HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-13, Page 2t, THE S!CNAL: GODERICH, ()NT.. TI1IT1:S1, 1Y. APRii, la, t8 3. 60(.4100 read, Va., i end past!, but fits "1 mach eras de nc +tee H E ovD to cook, ut maks lfstd and sick oI tit U54 andSrnell of land. the bott�ht Coftol•ns, flit liens ahorfletl;f1) arta NEy O VeD MOM "Mata 4114;:y be - Cause she lime(o bi1t r Food, a tut he cot. Id eat it vN fltotat Utley ultpleajafrf' after effect. Not -- r Y Art g ilA PPY;I, e►t/rts Found Nis BM and most /neaftllful Short.. th;h' titer mmade GOTTOLEN6i• nes oat, by N. $. FAIRBANI & Oe Ws1U I . u SY.sy lfTR1rcad A.AL ANOTHER LONDON MIRACLE. AN UDUFELWW'tt WILE PASSES A RKvt')LhTION OF THANKq. TS■ a1T &.mDl waist . Aar or NR. 1- r. vs . OTHaa* - t•1TpLY HSLI•Leea r 0 R mem• Y•A**-ral,YOCma•RD rRMA-- I$TLY DlaAILKD ST RN LOD;I DOCTOR - 111ST011ab T/ HLLLTt ASI. 1YRR9t;TN ARD AUAIT WOmi1:1%l AT III TRAD ---A . TO Ms VONT WITH NOre e0R OTMWr, London Ad. ,rinser. e 'madam 4 order of Oddtellows. Manchester Unity. Loyal 1'ersscenui a Lodge, No. 118. London NOV. 22, 189''2 To the 11r Watteau' Medicine Company t.s%TLamax, -1 have much pleasure in forwarding you a vote of thanks pas..e.l by a resolution of the awve lodge, thanking yon for the good your valuable medicine, Pink Pills, Inas door for our brother, E. F. l'arrothen, who for three yam .od • half was almost helpless from locomotor ataxia and given up by our doctor as incurable. sed who is now, we an happy to a by the use of your Pink fills. able to follow his employ incur. Fr .*Ing that your %alu.We medicate nay be the means of curing navy sufferers sad be' blessing to them as it was to our brelhr. I am yours truly. on behalf of the ladle, K.u. Gud.m'r, Secretary. 5011 Pbilip Street, Leedom, This is* enmity that the above facts son It Mus elebgmat. L. F. ( AltaarrHLILa. Theibsve is sell explanatory, but in or Miele lay the facts of this extraordinary .gas more fully before the public as Adver tier retainer proceeded to investigate it. It au his pleasure and luny nom. time cines to record the reioarkabie euro of K..1. Powell, of South Landon, wrought by the medicine known as Dr. Williams' Pink i'iIIs for Pale People. It was a striking story- of riskiest from Iife•loug affliction, but it was evea surpaased by the miraculous experience • K. F. 1'.trrutben of 103 William street. Mr. 1'arroU,ers Rs Au uncle of Alderman It. A. t'*rrothere, .nd by . trine of Lug rest demos and personal quaint.* is well and fav orably known throughout the city. He is • tarpeuter and jointer by trade, sad aped workman. His friends and acquaintance@ aro aware that a healthier and mon robust Mea sever walked tae street. of London un UI • few years ago, when he was stricken with what is g.irally supposed to he par• •lyes. They beard with regret that he had Men pronounced incurable, and as be was usable to leave the home, only occasional salters saw him again during his Ioag spell .f total fl ssh:l.ty. 1t ithin the last few wroaths tLey have horn •vree.ldy sarerissd te see Ium around again plying his vocation a.d apparently as vigorous as of yore. in• st4ry &ad explanation naturally followed, aid it is now widely kunwn in the city to what eg•scy Mr. 1'arr.there owes his magi a••1 restoration to health and •tra•gth. • TALI WITS NL ,'ARROTMini. The other masa, the called u pon Mr. Carrothrs and geoid hien seated by the fireside be time bemoan of hls family, Makin halo, hearty aid happy. Upon Warmly his visitor's anted he mid he was sib leo happy out of the depths of hie re.tdade, to relate the ciroa.staacss of hie satiation ad his woad.rfnl cure. 1 bad always bees • strong, healthy Man," he said, until this stroke laid me km 1 hardly knew what sickness moat. It was three years age Met April when the alma tame. i went to Lod apparently in my mal health tae Might .sad &wok• about 5 •'Clock in the ninnies se my mate+ at the head nt the bed told me. 1 dosed elf meta, and on 'miming the bound time at ttitupted In ries. I meld at roma Rv.ry serve ad muscle of may body seemed to ae peel aid 1 ly lib • log. At first 1 was sOm.e�km bet maga after a time to u Wdae feebly, ad at +ery ••dihly, any woe► •hal • phydei•n be seat far. 1),. ileerebou•e seine ad placed a mwaard piaster across my bowels tollhouse to lie quiet for • few days. I did es beans* 1 Bali Mot de u.ythieg elm. A. i wee entitled to the surviees ef time ledge Optimise, Dr, Piegd; 1 eat les hiss. H e gave no mem needi.lns that relieved the •mem i-ti.g pain in mp head. lie 4��ht ..dber dieter with him 01 dee'% kmew�s' name) and they esteroI ane 1. • remake enures •t omise.M, y wheel, I wee wlrwd• al frees • mgrs arumod any nosh. i ask- ed the fleeter whet S. ha •videos* withal to me s les t did met Nihau, dwwly, no did Me, fi�n/t, the meetm y ef I. , edam I eaneI asked. 1 interred that there wap mossehisg thew did w wish me r knew. . 1 W new lima shoat • year b the same . u jukes, ynpwtim .. i was aide w get eat e( ked, bat never oat el doom. At Wier WINS I wee ameba to feed mysdt- 1 bad absolutely ae control mer say esseels . III attempted to leech or pick or ay. thing, any arm weal, meally strq, appr- e edy of its owe volition, is r mairely dol fermi dirsoum 1 was more heirloom then as Ramat, sal 1 ,+Lured • great deal. The doctor ownmeooed the iaj.uUus of some oumpouud into my arm &ad leg, but a load of &beosi gathered to each and it had to be Imtio.d This was wry painful. A quart of mater of • greenish Dolor muse out I so, sash to get stronger io gaged health, bet my prslyms remamed the mama 1. lk..aher, hail, after two years cad eight maths of this helpleme as, I was gives up by the doctors as hopeless. The grand master of the order, who had oome to Loo loo to to .k into my coos, and the s.oretary of Perseverance Lodge, called to see me and inform me of tibia. 1 bad `Mea up all hops my self, w the blow fell lighter. The bodge had all this time been paying my weekly ilial dans, sad 1 eaderstood that atter the doctor a arttbcate ul my hopelessness had been handed in they male arrangeuienta to contrnise goring mut permanent aid. •' Aad Dow as to the remedy which proved my earthly salvation : A nut door ueigbbor Doe day sent me in a label on & a 1)r. Williams Pink Pals box. 1 read it, and acting on • whim, &ad not with any real expectation of benefit, gave my little girl 50 cents to buy • box. The very tint box [Dade me more cheerful ; it seemed to brace me up and 1 began to feel a glimmer of hope. With the second and third box the improvement continued, and 1 felt more than delighted to tind that I was c0ninenc los to recover the me of my limbs. Tbrough a friend 1 got • dons boxes and the lodge added half • doyen more. l kept oo taking the I'mk bills, and I game.' steadily ; so that i am now what you see Inc today. Yes, 1 aua apeble of earning my living as before. 1 am working at my trade in Loudon West at present and walk oars there i• distance of nearly two miles from the house, and return every day." •• You are naturally th•ukful for Ur Williams' Pink Pilb thm' interpolated the reporter. Thankful .:hoed Mr. ('arrothers. " I ain't find words to express my grati tittle. You an Imagine a man in my poet tins, always strong ad healthy before stricken down that way, with a family de pendent upoo him ; and alter riving up ali hope of being anything but a useless burden, to be restored thio way to strength sad happiness. -haven't 1 rasps to be thankful, and my family too And then was so mistaking the etnanty of the utterance " 1 believe Ili. Williams' Pink Pills can cure anytbtog that soy medicine on earth can," he continued. " I know of other owe in this city where they have succeeded when doctors have failed. Well, goon n ight. ' And the reporter left to .:all ou Yr. Ed. Gillett, the secretary