HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-6, Page 2• `t11■■1►. THE SIGNAL: GODERIOB, ONT., THIIRSDAY, APRIL 1, 1893. latiMa LARD ust CO. since COTTOLHNE has tome 10 take Its place. The satisfaction u:th whieh the people have hailed Ibm advent of the New Shortesing Cottolene evidenced by the rapidly Increas ing enormous sales is PROOF POSITI YE not only of 1b great value as a seen article of diet hut is also suflitient proof of the general desire to be rid of indi gestible, unwholesome, unappe tiling lard. and of all the ills that lard promotes. Try Cottolene at once and waste no time In discovering like thousands of others that you have now NO USE FOR LARD. A CORNWALL MiR+CLE. HOW AN fiSTEKMY.0 t'1TIZk. 'RE- GAINED HEALTH ANI) ! TREW4.TH. soma • ,1 i zea -Path►' 1tT►:I:a.vrls.. slant\ Hit ralt.le• Ot'rtltCD fir KM Mp'n\- att., 1.1 T 110 .'t. 1 omit: Llyt':Lie N 1111 11111 A� IIta RTI' t• nr %elm\ -A e,ttRI rt 1I. 411 Hrs: lea .•rllu11 scoots/tip, 'Oro wall F're. hl:dei. In this at;e there are few pea eons is ho Jo not take nue or more uewspepers, mad it may be said villa equal certainty that there are few who have tet read from !into to tour 1,1 the marvelous cures effected by the use of lir 14,Iliams' rusk fills for Pale Pe..p:e. Out reading le una thing and h, -lm, -me what ymi rt -e4 is another, and no doubt ot the thousands who have reel of the Hamilton miracle, the Saratoga miracle, the t'alg.ry miracle and others that have aplware l from time to time in the columns ,r1 tli, Freeholder,e agenry t►r ' I I am ca nar.•ebus hltttlie pellets, ,.soy may hate laul ,utile the paper nn unbelief. While, however, these people may u t lees h, cc what. happened .! `arato;a r in Calgary. thev would no doubt be coon voiced it one .!weld bring to their not ter .1 case in their in:mediate vicinity where a marvefoue ...toe w.seffected thruut;h the use of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills. Every one in t'ornwall known Mr. Wm Moore, who ler years has drives the delivery wagon' for Meek s Exprees Mills, and when tt soros known last sever that his health was fallow rapidly, very general regret was exprra.rd 1'y s large section of the commun- ity. Has voice grew weaker, his laurh lees hearty and it appeared that consumption had marked him for a victim. .\t last he was forted to give up work altogether and keep within doth. til things acre till late in th • sun.mer, wheat he commenced to get .Ilan! agate. and he steadily improved uuti' he wa. nn.r more able to take up his calling anal work as r.f yore. \\'hat worked .n mar clots. a :hangs A veritable miracle it was .odce•.1. Hearing that I)r. %Tilli•ms' Pink 1'.:1. had something to do with the ease, a reporter . f the Freeholder called on 11n. %loose at hie cotnf,.rtable home on Eighth .trot and found prim at home 1Vithout any preluoinary fencing the re porter said to sir. Moore, " 1 am glad to see yo, so hearty and strong sawn : the 1st time I sew you it seemed as if your race was about run. 1 have heard that your wonderful ram "very is entirely due to ilea Williams's 1'ink Ihll. ; have you any objection to tell me something about it!" "No objection at all," mel Mr. Moore. " Pink fills dei cure me and 1 am only tan glad to let the world know all about that wonderful medicine. As you know I was a very sick man:indeed my life was despaired of. RSV what IS 50113 TIiiI),I. 1.a.lot apes ate right r.maty. \Yelk to make • bag awry short 1 oestuaed te les Dr. Williams' flak Hlls natal my old tame ole wg*h bed fully returned mad 1 was able to go Irak to work Stacie tees I have bem teaming every day, lilting heavy w.ighte as ,Mama, mid I sever felt better is any life. This M the wbuis story, and you may spread tt freely. I w.. on the brt.k of the grave Bud you me net ..w la Was lk. WiIIi nu' pink Pills that ,..toned me, and 1 kuew \haul w be a greed ta.dwn.s, and would urge everybody whose symp- toms are like urwr to profit by my capers rear. My care may nut be au emoderful u w rite 1 have read of, but at is miracle rnougb fur me, end I can never say enough .Ie,ut Pak fills, they are beyond any praI0l 1 cam glue them I coo only . Wit .tsv unto taw I5 awe 01 to else them a fair trial awl I am couBJeut they will never regret it lk. William.' fink l'IIIe rte • perfect blood builder sad nerve restorer, curing o uch Juoaase as rheumatism. seur.lgl►, parttal paralysia, luuoo,otoi ataxia, St. Vitus .laua+e, uervvous headache, nervous ?rostra taus mai the tired feeling therefrom, the •iter effects of la grippe, Iuflueuz• and severe colds, disease. depending ea humors ill the blued. s-rofula, chronic sryupelma, etc., Pink I'llb give a he•Ithy glow to pale mud sallow coinplrveus, and zee • m ecr&c for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the ease of men they effect relilal cure, in all cartes arising from, mental worry, over work or excemer' or any nature Thr.r Pills are lwnufa,aured by the Dr. Walloons %ledreine Company, Brockville, Out.. and 'thenect•dy, N. V., and are phd only to Iekee tearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at S')cts. a box or six boxes for 142.50. (tear in mind flat Ile. Williams' fink Pills uc not sold is bulk, or by the doaen or hundred, and any dodder who offers substitutes in this loom is trying to defraud you and should be e. gidrd. The public are also cautioned agaeust all other so-ealleel blood builders and erne tonics. no matter rho• came may be given them. They art .JI imitations whose uukeis wish to reap • pecuniary advantage from the wonderful re potation &chic% rd by Dr. William.' Peek ('alk Ask your dealer for 1)r. Williams' l'ink tills for Pale People and refuse all imitattous and substitute.. Ur Williams' fink I'illa may le bad of Al druggist. or direct by mail from 1)r. WVitlwms' Medicine t'ump•nv fromi either .ddrear. The price at which the'' Pills are sold make • course of treatment com- paratively iuetpensive es compered with other remedies tor medical treatinent ODDS AND ENDS. tteaard'• Iola/went Ie Cate near, 00'an n.'rei lift a mortgage by pttlhng at a boob - Elmira 1:azette. Death is the only power that can make soave .enant amyls dust. Elmira 1.azette. .4 Mimete, s position a supposed to he nImre stable if he is metalled. Ibwrtt ('outlet. All's well that ends well. of course. 'rim trouble is that w many things end the other way. - .Somerville Journal. The reason some people •' love at first right ' a because they don't koow foc1. other then. l'Inclnnati Uusighrly pnnptes, blotches, ran, and all ticking humors of the skin are removed by using ile Low's Sulphur Soap lit. He -"1b you belong to the Physical Society'" She " No I,ut 1 sometimes go out oo my brother's machine. Punch. It is very hard to believe sometimes that • man tan le doing right when he Isn't doing it our way. Somerville Journal. "no' trtion claims many victims Ward off this dread disease by the use of spall sugar coated Burdock i'i1L when needed. I Ili 1f all the ptvrpie knew what they were talking about there wouldn't be nearly as much said as there i. now Somerville Journal. It is curious how much faster a street car humps along when you are running .