HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-30, Page 66 THEE SIC NAL: GI:MEMEL ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1113. ctt.LETt9 PURE POWDERED L PUREST, ITVVONOUT. ,.tsrs,=.m.erpv t M Y mann*• 1/_�M M.tl� a re. Ina♦asaMnas finals e4eeYma.MaewM sera be At Ivories orae o•eeslMa at. w. oalffswsb 'Wenwaalss1- TEMPERANCE NOTES. eraser 00e saloon for every eighty- seven of 1,. , ..pulatioe. Belgium is decisred to be tie most intem- perate country is Europe It iso t the drop to the wages that hurts a man so much as the drop he takes after get • tug hu wages. One mullion two hundred _howas•d mM- b.rs of the Salvation Army are pled total abetatoers The prohibitionist who cares for the party will have little tro.•lbe in finding aomething to do for the party. After ten yeah of prohibition in Moose, the number of convicts is the `flats prowe leas fallen off sixty per omit. A man to Pittsburgh who bet ten dollar that he could drink a quart of whisky in }tall an hour did it end died 1 he number of all kinds of dandiesrims opined last year iu the Putted State, was two thousand one h.adred and six. Thr taking of revenue from saloons to ambles the act of pouring water into • niece as each as suything that .oma. t., mind. at this moment. 1t the treasure is when the heart is, where is the heart of the man who rives hu payers to temperance sod itis votes to the relnon' 1'ineland IN..I. , Out look. To outlaw the liquor traffic we mist ere tablish conviction 10 the public maul that .l a 1.1 be destroyed in the interests .1 all the people. We do not wonder at the boldness of the liquor traffic when every drier has• Hasner given him by a party that w supported by Murch members votes. Ihio'l yuusuppoee, brethren. that the liquor men think you hypr.•ritev' The l.iviug Issue. Upon every Democratic theory the whole license system is s monopoly, unequal and unjust Na its apphcatioti. If the liquor teethe is • legitimate, honest buena..., 11 should be open and free to all. like other trades d it is an evil and pernicious besi- ege*, usheem, then no protection of the law can justify or sector it. What then, is 0 !-- Ile.t.tm Daily Traveller Tea years age the cause of temperance *Al tot sd reepe'table as n s to -day, bee omen there were Dot e o n•sov respectable mme, and women advooatt.g it. It has gained ground, it is gaining ground, and all because men and •omen who believe in it could not Le browbeaten or frightened. Neither the hissing of geese nor the throw- ing of rotten egg/. has stopped or even divided the march of temperance among the worker.. Terence V. I'uwderly The true apostle of the slums baa mads bit. appearance, at last in the person of Muhammed Web The Saltation Army and the Kid (-dove Slustners will have to take back seats in the presence of an evingelist who insists on temperance, five prayers a day and five ablutions Cutting off the rum, and turning on the soap and water, are two expeetiiente in htinging en moral reformation which never fail of useful remits. -Philadelphia Retford. The Superintendent of State Prisons. of New York, in his annual report for the fecal year eodinr June 30, 1892, recently merle public, state. that " during the past ten years the prison population n has in- creased 22 5 per mot , while the increase in the populattot of the `tate was but 18�lper cent " The daily average number or con Trete last year was 3 753, while in 1891 it was 3,688. This increase of crime beyond the Increase of population, and the steany inereeee of rooeicts to be provided for in our prisons, is an omiones tendency full of peril for the future, utile.. it esu be check- ed There is no doubt that it is InrgeIy the remelt of the prevalent hquorlieensesystem. The saloon. are the recruiting ground for the prisons teltx'rs.std crowded prisons r•e Sand in hand. In prohibition States and localities many ails have few prtaooen, and tetany