HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-6, Page 64
She 0;gnal,
is rwusAawen
Ors et PuWlo•tlea-a and M. td:uthetr+rt
tiodertoh. Qatari&
Terms .1 o.hewt,ttea t
Is Its..Ib. la .Avast,
71rea menthe,
year. ... .. ... ..�
rrwllt 1s easel, the price Ice year t M
will he .
sdv.NNlsl Maim
Legal sad other casual •dvertrrssts. Mfr.
/sir lime for list insertion, and 1 Bente per ISM
ear each a-'- unset insertion Measured by
Bedew sense .1 sea lines sod under. 115 per
Adr.rttsemieme 01 iwr4. round, dtreyed,
fflru• Wu, va.•anl, 14ilaalMos %Vented .1141
Bu■ine.. Char. -.se Wanted. not exetesting t
11ses noni..erit 01 per no.eth.
House. on Soar u.d r.rom es dole. stet to
exceed .toe.. 11 for drat n.o.t1, tar. per cud
Penitent moot.. larger saris. Is preporttuu.
A'tr ape. ,a1 nadir•, the shield of wheel is to
promote the pecuniary hewer of may 'oJl-
vidaal or .omtae). to be sn.(der.d ILO ad
rertimement l.,.t rh.r*ed acso1dlowly.
i.n•+s' not ices .n nonpareilore one gest per
ward, iso notice., le+. , h.n tk•.
Local vcues to ordinary reeding type t a•e
data per wont. No notice for tope than 400.
Nsttee a for rh.rchra and other religious and
Wises silent testi! otiose half rete.
i•.sr•relai l'Nirert ld,erlt.es,.i*.
A limited number of dieplared advertise
went. ;:! be inserted &t the ifullo0lag rates :
Per inch. 000 insertion. t10 N
" fon rinsertion* 1 d
throe months. f the
• months 300
• year .. ..Ste
So advertisement leas than two inches is
length .ill he calculated on above basis. S
per •-n•..umnt allowed for cash payment*
on three a ,o .w hi eontract : 10 per snot. on six
atnntt,'..nd IS per cent. .m • year's. These
sold , t Ions will heeded, eofuroed.
Aho.t "rhe *Sisa- l" te.11.esy.
S•.ir•-r,*,.- who foil to ro.-eicc Tat 4.,u*.tt
rerular:y, cu her by carrier ur by 0101*. will
sorer a favor by aoqueetier es or the fact 11
s .•,tr!r a dates' possible.
Leek al Tree Label.
Your label :, a standing receipt of the date
to which you are Mid nn. See that it is not
•Mawr. to. /,11 inro arrow.
When a change of sa'tr•ss is desired, both
Gs old sort the new .dtlrers shooed be gl►da.
Reim. '.d manuscripts ',rano, he ietumed.
Corr'•pon.00ee inns. he written ono', ride
et taper only.
Publisher's \.tier,
.1. C. Le Tours, of C..derkh, has been ap
pated I,nral Trarelling .*..t for the town -
"Elm of tluderieh. Colborne. Ashleld and .4.'
1.0151 pnstmaaters 01.•r the dlstr1et are oleo
empowered 10 repos.• subscriptions to THIS
All rommanleatieh. men' be. addressed to
t►, M 9IL1.1CUDI)Y.
The ette.AL.
relepbwse (7&41 el Roderick. Qat.
0000 CM. TOURSDAY. A PIW. S, Iia
of this deetry submit to • al ppdq et 1S
per mat. of their s•larine by eke Ommili••
sir Osiers Governments it they were
gtmraatesd s addition to the .Y salary
lest sad Ido tsars by the Amortise
I:overawes'! Weald they Leta up the
whiten ,•f their eyes with horror .L the
meet*. of Unites as they do todey,51 would
they sot be glad to jou to the movement
the' wosIJ give them the taorease el ap-
propruuon fur which the office bolder ever
prays ; aged yet these very officials want the
farmers of (aneda to int down sad remain
contented with fully 46 per 'wt. les. re-
ward for their toil thus would lie theirs
if this unnatural sparetion was ended sad
000tmeotal commerce was free.
It cannot give much consolation to the
('.edeas farmer to know that iu getting
forty five team fur barky while he New
Fork State ne.ghbor t. getttog thirty eros
more he is c,uttou,ug the retia of the
office -bolding dam: t or eau he extract very
much comfort iron seeing his barn full of
horses which must be sold in Detroit is the
face ..f • hostile duty of 130 to $60 per
head ; an t it he rejoices because his bay,
roots. beans, poultry, eggs anti other pro-
duct* realises slim returns by temp•reoa
with Lite reward carped by his Micbipn
neighbor for the tame stuff thou we mut
perforce oouclude *hat he is, meutally
upe.iktog, • fearfully anJ wonderfully
made. We read of thousands of Amen
cans --.ramping ou the edge of Government
loo is about to be thrown open Lot settle
mento en 1 so great if their hunger for land
that they put up with •uurh suffering to
obteii, it, but here in Coriolis men are
fleeing, not to, but from the land
though our soil is good, our climate healthy,
our •urrouodmgs pleasant and our dower
from Mother Nature n.h and varied.
Pt worsting ourselves before the Washing -
:0n Authorities for tariff favors is surely less
dignified thin walking boldly up to take
our rook an the groat lousily of free and in
dependent States No tariff arrangemeo:
an ue other than temporary, and capital
out ttnmer-e im•ariably seek those than
nein where tinahty .s aesurel. If Un-
testricted Reciprocity would t.ogood. not.
withstanolItt it. un ,:Luis stay, Political
I'nioo wo0!d be better. for it would put an
end u, nneertainty an 1 the reign of the
et1e.41 Philistine* who bay. male the
se Tarots pUf iK. me -a- frond
Sampsuu long enough, and would give to
agrieulturuts, mechanics. mariners, miners
and all in loathe' class that reward for
toil and enterprise which can only be shared
in by prosperous and progressive commuo
If the flag ..f the empire is dearer to the
Lathers and mothers of ('load• titan the
prosperity of their children let the colonial
status remain for it fib such • people beat
-hut if, as we undoubtedly believe, the
horse end the bums circle is closer to our
hearts than the continuance of British con-