HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-13, Page 44
ie seetinmes
Terme et anlieseigellesi s
re:math , la advisee It
will Pe I SO
Legal arid oilier ewe' advertisements10e.
peg bee tor era lessellion. and 3 cents pre nue
earls of elx Ilam an.1 under. Its per
tomethesmeata of Leah round. Junta tol;
Veen% Slinattom Wanted end
Wavered, fll per sesta.
enatteet moron. Larger advs. in proportion.
day special metier. the einem ot which l• 10
Millige 11141 pecuniary heneet of any iudi.
or ramose,. to be considered an ad-
nt and charred accordion's.
1111,1013. in nonp•reit Ty p.s one rest per
Wants° notice* tem this y le.
I notices In ordinary reeding type two
1=ter word. No notice for tem then SIM
for chemise and other religious and
bilhtettlent tomtit mime half rate.
A limited nuniber of displayed advertise
Per In( h. oae Sestina OD fid
four inaertione
throe neonits
011! relit.
advertisuient less than two inches in
sego. wilt cAlculated or. above ha.... 5
per eery. diemont Allowed for ash minims
es three inontliticontrart; to roe amt. ors ail
aenditione will be strictly 'Merced.
Chest "Thr
.hert:Ser w ho fail to receive Tog Swan ot
restutar!r, either by terrier or by mall. will
esinter a Alcor bj requesting ire of the fact st
ea early a &stem 'ramie*.
Leek Tees Label.
Your label lea standing receipt of the date
to which yrs are paid up. See that it is not
allowed to fall into ;we're.
When a chaise of address is desired. both
tbe old and the new address eboold he given.
Reteeted manuacrip-S--cannot be returned.
Correepondenee must be written on one side
3 011
lenibiesiter's Netter.
c. ts. Toned, of Goderich, hes beea
printed best Travellins Agent for the town -
Lem! postinarters over the district are akin
empowered ,o receive subseriptions net
All tOninktU11,611ions must be addreseed to
D. Mt ulbldrUDDY.
Tem Sean
_ tiODIRP'll. THURSDAY. APRIL 33, ma
Some of the Tory newellseers ere toting,
exoeption Mr. Justice Rosa's; treadmills'
remarks against the Conservative gang who
put up the joli of the Goa* compiracy
against /4r. earlobe, mind in does so are
making much ado.
Notwitleitanduar *Sr Ned protestatioos
made by the Tory press on this line Justice
Rani was right, &ad tbe facts bear him out.
CAVILILON bad made homed obbox-
ierin CertMn Ministers at Ottawa,
and re detective 1/114 lint Goderich
indeavor to fiad some weak spot
Mr. ..inlinON's life. He came
and made enquiry of oertain of the loc./
Conservatives, and was advised by them to
gardener fur Mr. l'AllitlUer.
At brat Gone refused to lend any aesiet-
ance toward the oonapiracy, but the prom
me of emolument and other aluremente
afterward tempted him end he fell m with
the enemies of Mr. 'y V eitree.
Clunk WM received with open arms by
promioeut members of the Conservative
party, and in the cempaign of lest year his
statements; sere usore discussed by the Cot.
eervative rank and Me than tbe sonorous'
sestenoss of Holz. .1. C. PATrilloi0:6 Of the
tion to StnithliMill at the convention which
nominated I. C. Pit -renew& lest February.
and thetributed anstsgst the delegates.*
large number of circulars celthrining hie
slanders. so that they could be sent up and
down the (»nommen ham and thet (ley he
was cheek by jowl with the representative
Tories from Gods/rich sad all over the rid
notninetion day Hoe. .1. C. PAll'en
me, after first flecufing that no speaker on
Mr. 'a It 111.3".'s behalf Mould be hesird,
made the Goan filmdom the chief topic of
then Premier, sating that he hurl not seat
a detective froni Ottawa to work sp • came
against Mr. CAIMISON. Pamanore,
however, carefully avoided ezhibitiag any
document from the gentleness& by
whom inatnietions the detective was sent,
asd owiag to the rules /oversee the meet -
lag the little deceit was allowed to go un -
After the elect mt., whoa The Rear began
me cruel and slanderous saps:4am upon
141r. CA1110101W, Goan wee te he found einem
coustantly at The Etta office or os the
street in close converse with the editor of
joensal. Owe woeld hare thought
that it Ina lemon mad Pythias redivivue.
