HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-6, Page 1e1N111111VD111111111111.6I- .. - THE SIIS GNAL T. Woo iters row -doe's Os DOOM a YAM. bars AINAes' VOL. Xi.V. No. 2407. THD ONIPACITALL N.wWSSAPER OZ gZVRON oOTTNTYe GODIURIOH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 1893. Ts THIS WEEK ;W ADVERTISEMENTS F. J . Priam% Pd- 8 8 not otos K K =(+Rowe, . ..... rosy t , Lean t, 11. diss.y . r ialr of to Roo R C. Hoye... ap,,,;t,., In•.•c•l J f Aohesou abort) tors K 11- Smith mem to It u: !' Scope - ... t1' J P.teley THE DESTINYOFCANADA . An Int tnintlng Arttola on aha 1 Pant, Prevent and Future, WE ARE FACING THE INEVITABLE. iIIfiI� AT ens tomos •«• YOUR LABEL THIS WEEK. SIIS GAM Tows Kars a !Maas wr mi Asya silt. D. McCILLICUDDY, PRoPli manifesto wee tiysed by malty peemieset lit Bos- Joseph Li•mb•rWs sad eke by FROM OVER THE COUNTY. t aaatiteai est*/ forgo that tawo0utios that of How K Bloke, elms 1M Reform to M b•okd was •cc.esai y to Canaria beo•ttee she could feeder- The Heleeleer. •�s•r by no oumpeteut torr disiateneted auto tys„ttat ObtOlntbd :!'ORO not otherwise secure free atheneum,. for her uric A Naw/y product w the Closed States emits Tite....wit d d• y sad �, onto land. to awntry was rf.734,S1b a fa nand --- suveaT roasters maws or 186. 1 •Reber tight million duIWs- Coneervauvet 1. h ITEMS OF INTEREIiT FOR READERS. Rogers, left here for home on Tuesday, be et and , t c.iWr by l • the County Mill. esu denied prelerwual treatises' in d1i g ills 1890 from Antertoas rood• ported Iwill have • good effect to improving Um eon rinse of the roads and Mee be be•eficiel to the fall wheat crop, whish we hove bele ie formed was by m.surn of cot•tloeoes frost eontowbet seared ie the leaf or Weird: At peewee melons no frost to do any injury. K Tt-aeau ro Him Horn- -Mir Rich mood, of Atwood, wbo has been on an in tended vest to Rev. D. Roger. and Mrs. Tb. rave yuesttur was thea me it had a out that even were there nucu*1l 000 000 es, much plea ed with her visa whilst here• been for half a century a vital issue i. 1M Imtwero the two .wutlries that -. --- - Mk* delivered as excellent address. to the 1 of use , of revenue would wholly dieepprar The membmn of the F:prurl6 Imeagme o• S•b (;tt fano nods was A weoalr sapet d CerNy Rewe wrested yip d The semis everybody -Mb •d Yeast • up• dress erremg service de - rises W Smith. .. - ..... , . S ' United Seta A careful etc, y riot. Materia! �t1Oo gtmselu A tbo ■. R-ewe,esan. se anu.uat oollectetl on g fes •bath the able it being Keefer $.• sy k f ow, rtmoos ,isms.] Opens Ho•ss 1 hstory of the several territorial estate moo million d. _ __ gteadisere wloboel l'teseee.•,mae Meese- ..ona of the United States shows clearly i Trale rad N. BORN. r►flf-p Ai ii.tdur. Idea.- 55 Good Modal y• , h 31...ert to • wits et iter- H.W,g.e R. A of r da•m(hter. DiE N)IUII le H.rter O Moods,. AMI tap g11e,b- A Ja.e +ruin- relict of 1 Me A it M•.rr+, awed s Ie•ra- MARRIED. (Dr6I III . wttIkur.itry -11y the Iter. sower!. M. A A. et toe rondos. oil Merle 31Msa,wo Wo M'e. Wm 'CAMAS ODA eat T. -d •o, tend se. Mr. Saes Alba Hn . res ilophue of perm Yram- Si, tyres the meets.bleeted te Caned• .Mars- k:waosattou of the sans/ lady also g vigatwu Returns mow that livered an et°ellent whirls., subject, undo impxtd from F:ogl-.. �• Koster. Ruth were higItI)' •pj,rectatd god awe 1 ennea.ed Wren, every *engem The Cream et tae Tamely News a+ rerr- Crlatsr et the West sad Seal News Mesas /tees ear Lerwl e=eMwera that heeever the slave terriwry, was ! •+•rlv all the t 1a tar tr•M. Tb4IU.eew. 01b.mes st extendeds Intherly, sin! Igoe sol eta ; ono 1.o duplicated in the Gutted Sites, •and iember.ar Tb.,, rave Atl rare h el 'Mitchel to the Vineries. Mies Mary Stewart, daughter w embed 1■ tae Mlanrr+. soars wA1Cb had oke sur s ., er only reasonable to Stewart, mid t extended surtherly. that way the i1 erica door • were r the revolu ' American duty while the Anierio0m goods d our former popular townsman, Stahel y tow of Lucknow, u visiting ties, always kept nuthe en stronger,estruggle ,baa say t at tired triple itis former acyu•iutawote ••d hnow. ee- The led. the north until in the sol the struggle a say that our trade with Voiga..f nd would al- ri he. 1 chin, broke out in taunt wholly disappear, and