HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-30, Page 7TTTlr STI1AT. : GOT)ERTCH, ONT., 'TTTIITt$T)AY', MARCH 30, 18113. OT:afttlf__rid (curtains Lace L'urtains, Cliinelle Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets, Wool Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Brussels Carpets. Our Stock is Complete. PSP ANO CASUAL • e, Hsresss ..Motes e.w..a.ler A peeler alas. Wier boobies Is..Ned. A Chinese hank nabs 600 ,ears old Y pew erased i. ..main.. -.seem. isa..a s ,.saws awes Deml rust• The total .ember et familia, s thaUsMed 81stes is 1890 was 11,600,161 A homer skull .• bias' basketloudbket has bees loud is �am. telaioWs tidiest ewes SIMM M. Diamond. so sntall that 1,600 go to the carat t Ave been cat i. Holism& The lh lua digitated is believed to be wee possible for sixty -sever murders. Yes with grey and bleu .yes are renally butter marksmen then those with dark ern For mettle reek, osmmer heat and general toilet purposes we Lowe 8sdphsr Soap 1m le *lies times deformed people were fre- quently throws into prison to be kept out el eight. Thus far bat three Cbmames is Baltimore • sad w is Philadelphia have registered wider th... law. Amoy, is China, bean the doubtful die- tisotio. of being the most dirty and ea - healthy city is the world. An isctive or torpid liver must be awn.- .d died all bad bile meowed Burdock Pills ars best for old or yea's. ler Wolves is Rewe destroy annually up- ward of 800.000 head of doowtic aatmal., valued at 8,000,000 rubles. As • pick ant- up after .:eemiv. midis or exposure, Milburn'. Reef, Ires and Wine M grateful and comforting. 1m Iscand.eoest lamthroe are riiwith�� ocheapi. Sweden, price ages op to 116 being about 10 meats. A doctor in Kansas baauoed a plant galled " potentate,' which is a eross be tiros a potato an 1 a tomato, and will yield both fruits. Some symptoms of worms are :—Fever, colic, variable appetite, reettemsees, weak- liest and convulsions. 1b. ..failing remedy is Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. lai An immense ore dock is building at tlsssta, Mia. Tb. structure is to b. 9600 fest in length, 50 feet wide, and height above meas water level 52e fest. The death of the Countess Ruspdi throws many unique retia of the Boaapsrtes into Um market, among them Use plate sed by the greet Napoleon of St. Helms. For a loss time I suffered with stoma and liver troubles, and could Bed no relief sold I began to use Ayer's Pills. I took them regularly for a for swathe, sad ..y health is esmpleeely Teetered."—D. BAime, New Berms. h. C. No trouble to show Goods. JOHN T. ACHESON. fox Me FOR DIsrICtto1 AT MUNRO'S + + + + + + + Navy, Black and Oolored Storm Serge., Whip Cordo and Two -Toned Tweed Effects. A full line of Black Stuffs in Cashmeres, Baratheas, Whip Cords, Soli& Cloth, All -Wool and Silk Warp Hen- rlettas, Amason Serge and Bengaline, Together with Sateen', French D'L.aines, Teaasle Prints, Chambray' and Printed Piques. Ems VALUE IN White and Grey Oottcos, Sheeting., Pillow Cottons, he. Napery Department well assorted. Vus lies w coming es . teat . eamtW. 5 PER 01112T. DISOOUNT FOR CASH. Belt Cloth, Drayer and HabordYbar. Finnan Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters, Labrador Herring, Smelt, Ciscoes, Baltimore Oysters, ARRIVINC DAILY. Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons Canned Goods Or ALL Knipe. AAD A t'ONCPI.rTE STOCK OF •feekaaio weans His f iF .hes aro le tread* Ookra • MIAs pier prww 6 per ef 111801100 !a frrat mesa by discolored kid- anli¢t es welt try to haw a h.alt6% alt% without sawer- a94 re geed hsi th waw the *1dna%a aro Mild, the! art Sow badmen er of Mw p ate per boob colloi YY.