from • party etenelpnent. Hai had hew op.
poised to • mention on Us dredgemyer the
head* al a nunther of weasels kcal Comer -
years sad years_ As some ea it Irma known
that Goa. had entered late he reward. Mr.
Jae Limes, M. P, Imo terrespeeded wita
sod leaked to pet certain questiona on am,
leder popsy of Parliament isencerateg tkie
At tide Sage of Use premediegn Res J.
I! Psyllium* took a thud in Um mailisr
Hoes was at nee* dinaharged, it was
plaisly sem thall • party Meader hod hem
eammitted in appeasing Iffna, sod at ahem
army the queseisse ?rem As seder paper
The pokey &solar thin tweet ma
este ems day Ths Mar Impanel bar its
meal ammo of leaumna, asd swim "met
So nesse apnea Mr. Calmen Made of
• leek IhseitiaL Ina is the bib. sew Jib 111.
_SW te stood We trial as • arusitual
The Ten niselthes mums
saad wen galled dews, ens
'The News -Record of Clinton
meet broke from toe aueoriars, mid
au tar under the bare Jest it mons
the other side by actually •
Star, which had brought it tato
The Spectator, a Hiftnilton,
atreight sad &rutted apology.
airline Review apologised and pal
wards the costa tocurred in bring
Tee World, ot Toronto, made
hearted opolowy, aud then, at the
of a merman individual, emit • re
t(oderieh to give an '' impartuil
tle• came. The reporter was leo i
that be called • Ms upon Gina,
and otber opponents of Air. C
lie aril, ed Wien on W
and hohnobbled with the Tory
and managers of the coaspiraey sgat
CA realm until Set urdey afternoou
made a brief call upon Mr. Crimea,
ing him that he hail interviews.] 31
and would like to hare • stetement
subiect from Mr. 'tkinitoth
The publuiatioe of the atrocious h
Gone in The %Voila caused the et
thet sheet to be indicted for crimin
and forced Goan to leave the
When the trial came off at t
one, and t he :mad jury
to bring iu s true bill against the e.1
The World, although the editor
Star. whose case came before the gran
previous to the arrival of the Toronto
gent, had been sent up for trial.
J AA. editor of The Star,
ing flat Mr. Cniegicov wan in • posit
the Province in the trances box
proving that & conspiracy e
ageinst him, refuter! to plead Matta
and thereby narrowed the question eo
the evidence could not be gone Into.
libel and three; himself on the rnercy
:mart by making the following
D. H. Ceilhiak wee is Chases es 111miday.
Alex McIver left ea Msaday kat bur Ds -
J011111 Walker, a chats., spess Maids,
ilk town.
Mug Mania, ot Salt/ord. Jett for DOOM&
ea Moeda,.
Harry Parsons, a Stratford, speed Sea -
day ta town.
Robt. Park aad family have retuned
from Chatham.
ASA liechel McLeod misread from Sea -
C fleuittisou left ma Saturday for
Heritheinser, N. It.
J W. You, of Colborne, left co • visit. to
Manitoba Finial kik
espied the
by eau
that it a
out as
Ware., The
mode •
Th. Km
d m-
ing it to
a4=1,of nag In town at preeent.
to The Miaow Hines, at Chaim, ore visit-
inpartial "'The Mimes Kane, were visiting their par•
ITCH *ins at, t ; .rne last week.
fittest' Curran psid • short mast to Clin-
ton op Thursday of lark week.