`ter t' than when you are riding on it. Richtnoml Recorder. Mrs. One iregretfullyr " 1 called yesit day and found you out." Mrs. Tother " Yes. and Fie found you out, too. \"oo saw ne when I left the house. \Vaahio;;- ton Star. The Lieutenant, point tog to the canyon " If you don't accept me, to -morrow 1 shall he down at the bottom of that canyon The Colonel.* daughter . " What dead The Lieutenant " No fishing." Puck Mrs. Languish "'fired ' Oh, so \heal all the time Mrs. Smart " Well, so 1 used to be until 1 began to take Ayer's Sar- nparilla as a spring medicine, and now 1 don't know what it is to have that tired feeing. Try it, my dear ; only he sure you get Ayer'..' M.vkr Tan tray •Mees. • • 44 ell be weighed down more this Vie, entitle day than ever," Gatti the`t�q,�do• " What rakes you think so ' •' Those new postage stamps" and 1 esu forced to be nut in all aorta of weather, for people must eat, you know 11 often hao panel that after lifting heavy seeks of flour or grain at the mill, I was in a profuse perwpir•t ion, and heated as 1 wit has to drive in the face ot • fierce storm, or with the thermometer ever me many degrees below ?erne A man can't ,tad that kind of thing forever, and after • gond .many warn- ings I felt that something had really get held of ese and 1 was forced to quit work. i had heavy (otds all the time, severe pains ii the heck and mins and no appetite what ever, 1 Inst Groh .•nntinnally until 1 woo as you remember, a mere shadnw of my former self, and everybody the, saw me thought 1 was dying of cnn.amptiran. 1 doctored for • few month■ ; had poultices •I1 over me and wank a great deal of medicine. 1 will not say that the doc- toring .11.1 nn good, Mut it didn't ,bo much, and 1 felt se if 1 were never going to get better. At this time my attention wee directed to i)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Temple by reading an amount of • rase That seemed 11111e abort of • miracle. A sister rat my wife heti used then, and had forted them a veleahle medicine, and \.ember .r the emtarle.nesrd of Matte flays 1 have prescribed Scott's h:mul.ion ,n ('oasumption and eves when the digestive powers were week it has hese followed by good result.... R. 1'. \' Renee. A.R. , M. 1) 2w tot • Mewed ed .e pare FURROWS IN A 11G FIELD Ides• •ed uaseewN.s.. r.a sae rewer..- .aye Tar we.. Th. Iarssse who leaves hae wale to weft the garde. Jest Jeserrs te have el' her. Testamawr s •l.ued.et and .,o.duaive as to the desirable .deet of be. s upon paps vines, Trutt tiers marl butt Dearing manta genera' ly I lite ti4htb ••1 w most, used .s • plot to mak lists mid exp.', mato ta, will b • . ul6c,o.at to enable the farmer to learn how t.. better mama\;. tie a hose fare, Ihd ..•u ever try cutting rue..es ii the .prim sob n the domed :• 11,•feu • if wt, try 1t eve Pharr me a great malty 11uigbl comlurlwb.eJay, y.e .an dcrote 10 this wortrb. ground being frozen tote straw of for bullae- are staff and ri1td a'"d a brow takes them o!T..sily. Farm"eti make a plea.\ mut. l.. it. letting their hay .land too loig fur feeling apt 1u wee \ hon at gets tutu seer) it has tort the eleeruts that produce the lost a.•1 most milk 1 be ..'ail crop .. preferab.c to the brat, but rut your brat . rup Prof 1;resurnn. WVhas a farmer wane. more heed he should try the eaperlment of aiming to duul to the pr.,laet o: lets from, without e. - tending it* area. %Alien he has worked in that dureruw, to. .. tea seaalrs lie will then be more inclined to get rd o1 none of his land instead of desiring enure. \ lU acre Loin is • large one it at u pt •rlc cultivated to its highrs' lima of produr tion. It a at the 5e..on that the plow, hat for, .uluvatcr aud email tools will iequire beim;. ord. i , fur e. eu a belt .out of piety wall i.,• allot ieot to tender some tools use- less : but the feet 1s test nut and decay, expo.uie deco g the •:user, will have been the .au.'