HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-30, Page 3wellistati H* SIGNAL: GOT)ARIOH, ONT.e TFTTTRR1)AT, MARCH 110. t> 3. Iler 1 !LOWERS O! TSB t�US, 'SWOOP vAt.J( IM TICE RSALM Or VLOONOULTUR.. MOWN ANO MOM fel& 111111=111,161114.1 s * E.i4Vewt waw boa wear e- the mewl es0si111. rs%e0r .wilt M • wrs18e.'S•esv.matas, "way slid 41111144144110 t memo /5. wN Ellam wawsr•• 4 18 511 «.bmsId moo her twaltera is ones► acme m5.a� 5.5k4a1 m•Si' If 11. tfw• Nes sesasms .].else W M1t.ss tae •ije•u., m1Aib, w Tb• ~ M� • nae w�ss 4 bows Mesaid " a d ~ the senaaaes earw••1•e' supereedalety r the�.m...4 . Mesa thio d hoth .stns They low • wearier Ties .usare res es new 55. beousn. adopt. at moxa than one trete woo. Aa.r••n, whish 1181 sow boos, It u( f.eiew It u sot tks Jeak d ik •tkows•t• preyed, eam.d 1te1•aam sea wtd� ' who mua.ts to tl.e htgn•a rpitn.l 118ribtau•lweodo bssare�d .. a coler•t plw til the loader, bat he who. rich .ebitdes, r is " Oronem " last lbw odd, per14verabee and siogles...s of purpose, hat 1114 40. 1 18.18118 vaiumbb new pl..0 odd, Naiad ►u way men .y loch till the n WS •ow boron the air. 1.1 a Sona41m P' u wail bloom w • oohs u reached. Iae.uou,des I;raeal ••a. araawVMS 5c ,pa.b pot Efts' cooly • few racbe Do est. yet It is is a reek sad repel grower, Seery young lady einbreidere • little, ..d ..11 tea ebwt kens e.vw malty feet of bei that. •, w Who. sows though they spemd as ...fishy of time at it. was .1u tree) -Ther �iuwpwt. Oast (Vlnewonlyetesico, really artistic work. T►are u only Iwo .bile m bloom, • tont beautiful ob •aid the.. one who can repro Eur.' its Is silks Wt. Ilk. toy other hardly paras mil els the debeats roundness, the per esisl pleats. w 5.•1850 d profess bloomed fent pn,portw4s, the eagwu:e culoru.ge .d • 4 wort duration. It to a groat curiosity, moue. bet that ono, if ewe wishes t.. eight sad wed worth cultivating es that 1800041181 h• wolf mad .he ...ale. ria t1 d it v ▪ well u tor ns beauty : bet it will neves powerful weapon. M ver. pieotIful, as u is 100 hard te pro eeltmrio, uwuviuu, deft. e Nosy dabble in pasta and scratch with Fors etorpltuphallw c.mp•sulet.s bmf the rnres haemes it u the fashion liar L1110eatsd a t..upt.t• h u u(• 10 Obis ouuntr7 now lee there are wbo have the psti•nce L1110 p18b.40.�■ 4.1418 liDutilwra 111•11110 0 Este the work the carol al oeinclsutfou► Er as the Paoli, coast. The seam fes eddy no ..marry tom •ke it • memo' The oar Nortb4-r1 boatel. is est 1oag ""•1114 kww.edge of art obtained at tie inane. M igloo est u perfect its growth. It Iv* ,able Iwardl.g school does not make an int „ hot, damp olftrta to bring u » artrt by any mean. ; 7.1 the rwartlgs Do. 1 platy art semis perfectly eostewt to drop perfection Tut •tueeu of lila.. L 8psoto•usbt)pol. the broom at the clone of school There it • as hardy end robust as the old tiger 1117. work fu. 0.,l who nut ek.ltu.ly wield brush s5 ,,,,odd we have but ole vrlely w• this► end p n.