HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-6, Page 3.t. COI)EKJCN. ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 18NS. THC NAD1AN BANK uF COMMERCE NI.AD OIRI*IOR, TORONTO. i► — uw u yLLIk11N . 111411.000.004111 81.000,000 a L WALKER, Oebotam. Measeau t GODERICH BRANCH. ;ititR1At amewee0 Su11sr.Iu TaarIBAeraD. FAweadr NOTy Us/novenaa iJ...- • e aususD MTAs° AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA. AND Viet PNINCIPAI wee w T)te thaTID $T*Nl QUAY i1a?ANt, FJIANCt, e11awsu4•• s.a fsatrlwss SANK OCI PRTMcaT. ,... Of fig oo AND UPWAaDS alwannat, AND CUMt1[NT AA YE, OF IeTfOMIT u 1NTtiMT IMS. TO Ta1S POIMOSDAL AT Tot eon cie MAY Alm NEI IN MAN VIAS. 3pa•t l el Attention give. PO the O*N,efl•)n of "ews„tw«.' as • ,,.ales Notes. R. 3. WILLIAM%, Manager. ra .1N,SHIP COUNCIL 1..111 s.).1.. AVOW est„al east es satartly Members all prosect. Reeve Ise list. Mlautes of previous meeting. I u. i 4'4.1,4. Treasurers statement was veag • balance on 'sand eat at Applies° res from truster S. K. 13, asking for a low of MOD, to be J by way of debentures pa/able us foar ai.amal iwtelmiUts with interest at per .wt Petttiou painted. Bylaw 1 aA reset and sluty pissed appointing Gra•trr•. paved keeper and fence »ter. Mr . it year 1093, as folio*, n Ark. Jame* McKnight. D. Johnston, .J (arta. 1) McIllwaia, Joke 8hkelde, Treem, .Isms Oliver. W. Brown, t-.. •,rabam. Itentie Johnson. Helena hies rI n•rld McKem.ie, Ua.i•1 Jar dive, tPef,�IG :“ :-rice . itZ4. 'OY19 meth:od and r.' sits when jilt tee 1:” 11; it is pleasant t!:e tae , and acts - n the Kidneys, •i i rtT. Li, cleanses the sys- L. : dispels colds, head- ' • :rJ and clues habitual )•yup of rigs is the of its kind ever pro - ,ng to the taste and se- , . I-tontech, prompt in 1 truly letnet>icial in its tl only from the most :.Kreenhlesulltancaee, its •.c atqu:tlitit:.;a)atmund it Lave u.a1 ' it the most vied, 1-ntt:--,. ••'1 "4 is ! -r Fs1c in Tho .1 1.•st:::.z druggists 1 r _ r• :: ru : t t. ho may not • her. 1 veli! rocure it r' ' I• t r a,Sjj one tY).0 wishes 't: i'. " :ttls.aetured ualy by the cII! i'ih!.411 FIG STOUP CO., .:.iA.OZ t70, UAL. UII_:; "r! S Oii1C ]R. Y. Tt.e sear !..mete a..Agan«. 01 cisme this .toss not wit that the S ip*11. Veli AT (l00011CH. ('cited `hates shall'go corseting about the e 1 Charism Keb4sst, TMs Stewart, Jacob Krosier, W. Grahame, A. C. Hawkins, W. Mcllill•a. Jibe Kase, Stephen Weller, Jams Piano, Patrick Clan, J. (•.!beet, W. Lannon, W Mural, J. Memory, W. &elbows, G. HMI, J. Laaemby, J. ('rwtom, J. Phillipe, W. H. Reed J. Labe, 3. Webster, W. Irwin. Jobs Barclay, D. Rustic, J. W. Hasler, A. 'Lockett, A. Mullin, David Stroud, Darnel Wearier, John .111.n, K. Revttt, R. McKerth, A. Beaton. Kee McKenzie, J. Marry, P. Doyle. leaac Kusign, D. T. McKenzie, Jena llaclionald, R MtC'ufl, 8. Brown, D. Rutherford, J. 8. Bark well, A. McHoreey, R. Rendus, .tames diose, Pater Macintyre, It. West, K. McLean, A. McIntyre, James Modals, D. Mum, H. Molatosb, A. Me. Karr, Jobe Johnston. Thos. smilie, Thos. I rtckwn, H. Vwaickle, J. C. 8.11.., Robs. Mdstoek, John Webster, J. t . Tborbetra, J Hutchison, J. (:nig, John Styles, Maurits Deltcw, A. Nelaw,, Thos. WiJees, T. Mo;artby,Petcr ickin:is, J. Sennett, m Jaes Stott, W. J. Black, Goa Johanna. ('. te't oosor, W McKnight, Jut Murry, Jas. Alcoa, A. R. As.tersoa, Thos. Wiggles, S. Stothers, John Dalton, 0. Tharlow, 7'twa Garvey, James Dean, Jobe M.•Kenm o, Jos. 3 )hnstou, A Mo vacb, A Reid, W. Rocket. W. A Phillips, Thos. Whither, O. Hasson, Thos. t'.