are quite empty. Th. lesson is obv teen " NEW " POST OFFICE RULES. A tunny pnalmaater recently sent to the Post Office Department a new set of fort Office rules. They were • A pair of onions will go for two sestina. Ink bottles must be corked when sent by snail. It is nosafe to mal apple or fruit trees wt'h the fruit on them As all postmasters are expert linguist. the address may be written ('bine.. or /lye taw. Persons are compelled to lick their own postage stamps and envelopes; the port master cannot be e,nmpelle.l to do this. Persona ere earnestly repeated not to seed postal cards with money orders in tensed, as large sums are Ion on that wave John Smith gets his mail from 674,279 pset offices, Mace a letter addressed to John Smith, Patted States, will reach him. Ducks cannot he sent tkroseh the mail when alive. The quacking would disturb Ow dumber. of the clerks on the postal erre 11 is earnestly requested that lovers writ Nay to their girt will please ermine their gunning rhapsodies to the inside of the es velar. Nitre glycerine must be forwarded at the risk of the sealer 1f It should blow Nap in the postmaster's hand he ca.*ot be held responsible. When w.tobas etre east through the mail, it the sander will put • settee en the mite side, the postmortem will wind and keep in mores order. When yes rend • stoney order in • loner, always write full and *spleen direetin.. in 1h* mane letter, so that any person setting the letter con draw the money. Wham lettere are received bearing no 1 Betio. the senor for where they are ieteeded will please Dignify the feet to the peatm.oter that they may at ranee he for- warded. The press of .tamps *ride dews es 1.1*.n is prohibited. Revers) geolo..s.sn heti newly hese seriously injured while trying to steed se their heads to named chops paced in this manner. The {'soccer Soiree/ever the M New ear at M.s er i. ewe m Ie Is es* ism flgOPLE. Brooke nalMendinSt I.M1 es Ya.1ea has sow re.ehed tie am ..1.t of g7o,ea) A see .ee.t) is the piste country ad Northers Wisconsin hits Lowe mowed after Sweater Vilma Mrs. Malar will .pend tie. .t..oaer .s Europe, had wall be • eueipae'ed «y hew youngest ,Is.gh .r. Hattie J. Sterling Noreen will espy toe t.c- lion of being Nebraska's fire representative m a l'reet.lest'• Cabinet Flee average weight of the t int.e.e Wein is sail 1e. be ►savior Lima the v. tan weaght .d the braes of may other rare K.Itwm4 children ht hie first note are Iauilsrly called "lee" end "leash, trots tie chi, actgni .0 the Monis alphtIn• Rsbeit Ky moo. .4 Vet sallies. Ky , • i .i. eldest mullet in (lintel it•Uss, aa! is n ow trgetstutg a null built 1..a' years ago .i' still wee the prisoitite lasehisery. Prof Bell, of telepinwe fame, iil it w. 40, strongly built tam. wh.. look* as roast. he e.luy. hie He hos m 111.•1 4o !0Rt•w _ "How ltd the 'Merobmt smile Nen. I:rmt ..nee neeLaeel u... roe lest west Utah presid..t of the Praline ne fatal U.rmp.uyT, "All riche everywhere sateen u rlars , with . d 0:7t.ast, Lessen.. he 'height het obese, wire. lsiber tut t:ubbo Joel.red ala mimeo nD ticahle. that et is a wise father Lha'. lea a his own 1'ra' child, ' the people all took it e. a iereenal Precedent Fillmore, who. ewe a Beelike- insult sad lilt the bootee. 111.1,, tool hu law parturr Nato he 1.I4 et So man with a good, sweet heart can as as Post nieeter General. Mr. Cies tested. an• sour nn the world. other I:ull.mlm0e•u, will tin likewise I:imrr Ire omnin u p•em'.n the crux .tlt.. Susan lin Ae lt.wy .bw•n.d tree ohne Trivet -That'■ rtpht It .laser. e 7:1rd bithdry at 1to.he.ter, 5.1. Wr.tu•.m- rt .uy The ?reeler state. teat *eget t-• et It su t wrprtat.g the, army wisest. ate all exaggerated ertiaalw eternally M w fie* Inking They ere all made 1.. root anter Pere t h.rmat.,ut,:..under of the,rdct d t 4,, 1\ h. c Father.. who was been it. }'rata. to .11. era here eppeitnted b.n.rrce. the ire. 1,.rdtual K:a1tIi. sapeimot.'aiel. flea Mit-apet these m.dr by \coni . the lee:.ton milliner. etre if et tattoo, .int. Dot cwt tet. that. .1:.0, ruf i s -t. let• e,lie tis '•p.uerette t:uetuenr toe paw iirl5 Ir.