+ Tat oof Mit= "Delay leeted troubles ,...r Is sad floe{ Liver Caw /at, and the west dew 47.•p o/ all, Diesels. Diabetes egadDro ''The atom dle.as.w easiest grist where Oodd's tide*. Pills aro .mai mat by maw wdpt s.00 or sin for tt. Teams. Wise Up, The Fewer et flsesee. For .very i11 wore bra • ears le the beeline virtues of the Norway Pine lies the mire for eo.gb, colds, croup, amimia, bronchitis, bearseo.es, etc. lk. Woods's Norway Pi. Syrup repreaesto the virtues of Norway Pias •ed other pectoral re - mediae. Pnoe 25c. 9w Family Groceries Ar AT RIGHT PRICES �. C • IGNE'at, 'Telephone l'oessetiea. Wadi MM a etas MlaeadL Father—•' I myna Ssa wt lir WV boy's bm birthday pwa�atIla/— Ter a. have." Jeweler—•• Pm afraid 1 ems% worm* We cheap ones b keep very good time." Father—•• Oh, that doesn't mater. J.a arrange it so that he can opus the Dank aY�TNN RHhO�',4TOk ♦KU t,THia INSTILL) waM5Utia. Specific, and Antidote for Impure. weak and impoverished blood, dye - paper. sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver, nom t, neuralgia, lees of tet, b„d,. nea.wmpli°"' gall Eave Troughing, Roofing, Cornice.' stones, memory,. kidney awl urtaary distress, St. Vitus' dauoe. female v ulerit.ies and runedebility. • SAUNDERS & 00. "HOWARD" FURNACE Low. Rarneseess REI* PRICE, IIse. MRS. W. T. HAYS. We have secured the exclusive agency for this Furnace and will be pleased to quote prices. WE IIE ALL 008 OWN TIN*L1IE FROM RE -DIPPED TIN PLATES. DON'T BUY SLOP WORK 1 ra`Work, Heating and Plumbing. LABORATORY, i00ER1I8, ONTARIO J. M. 11cLEOD, Proprietor rad Maustacturer. McLsotr'a ITmrso RavovsToa oast be bad hum all d 1st Iowa. es wdl . from {he d r . stbetwust Owra Strad *ad es.tortb. Haeme e, liurt.sat sad T .7 r. GODERICH Steam Boiler Works. IL8TABUBHED iasO.i A. S. CHRYSTAL Sero t..or to ( 4n/slat & Blank. Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright k Tubular Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron Work., etc., etc. delaws is Uvriebt arid Boriasntal 8114. Valve arena Asiem'Ue Cat -08 Lesla.e a peet&N7. Ail time ..r pi a sed iipe-mitt.lt mo.wutly w bund. IfWuus es furnished o• Cor. Montreal -stns and Square. THE BEST 18 THE BEST I8 TUE HUT 18 THE BEST I9 THE BEET 18 TteE BEST 18 T1E BERT THE BEET THE BEET THE MST TBE BES? THE BEET THE BES! THE Bur 7111 HIST Till BER 78 E MST THE MOT nil SSW 781 BEST 7111 BEST Tits BEMT THE BEET THs BER 7111 BES? THE UST res Rair TBs 11107 TBE BERT 111_,..11 BZW TAE Bi THE MIT 7811 Buy Easy 7111 guff rigs nim' • e1 Bur THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiONIL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiONAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE 81GPAL 18 THE SIGNAL ONLY IN ADVANCE ! anew Mrsoolliee..,panda. Dass BMTU,—IA.t year 1 wee very this and rdosin vee, fest, owiug to the had state of tor WOO and appetite. A friend of mine isiea•me terse • bottle of B. B B, which I did. 1 akesied immediate perosp tibia rail* teem M, have g•iaed strength and appetite sad sow weigh 193 posads. M. T. Monroe, Dorchester Brides, Quebec, Q. THE BEST BEST BEST BEST BESr BEET BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BLST THE THE THE THE THE 711 THE THE THE THE THE THE THTHEE THE BERT THE BEST absMINT Sit." TEM BMT THE UST TIM EMT TNs WET THS 1111? 