HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-30, Page 51 iiF. SINAL: GODBRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH SO, MSS. THE kNADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICA TORONTO. was, — IP) IMO NNILY°tw DOLLARS IT. • fl IL WALKER. QiNIOAt IAA1AORIL efl.soo.e00r sI,000.000. 000ERICH BRANCH. ova., t;ANattO amass* TaasalMelreO. FARMERS' Noires DaeP,OUNTEO. Dear , r inoutO PATAa .a AT K. POINTS in CANADA, AND THE P.t:NCIPAI Cii.ce !N tHE UNNTEO STATIA, GMAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, OtQ1 uO*, ac IIIMB1N010 BMW OCPARTMIC IT. die U, 10.00 AND oPWAn°. atosneso, AND CUNHEN( HAILS Of INfLNEar rNTalaaar Adrian TO TWO PtMMOa►AL AT THE ENO or MAI• ANO *En IN SAOM TRAIL Afield!** slvs. No $8• Qs$+o•L+r. of "core.. ^: gale. Notate. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. _ - - i worth 40 cents In Spring Jacket sWI Silk l .Iwo we are showing dainty W. ACHESON & SON. FOR EASTER WEEK We are puzzled to know to which part of our atom to invite you, as • • ery coarser of *tarry deparlmiewt b full of alure•uw*sts• w hick the popula. r moat Naar L t:lies' Kid Gloves for Easter.- -A large parcel nxwivsd Colby, opens up beautiflilly Pearl and soft mole shades are fashionable. Tartan aria fancy cheek Surah and China Silks ere most in favor for blouss, An.1 as well for trimmings. ituctre.ti•g shot ,ilk«, price froin Ku to 95 eriita a pint Surah Silk Tartan Ties, 46 (-elite each. concerning Drees Goods we shoe the largest new stock in f•iocieri.•h. Our 40 inches wide Cashmere at 35 cents 8 yand for value 141 un equalled elsewhere, all colon. Also Henrietta Berges at :iO cents • yanl, c,)tt l f v CURRENCY• y Mock, thee "Pk- while making repairs at the Hermit tern cane ape `' �!: tw B. ehirri 4 oar- rias spills. have nn assortment whatever when May �o ..r: if l.n•,.•nt .l. tnan.l .unttnu• •. Nytt u'• Y. ( Chia l,nt tuna's hes Weill 1 . 'Mayo lithe; : Mees lacier hate rod Henry A A Les, 12th coo., were united iu marriage at helot.: • lA p Watson has • U to the reinleoos of the bride's father nn Taes- Ini Whiter • grade saw for 170. Sk• day evening of last week. ( el hoses, fie., le Portals 1s. prairie, Mas. patterns and some dazzlingly beautiful color. pat - Hawaii had the misfortune are the admiration of Hurosi County No pat Nr,oster : resp Break, se old Wro1•ter mcsittly to gat ow of his ,. -. , twit. is French ever Ohbees � T r repeated. :ill I.att.•nt, to •haw•• frcvu! N'e will •..1 1 „y} lbs. Iirv.•i.le Robert soowd•n, of the Clime . A me of W. H. took fell from roof • f the home like other day. and Ries a securely smmiMi aril as a result. q,atoi A by Yrs Nisatons bad while tl•rfingers badly t, torsion r to btes e$ 1 mill, on Mea - 1 g,s.et. \1'm. ' I.ir has goes to Fargo, AO! r Ilp Tuesday of this week 'dila,,, tl'e'soo..4Corry , took • oat toad piferifigs EN,i(DYi♦ method stud remits when Al of Figs in taken; it is pleasant ret . to the 'K"° d acts yct 1a,�aaptrUedneya, +;t•; sod i, ,wi•Is, ckanrles the sys- bi effectnily, dispels colds, head - stirs and t c re and cares %Anal $snbls lase. bad the misfortune to lo.. • valuable nom the other day I:as oa the stomach was the supposed cause. Clinton George D. Connell, has bought trout his brother Jacob, 40 acres of land in Godarieh township. hemg part of lot 30. on the 12th .sen. The coasider•tioo is 11,000. Kruo.cl. Mn. 1. McCullough. of De troit, who was knave to the funeral of her brother, Willie Wynn, Waves on Friday for the spring term of the Mental Pollees. Phil- adelphia. Howick Wm. NcKarcher, Howick, was in the woods on Friday, 10th last.. and by wine means cut his toot badly. which will lay him up for wove time. The Buie toe was cut off. Lucksow G. W. Berry uas par/hissed the stock of foraitare of 11 W. Little M. (terry now has nearly tl1 control of the retail furniture trade h. •, and does • large Misine•s. S.