•.. 11 act the let. Bulky Braun. saes • tx,mman.led" as the phrene go... is •peak before the queen, someone naked him ti he was afraid "No, s. se peed, smiling, "1 have preached before an MALL FAVOila of Venice take The telephone girl has an raiment., .x11 tug revtwi.tance in the want exclusive sir visa The tongue seadwieet .ought 1.. lave • telling effect on • man's appetite Tskrug ones life tato one's hand. se net t.. 1.e eemparsd with taking her in "M'S arms. Doctor - Veer tains e • bad ...s. Ira you smoke tohse.•o • Patteat No, cigar • A {tri c,.pelt el a banjo and wash es du. em That probably one rea+os why matey are picking banjos moth,, "My wife,.. said Squids, pr.,udly, The pr• Beet Pope come, 01 a tot g. sures .•( the tis -sal le and she never retielited family. Wien for except to:: o! his 1.13 ale }ours. .r,ther, the cardinal, who dnd a tett Fisher- How does the land ire out to ... ars age at the age of P2, his inosdu+te . way' Native - It ain't the laud that era .,lett.,ee have reached the age of !an years sir. It's the land aa-nts .'r over One could stand 110100 mea .. otng or ea .. rai .oldten were executed durlug Sight of e:alnence If it would only oak tee cisil wet for desertion, trre••hery, them out of heartug. murder and Ito on ; but Lout A. V. 11 ad• The dude re his use to this world, afie hes of the navy, says that not • single all Anything a good, they say, Mat ha. .tailor .•n the wt. ewe esu .enh'rce•.t t• teit tdecy 1.. excite ■ hearty laugh. bath. She Now you've lo,ked o'er any muse. Judge Witham Lindsay of hemtuekt, re• what would you like to have me play! H .ently elected ('nrteO states Senat.•r in Father euchre or cribbage place of :sir. l'&ride, rarely nae* an aeljti• 4 muco.,t•oiing 51 a picture of the im live. and Clues no'. rely upon dietetic in his pprrersioout seh.oi)-If that's high art the _tegument Hui appeal is 'slaw sled refs I'n. an idiot. Gessen. -Well, that o high fee's. art Mn. Wintery • will wee writer' ea h ant- Patient What d.. you think of a waren. tele sheet l eettltof her to ihurt/old pp paper, but utait lc mance for me, doctor' I -actor -My dear l..' whet dm trying t0 any you :ram. DYER'S Cherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt relief and speedy cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, and other derangements of the throat and lungs. The best- known cough -cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers and teachers. I t soothe, the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, stops coughing. and induces repose. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral taken for consumption, in its early stages, checks further progress of the disease, and even in the later stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste. nerds but small doses, and do, not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine, even household should be provided with Ayer's Cheery Pectoral. „Hating used Ayer . Cherry Pec- twat ao-l..rat in m family for ninny yeetr., 1 can cur.titi•rtty recommend it for all the conirlaiots it is alaimrd to cure, It,t male is increaejng yearly with site, and my c•oastownura think lhis prepa- ration Lias no equal ns a cough cure. S. W. Parent, Vert -fishery, N.B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral by Dr J C. Ayer h l.' . I...wra. Naas. ty aU Muffin...Pyre 4, ; ..t 1.,114+. Ss Peons,* to act. SYrs SO ours. Sid. MYtSKgo.. • " 1 feel better about Lakin' tau pouters stamp," said the hoe who had beam scut to mail a letter. " lee nearer my site " • • Whey* Se wises* 1t. Cwtosser Iglerior at him)-" 16sd & piece of m is Mt. ape pie •" e heM Clerk (at lunch counter, loftily)-" Yes, air. If you wish sontethiog that b..a't got any born is it, sir, 1 can reeemmeod oar • hem .sndwidbea, sir.'