HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-13, Page 5frL'L' rikiNAL : GO1)ERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, bels. 5 ✓ THE INADIAN BARN K uF COMMERCE WOMPAISO sem. MEAD OFVIOL. TORONTO. fstlla f/'t/10 UPI era UMILLION curs • r. • O. e WALKER, G siumi. Meme ea SL(►OO.Oow *1,000,000. OODERICH BRANCH. WORM. BAINUISS BusIMEa• TAAMACTID• immerser Notes LisecouwvtO. omurre ggu,o PAYAFAA AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA. ANO THE PRINCIPAL gall; IN TNS LJINTTRD STATUS, (ytEAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. $UUUD•, as *A MOS SAME[ OCPARTYZNT. 'parr/ OP ektlo AND upwAaOS SWtIVED, AND CURRENT RATES Of INTEREST �NU NtM T MOOD TO TS POt. AT THt END OF NAY AMO 'ENOo. NO IA0M11 Wates Special Illet•Off•ra giver to qts *Noae,inn R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. ' %31o$ Notso. WES r WAWANOSH.Jewell, who, h h f 1 ---' limn It In 1866 os kis farm ere, s a Or' L t►. asst 1 1880 built a frame house near it. while the let. .baa •leve w , with u tom y, h .rad nn our owN paw. • os Tali +ata bolas was seed as a ketches. Nuw, ;rue d Tel NNoa•t •' the a" m. Jewel base pulled this omilding down tn.t f big actioned . the way 10 put • Irma kitchen in its place. fdo1u stfertile . .kis erection act. He bou.US bars pM.d hence a Dunlop fertile m. ,d a debatingI,n only to be talked of a once the early land. hub et vile- It mat be in his smirks of the piones data of Dunlop. He spaaw of Ibsen dig --- -- - ;nY , rtua matter. We do of wog HAYFIELD. he i•lookingly he J t t. rat. From y ho writes like t Doi *wend like Jumbo, was ass Nest week 1 will give my pots "n (ItI teats! Cotes. 1 will not 1 s...• If r wpousible for the flirting of umLe. but i as very jealous for rho J tame ..f Tet 8ws•t a I have cores awl . long time let it, and still intend ,rot,.- t myself. I will ars myeelt, Vora Oi u Coasawrownese. NILE et our owa osrweadent rarmcn are busy at Spring wark. lases Jacket's bas gone to t;oderich. Now Hogue is home speeding Master hou- rs tadrew Kirk haw omens to resole in our Ian evening last. • Yr Mien Sunday f with frieeds nese ooW. ere pI tis bear the J ehn Nichol. Wc::•etw. �, who have for some tome }. en aeriotriy Will 11,rrror has un,ce.l his family to 11.' t.,n They will be missed4).$.r at Nile. ill are is.0-yi ting was hehi in Trtsuty Her.. A. Fear is gouig to start • you( enb 1 result „ ,....•tett'. such an ieautatioo is nisch i church on Monday afternoon ua a liege . wsreb del ; Dumber of members were present. Tis ' 4-niow/ng officer_ were a d : wardees, W. ACHESON & SON. FOR EASTER WEEK We are psssisd to know to which part of our store to invite you, as every corner of every department is full of *lurements, which the populace must have. Ladies' Kid Gloves for Easter. --A large pareei received today, Opens up beautifully- Pearl and soft triode shades are fashionable. Tartan and fancy cbeck Surah and China Silks are moat in favor for blouses, and as well for trimmings. Succeeding shot silk., price from 80 to 95 cents a yard. Suresh Silk Tartan Tiee, 45 cents each. Concerning Drees Goods we shoo the largest new stock in Goderich. Our 40 inches wide Cashmere at 35 cents a yard for value is un equalled else& here, all colors. Mao Henrietta Series at 30 cents a yard, worth 40 cents. In Spring Jackets awl Silk ('Apes we are showing dainty pattern, and some dazzlingly beautiful colon. French Challies are the admiration of Hu n e County.fNo'.pat- terna can ever be repeated. 