►l, and drugs re are eroellautly t►5 world hos our climes. Its beauty is is ;wwatdorf. mrps0e.1 and lsplsecnbebh, and its nerdy, rive asks vows ruouwole tigur•'w grow" "Mara. ti tlaesna la as7 The young lady would tad ae.l be brie e te.tioe • I who Poul..dare way infer. a.mpaay that rinwlom or meetraai.ar slim was uoraluaaated with .rt work, knew It r cummoa ,a the Mobammedee stnhug d the p*eoo, and was ignores& of awl Christ an quorum et Jereeslh= he u. my,t•rdes of Keesusgton .turh. But bid tee quoit, prologues latus.. of tie o nesse,. the petioles of these damsels, brew. with the aspect of bird18eg.al •, they would net len as all attained to Awn p.. Henry Gillman, late Ceswld•d out bon .. potato, broil • beefsteak or 0 •m W United State* Si Jsre•si•m : The pound a pudding. lotted. tney eoaml.ie4 prk ...l carn.tt00 are great lavorttes, their ignorance 01 thaw. dings • coon fo, and g.uerslly assume • vino:the 0h18rar.es bo..t,ag r.oher than hunuld•uon. ✓ their 4 ,esu., often .i•per'4ii.R loosely is • 'rails ram t Nr •• restage I.4.Je 1 with llaamaws. cr.-atom •aid •000mpl--mot.. We •11 w s Linen with a rampant 140mty sadden seed piey es well or work.sod alum a •• The W7Mwe• loos, d army so.Gmoms bit . tbw•eg k... .14 01 Soweto le s d mea •. shirt that kw MINI alto do•.ers rum s pots. ye that they nev« mads • loaf of breed. count •t ancaaATl01a pr.A ■Ll 1110411141 i. I fry ••eefgsa ill 110 wt uod•rsu..d ea as opposed b re - else hem veritable shoot. flaws : short tame pout with brush « needle sol rue. and nt 4r'a•tte Noeaom all tam serves to take oar mend from harassing Tear •masa 1 1.•ve sew the le4.1.r gray ,ares or Wltni.eg trroablee we only ob ms out •0.f 11.1 crev►cae d atm "Ha' • mall lest when We whole du0.tl01 u • call.. • Ilueers, where .0e might wppo•• it 66.18 • mattsne awithout sell gonad.I veil It .t y 1eUWNeon * • sin( 1 Perk Tb. 414'4°1.'4 a Det 41.•4 •dor.fag kr Find out by careful examining' for pw18.wt EIt11 owers Y•0. wwsad ". .r • bud w 4118 mi:t0heh,w 5.1 a 01180 what branch of work your testes w 18 *01.11* .tre.gtk nt you, &ad thea imam s4. Us- ti aator&l b 0sso* 1s bar bnit. nor 181 ..5,ai work may be ,lone, too. hat iw order W wake • .sere•• of &myth's&, oar beano Aad mind• meat help nor (agora Third am times Whin -we smog choose 00r work. bet SAM" that rehab is put iota our bootie pNwst i. Pleb web Minty ae may be ems to gem vslumeeolluism Ir18Cse1•a1. 'Amy boys .. wa.I ea dela grow up 10 • happy -g0 lucky 1ert of ray, tre mog to Moiety to plate I0 their Mode some work by white they can make • maximum of wave by the exp.sdttare of • motes of t: me sod force Bat with bots there mons a time sync& cher are obliged, u.pswat as it may le, to lase the .511.11on and de. prod on their own .4114.1.4&.. But • larger m of 18.. • W Pea more pr18para- g•rdene ..r r„lrereetwf••. u..0. in youth for the work that u to be • "'Loci' Ring ►Oa ADATarM theirs Is manhood, 'hey are taught that Ow" Sr* responsible anti acootentebla beings, Tb. Houeew'le glees • valuable "res end os such must work out their ows salve Pas rv1.ndIug plant ir.Ors• for those sync Lana. Wry not the 100ve.1eoee of a .44 fr18.5es w It wee.. u a there to not eoo.gh t. the 1w.• 4.191• ",4 •dor .ort 04 pi"' fr.".. wbiek ddferetace to 051 u raid the difference in may be need feat the protetit.o and growl* woman' which girls •ad boy receive. A of young pinata .a tie 15x17 &pine es • revuluuoo is to prop.es, bat many girls 4180.1 be.p 0.11. grower. 