thea wipe out p,rook the great Atrer,emn coil war which ex lin gushed slavery. When Uana1• was demand Mg adroitness to the U•nou, the parties were *early evenly do idyl, with the hal- .wee of power iu ,11,• hands of the slave sad Mrs fine eab•rttru. itiDMTISMID Mame I,ASI witut.l Writes fes Tu. nmw.L by ' 111*t•rioaw' ws.r wail axraT1D nes Tax t r. The Netiu•ol Pultoy, as Ma been peintd oak by other writers warn not • mere r•ad- whet .LSA ,ern epprw the major p+rt of to nine mtll,00s obtain from our English imports, In ad. ail ion, mane of ter trade doom with foreign '!entries would be transferred to the United Slake, en that all tol.. the Toes of revrnne could sot be ler thea abut 16 or 17 million dollars annually. We would barely telt W pay interest on the public debt and the suh.idy of 80 cents per hoof of the papula ion paid the different province* for the 1110101 41an01 of local government as provided by the terms '( a.nfederatioa. The ('onservatIves claim that as our pub- lic service must be kept as 'Genet as that of our next door neighbor the •zp rddere d the ooantry cannot be reduced without impairing it efficiency or breaking faith with the provinces. The Reforests at first denied there would be • dr1101aey of such an alarming extent in the revenue They now clans. that direct taxatioe u a goal thing for • eoenkT : and perhaps it would be, were direct taxation for federal pur- pose us poses in force in the great auotry beside as ; but won the cost of tloverotneoi is ramcotxd to y minimum with their* sad customs dues which touch all to a,Uwtd by classes of the ooenu.uuity, the impuutioe of direct taxation here, falling as it would up- ou the farmer .n.1 times wham property u most accessible, would be • burden which woaldo't he p.tiestly horse. 1a Quebec direct taxation is imposed for provincial purposes, and the ?retell are ea.a i bm oouutry by t mad , even homes to their farms e scape that and other afflictions. Put an extra burden in ohm shape d a Iirect tax far federal purp,ees upon the shoulders of the unfortumi's habitant, . nd we world have • fi&Atm of people with- out a parallel since the Israelites fid u • body from. their llgptia° ta.11-xaest..r.- Fnumlly C,t•eervsuve* contend taut es Ragland makes all treaties for w it would be a!snrd 4, expect her t., in.kuct her rspr.- ,reitat.ves at Washington to .agn a meaty t send porm(ttinR any foreign sou y g.or'1• duty (rue into (''nada, white auhje0•- mg her Own to • high tars$ Thom would ma - restricted reciprocity be blocked at the very threshold, and se would be Los to face with the disagreeable question what are we i .1u about it ` to answer to this the R.- formers appear to be able to asy nothing more than to pooh the objection. Regatdtag the e poll01 of fool o�llLy limited to the natural pro wintry, wbich the Coes•rvttre party favor, a few words may be said • h rGoiprcoity was abaseloned by the hel•bn stoles- 'They could aid no more 10et tent of the tardf for the semis purpose •law o-VTilery. Theo was ••.thin[ attxs of protecting manufacturers, but to et broadest cotieepttou was iuteaded to em- brace all Lads of uatee sl developneut ee railway buildm.g, most comic-001ton, erec- tion of public mmt.alev, oto. It was report- ed &leo to stimulate private .,.10 prise, and " with a long pail, m sootf� pull and & ;mil a t' believed b the promo holding Dsteocrecy whir+ ruled the otos southerly t. a.l.l- Their " boo play " was to prevail the north from nuking any wi- dower The atm,s.wn of such s Tarn ter- ritory as Canaria would have placed power ie the hand• ol the oath at least ea against slavery, and slavery would hare hal to o walk the plank." So ,'e*- nod the slave - Jacob Schnuck has returned to Washington Territory where be - e! - gaged in the lumber woods. Brussels . Preliminary •rra*getD1et w being made for • aeries of racee on tee Brussels driving put to conte off roma time in June. Krus•sl. Armstrong Kerr, who wee a lam bar character in thwack imam yeah ago, died at sealorth last y • been in poor health for some time. Veer Fora . Out of eight young tear who left here recently for the west, six had decided to settle In Dakota, and these sex were all supporters of the Seismal Policy. Wtngham Many old Wioghamiles will learn with deep regret of th.