•forth 1'aptai' and ): s. I.ight.,wler, who have been visiting tb. m.ly of Wm. t' for some time; left spa 7 hursday morn• in, 1n• •tpriaglield, IUin.ris. ,.here they an to he stationed. Hatperhey (:has. Ave!, has rasovcd from las fans ea the Lawton Road, mad has Mime up his abode es the tares of Dr. Scott in Harpurhey, of which he is hereafter to hare the .anageraeet. Hallett : Jas. Ceraisk, of the base tial, last week mid a spas at two-year aid ooh. to This. McMillin, of laSst, sr 1M ass of 1id40. this is • it Ma titer ware colts from Ow Mea Clinton : tee'. t•. Smyth woes to (:ode. icy yesterday NIS 1*M et the christening of an indent; S Ntiti e•d in t:oderich t f t7• ig the some 1/10 said years sen. he performed a 1I - the nil- !cup I garages far the child's mother -' ' . �• of its kind ever pro- ta�tr.l Lam „�. t..ie.-t..r { an s.0, t t , the :tornaCh, pprontpt in a sue, presented him with 4 ram lambs .:.t•l ttuly lx'ne&ial in its Citi deft well. Mr. Milne tsar i8 Iamb d i'J frOlA the thud from 9 ewes w far this season piece of goods, regular worth .'i0 c...t• a crani. •Cur clow• price to :S9 , int•. Linens, Sheetings, Towelings, Cottons e.t I«.twtu price. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs You are invited to inspect all W..&O ESON & SON. BANK OF MONTREAL. CA PITA L, $ 12,000,°00` REST, - f,000,000. A Saving Dieftartment has beets opened is con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rata. 11. LOCK WOOD, tllanaffcr Goderich Branch. J. A WA�IKE R Carriage Mazzuf'acturer, Having purchased the Luatuwr of McCREATH & WALSER 1 ha.r now arranged, sot only to matins. the Carriage Trade, but ties . decided to do .0 classes of work in HORSE-SHOBIIU LAD UBIIRAL BLAOISIITHIIIG . MONK BUT THIS BEST OF WORKMEN KMi'LO1•Kli IN Iil'ERN DEPARTMN:NT. 3�1y. JNO. A. WALKER, I'hUYHI•Ttlh The New GFroceze, SPRING --1893 -_ _ STURDY 13ROS Millinery Opening! Groceries, Crockery & Glassware awe, ilt° the taste lin ty oh parol Milne, he well knows a Have a stock of \\'e lag to ao:wusce that our MISS DONO1 H has returned int Detroit where she has been purchasing the Latest Desinns in 3 1LEFER tea' sad wo will have OUR SPRING OPENING Ori Cat-uerday', When the Ladies of t.odericb red vicinity will be cordially invited 10 impost tsar stock. . w. - Y oil brave . (her genial awl :.ng tried 1,..,/g1:' x•'..] � `Iii .tatieenahtar. soh. I:il►reo, leas baso ap- t,, n'.'C7I(t lkntqu ilit4f of the ad it) swam agent at Alvine,oe. Mr. jp have matt it the 100 i Giles � hese here lb or 17 years. Our :.1. ly krurt.'31ti reli.rise'gest is a Mr. Kisser, of [morias. rie W Heudano•, as a .t . ( b; is kW sLn� druggists, Wet Vie, n: tItr HHluevah rose, is Anv:..i lcs:.liitg Immo frea, Ereed.e. Maeitobe. when he Anti r.. lra;4l t who lily has been employed for wise ycan. N• }1:,vt isa_:ii Will procure it rottort. time. pretty hard terc this eu,tar. Mile; :. r:n,Y tom'. Wile} w611e1 µ•iaghans : win. Kona. estpl..y.d at the ;1. . liat:ttlR^(i ural}• by � Union fsrsiwr.: factory. Lei one of his lingers cut pretty badly, while at work .m tiht. Ct. I Tuesday last. This t. the third amides*, 1^P:.C:T'Yi, OAL. tbat has befallen Mr. Ruud inside of • year. Clinton . The tripods of Jas. Turnbull, Colli , _, : _ ire yt !ti r 4U,^.11 la. ii now of Toronto. will he sorry M hear that Gan. A. Vasa, agptY AT (JOVIIIICR. 