00a15. of (tar an look forward to evertor u tie one object •.prier• an.I are Pot "1.117 0.1•.18(7 .1 d Ida, regard the wedoe.l state •18 a sort of that ttato A amnpnertiaa moth is now on e•rtbdy paradise. and whoa • few words Mo rark'', whic'. •u.wers the Purpoes ad front the print have traeaform.d l*. lover isira4 y' 41 is ailed w•1.fPreal Piss' Into 1440 h.nh rid, .epee% to quos. the coo protection cloth, and is be, hill* :non et .ch'i'n of [h...id. *4'818 lee. •tones, 1. "bye plasm. tool Mo.; until soled muslin. happily ever after." ••$'ret• heel over light fame• sod used io «01818 roe au_ plate of ca.h,i. eked ea•M. one 10 grow 1°180° oiaroe !Min arced w slip in t... hal Wolk is 1140 101 of 1811, married et single, f we a"1 to be of use in the world Been Int bell: th.00gie ertlbasl Sowers an the hair et losedroo•-e Be. des. Winetiones worn be ipoilios s seldom and slicers of the Turk►.k army may often be W ee carry fog b •0441.1. ; and at r quite ammo to see m., et all reek.. does t• The fel .n or peneset, wits • pink. Jetsam tae s •war 'r rens leetei se the 1505th, be town rue teeth, r hr. whim welktsg *Tonga Lae etrreta The drag mate or m.leteer, eond.etieg AO tea,e.er throa.h the ometry, sad res meg bop). his horse or polowiene, will Nat to 'rotor ham • omit' I t of toe wormed* lowers. many of wh.e►, like the perp.. 14 silver rr .. no, she scarlet •Noose, ono cy- cdawn, toe Pang.• or lied r.mmDreIna and 1M tulip. are sinews cultivated in *se o. bmr7 r SPOONS FAMCII$ Mr Meowed What um yea 1518(14104 •t, dearest ! Mr. New wed -1 t -14.. was jest wondering 1f he rte down before the Wm wheat he mu home, sad takes her en hie knee, as we do. Is must games of card. • good deal de - pads 0n a good deal - A miller old on comph: e. •ltbeagie kis r the IMO grinding of all vuc•mosa The figure Mod of • college r .155117 the profaner of mtsNlewatla. easy • DWI whu -starts off well" spoil. emer7tbug by coming bsek. He behaved dreadful .t the swarry," said Mr. Partington. ••Acted like • per- fect idiom." "Aad you, doer old fellow,will you armor marry T' "Never ' I detest all games of cbaeoe. ' To barrow one's foe, • is not the meet profitable way d sults.. ,p an acepow1t a.ce. The best load d •.tenddog army is the nae that will stood In the face of the eatemy. The win scb.oelIni am d.ee.'t wait till Arbor Day w plant a birch where ft will do the most good. He rho woe. sod rune away Hey bre to love soother day. But se • reds, I •e. •1118ad He elm Mow another .ed. Th. Professor -Whet u happiness! The Philo.opb. The coodttioa of forgetting that you are *SI.ppy. Thee Dear Girls! Tome' What • a►ce, frees completion Mi.. Peaohblow has Jorge -Yes: fresh day. "Muir Kala's heart u like • volsm. in • arcul•ttng bbearv." "How is door' "Not to be kept loagsr than two weeks.', When • maid . feet .lip on the ley side walk the rpm.rke he makes generally is dates that he also had • dip d the to('1..e - Jack, can you mise my love! Jack lobo hos an "ondenta..ling" with Clara'. mater) -Clara, I commit. Bot 1 will always be • brother-in-law to you. Madge (.t the Oar - Is f4. Ophelia that &Iwai. gess � I sever can rat member. No; half the time its the sad -- once. -mu yes sive we )nae boort, pretty mod ' It would all all rte bre wily ,..test • mesh. wawa end t•, toned Y .hs .1811 '•IM. 1 mart now. we. 1t le IML.' •114e only thing left now."lintel th.00185- •s1 to hi. . haat, ''12 the judge's chore " ••How much u it likely to her' asked the *tient, ant mutely. 1)fves-1 always shays myself, i woe t toset • barter on my face. l.at*ree -I always Mare myself. too No barber will trust me on my face She ('hole. why are you so very much opposed to piano doses! He -From prim nide 1 think it's cowardly for two per sots tt, attack one piece d mum. Oboe we. • beautiful darting barb eye.' rid to•rw t d.4 last night s.4 1 'ror� That 1 grown bee 18.medx•. •'ens.." bed the .