- death of James Carrie, at Fargo, )ak., on Nur. 11th last, and of the death of kis moo Robert at l;rantl in, Doh., en. March 11. Morrie : The 100 acre tars of George Brewer, Sj out 23, con. 4, has been parches d by hes see F. K. Mr. Brewer .r. will not ninon from UM* locality i hiy but will likely make heehaws Komondville : (lite day this week I)• Moore, of B,,t.00dville, was standing in Mr. Hill's blacksmith AAs��hop when one of the borers kicked, crushing gte ((kMoore's o e's hxnd and nearly taking off Wi.gbam : ,lir McIntyre, teacher of the .sound delartn.eOl of the public school, is at pelmet trying the curative qualtt.ies of Press a mineral bathe, for sciatica Her mealy (rieeds bops she will return tally re covered. young 1 y seine to enjoy her t tent, ea du all ( r&o our visitors Masters M and Lone, 10115 of lire much respecied county lk ant Hu., n, wLo bate been the guests 1;:•1. a enough -revenue st 1l+_v, nano 1 tf ,nd. H hail he, of Kincardine, and formerly of this vil lege, a viwitieg relatives lied friends in the village and vicinity. Car 1 Crawford and .leu enjny of Mr. and to tag themselves in renewing their animist encs among former associates here, left here on Monday for home at the circular town. Theyy enjoyed themwlvve splendidly among to ►iters folk whilst herr. Peter Ham - HIS NAME IS HONORED. ism. "•1 £beet the LW • d Lamers es rg•rva. •t festival occurred on the 17.1 of last Both Med ismielxated by the Irish memo ✓ bettor of Its patron mist, the holy Bishop plion, C atrarj to the usual habit, the My elednated to him u that of ba death sad sot of his troth. The story alt his life i• lee of the most tntereetis/t u religious knew) Mout. Ilse. rear 400. the wil•l800ts mails • rani southward, beyond the wall which Serie. built to keep thews owe sol. Broom, se 1 sarong other cap' y away to tie It ,ortio•ru f.eteseme • mere lad, sad is Mo'•$ to a trimly of some node. Thin you! h was sold into slavery apes the meat .,t Ir-•1•ud and inner sh11...,veraattle all yowrs of ,:.poio'ry ►e frLeaont tis.•etar, Lhe Saw of Sti••c*th, het tote may have been m Wee hr a Mph he hat been known 10 his limbed The Gd wan of an unusually devoutand pr.wt'..,+I 1.- nature, bet his deeply religious twsprran,ent .lid not prevent hire from en• terta•nieg. like all other eappvns, the idea of escape. 1 he dually suesssded i. reach. We an 1, son •sapsft sed rtltlsess-4 to bis twice1 ati,.•(tt2htt �M emus., to hive r.•omyed toter er, a was era y ten of the National Poboy'het the coaoky 1.17• 11 was alsrmal at the pr.peet d woad nos take op the grw..l it h.d fart batt•* s &nalaaddwl lommia.!•,nere were iu ouaeparlwh. with the treat progress trade by ua rival the (T.etal Similes. A fiord of *honey poured into the awntry for the pro- 35sau•41 of public works as welt ea for manufacturing ani Itmuine purposes. Canals was .line considered a marvel ou.1) soeure free entrant's to the Un1ut1 States goal field fur the Knglien investor. A o,n- .esthete for the natural products of Lemma. tract for the eow.tru,tlou of tate Cmnai,an "Gree them our minket and they will he Paci8e railway ow eetre.t into, and oh withal; t., remain nut of the U.io. "said May 2 .4, 1881, the first rod of that groat they. The result was enterprtee was turned. Uo.dtuu•s of the rat aatirrom9TT Tw7T 01, 1851. 0002001 were that it Amid he Midi in tan The South wan rotated. It kept Canadayears, and that the o,mpany should receive • seek boom d '65 nnletos dollar. oat of tit, Union. Canada was eatisMd, and 25 m.11nw miss of lard. Altbws.tb It enabled her to keep tree from the troubles they were Riven tea fears to oomplet, the then loos ni"g up to the Sous over glittery, lar .pike eras driven on the 'fib 01 Not and ties her people the great dissident um, e1410r, 1885. rinse than Bre yen s.wmer free ammo to the markets of the United taw,he agresmest wets I; the orernmeat Steges- oo It is ece.led o..11 bad es that Mat into this country to investigate our mailmen On returning to 1ashtegte. Meso commi•siriaeta reported that the desire of Canadians Inc political unl.0 was pet the price they were willing to ps)• to t req.ired. Catioda)liolltpered while reciprocity lased, a• nwea0owm IIIMIeDtTSLa 0110007 aft• thaub thereeeete who say Med mesee ether than reef nm:tty metalled her. fent. RCMother doubt tree. Ksr.,leaa sad Aner.catn k th. 6" yrs .64,1114to 1885. dem. wan end M wti.smaks IM prier .4 1• • ate,,„1111. 