Mt= Mutate Reynolds viaiung in town,
the guest ot Miss Nbagme Connote.
los Ho/land, of Bonner's Ferry, !dab°,
Mr. And Mrs. F. A. Crabb left on Satur-
day Met for their home in Horkbeinser,
Mina Ver.:own, ot Jimmie -dim us vie hiag
leer aunt, Mrs, Allan Ituchanau, Cob
Da, id Munro has accepted • potation in
the punting department of the Chutes
Veil Dean Murphy., of Irialitown, Was in
town during the week, the game. of Rev.
Miss Kate McIntosh returned cal Saler-
d .y trona; Ituffelo, where abe had spout. her
Emit er holidays.
week, attending a meeting of tbe Huron
Veorrn try Am elation.
when he
011 the
behi of
Nor of
al libel.
Le Fall
nor of
of The
d jury
k new-
ton to
•es of
of the
The article an quotation was founded upon
erroneous information received in good
faith by this pipet.
Upon preparing our defence to the true
fouud for libel at the recent maims •
rigid examination was made of all the evi•
Jere:, which could he given in support of
the plea of justification of the libel charged.
It sea found by counsel that it was impos-
sible to plead justification of the article.
The strident:Ye sapport of the
arge against Mr CatnerOn
that he had seduoed Ellen
Lorna* was found to be wholly
We re.:ret exceedingly the publication of
the article in question and apologize to Mr.
Cameron and hie family for the pain which
the unjust accusatiore In questios must have
caused them.
How Well be Ma lived up to his apology
we leave our readers to judge.
The came of Goa* is of tor, recent • date
to demand a statement at our hands. Tux
Sweat only gives the forereilig to show
the Conservatives was nicht when he
stated that the slanders arteinet Mr. Cana -
ooze rave evide nee of having been oonesived
by evil-minded men with Intent to do M -
jury to • political opponent,
Mr. .1t-strrec Rosa evidently read aim
.1111.1.', abject apology befote deliverance
wae given oil the Golti ease.
tr ffiefITZItilit; Boa Rise n•
His play to the greed steed was • misfit.
will appear an intereeting article on " Re
mininences of the (loderich Bar,- from t he
orn of .1. J. Wright. Parties desiring
extra copies well Mame notify early.
THE Nees Boroito, io now
that Mt. ftlIVIN4•111.111 has " crawled under
the harn,- is Wks, its readers ot how it
thrashed Tiff SiowsL. A fool king of Eor•
land used to 1.rair that he had hed the sum
maul charge at Waterloo. Once he told
the story. to the Deka of Wellington, who
retorted, " I meal. •ware of the
fact before."
ma's MUM
the e
le mar
He is
his gni
ate now
m his
and the Climes News Remora are in
not In a wordy war sleet the merits
virtues of Mr. Robert Rirmiaghani,
hie( organizer of the Comervatim
It metes to us the gene is
ly north the powder sad that
t of space whioh might he
to Rome useful purpose, is Whig
by thee. journal& Personally, Mr.
well met and ie well adapted for the
he noeuptee is his party. Flat he
clay worth while qaarrelieg *host
one of those haraseles Oa tee Ship of
who, if Mut off from his render
at the public crib and made to earn
h by bons& es the Editors who
quarreling shoed him have to do,
rapiestly have mi roomy nomad
Boa Times The gosh«. minim-
a the Montreal Witness Mama
b Memo( the At Lammas helms
&gnu layiag Mat the modal of
limas boo master rhea mer *Aim
teet State. "The magma fever,"
"has indeed bemuse so stoo•ral %ad
int that if it osatiassaa gnash loafer
possiat rot,. whoa* Alois% will shot.
pinny dmestud." rummy how**
y hem prosperity.
Tilt IlleletteLreillt
that aii
smog bet
ties pope
Apnea to
he says,
ao alarm
at the
ly Maim
questa ef
They soy
rehab hem
Mao la me
ens Timea:--Isepired lay this slo.
the Tory polninees. the Omega
*Man ho the North al Irehsed.