of Persever once Lodge, wbo free a couple of blocks further south at 521 I'hihp street YR •.11J.XTT'C +T•TOIR.T. " There is nothing teat tee give me greater pleasure, said Bro. Gillet, '• than to say a good word for lir. Williams' Pink !'ills. 1 tell you they saved the lodgea good deal of money in Bro. ("stealer'. CAM, and there is not a member of Perrver ai,ce who won't say the same thing. We had paid out over *400 to our sick brother. and of ...urge it was a big drain oa our ft/t- ames. We asked the lodge physician, Dr. Nigel, to exemioe him oo that we would know whet har Ile was sing to get better or not. The doctor informed us that he was incurable, and gave us a ceitibcatr to that effect." Mr. Gillett opseed his secretaire and ex- tracted the document referred to from the lodge records. It read as follows Ili i'mgel, Office, 354 Dundas street, LOS VON, Dec. 2, 1891 Bro. t.Jlett - ItRAa SIR, At your roquest 1 •.refuly examined Bro. 4'arrothers, of Perseverance ('.(l.t) F., M t'.. who has been unable to eerfotn ranyy labor for several years, ad bnd him suffering from the results of ore- bt al bemorrhage i ext r•vaation of blood into bnini. As no improvement has taken place for some eighteen month.. I have no hesitation in pronouncing him permanently disabled. Yours fraternally, A R. Pue. ,L. • After that, ' said Mr. Gillett, " we sent kir ':rand blaster Collins, to consider what we should do. 11'e then learned that Bro. l'arrothen had commenced taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they were doing him good. So we decided to furnish him with a supply and wait developments. You know the result He's better now and at work again. The lodge unaaimoesly moved • vote of thanks to the proprietors of Pink Pi11., and it was forwarded to them. " 1 have known Bro. Carothers for years. He was always until he last inseam a strong, healthy man, and it seemed strange that he should be stricken down so He had • terrible •Rage of it. You w the knife (pointing to Gine on the tablet ; well, if he tried to pink it up be eoelda't do it to save his lige. Ile wasoom0Mtely paralysed." Turning to the lodge records man, Mr. Gillett prudaoed a boob and showed the re- porter the entries made womb alter week toe three yawn and over of the payments made to tiro. Carruthers se .ink bomb* The worthy secretary intimated that any other ioforiation desired he woad cheer fully furnish, but the reporter had had enough to convince him cad loft 1k. Williams' Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, oaring such diseases as rheumatism, ssuralgia, partial paralysis, l000motor ataxia, St. Vitus hese, areas headache, nervous prestra- tioe aril N. tired feeling therefrom. the after effects a la grippe, lndme.xa and severe colds, dieser depending a bemaon is the Mari. meanie, chronic eryaipeiss, etc., Pink Pills give • healthy glow to pale and sallow eomploxioes. and are • ecocide for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and is the case of mss they effect • radical cure, Re all Cause arising from mental worry, over work et enema or my nature These Pills are m•■afactered by the 1)r. Williaem. Medulla Company, Rroek.dle, Oat.. cad rioha.rady, N. Y , and are sold flatly is boxes haring Oa gym's trade mark &ad wrapper, at SOots. • hos or six holes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Ili. Williams' Ptak Pills are not mid is beck, or by the dome or hundred, ad any dealrwheeffere abeeitmtea in this form is teeing to defraud you and should be avoided. The public are mea mistimed airiest all ether balled Mood MiMrn ad nave tesla, no matter what mane may he Oven them are all i lashs es whew autism wish Mhsresit a peuai•ry sham,* trent tibo weedsraff re pm Wise md.v.d 1y Dr. W►nlams' phk Polis Ask your Mair for iee Wilhelm' Pink Paltrier Pile Peep* and edam ma lanitah.aa.md sehelteted by downer Pee molt be bud , � w