•d hea.v weight, the 540dtew b. sg the usto`k• Ins d f beet for our nu. pee. spot may b. °loused •1.110° 141 II(e, o..1hI..g cies well gime 518181418 through . . I.rge seed hour. lesldeg of eaolepstdeee u tie complete TO,. .;..wen •orrma cur11s0a ' aleatory of rias.. good trade a profession, sod the knownedge that should you be The llrura0dy. u • `-Mti(ad dimities thrown on your own re.ower* Inn 18r• saws how Mexico •high 14.. a• prof. rely, hew sort Daly of breed, bat of butter sad other mg whit., tweak ••d purple lowers. Selo "•osr•rtes. the Horn. Mariano I. u grows {argil This will sot render yon •s7 the less 1.1! the mouse bmf obs lest t.aeo I menu ly w attractive you THE FACT That AYER'S Sarsaparilla mess OTHERS of S. rtdulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing that the same course of treatment WILL cults you. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla during the past fifty years, truth- fully applies to -day. Itis, in every sense, The Superior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AYER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- parilla, have res uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, are blood -purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take AVER'S Sarsaparilla Emos:ed b. D..) G A a Co., lorelt. bl. S,ld by ,¢ Dn18g•r.; f I;re so : •i• 4ttb. 7 Cures other wi+l cure you 185.1 he en. et. •• Dors Yid•..1•e8.1.e y "Li !' raked the fait ,irl •• D:elike ...✓ !" . z .I . • ire d I4.-riert ; 1. 1 01...01.1 my tint The 4s thistle I'm nic. 0,4..18,14 ....0.i r • Pieta 1ti.1em154. H..guer•I". Pe.ct.•ra I I .u. cur., coughs. rn64, orlon.. horr.ene •, I.reseh 1 - irh•r.d•e• DI the chat, uta all d8 e.5aaoitelae threat and lung.. `t'ri'o 'l ,• . 3w Waders *Per 1111. LL$aM 74411 ooy ;D.P. ..1 t.44re penton• ttrht�.ear' oke•l 34,. lie. I'or.lnc rbc 'ea ler. "The••. .rrk.s ham hep' we assay Iodised with our oleo. ' Mr. s• r .s 4 1.Mev. '11.e hod. lo bed the we off t' • germ. of eh •.r. II.eref., a s..de., tir.neeta they us - d B,...41. 1. hl...d IAtt.•.. t 1 is spring to psi. 117 •le . d..,I, r .&toot. the 18tet5m, 18"' Y calk, Ili, y.0 know 11114• s"1 f••rtofy the body event.' cholera or othfeo oo ng d 11.1te. 2. cartoon lines that keep nutmeg through and ep . r through my bead all the time. Yin Cot- Alllgeto Gomer un fret in hm¢th are oro Ling Weil, wnet•s te stop them! allr.we 1 4 1 o over tea. ilud I.y m..' Sows one mays women live longer than a -_ a ch The 5 undoubtedly 0 s know THREW AWAY HIS CRUTCHES a charming young actives who was oat the stags forty years alta, and she u only 33 oro AFTLR YEARS OF TERRI.t1LM "1 don't nes your Mme Is the marinas' gigJ/pER/NG. much any more, Jones." "No, Jones r - -- such • 4,0405)80. won. 1'w not goon` u egg INTERESTINd NIiTORV• Durk myself to death trying to wake it Winona " •' hoe. !swami. Mercia, aid hey. And bosun seek owing t Tbs. as .III .stout .fta J•7 And dam, • Highball Sow Ruth - No girl count nova refused him d , he had propeed te iter u sweetly 0. he proposed to no. Mabel- But you must I r. -member, door, that he hen had • groat inn of e1ppssnence. from 1 soul um* to on In Cook -Which will you 'aye, Robert. April he i• he upset marnaga te bring some colt) mutton, or some ho gro mel. sed ►111 afford all the proles- t g1r w thele seer and 01 044 44 often find it but Ppl'• mutton, damn', l .mono o t tow n.+1•d It ,s .,fel In light. medwm nor of tabor. Whatever est I 81818 tt, mike .44.4814 of '151 45.10412. 