•. Look osmr the tools, and u the grindstone, is -ipaFper aid plenty 1 • ,ill grtlieg them vi nyder. Neter fuser a load -bid by digg.ng bat deep est stones that become uncovered by w, .r : i.,.1 ..mer then& soon, .i't with e .Duple ot ..1s from i he roadside, but with a load of gravel. More time lass urea spent digging out rocks of our country road•beei a. as to make It necessarily • water r111r+'' than would servo to bury them altll tare pike the road on each side fur sods with gravel so at would take • paragon to wear down to them. 1 have found, "eye e.. observant writer, that manure has a marked influence to bringing water toward the surface from depths .. great as ex feet below. 1%hile the mattered ground soutains u, the upper three feet of soil three pounds more et water to the equate loot of surface than ter unm•uured ground, the Warr ti.rec of ma uured ground oo•taana .bout tee sank am Dunt leas than the unmai:urr'I gr•.und. It apron., therefore, t.et term yard tosaures have an effect upon vegetattoa other than that exerts I through tee plant food they may :mutate By increasing the mosemeut of water toward the surface, as it a needed by the vegetation, 11 is of great efficacy and value to time of drouth. " Tommy meet be • very bevy man." Why " 1 gal a letter from him and to tt hr spells recommend with one m . ' ty.pe..1• rand. Iimin.aa,m, 1 was trebled with #ipi pcpmrm for about fearears i noticed en advertisement of Beranek Blood Bitten, ,. 1 started to nes it zed mon found that ther. was nothteg tereq al it. It took just three tootles to • tit a prises ars in my cow 2* ■m J. Raw, Winghem, tint. t..tpefaed. Woe Pbkerly Why, Mr. Tutter, what are those little parkas fur in the sleeves of year overcoat • vass..s Tetter Dem'► you know, reallyWhy, they are tor alady to pet her head ie. I will show you, if you will let me have your Land Mies l'mkrly Oh. Mr. Tatter Georgr this te •o *udder. ?bete Tawe TNI the .tart. strongly urged me to try them I meet Parabolises of drsseed fowls should -II eesfssa that 1 diff so with some reluctance ; ways testa on hawing bird. with the test i hod tried so may medicines withnet ea. As old goMdee or gander m he made head t that 1 despaired of 8edong asythun I to renew his apparent youth by rutting off Se elm me, bar any mar ell desperate and � his head and feet ami carefully dreansy the 1 yidrl«I to the anliciteuose of my friend, j body. but if the fest are left ne they al once tell the story of his age The feet of ta...1d lard are always reach, is WOW they hen.... barley, while those of • youthful specimen w as tender as eey other part of appetite, which had been almost entirely Ike body. The webs betw.le the tom of • Hasa reterning. 1 ennu..ed an take the l= dock Ir goose son be tori by the pbk Pi11s and fn.nel my strength er.Aaaltp almost as seely ss • hit of retiree*, smwme hung 1 had despaired ' 1. there of an old bird aro u tenam 1• • low wash. 1 led en far improved that Mather i1 buyers walld p.rebsae so fowls 1 was .hie t. ge.