1 �w6imh sltb. C. P- & wan under cos--.pplias high w.1W g..r, hs'` still it nil! etrOCUow, the lis er..tast sprat an develop- be intent that h11 aura -IM seek • re at ieg the cooetry as per the N. P. pro,rom, lurk"% as the United Stationing have very iw radwa s ; =8,866,314 ea materially added to the sate total of Can.- gt8,509,3t0 1 da's prosperity. To est otherwise m toe. canals; and =8,634,184 in other public ••r,oiheng imMoctle. The pant to t w orks, making • gra.d total 01,06,999,988. here is tbrtt wbde other maim ttpr'e- la addition to tot• eooxm.wt sum very largr city mewed to make C)aaada prrpe ie De', and harbarom he had seems to ha'e thernugbly Utilised hie with tee sobk resolve of devoting his life to the onat..nmg am! I'i.ristauns.wet of the savage Irish asap dean, tate ple.diop d hr r.- let:.es nit to again renter. sway 11130. Oven. after los pant exp•rteeose. he actively loci reedicely .et ',hoot pr.patrot himself for I,.1 lite work Ne entered .orae religions astuetio.n. the exact locality of what' is in Borne .iup.tr, tor this preliminary fitt,oe sod training ; but be rw0aks of meet re workable vi. on. which carbo to him from time to time. eyeing hi. to piraerere to bis soMe purpose and at shoat for see of thirty he referwl, as a priest, to Ireland. Somethod of prim iere was to first win ewer In the he:,rf n1 Christianity the ekieds el the rooms tribes and clam, wad thee Pp, the creel will and respectful attention n1 their 1,!,.were S i re n.rk.ed.' wee his wooer that, tho- se oesag his latest of shout 4S years practically tit whole p•p.'lation was Christ Maimed. the reason for the emeriti .adellwlteeeas of knee-.tr. commode, him, is the fast that his loin name. Patrisise..teawe patri- cian or "n1 M,t.de family," and wbo oeen- rnn:y a.lded to the easel of preeminent Bemuse ,n ,nock the sante Sasser that Re - 40 -0 is mord with .• today ��jj11 sus. male a bishop, •sd after hit .igea, h we. t-rmowixe l as • .**.1, ley the en ehornh Unriag his lifetime he is believed to have vested the Pope 0t Rome, st haat ones Sunt Pefriek was undoubtedly the great esu naso tar? the world has ever sus, and s o ompihsherl a hereie work among the wild historians 0f the British isles. Thyro is a legend that he drove all the make, and venom -ice reptiles out of Ireland • thin accounting for their present scarcity -bat this tuneful tale prob Oily originated te the vivid and weird .•gory of the pooQ� sad 'tinkles onkles 4. symbolic. s.asi.tis ds perms of e11 forms of wlskedoer sod vice. y Awl outlays were male by menu:spatttr esu times day. m la eve. • greater •eoesi17 1 we•ea ,tlwsy and by te+autacwrsre &WI for remorse to the trailed State* StatHarker .oe sewn en ete.,nit xd 6.0121',...8Ina,That the .isle three canoes hove ceased to operate to expenditure of such a vast sum, burrowed to benefit of the ('analan farmer. 14 abroad, steel on which the country is p•yrag reciprocity or free entrees* to that mater inureet, attracted . large "umber of people was desirable when ioreign wars kept prices to the oouotry go,r without syutg, meal 11 up ft -es entrance he•mps a eecesity now p eywll, esptble of helref that when ilii. when there are neither wen nor rumors of hated and employinent hal war Tb.• reorpr,eity 1,504.1 sur •l41**tr l w ich entry, unf.xtuoetely bate attributed ttuwiir lotion to ill feeling United States, t is more lrlde 010017 was es u. tweed the Foots leges to fres (or the in 1866 Fry the Uwi Stets 8°"" people b i o'•` •r whirs e ( Vetted *a( 1864 hewn f Cnad'• o.tt•,nabty, m en clot. •eml towards (,sad*, butPro ii preee Sebes. d'erelunGlewa• The names of Le children sub took the r easy of woe's, and its people w moth I.k+ that the oras reason for re ng to cos en lora e* f r own, that it Omen what we cannot to tte•ty is M it foaud in the fact Wet obs Irnitthey were able to smile ell NoeNoe.u- ,loot. theeyy modal,i thn ele considered p.ot. that jig handlM (••an•d&afforded .o each market for their produce as the United States afforded for the product* of Cans tea farms. toed by the A •imil•r treaty was United States duns, th time Mr. M.c- kentta e was in power, George lore ■ bsiwl the oe.m.rp'ner alio went to Nash .noon for' the purpose of tegotiatInq • teMty. 