ahemy ..it slum Dr. ▪ •• 111m psm M whish them. Nib ere eebt m.Rme essays d Mie tmrmt ems naalle ihellpInahos tis an ipnd milk " Jeers smears Weed flttrwemr." When the simple et Pesk0We. Vt., els mierehing ler .seething with whish he men - rem • shore basins= 4namstlw meq .saslly say, "Twee oboist as ohne a deems Baby's wood .sols..' Jeanie *shy was a elderly ran of a derided Midst* tom t, who lived for the most part epee ls Mende and teatime. hut now and thus secured au " odd job" about which M busied himself in • spasmodic fasbiuu ustU It wee hooked it w s to one o1 there *pastas of ladttatry that he undertook to saw sad alit • Deed ei wood bit: " Mquai• ' Willa, who had the reputation -ani doubtless deserved it- of being the uighest oma. in •11 PeaksvdIs. Mr. Busby had no saw and was deo with- out an al He promoted these facts to the . quire, mid they made an agueeenat to this effect : Mr. Husby sea to Nn the squire's saw and ex for the seta of 6 ornu as hew. He was to receive 4250 for the work whim biebed and was to do it at his own eseemismea At the sod of a week Mr. Busby appenrsd bsture the squire sad anu.,uneed that the work was .ocompkab*l " How may hours did ye take to do the job'' 'eked the squire. " chatty se ea, I have key' • strict a. oast," repltad kir. Busby. " Well, at 6 oats an hoar that costae to 42 .22, don't it •" enquired Squire Willett. " 1 nada it dues jest about that," as- eentel Mr. Husby atter • Zoog and raid's* ly painful wrote! struggle. •• Well, then," said the squire, " as 1 was to pay y,•u $2 50, it seas that i owe you 28 crag.. le that all right •" •• 1 presume t' say it is jest about slight." . aid Mr. Husby as the ' balance ' c:.anerd hauls. ' But if 1 d relined what I mei loin' en' how things woe coons,' ou'," he dr.wled, looking at the hard foxed squire, "1 •nii;bt, jest es well her took • leetle gram more comfort au a few extry noun and the hull thing would've cane around etc,, wish nothing oat of your pocket, rq m. e Theo he departed to spread the story jingling the 28 coppers as he went -- Youth's 1 oInpanion. Two Nd•Ttme Lave -Letters. 1n ao old book, dated 1820, there is the following curious love epistle. It affords an admirable play upoo words. Masada[ ,fat worthy of admiration ' After long consideration and much meli tattoo ou the great reputation you posses* in the netioo, 1 have • strong inelastic.' to becomeoar relation. On your ameba.tion of the doclarauon, I shall make preps, - atioo to remove my situation to • more con- venient station, to profess my admiration ; and if such oblation is worthy of obserr• atoms, and can obtain consideration it will be an aggr•ndixtion beyond all calculation of the joy and exultation of yours. SANS 1)tie111CLAT1Ua. The following is • still mon curious rower SIR i perusal your oration with mach deliberation at the greet infatuation of your imagination to show such ve.ertion to w light a foundation. But after examivatioa and much serious contemplation, 1 supposed year animation was the Irwin of reersaiiae, or had sprung Pram ostentation to display your education by an odd euumer•tioa, or rather multiplication, of words of the some termination, though of great variation in each respective signification. Now, without disputation, your laborious applicatios in en tedious an oceup•tioa deserves oommad scion, and thinking imitatioa • sufficient gratification, I am, without hesitatio.. yours, MARY 111o,1tRATto*. *be Was ■s VIoses. A newly married couple r.os.tly boarded the train at Ripley. The gram was • strapping young fellow, with *subunit face mit hands and bear'* grimes a bie hair, while the bride might have been the "hired girl " on the same term. They had no soon - •r taken • seat titan be pot big right arm across her and began to carom nae of her hands. A voice 16 the rear of them cried out , ns '" but the bridegroom gave tee sign Pretty soon he pulled