HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-13, Page 7T1IE 810\AL: 0001R1004 ONT., TIIURSI)-A Y, APRIL 13, INN. 393 DEPARTMENT R 1 L1895 THIS 18 THE AT PURCHASING URC FORSPRING.INMONTH today nd day we claim to *bow the largest, most coma plete and closest marked stock of Dry iootb in town. R DRESS GOODS Is %cry attractive. Our selections in fancy dress good will be AP found to hear the impress of correct tete, mita Ito two pattens alike. Our Bieck seal Colored Henrietta., Plain Bergen and Ben- 1{afinel are all imported direct in full pieces, and for value are unequalled by tate trade bene. We make a specialty of Black Goods. flee and compare oar Mk. Black Cashmere. A job line of 44 -inch Colored Cash- mere worth 60c., to clear at 116c. a yard. SNORT FURROW& SAMOS twraa uaswa r ego tad. Wert s . delight Maly to aim task Ms' The " bore of e.sasti.a " is often the law. (nose ttwt .lues trot grew as eat a deed., is a bleated .talk. • Anticipating • big trettle, we here bought heavier thea when tk. 'nab home. It tel beanies it RPETS AND CURTAINS. , When we look through our Carpet room we do Oetnees think we have overstepped the mark and bought too many, but Carpet' are cheap --Tapestry and Brussels never were as cheap. We can sell you a beautiful Brussels Carpet, with or without border, for 90c. per yard. A full range of Wools and Colons at closest priors. t 'ochre a diseastA place. • '1Oars to much gold is the ritual of your (arta. a .-k it t. u h look plow points Ii The stns:' .greesWe, rue unitive tome sod' odd stimulant is Idbere's Bost, less sad IWise. 1s. Its as careful of the seed yea few is year west.! field, as of that yea pleat in reps other. Do not get se bray that ma eateset step new ...d ibe. e.d se. how i.ppy 7e. to be. Dr. Low's Wars. Syrup has removed taps wanes trees 15 to 30 het lose. 11 also des- troys all other kinds of worms. lm ►Ybeo the devil got tato the hop they efmm itte 1 suicide. When w w testa setas ensu they pat hitt uo the tuck. It _ BALK -ACHE 30005 KIDNEY PILLS P>;vrION INVITED. JOHN T. AC H ESO N. OW OP J FOB IBSPEC'IOI .r MUNRO'S + + + + + + + avy, Black and Colored Storm Ser'ges, p Cords and Two -Toned Tweed Effects. A full line ot Black Stuffs in Cashmeres, Baratheaa, Whip Cords, Sobel Oloth, All -Wool and Silk Warp Hen- rietta'', Amason Serge and Bengalines, gather with Sateen, French D'Lainee, Teasle Oloth, Prints, Ohambraye and Printed Piques. EXTRA VALUK IN White and Grey Cottons, Fi►eetings, Pillow Cottons, Ire. Napery Department well resorted. Nos lies ars coming sa as fist ee senelle► PER DONT. DIBOOUNT FOR 0A13a 1064 Didier and Habeedeaber. Finnan Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters, Labrador Herring, Smelt, Ciscoes, Baltimore Oysters, ARRIVING DAILY. IFlorida Oranges, Messina Lemons Canned Goods 1 a. au. Imeus. Ante • 00xpL►1ITE STOCE OI Farnily Groceries At AT RIGHT PRICES �. CAMP.A.IGNE'S, Cor. Montreal -at and Square. 117Telephone Connection. THE BERT 113 THE OHIAPYT AND THE STOMAL THE BEAT 18 TB1 OHEAIHMT ANT) THE SIGNAL THE BEST 18 THs O6IAPERT AND THE SION 41, THE BEST i9 THE C01•Ps41' AND THE SIGNAL THE BE8T 18 THE OBEAPs6T AND THE SIGNAL THS BE8T 18 THE 09*APEET AND THE SIGNAL THE BUT THE HUT THE BENT THE BE8T THE HEST THE REST THS HEST THE REST THB HEBT THE Hop THE HEIST THE Ri e? T H R Barr THE HEFT T8R BEST 11111 BERT T H R BIM' THE RS11T 1HS BUT THS HUT ing BERT THS REBT THE REST THE 818? THE Ha THE REST TBS REST THE HUT T113I REST I HE nip rHS RUhTn rut ROOT TON RiR'T' TfiE I -I pTtali e I. THE SIGNAL IN ADVANCE! 18 18 18 18 18 iS Co.stap•ttuu claims meal victims. Were off this dread dames by the nee of entail agar -ousted Berthed Mlle when needed. lm A. a rule there is enough time wasted armed the evertors oouatry railwaystation to cultivate any 400 acre farm is tneigh borbood. The ooefideace that people lave in Ayer's Sarsaparilla as • blood medicine is the legi- timate and natural growth of many years. It has been handed down from parent to child, sad is the favorite family medicine in tboeraade et boessbolds. tte..e .alto.. •.a_was. la April, 1868, Horace Greeley presided at • gnat dinner gives m New York city Ay the American press in honor of Clarke Diokess. When the wise was served, it was noticed that Mr. t;reel.,'s ghee, which M raised in 111111100 with others in