The Signal, 1893-4-6, Page 4cjtLCT18 PURE POWDERED i OUT, STIONOUST.triagarom es RDT. S M br AN Creams aid Is.e/Isia fffr VI. mss s lnes-Z'I gressensmoswe ua dig GODERICH, O1 T., THURSDAY, APRIL t, 1893. THE WORLD OF LABOR. ecH0te FROM THE. SUSV MILL ANO THE WORKSHOP TOBOGGANING- * Itlsrwmu'• ,f•1•• sa Mr t ensrta5 Wieder rammer. I he 10 -owing u ('y. Hackings wwuut of hie asp eron..e with a toboggan ulna rl,rd en last Horse Review ; Montreal In wince: affords more envoy• meet than perhaps auy city is America in regent to outdoor sports. Old end young ppesvle alike are paesems tely devoted to driving. scow diming .tad t.1 o.c. ming, and it a the lest diversion, i will say right here. that for euddenuese of action and general alertness lays over aiiythtig vet brought to the notice of tht human fancily. Lightning t. etuipanativele', outcleased, and the half mile cat he traversed quicker than, to urn Freak Herdie's simile.. monkey ma take ufl his cap. Judge %kFhoy who is naturally tat au .ny,naltive tura .t 0,10.1, anuouuced his intenunn to mast and my friend, look Hol den, of 1:alt. of invest genug this toboggan slide busines* and, preeaiug 'Punch sod his al -igh into nervier•, we started for the moun tau, We met and pawed a few ,opher'tau their return from the moth tole and their light touch AA. telt on our whiskers, but mold is nothing iu Montreal %Y"e were going to the 'toboggan elide or met t death on the way We roe hed the slide in a comateroe stale, eupcnn.lueel by the fearful cold and the iriihtfully untr.thfal anecdote* told hy the "edge, when lie used to dyne trotter. The •olxotegan gide is constructed much th• eat•.• way e:h.. nil. of a house -.straight up with that difleteuce that it is. great deal elappter It se shout three tourtlu ot a mile tong, or high, would he :utter appro- priate, an! it tl..• greenest. slipperiest, snr.lenest Ihrec•f-.urths of • mile in all creat; m. 'the .lid, ie enclosed at the top, hod, mounting, we opened the door and peered deme iia awful depths, awe-stricken aai apcochlr..e. The judge broke the silence h)) declaim to a quaki,.g .ohne that be would .U11 take . chalice driving a pater in hobidee, of fare tbe wrath of a Pike county horsertiau with his gun. but he didn't want to laud m eter.itt t t the ice route. After ., good de.: of Ir. -owing the pr.hshililies ot our going down and return aloe, we finally concluded 1-. send Dick Holden it eon flow n as a teem et ttrtr' o .Con, 'alar to•,nc o.an returned and wA- plsete4 with pry nu hie safe panic!. and Oben feet and 1. after taking Irate of the bodge, got aboard of the machine c,11ed i totes , an, which wee piloted hy • young ss.mber of the duh who ...attend). I.ad n•, tricmle and hail been disappointed in los, sed held hie liW-• cheaply A toboggan te a thing about eight feet loug end turned up at the !runt red and is very slippery on the safer side. had the ice Ming tory slippery on the top side. it does not regaire touch pushing to make it go. After weighing out, and the judges in the stand. there was no preliminary warming and Mc1 troy gave the word the firs' more •lowu About 100 feet from the top we come to a plat. that was clearly contrived by the devil anti took the shape of a chant. about thirty feet wide. We didn't .1ay long through, exit flew through the air anal landed on the other side safely, Mu with a strong snepicinu that we were being conveyed toeternity. Wegot to the bottom. Time. bi ae•iondd. Walked lack Time, l hour and 20 minutes. News wad aappeesigS el Speetal a.eaeta$ as Use Canoes WNeda where taws ISa. Neat. and Artisan Molt away. Au electric Imes gees 'Ch. flatted St•tes mak. daih Part has y1,00,0 rag peters Britain owns half the ocean ships tdnatan boasts Chime* farmer. London teed sold for N_ -SO s foot. • I►ubhs ha. the biggest brewery Lustre's* may urohibit Immtgraltw. Croton reports 12.000,000 fres • year 1',us employ 1%,000 et Redditeh, Mag England has queened • 3.'y tom stone e.cold, whiskey is made in 1:erutaay Kea /.eeland's geld yield is y!.50,I1110,000. l'altforma will ship ;WO can of orange. Spanish America leads in Rodd produe•- ttum. Germany has an Aerial Navigation :a ply Ww►ds wheat crop, :.12.1,110i40,N) bunhrle l.ermany took 4b,300,0110 bushels of ,;mals in lel. Uncle tan. has It4S/1 tows. , .bled by elec. tante In Ilsee •!