>.tgram. Joh,. Johneoa, A. Taylor, Thos. Richardson, I. Bowier, Thos. Ilnswy, ('. Lamb:artus, J. 8u.hvas, Thee. Webster, R. Higgins, Than Dreher, W. °curler, A. !dreamy. Jahr.. Park, Jolla Keefe, Jos. O'I.oughlie• 1! J. Make, ('rues Dalme, Jae'.b Ryan, .1 H. (liho R P. Mot'arthy. Peter $hrIJ. and Jet tIM11on. I'.,! & i. 1i/target:. ' . ft. Ieeicmg, Jabs Mctkw•ah, Pad Reid, Donald Mae- Jetyn, John Jailoom , Janes I)unn. Maurice Dalton and Lotus Smith. Fatten Vltwty.. - Jobe Webster, John McDonagh Robert Webster, Geo. Correll, Dennis Sullivan, Donald Natiatyre, Richard Fla- ky, Malcolm McLennan. Juan Black, Hoary Cliff. Andrew Dre•aey, R. A. Barrick, William Powell, Tex Lemma, gad James lama. Moved byGkrvim,smosed- ed M Kiakky that R. Harrison, receive the stem of 116 00 for sarvioss in collecting statistics for the arbitrators on Morris sad Hurn Rrrdge case, aad W. Stothers $10. On motion of Parrish and Kickley, the Hemlock City mill was «temppted trots amnion far the year 1893. Moved Afckley, seconded b Ferriah, that h y coesoillor present • etatemest of the eweemt.1 iunaey etprnd.d in their several il.inioss at every council meeting, so that they will readily understand when each road rommiassomer has expended +be tam allowed him, viz. (1900 The t dbwing checks were issued ('has. Robinson, meet to R. Carrie, N 50 :.lohn Rigging, cnllect- iwg timber at Cerrick'e Rrelr, 113 00: Thos. .lav, meat to R. Canoe, 116 00; Unsaid Hur•nieoo, for gravel. 111.25: Jobs Marti*, for gravel, l200. Moved by Chambers, seconded by Girvin that this council do now adjourn to meet mgaia os the 27th day of May. ('oast of revision to to he held at 2 o'dook on that day. W. naivetes, Clerk. aCWSlatA JUashlimeTexice New Shoes BUI TOUR IBIT PMR FBA US. STOCK --The Newest STYLES --The Latest QUALITY. -The Most Reliable PRICES ---speak for Themselves Speaking generally, the losses resulting from uncollectable ac- counts amount to many thousands of dollars annually. The risk of losses from bad debts, the expense of book-keeping and other charges inseparable from the credit system necessitate large margins. We give no credit ---sell strictly for cash ---therefore we incur no losses, and are able to mark our goods much closer than stores that ex- tend credit, as a comparison of "all-round" valves will amply demonstrate. in ALL -WOOL Henrietta Serge, 46INCHES o WIDE, worth 2k. Keep this in mind 11 RAMI crran BARGAINS FOB YOU. ARMSTRONG t CO., DRY "'INA BOOTS AND SHOWS. W. ACHESON & SON. FOR EASTER WEEK BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - REST, -. - - �! Saving Dear/ neret has been We gra' purled d led to know to which part oar store to invite you, as 'Wet" with thin re' *ch. ••i• rylcorner of every department is full of alttren►enta, which the populace Interest allotted at current rates. wuat >♦v•. Ladies' Hid Gloves for Easter.—A large parcel received today, opens up beautifully. Pearl and .arft mode shades are fashionable. Tartan •ud fancy chock Surah and China Bilk. are must in favor fur bi(tu.ea, and at well for trimmings. Sureemling shot silks, price from SO W 95 twits a yard Surah Silk Tartan Ties, 45 mote each Concerning Drese Goods we show the largest pew stock in llcxlericlt. C cur 40 inches wide Cashmere at 35 cents a yaid far value is an equalled elsewhere, all Mon. Mao Ifenrie'tta !Serge' at :10 canto :► yard, worth 40 tents. In Spring Jackets and 4ilk ('.pea we are showing dainty McCREATH tl WALKER pattern+ and some dazzlingly beautiful colon. French Ohallies are the admiration of Huron (aunty. NO pat- tern Can ever be repeated. 50 patterns to choose from. We will have no assortment whatever when limy cower if present demand continue... A piece of gorxls, regular worth 50 cents a van!, our clear price is 39 tent,; Linens, Sheeting,, Toweling«, Cottons at bottoms prices. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. You aro invited to inspect all. SI 2,000,000. f,000,000. ojeied in coN- IH. L OCK WOOD, Ala,a{ver Goderic/i Branch. J_ A_�7CTALKER carriage Man.ufacturer, Having purchased the bummer •.t W. .A.CIIESON & SON. ancy (goods ART MUSLIMS. ART BILKS, ART CR IsTuN Iit3 P011 PILLOW OOV ERS : also a large assortment of EASTER NOVELTIES illinery. GRAND DISPLAY OF TRIMMED HATE, KIK- BONS, LAC&, FLOWERS. ORNAMENTS, STRAW TRlMMINU$, kr. AT co OUT BOYS' STRAW dttATt3 °LOtMRS. R. B. SMITH. o><.os>roOCOST.i et . world in stank of distress to scoots, like U..e tleizote. Nor dues it inose a policy of .ola.11eutent in affairs purely European nor a reversal of the Moorue doctrine in any real tense. Rut it dos mean an intelligent sad modern ooeatructtor. of that doctrine The Monroe doctrios has never been de- fined to gay statute or treaty ; het its se- em** is clear est. h suwas simply that the Carted Stater deet wet propose to interfere in any questions that belong wholly to Kurope, and, on the other haat, dor not expect Europe to interfere in any remotions that belong wholly to America That Malt And from that doctrine the United States is not likely to depart- Indeed, it is just our American system of borne rule applied to international relations. Our federal gov- ernment don mot concern itself with what pertains only to the States. The Stater tarp clear of federa .:onasrna. Rut with the tocreaatog complexity anti intimacy of international ntatioae then is coming to be a set of &Baas mutter wholly Kuropeas nor wholly American. They br long to both. For initiates, in 1885 gad in 1890 the ('anted states shared in the con - (ermine at Berlin and Brussel, with regard to the Atriean slave trade. American delta rates sitting in • European coogreel of any kind are a strange spectacle. Bet the .*d - Rag of the brutal slave trade in Africa is • common duty of .It civilized nation*, and es our country very properly took part in the deliberations Another instance is the re- cent silver conteren'e at Brussels. And tisane international concerns are likely to become still nose numerous. - Review of Rev iews. VIEW a leakey Thinks Abseil nbt.k.;. In my youth I had .. friend wh., hal • monkey We always took him out on our chestnut parties. He .'hook all our cbest- beta for us. One day my meed stopped at a tavern, and gave Jack about half s glass of whiskey. lack took the glass and drauk theroatemsa, the efh..ta of which set him skipping, hop- ping and oppingand dancing. .lack nos drunk We agreed to come to the tavern next day, sod nos if Jack would drink again. 1 called in the tnoruiog at my friend's house : but instead of being .a stint& on his box. ,lack was out to be seen. We looked Weide, wad there be was, crouched up in • hop. " Coo" said bis master. .1aok came oat oe three tag. applying his fore- paw to his head. Jack had the headache. Re was seek and o Metal go. So we pat i1 eQ three days. W. then met again at the tavern sad provided a glee for Jack. Bat where was he. Skulking behind chairs. " (Jamie bars. Jack : " Mid his matter. holt- img the glare out to him. Jack retreated, and, as the door opened, he slipped oat and in a moment was on top of the house. His riveter called him down. Jack re- fused to obey. My friend got a whip and shook It at him. The monkey continued on the ridge pole. His mast r got a gun ani =taxitit at him. Jack slipped over to this b►ek of the building. He thea got two gess and had and pointed on each side of the house, when the monkey jumped upon the chimney and got down one of the floss, gad held on by his lore pasta Illy friend kept that crooks twelve years afterwards, but never asked het again to take whiskey. Wot(boro New.. • [What a world of misery would be sated , kt human beings were as wise as that � a,wkeT.,lttlklsr. GODERICH SEED EMIR! Is. ret»resne thanks to m, numerous custom erg ter pest favors, and boort Nit) by Ariel etteatloa to cosines and 'air titer 'o rotate your gatroaege. 