►..led. mid wee er.nseatly from *birth the (sea hove h.s. eat, Das 'hieing I sat..iy rtdished my 1.x1 plaihta of whey wsad .tehle t it did rile gesd, sad 1 mw that i a. Ohba world lei bee and purchased • *applyn f les from Mr. 1L A. Rrews. the druggist.1 burl not hogs takiay them very long when 1 began to settee a difference in myself and foiled me browtag limseeberrle., To be sucawaful with the gooseberry re quires some sk.B and judgment. In twat- Ins otalIng the gooseberry plat, select, it powWe, • locstiou where the sun will nut send its .corrhing rays (u11 upon the Lushes much put midday. The soil should he oeitber too wet nor too dr), • moist sal well no- derdratued, so no water *til staud about the root. at any season, is preferable. Work the soil deep-oliodangerof going too deep and add • liberal dreiug of Imre manure and work It into the sal before setting the plants. Keep up the fertility afterwards by fall apphcattons of manure and spading a la between the rows. Mulch heavily in summer. Prune the vines quite severely attar the plaints have been set a few year; the will give large fruit. Keep the gooseberry worms in check by .pptyimg white helle bore, first as soon as the eggs are found after the leaves put out Io the spring. In ten days go over them •gain, applying the ..oven in water; •spoonful of hellebore to r pail of water, using a force pump and sprayer which will send the water with some force among the leaves, the object being to wet all the foliage, especially that on the under part of the plants, as the larger portion of the egg. Is lad by the parent 8y on the under side of the lower leases. One or two apphcattoes after the fruit is gathered should be glees to destroy later broods of the u- . s.t.. nteat.g Please Crews Seeds. Many perilous think It so dlllc.lt to tains planta trete seed that they will not mike even one effort to do so ; others have bees so discouraged by first hoboes that they are reluctant to ,make a seabird attempt. The trouble with many beginuers is that they imagine seeds say be mows in any fashion, watered occasios•lly, and success be assured ; when the fail to grow under such treatment the seller of them frequent ly gets the blame for it. Nothing is more certain than if sods are mot permed as they should be, they will probably failto row. The pr, treatmeat tor coarse, large seeds will 'mother the life out of Rae Does. They are soothing like little children, we must study their natures mad treat them accordingly, and in this we a� profit greatly from the experience of others, in steed of wetting impatiently for renal" from our own hephasard keowledgr- The best soil for seeks is a light, rich sandy loam ; amy garde. 'oil will do if thoroughly pulverised. heated to destroy insects and nelsons seeds, sufficient mad added w make It porous sad am sbu.daaca pf well rotted masers worked into it. There are, however, some seeds that will do betty in rather poor soil, abrmis, verbena, nasturtium, and • few other. Flue seed should easy be sawn deep, and if veryfloe should be ;nixed will omen mere thisy over the surface and pr firmly down without covering at all Ih n ot let the eel dry out, keep It trout until the seeds germinate, then give • light sprinkling of water every night sed morn. leg. Ib not pour the water on, use • plant sprinkler, en ordinary household .ynngw,or a hair brush ; i prefer the latter, as it coven • larger surface at one. Keep the seed' in • moderately warmand shielded frost the light until t tiy�g.rtpi. e ste, then bring gradually t.te the light aad sunshine If too strawy • We is:yteam at Brat the tiny plata will droop sal die. Whenever the weather permits opine the widows and give the plats fresh air, or es mile days carry them outside Shield Diem from heavy winds and rams until the "tease begia to grow thicker, awd tabs them iso at night scan all d•sgwr from frost ie ever Verbalise, enurrbaie.e sad states will de ay if ryes too meek water. Do sot lose patients' and bogie to stir .p this soil if the seals do sot enter .p just wham yaw tot et them, they are often a little slew .bout atmu.g when the we•tesr is cold. It r better to sow only a part of seek packet the test UM., thew i1 they de met pew after a rsoammhl• pried pat is the rest, fleet Medlin the directions &irefully. `He so .flaw donee =te Maw tee tarp �t {bait permeates, 8narter.4.11linetir had. rt v ' • ROY• nes ;,RT1El1T A Wash Day AND No Steam 1N THE EPPS'S COCOA The Signa BREAKFAST. "If) •-becoeth knowlde• tot the wtlar.l 1.w• sobs govern ter .tparatlues of d mol eat riIWe, ar.d by • easeful .PN of the ti as Droplet lee of w.