•i railroad. wet, 1•,r.•clos• I In the United States Confederate money is a Val, Mertes , Mo industry I'unosity- mousers get 11. One out of 4.i,IMMi,eee, pis+rnger• is killed on rellrted.. A tare ter r engh.. 1 her.- is no remedy that makes as large A percentage of pert, t cures as 11,. Wood'. Norway fine Syrup In nearly every cane of coughs. told*, asthma, bronchitis, hoarse - nese. croup, etc.. 1fa Curative effects are prompt and lasting. 2w 45,000 bass A Name Leg. She 1 thought you might not be able to conte tonigl.t on aee000t et your leg. He Why, what do you mean' There is nothing the matter with my lee. She How strange ' My brother toll mare that at the card party the other Mgt./ envie hove pulled it awfully. Tulle lied Kiser. The red rivet of life is the blood, like other rivers 11 sometimne% becomes *report,. bat unlike other riven it only need. flue dock Blood Hitters to purify it and remo.e all iia disorders from • comntnn pimple to the moat scrofulous 'ocr 2w A Geed..e. I have lust diamerred an unknown gent, mid the niusenm manager. " who oe twelve feet high Can you suggest a rood :ante for him.- •' Well. 1 should let so " What is it time Hill. (as.w wail Wert. Tough• and av,lds aro the came, if neglect- ed. of consumption it is therefore much better to cub them at once hy the use of Hagyrrt's Pectoral ltvleam, the safe, mire, &art reliable remedy for all diseases of the throat end beg.. 2w a tombs t eeewales. " Iter me said Mand, " I'm » glad the rumor that Nines will go Into the oahieet is denied.'. - Why • inquired Mamie. " lime* it would be too had to take his time away from wwhiag them. lovely A Vra.d Rs Ke.d. A friend in send is secured by everyone who keeps a bottle of Havant' Yellow .t hand for me .Raimt .r. idental sprain,. femme, enta, turns, aosl.le or any inflammatory pain. such as rheumatism, plumyMO thrust, ate 2w ♦ fesMkslle.. Friend Yale bare been married oily • week, &04 bit. 1 Gad you inteen • Vnnng Wife Vas hot my husband has ham trying to get sleeted en the I'Gantt' Commit toed I have hese reading in the paper* what as wetitigstsd moaners' he ' . es. pee Tf4.a t I Ln yon think of • worse draw than dyspepsia, of Mumma 11. eirtinr 1e glomal rand elespnsdea-y, makes him • harden to himself sod others, sod saner. oometipetan weld bad blend est It.rdoek Bleed littera amen dv..pr er fmligeka est h•sal... set la thwarted. of e e -a` tr► A Michigan woman has Invented a patent glans door for ovens. Scandlaavtan sailors are said t.. pare dominate on veweels .. neerh all natio alitta Between three sad four thousand titres of wine are made every year fro,. gtapee grown in the garden. of the t st lean The s.,unding•board of pin., tn. most important part of the instrument. is mode of American spruce and s ea carefully cboseu as the wood for a uohs.. Tile tack. of the ,qrest Atlantic liners between the United Stat.a and treat Brit, ai0 are almost as accurately read, out and followed as if thee, were built un land The longest 'lean,. railway ,n the world is reported to be conteesp.atsd in Itusa:a Tb. project is to construct a hoe frau. et. Petersburg to Archaugel, a port , u the White Sea. a distance of mere 11 al. 720 RAINY OAV COSTUME TereMe LaYss erepsetas t. Weer Ma Ihertag bit emit to Teresa* dies weak hire