HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-13, Page 1rot OW Mine ne eillidreaT Moo • THE 18 HE NE ST. A L EST. iso gowOaLT Ors UMW" . i -. ea. in AIN atom - tr ,t Ina THE OFFIOIAL INT E3WBPAPI.3R OF HURON QOVNTY_ Seen AT IMMO • M • YOUR LABEL THIS WEEK. an Mae Toes Kelm se Natalie ere sMamma VOL. XX I.V . No. 2408. GODKRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1893. D. McGILLICUDDY, PRo wADVERT ISEMENTBTHIS WEEK 'tag Such -Y. J. Faithfuls .... Pg8 K R, Saws 8 *vie-Yowler i Co 5 I' t.. . X Bumblae 8 Ml'r�•c 8 ry,.l, . tt T. gain 8 wµ-1 1; tit Raab Meatettoa 8 p, Wanted -Ake 'Mott on. ui t., • tespa.wre-X. essekler... 8. slat trees for :gale -R. C. Kaye... 8 W. Smith 8 Kau w Wan -K. B 8t44y lel jsratrl Ftbe. i 'OFCANADA. THE DESTINY • Ass ase 8 An Intet'e•tlnt ,,.. dt nk for R nt ' V li'rrt Past, Present (� We.tss Magi. � ltluau :Ibis Fied- alt;o, Tomato .-. -.•...a iturh 1'ure-Weston (lamlesf remota. . . le Purr Wetton Cismia' Ca. Ter - 4 4 4 f�glF In � BOOM = the IMh. the • ,o• (1. TOil., e[ lose vii` DIED. 'IZA R I • to BHltdee ant, ea tltadny. April la •'o U oberJuno. helm ren wine of John t- ,art, sae- IS years mai It se Melba Artlole on the and Future. WE ARE FACING THE INEVITABLE. Little err [veld.{ Se New ter tae Larne La. pesdNsee-TM Present ►..OMs agora sal.-rMN* a in/es ). Use Only nearer rtes -suer (tear teatt..sta1 'vers• Meat could be ode a cr•ad r«w=• snsssa lteve.uy S. be Prayed ter. NIWS OF THE WEEK IN BRIEF- Se' er al earthquakes am reported its MTM The 1' K. station at Lease wee p••`.t 11 pita) The ,o w separate sihouM i Loudest rete occ'il,ied for the hat tine 1.•,an Ir.,;na, the dervish leader hay an.•' Itri rail IN upper Egypt Anderwos Vestry's trial for the murder of of •i:r a oval for Thursday at the S.ed- nch ossa -a pawnor hobos e, aged eight W was Med bo itthtases at Ste. Anse Reamer* vl srd.-,_alight The •: r der Rya. T. W. Assad •d- .rs• d • [Arts meeting Q $t. •Iota, N It.. a the h, toe rule yield sea. Tisdale Rras Ms backed out 01 his vacs I;iw.rd Manion. It waster • pane, WI •Nice Ilia it been pat ap. Th. Mrd !waterloo* d !mead hes ,Acord morder Baitutg the imperialism of acme sed eawu•it lou into Lrslard. 1*. hsedia•p manias rage on the Thames ii dkliW 4. cap was WOO by C. R. tied log„ wbe wegbonly 129 pounds Mere then 60,008 speatesers were at the 1a•1 match t,.r the sough football cup, lise by the Welv."is•rtel Nrtsshw rue A Brit lila cls owe, has Silted •,Yew sailed by Arab under roma peeiMioa, which had on tenant 60 chdddres, klir.pped from 7asrt ia• The American Minister to Eeasd.r h.te sped . treaty with that gotrirarms1 under whin the United Staten has teen send to islrn.i tor a c..aliug station (cum. 1.r mat, Flu,* W.,T *Me.) Wefttee for Tera dueaAL try " Hlwwio•w" A. 1titN Mous . frrmt nesse rue IN PAltt'kl was null divided into two k..dla.awp., TH [s each •pp•t'e•Uy ready to sprint at the tb sljgb An otlrer'� root ea the test pr.vooatios. IawM."sgas was rampant sed moiety shaken to its foaadatioes. Thar owrreacy wee worth about fifty per meet of its free value while the public debt was about 575 per head of the population--• debt uanpro- ernted by •meta, it loris bees iscurnd is putting down the rebellion ot the Youth. Hasa pulttical tattoo e.t that time was u.• dewratL for Canada. Now thew oosditioo• have ohasged. The country ie united more firmly than at any period is its history. Lawlesesese is heard of only in Southern States or in the citron.' West where settle ascot preeedod civttva'Ion. The morals of the nation have •eco.. from the shock 1 hey eu.t•iuedin armlet, ..c • of the corrod- ing civil war. its currency at par, eves in (`.nada. Its bonds sell higher n Eng. lied than those of an) other c,untry. lit public debt has fallen from 175 to M per head and oould be eauugui•bed easily in nue year without burdening the people if the bond holders could de ioduoet to .sept cash due them to date and were pret'. than reltneutah a