HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-6, Page 7893 T1.I SINAI.- GOT)1►'RTOH. 4 )NT., `I' N 1► HDI ►A V. A l'lK11, 6, 1 5. - 1893.1 APRIL. ppTHIS la THE ;EAT vR�pR -1ASPJ 3. M-QNTH I FAnWcipating • biE treiie, WE have bought heavier ever, anti tu-llay we c W show the la est, roost com- plete and closest marked stock of Dry (Jeods in wwo. UR DRESS GOODS r --DEPARTMENT -_ ,s tory attractive. Our selections to fancy dein. good.. will Ire' ,demi{ to hear the impress of correct taste, with no two patterns alike. ..1 Our Black and Colored Neonates, Plain Merges and Ben - lines are all imported direct in full phage, and for value are MIRTH P11oVOKIN(>ti uauewptlallyd by the trade neer. We make a specialty of Black floods. - lee and compare our :SOc. Black Cashmere. A job line of 44 -inch Colored tenth - were worth 'SOc., to clear at en, a yard. ACURTAIN$e 1 a . BACK-ACH E 00005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU When we look through our Carpet recut we sometimes think we have o.erstepped the 'nark and bought too many, but l arpefa are cheap- Tapestry and Brussels never were au cheap. We can sell you a beautiful Brussels Carpet, with Or without border, for 90c. per yard. A full range of Wools and Unions clareelt prior•. iSPEOTION INVITED. JOHN T. ACHESON. I01V OPkH FOR INSPECTION AT MUNRO'S DOT *11.0 .'*sat 'Sr A stake believe-Ti.e M.miosary. It looks this year as :f %tinter would steal a March on Spring. 'Pape, w. at is a grin -log'' askedJabau% "The *ter•g: dialogue,' stud papa He -las the slaty of my own imagine um. • - Whitt a e'. upid master Youge-Wosteo are like dreams. Um a-- davy, Black and Oolored Storm Serge*, Whip Cords and Two -Toned Tweed Effects. & full line ot Black Stuffs in Cashmeres, Baratheae, Whip Cords, Soliel Cloth, All -Wool anti Silk Warp Hen- riettas, Amason Serge and Bengalinee, Together with Sateen, French D'Lainee, Tussle Cloth, Prints, Ohambrays and Printed Piques. iXTRA VALUE IS White and Grey Cottons, Sheeting', Pillow Cottons, Sc. Napery Department well assorted. ♦e+ Lues are comas se ao tact ae po.slbie. 5 PIM OHNT. DISCOUNT FOR GASH. Draasr awl HabMeselset. ,*104 Hon . Vane- -They go by contraries Urs. Beabee-How do the Fijis take on I r .r wis-uio'ryKectot u,ghu.g) 1.. ;enmity ' In the minor details ot • baanese life no- ti.•ug plays so snorting * part as the blot tin; pad. It IS on y wbeu the small boy is kept Lome from the circus that he feels there is nu sh,w for him •t all. A •o::slphilosopher remarks that • man with s quadan-toast appetite and • beef •taw purse will never get rich. ' hully -Are you going to wear boop- .kiru if they become the f.ahiou, Wise Peacbblow' Penelope --Yes, are you' He - How happy l shall b. sitting bomb you tonight. She lodged' He -Tea, so touch happier that it 1 sat behind you. "'this is • pretty rote sit 1't''• got," re - 'narked the dust to the carpet, "but I am afr.ul they are going to beat me out of it." You Dever toss anything by being polite to Indies. Dost 1' We11, 1 take notice that I lose my seat and sometimes my temper. She -That was a tinisl,ed sermon Ur. U.ddlum pve us this morning. He wesnlyl-It was, thauk g.rnines•, at lad. ..Her great fault is her de.otion to large theatre hate- "Well, can't you . vertook that •' "Not d I ouuld I wouldn't mind 11. ' Jetsam -Why don t you lean bow to pL.y on the piano! Kittt. 1 guess mamma thinks I make nous enough Dow about the house •.Carrie,^ said the b•ahtul youth, with • pip, h "if you liked somebody she about the same as you like me would you .iie to marry him' The Cestam•t im the corsetry spinsters SpoonSpooner 7!i art ers's�1s a /My j -Mu - sera bora Finnan Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters, Labrador Herring, Smelt, Ciscoes, Baltimore Oysters, ARRIVINC DAILY.:. Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons Canned Goods 0161.1. MEM AND A e0MP!.ltTK 411W% Or W stew -Dear ma ! My husband lett ma all bis property by will. Now, how shall 1 get posensaies of it • Knowing 0ne-- ll/trey kis lawyer. Sbe-The jeweler rays the dimmed n into ring is cot genuine. Het-Un-er- he told me the ring ...it real gold. I forgot us ask his about the stole. See You mend to say before we were marrie.l thatou w oul.l give up your life for rue- He -Well, didn't I' i haven't had any isle since we were married. Young less -I wish your opinion, sir, as to whether your daught r \wonsir.make ke me a goo.' Lawyer would not. Five dollars, please. Alec Tnsity IM you believe in ele.