'Hach Already was estephatioally refused by the Meted States immediately after have the lest Canadian eleetio . They reason for hoping any longer that such • treat' caa be s secured. 0 they sum upon the creak re *propel- led of mesa inq Natimsal Pity fall which, in the °pink* retain. 1t was about ibis tone that the e normous proportions of the exodus (mean to •.tract general atteoti1, end that the cities and towns of the' Dominion began to * bow togas of eta leads. and business goner - ally to become depressed. mune Mavis/ exhausted the borrowedy, sol having failed to make a horns market in Canada. the farmers of the reentry betas talkie, agar.01 the ps.d.d.t y and necerrty .( securing tree entraassfer their product. to the great markets afforded by the large 'hies of the liaised States which line the border between the two owntrw,and which aro •e near to tM •grieeltural regions of 1Mtario as to the foreshsg district of the United 4pp,,odsosOrwe/to the s that Ca.hes them cities large- adiaa ly by water we can lay down nor stuff at tower primas than the American farmer, who mods kis by roll, which u mire expensive. Such • market bed hon prom ieed them bp Sir Job. Macdonald when he introduced the ealetw.tel emolument upon bleb Me NatWest Policy was founded. The N•tis5- at Policy, it will be remembered, was Sx- meted to club the Americans into giving as resipreeity is *Mimed prodects by st d- isg their manufactures from Canals ingl.e.t marks in the different studies at the March examinations i. the Separate Scheel an v follows rovsTe CUM • hn.tran Doetrue -- Margaret Payee. i4war.l Tighe. Rear don-Ass1. Jorph Metro,. Ari1mMetie-Ass e - Deegan, Rhes Webb. l .11e71e, Frederick Skanses. Lissome e - Teres• Chisholm, Margaret Payse Cow pprities.-_Aotrew Lyn•, M Pr Hattiry--Marquee Payne, fY11w W..b►t Teresa Chisholm. Geography - Taws Chisholm, Andrew Lye., Gertredm perk. Orthography hograph) Margaret Pmts•. Elisa Andrew Lys.. Writfsi-p'raome Mc('orm.e, Teresa lltisMehs. wleg- Joseph M.-Itvoy. Jena Harley. Temper- a/K. germs Des, Margaret Payys'sw• Neatw,•s -- Dertr.Ae Doyle, FrOder(•k Sone• 0•s and Ana MeltnugatI deserve venal coedit Nights* total --Mary'.•, Payr► wee having ended, the llorerament of the United States, heinr g tttheir fares anxious ill op pfth western lands, could raise all the produce the oo.n0y re- eked, an -1 they w.abed to gime these f&rmmv. a chance who were to be taxed to pay off the debt Ates Lx TRA(1*2'l tA.T ramovarT10' WY CANADA. The abrogation of the ire sty al•raod the Canadian government mil several abortive effort were male to have els treaty rsaewd. Doe proposition male by Caned* was that American prodigies slimed be ad- mitted fres into Camila .1 the United Stares would IMI, lower tise tariff for the heoeit of to Canadian farmer. m:uer, fisrwrman and lumberman- It was, as hike bee.i pouted out heroin, partly in expectation of getting [•141o such reciprocity 0, y e manufacturers that the Netiona4 Policy was inauguratd in 1879, so that the veined to mat het 10 the Can dies producer has always bees recognised by the Canadian Gover.tnent. Attestioe nae hems drawn to the period its oar history win our great expenditure es railways, ramie and public works gsa.relly, haying terminated, the people who had .0.e here to masa, is sg MC money were tussis, rend speed Wangs se is great sombers- The sseas•ity of dohs' •.etetol*` to stop the exodus wag .ppareet to 011. Coessrvtivem, Returners aal .enfro1. Au agitation for • remind of the reslpweeify treaty with the Coated Status sprang up Masan sprints neouely. The Reformers were out d power. They .dnpted a platform of enmsnxa•d amiss. This provided for • metes. unix. 1Kwens the two omastriea Ruh•rgse.tlyunt= that oom5areial nnim welch' he 4e by their anemia; as w41tstg political sai, dish :lest ▪ heieg diest is .Deal manage, mai fes anuses t1 posses the creamery botches, they su(rdtateddisioli•y keowa ea as .,estristed r.dpr city. 8o lar se one is able fa .