Miry MS Sala tether Mae
Rola It is probable thetas.=
brosz:alli Mr able to hasp times
that sham la mire Mut thee
Alan loose la what Tory loyal -
to wham pat to the ton,
Is So Glistsi
of filia Nowa km de ems
it :furnbull, we are pleseed to
1,Aying conducted both amens' on Sunday.
parried by Mugs Brionamy, left town Tuee-
day for Toronto en route for Collingwood.
Rey. J. A. Anderson preached an excel-
lent berteon los! Suiclay eveuiug to sailors
and fishermen who were largely repre-
S. G. Gibson, son of our tovrnswan, Cep -
tam Gibson, has passed his anal exam. in
medimne, anti is now • full-fledged M. 1),
Nes Era : Those papers which used the
Gore slander for ell it watt worth, ant now
trying to save their party from the responsi-
bility and odium of it, afleging that it
was not used for the benefit of Mr. Patter -
son's election, that they virtuously relesed
to accept hem's statemsota, or used Ohm is
ony way --They might am well try to cos -
Moog the public that the whole citing wee a
scheme on the part of Mr. Cameron, and
this the bitterness and annoyance he ham
been subjected to, were put on ; or else
deny that there ever was such a fellow as
Seaforth Expositor The Oriderich
still revels in the Gore- LoOtnail himines& It
ts not satisfied with Judire Rose's remarks
to the self•oonvicted criminal, Gore. It ob-
jects to the statewient of the Judge to the
effect that, in his opinion, Gore was the
tool of others InPre guilty them he, hat who
could not be reached by the law. The Star
affects to vtew this statement aa • slur upon
the Conservative party, and simulates great
wrath. In order to prove the Jude. wroug
it rehearse, for the fiftieth time, some of
the disgusting, details In connection with
this awe, mid, despite the decisions of the
court*, the ocefeesion of the criminal, awl
its own retraction sorne time ego, it still,in-
dinectly, insinuates that there is wane truth
in the charges no wickedly made against Mr.
+1'. C. Cameron. The feet is, the Star, if it
any regard for its own reputatiou and
the feelitigs of the members of ita party, for
whorn it seems no rolic.tous, will allow the
dirty affair to drop, and not smirch it. col-
umns vrith it soy more. The public fully
understand the situation. and Judge R.ose
*leo evidently understood it, aad the less
the Staz now says about it the Gomm it will
he forgotten. The niter awl its friends helm
not piayed so brilliant • pert that they
should deftre to matins* the show.
ell parties Billing their mak bills printed at
title Meer will hare • free notice feeerted
le this bet ue to the these amide.
Auction gale of homehold furniture and
other articles on Saturday April 15th, 11393,
at 2 o'clock I. , at the anetion mart,
Ciabb's Mock. John Knox, Auctioneer.
Auction sale of res/ estate property men
Rrewery plant on Monday, April 17th,1103,
in the village of Ashford at 3 o'ckiek e.w.
John Knox, anctioseer, Slake Eros., pro-
niture, carpenter'e tools, eto, on Thursday,
Collegiate bistitino.
Tens. Doirosy, Rem. BOSS our,
Aeotiomer. Proprietor.
Prom our ewe oorespostent,
IONIC Seibold, jr., daring the past week
perchatied • flue young Durham hen, of •
Tnekeromith, from the well knows herd of
that seethes:can. The onistal will make •
fine oddities to Mr. Salkeld's herd.
Pres our own awesome:heat.
Wend bees were reermirm lam week.
Abaft ell] have full sway sow, as he
rived hoe left.
Reined Morton, jr ham Maned terming
Re, E A. Fear sad Ilre Year wait to
Stretford en Moeda, monist
Grietio fipriag har mom at Ism Sane of
Me farmers Mar maned to plow
TM Aorta eremite haa bum laid up
for the past wan through oieharea.