response to toasts, co.taised • beautiful ted roes. When the othen drink their wine lie smell• d he rose. Mrs Premien richagser is • New York city woman lawyer, of independent means, wbu has chess for his life work the aiding free of coat, of priao.ers who have been falsely accused of crime. Sbe hes chewed and made happy and grateful canny so in - 000101 vtcUm..specielty of those wbo were ouuvw.:ted bsasuse being too poor to emplcy audictate t counsel. Shortly before President Garfield was semi..sted at Chicago, • company of noted we. visited him at his home in Mentor. The d;aaer diet followed wan .smewhes more elaborate time uae•1, and more in ac- cordance scordance with fashionable forms, When several ..amen bad been served, the aged mother of the son. -to -be President saddest - 1y exclaimed : " Jattess, 1 entirely du•p, prove of thin Whoa friends vested rs in the old times we placed their wade divisor Wore them at mos. Theu they could see there was plenty ot it. Bat now, with $ tilt here, and • snip then, everybody is afraid to eat-" The g..su were consider- ably embarrassed, out of consideration for their hod's feeling.. Hut General Garfield w tt a pigment smile, amid, Vary well, soother, it 'hail be as you please." After that his .tete diapers, at home, were served as in the " old times." George W. Childs, the Oars known phtl- antropi..t-editor of the Philadelphia Ledger, who began ha busters caner as office boy at three dollars per weak, .peaks thus in ✓ egard to his success : •' Ons should first accustom himself sot to be sakmmed of say kind of work that r honest and useful Bot cue may be industrious, and yet his in- dustry may not achieve much valuable re- sult. Von .ball work intelligently- -be pre- paring the way for what you intens to be- come while doing what lie' close to your Mad. While I, tor teatimes, was working as errand boy, i improved such opportun- ity as I had to read books, and to attend book sales, so as to leern the market value of books, and anything that might be use fel to me hereafter, for 1 always aimed to be one day in a position ware I oould nes my best talents to the beat advantage. I 8ren my ambition high, so that, eve. if I did not realise the highest, I might at hast be always tending upwards. 1f yon jump .t • thing with your whole heart Mad mind, though you may not be exceptionally able, A is wonderful now much you may •000m- pp11eb. Hut if you are hell -hearted you will Wt." THE BEST THE BEST TBE BERT THE 868? THE B18r TME BELT THE BEST THE 1t88T THE BUST THE BERT THE BEST TQE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT THE 8E8 THE BERT THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE HEST ilr. R L. Oswald oaleuhtes 1hvt the pop - THE BERT sissies .t the Mates a In sdred years ase' THE BERT will M 500.000,000. THE BMU..1ghtly pimples. M « etra, tan, sad se TH1 BEST nobili hems,' el the dila w rrmwd by C. C. RlcJIAaln & Co. My daughter was appan.tIy at the point of death with these terrible die - ser* diphtheria. All remedies Md failed, bet MiNARiYS LINIMENT erred her ; and 1 would earnestly reoommeed it to all wbo may ha is seed of • good family .dedi- dee. Join D. tfoertt.tes, im Freneh Village. WILL CURE YOU "Seek 'eke ►dean. nk. W- eeps are le b.a1•t Dodd'. Sidon* Pilloiv. gvowtpt relief" 16per ..wt. e disease 1. Per oasood by dlserlsrd kid - "Sight as well be to Aare a healthy We *Moot affrt.r- 09 ss. goo/ health when tea kidney. are Nagged *Pt are Sold ter .l Mesh■ meat by males ef pries so mom per toe ar ria be Tat d & Tea Tomes. W. llama dad oflaytee d = dangorow. N.g- tec fed kidney roubles '.omit 1n lad Blood, Dyepep.10 Liver Complaint, and the most elan- yyerov. of all, Bdghta Owego. Dia1.t•• Mans Oro above 4l Moog °antr•t •rl.t r03.r• Dodd'. Ktd.• Pills are mod \Ye ea S4NPS & CO. ROJARD FURNACES COAL. JY1T@MLRENOV�TOR AND OTHER TQT[n fLYmrts. Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak bad impoverished blood, dys- pepsia, .{..pleasnebs, palpitation of the heart, liver oom�bb t, neuralgia.,loof memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall stone., jaundice, kidney and urinary stamens, St. Vitas' darer, female irreg- ularities and renersd debility. LABORATORY, £ODERIgH, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. MuLaut. s 8t T►rr Rzso..yMa oma be had fro., W drotntrss in time. Al well ea tree ill the dreamt* between. Owen Sound ad 8e.lorrb, Brume... Durham and Tomato. n17 IT. OODE:RIOH Steam Boiler Works. ceBTABLIBHLD t.eo l A. S. CHF YSTAL, Successor Le ('Ar•patal d- Rlack; Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright A Tubular are headquarters for the -e.