moderately paying teamsters' l0 1891 the °saws of Canada was taken. It is shown by the recur^s to h• 'e been 4,832,679. to . sew . ,n.ry like Cased. Mo lessees of pspsk lios ie the measure of SIN esestry'o prosperity In a tbickly populated, sso..y-lending country like Eng- land, the i.creeee of population c.nsot be so .assider.4. That we have great re sears." r sad.eiable, but unless we can get pnpelarios to develop these eeouuress, sod, which im the meta important of all, can mote s market ter whatever the country is capable of producing in the way of farm produoe, miners a, hob, lumber, and the products of ear null. .ad t stones, the pose sssston of each resources can afford us bat little satisfaction or profit. Such • market must be had. It 1tes.t our very door. It oma be secured amid the vast accumulation of debt paid by adopting institutions which are better thee our own. W• have moat on moats, 560,000,000, s railrys, 8721,032,678, and In other public works, $34,747.400, making a grand total outlay 1815.730,080, in the effort to build lip • neuron ou the ooatulent septrate from the Unita( States, and to tit the country for settlement. WHAT ROT it 4* TNI. gart•t'tTc e0•' t' It ►.s Hamad the cosutry for brief periods from tort M Mimi Mt the booms have osfy lasted wide Ibsen renteined any of Um bmmewd gamey to speed. The boom g w� the inauguration of Ne I?(dk .01 Palley, which all of us remember so well, nod w-hi09 was hacked by the ex- penditure of 8b6,000,000 borrowed by the Gove.Ma.S1 bed sosueted broadcast •.d by eaorweons private ezperditerss collapsed as soon ." the mosey was game, and tier oar pope been to lanae for the Slates. T9. Misr reform show es fleet very many of the mese hopsrtnst• Comedies tease lost �aialaiior from 11181 b 1891, .ad it r • w j krawa tact that each cities en Toronto, I[is•Mors Leedom sad HamilIoo have taloo ofl<eLse the essesa was taken. While the ceases tstr0a, including many themesda nt boys oleo were in the States, gave as the outside �.re of our population, it is ad- mitted tumeraally that the popuatioo to -day in oraaatders y less than that of 1891, • d the *sedge of the dower oto States. am - Use's u the dtrootion ot impeWt to tete that while the gain of an aW toothed man is worth 91,000 w • sew eoamir� the loss when he leaves t9. moony wsl4i 1s stili greater. for when be goon i0 . jinn. to strsngthemi.agg our rival nodus, he.liM%e epos his .eighborahrpeoperl+* d the co Gas..', berries of debt, kc.. he a. • mwbr of the oei.mn.ity was bearing, so Met ever though ti:• public groamount of public debt may set iucteaoe �°! mets the harden per heed bmvlsr ter those who retain u the oesatey. There r no way of increasing the �mi keeping them in the country. .t the emigration department the past tee years prove aim : We t 906,361 people into the oomatrj sit tea yeah, .td yet when we tame to iter' up� our population we fled the Morose. only 600,000, o almost 500,000 less thee it .►old have bees even hod shore mot bees • elegy birth is the eoestry is tom years, r at • oteedetill Though *coolly �s., the expenditure al the (3over.ma0t has iso esd Iron thirteen to thirty-six million dollars, the sove•nnent debt from 75 to 241 millions, the 'screws .f mortgagees is Ontario Mid by lues mummies, from ten 1.106 millivolt while the liar of the farmer to bear this harden 1. sr .1y less thus it was at Cem- federatirm, ohms a bushel of wheat, b.riey aid oats would brief 93.19 as against 91.36 .t present, t0 m sottieg of the page tot•1 hems the i.rmme pockets tots, theme ems the Haddon Policy �tA pretested mmadaetarort end essehisgaeers. Now . SLAP to NTI'I.TAl. ••oveltt.0r.'I rr,CLI lir OAUZ. The recent election in the United NIKON wa. fought and decided to • large extent a the issue of free trade versus protection to manufactures. The policy of protecting manufactures, which was a legacy of the war, was 000demeted by the election of Mr. Cleveland, stud the Democrat party