. A Member .r 110 Rayl. Sear* et ✓ , Orsi. : s " I bare prescribed Scott's Emulsion in Consumpte.o sod even when the digeteive powers were " week it has area fell...re.l by t , good results. H. P. Y torhws A.B., M.D. ease.. to young writets that it fe anitintnft to its .e gond deal twornet teas m • Myr 0111. pue- Walia•e Bowe, of t'oug.keepste, t'aitei .tet. s I ..u.ul at Edinburgh, Ras berm elect. ei 14. succeed the late .lohn l(reetele•i Wan- ner a. lire eerre.pteetin, n.eniber .4 the ' eotii.h Society of literature anti Art, I:hog"w The name of Kle•uors Dass as nee tow trains the ingenuity of the average theatre- goer It may not be arias to say. remarks a writer in the Critic, that 11.11 say i. .:m• correct prouuncieeton of the Italian act:. -s. nrrar, the empha.o falling on the non sv Ilmbls. Mrs lholtert Lou,..:streeason is . r!"°, gray•haired woman. who was a graoI. mother when sole became Mr Steven -o11'. wife She Is a remertablecleser 5040.,11, • talented writer and a chatty in W '•herr, eon vresattemente John W. Hrokwaiter, tai lJhi.• mtbiu.. dire. said the other day: "1 ranuot tell y res how much enuor) l Rave spent 1:710. to build • teacher. witch will (ly Bet 1 WALL_PAPR8 SPRING ---1893 DIRECT FROM AMERICAN AND CANADIAN MANUFACTURES. THE LATEST IN DESIGNS AND OOLORS, THE BEST 11N QUALITY, ALL PERSONALLY SELIOTED Tears of espenenoe permits us to .ay we can wit the most Baa tidious tastes. Our papers being .o beautifully blended makes it oily a pleasure to show theta. Al for prices, they are the very lowest possible front Sc. per roll_ Customers will find no trouble in .electing Borders, Primes or ( an they are designed to match our papers. Over four hundred samples to select from A few lines at cont, as alb" have been in stock for some time FRASER & PORTER, asny_l Md1 T.Mp0we ere Booksellers and Stationers. The Henderson Pliant Food. Try It tied you will be delighted with the 11111 ares. DSO vst•l rtso.--glow. re. V.g.iables. L.wr Ui.re Ms. Re st1.r. .omlo.l to tea Omes eel, Nan, wane at keel 54,11 Climax Furniture Polish. AlI who tine it prseesses It Meben mai« Yes ase. it %R..as olesaies. Sc. D'Avienon's . Witch -Hazel Cream. lh..arpaseed for the chaos. InitaUo«D, *a. its.caecal he timing wleda Um oar Tooth Ache Once, only 10o. W. C. GOODE, Chemist. Ogee ma toady. ter Preaeriptto.s Se. R. P. WILKINSON. I have now the pleasure to announce that I have ac- quired and will conduct under personal management the business carried on so successfully in this town for the four ears b 1R. P:-WILKINSON &-W., as "H.gln.ote says he was attracted firs by his wife. voice " "Why, she can't au • tote " "Yes. test'. what pleased hi so.' g 2w u "The world ain't all round,' said Bob know, b •rause 1 saw A.nrr.er en the map at ,ch..d today. and it was (letterer thin it p tscwke.'. New Arrival --What is the an:•el weeping anew in tem corner' St. Peter --That's Co mules He hu je t semi • set of R'anamaker'. @temps. • Nowe said the editor, "1 want ,ou wit a up 1 hiaeo's tnagmifoenre as a purl center.I see," 'opted the reporter, "• rota'-' " Ih.t \1.a• t:oldentu look up., ...yunr sei. with(icor•' " Oh, yes ; site Gemini. the clothes etre all right, but .he .drje•aed ter• wearer.' Wen nes as heseisonee ,• they •hick. And .ammo a. peas, 5. the y deem Nom loviily far out t'.ril:w Tho dull old earth r,.ul 1 .amu, The utter reckleseeees of i..ettii iu regard think [kat I have a mal*I andee wsv riir to whe• heoomes of them ha. ler, demon that wul solve the problem " that by the discovery u( them in hoard utg h. maw hut t.t. Andre t:rertaer, founder of the Meehan.- ,\ "II•'tu, nld chap : /:.r.gratu'a..a et cal %lu.ewu at premien, she was horn i. 1 hear you have m.rrail • lady with a.. in 1634, is sate tot love hseu the intone: of elepeedeut for u..e• " B - "No I married the eiesstor la 1717, having Lerunr, 4•1 • f•:rn..