• Coe/ and Wood Ft:rm.•es. LUCAL Usr,agvt'Ei. REES PRICE, Beal. MRS. W. T. HAYED WE MKE ALL 01111 OWN T1NARE FROM RE -DIPPED TIN PLATES. DON'T.BUY S'LOP WORK rave Troughing, Roofing, Cornice - Work, Heating and Plumbing. pkN)MPT ATTENTION. GOOD WORK. SAUNDERS & CO., Wrest Street. " LITTLE CHIEF" BRAND CORN, PICAS and TOMATOES Are the best Canned goods in the market. TAMILKANDE TEA IN PlO1C.333'Tel 2230=7...MRS., AT 40, 80 at 60 CMIsTS113 PIER POUND HAS NO SUPERIOR We are agent. for both lines, and ask for them it trial, ensured that they +'ill please and ester liar Inds with you. - Yrntrs truly, Salt Pats, Smoke Stacks, Slaect 1 rots Works, etc., etc. Also dealers Is U.ri=ht ad Horlsoatal h ill, Yalta l.natsoi. Automatic Cut -Off Eurtbee a pacialty. Ail tures of p1 o mast rip,-auieg constantly on teed. Letimanes furnished en Deco Taloa Repairing pn:meW attended os. r]R-ty 1'. O. Not T.. Uoderich.Oat. WKorka-Oppaaite 0. T. R. Statham. Dederick JUDGE WAXEM'S PROVERBS - smarts mammas 1. the Oar agate..•. (Rory tr taw pry of l.gittmate poltt.ieka Ods heldis' h oppidemiek is Waehiag. tea. Pollitikls hiders keupe their eyes es the mane chases, The Americas nisi deal wee is . ferris lanpwii e. A man *aghast to base • vete that dw't kw, how to ems it. Thar Mel may Napesrins se pellitib than don't find their Waterloo. It's mitt' hard work far as old wheel boss, het .,,eehew he Met i• so Marry to 1» turbid ost Ss paster, PERSONAL CHAS. A. NAIRN'. A. B. CORNELL Til LLara"S ---- vrricERT.e cies McLem's Block --On the Square--McLean's Block, 8(ILL WONT :SUSS T) aD .pi -r res rtaA, s AT 1118 ('SUAL'Lo e171'PRUCIS. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ;NO CHARGE FOR HEARSES TBE BERT miss Low's 8.lpbur Seep. le Teas BEs. r Mrs Robert Louis ytev rises Is . pvrtl THE BURT grew Wood wears, who was • THE BORT amber whoa abs wearied Mr eseserk7w THE RUST b++• mashies was iseldd mess* THE RUST • awing VIII MEET the preemie the K-empr•m .f t'lormasy Toy elide We km Moa M " borer, Prunes. 'r'mh., ss nen her Tr1iE B •rhe mo arid Derham d Nesiesede will TRE BE start ore as"ds nasi cls Mail Iw.ese THE Bits . sheet ►he middle..l April. awl ewbegaseav will t e to /{osdslo. who Padres J. boort, eAnamise i woe la nalliallialt r...eI 1011moi w nulla larder rase -sr A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. HOW IS IT That you will still go on using Wooden Pails and Tubs when THE E. B. EDDY 00'5 INDURATED FIBRE 'ARE TILE VAN• 13 T8g TiM0 n ME aIGIIALgTHE H T � S.11 TAW >r_4411WIALrwll TIIE a1ONAL- 18 TBII 11118T Is so much cleaner, sweeter, lighter and more durable? N.B. BUTTER MAKERS, look out for our new Fibre Ware BUTTER PACKAGE. It will be on the market in • few days. u NDERTAKERS J_ BRA Y sic BON WHY Does GEO. BARRY, the Ooderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the hest stock of furniture and undertaker's eupplief I And how is it that he can *ell so cheap 1 BECAUSE Hare added to their prraer,t husirmee one i B. J. Nish'. Latest Style of Olt y Hearses. also 'he finest lira .,f funeral fermi -things in the county, and are now prepared to crowfeet funerals at WWII reaaanable. I This department will be strictly attended to by hie am William, who, lxein in the employ of dm late D. Gordon for tbe past ten years, ham a knowledge of the beginner, and by prompt attention hors to share part of robli& patronage. Remember the place--Weetet,.n year w4' to the peat 11 eama. Oive us a. call. J. BROPBY & 80W. He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Prodta and Quick Re turns" He also make. • specialty of picture framing. Give him . call before purchaa ing elsewhere. Rmldtlming Fluid always on hand. 23'7 y Patronise True Competition. Ttr■ CAM AMMO PM.aYsc RAILWAY Ole T all astarw hes be..ssa$tished te dye ?Hates arstelere .seem with Stir sad pr- tnnt t. geeoiree on se n iheals* .rensleke and l the traria d tan poorest. 11 smsr..s tea mgwr. M Pews Pet wbe Mem t. ean/aitlw g.eda �a stla BMW itt re l all two MAMA iN1nd * » URN 1(U -.Merit•