got in- to power, pledged w Pus. Dot ore dollar more by taxing the people than the actual neoesitie of the government demand. To any person 1.0111ar with the various heads of sxpeoditure of that great Government, amounting in all to over seven hundred mil- lion dollar. • year, it is quite clear that enornoas redueteoto min he made. For instance, the pension list can be cut down many millions ; the interest on public debt plus that thy, in the opinion of M. Mer• must decrease as the public debt itaelf ds - creases ; the up oditure en ladle" tee b. cter, would be the inevitable outcome of a curtailed as the mimes become better able prelimiu•ry assertion of political indepee- to take rare d tbaesaelvee ; .ad last, bet dew. Hepp.�•� te.t out that assns to • trot rest, great ,Mrr.ebutent cos be efoct- market of h47);1t0,000 woldd more lite British 1olumba& goverment has ga.ounord that to nicheiRiMtine bill will be straliwed this aeesiw m.*sast of gross errors di.ceyered is the 5Sleo. reteres. Su:lett to the trMitmati.s ei the edea tors. ihr r..rosto city 0.ee.il lest tight voted a Land great of 190 teres is the m•rsk sad 175,000 u as hedesem- t oe the lso•tics of au iron -nehbg terms le tie MM. in the Nov. Ilestis kepialatele honcho permedeight the wwmsw's mange bill permed mood r• •.dog by 19 e, 17. 411 the am - ben . f I Lr government se IPA it the leader of the eppoeuion vote 1 opts* the bill. At nett meeting Tommie sled exemttve will arrai,ge for the eMmrtalemest el a 'arty .d duetiag.iebed %OM sed atm& jwrnalot., heeded by !8t Wm. Lao& of TM Sheffield Telegraph, which will vimit Camas early im May. Ata somewhat spirited mmmN1g M mem- Ors of the °Mariowhe fav Prohibit um. sad other Moods the cases, ia the parliament bedliade 9101 aitbt rims- %tirms were .degAe/sg epee . latore t.. sanctio. t �1 *Mesita mea se the - bitten .111.40 1.a, and ewdunksg Yr. Matte's bill prohibiti.g the .Mie by retell of imbed - eating [Neer. I. ROM OVER THE COUNTY. clashes, which matzoh the lower St. w - • seethed' f by frwttot to the wishes of v LEAVEN WORKING. the eamesati•tete. The withdrawal of -- roses, would shelter the I)e.ntaios system ;1 American liietwepaper os sed al ih' otter provisoes would here to A Newey Orbit Obtained trom follow Lower Clods in the path of tad. the CoLLnty Mill. TKeroler'e Address.I tlitndenee, -rhtch would angaesuoesbl le.i I N p.btiosl iso rpOrettoe Mak MM. U0Med , Stave. BREAKING FROM OLD MOORINGS.'TOWN COUNCIL. r ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS. t _ - Trac minor= se Leal ttesetar venula. Only rarefy-.etesmNi That Mad reread i The to oouacil met to the nouns[ A Meetly brevet et res.V =ewe served up •..deed. of Ttesenta• et "wadi 1 o8amb'r on Friday seating. April 719, 1893. Meats tvenMdl - rue and Poirot rum t'.tedhe5. Se .rave Tbser t t omtry •r.Present -_the mayor, reeve, u.cil'ore, geed .d t eeee..ee /reee ,very seethe. e 'terrier honIeMp•e'eare as • seep. I .I.r CSMeloe. Murno%, Str.chso, Tbr mpeoo, Te fres= of tete rosy gram ei Srre- 1 Sallows, N.ftet 1'ridh•m, "lib' j'alas' culling. el else latest •.d rem slew. Nets aurae he CNtl.eauit t sly -lei- 1 W ikon, I)u slip a.d Nicholas's. The Mae+ Irene nor Loral axete.we• Wd wilt moor 5. Sed.M.et. I Mayor in the chair. Minute. of the last i regular meeting were read, approved and ----- Prom the New York 8.e. Tteport of the vomiter was read, for The Hon. Hexon Mercier, who for ax Marachh showing Warne from February years wee Prime Minister of the Province 91097 98. receipt+ in %tarok 510209 91, Imh- of Quebec, ass Minted the field ea eu big a total of ,11307.841. Expenditures to opponent to the existine system of Csna,lra M.rvh of 89468 17 'revise a balance of confederation. In the speech which he de- $1839.72. Thr report was referred to the livered at Mammal, end of which • report titauce co..mittee. was published to our column' yesterday, be declared that the Dominion Government was • hopeless failure, sit