Joke Oseteloa, • former residan of Um
lately of hos retaread to
boss viaitiajg friends mad aoquaistasses
areesd the
James Jaoltwiess, of Godasioh, who boa
bona sioitiog at his father*. at this Mom
ham nitermil hems.
lir. lisiaisdia sold • team et Weems at
Orrinnali AWN lair Ian wish- Alm
Jaime liellee wet Alas. Itirkpairidi sash
said • ham at • good isurss
Ma haminses Inset _styli, Is skim es
hanotisols---asna7. Aakasig. *ad ask
ettill Wiest wad ass be no way
Galbsros. TUT ought i• tisifer
iseglis Sou st Bin sod Dew
=Lbs.as Raw two so
weas• ads asagpsesod the WS
ism hilt"
Animal. they do mom Jumbo will
mostime mama
Say Chants maid you sot mat th• Zios
boys with poisted boom fee &dump your
Aria Vets MU ham so do somptlimit te lest
ker. Janes Junes, AMAMI.
Teem our owe oemseeellest.
Meehan Ms ocauassard is this dim -
Mrs. Maim a at preview attoadiag hot
ma Robert who is not szpoctosi to live.
friends in Load°. amused home ou Satur-
Morgan Jose; who has bolo attending
abort %out.
Mies Lexie Ihiy the sienna teacher of
Aubura school spent Easter holidays at her
home le Wingham.
4 ;owls Dawson who haa hes working in
the lumber woods of Muskoka returned
home last week. We understand be Animas
oue of the Nile's fair maidens ba
with him
The Good Tempters of this place held se
entertainment ou Holiday evening. All
would have gooe ar well had net our smart
young tailor taken it into los heed to spot
one of the dielogues by letting the certain
fail in the noddle of each *cone. He ought
to be ifthanied of himself.
One Sunday treeing • couple cd weeks
•411111D At1011111 from Loodeeboro who was
taking &stroll with his Venus ou our public
promenede was separated from his partner
by sone of the young bide of tiiis place, and
issued of keelhauling the crowd, as he
ought to have done, took the meet direct
route for 11.1171e, leaving the fair Mae to
straighten out the tangle etch the
own correspostiALi.
Roads are dryiag up quickly.
‘Vtallings are prAealent chi* Spring.
.k large number of the farmers have
started the plow.
ltd. Farrow, of Wiartoia hail hired with
Richard Irishman tor the Suinnaer.
Wm. kleiturney with his young wife
have set up housekeeping on hui farm.
few warni showers will save most of it.
Robinette ineetaug of Calvin church V. I'.
S. C. E. wan held Wednesday evening.
Misses Mc( 'ilium, 'ulinerhani and
1r . Roe/risen mel .1 Roue
111.1 Week.
Mast Maggie Portei debt,
her • canter holidays wall friends in the
vicinity. ha. returned to her duties as
teacher ia Hayfield.
Surer inakise. taffy pulls, elc., have bees
tLe order .1 the day. There hes been • good
run ; • ifs tire sprieg owing no dould to
he vet of the sister.
++ o thaadeT ;dorms
lae; loillarty set ere one for lbw timo
o' • ; year passed over this section.
J. tiepti M.:Harney and Miss Maggie Iles -
croft were united in tbe holy bonds of
matrimony oil tVe.lneeday of this week.
We e ....nog couple heppinees end
Too iaie tor 1 .1 week.
Will I inky Paid Nemeth' • lying emelt last
The eldest deughter of A. M -F:waii is
very ill at present.
Mrs. Lennox aml Joughter Abbe! are vis
iting at Harry Dianzood
Mies Smillie. teacher, spent her Easter
holiday under the parental root.
On Monday the wife of Geo. Gannett pee_
seated him with • fine boutecine daughter.
Accept our oongnatulations, Geo.
It our p•inful task to record the death
of the ottani of A. McEwan, who died os
Idonday morning. The body was interred
in the Bluevale cemetery.
l! social to Rev. K. W. Hughes. Mr.