*imMsri the .loses., it aims at re tehim mama of Ike cosmos house, allowing A.,ei0.r' products d all kiwis is free. 0ed ohargi.g upon &sttish geode the rime dense as arel..red by 11 United States This partyprofessed to .riH.t. British onlo/Rlies awl t h leaden impaired to oaten the Couserrative Isadore is their prd.0.ia0 of deeming to British 91 he mode to *ata /01ds the paltties d both parties with respect II ram noes essv' smeeras 0 aMPO0rn?y. n l,T00Y 01 sentesoienr- R•rupr•.rity, like toadied amid., is on • sow ga•etio• in this .weary. It is skeane se old as the seaetry itself Rveryse whe homes anytbisg of Canaria. sad Amorists history is aware that owing to the Lel that when the esestrir were divided alter the war of isdspeadeace' oke Awer.0a anise grew ver7 rapidly, ewis1 tote fact dot oleo they were supported by • territory saner d moss to the i.migr•et tins the then spend part •t Canada Mashed, Med ftpyr gasekly, white Q.as .Aroman ly at • •wditill I. 1816 these A..rit•el site• had besose quite P...0.rose. ag'1 being elsaswCL•sd•. would have rival oar farmers, lead it bass apes to there, a enter menet 16..(g - land bosoms the latter r.s ry wasar away, freight ebarges wen exarsive sod engem stow. 1e 1816 the talus ef this mM syi111 erle► Cateathea was Weight+ fn~ e antble erie Alicia of the Casapaying dlea flormr.or, and Ivy him an attempt was made to WIMP es - teases thereto for the Cesarian farmer. east failed. it was renewed, bat wit tent eases a by eaeDg,d4.g Governors At this aim and esti! 1946, woe mitted ,oe1e Il all British wrioa ns time the pred.cts .sto 1l.rtais on setter the oele•im o>< fer.y ee0ntrias M (not them w$eyed that prde'ut0 trade Is She Dridd market which .•ay (bw•dlawe se hope fee. Is that year Ragla.dsh•wrl omit the peonies for over. hod thasesforth ew dee*. d the USW States de hergenkorona terra es.stri s were admitted gogo ot Rn wee this diof the 111141W1Lls.si4 es the predates sf eel wt&rbe1, fan here that the.s.omM'y for samisen,. to the AsaTlesa sw6itosse The diseasteat - Tillie CLAW (imbibe 1)e.teie• Rd.••d Osp(sa. !Wiwi Jrmephiwe Nal y. Dolle rename. Anthem Anthe mis -8*,M Webb, Mary Data a(4raaromsw-Dora Clllehwlm. Mary Dire (hinnies, ~ ies, ilm.iw Mdbm e•e. COM- Vtien- .Itosephtws A•IMww7, Der Chic hem, Dogs*. Meennus.a His10y-Gress Chisholm, Swain WsOsrmws. Mary Cony 1.grsph,-Rd...d ample, Dew Chit - beim ( y--Jesphi•e Osiew•p. lb1i. Rena Writing - Teresa Doyle. Maud retry, Detentes- Tomo Dwyl•. J•ss0lsine =way OCwrttt.Nwwap. ewtwe•s--. awl Dere Chisholm dews* spook. emit. Highest less) -Dees Chisholm. Wilybey wren gw1ksee hem M fi.hele55 ar6ss Gee !t 4M :4001m 0 .e4Ma /rem Ate. W . for r1 iia 1Tzshwood : Silas I Mejardiue bad the misfortune to get his leg broken • few days ago ' y • saw log rolling os it waile at work w Mr. Tager's mill yard. The freetured limb was peepraliy est, •ad lie t rsesteg favorably. Dr..rtle:-A.,rgebed race wi11 he ted at, Bromide on Jump 29th, hetweesr J. Swart.: '• Walter U.. and ft lleattie'e " ,Medici B " better known as the P nag, mar.. Stakes $300 Other - ell las added to the program• • Morrie : Joh. Kirkooneell tied family have removed to Hallett township when be has leased 900 acres o land from Andrew Taylor os a 10 year lease 1600 • year is the rental. Mr. Kirko,00ell had Wm. Cameron's farm, Sok no., tor the past eight years. Mr. Cameron has moved back to the homestead. A New V. S --litho timid, son of councillor Medd, West Wawanosh, who has recently taker. a diploma at the ('ollege of Veterinary Surgeons, Toronto, is sow locetd in our vill�'ge abd has opened an office in the pre -minis fereterly occupied by Mr. Keshler, +hero he oast be consulted on the treatment of diseases of hones and cattle, as he recently left the College and having whilst there posted himself no the latest matt most effimrioss modes of treat- ment fee curing the diereses of horses etc., sad having supplied himself with • good 0amber of instrumento of the most repine improvement, he s therefore in • position to give satisfaction awl by • strict 011.01io• to bustnes in hie profession he hopes to secure • rood parasite a of those who may need hi. services We wish MOW 1100sese- McKillop: George Hahkirk, of thisbwe• ship, still terries swatch which suss brought to this country by his father many year's ago. Ask was about 50 years old when his father obtained it, be estimates that 'he unepseoa is onusideeably more than 100 years old, bot today it is quite reliable and ems better tine