far as the m..French l a11•w w ue oouo.rd. A ohmage some sort be says. is indispensable, and as the project of imperial federation is ack- nowledged to be • dream, it only remains for the inhabitants of the Province of Que- bec to choose between two monies, name) annexation with the United States or the setabliehinnent of au independent common- wealth. He avowed his own preference to the letter alterna ire, mot, idesires , as • finality, but because erection of Quebec into an independent republic as • condition preoeant to acquir- ing the treaty power needed for it' admis- sion to the Union.. The fact teat by far the larger portion of his speech was devoted to the advantages which would uocrue to Quebec from politi. sal fission with the Veiled States makes it ed in the war and navy departments with a immense t .1 the temente." oda 8544 mad at" all danger a( war with sod lucrative workerof mitres and forests, Embed dome .way with by each salon -it and the stimal•tios of Canadian iadwetiee the °ami ient wader doe Government sad a the ('imagism ortew5st, •a eztetded leeigaa well "sewn fact that the expend[- of every sort- (y,se level the political wall tars." Nay s Particular have been very which separates Canada from the United beary.owing to • dOare to have a tart' able Stems, end extinguish the coeditiers MOOS with that of EogLod in the sweat of Last bare 'kept AAmerican e•pttal sac oI the war between the two countries, a 0onti0- Dammam. end there would be variegated, racy rendered improbable, if not trolly he predicted. •n inflow of money for invest - averted, with F:sgG.h interference with the meat, that would doable the rales of reel stairs of this 001ti0ect at an end. The estate, of government and municipal bond., Monroe doctrine amerted from the Gulf of bad of stat is private anduetri0l ootpor•. Mezico to the Arctic Oaten and from the lino.. It was only batch ueoea+iiy, be ..td, Aua.ttc to the Pacific bred EMil•ed sed the which had forced hundreds of thousands of Slates on terms of perfect unity by the re • French Canadians to forsake their country ; naval of the only bone of contention betwees and the= 'mild return to it, provided its the jug,/•lem.ut of the two countries. Poli• and economical 000dition oould be That hoes is Canada. ameliorated, so that the Province of Quebec Frodterick'e Martia'e year gook. an Mi' wood offer such opportunities of profitable lien pubbcattoo, wYa that the Iwo 0)510 .lapin) meat as bre found in the neighbor - items of expenditure it the United States r 1 lc He raided that, in the event Miami and sinking fond of public debt not annexation, the public debt of Canada., Kipped . Mies Hannah Butt left Kippen oo Tuesday last for Cypress Rifer, Mant lobs. Seeforth Mrs. John F•irloy and family left for their new home is Carberry, Mani tub, on Wednesday. Exeter Murray A Tait, toundrymei, Commun .:epee (root MoCorntac Mfg. Co. are e.o.m. .o. ..11 the rtyuuite machinery in d Chicago, stating that they could sol .re g position ta the uld t'ertty. locale their work. where the C.l proposed Brussels : W, G. Taylor, of Heo[r)o. IL end G. T. R Goes Mer. Lhi' tetter was will s.eosed J. C. luck as proprietor of the tiled. Revere Holme, Bruseete, after May let. (.ommsas. asking from Aiow Murry aOu Seafortb • Richer,' Kobi.eon lett hereof motion dram. ors Yates (or town water. 1se Tuesda last for %' o,lenley, Manitoba, motion of hewn ere and Wilson these where he intends remaining for the summer a d light cunim were referred to the water Clinton : Mrn. W. itobioace, of the and light committee. 