1 hate no assortment whatever when May comet if prerent demand continues. A piety. of goods, regular worth 50 cent. a vanl, our close prier is 39 cents. Linens, Sheetinge, Towelings, Cottons at bottom prices. Highest prier paid for Butter and Eggs. You are invited to inspect all. Too lots for blot week. I). H. Porter and John Jewett were at London lot week. Mis. Porterfield spent the holidays at her brio' ter Clinton M Kees, Mabel sad Aun. W hiddoo spent paster holidays at Hnf/alo. 1'be boys play base ball on the square these 'wastage and tae benomiag crack plyera. Mies Annie Erwin who has paned the Winter at her home !fere, left on Saturday for Lando°. Walter Raker, of Egmosdville public school, spent Easter here. -His molly friends were pleased to me him. A large numbs of young to:.. 'cloyed a pleasant tante at Mr.6r.iager , oo Thursday Th• lu-lean hens has returned from :vo- ws shear they had gone to assist is the chief. It .• -t .ul ,iuty to • nrusiole the death •N.. ... ver.. whtcb took place at her „o„ • h.- 8th loot from • oarplicataoa 1 n oe- The deceased lady Se as ele oas oos mow bt all who knew her t toe ,,,.last vettlsre, haring reached foot :ear..nd two. the resaisa were ea- wrwi tee Gilberts* Catholic cemetery cord, o! wood was cut. The Rra•e l was a sister ...Lies Hails. champions, John Blair and Joha Elliott whose Dames recently appeared in a Clio UUNLOP• ten paper as having done some fast work, 'rest sur tae a wrroNNI IOM were present bat their speed was away b•' hied that ot Robt. and Q� ea. Blur. of Hay- field, who diol some remarkably fast work and are not afraid to meet anybody u • watch (;. M. Hewson, John McNaagbtas ; sidesmen, 1). Harrson and F. Edwards ; lwitresm, Mrs- K Malted. Join Essen trade • vary geserous doeatios of a quan- tity of hymn books to be left in the paws for the nee of *tremors. 1)n Monday last Tamen. Hermes, son of John H•rrisos. had • wood swing bee ea Bowdeo's farm, oos. 4, i;odertch township, opposite Hall Rewire* , when �ov_err 60 W. ACHESON 84 SON. .pro,: work is es the boss Itur:n: the Mender sterni el Monday of set se:. the lirbtaieg streak sod damaged wit!, a tine elm egad* tree ea Lowdown* fors . the well Prir..,s to_ Mrs d R. Heersor, gown sod reveler worsen for the! keno - op ,• promo - taw Miasmas .ad Temperonce a oos tken•h.i:obericb,wes in oar midst Thursday of fast seek na s iranatent visit to friesda Mn. Sh,• ., we are glad to my, in good health and . • .-, er to the front far the wel- fare 4 the tem,-erosos tame. The south west part of the Spr laid. farm near herr on the 8th cower/lieno(W- fi torn. 1... been purchased by ation of its brat Wil- liams •.f this pleoe • toren, the fate Sheriff yndmaD, was or tie ssr'y poo ears of Denby. Tor LA+T BUILT AND TLB 1.a.r TO VAta_— The tint houses built to Danko by r he pioneer. were of log am! twos erected is 1°7' The last el those were pat ep by the EMS �o►Sho`oAe`ettce New Shoes Fancy (goods n e ART MUSLIM, ART SILKS, ART CRETONES FOR PILLOW COVERS ; also a large a.aortment of EASTER NOVELTIES. BANK OF MONTREAL. $12,000,000. (,000,000. CAPITAL, REST, A Saving Department has been (*tied in cos - vection with this branch. Interest allowed al current rates. 11. L OCK WOOD, Manager Galtfnieh Branch illinery. GRAND DiSPLAY uF BONS, LACES, FLOW ERS, TRIMMINGS, kc. Vit. RS. CLOSHD OUT AT COST. t BOYS STRAW HATS S_ A_WALg�R Carriage Maxiufacturer, Haring purchased the business ot fficCREATR & WALKER 1 have now arranged, out only to conium. the Carnage 'nude, Lilt lase decided to do all class of work in HOSE-SHOEIND MID OBBBBIL BLLCKSIITHIA�i TRIMMED HATS, RIB - OR N AM ENT8, IB- ORNAMENTS, HTRAW R. B. SMITH. NONE: BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEi'ARTMENT. JNO..AI. WALKER, PkOP*I E'roa. record for __-atilt. bat X11 commonOed •I sot t■ the (aIatesse. few minutes tallint T A.te. 1 .he 1st the dog show t -I've looked all --d don't see any CH( W'H XOeas• — Revd. Mr. Nivea, Ulna*'• --- ----- tare bounds." Do mooched here mato on Saeday to a fear I os tttiovoou of the an () God them. y �reg.cios..... Rev. John Kai.. late of North , is the Presbytery of Brion. ; mew T. freta '• ss.lttat • rtetare. Will moody the pulpits of lastbarn 23rd acd Us- Mend 25 " sunlight, 2396-1y. ' ° • ape : i W' LEEBUHN. From our own correspondent. RtT.