bis had on his shoulder and there was • titter from the rear of the oar. The bead *toyed right there bowevr, and Joeb got both her hands a his Pow. Three or four miens tried out "Oh miens.ail "Abt" but it was fully two minutes before be underly pushed her away and roes up, looked around sod said : •'We are married." Another titter went around. "We sparked for four yeses. Yhe's toy violet I'm her toweri.' oak. We got 190 miles to go and we sad slag to spoon every darned rod of it, y if titer's any twitter here who thinks he can't stand it, he ase got out and walk. Nesbit tiltisas. Raw eggs for • eat Hot water tor maim Don't debits the sesames hors of health. Don't be reprise et carbolic add and chloride of lima De you wig demo proper year muscles! l live ta proper eR . 10 yea wish to n traegtbeu year setaery! Use it A physiehs is Switsrhod declares that be emir certain forms of throat di.... by m.NM hie patents yaws several times . day. Olieheiasays "Pain is in some ware the artist of the world which canteens, fashions es, seelpturas se with the fine edge of • pitiless chisel. A medical japan' ...rt. that people who drink cow's milk are more prom to coo. empties than rho.e who me the milk of the reindeer, the buffalo or the goat. Tie Way toffee. I'o sad.nta.d tau, is of mare impor tsoos thee to know how to work. The latter can be learned easily, the former it telae years to leers, and arms people serer learn the art of renting. it is simply a change of aoenee and activitisa Loadeg may not be resting. Sleeping s sot always resting. Sitting down fee days with no thing to do is sot rootlet. A cbasge is needed to bring auto play a different set of faoaltias, and to tura the lite lata • new ohammil. Tke mall who works bard find• his beet rest in playing, bard. The mime who is b.rleeerl with erre, finds relief in some thing that is active, yet fres from r'eapn.i bilky. Above all, keep good (attired, and dost abuse your Mea friend, tib. stomach. new teem by Me Oar&wbere" task. 'Speaking of ogee, Ygm Pi7pp, when de yyee.. appose I wee bre r ria yesug Mr. (iUley. Oa the let et April i imagist, Ur. Gilley," rsA.4 the .0iden. A neyl.eted .old in the bad leads to Catarrh. to eneweetplbe a.d death. �j seek • este. speedy sassy r Natal Raba at herd' 13 Derby - with tw- ehin,preid.mt of the ensomsry Aweletle . news • Wheel Mala hats *s weld fir natant ..d geld 1. heed. is my ewe mom It lamed relief from the iMM A11 dealers or by salt asst atf*l. smell esti ft sop des bsWst Yelretsl 0 Masi rat, `.*m.5 Olaf ' menumnr.num1 ORATRFUL-0011AFORTINO• !EPPS'S COCOA M�i� wane fa1MAKiAdT. a "Ml tioemMtt kww1edgs d Iftr mann Lw.Ihs and stmt ret tb e ei w res pn v*.d oar n. •tel 5.vis r d bis. .a ..ems Loewy stain: W Moue ate of welt ail On • o ,may be peeualy Iw seers vee r m 0 *uk.r U!t FOUNDED ON MERIT Rae eNtaneeacn. An Indio missionary puts the dialyses between tbe sub and pro opium contestants in a nutshell. '• Post what it mil u metu may, Eoglaad must t righteously,' and Cost what it may t• morals, India must have revenue." The ..me holds good tt the great amperage want a THE G. & J. PNEUMATIC "f..."4► TIRE a. la the emly Tin Ibis per satidtcden 1M year . am The kohl Bicycle fig* Ira se TOW= erteT. *suttee{ Oat. renown O. THOMSON, AG11-3ElNT, GODERICH ONTWO nu. FALL "D WINTER COWS The only duty there wilt be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub lic to buy in the most satis- factory m4 nner and best market. Ready -made Cloth ing a bpecialty, and every the latest and best Goods and Groceries can be had at hard times pncea at The 1'uiouio Cash Sim P. O'DEA, Manager. DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER 1�E�OICes.BFSiWRIFMD •1111re A■srteea AMONgar. PATENTS ,. v,. t{, ... , , t, 'ot A + n ttlawntiAt, M' rf w.ewAT, see merrlldmamem nor ti•. m*elemt�1 �•tir t.2. totes ay Ie b* • .seise g.ro,. free et +baq• r :irtsti u American • leer. M the •• el & Be Pas • fol (ti n1 1M "•4r"�ma mn'r't' pet Made siagdy eil•h b•.:ling aster or iaUk. ,sod oily in om kas,hg Ura+ars• labelled ISIS : JANUS OPT% A to,. U.esle.petbr Mess. Imes. lands-. •a.ismd. 1893. Harper'• Magazine. I.L.L (Y8T .A .TIC D. Hani'uh'. 