the entire system. For the moat stubborn BCrofubty Skin or Scalp Disease., Dyspepsia. Biliousness, and kindred ailment*, the " Discovery " is the only rem. edy that's guaranteed. If it does it benefit or cure, you have ytla money hack. Isn't it safe to say that au Oar blood -rrifier Dart be " just 1. Y If 11 were, wouldn't it be .old so Can you think of anything more convincing than the promise that is made by the proprietors of Dr. Sae's Ca. tarrh Remedy? It is this: " If we can't cure your Ca. tarrh, we'll pay you $goo." THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. illeideelth Mites B14m even Aeril Itlh, law ZaE Wheat. be*. .. ... e M to e f W . eOis6f a sur. tartly .... «............ r is M e N Marts. a tea - 1391(01491 Rea. • baa.. u all" s toll w ep�. .• IruOalle e►opped Fwal • ttta«M M erne f Oats. new. • Mi h ... M to o barley. tPork ti w bush.. .....::•latoi36 to 0 le barky . comms 801405* H•y,blsPewees. •�(p� tia•to:• s=t,9b. .....-.. 8Mis0(Yi its= o !7 rn .1r �w. hash tsmasBB�. M ha l 1Y 1:11::: 0:03 N w. ' ....•• iaa4w Wad .- .......... • .. 0 1Ie n l Hides. 1110 1.331 I amlS*t/ir .... *riles to a D1wssMlltBltgeifl....«:..«.... f M to : M IVa............................ 07•to0f >•rBrlsa<lale detest f wr4K, Tbo reisipte of lie stock at the ) std. of lie Montreal Steak Yard. Company. Point 8t. Charles, for the week ending April Htn were . - 7i ? it rl p Ila 11., 5. >10 Left over from previous week yt . • Taut foe week ria Ito Ott 119 Left o. baa. :i+ sal . Trade during the week was dull, the de mend bang limited, owing to butchers bar. Mg secured • large supply the preemie) week. The apply was light and .old at low paces. Hap aad Calves were more pl.itifal, awl • falling off in price. resulted. The ceremony cap wi►.emed by sear rola time. The bride received • nimber of valuable awl useful premeds. Mr. and Mrs Hopkins left on Wednesday for thee' home in Burlington. hearing awe with them ;he goof wishes of sorry friwld LOCAL BREVITIES. The watering arrt wet out for the tint time oto Monday Let Ladies' •m1 grit.' wsrwg apparel cleaned mid diel aWrks Mises Yate, .gearsat.Prker'. Dye o Iasis sad gest. wearing appar.4 oicane i sad dyed a Prr4rs Dy Work.. Mase. Yate, assets Why hay r .awtag ttsachioea f ram stronger. •t priop, cakes yes baa ggeett the beat alai and from O. W Thom.oi lar 1 00. n By an oversight the seam of R. Radcliffe woe omitted from the bemoans committee 01 St. (laorga'. chiral v. try is the port .l the vestry last weak. re The Vallee ladies Miriam Cirede of North -et. Methodist ab.reh will give a ora - art em Tuesday evesieg, April 26. Miss Minds Atheism is expected to recite dur- ing ueing the Mooing. Farther p•rtirmlve Suer. The .awaken of Herm Ledge No. 62. 1.0.0.F. will celebrate the 74th s eivensry d Oddfollow.hip by attending divise me- vice arrip in North -at. MMMhedi.1 dean► es Sea - day, April tint The meemen will he preached by Rev. J. E. Hewett fl..i. theta. 11. " Met P.m " u.d by try. Rhhardsw M a.ef.ir..Nate. as 714. is halm, mad W b.en said by SIImMM is M- et en eha d.et.rs' L01..... For t rIMr 4.- t'•gardiag 0110 worwisowi so.tirsd painless extreeties of teeth, eafr ..d es. pac1eahmeriib.n o T wethe &.Mm."- T.I.- mit sati4 with the o 54by that O•eep•ay, .ltd hate asked the Pell Onmps. "thew? hlia► a C.. -"Le 015.'. 6 that 444,4.4 [• Theorise. Throe Rivers It we,. Itmemed yesterday that the R H T- -plea. gess may have .ptmed sr m- amas M Terreheeee, Qua, where 0h. automate. telephone wee istr.d.pd i. November late. 71. 1.11 Cemp..y err- e d r - ed their embeeps at that glow, *1 the res gtnte .f .mm parties who W triad the e le.'atsm bad ills wederreed bled it• meew imp..teimiM is im prop A ..sru.paa1.M .f tie Pittsburgh (P•• 1 Dememb mak.s Ws eari.ua se eemot : 1. U .seisen s of the riveareim- ps �tle Km rests e1 8ars.psrIIIato p pease, * eta the ramqualie who dentes for ! %M' and the ��writhe/ huge hopiellies d said ale ewptot t hem tis Meet" The L ,w/..y wuysrles Y ;went ably the else verrhty` el plass as IMO of ..s(g�k..� enj_. - elf whine etewkhk �t Asher A.nepa1 q star ar imesperlis rust know a seienee j 10 maim el Apure beaus lived arils