Jeanine Millarkw I*ctures, s she se -eel reuyday eest- which i• t.g Mee alrio• appeaaeesAs sleetis being wads is Mi- norite,. the dress a Turmas. A clams of ml.stawaries has bees formed to break M. water far ilea tore Mout Whea a salllei est weber el .mass have Mss *unsaid the brave eeidiery will go In testate( fee the asap.lga. Cures Other's Will etre Vim i a twos MMested e1 the active of AYER'S •ssllpnwelw. when takes tor dlaeea.e wtst.at1s ha Impar. blood ; but, while this assertion is tree of AYER'S Sarsaparilla, as thoesands can attest, it oat be truth- fully applied to other prepnr*uose, which tespri.eipled dealers will reooelmaed, and try to impose epos yes, as " jowl as good as Ayer's." Take Apps Sarsa- pnralla and App's only, if you coed a blood -purifier and would be benefited permansmtty. This medicine, for naafi* Inky years, has hyo red a reputation, and made a record for cures, that has never bees equalled by other prepara- tions. AYER'S Sarsaparilla eradicate the taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood diseases from the systole, and it has, d.servediy, the cossdance of the people. ' kilometres I4i0 retie'' An outfit will be purchased by each mea The largest turret slap in the mor:.i, the ber of the corps, drill and Iwpe tow will be Hood. of the !triton nate., auceesstn'iv held privately till .ua-egs is waled, aad pa•»d the ntlicial trial rt her mach,n.r. a then un some murky afternoon the streets mew days age. M.t ha. a ample:emery of of Toronto will present a sight that will 14,150 tons. The total cost of the Hood, make the first appearance of tbe Kitties while fu 1v equipped. troll amount to r4,- - look emelt and 'magnificent indeed. The ;:rl%IMMr mamma wall not lc ,narked by a foam.' A new woe quick -•D tlrg si malt gun hew dress parade, but In detachments a( twos rust been adopted for the Rrttsh Naval' and threes will the breve recruit* circulate service It has sncee.sfully passed esl:aus• in 'former).* fashto,:able street& To tell eve trials. It 1* • long, Bryn of about forty the truth there is nothing very alarming calibre and weighs ,,even taws. it ,a:ries'about this eostnme, and no .,Mtbit ashen en elongated shot of Is, pounds a distance need go Mto hy:tencs over it. In feet when of 7i*M1 verde Kiel eat: strike en enemy's we think of the modern bathing costumee we ship or iortrbcation tour mala Blatant can characterize the rainy day dregs as The Southern Pacific Railway Company, nothing less than the acme of modesty. Its atter many d•sappnmtments, exteudu.R introduction ought to be • mild affair oast over a number of year-, has see-ce.feer to striking water in the Colorado desert The well yields 9100 gallons an hour. amu if several more of equal capacity eau 1.e -drill- ed not only will the railway he greatly pro- fited, but the desert itself mar he re- aftenIed /:old coin tor 1.01..ire s talieu from the west eel,- vault of the Sub -Treasury :n New York. 'I he • ault e. divided tat. ,•omrart meats for storing the prectoue metal. .mud Its total capacity 1, $2',IMIt.la e, % has the coins are received at the Treasury t isey are put up in hags, each beldam( It relit. And when delivered to purchasers the gold is counted by the bag For cartage the .oat .ream. complexions .mud :he moat hematite: as $I A keg, and for cooperage eta • keg. head. inaginable. 1 centaur, mamma f.e, The rate charged by the steamship is one. them because the. were frequent . let • eighth of one per cent. of the salar, Aid shapen and dudgurrd by ugly, often claw the insurance ma ane tenth of one per (•ant., like nails. The feature was superb and 1 which snakes the total cost of transports.