50 I'LL 'ave both. Tel .ell that pewee thought+ 1rve dwelt Within air ..et.' thro./t:n IDOL Per they ..11 enema ea do .1187 W44e1 *1.11505 •0040 w rout ()•otgse -I never allow my one u balm week •tnacuaw esu es Edw. Pierce. Sae sat was that hi,i.uus vase for 18 birt1dey t. took .t .t! N.IU.--Good gracious! nest it to Isar 4•st year. G. 11 hittaker-I est the Weather Bur- sae reports 'No stores in sight' O. Willi STATEMENT OF Ml. try. 04410. �a-wry to heir et. '1 'hat e*•r•a7 I Icor eight year. I was troubled with Isms' that we we rtgg w no.. • •te1m a tore on my leg which resulted from that u 'oat d sight.' havi.g it broken. The doctors kept m. Jobsoon -When 1 oto marry I intend » is bed Ave months trying to heal It up, sorry • e18.54We girl, 1f 1 eon toted ems M all b no purpose. I tried •11 torts T..eseo-Now, there's Mw `Sharpe % she d salves, liniments, ointments, pills and give me up Johns ou - Jest tae girl I blood medicines but with no bowel,. In oro bind that I had to sit want. Won't ►oat uty'.lrco foe . 3802 U broom m fool 018 as - „'Pay as pea go,' r r7 rule," said the s time ebur and keep 7 man who sae •best to rent a house."Be- s1&Gr fire four months. I could not put sees ane, ' replied the rel eu•te meet. my Lost M 41• ground or the blood would "bet we cm'. wait fes you 1. gat lou U rush oat in • stream sod my Mg swelled •dveee." b twice its natural mise. rimmed hoods em watmm. Mr seat fem. 8m*tepd cel H to Ive to r hothead, • 18 sefir"'' this vane a 0018181854 • pmts to eves Moog" you need never lift your bead Iowa, and my frond 10.d awe that GIsa •sespt to nag the bell for • 14rvant- so•slder..i .t the eleanest ..d is every -- - w•yy ,ate of t •t ,twit devises of 5iNa." esu Ryes Chang* Doily. Aust d.un is • p.0.. est alimloiy o Igaaeyd .totes: plan:e fo'un i Portly in Beath mid N Tt►e Phil.delpl Auntie. T e11.sd t1Nr brushes a All the Moore u Bask. Cost, are ba.r disunite aauri have very smrw. Novara over the owe► d little b year -0141 Arutoloenl• esp18o (11titehmos'a Pipe) u • J0•ti1 0 orok. who" 07" wesm • 1•w man p004 hardy 'limber *110 em5ngely mrsa4efl t1om18.118ea Om day the bey r ero+eyed. wetsh yellow Somme An.iolosbia w1... the next ►i. eyes w perfectly sleg ohs is • native of Demi , .ad geewa etr.ig►1, and for earbtr •41.r0Nsam Iles fapaily to • (read I.Rbt 1w1. et we «ed bees 'Mai On for years. The nonplussed madoo sfy y •uestion woe ata.»- dower. 1 u • seed ialarnsite1 etrobl- partw•ularly to du. etas het .same, as M •ors.--prob'►47 the 0047 ems 05 no°r'1- wes gr0wdsg 4. the b t•stwl (4.riem, em sod density./ d wring It, will soon give .mount of he very carious Sewers 5f pear dm ..rg•••• el the Wdise-On.rarpea ler form They wore 1.I•tar7, 0e Iwai Hospital, ►e this city, es epprta 7 to pdielea, whits veined, with purple as %be seedy the er. as the Inbar dM a amt in" Gain - sonde and a rteh purple.& brews narked 5 6183 1•115 d•'•' I. wed hew mitt white en the mode. i ahetsM'• or (tela•••• sf The BMW Ioiow, who is the massed rtwrr18a ells If a 11 ebildrSS, Bves syil* him o*1er, ew•1, Park's Magasiew 1.41 ref an old= YaerSk, w • B1W b+.1e sesr. esephut offered the mesa by the l)ertmr Stamm, en the North Peen Rai' sadeu.