1r1ASA:iris for ism wtit calms* or ortNela ib. aarivetled ulaadard of •aee- 1r.. • which has cbaratdcrjmd it has the bis gtomen Amax the notable teatime rat oke lair thew wW be anw aevels bt 5, °oxen Io. i R. Oo.ayA►.cs tantases 31,uosaoo, ..d W ILuatr BLAce. abort wanes will be oo.trl- b.led by the asset pp.ler writers of the day. la.iludlag MA*T t Wiuttn,, Rtcra.a liana ,vu Da vee. Massaa•T DMLAa D. 110.a n.a OLTTMSwe. cad miay others. Tao illustrated drsi•rlwlve p.p.n will embrace articles Is Jcuam Balla w new tlp.lhent sod Wes•sa euldens: by TM.000.. OsuD e. India; by Irot•Lrese bwaow a R.isia ad tiarmas, ; bp Rtc.AaD Amane Diva ea • Leaden ga.• ..e; lot Oola.d 1'. A. Dons's. Eames ltldra. ele. Kowrs A. Asnar's illustrations tog Melia. wares Caned/es MU be eoatlsaed. Uterery alleles will 1.ceetribeed by Ci.. ate attar vnnir.a Mrs. Jana T. emus. WILUAt1 DRAW How•Lta, Raamoes 11 A -rayon. and same. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HAISPICKS MAGAZINE ..Per Year f4 to HARPM'S WILEKLr 1 er HA RPICSIS BAZAR. s M It A RP s I O UNO PLOP!&... . r es PoetOnara s•• Peaand ( � n to the United The Velums+ et the Magmas bogla with the Nwlime tee Jose and 1)seember of melt .-a•. Was. ao,tae W.prdttedwharipdeas eat wNh the Member weak et the time � pt et order. hound Vdm.ieaof darpmes Magsgi.s foe Giros Teen tact, m moat ede * bilge win be rot by mall= me teeth*of glee per Tensaw. QnU (M.'., for bladtag. ,scats each -bp mall, pest- Memittasoes .could be •sane pest-, o. Money iy Order or Dean. to mrmid chinos et tem Ner. utters are net to mpg am ad tertian meat a Aomr the expert Sedge .r/ Harper k Address HAitl'KR it RROTHERe1. Veer York. Harper's Weekly. ILLVBTI4 d rEI)- II+.ram a a1r SDK LY is 1e0A•Y5 ked as sta.dfmet ors ineeemated week weele in Amerh►1sesnpr* a elms anti that et the timely Mar and Wt et bolathe tItsr.t mown, ani grewali wlibh M ewe gal the reel everts d renew 3. a*nps1 of (u very complete alve eries of Wee- tRelyms of the Worta's Mir R will be not eels tae beet midge to t he great .xpo*t tion. betake He beet e.uvwir. Kvery;mitotic errs' of gm. teal i toeest will be tally itiesuated is tot wester. sad artlessts int this ooestalai ry. I the hest oai- Onoe to excel In literature. new.. and Westin tions, all other pabliesnoce of Hs class HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Tears HA RPM'S WEEALY µ W HARPER'S MAGAZINE HAKPLR s BAZAR.. . HARPRES YOUNG PEOPLE.....,,.. 1 M • CrPeonage/no 1 all and cel s in 110 MAW Motes The Volumes a let Wmats begin with W erns Number for January of sash year. tM La no time a geatioaed, SOtmoCrlptk.mn will begi■ with it Alaimo currant at the time res re- ceipt t ofeedeE You'd Valasnes of Hanrih's Wink LT far three year* bank. le treat cloth bin flag, will be est by nal, pause paidor by elms% free at express 1prev[ded tie treig►t deco set exceed one ti 'alar per woes), for 47.00 par rainier. (lath Cases for each volume. suitable ter binding, w111 be seat by mall, peat-pstd,ea re. asset of 'tee each. Hemfteaces shoe* be made by PntCaee Money Order an Draft o, avoid Cameo et les Neweempers ore not to app ,Ade edeerr a► Mr. Mewl w4*A. 11e raters* order of Monroe R ONWS Addles*: HARPOR a RR New eek. 1893. Harper'Is $saes. ZLL V BTit 41.T101)" H aortae Haupt Is}ea mgr em the hs u ties the fairest about ra.INe.e, mid il. stttserti ,_ Peril aleNince. pettwmaheat sre maker .moi the • to tsar. dream penile e l t spored t. sake R* • mMMe No ve- stiletto bttraoUvu Nganet agl•r. lee knight stories, ammilae etas slesdrm, ism Set a `u11ww a. Mh 0 wn aa04 14 mgr i !Iloilo gmw �.mmimlle k- Serials me k'eie winos by 'trite TR Iter. 1 a feImam. M cpr5ts.anynagLT Hsi li Maas [rtes. stave seam enU ee "At the Tsang.