than some of the newer - tangled turnips. Morris : Alen Kaket, of the find ars.. batt his baro end stable and their cmetpliits, oo.sietiag of two horses, hoe bead of cattle, Ins grail, hey, impietysuts and • lot of other articles completely destroyed hy fire on Friday night Iaat, 'f he cause of obs fire is unknown out it is supposed to be the work of an immiliary as there was no lantern end at UM Mable that night. DUNOANNOh. POPLAR 11011V. YTom nor owe r.wra po ndrne MI+. Robe. Sallon had the misfortune to sprain bor ankle one day last week. Few boners in this v.e.nuty aro takes, advantage of the maple sugar season Joo. Titin. ear., wbo lives oo the outaaerts of Poplar Row, lest • valuable horse last weep. Mil• CilleiM7 A. WWI? Washere A at trod if ZTer3tn, vWt•dpp raj R Tomes last week. Miss Jennie C•tepbdl, a student of Gee. rich Collegiate Institute. spent her fleeter holiday• at her bonne in Colborne, Master Will Sallows has the contract of drawing the milk to the West Munro cheese factory irons Poplar sad Butternut Row We wish Will success. Janses Sallow,, teacher S 8. No. 3, Grey, past hu Faster holidays under the parental roof. He 1.11 on the ■fternooe train on Monday, to resume hu duties Prepared far Meader* M Yrby Ya.ai/M�arep• 1� Want Freon our Ona •O,e•.ee.dtitt k. MUNICIPAL Gree_T._ - e municipal LEEBUHN. From our ewe regret. ei sten . Moe S-. Li0gsYa emitting relatives at Carlow this week. Mies K Thurbw vatted (needs in the circular town aha seek. Mrs. Wm. Fotberisrham, of Bromfield, is visiting her deal/liter Mn. A. H. Clutton- HOUDAY7. -Peter Foley, Hillary Bottom and Mir K. Carney, of the (loderiob Collegiate lartitute, nee enjoy 1nit (raster ander their respective psreetel Mrd•. Monday of last week there was • good turnout .t the .ale of farm stuck at Mrs. John Thurlow's rear Sheppardtuo. She has rented the farm ter • urns of years to l;eo. Vilified of thea place. Farm wort i■ at.rtiog and everybody is on the move in the morning ; 5 A W. i* the fermate hour to rise. Karriog 'sly Mon day morning parental voices have t, shout rather • bit lomter than other days to row t in the cos up the youav folks sod forget their bright of almost every man of pelisses if .w ea.ncd et WON W111"0041. twill Wrest 10 days long tog.. when they rt up • little inanity has sunned its Yet the Township hall on Saturday the 8111 later,lea the well knoon Leebtrn hour fes (ulnar it ever pneseassd- April tar Ma teaoa+uti.'a d ba.imer. ALL P M. sharp, to fp W art to W proses for the Pro •e cotrTtsum.) Sip suss d• Don't be • fool ;know what Ten want and rete to be imposed .pus by greedy dealers when they attempt to palm off esue pprwwl1uCiag tshetitutes for Plataaia's Painless eed Cora Rztrwmtor, the only safe, wire, The O,.gsrv.fives ewlosd Thai M ear - mar Ms whole er as port metro' of oar e leoma reverses to the Vetted States is imeleabtl M s surrender to th,ws of oar e adosslity. The Reformers slain that snob t.rrwde 1.5.Iras .ethiag of the klarl. The Osaaary1Hres Glasse that Rngla*l we51d Gest sesame M goy isle., admitting the emaalast:sras s/ aMser emote/ fres Twhile he Reformers � thee dads her .w. woad pelnise• oars cure- Puto•m's Core Retract- or is the best, the .a1sA, sad Me ody psis- Wm sin l.m cora remedy. Slid by all dealerois medians. _- a.derar31 *5.55314* damsl. Oa March 94th oort.oil met by order of reeve. Moved by Jas. :owaolly. seconded by Sam d Sturdy, *stet this Goo eil examine the treasurer's books from the year 187610 the year 1888 inc55ire for infor- mation required by to 'musty solicitor with regard to the arbitration stow pearling between Me 1.truship of Moms sad to county d Erma with ^[ted to MWg+• and highways. Adjusted to teen • M seise ens DIM Monday in April. Sims Fro ares. Clerk. ries sin ogee* then ever• are eat Warpage M7 i/rj•etls'• Ossoe- ve M pot, whish A (menus see wppnt sed by d o eplw� nesse *415 w • ew.M Iles eees,.apa4y. The ygssl are. Daawronia, Marsh ATM- Arabia Areal who was discharged from the bends/ Ames eons dale •gm, as ts0*raN., wt.1(0g hem ompliestion oe di.o•..s. rem0ltia/ *1.1111 =kidmiy., Me Mew oared by Dndd's Pills. His one is the eurrest talk of the town. 8n far wee he rem down that he lost the power o1 his arms sad lege, dee .,,.. enneblas of Ab nook. and wag as helpless