1 he remedy sprained his foot as severely as Cilia i'iA FIG SYRUP 2104nt RS. R. B. SMITH. acaSIXOW Atas‘viovtikelxvx. New Shoes WILI. Eli HILL Our MIIIInerY 0 -parting MARCH 30th and APRIL Ist We .:trod to all a medial invitation to come and eh our s.o hti.00t 10 FlowerY sad MIL.LINKRi' NOV F.I.TiLS Ribbons. laces. and the newest styles in Hate and Bonnets. 1 rusting you will favor as with a ILL MISSES YATES, 011 TSB SQUARE. which for quality and puce ,amici ire• r)ceIlt«l. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS. The' INDIAN and JAPAN TEAS which tory handle .•Iclusts••k •,.0 not lie surpassed. A TRIAL SOLICITED. STURDY 81108., g!- AT GEO. GRANTS OLD STAND airAppreeties Wanted. _ u of crutches, and is the Lozenge Act. The charge was .untamed hardly able to move . Morris : Francis Aahtoc has rooted bit Cue of these. from near \Ving• 11'in Elam . W. H. Willis, of this town, farm w Wm. ('asensore jr., who holds the position of organist of Trinity ' ham. He will move over to his other place Church, Mitcuell, bin twee appointed on tie 7th of Morris to r few weeks His organist and .•Noir leader of Ktng Street son Archie is Iving at the home of his cousin See Methodist Choroh. Ingersoll. at • salary of Mrs. `spas, of 1:orrie, very ill with cos- Seaforth NAS... - aroadfoot it But ore Brumfield Matey of our r. -,len will niegotiatia wi 't the managing board of regret to levo that lir. ICIhott has decided the Methodist c'iu: ch t•. light their chores to remove from Brucetield, and intends aooeot electric lumps. Ther gains to Chicago, where he will pursue the with isery practice of hu profeseior•. otter d very farorabl. and will likely M •e- oept•d- Mullett : (lo 4•tania]y morning Wen. Wr.teer mfr. Hooey, the veteran &sel1, of the gravel nrid, was pleased to horse Myer, wbo has hero over 60 ones in find that he was the owner of • pair •.f twin Manitoba with bores, u sow trying the Old calves m,,r•e than he had the night before ; Coreatry k He left some tis- age they wan Doe of each kind, thorobred. and w •• ( Hulktt Atter a comparatively tliSailse' Alm Wii.os u the chit/tiros I but serene iltoese, the wife of John I;ovimr, ase sf of the lase Inc., peacefully passed away os He les .1 the Ceoturth clash for this �*sr. He W woe and is cow the h•pyy holder ai Saturday morning last. p to within a re - the two club tanliards, the first being ler lomat period she enjoyed general good health the rink competition, and the se.vwd far the !bet lately her system seemedto to was doeve , three pain . stones content. and although everything parr• for, her it was of no avail. She was cot tee Senforth We have just learucd of the old person, being poly 49 years of ago, yet death se Rout Chbholm, in littrba, she was one oft he pioneers of this s.otiee, weltt•sedey rea,y Kr 1'huholm was &n" and was justly held in the very highest est W dly able the use era c bout eves with the and a fisc of g20 and oats imposed. BUT YOUR IIIT PER FROI US, STOCK ---The Newest STYLES ---The Latest QUALITY ---The Most Reliable PRICES ---Speak for Themselves An IIKALgIt 1T STOVES AND RANGES jrf.lt TOL DINT ■ Arr a As?t ails It you have decided T OVG T5 and BLAINE Hi XOstDng, try uur a.A., GIB.ol i.t} 8d:� YOU CAN GET A FULL SIZE NO. 9 STOVE FOR W000 FOR SI3.00. I KEEP THREE GRADES OF COAL OIL IN STOCK : The American Water White, - 4 Oallone ft: One hDo .ti Crescent Water 'White, - 4 Qdc ?My Cents. � �Tbew prices are spot cash. t Barged at the r.