•assu. J. 0. Stewart reverted from bis top to Dakota. and report. • pleasant vett all round, seeing he two eons, bemire some of his former neighbors in this sorties who removed from here to Dakota some years ago Port (;ea Jardior has returned from Huron, dish.. when he 'peat the Winter. He will be ea the Bow Park Farm stall ifor r t1e Ammer, when off duty he may for Medco. but not always to emu letters. Ahem ' The first plowiN( of 1883 was. done by W. Fulford, April 3rd H. A. Horton and James t'hsholm alar. nude • beginning that day This year we were unable to get the on ('hurobas on the 16th and tat (wrapper boozing the wo y The rainstorm, coabining with the deep Woman Look Oid Sooner Than • Ilan") to darkness of Friday night of last week, gave Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott 8t, Toronto, d cu will some of the walodge rd bound, erd but s no•few serious gentle aosi• (turerfree from adtve by poet • pretty pie. verttisieg, end well worth (able dente Two young men who reside rap I training. This u an easy way to decorate Commercial it.. and who were spending theyour home. The soap is the best in the .vesieg with some fair friends were over. I market and it will only coat lc postage to taken in the storm when going bowie. send in the wrappers, if Tit have the Al the tars where the short cnt used by ends open. ly e the scholars at the West end of Com- folly. rrcial-.L is, ose of the lads missed the peth and waded into the deepr wers off the the menial' brook, having �at first bath of the season and which was asst es. gable. The flashes of lightning enabled The New Grocezit, STu:E DY SIR, OS Hate ;. Stock of Groceries, Crockery & Glassware him to steer out of the deep waters of the Spring flood of 1893 all U. R. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. MI IOUR HIT PIIS FBCI 08i STOCH---The Newest STYLES ---The Latest QUALITY ---The Most Reliable HUMSS---Speak for Themselves gps1cing generally► the losses result from from uncoll o le ac- counts amount to of dollars annually The risk of louses from bad debts, the expense of book-keeping and other charges inseparable from the credit system necessitate large margins. We give no credit ---sell strictly for Cash ---therefore we incur no blouses, and are able tomark bgoods much closer than stores ex- tend credit, as a comparison of " all-round " values will amply demonstrate. An ALL -WOOL Henrietta Serge, 45 INCHES WIDE, worth 60c , for 29c. Keep this in mind WE HAS OTHER BARGES !OR YOU. •.TA'IST. The Coastal met at Varna April 3rd at os* o'clock r.is. Members all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and The acetone of Jos. Fisher, 48 30 for gravel, and the account of Ale: Thomp- son, 1126, back school 4t on non resident lot, east part 16 in the south bo.mdary, were ordered to 1 e pawl. Dr. Armstrong was appointed Medical Health office in- stead of Dr. Elliott. Ry -law No. 2, con- firming the appointment of certain township officers, was read the third time and paced. The ooaocil then adjoarsed to meet again on Friday, April 21 nett, at .iz o'clock r. r. G. J. STtwANT. Clerk of Stanley. ,;oDtin-H TOWNSHIP 1893 60DBBICH SEED 1Woa1mt which for quality and price cannot be excelled. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS. The ;INDIAN and JAPAN TEAS which they handle etilusiteiy aa not be surpassed. A TRIAL SOLICITED. STURDY BROS., Air AT 010. GRANT'S OLD STAND �-_ N_ DAVIS I16ALiLR IB STOVES AND RANGES MON TNM MOT 1AJIFA4Tlaaaa. If yon have deet?04 j uTI and urold l I v t tku `i ionAtArZQ18.of my WIT YOU CAN GET A FULL SIZE NO. 9 STOVE FOR WOOD FOR 513.0. Is reneraind thanks to my arm O stricthe ere for /net favors. and hada, .ttestlen to em a ee..ad fair toa>t y hatnce m7 muds a0 bloetrea•at• I beg to Field and Garden Seeds ie the lamest and best elected In the county. Among our stock of Seed Grain will be found some new varieties introduced for the Sent time. Council met today, April 3rd. Minutes 1 read Moved of lase meeting and by Ssassi Sturdy, esoonded by Clea A. Cooper. that George Church be allowed to do its .tsttute labor oo side road, 1 nen., she Thomas Cook on side road. Moved Last C,eaollY, seconded ly o following &sages be ntada m para. m the No 48, Themes Cottle is place sit (low O. Jibbatt No. 33, Wm. Sbersetilin piece of Andrew Sheppard- The ecooe4 were paid : Mrs. Collies per Wm. Dollies, intligeet, >f18.75 ; News-Iteest , printing. 1as'M- Adjourned bo meet ea WS day of May as a evert elf revision mai other business. Naxos erceer, Hark. CLOVERS & GRASSES I KEEP THREE GRADES The AMSlto•a Water Whits, =a White, WU* These priers are spat ash. am.AYike, lamtnoth. White, Lumina, Timothy, ime lR1es Orchard Ones. Red Top. Blue Ores, Soko OATS ghal►abl•nd. Resale's Prbm. 6oYe t Balser. Ro..d*la. Oo.sotts. 9p.at.s• PEASE OF COAL OIL IN STOCK : • 4 Gal- 4 lons asDollarna for Ow Cents. ▪ 4 do ruty cents. Charged at the regular price. SPRING FASHIONS iN Mems J Golden via. Propels. MIK Potter. C,o*adl.a 1lsaaty. MOM ASO Pio constantly en head. Highest pries paid for canoe grates. . BORROWS ) Gentlemen's Fine Hats All the newest and nob- biest styles in stock. See our DERBY HATS IN ALL SHAMES . also our Wi DE BRIM TO1' R IST HATS in latest colors and shapes of Eng- lish and American manufacture. SONS SESDRsi A N. FINE FOOTWEAR OUR is NOW COIPLETE! ARMSTRONG It CO., DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SRO=B. Boys and &ffls School gats and Caps In all styles and at unequalled values. CaII and See our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. If you want style and comfort, combined with eooaosey, bay your Boole sad Shoes from VW AS TO NECKWEAR We cal show you the newest and most varied stock in Four -in -Hands. The popular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGH BOLIOITHD. T. Fowler & Co. y I Misses',Ciliklm's,tin's, BosadYotdstaties', 3300TO a d- SITOES_ The following are a few of the many lines we are selling 'heap Ladies' Kid Oxford Shoes, 85c ,. " Button Beets, did, 11 15 Girl's " Oxford Shoes, 68c Yea's hoed Hoop, libc attic•. Igor, .. .. All other Roods marked away down. Oar priacip4s is is .e11 first clam Baty sed Shore at strisSly moderate prises +�� sad enU� your- self and i oar siosk before Var�W self that our • and prises are just right. aaPLIRDUO PMOMPPLT ?O. trTyst Ayen lest ell. tvirsefti Dreg Shea V ISa 2405-d W.T. AYS& CO., Agents Parisian Steam Tes.uiiuy MISS CAldEROfiT wishes to vaodos that she has retarded from her Spring parehetieg tour, and has .scared the lastest leading novelties in MILLINERY warepreseg the n.weet and esost-boomniag Shapes, as well as • complete stock of head - ease Trimming (foods is all tk. new ragain and effects brought out especially hew this Nene S trade. 1s Woking the may amstemers in (1derisk.ni vicinity who have favored me with their pat:asape es tents •OYMPASila 1 .ttfsti a cordial invitation to the ladies to tall and inspect for ih.e.seives. 9406-9wi MISS CAMERON HAMILTON STRUT. TO iHB LIDIBB OF 60DBEICH IID VICINITY. 00. Your attention is called to the fact that TII =1\,=P072.=T.T1vt • new Hillioery Mart, W set -St.. neat door 10 " The Star OMs, IS Now OVEN I A tine display of newest Trench and •mer1 S1 designs. 1111111017011 CORDIALLY EllVllil►