• CAwsics w mttetsa wpl bis limo . ss, r� ton. The work et wawa la fb• ICReos14.n will be fair resseeeneed .�mmm1t�� Itlmotrmtlese. 1'.ti.Y*imsmma�mmasMe� N "Weems= Mea.- w111 please • .0114,.1.4 adlm•es. HARPER'S ,PERIODICA! S. M leers HARPER'g BACA ft 114 APRIL'S M //NIL 1 0 NAterzies bT LT.. IP HARPRR'f) TO No PIMPLE , f 0 sairmrarsa ad air a•frR*re b the Mike et' tile Saws& heal' wIta the Jaseser et prea Wage smelt m e tlmeZile . i Zatesteaa pr wassail. ire in bis east edemasaleable ymak s Lima a ,Itt■e • e.w IMaras JOILABOOM.111 YOU oa ws The Signal uses memo nails"eei.l 0 Je► /ssibtis1. whi�ieeae new - mesas *he es elleios fee eeYtie p ibs cc ptimt A permed el ale itemises west may segrat aratelblai you sry beta used ut, sad l• sash ease we ni. as your pstrw,p . hat/ woman that our efforts to phase *set wilt the approval of our mu.. This useful vias is kept it: the hi s�aestg.e of qualities acne a„ lett+ hunch. While Lttttr %Vi k►d►s la this line we have J very stock of fine writing papers mit able for every abase of ballasts represented in this locality, or prions laid and wove, lie quadrille and tatter paper,, rslei or unruied, as may bet required are not so Cmlw.Uy used, they kll an important plate in coal menti eorrespondenoe. ?es what weve got under the above head& Btkt ♦ieaJ►s 15 the " pay-as-you-go " plat wet the order of the day the (knitted for account paper would not lm so great ; but throe are some els. who Cut so many dueness that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to„ and at present our stock is cos plete in this line with four slaw Good paper and neat ruling. eto.temtems Both sines and double dollen and mats coigns... They Dome cheaper than bill heads, and an the peeper thing to send atter s delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch bins 'round - sometime. i*rt*ekorts Now, it would be hard to get along without envbop0., and M keep up with the d maimed fo tiers we keep a large stock a hand. We have now about • hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will rause from 7bc. M $$.00 per M. A e handle ewe tuereial and legal sines ezclusivr•h. COmmxere'tw\' 'iVivett• luta already been partially emus orated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vat amain of work under this heed that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space oocupied by this ad let, but we do it all at Tel SIGIIAL Z oxiAo.tYO5% to an "At Hoene" or a wedding require considerable taste is sales tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and best samples to be bad. Olen aid rue. We aim to excel in all the differ eat kinds of work we tarn out, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and (aaey papers suitable for all requirements. 'Q r0$rOt1thb of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but nest to the sant elegant with cord and pencil attached. urd►) mut T Ageing This head ower a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat callus coni, from as or- dinary r(flossy admission ticket to a tasty business card or a printed ssetbandlip ticket. handsomely 4 osttr• Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it i done by as. This line also ler elude. Dodgers whtoli OUT three fast -running lo► pr'esss are able to torn out in a ssrprisimgly short thele. belong to the poster dspartaest also, amid we make s specialty el thein--promptnan bsio g ear sim io skis reepeot A av hs of d. will appear is T.a 81ss1 i t free d sharp whoa bills San Imes are gel hers. 4,A\ ;:*s .ot ooS "VI l printing Me aat r t. a be In the -dens .is thisestablishment in a expeditious end arWlb meaner sand Owr 'Q rtt ti vo+Ak bt SOkilke eery rseitaoimalA e. Ws 'rued our thanks her paid bo- om cosi sodelt m southwestern d 1M same. ?NIL Qiiii4kIlt 041111101111114