1e. Cummaciioati.w from Wills /'htptmou to Huron road. )est weer of well, has au oak the reeve 10 ret.rena to • wow wwer•4t churn which has been in coasts°[ use for 41 system. ou motion of Messrs. Pridhant years. and Yater it was retered to the public Chun, . K•. K. Lomgh. at the Public works committee to report to cosset'. School, was called to Vank ilk Hill, Also. • Account of the deputation to limatford- day April 3, owing to the death of hie and Loudon of $11.65, in reference tea hose mother. =•goo, was rend. Tkr •000501 was car Clinton The other day, while John dared to be said. AN EPOCH 1N JOURNALISM. " TM Nue Test memea5 Prom" b aids' tarty h es aro (rover es Wes dieters n •unday, Marsh 12, the $.idy Pro (Kew t „rki, started • feature Mat will nark an epoch in Americo Journalism. It eonswt• to a Art Cover, is whisk the paper when folded to • quarter titt it •memled( sed it has created a us Mmaii for the Suaday Press .saeeg all cisme of peopple. The frost pegs el the Art Cower, used Sunday, will show • ►..onto[ remissness at the I ;etyma �.e�e�i..., a fit. Csdli.," mil for the fear aadlt le it will present an eriginsl wailer oder writ. as art calendar, a original poise= . nRimel colon by a mama • tut. end 100 r.proiestises M filmes. Immune. admitted m..terpiesm. 'lie he - side pages of the Art Omer 0* always MS- Wn exquisite ber-t.se portraits .d MOW tratiat. of people seed espies el i e then elrrest eweeeek). el the Art Com fibers solidity Pats wvdi eeMl•a Ys •iy eat More at Wet ijtl,ell Teem oar .w. eerr.geij..t. P. Wallace bee the materna M drawing We' tai k le the t.sary dross tad geon..r. Jobs B.Men is pr.p.risg te mese ed rare ha born end pot. can. sable soder- oath. see Ie ,mance of t ►rmy and nayy. trbich ._oat of all proportion to its popala- ttos, Mos Ota !toad be renairel. h of government ed to prosecute parties crossing t gran plots on the square. 919. That this committee be empowered to dispose of the pile of earth scrapings en the market grounds at the rate of giro. per lead sad in the event of not being able to do so that it be used for filling ep tasks. 10th. We have instructed the clerk to notify A. Smith of the opinion ot the town solicitor in the -natter of the claim of E. Swart:. Tun.. (. NArsol, Chairman. I M motion of Menem Thosipsnn sad the reeve the report was carried. IMPORT or TRI r1NAe.'. rorOrTTOO. (lt:trttrrt0, -This committee bas had the new bead of the collector completed end her. notified Mr. Smith of has release East the femme hood. We recommend that the ism 011100.001m and mato We base res that the public debt can b. !d be aswteal by the United extinguished in nue year. The steadier army r sow very small. It cost only 48 million dollars in 1891. he duties are hite people in tteerrttoori s When iefly to protect tam work n no Indian seeded, which time must be near at heed, sod the salon of Canada and the United Maws removes all cause of trouble with Ragland the expenditure on the army can be reassert to ---well, would it be too much to my that it could be entirely done away and the trilling expense of national govern - mut met wholly out of the inland reverse tax on whisky produced 150 m�iot drain,wbiIh doubt- ful if there would he any Deesesity for collecting • single dollar by customs taxa- tion. Tits oo0ti0eot, ptvdoct t everyib .g Gat eaters tato the ordiosry manufactures, and all custom t•z•tio• being dose away with, would thea be the cheapest sad most comfortable cm earth to live in; and Cared• i joining the union, would get rid of • debt of two bemired sad eighty million dollar•, of an annual tax of thirty-seven x1110 dollars for the msuntensooe of un - mammary government, and an even greater tax saw beim taken foot the cosmoses to ..rid► the mompoliu acid renews who bey' [sassed feeder the National Policy. I1 the seams rulers' regarding the oast of preheats. goods and their vales be wept - in as correct, thee, allowing their 16 per Dent profit os their sresimest the amomnt tmseo.ss•n1 takes over mad ahoy the fair profit of 15 per oast. from the p�/M to notch Use m•safmctereh is fifty awl dollars, t a over WO per 04 tensing to pylon. to pay for the privilegeis km seder • eo.stitetiom finitely better thins ear own, mod cm which Mr. Glad- stone has 4essribed •a "thee greater ma - mince of the limas mind, ' std is sp-,ak We of which • mooed Comedian wisdom nest bee said " that the bagel here sat beside the men who drafted Chet great imetrenset. Whet •font the 0OMwmmaties of aerie eyes de peoe, happiness and �� el Me With ar pe ram divided edlabels sopa- rate prin- cipalities. sash having a te�p �Illve etam�'masd of gmrarm oset sad • rasdlnr army • rparsted fres its emighbare by ! M°ame that esl/im _ the beam beam epeese ks•My by .strut with the bdili•ths-1 es ii'srAmerica e besets* eamailabis, Silt • eonsee al dosed. hoedt5d by eesemaim 9y, will go up from the eyelbtlra ad and the for the abolitim of the Made. arraim Mengg�t.l M. swede enera shemessies Mpisegb oberes sad TheeweMebe sobered ha g a beW M� M m earth sed gad Mir of come ..a. - " Wyss the war drew.8tr. lesser. had www le gp ate b thPeributla Me e wend approvaloessesed penis the Calderon mnpp el figs. it is 10 * s the man. sed by p�siMtheeya.dr mal as the kidneys, firer teed R sunless tbthe yam Altridet. iami e �y Arsottlitli wolf 1111 Spooner was cleaning • large wtudoe to the Aoc,tutt of Wm. Campbell for postage, front et the (:rood Union, be accidentally i3.46, was ordered to be paid. shored hr band throneb it. The following amounts were referred to McKillop : A. • sample of the cattle we the finance committee, Reliance c keep in this township, we may lute that Mtge Co, ., 58 : Jamieson a8 , James iltdv.•o' has three steers, each Sturdy Rom., M.11 : Catharine sot, wcighisg 1,700 panda. Next ' 17.23 ; Geo. Fear, $ase ; ; 1Con Bron., girl. Hallett : We.as 'Ty to announce the 83 ; Bushnell C Co., i3 75 1 06 P. N'iikin'°n, death of the mead show daughter of Bea 138.66 ; E Campaigtpso, Churchill, which occur -al on Sunday last throat er rTsu, wo.z+c»rrt"' she has been ailing for some time. (:ItITLLIIVe,-The following .smeupmeed- chore, : While play,^g b... bell the otiose were made by this comminee: ether day, Master Fred Gilroy, eldest son l.1. That the task at the corsar.f Math• of J. C. Gilroy, had the misfortune to get etanti Britannia road be and .p. his ease broken by • blow from . bot. Sad. Tle•t the P•117at the Mesar of Msitgb: R. mad W. H. Stewart, jr., lakes _ a is sttaart the wheal oat, 3rd. That 300 shade trees he purchased time We wrh t peso the situs.. they de - and planted by the tomo laborers. 4th. That the side walk on. the south side so Kgmosidvilk . John Mwldrew, of Bi- el Newgate et between Vittorio -at. and moodville, went to Inward, an the Sarnia Reid's livery stable be repaired. Ktugetcn and St Davi a eine is haw= te rsru.i and the well 811.4 ape of Pc ad edgy st,i their final examine- 3rd. 519. That the ode walk on the south aide Presbytery• this weak where he will be em of Quebec -et between Waterloo -et. and �y°d •' • missionary for the summer month.. Mr.. McKay'. Lot •ed the walk along Bri- S."forth : Th. otfiarw oI Lb* Yoesg tannin Road from Watarioo st to Mr. Mens Cbr-i.tian Association in this tow. Bocbaoan's lot be 4. vaId. have, by circulars, made their 6000.1 ap 619. That the side walk on south side of peal to the oitiwse for aid for (node to sap be repaired. between t'ictorio-at wJ South -.t. port the aneociati"n. be 19 Thata. 1.5. C. Koeerto•u, of Mitchell, who 7th. the aide walk ... the wast oda y township for a o(t ,cloys -et bctwsea F:Igin-s!. sad ([viten utaumber of ht school in successfully passed the re testae sent ClOSOt ire= DO! The leashes why8 sew presents hat o.r e..igor•11e is. whet are 1be people el Carlo going to ds te remedy ids dot' el Aare. They are berieg • tresamadoe• ea • yearly sote.es�e anicpaid A. the ebe se ansa whish the Mei be� Were* tedebt 4•11. Marin • temeasse Modes sgrallif � A low of the Masses have eammeeta the en we 1WY J. ng, having I- Moen. es the 4th rid thismeth �• h H (lames., tab. to gbt wheel is this emcee last year. w.. ere0d ibis weak re a''wty yet slew tsteehe. a woe _ to the hall .t Kle�ia to al IM W y MOIL Owe yws. f'8aw• hewer, Meted pert R[nt•11 dew. to *8eher 1.k. shoe W. pttt►rem.s