eA • chili- Her eon • ores(1 again, WWI and Devoe e &kFl life. �woow aorta,sm.d7hbeared die Toes HMO soseersee Looms ka Toronto reinvented will gover.'thenedves accord - Howe /Mere. --Thos McKay roomed bone last weak Iron an extruded t ism to his brat' er, Wm. McKee leashes, towP- ship of Ueboros. We are pleased to be able to state that be ie quite rsonvered from, the moat theles whish be oouttsatdd while at the Normal s heel at Ottawa Sato oyes 1050 --Timm Poetised, of Ash- field, daring Ian week .old be farm. knows 0s lot emsher 12, ora. 6. to Thos. Sloths* for the tion el 11,500. We emit Mr. 8tothers seeress Mr. Peetlaad, is sea- .g0esse of retires, from twang, islands losssieg is ear village in the sear future. Botts Mats. --Oar enterprising mare .hose, tkRiallawk who has bees for elms tine • as* a Toronto, st the limas- toad elMeme days, heeding the funeral borsht that Joe Roe.. Me .11-p=golw earl ooming day's work. Rxwawal. or 9savh a -Nearly • pend of three swathe has goes by e►nre hvs55 worries h.e leen held in the Presbyteries March. On Kanter mot nines the most uses ef the kirk bed re.umm..ued the coagrsg- o no to hear the Word again. Thor time presoh sow do en is view of • call ea pewter. each candidate will preach two Sundays es trial. The Rev. Mr. Niven, late of the Saullp1een Presbytery, bet sow of fit. Cat6eri.ee, 00sdaeted the tarns after which he went to the Unica to preach u Dederick TowashiP Servloe here at 11 r, r., Sonday. Tswr1s mica. -1s some of our metes meet items we noted that an effort would be Stade bene to remove the hotel lissome at Dunlop, which is is No 4 ward Whores, the wnrke. for *he Maid petition ie their of bis h,wtlle,who recently suoeemhd from 0.000. 1.5.14541 over *1.4,47 u 4e 1...r ; the eiote of eoeattatpti'sa prn'tessdby however a counter emtiunn against is other drser e. awes hogs 1151 woes. a got • larger number of mimes. while • .iwoerely sympathies with ht. is W peat assay would ant sign for or ag0in•s, bereavement th4nkle/ • total prohibition nee would he 1.raarego.. -Os Tlsred•y the tete will h 301►., ea. / the The awn weekon of ed canvases,* April d remains o1 M weeds, daughter of Th the temprranoe petition •t the hall at 2 r a. Wend•. lot 1 len el this w,eeti esu crow! mut 8 t1 sus WW%neab I Nntiea s, id i were interred to 1,ungannnn atoms • lent ,sake *5 515 _ The. oheequ es were c onductd ley Het J. I O"Coaaor. inenmbbst of ohm Rpiscop•bi&a ��RI(.N TOWNSHIP.eharoh.Iaoko,w. The enrage was very Diseased was esTo aged 36 yrs e raw. er s0 ewe eer,•eadeat- bereavedb.ved retains' have die b.ard.lt 1 aloha progressive l:tmary sod Debates, •ymp•thy of tb. •0141. e.mms•ity i• tis• 9.00 ty held their lams enwet,ng nl the ors hereave.•sl ' en Friday evening last. The .•hjeet of a. 8r•two. --11 w5sld seem IOM from aha bate was " That wwema's mini ie ant is M•pfnig of the leathery waddles *bo rend friar to w'a" The.SovsIivs was ably Mowers. mod IN. dwppmrwtea 01 aha sesd..srd by Mines Treaties,. Andrew. jis3g1e d sde4gh 11.11., &No aha 1assiasi,.R semi gamed. Tb. segsUre •hlegew.a Iasuind . lgeways and sielle.5ed the preparati o by Maters 8orrsvhy, Saadi awl Andrews heel' the liseh aadteo• se sating hr ' After a Lengthy dimissain0 the result was twrt work shat WI ter b rrtlriog awl deeitl-1 .n lever of the .Mrs.1ive. Mr wtiain mature i0 rapidly es••ming • •tg•rgas sob& he maid h.rd17 ►0} wed joy/.I appearing,. Waleson SpIFaR D (Ameatist (which w.0 elan M • tie A g.,, 16• tone d ail 0•d 0••dry. 1 flea doing) am was woman a the se- wers i a►Twsa with Me•dg7 1resity o �= Aetthis le the lit s•*i.g d the nem I.v.nd Tuesday • geed q bakes day- ti.etsey few this laves, Mese Mfrs ha se ease l light &gid on T..dey s5 .041 sad enstig/ 1111 snit Noveesbe. The .6Oel' Ips en�noes � hMwoessr� M�� MINN MISS w ad be •,.r .vrlag• tewa___ wee N *r i411*0rd d has Ilse s.,lt..owiag to amass • base& for him is the pavilion, at whish he wewll be Invited to be proems D.& •• Joe" wilt test be able M maw, se be sllersd a spelt. Of paralysis at his hose .ser DeekeMw, N. T , • y er Ore ago, sea is sow i• a hamar ae well se .mkr- nowt esrdiitis- tis probable a ties MM will he aired tod Is Ike d11 4.blast wring n who ably ailed to chair, stated that ng V Y hand, awl r esssgawe d (Maid, y ti favor d the