•.. It r.rll..l••Bl.pbmna'.Tt%mk: where for oar years be les emoted •5d n gaster pope'.', u t► 151145.0 05)1155 ilio mesas od tea •eighberw. The 5r18leee5t (w the ...Desi. err 18os18•r'+•18f7• a% birds w.1 pterfaet n 18vwy T1s plants do ant hear many pads, M% that when he ltd ras•►•d the•4e Boo prn.oce. an nearly • foot is Vagi&, si � vear hfe.yes b.eawl see•M B• ag sad when they meanie thOr riot mesrfd Iia, ulesest r h.b.vd 4. ester le the ammo. the pleat r 181% tb fwaslt d • se18.ra oNe*k d ee.voWoae, W "limy and oriole mot It is Pel h., 141 oa 67 ►r .451511 to dips4 wluvsK.ar so an enimeseW P•• slash palpraP« i.od TM was sat re TAO raauattsr eAamATlow ' lilted for several w••&0. He cried des•► The same editor mile a %tat the Mineral sas.ly, ort it wee Sensed "" 7 taws F that Mos W my in Wes Ow1470*-1 ♦net w wlr 1157 1,51 j HVEN RUNNING)) BORE w .141.1 riled*o.d tri• le • 00*54 to 11. popish Ire! -W07. 517 a livingskeleton (I keel 70 111*. in four dear, so .otw5 ever 50mso 5 0Jthtng menth. Friends adr4aed too 4.040 b tithes' • esa05d. Mee Hospital; hot I Would not, for 1 knew First stemenrn -I Gan Indy m7 that they wield hely tin 154 oE. Thiamine s18 mea 0.v« 5o.gb1 te brlM 1M. $518+4 than wonted b 'pia it open and asap* dist.-Oh. °•11, 1 w18514e t he armor the bone, bet 1 was too weak to shod Your Melt may emegs sem time kb. opeatiou n.. oldladymud it bel or other.f5rpr4 b black erysipelas •ed mold Clisseey goatee sew 'Mob taw 1» oared. I never heard d irthe sesw+ �w may w' Istor i Mmrdoek Blood Bitters then, bat 1 reed Pel eet b hair he Imo owlet of • winietsr, Bev. Mr. Moat, who had Heahaed _I have bees thuetrego cif, beim eared of asevere shseamos the malt thea 1 mew M • very peer lets -A W B.B.M., after medial aid had failed, Wife- What males 705 Musa set Wm and I atht I woeld try i►. 1 washed bead --Well, it is mad test las bees wives the la4 mirk the Bitters and took then always et the poorest hsslaeda .eamraieg M direoeioos. Aho using ams Mr. Newell's dila 1t Psi .• mid toss esu Ia 14 Whim4lthem.bottle I 11 threw watches, haruteehe�at rano .r Nall .timed toss "waw• 1►i1 al. wer5 Vail Bream's •gterm55s 1 sed went to wait to the tit owe., asosiu the edema a/ sato thy ahatt w hes wt) wham At w and of the With kohl. 0.,y test n( hew14 Q.--- .4-0.55- now .end Mr.U..w*t1 t«Ply Whet deal t I w has w (yeses esteemed te M It r eon d 0.M ready ped sumo M 141818 Vows Spring Stock NOW COMP2.+ETE And we are safe in Paying that we have as fine a stock of Prints, Challies, Delanes, and Dress Goods as mu be found 1n town 8c. Prints in light and dark shades. be. Challies and be. Minibus. We have the celebrated Crumm Print in Indigo Blue. guaranteed not to fade ; alh0 in light colors all fast. Our Pongee and Delane Prints are perfect pictures, anis oolors good ; also a fine stock of Sateens in black and colors. Our Dress Goods are in splendid shape. A great variety of the new'-st lines and Irian wings to suit. A line of Dress Goods at les. than WHOLESALE prices gowtl sound goods Said 3400.1 colors. We want you to examine our Spring Mantlings. We have a grand lot .n Mack, Wavy, Fawn, Drab and Grey the newest tidings in the ruarket. Tweeds a specialty nice goods at 35e. to 50e. A ooml,leto stock of Hosiery and Gloves We aro show ing a new lacing Kid Glove, every pair warranted --splendid value. Cuff Moves in Colored and Black Silks new. We have taken great pains to select our stock, and we know our prices are right We carry the largest etc ek of Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Union Cikrpetrt, Art "8.411•tr.