1 beg to immune. hat my stock of Field and Garden Seeds is she largest and beet selected in tate county. Among our Nock of Send Oraln wit! IN fogad some new v&rietUe introduced for the first tlate. CLOVERS & GRASSES ked. Milks, Mammoth. White, Locum,. Timothl,1 Orchard (trees, Red Too, HUN Greek !talon Rye Ones. OATS Tarty Ocabland, Reaa1.'. Prise. Oolss Giant. Banner. Rosedale, Ooaoette. Sprnleb. PEASE Mammy, Oold*e Vise. PremW Mee.1',Nttr. easeadtan Beauty. nova Aa. POU owastaatly om heed. Bfehmt pries paid for cores pates. U. BURROWS, IMMO S0ittaMAN. Now Firm i New Goods! Now Prices! FOWLER & CO. HIGH-GRADE BOOTS &SHOES We core with the aesuraaes that the people d this beautiful town and country will appreciate gond footwear and fashionable, at cash proves which will be onnurpanee d in the (l•nadian business We respectfully invite early inspection of oar stook, anti henceforth will do all in our ponos to give pl.aaere and eatidaotioa to a discerning public. ~' REPAIRING PIIOMPTLY 1TTK}DRD TO STORE FORNIBRLY OOCIJPIRD SY J. CARRY. Year, mercifully, I have sow arranged, nuc Uoly to cautious the Carriage Trade, but hair do a1l dares of work in dee ide. to 110B8B-311014IN9 AND MEM BLLCgS�IT) I>H�. HONK BUT THK N1tt)'r OF WORKMFN KMPlArf Eli 1N 0VKKi UKI'ARTMYNT. .'Mi'1y. JNO. eAe W$LKER, f'r o 1•Rr1T•OIt. The New Grocers, S IJFtDY" EROS_ Have x Stock a Groceries, Crockery & Glassware which for quality and price cannot 1.' t'a,eUWI. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS. The INDIAN and JAPAN TEAS which they Iixu•N.• ... lasivt ty . sa- not be marina/rel. A TR I AL SOLICITED. STVRLY$ OLD STAND 1)0ALER 1, STOVES AND RANGES MHO TUE RUST WIMP' 1411 WS. if you have decided to ut out your old stove this spina, tr one of Tse?Gars and ELA.= DIMWITS R A]R025. YOU CAM GET A FULL SIZE N. 9 STOVE FOR WOOD FOR 513.00. my RATTY I KEEP THREE GRADES OF COAL OIL IN STOCK : The American Water White - 1 Gallon for One Dollar. Crescent Water White, - - htL Coate. 4 b !`:it9 Coats. imperial White, roes prices are .pot cash. ('barged at aha regular pr..,e. SPRING FASHIONS IN (j • Sec our Gentlemen's Fine Hats .411 the new.'.it And noir Iries,t .tyh•. in *rock. DERBY HATS IN ALL 844.4►tai : alio our WII►K dtU(M Tttl'RIST HATS in latest Colors atter shape; of Eng Rah and American manufacture. Boys and Girls School gats and Caps in all styles and :11 unettualle.l %aloe'•. Call and See our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. NOW AS TO NECKWEAR We oat show you the newest and most varied stock us Four -in -Hands. The papular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGH SOLIOITBD. W. T. HAYS & CO., 24054Agent+ Parisian Steam Laundry. WEISS CAMERON wisher to aaeoewes that she has recanted from her Spring purchasing tear, sad bee soared the lastest leading novelties in MILLINERY eemiprtsiag the overeat mid moM•b.00mie`` Shapes, as well as a con.piete stock of nand nesse Trimmiq Geode is all the new shades end effects brought nut imposts/1y for ibis seasen'e trade 1s Umtkiag the many ouatosen in llodsrkse gad vicinity who have favored one with dor patroeer oa focuser ocean's. 1 extend • cordial i.vitatiom to the Indies 10 tall and inspect for themeelvs. MISS CAMERON, 1140b'ha' HAMILTON NTRBO•l'. TO !9B LORI OF BODBBICB lAD YICIHI?L Your atteutiea u eddied to the fact that Fr= E1VcCPOR ' new Millinery Mart, West -St , nest door to •' The Mbar (Niel.' is NOWT- OPEN I / fns display of newest French and lmerican designs.