•- with a, i.tden-,,.l, .t le,4 " firm, he nimbi • m1C11100 which (metaled 1'..e Heir~ -'• Am the only girt ii the him to go up and down tar •hree stun.. of week wide world you I .vee" Re '-N.. to. houw deny; but peter, 1he Duly girl 1 k....w wh'• 'Utley gate tten•tor Bots, of Teusesaee. • cooed adord in merry me." banquet tu'.1'a•h.ngu. the other night in Victim of lojuatoce. 'Yloo...lneve me, honor of lie re-election ; 1401 toward tine ,lohuuy! What .re rote eryi •g dicot n awl" close of 1'.e speeen•mskieg his wife appear e.1:•u.e Tominy dr.•o,..d abut •rtt,' pi ed in the dining room with a party of lady last nigot, ..ad 1 didn't friends, and was mads the restpient d Palmistry is .e. d;lhcclt. )ur can much homage. easily tell • man's fortune by his hand 11 Cornelius Vanderbilt is a [member of a: tt m four aces, he is going w hxve a pot leading duty in New York, l'haaot.y M. of money; ii s bobtail Sone, los oil got Dopes of ten and Tong the President of eft. one, N alum Waldorf Astor of fire, John ••1 don't k.nw that a seer old as. Jacob Astor of four, August }elmoot 01 whyo.. roes Ded frolny sin, W team K. Vanderbilt of four. Petry y �t your club." "It Belmont of six, and ex-S.eretary WI.toey wee mo plap f1.r• poor Nano. 7'd letmhen Rot to be mrstly ail plumbers and leemee." .f six. Employer So r••u w.i, • fortnight's sal TampTason Ihck*ne, a ton of the acv w •,franc(• But suppose yoD sl.oul.i wash*, whirr hes o m�well a .,..urh of His des to morrow• ('terk (prne..ly) .Sir, I say brother, Edward Ruiner Lytton Dickens M poor, hot 1 sea Seatlriaao. Md matppM hen • neere ear, the youngest sou of the novelist, s settled y„t vrieel Wedded %a. rima, in the ...ripening 1'ounty of South Wales *helot* Iver brae • and osuttn'r eel, and o epee scuts 11 tleannie tea the hydeey "Pero, r v ant on amen Parliament. Teemy -To raw • • girl at oar school, Ii+ngfetlow'• "Wayside Ian, also know. mawaea, they call P.,.tser.pa. Do you as the and How Tavern, in Sudbury. Mon, know why ! Mamma - No, dear. Tomei' woo meld wt week 141 Homer Roger., d -fir' her amine It Adele* Moon. Beaton, end Herbert Hoes, of Marin. -re, 8.o• aim` ng tar •nng ..1 ••TN Iwtesr and wit probably l.e repaired and kept Teat llfever Cicala." i h wesam sh. old WWI apse as • public summer rent. It has u her 1'us144u.4'. oreru•rt pocket, He may her the Komi -ay of the gene time/ fee Mre failed to deinrr it as expected over Jolt t ran "Do play sometntog, p e w, Mos Psalms A wines of the presidential .neu,furh w P said the ai•ancmg to her tion ceremwtes will be Benlamtn 1'..i ton. mn110l-.tang Atit, ..1" Prete of Ikhaa,m, O-, who was in Waseiogten is ._...."111C:1-"ng Out not Waif the vents arm gene yet. 14517 to net Andrew Seekar:a take the each Daughter 11 ••king up 1 ".n her .ores) of office, and bas. t miwd an taau,ln'a- P.ps, to l.m ..f t mai .art do you eel. tint. Hr is said to be the asty enrtivor el brings ter om rn.n. rt w smama' 'Nap• Lha niiop hoidens ander ter Jwkmos miens (she w disonee juug.•I-Am s•gnittal, 1 iH canon SSW Umiak. C. (: R,r.aaw a Co. (1.0,, eras, In driving •ver the n.•esat aim, 1 4.44 • r.ero mold which settled 1n my Irck Mot ki.lneys, nisei'1 we many slearple.• n•thcs of .1n. The first .pplte• tem .4 MINARI1'S I.I 4f11RNT -n •.w 1«x1 1 tell tnln • de. p mlrp.•r.A n.mplet• recovery skier ly 1011.'w*.l Jong S. McLane, I m A wn.podw, Th. Demise (Neolism.l) l S.s a l.r 1.11■ ed . while Ls•tf.•♦.s •.•.. 641.4 s• lir,• i; In.Iv.w is AernaNr .w.t w•ighi.tg ',ear 44 ...mess A bee% ohm" adv.,t4 m t '• Anysatoe wsae os m. thea my ewes V Very Awa.ard -Wastrel (who in • ken ray Imo had het trent teeth StMkee out• re,. woe awkward part tad the bseinesa is tort 1 bought a new tomb brush only yeetent5r. Y* Wa. 11..1. It 1. .1 - It was . little s.untry .eM4 is the moseires Of {'w.waviruslm. them e1 the w hN.r. was • «root wow 1.i.11 foil wm se only '1tla.rut y wu on. .tardy of grew- g.ap•.,. Alt., moot. tamer Ivor te.ebeer ha.l 1111Onee•ded to girth( mer • fair ..art woes e ke erne dor •.