- nude up my mind to get at the secret. tion tenni, for each eialoo,(MM1 Here I: n : 1• every farmyard there are io Rao Janeiro there is a novel system .e two bits, nue coutau,ing bran f,w the rattle avoiding the blockading of streets. On the and the other oatmeal for the ch,e-kems. 1Vheo the girls go to milk they wash their hands at the pomp and dry them in the tine war the stream of traffic Is kept ..a ,'hleken feed The result is superithands- - ',tautly moving. If the currant s bound entomb. soft and white. 11 'ben 1 left the rest, and a man doing business on theI v-il 1 took SWAT u much Irish meal as 1 .trent deen sires to drive wt, he takes the cool wry. Now i buy the stuff ,n the timet (rem street east and gets to a Ina I feed etore and 1 use it. 1 keep 11 in e crowded street before turning westward howl in the bathroom : 1 wash my bon Th. highest railway in Europe ie hsIA with...motile pinch tile soap and a pih ..f meal. . meal. limen. Mountain Rtailway, an Switzerland, mop them vitth A towel and d,y them it. cense-nog the village of lures, with the sunned o1 the Rothhorn. it is run on Ibe toothed .hap system It starts clot.• by the sleres of tike limens and winds up the mountuo put Ileldned, Helmstedt wad Oberst Stahel: and the incline is 011e mrtr iter Hale and Freebie.. 111 four. The carriages are partly closed, scream explains the phenomenon of red and rr:b camitartmemt has twn ben.owens hair than "It is caused by a auperabund seating four persona • side 1'he ascent of the Rnthi,orn on horseb►rk used to take ince of 11'011 in the blood. This at is that five hours. The him. of the round trip by imparts the liana, the elasticity, the gest railroad is three Mars The h,gheat point attained by a twined In the United Steno is in the Reeky Mlotntatns, !Mal: feet •boor the sea, says The New York Sun. Trains on the Callao (troy, line in Peru are now ascend- ing to a height as far above the great elevettom as the total height of Mount W a•hingtp,t le othe- words, w lies • train on the 1lroya line amen the U•Irra tunnel to erose (ream the Western to the Ks.tera elope el the Cordilleras, 11 is a.at. :baa a mile higher above the sea than the loftiest Mt el nslroad track an this ensntry. Some stretches of track in Mexico are ■leo higher hear tbe Waned Wive teeb... than any railroad in the ('nitM S,.t,a ph. Kaska Nbort Ykirt 1 has At present the l akra tunnel is ' he b,ghest R ��.a.ig(.eee elevation attained by any ra,lroad 1.. the taker Si) even mere pea,')e•1 steptban that world hof issuing rules of moinbership They ars (apt F. H. Shirley of i'hdadrlpphh,a, osw publi.hng sorbet., signs for the gowns, nl the l'nited Stat.. navy, who he. .pe.( which mut he "•t least five triches off the many years ole oyster boats, 0.nla some (mesad" to opli w,rh the regnletlone of one to hack him in • tnp from IRuladelphs the entrety's s.mpledge The first thing that to Kau Frenetico in a rowboat He soy. he, will be noticed about there given, or would pared with the ertnohne when it first ap peered. or the inflated hustle when it bast thrust itself before thegaaeof the unolhnd- iag public'. Toronto World. Keep %ear Nand. Mee. Here is • sure cure for rough. red, hard hand. It comes item a woman who sprat last summer at Warrenpoint, a (ancone watering -place thirty miles from Belfast "During the season Irish girls leave their hickeus And rows mud c'mt t., Warm'', point to mind children fur the „meets They ars hag. strong, merry -hearted ereatur. green as the country greets, a ith pink ar i AYER'S Sarsaparilla WALL PAPERS SPRI1VG--1893 DIRECT FROM AMERICAN AND CANADIAN MANUFACTURER=, THE LATEST IN DESIGNS AND COLORS, THE BEST IN QUALITY, ALL PERSONALLY SELEOT)t0 Ye.n o1 experience permits w to say we can wit the most fad tidious tastes. Our papers being so beautifully blended maker It only , plewur' to show them As for prices. they are the very lowest poa.