-gulaa p. ! . SPRING FASHIONS IM ~keit. • eta as a tore." load of Keary dawught horses a " pretty brief sM res{deet of Chu vicinity, and has teary tam roll •great Jeal of "al p•thy tins• old Irtaed' cad aoquaintanose hen. e ' out t'e her husband in his Navy bereays- was over seventy years of age moot. KM kisves thecae nolo sad Mew 6tora the Wier being Mrs. A. Jaoksoe 44: - Blyth W. Wat instance of 1 appeared aor ebera ; Mrs H Mello... of Hallett, before M Ga of Blyth, • at homs. The retains were in haler- Mama 11d:vra and Riosp, r• r s•. sail oma se Saturday *01, ea a charge of vbl•ttei tarred is Hall's ...saucy, as /Made,. Speaking generally, the losses resultingk from uncollectable ac- counts amount to many thousands of dollars . The risk of losses from bad debts, the expense of book keeping and other charges ..-1,,,,t,, inseparable from the credit system 41•..x, necessitate large margins . We give no credit ---sell strictly for cash ---therefore we incur no losses, and are able to mark our goods much closer than stores that ex- tend credit, as a comparison of " all round " • a l u e s will amply demonstrate. ALL -WOOL Henrietta Serge, 45 INCHES WIDE, worth 50c., for 29a Keep this in mind Ws HAVE OTHER BARGAINS FOR YOU. ARMSTRONG AL CO., nav =OWL BOtirs ASD SHOW. NOW Firm ! NOW Goods! New Prices! Gentlemen's Fine Hats the Rea. st aucl ache 11.41 . .ser DERBY HATS IN ALI. slIADE-s Alan our WIDE SHIM TOURIST HATS in late..t 4-olorn. and shape- of Emit lish and Ameriuut manufacture Boys and &1s School gals and Cai in till Styled and at unr.luall.d .:►lure. Call and See our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. NOW AS TO NECKWEAR We .. , show you the newest trod Choat %acted stock in Four -in -Hands. The popular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. W. T. HAYS & CO., 1140b-tf Agents Parisian Steam laundry. MISS CAMERON wishes to announce that she has returned from her Spring perches's, tour. and has secured the lastest leading novelties in FOWLER & CO. 'MILLINERY HIGH-GRADE BOOTS SHOES WF. ()PEN (11'11 tl(N)1111.1 POR Hl'SINERB ThursdaY, March 30th With a stock of every description of 1H N)T$ and ;(Ht I1j 4 manufactured this seasovo.Oer selection is big, and comprises an immense cholesM + of the Meat clam of shoes produced.— We come with the ..•canoe that she people of this beautiful town and country will appresiate good footwear and fashionable. at rash prises which will he unsurpassed in the Qsnadian lousiness We respectfully incite early inspection of our stock, and henceforth will do all in our power to give pismire and satidaction to a discerning pobik. REPAIRING PIIOMPTIIYf CO 1 WORE VORMRRLY OCCUPIED BY J. CAREY. Your* r1,paatilr,Yy, .00.peIatag eh. uea est awl must beaming` shapes, as well as a a.mplete stock •,' sired saute Trimming floc n all the new .essad'fforte hruttght out especially tor this �•�l L tMahlag tie massy customers in this erto\ Ned vicinity who have favored ata with ehev,Mlaasp se former (an dises. I intend a eea invitation to the Ladies to . and hegsA far th.nttelves MISS CAMERON 940140 /AN1LTON M'rItK KT. TO THE LBW OF BODBRICH IBD YICIBITI. Your attention is ealtir1 to the opining .4 TI =241::'ORrtT1VC a new Millinery Mart, West -St . next door to " The Star 4 ►tine'•• • ON SATURDAY, APRIL Ist. A ha display at wrest lremch and American dodos. it GOEDIIAIAA 111V1T [D.