-tro- ntb„ • Foggerty No, sir ; I do not The old fashioned Alar of hangu,g that snit• d my forelatb. t,• s good enough for me. grocers Clerk 4/ranges, 1.1••4111‘ Ya ma'am, we've just a round .dozen loft ; will they do' Mrs. t:uoran,-Why, of inverse, that's the shape i always tiet 'em. There's some thing* I can't understand," rid Hal. "If 1etml feet wtwwtt I get ets• cold to my head, but e twice a bay sed tweet get a cold in my feet." •-it's just like • fusty old marl. any• way M1amn0--te'h*t's wrong now, Johnnie ' "Well, teacher told me net to speak outtotd, aa1 then kept me in for whispering " Stebbles seems to lis getting along rapid Iv in politics. He is a coengwan o° h* loot ot of push. Yes, t wises It push that helped him along .n po was big pall. pages --p you are observing Lest this gar, Yr. Holloway! Holloway - Yes: I'm sorry to my my ally fora, of dis siltation u Last is dining, and dianere are hin y§ so dell. When • choir singer hasn't the rely .dash he ought to have no trouble in wittliag hive bills with motet Theodore Thorn - Set.mj dear (widow, i'Il pay you u tins. Peter S. Fli.1-1 porter it is mosey. Mr. Leel Gabby - -1f your neighbor's dog injures ease e/ your chickens you can came damages, bat if he injures one of year children you os..nt. What is the moral of that t Friend Rafe chickens. Family GrOC,FIS "Backache rndan• to neya art 111 bough. Dodd'e Kidney Pills rue prampt relief." 16 of di perifirst missed ys d/aordered *Id- a right as well tryto have a ew healthy city •Meat sewer- sakestokes o� A`Idtaa.pa art they are Sold tee Owed, Je•1.m or seat by twain. maim �( erica P was. ore Yoe or is for {aro. IN. 1.. A. Smit a Ca Tonneau. Write Ix bash man ltiitty Tab. . die of to "Delay Is amgerms& Nor leoted kidney troubles result in Dad Mood, Dyspepsia, Liver Com a i n t, a n d the most don - 1 Lights Disease, Diabetes and Dro yy. "The abece diseases cannot eclat artier• Dodd'• Kidney Pius am meed. _ MCLEOD'S YTEM RENOVATOR ISO r.t'rrtax Y,.fLD t:ilrCo1L. Specific, and Antidote for SAUNDERS & lmpurr, weak mud impo.eri.bod blood, dys- pepsia, sleeplesanees, palpitation of the cart, liver o nsplaint, me.il sign, loss of memory, bronchitis, consumption. gall stones, jeumli.:e, kkloey and urinary &sea•es, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and rennet debility. AT RIGHT PRICES ID. C1MP1&IGNIS, Cor. Montreal -1t. and Square 13'Telephone Connection. TIIR HEST 18 THE HEST 18 THE HEAT 18 THE HEST I9 THE HEST 18 T n E HEST I8 THE HEST THE HETI' THE FIRST THR REST THE HEST THE BUT THE HEIST THE BEST THE 11E8T THE HE8T THE HEST THE THE THE THE THR THE THE THE THE rum THE THE THE THE THE THE THE Rim THE BERT THE HEST THE BEt,T T Il R REST THE new THE HEST BEAT HUT BEST HRST HINT BEAT RERT "um BEST RE8T REST BEST BEST 8111 BERT BEST rill RIM THE RENT THE Min MI Baer THE CHEAPEST AND THE CHEAPEST AND THE CHEAPEST AND THE CHEAPEST AND THE CHEAPEST AND THE CHEAPEST AND THE THE THE THE THE THE SIGNAL SiGNAL 81014'.L SIGNAL BION AI. SiGNAL THE SIGNAL ONLY N N i N IS N I Si• N• •N $N $$ • N p PPM A -1(3E1A.Ft IN A DVA .NCE ! 18 THE CHEAPEST I8 THE CEA tPEST 18 THE 0111A r*IT 18 TUX OB*A PART U mai D:IIaA P 11e AND AND AND A til) AiIiD MID LABORATORY, QODERI,H, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOI), Provrirtor and Manufacturer. 31. 1,14)1.0 8t'1TYM Iia')ot IT.,a coo be had rein t in town. as well ea .11 the dramatists bfrown between Owen &u dand ienlor'h. Ur't.cr'.•.lhertant and Te 2S1/ 11. tODLRJOH Steam Boiler Works. X$'1ABI.1811CD ISSU.1 A. S. CH RY STAL, o. HOWARD FURNACES L'OAL We are headquarters for the beet l sal sed Wood Furnaces. LuCAL itiriaaICia Sworraserto l Arrant d: Meek Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright k Tubular WOOD. REES YRII'E, Kett. MIW. W. T. HAYS. WE MAKE ALL 009 OWN TINARE Salt Pntis, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Upright and Hlerisosul NIM -sive Reeser. .t otoni -.s rat.Olf Sarins • oecial•1 pi awl rlet-tiohme na.JanUy mubo All n.. 1 1Crtlmsaa furninbwl est user' notice. Repairing promptly at tendert to 23r-ly P. 0. Leas A. Uoderich. icor. I8 THE BEST 18 THE BEST I8 THE HEST I8 THE BEST 18 THE BES' 18 THE BEKT THE BEST THE HE4T THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE 8181 THE BERT REST 0187 BERT swot. BEAT BEST BEST BEST 1318T 01181' BEST REST BEST BEAT BEST BES r BEST BEST BEST THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE res THE THE TUE 81181 THE NEAT THE l;lliu1' THE BEST THE EIMT THE T THE 8118'* THE E410NAL 18 THE BEST THE 'SIGNAL i8 THE BEST THE .SIIINAt• iil rl'H1t BEs'' THE iflI des Al. iA THY Y:RT IC'SIGNAL/ 111 Tait SIMT NO AL - 0 .1101 MIT Works -Opposite 0. T. R. station. llodesiah FROM RE -DIPPED TIN PLATES. DON'T BUY SLOP WORK I Eave Troughing, Roofing, Work, Heating and PIu PROMPT ATTENTION. GOOD WORK. SAUNDERS Cornice- mbing. & CO., Whet Street. "LITTLE CHIEF" BRAND CORN, PEAK and TOMATOES Are the best ,a,inetl Goods in the masihet. TAIItILKANDE TEA IDT PALC:31ETVIlit AT 40. 60 der 60 Oft TS PER PUtT T HAS NO SUPERIOR. We are agents for both lines, and soak for them a trial, assured that sad waved our trade with you. will ChM• Your-' * nth . 0=13. tint. eY�s�� a A. B. CORNELLI Mr. 1'soatrew-ll het tee 'eh rcedin' • Mr. l )atcake-,I in Ri ey'a poems. Mr. Peastraw- What doou think of him' blr Oatcake- I Nick bid be a m'Kh'v easy ma to spell dews in a epslltn' match. "Ys. sever wt rail talk to me *s'yoo did before we were married," sighed the young wife. "No, replied the husban.l, whow.a drys',sssistaat. ' v'sac told rte W Stop praising the s es 'n' .t AS the bargain was struck." "I had Smithson, Hieka, I'apsie sad Jtmbletoo at my noose o. ehratisg my' bitthday last night." "Well, did the' rater into the spirit of the occasion ' "Dial they ? Well. I guess they did They catered kite fesrtesii quarts of it." Min Wosldbes It .gees to ire all you typewriter nes diary awful prices der year wrchisea D..ler----There i. room is she .1 thoss machies, than yon in■gine. Ws sold oats a week yo to • girl tot half ss pretty as yew. sea rat's get a diawieed ries ea eon. Wayside lou --Meme dello tisane ss rod as the best of 'ern 1 notice is always hard apt Tb.sgsain't divided as the ` net aero' le los is thin world Red Rune yea, Pant? E/ everybody wee rich how amid *..tree' n ../ tare page make a Ira like to know' w s..• lard Yehilf. Bttabe►bv -Nave New"' "' Willie.Na lhr'. 's Ya He't AayeliYag in n rivet tls•aevbT Mo that righkohet a. aim rm r of bet** 40 word wry ma NOW OW int 0 S wog r. tri.TnER'SA3CE%R TU LRl> -C.TN=RT. .KIR cLean's Block --On the Square --I cLean's Block, irwu 81ILL c0NT1NUSS TJ OO'UUCT rUSk,t&1.9 AT 1118 t--CAI.`.LOW,;PHICILN. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail togive him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. :NO CHARGE FOR H]SARSFS. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. very one who uses WOODEN WARE wants th E eat, and when yon are buying a Pail or Tu Q y prompts you to obtain a reliable articlEEcotb01 o not, therefore, be imposed upon, but deman D EMAND, we say, the best that can be procure D on can always depend on that made by EDDY MAMMOTH WORKS. - HULL, CANADA. NDERiAKER3 WHY Dae 080. BARRY, to (loderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the beet stock of furniture and undertakers supplies 1 And how is it that Ise can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE J_ 1314,4DPZ3Py Etc BON Have adders to their present business one of B. J. Nsah'i Latest Style of City Hearses, also 'he finest line of }%neral tarnishing. els. in the Scanty, and are now prepared to nonduet tarlatan at prices reasonable. This department will be strictly atttewled Sgt by his son WtHiarn,: thltoroin ( the pant ten years, h in the employ of the late D. ()ordost ov kwewimlRM'd flied bssitsw, awl by pr'om'pt attention hopes to sham part efy to theP� the public patronage. Remember the plao� wet•Fet., m your n elks fie ns a can. B /OP - 84412 He finis that st pays in the long run. His motto is : ' Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also :pokes a specialty of picture framing. (live him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid alway* on land. '5' 7 y Patronise True .Competition. T amsoarai titian hoes �eesablititme to a give W Ilrwtdsn sledge with fair and ter Mir . r.tt allrrr r - ea ernes prtserw •estaarrews t. Ur•• t61 •••11 M is too ho • eswsnh� w Wm t �J.• �es taus withal Ra maread s,,�e all i ts peowe ,e; u.b lila reall•er ..14 Illmliabailligldi Q�wr tltrarh �isaa 1N E s gtlat..EjIIB!_