*t from 5c. per roll. Customers will 6n,1 no trouble in selecting Hosiers, }rieses or l'e11inR, a► the are designed t., match our papers. Over four hundred samples to neleet from. A few lines at cost. se tL-, have beau in stock for some tinge " 1 cannot forbear to express ,u) j. • at the relief 1 have obtained from the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla. 1 was aAicted with kidney troubles for about rix month,..nl ering greatly with pain-. in the small et my back. In addition t.+ this, my hod was covered aith pimply eruptions. The remedies prescribe.) failed to help me. I then began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, in a shot' time, the pains ceased and the pimple, disappeared. 1 advise every young mart or w00 1210. in case of sickness resulting from impure blood, no matter how long standing the case may be, leo take AYER'S Saraaparilta."- H. Ljar. mann, 33 William st., New York City. Will Cure You Pagneol by Dr J. C. Amar et Co- L.S.ebMaa. FRA3ER is PORTER Loral Nasngrr. sett T./epae.r t e. y Sooka.ft.rrs and Stationers The Henderson Phrnt Food Try it sari Jou 0111 be delighted win► the way it uuunakrd tegelation Ylowers, t' tsbles, Lawn Umar, Nc. No odor. Ito seance! to nee. Coq. .c.. womb at least WAIL Climax Furniture Palish. " Repo a goal 1 ntone.e mei • " I ei.oaIl gay he was Hr w.. hors with a fortune, yea waw." Well "He's got it yam -flow York Recorder. Cheap for Cash All who .yr It pr. souses it the bet made. Yew seer it a lkiw cleaning. tt.. D'Avig-non's witch -Hazel Cream. Unsurpassed far the chaps. lerkatlo.a as. erg.. acts ed Wu dpetag wtads. . Dim oar Tooth ache Onto, only 10o. W. C. GOODD, Ohemist Open or under" for Prescriptions. este. 'fake for in-tance Over- coats- -a few left -to be cleared out nt away -down prices ; atop Sulam and Un- derwear, Grey Flannels and winter goods in general. No Reserve busiest thoroughfare. all the truck+ and vehicles ars headed ,n one d:recttoe In the heel fly hand. are 1.-4 eft bone - never are -but look A. them ' They were 1.0%511ful- smooth, warm, line skinned and as wk,te as bread. vita try. the overlowing healthy alt by animal life which rade riot through a he veins ..f the ruddy' -haired, mid this strong, meatiest ei, mal life is what renders them more mten•e in .11 their emotion than their more leagued fellow creature*. The excess el iron is also the came of freckles en the peculiarly dear, white akin which always eceompanuee red hair rhe akin is abnormally sen.it,ee to the aeuou of the eon's rays, which not only bring oat the little brows .pots to abundance, but atm burn like a tttteetard plaster, producing • queer. ere>py awaatlntn, ns if the skis was errisk1ing up."-Asoy.l. will make the journey in • Isom of hu own Is 11 no. were M esamene 11. re•I art,elss, designing and building, whir+ he mils e u that "eh hu • pneket 11 s very etre, l'litladdphia .seek few Hr would row /be nrganel.r. .1 this bags., 50 take along th, .,met. depen.tng for ...unite.. Ibis Um- to •drase- their cause, for al 1111•1111.1 00 meat he monies prcenre with gun ready ,n Paris walking darer• ere beteg • n i tithing tackle The distant* would he mail. •bort, dare ng gowns barely reverts( ever 13.01111 miles, and he think• he could �'n.Imp'- N.w mark tsma. e01.•r ,t in 1.1111 tom months. •1d at • amt of net Ower .raver A New York genan bis avawted • mar•',lne for the self propulsion of ships It nusst• of long strong platform•, egged out ow either side of • wages!, that rim and fall with the roll of ,h. waves and operate • peope,ler The motion of thee platforms in • Strong ra woeful he similar to that sal the pump handle of the n146 f..Mn.ad bra eerie« whew the "trey..'• wen "shaking her up lovely The taventer thinks thee the Irl lency of there Itrlggers wens' be N steady 11. vexed as well se to in.re it weu/k leeward. They wseld . perste is a "dotal" sand Is ski mad lay the Aiame.i, rgre� Qrey A Nig 01smear. 