[e 1 th • ea.l.l if she basso Mao some of toe sari. .f the Om•od States. ma'am," ems the reply. "WW1, 1 wii. ler. yea, .sad ohm yen f leet try M rerweem er it, sat de ehehg the purl sedo•.temel t .s m sats ed he w end "repair as ser. "le r weshte. • WithhemWllf NM jtssgy„g +ate 111. 5ataele.t S1rewads. Fair Client- I want to vet a divorce from my husband. Chic go Attorney --On what grounds• Fair (:hent Well, we ere merriest - Chicago Attorney --That's all that is or test ry. 1'11 .end ton the decree C. O. 1) 1 Core for romp. Croup kills thousands where cholera kill. tens. For this dread misses n^ remedy can compare in curative power with Healing'. Yellow 0.1 1t loosens tee phlegm, givee prempt relief, and soon completely cures the mo,! violent attack. 2w Tee AMY' lee S1m Asher So your friend Torper r. -fused to accept the Domination to the assembly, eh!" Tasker -" Yes, he said the life of • legis Ial.w was too active a Ile for him." Asher -•• Too 'sett ve Tooker -"Of course. You see they here to a•ijourn at least once a clay." Those who kept their Wood in s pure sad healthy condition need bier n0 fear of any d .e..r attack t hem. I. is t he enfeebled, inn d..wo .yatem npon which demise 15ateas its tarot. Ile 1Yillums Punk fills has no eyu•1 as a blood builder, nervy tonic, and preventative of direase Thousands of grateful people testify t0 the wonderful power of the'eme.ly. Take uo substitute ••r .melation ; 50ca bot or six bolas f. r 8250. lh Wdlia .i Mol. lea., Brockville, [rat. -CITY- COAL ANO WOOD YIaRD. Coal, Wood and Kineling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. &SAD ____ 1 WWI. the lee mule of hard seal ter market, vitt : the New York, 0!tlarle t western Railway Cey's. Celetws$y Ldawan.6 Valley Coat Ie lone W00% Ma : Cheeunt, stove. 4Q amid Grey. SOFT DOLL. Bee ehawneo Lome Coal ter tea In irraiee. stores. fltenatme. eta. Nast�ith� 11131 O ley genuine nsshnrmh moth- Mal it►heal Masora as ,read. nweelel Ness Mae Rhea le eomatry trade. WOOD. C. awl .glit ecoid. M Inee« ser t /test Wee always 1. .week, loom Itewse that I am maim weal, .a* sad sg4., as Wiese se see em hue leas weed ea the mre.M AU y weed is wad b the nerd M IS feet .r hart wed les.. =DUNS G WOOD. 4 tent woe. a est Ina .d oak se lamas swam w �V have I.i welleqedsped seat est weed yard • sew 4sae woes aws. An ed hissed encomia .erase d tical Auk 244.8641., 1.,Irsi dltl Ham. ilts.at. MIMI OMNI l tiRiIINIP fmnn ware Merchants, and am further pleased to announce that the business has been secured on most satisfactory terms, enabling me to offer special inducements to our many customers. Thanking our patrons most cordially for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of' the same, I remain very truly yours, R. P. WILKINSON. BOOTS AND SHOESI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A Shoe -dealer should have a practical knowledge of Boots and Shoes in order to obtain the best results to himself and bis customers. Thirty years in the business has taught me much that will be of great benefit to you in your dealings with me. I have the largest Stock wast of Toronto, and the best Ooo'& it has ever been my privilege to offer. The prices are lower than you will find them for the flame class of floods anywhere else. Ordered work and repairing given special attention Ripe sewed free of charge 6 ° off for cash E. DOWNING. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have just received a very choice lot a NEW TEAS! -consumista or BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS Which we guarantee M loll at haat 10 Cents per Pound Cheaper Than sae be bought from pedlars. A trial order will cow vinus the trq at this assertion. tie best 0017111 obtainable 4�.4i.4'm w,. ..s,tom r .10111..r•• r. - a mer