•b+r•leoted room. r. (Ipso bag pr.. el. d oar breakfast whim wilt • b. -away A.eourel Lorne, whesi may Wire VW in.W) l,ro' do, ,ort hole. It la by the jrntt Ielms. uea• ..1 such art tile• of diet that • outsell tal•ua ■as) Le gnauan) built up unto strewth N~oath to re -i., rt it ten•'eney lit Menhir e 1 U Le• we A a, cut 4owe that among tial or delleatemememoata de a Lally w••11.1,14wltbost Lelag tired. ~oath 1N Burn Bea re lug House You Say: } HOW 7 BY USING ■ SOA d ton* °eor'ding' f0 Easy OIren p Put smog yew u*s n. lea. •1, ...ski day slims try the soy.. !atm •' SUNL ICHT way. 307 Let a,�ey irwub day go by miasma The (:udders of Liberty don't haul; up her stockier. The wimmeu .ufragut• want it changed b " Peelle of earth, good will to winnows." Santy Claus mail in polhties, mettle, but he • mighty nice to people teat's got money. THE G. & J. PNEUMATIC T otr►e�1 TIRE.01 op .e lathe oily Tire Mat save satisfaction lest year a .r The OHM Bicycle Cs. lirassifesit Sint i. 50110[ tTela1T, Toltorro of wMka u,e)adl.. are IbaHna ar,,.tul w marl u, alleuk wh.'n ,er there s e meal p•lel. t1 a may ,..cape nosey a 1.1.1 .batt by keeper/ (urwls,• well ?..reset mob pare t400d and • tourer!) ,our,eh,d frnne- l:1ml Serr(tw Casette. almte stow) sotto b-Hllne water ne saw so.d wdI Iso lrekets,b &Owerw. Iahnllud thee: donde Moll A t •., m.merep.►ek imam- - - -- lata, seadea, ea alaad. 1893. I-Iarper's Magazine. II,t.0 ErrEoATFon, lisaras'e )Iaaexla. for ltsit3 wilt c•ru.mr to maestafm the berlvalled e..adard.1 eitt.s,- 1...e *bleb bee characterised It fres the ► ginning Awnw( the noabk fe•rures of the Iw'ee will be mow a.rele _k \. l'UNAr kiarSl R. 1e•tot eTAS('t VRa111,NR rroolaOt, mad W IW an BLACK. short nonce w111 be se.tri- Wted by the moat popular wr.tere of the day lisedutly Manr K. Wittles, Rtt'sAsa HAW, Inn Marla. Mangan,T i)ILA•D. H.4110.. Marrstev .. ar d mass other. The lllustraoed deeorirllve papa• will embrace articles to Jl'tete ILIUM en new goat berm and Weir era outdate: by T11moio.i Cam u on India; by I 0. LINK, 4Hla1n1w on HH•ri. and Ocrmaiy ; by R11'.a11D H►a0LSu UA,' on a Lyndon da. SOD; M Colonel r. A. l)oi'.0 nn Kamera Hiders. etc Immo A. A Hilt,'ll itlustra'tom of theee- seeme's ('udaedie. will he rnatisoed. Literary arta, tee wilt becoetrlbuted b CrariL= Kt-1ov NOW run lira JAWED T. ?ILUr. WIWar I/ta% HowttLe, baaxutw MA"Tmxwa and Wires. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. II.eNl'AKS MAOAEINR •.Pee Year It 00 11.4 RI'isms WKRKLY. t M iiARi'KKN 8.4ZA R. t 111 'IAKI'Klt'.'4 ) irUNO PK*JPLR... .. r fn Pootag. Free to cut aabaribera i. tae ['need )nate ('oaado nod Alferk.. I lie Volumes of the M .. bogie wtta Ithe Numbers Inv lune .id Uatemb•r of each scar. When no tomer apes riled. V bspoript age. a I1 trail, with the Numb.r current at the duke of rewire of crder. Ik.uad Volume. of I ties -per's Mataxise for three years back. In neat cloth bindles. will be rat by nail. pant paid. on teeniest or $1000 per meanie. Cloth (am.n, tar l inol lntt.:s) .:•n• s each - les mall, peat Paid. tteaiitta•es• should be marts tg Pestediee Mone) Order or altar.. to amid cbanoe of loss. Newspapers asoot W copy tee. advertise meat ,rat cnel tae erprrss oyer of Homer It Brothers. A Idre..: HARPER It BItOT�e RA. G. W. THOMSON, AGt•ENT, GODS RICH, ONT. FALL ^"° WINTER c000s The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and beat market. Ready-made Clothing a ispecialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at The Two Cash S1Ec P. ODEA, Manager. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nHRaacsEerFmo gouda�� PATENTS ►. oargr.!W 1 » 1 Vlt aeYl /a♦.� 'r+ ..aroma 7&►� esmeas�i.� r r, teM•�•+� iriie.•�ewlle'iee �i�e f��etts.eMat1 cienttiie#mtc �Imctiran • eMni rets. res 1 1 1898. Harper's Weekly. IZLTJBTB mase more calt..pou.l .Hull\&.. 1., Fla Job Prtutlugji�foot\ footle t«, whaul. are mere pawed outtlhie the cotes fur the prompt said proper eascuoi.11 of all ekes.. „I priwtmg A perusal tot this auu.•uu.,, meat may esgglmt w.u,etbing ) may be aan 1al of, and In .cubam ge tum s•,hr (11 your patrunase, beitug w.uti4gt that our etfurtr to please will met auk the appt.,val of tour pat toss This useful alae is kept el the fail range of finalities sone as (MG herds While llAl1rtl.'s Witmer is actwwledged as nairuleg Orr illustrated weekly period- ieaL la A twetea it occupies a place between 'bat of the hurried daily patter and that of 111. cess timely mental) mopasl as It ItsoleS.s bete literature and how, and presser with equal fere. aad felicity the r.•1 everts of etwreat history '10 a0000uentt the v� compeete issaismasK&stor ills tr.:toes of the Word'. fear, It will be net only the best guide i o !be great Kzpositie.. bat alto its best eeuve.lr. tern ruin event of gen- eral interest will be faHy illustrated In frt p.g. Its co.tributio.s brag from the h,•.t writers rad metes is this emustry. it will on [lame to excel la literature. sews. and einem tam.., all (ober 11.Wicall... M its rimss. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per T. HARPRKS WEEKLY .... ....... .. ea tlo HARPERS MAGAZINE ............ t es HARPER'S BAZAR.. .. .... .. . HARPRA'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. t 00 Pooapt free to aU subscribers (o Ike natal Vales. ('aaada and 1/erity, The Volumes of lb, Wgx&Ly begin wire the Ant Number for J•nwr, Welsch year. Wee. no time I. rnemioned, .ascriptions will begin wile the Number current at the time or re- ceipt of order. Hound Volumes of Hearau'. Ws..L, for three year back. in neat cloth baling, will be sent by matt, pomace paid. or by ex.reea, free of epee ns tprovided the freight does net exceed one do:lar ser volumes, for $7.00 per c d nine. (';nth oases for each volume, 'nimbi* for Misting. w111 be scot by resit, postp•id,o. ,'e xtp t o/ $Ian. each. Remittances .bould be made by Pastdoe losMey Order or 1401/. te. •veld r a.oe of • Newspapers are net to copy fab edeert(se. ,sent rit*out the espresa oyer of }Lima it address : H I RPIR Ile BROTHICRB. New York. 1893. Harper', Bazar. ILLVIIBTR STMIn_ Haar\.'. BAZAR 1111)011111a1 for the home. it gives the tallest and Mast lafot•rs•tios ahem i.skles.• and Rs sumee•oe. Wearattone. Pert Keetre•. .ad pattrsalre% .opple.l..i. are Indisgemsabie .like to tee home drew maker Dad tote prefelseosml modiste. No ex prase soared tomake itsnic nisei.e as.eaMgeesmfieeordIts bright Medea •d thogbtrell mays we tidy an sates. end Its Set page It lamems .s. budget of wit sad humor. la Its weekly Moss. everytkltg M *eluded *blob lee lemma to wmmss, The eerier for IMO will he wettest Waimea Rs+ry and Rows LTALL. liaorr rs Tmenrr. Htwwtc. *11 runtish ! practical swim, entitled "At the Tofet. *Mace Yew. terve 'Mows Miut.. tad CawDao t WNttatsw will befrt.sest csmtrtbs. tors. Tbwork of women r t Columbiea Y1eeelt len will be tun, repreee.ted with \taw Ibustretbts• T. Wit mamma. la "Womble •nd Mee.' w111 maws • cultivated tudteaee. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Tear l HARI'RK8 RAEAR M m RPRRB MAOAZTh& l N RPRR'8 Ws� LY•......t /s ARPRRR PO NO P10opt.�.... .r M Postage Aye fte ef7.ub.e'O.re is fee UMW 001.. f.4..s de• and Maris. The Volume. ef Vb. Rasa. keds witk tY gat Nleshse tar Jas.., eta & ym ,. Wb .• Um. M me.Luse& mosimpa.r. wai dwhit tee utter. N amberarena\ at t linnet rete. t laseed \' ntesasa et R b 11 . Lr three Jean trek. In vont �tutm� or ode mat WOO Per be test by a.gk.ng hes of ex pen.. es Ietrvfil elte5 1 sew de per v yet um. QuH ( ter mash ..hams p=at a rMle•�AilpntR. Im b aarll .til Rtmas.me..~y bes Pent masy�f .Lind swum ea it► .f AMem : ■A■PSItlf• suoTl ea. XICANIT the 4N11 ill chi. Iids we loose a very tars, stock of tine writing paper. *Mt able for every class of business represented in this locality, cos prising laid and wove, lino.,, quadrille and other paper*, ruled or onrnled, as tray be related. lel. neo. ' toaa.% are not so generally seal, they fill an important place in cominetrir; eornes►pundence. See what .,.0 got under the above heath. MA%. ifkttlitk• If the " pay -a. -you -go " plait was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not it so gnat ; but there are solo,, two who get so many thinners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. Wo don't intend it ie, and at prtfent our stock is cue plate in the line with four sista I IDDM paper and neat ruling. Both single and double .dollars anti cents lwlunina They come cheaper than bill head., and me the proper thing to septi after a delinquent once a month. They are euro to fetch him 'round - sometime. iLtNrt\ot.t.• Now, it would be hard to get along without envelope',and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large *tock oe hand. We have now about . hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 75c. te $2.00 per M. We handle cote mercial anti legal eines exclusively torawaseaaA 'Pwghtt►wil� has alms* lipias t� partially Mille elated in nom d e beide above. There is, however, a vast ammo of work under this heats that is enumerate would more than take up the entire apace oocupled by this adv't, but we do it all at Tun >wAottons to an "At Home" or a wedding require 000siderable taste in melee tion 'sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be hada. ('all and fee Cii.ee sktims We aim to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, anti keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable fir all requirements. urns of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. oed►. owd► T'.e cots This head coven a large range of work, from • bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or dinary admission ticket to a tasty business Gerd or a handsomely printed membership ticket lch Otte • Our facilities for turning mit this clams of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is dune Try ea This line also in elude. odger• which our three fa.Lrunning )ole preen are able to turn out in .urpnaingly short time. oke. 80A\• belong to the poster depeelm alt *Leo, and we make • specialty d them promptne.s being our atm in this resp.ct. A notice d ink will appear in Toils RI6Ir*L tree d charge when hills for same are got herr. 0»I WMI.• of W Oahe in the t ical printing list' eau be(oi ate in this trtahlieh)nent in an expeditious and .rtidkr manner sad Ow V mets 4%, X hit. Sovteni mete etosoo'o of t, We extend our thanks for past le• 0511 anti solicit . continuance d the IMM1e woman. no'