Ragbags is an earnest worker in both tem -
person and religiotui cause and trill be es Deb
mimed in this commuaity.
A very ptemant event took place at James
Mealier's. This was the marriage of his
daughter, Miss Martha Momper, to
Jot McKenny. Mr. mid Mrs. McKeany
h.ave the gooti wishes of ifteet of the people
in this v:einity.
'men our own oorreeponderit.
Mime Watson, of Teamster, le •isitiag
Mrs. Simmons this week.
Mias Annie McHtirdy, of Toronto, le
visiting her parsons at prompt.
Dr. Soott and eon Harry, of Sealorth
Sundayed at 11r. Frank Scott's.
Win. Stewart, jr., has gone to Tomato to
weed the school of Podarogy.
T. J. Dillon mid family • former resident
of Bloevale, are renewing old aoquientarcei
J. H. P. McPherson left for Uselit fienee
domain tide week. Joe has secured a /nem
live position is Batavia, New York.
Mrs. Owes Ifitebcox rave three very us -
termites oddness. here this week, quite •
number the pledge, from here She
goes to whitechurch.
It io our painful duty to reeord the death
of ?lima, the oldest daughter of Mr. A.
lifeEvran, who died oft Sunday, Apri/ 90i.
This is the seesall bereavement for Mr.
McKwaa sod he has the sympathy of the
Proms air ows ciorremposimat
TM reads are aryls( up.
If weather metiams Bee, seeding will be
general this wan.
aed syrup vram amide Mat *ask.
The Paster holidays roe over amid stu•
dents sod others ham maim! dove to hard
work eosin.
ft. P. °memo, of Cksiihrsek, • Madam
of kacet College, leit es Mosilay bet for
Tu. most miss has hod • banded aloft
in We hal wenn Tin pleats Law ipalliwed
nun or so injury es far, est with favoriniii
weather freer this oat • good 'rep may he
Tim emotios of the feeinatiss of severs/
pro Jed sew In tea mown tasotiag bold as
Weesseday of lost week. No anise ass
Islam Is the matter by the aesesil.
Cheeklerehie real snow boa sksamed
heads during ths poet few smoothe as prises
whisk wars wry swislawiley. rash
ohs demist wet flaw on yin a
ember d owl ions la Ms neollet.
aak :are is heal aeon kor
=eh =nod andool nor.
drains. In Ills ban. sod at wok boll.
Sin pais leo do limo Os pssilisse Mot
The ihmal.
emu sow own osempoadoss.
Myrna tioiminu. —Fanners are heady
served proparatims for putties ta
Spring crops.
sectirtaig a• extensive promise.
Wa•rera. —The month at Aprd ham lima
delightful *pre% weather, aad more alloy
than for mem years ia the paw
of cUattro, and formerly of UM vino**.
wising Monroe sad foram mosomatos
Faun Brad ass. Mama rook, of
Clinton, ia this vicinity pipes their
neatest, re., owning sad grafteir liati
Irma, etc.
family arrived dories Ian weak aid have
become residents Wo welcome theta awl
hope they will enjoy theramolvos.
h/ al -RAMO 111.1:6111111014 el& , tame
have commenced operstime um their teepee.
fief linee Of biomass. They Mate that •
vood samou's work in store for Otani end
plesty to do.
.A11. Martial Weather Itellif
GO delightful all nature amens to abound
with vigor arid joy every ttwilvidisal in out
community ; in °marquesses of the tine
weather and return of Spring seems to br
piessed and invigorated.
doughter of John Sowers, ex -deputy reeve
of West Wavranosh, left hare ea Tusedoy
the 4th, on a visiting tour to mime's,' and
friends residing at St. Thomas We +rah
the young lady a plearoat trip and a mite re -
ha.. been visiting reletivee and friends io
our asd rimaity left here oft Tuesday
for h WNW place of location, viz , Ripley,
where he iittende to carry on Mumma in the
bakery and grocery line& We with him
- We arc sorry to have te state that
Mrs. Mallough, wile of square Mallough is
sorely afflicted with rheunettam through
imam of which *Se im Mid by. We sincerely
hope the tenerable Say will soon recover,
mil Is able to attend to her household
!lire* aa formerly.