•4. Roles and Mats, 011 Cloths, and Linoleum, ever shown in the Ctlunty ley tate house, and our stock for Spring is now Iotgor than ever, as our growing trade 414 ,..ands it. A grand line of all wools, right from the mills. We will have fully 500 sets of Lace Cur- tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for Spring, from 50c. to $6.75, and of unheard of value. Bee th-m. 57 discount for C.sh on close cut prices. R 'A first-class Drees and Mantle Maker upstairs GOLBORNE BROS., - --- ---- GODBRIOIL Great Carpet Warehouse) of the County. 1 CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. sea. B-0.? 141 Isg Is e.g• 9111 A 343 os� : 3818("Q 3=3.X e2__• o11a CoQ 3 oo7.1 • 1 0 9 1 • a sl i MIN NEW ARRIVAL S Til GOODS LATEST STY LLS. RemmOda to he Mersa out, Proreset and showy shape,. H. DUNLOP, be ere est. T\Itw. seroma the i--Or•.io+.! V°5 t >a wuesmtiral heeled 5p : reread troll PATEN hos how 185 , mi i itreogis t t&1 W. g• ill.• be hi. bills san/le•*t7 I el" wish "sr %°5[518 t log wee had mated out d it and the meal bviwq pet*, mid ut►w4o wet ales Pbyiii150' 'r.rer.P-Dau't yea tbia147am •r• wawa, ser hash b their natural please 1841811. Father -No - nine ea gs%rsi othe Belt heals oilso are demob sir, tomb him everything. r Mr bee/item nook since. i awl walk MATE. TSN! MISS M Tr mteaigla 18d the day toilsome the ► 7w Mttsl low Oar • 1• Tailor- lila inilm to day as 1.181 SS an7rw18. I Obtained. •sd •H bedsit? the Vi �, M MORLIt/ TL NW. � „hlaa w dIt tial m a ��re.M%. amen d he salted r that. o.r.w he lova. s Nit ole► 151- •••g gas,. -Oh• he sever mid. I ma errs. It lto•rr114 R�p.na If• tbw Iamdla(7F-� resithe Ili* ed Mt es ease se the head se wm• only lees went M add ate yon were as toll. lora H.tn18w the M w d orb 18.5&/ w ab•b0 ert7re orf 114 .0d 7.18. ltieriae+t el the elmtaw Ei/iret-"MF ale art 1..4611 A sae- trend. l r7 11".'from loes. a■ M•we Creway Wm twat ria a * 0f4. _ 151' N shoe _ _ Tssot 44°4 Pent %wm bighlj N (Jmm 1d1•1 the N1•o gesew'S ►i4r 1875 hs 7sur son • Er+t T" � ISA was y ry ap and It ' rtwwae wlu ►sm woe .lased revered eghlagombe el sow Par si is. ler 0 sweater mei all this 1 owe b B. B. B., srhknb onelhr reeding' I..aSr• ABa.o-1% b u.. wry rakes hr lir p( PLAITING MAMMIES Isis. Buchanan & Son, rAlrnra,Tnl.� BABE, DOOR and BLIND deal... la all ties of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And ►.bele '. w•tertsl of every de erteese 1 I Paseo 14 k is alsappm18t ah18ea idea er7 k I the rs When the yig&% •718 (soft gay 1. owe d Wim u •14414 �l tie.. she ear- 5145514 he seed 0054\ of e'1'bu n__••• �•5w f1 w.... Sze twrr+d 18 .1 0o l,. 44 ,r .t 16°.. App...i.1d 7 *•5450'54 5r►- Y�� .185 era r sen Irtrdl>r peasbea," ..14 Mr. Lash** M I d *4. a 141 • M1s•• adYw'. err beeesea hmerrriem � ille�g Mimi. ' 0.,d Mrwti�WLa 155 a din N+�f•rw,w'sMl 4 11b i wfYmYS�m''dn�'� 1 fa wne1 Nt�lw5m w�imi tit. 5llrle toll fa .Mala aids 3.40 casae. h 555417 crews from sada. ase well 15 Sr b.•orees smrhtaly saved my ) ]sM.stalt7 rseeenmea it ball mai.. Alva B. B. B a trial, It wilt eon 755 se Mdadgas Tates trey, Wm. M001n, M. 1 w P.O.. Oat Kr. P. C. Mm.israen, Nes ar.�s► 1 Merrs Oat.. ..wen t. I* alba aralbfalawse of Mei remoritablealt6111111011 melsb Mr. MM.tlsi(syrMn5esetad ;Mar snits i n tiny weitnr '� oar rsette the U. s. % g e me a•",•e:Ozer. '.r1i',ar eI"tl.: baa therm !wow* from fir A A leas NOIIIL OR n/Braa I • aft verf1al".12A1wjs f riff Iisi - O▪ D - r rA w p�emsmwoe 1 ,� m(i f •Mafols » netnal Klee» le yew w f5..kev wean» 0 A MOW emir psis. School Furniture a Specialty. T e Sower