be was Joke 1/646.6/11. upMlelwh a hey kieriatiera ons termed is lik6. M. Veiled the righle ter3La' till r►t, .reahl.tt Wrens merged he�em M. war 'lahlf wf11Ire bear the Mika4w ��r Tho wart Yr, (*maw 1r1s only arrNey m Kahn ran Mi. be ami , 01ss the rediese d. The =44 Tsar' isJ191 m se is rangser, wigs the •r d fa 'm menses � M Minds Ms property le volas NT per seat. be ems ��' The firtrr ea sea gam"` w aw shoal m" seems sent mor. fbr tYmry sae s dotes sed fibdesise ham to psy Lithe whishiii essares fi hseemt sew" ails fres terdelliiille My la m whisk they debt a icor the tlesdee M arm ftp �e�pw M Ord Mae" apesilam he the • M large as els IIiibd 99.011 Ices =radii*: terdife le is set toe b ..o be s • Mr years maps=. os wiM the Dine Stases p0umr.at, mane A mousses •ration sena esshsyo' Whoa one States. and that the oast goy I 8th. That the street inspector be instruct - Inactions be materially Weaned so fax as such he Inactions are .t present exercised at 1)t - taws are 0 .cerned. Nor, on the • hand, had French Csnadiess any rel us ineasvesiereo to fear from political 1 .ion. M. Mercier s entirely justified in asserting that, under the Comatttution of the United States, it would be impassible for the Federal Government to interfere with re- ligion in the State of Quebec. Admitting, however, the[trenbyoLowweer vsn 11 that would be eLOad•. that s to my, the Province of Qu.- boo, through tmsio5 with the United States, M. Mercier insisted that the acouirement of =to i.depende.0e is an unavoidable P^ta'i°•ary step. political itical maim oould oeiy he the outcome of • treaty, and it would, in his opinion, be impossible der Lower Cmn da to effect each • treaty until it bed become an i.d.psndest eouotry. It widest that M. Mercier r familiar with tent Intermediate Kx•inenatiou of the Toronto 1)est0l ('ollege. Clinton : W. C. Searle less Out pruning the other day, wheu the knife dropped from his Moil, and f.11, point downward, on his boot ; the blade west through tato hie foot, indicting • painful wound. Tuckersmitb : it. D. Wilson hasu.ld the old Mandell farm on the 8th ere0eeseii)5, to John Mclellsn, for 86,800. It contains 100 acres ; hes a fine brick nise, good lank barns, and other outbuildings. Clinton : S. F. Booth left hero, on Twos day, for Manitoba, taking a car of settler's effects with him : he has leen • resident of town for • considerable time, .cod we regret to see young then like him leaving. BuUstt : John Biagio hoe purchased his mother's interest in the old homestead, o. the Sod con., and will soon move thereto. Mrs. Bigtin has not decided where she will cony to, but may take up her residence in Clinton. Bland" : Mrs. Robert Sibb•Id, who hes keen ill for • leog time, died ea Monday morning of Inst week She was horn in Bewick, ficael..d, eigt ty tax yams ago. Mrs. 8ibb.ld was a memberwas ed byePresley- tartan who ferias church and Mew her. Se•forth C. T. Toegh, of `itealey, a student o1 toot Coaleg•, was In tows tee thetya . ht. Were starting to mood • � Field, seder the. real 1 for Ileibab Colembia, when be stems se a ens- elemary ander the •Ie.pios .1 the •talents' rata•e•1y moiety. Galeria tow1ehip : Very womb to the Min' and esrrew of his frismd., (1•orim • Tehlset . eldest son d the I.4. (lrietopkerTSbbett, of the 14th con. , died ea Friday, from di•beems. Seateely mynas Mew that he was i11, as he bad hely been qm�y eseipkiining of feeling poorly for • law flays, yn dee sari"' nal tba to be ro but is silemst was ass that is always Ida/ ,,,,,r 113e was a dee young ms0 .sd more them °steed bi the Wm' ilsi't'. �. erdim•rily attentive t the delise that Sad. TMt Mimed him intestine ; f the mmiseae M Ms wallow. Mo win leis loon very Mealy a deed. the hider, of the •atex•tio. 0f 1 rise. B' Itraste(1 to ..... (:._,_rich bead, to la 1•d kenos that Teras bad to bring about a for- ( 51410 the bsod f to or . as.e ode the red orf Mez,Oe..,, •_ � " i "'mill's') with tear to w m ladopmndmnt repnbito, belay moa. it w In • position lawfully to apply for ad- With telaesce to the potation of A. missies to the American Cade• gasndns we rnswer•eg tient se action be The esse.mhe .,.steer." white M. Mer- t.hw aur evidently emtampbt.