At yews SALL -On Tuomdsy of last week
the •netiOn aide of T. Poutland's farming
inipleniente, stock, etc., *As held Ly the
energetic sod popular metiosemr, 3. Purvis.
who winded the hammer la good style and in
ems • vary large number farmen and
their lona present. J. P. is a hastier in hie
C01" 11. SID4•410,%. 'The municipal count:ill
of Weet Wawanosh wet in the town hall
adjounmiest. All the members wore prr •
amt. Dm popular Mete, Stuart in thi-
sion-cipal bushes, which wee treasamal,
pound keepers, fewer viewers and path.
maaten were duly appointed. Next manna
to be held in the same place. which win be
the court of re risco of AMON moist roll, ori
'Sturdily, May 2711.
klaiimiaese Hatt& ---On Wednesday Mee
Sth inst., John Reid and Mils Elizabeth
McQuaid, both of Os township of .kshflelif,
were united in the bonds of matrimouy, 0
share each others joys and troubles in life.
Rey. D. Regent, peso( of Inapaaree
Methiehat circuit, tied the nuptial imot
prett y securely. We hope I be young couple
will prosper and that their troubles mar he
few aad 'nye many. . W. Oliver stet Mon
Smith. both of West Wawasioch, were re-
cently joined in the boada of matrimony.
Wc extead to the young couple our coti•
the matrimonial life end he proeperom.
erten our owe oorrespoodest.
Seeding ia fairly wieder way now.
The monthly nieeting of W. F. M s. was
held in Union Church 0,11 Wednesday
The Swine show ia intended k, he Met
for many yeats.__A large tweed is expected.
are a nuisame and we think it behooves
publishers tO examine into the merit. of
many arttelse puffed tip In their sheen&
We do not deny that many meritorious
remedies are properly to be classed under
km heading. Take the hundreds &ad
thousaods relieved from severe suffering by
the nee or Polwan'a Nervihne la without ev
ceptson the moat powerful, pleasant end
oertain remedy in the world tor pain. It
canoe( fail, for it pike right to the bottom of
pain, peoettates lo the terve', soothe, them
into quietness, mad affords prompt and per-
manent relief.
Yes, but feed it with Mcott's Emulsion.
Feeding the cold kith it. and oo one
can afford to have a cough Of cold,acute
and leading In ceneumption, lurking
around him.
Of pore Norwegian Cod Litter
Oil and higpophoophiteo
streoetia•s• Weak Logs, cheeks
flask • Aland Pidstsbn ••
Jiro a
tied X
sun:mum WOMEN
had non pais se own °lc
alillosoll with the t.),•ber
Mesta take theme PlIte. ?bey width the 41034,
Mien beenit's mese le as Musks and
met all lnegaMettle•
Dammam ow lansissoan. 'Gam Pins um
mho by all deeiere only hi beam
trade mark or eth be mot by matt p
Beestrrills. Out- or allorriMern.
Ro other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
toren in Caracas.
Cut net 10r. lb Pie& 10e.
1.1.)%tymallt acknowledged
I .uperbor in every m-
i. t t4) any other broads in
tle market. Always reli-
ha% been fully dem-
. onstrat441 thc minima
that are sold normally and
the increasing denuusl foe
theta notwithstanding an
increase.' competition of o•-
er One Hundred sal Twen-
ty-ti%e Factorise. This faet
Tea ks volumes. We are not
ea ri Cigar maaafaetaren.
Rave You
P 00. or.ct.AftrscArAssie con. 116
WNW my&
• OATAIMM us ewe win
THE CHIEF steptemeat
For Male pa (Wench at Fcaz's Drag RPM&
Veit foi
ansalie Wass
mei wows
Okla twaseep-