111 1187 THS Tel son Tomes NW TUN SW MS OM less NW IOW THS ESE'r THE 1NeT TIM SW l� Tinim ll ' os MBtsTT npi ties PIMAA}raWPA 0WAL 12 Mas TX 18? 11 TSS 011111APIrrt AND 7'Bs 111101l1:ALL LI 781 BEET Meinw>Kp TlitANIo 111 TIM SER OW. ser Is a mses•e11. Raw egg for • cot. Hot water for sprains. Hot les.oards for golds. Tsrpeetise f.,r lockjaw. Hot milk as a stimula.t. Salt water for falling Bair. Raw oysters for hoarsest= Tar on sugar tor weak lags. Quicklime is water tor poises_ ■Lard•e unomeat ear sale averfwMge. Milk podding, rod stewed fruit for bil- is. dyspepsia. Chea for Cash asurt soik.e. Reedurins protest) stt..ded to. 13161-17 P. U. Hoz 17. UOsdrrioh. Oat. Works-Oep.alte G. T. R. Station. G.dericb Take for instance Over- coats— • few left—to be cleared out at away -down prices ; also Suite and Un- derwear, Orey Flannels and winter goods in general. No Reserve .,".r.uar .aTT11NTION. GOOD WORK. qa.• SAUNDERS & CO., West Street to LITTLE CHIEF " BRAND CORN, PEAS and TOMATOES Are the best Canned (:osis in the market. TAMILKANDE TEA IN PbOS )TB AT 40, 50 etc 60 GENTS P E POUND HAS NO SUPERIOR We are &genb for both lines, and sal for them :t t ri•l, emu real that they will please NMI stand tar trade with you. Yours truly, CHAS. A. N'.OIB1 '. A.B.CORNELLI VI.TD£RT2.SCE12 i McLem's Block—On the Square—McLean'. Block, STILL CONTINUES TJ OOXDUCr FUNERALS AT H1" t''4UAL LOW;P1IICK$. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ANO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. Boots, Shoes and Slippers from 20c. a pair, up. Odd lines must be cleared out if low prices will do it, to make room for New Spring Steck. A full supply of the cele- brated Crompton Corsets al- ways on hand. Odd lines and sizes from 25.. a pair up. Fresh Arrivals A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. Every us one who es WOODEN W ARE wants th E Best, and when you are buying a Pail or of many lines of Spring Goods, such as Pr in to, Tweeds and Worsteds, in Scotch and Canadian Chev- iotts, Serge., Ise; also in Panting'. Pants made to order from 850 to $6.80 a Pair PaiAr fall line of Family Oro - swiss always on hand. TrisS a specialty. R. B. HOLLAKD, Deinpinnwair TuB Economy prompts yon to obtain a reliable articl Do not, therefore, be imposed upon, but deman D VIAND, we say, the best that can be procure D on can always depend on that made by EDDY Y WHY Dees GEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and uadertaker, koep the beet stook of furniture and undertaker's supplies? And how is it that be can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE MAMMOTH WORKS, - MULL, CANADA. NDERTAKERSI He finds that it pays in tie long ran. His motto is : "• Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a rty of picture framing. Rim . 1 before pa rel.. ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 9357-y J-4.0P1E330Y do 8011 Hats et.kled to Weir present UNWED ems el 11. J. Naa►'s Lale/t 8y1• of also eke Awed tae of tesnwl ferei+iiags d the verity, awl ereeHsar'se.F ow rowed 6o ttesdaee kossab as prime reasonable. This degaremeit ,rail be .Mlellt aMthiled to kg Ids eon William, w`q is the employ et the late D. Math ler the post tea years Ilas a heowledgoef the leeiseee, W eb peesert ailhotho hu te shore part pert lie p tree g. R.eeewher the plus--Weebq., es year way to the peat eta... Give us a eat. J. B1OPHEIY its SON. Patronise True .Competition. Toa re srvtes � W iso Nm .tie res- ssspt en IMAMS prasaWss sod le IMiswest Ostrowel .ears gems wile era= swell= Varialaillatmei wawa. . tees