1_ ere el the finest diamond• in the world was friend not long one* in the Hsa razili .en's. It coal* in a novel form A small quarts rook ahe.t the miss sad shape of e egg eras foiled in the heads Along the basks f • o S. Amara, in Bribed It wee earnedearn Imre hy • Remilien peasant, who was sttrsetad by its mid shape and tight weight. Oh. day. in headline ,t, he dropped it es • wows, when it vent open, and lay la helves. The bellow that gate Owe wane the nott waw filled with kiesd-emd eaten nearly as well e w • stelae, far the 1Jt da stater el west quality. --Tka ares r nem .• mart. j Boots. Shoes and Slipppeers front 20c. n pair, up. Odd lines must he cleared out if low prices will do it, to make room for New Spring Stock. A hill supply o the cali- brated Crompton Corsets al- ways on hand. Odd lines and sizes from 25e. a pair up. Fresh Arrivals R. P. WILKINSON. I have now the pleasure to announce that I have ac quired and will conduct under personal management the business carried on so successfully in this town for the past four years by R. P. WII.KTNSON & CO., u Hard ware Merchants, and am further pleased to announce that the business has been secured on most satisfactory terms, enabling me to offer special inducements to OUT many customers. Thanking our patrons most cordially for past patronage, and soliciting; a continuance of the same, I remain very truly yours, R. P. WILKINSON. BOOTS AND SHOESI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. of nom:, lin,- of Spring Goals such n- Prints, Tweeds anal N-lx,tetls, in Scotch and l'ms,linn Chev- iotts, Serges, &e.: :also in Pantings. Pants Made to order from *2.50 to f5.fs0 a pair. A full flue of Family Gro- ceries always in. lined Tells n specialty R. B. HOLLAND 1 DUNGANNON coag AND wood YA32D. Coal, Wood and Kineling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. EAIRD 00AL. 1 handle the herr grade of hard real Is the market, els : eke New Tort. Ontario a Wester. Railway Coy'& Celebrated Iaekaw.nes Taney Oast is tour Hass. viae: Chestnut. Stove. tf7,g wad orate. 001Tlaw Sha nee tamp Qts lee ern is ✓ ats*. stores. furnaces, ate. 1LA ISICTII 00AL. 1 Neal q nal., ,ren - 1ltnet'•n r'Rh mama - lila coal.1.an o0 hand- Special atten tion Oren to country tirade. WOOD. un and split weed. M innate end t teat Inas. sway. In sleek. I moat forest Omit I am selling weed, out and split, as ehsap as Jon tae hey fang wood en the marital All me weed r 544 M 'be reed of 116 fort nr half reed lots. YIXDLIXC WOOD. 1 Erre long. er ant and spilt. a limbo* Ian WICOR &tales. 1 Dare addeo4 to my weilimaippodi mal and weed yard a sew s tea weigh se.le. All mal messed maa...e raaawteed (pact, YARD AND Oo*a SWIM in old drill shed, Nnl.eo-.t., foot of flaw iltns at. Callan CS= A Shoe -dealer should have a practical knowledge of Boon and Shoes in order to obtain the best results to himself tar: his customers. Thirty years in the business has taught me much that will be of great benefit to you in your dealings with me. I have the largest Stock west of Toronto. and the beet (Somal it has ever been my privilege to offer. The prices are lower than you will final them for the twat class of Goods anywhere else. Ordered work and repairing given special attention Rips sewed free of charge 5 % off for cash E. DOWNING. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have jut received a very anise let of NEW TEAS! --s.----OONatgTilrq Op BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS width we guarantee to moll at least 10 Cents per Pound Cheaper Than can be bought from pedlars. A trial order will vince you of the truthfulness of this assertion. We sell the bed 0017111 obtainable.. JOHN 8. PLATT, Prot_ BB.F1 PRIM! Rs. RAN.