• .re tete follow • The following memos are recomeimded int : 71 7111111r°14111." eoeM hey bis Tneah Ose•diae b he per. --$[nmol., 8000 ; Star, t R. ••"1111:1•71•••111. eaate p.S4I Ma ds the .ver .gine Bstebr, 514 lib ; A LIrkbrtde. $4$169090; Jet. 1.•54, pMtiw ie. Rom. (lwernsast W MoVioar, 810 90 • J. Kidd, $37 5n ; w. T. premie the withdrawal d Quebec from the Mersey, 91.76: 600. BUmott, 8010 ; McColl operation M the.et oeu.ti•t the a. Br.... 836.70. Seeh w. Psoonro*r, mem el asstrAtratisa. 005111 be if premed a a Chairman. oar, �mryy o[ • *tame" a mels. of the reeve end Ntohe1.m the sheeted se t1Goo tae. Tor two reasons : wasmad. bat. the Babb Ue.th Amerisa bet, whirl mart is Mb7 selablNYet the Desdiioei system, amour or 5.t 511.0 unworn.. wee never r•tid W M. P•8141, o.: (litTLrmte.-This °os miuea makes the et the Natr rye 4..b.° ons mbjseed to pole omsm5niratious that system th 19..ese.5 of its tapas- let Thee the Canada Machinery •d Mare, which had boss sleeted attktslodaes tine Ca he .strsoed with the sale M otherMee pies system wee was steed - ed by its It mmr4 only as • tempereey sr - it was pot forwardd as ea 1.9.bix►- 1 west, sof the gem•od9. .leve frees MM of Lower Camila to the el it weld he • 0.s.ledve stat the ea isteust bed laird. Let a- ttested .. e R m Gmertt .that wash Mase,, sad that rhes er [ewer Cassd• maid Ilea heal rendtled to t9. pwitioe TIM was • trbisY K mega b.glte YBfJ- /11., and it west meat 14 tsttslie to teteier 1h• .hed.w� the �bead el m Qrsws �• M. marlisstly doess sawnesied_• s etwe M. f4pp'-°r- its 1NthMfyl �si�ii s the he- suesemen de el Lown n.ia. weld upon wlch debbase swans en the part k. sbalmom Os.. Iramismeed °f e....slti, the sp wsp of Qembes weld fid MAI s • nteati.s measly Rhe that M Tole. after Me Water sectary bail seceded frees Maw w54J IY.l M •t Nbertya � ad - Weiss a the Amorists U end te Mists an le.trile treaty.flesh. esseall4" M. _ be Me qedsh. . soli M. * J1 meg segisser be hummed to have the fire souse pet 1. order, del/ed up and tested• 1rtl That • ' y sod • new bison be That • hoes wagg°s ba mama .ad that the emessittes be empowered to ask ter tender. for Wadies W. R. Moran, (Xmiem.e, The report won takes up slew byname. The 1st sl.ms was a maim of Monera Thomas. mad Winos, adopted. The dad Manes wee m mein o1 Messrs. Wilma soil Team., adages• The Std name was es woks. s1 Messes. Prelab'i .ed Steseha , adore/ The 4th deem was ea masse M Mases 'lhewpm. and Wibw, dgad• Oe testis el Yews 1•--. a..4 Mr• any reg°et el the fire em omens was ofe�iamed� b the reeve, ...mead by C.0Mies, Met J. W. Smith be pissed se the samesNa- is the plass of itr. (feeen y,l.,w ragreltllaR M. rweest.tt svgs M age .rd 4 L_.. w mem • los se em mos nal Memel r�1b ishol -.Mot hp by -low be ra resew & bt. the age.iel eommNhs eso= se M the The a.M tdrteresl�ejl Jams steer% else. Napomom, April 10th. -A highly Mer t- kmr ms bee hammed is this town. while le maths.. geed deal el ceases*. Mr. James Blair, • well known merchelira • ea. oke hare, bee for norms year' ferer from that tsrribia esm]psIeiiMt, boom se WOW* disarm of the kid.s�'e He stir .d se terribly that am Mar • work .t the settee. u984 would oeesplmtele *Mama bio, sod he lead to alma give 5P work •1 - together. Re trier) Monet ovary knows m- ood for his ..seeks(, bet without 'A geed remelts Median me imams sdsisss failed hies. awl be wee getting mess ovary day. Tia*y h • -ob let ase .f the lea p.pss•, satra4 that • am amen Murray, thing b Grewer- bese, b•A bees mad °I K1 y tremble by Meg Dedd'. Kidney Pkpa A.. lost hoot ne Moss OM ea tthlea om • sir beim seeer ens of ea Wee Mees tmapld'4y car's his. l *dr b loth a work .gen, ad lays NM . eed Met Mese MI igen ma bio ne sor7 Ma