HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-30, Page 21 t "A Word To the Wives Is Sufficient." For Renderin* Pastry abort or FriabI.. COTTOLENE 1s Better than Lard Because K has .owe of Its dis.Brss- oNe ted Indigestible features. Niniefped by leading food and mailbag exports. Ail yaw Grocer for $ 0 0 Ma4e only by N. K. FAIRBANK A CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. BITS IN THE BYE -GOING. Pros. the Scottish ('aa•dlaa. •• %Vbo was that funny •louktogold woman who was here to -.lay •" This is from Hearne as she climb.. epos env knee which affords her • setiatacLoy vantage ground for the pursuit of iafortnauu., and the expression of vigorous °prawn. 1 feigo doubt as to the person reterre l to, " What was she like, Bessie T" •' Oh, you quite well, Uncle George. She is • little, small woman and she has no teeth muck, and her face es all wrinkles, and she has lust one eye, and - and - Oh, yeu know who 1 mean all right' To those wh t are strangers to the little woman, her •ppwaeoe will agree with Resie's graphic description, hut to Int, who know something of the way and the wberefor of the life battle which It... left all marks eo sorely upon her, the wrinkles and soars are softened and mellowed by the slanting rays of the seaolag fanlight. She had been "1`ooed, rwaw and wed before 1 knew her, had come from porno rural county in England with her hnsland and after • few year experience 10 an older settlement, came to the "bush to clear • farm My first introduction to her wan is follows 11'hll.t hunting the cows toe morning. a hen a leiy, 1 mistook their bell for that on the neck 01 our own " Pinkie" and following at brought up in . small clear ing where she and her bugbear! were "logs tog • patch for potatoes. Three children were their also, the baby at a dump Ito be .ceder the mother's eye), the second one be aide the bony. while the elder one was picking up hemlock knots and bush upon the heaps. They were rolling • log toward a heap es 1 went up, and 1 could not help ober! wing that the Intl. woman was at the betted of the log. It was ter the nett spring, I thlok,as they were burning the brush. The fire was drives towards the shanty hy • strong south wind, std threatened destruction to their "all.' The children were revved to • place of twimparatise safety, and the little woman and her husband fought the fire till the going down of the sun. They meed their home and small possessions, hut the right eye of the little women was w serious - 17 injured that it has been sightless ever .Sc.. Her husband has been easy going in the early days as he was lazy at the handspike I The portion of " grog bar. " was assigned i him by common animal, .t .11 the " bee and r•rioga in the neighborhood. 1 can see biro now standing no the log heap with . jug est "old Allan " and a tea eup in his band, and hear hint tolling to his satellite, "'carry hup in that water for the ons are hateful day." He was by no means vicious, or knowingly unkmd,hut thoughtless mod &mprosidist. He was a regular •tteaden% at credit asks for tulles around, and often were the narrow resurtw of the tittle woman pinched it more to meet the • note " which wits awning doe m Conse- .lue.ce of his foolish bargain. She has had two great gifts, a strong healthy body (old Jamie 1) speaking of her said • " !she's .ma' but rale geld .tuff," said • cheerful diepneitioo. Although what ere term culture and elno•tion, had been Minor wholly denied her. .he was )et best gift to man, • help mate for him. h later years her energy and manage meat have produced excellent results. The two eldest sons are settled in Manitoba in favorable lootthaw., and iota 1 happen to !sow) with somewhat of regard for the law of Clod and the righta of our neighbor with- in them. The old homestead is in charge of our old aequsmtance, the baby at the stump, who with • younger brother, is making farmed a diets*. I paid them a visit • short tine ago The old man is the better talker of the two, and was evidently pleased to tell how we're gotten along As the little woman sw•mnsl to hequite mtiefi.l with ho claim of hill partnership in the family progress. I had no reason to object. Laub ova is the evening when she sod 1 had & few words hy ourselves, she told Gie soma whet of the Factory of their youth. " Yon know my man was .ell rest, ho led t' d eg in the eMreh, an' 'we've always wanted • hergan. W:.. gotten 'm sow. I don't knew w muse, bat he ca. play 'as bew.- Nfwl " The old man's voxes is pretty rusty sow, sad the diff ingery are heavy oe the mime keys, het .he booked (rnwt him tom as he played and gent bis (aiebstaw As.tbsm. As 1 loathed epee the IKtU weenes who had toiled se Wog sed Leash* se bravely is truth sad rigtor ossees tow tease she lowed, 1 "aught ummawbat el the hes�,r,o��sy el the ma "gel snug" in chits the glory of Oed is imeeparahle sesaewtd with T Penn en earth and gas/ with le area " Ossa.•.. THE ST(NAL : OODR 1CR, ONT., TTii'TSf1AT, 11ARCH 30, 1823. ABO(T'f SAINT PATRICK' NE WAS A BDOtTCHMAN, UT MEW MEN LAVE HIM. Sew tar Deere Ott the wakes -ills tts...e eamtei.re With a Heat. Whisk Was a•awrr.etat4 tress a niers Mena •ea- U. tela'. Leet to .rt.. Some el the dermas tongs •best the get Pat .k, Irelead'e patruo saint, are That h. was • Soltcliara That he never would have gone to the Eaters/el Isle at all d he had sat been kid. napped by pirates sad carried there forc*- bly This was when he was • lad of sit tees. That he discovered the proems, of Jud leg liquor, drank fLod *Make) whe..ver he coal) get it aaditved to the good old age 04 one hundred and twenty hes years Thad hi, lest words, as holey on his death ti.d surroiated by boa trusty all I •curdle tog fol$owere, wets, "Take a .Iltropu some thteg, buys, fur .ay mkt, ' Frailly, it is jaw as well to state that the best authorities are to serious doubt whether any such roan as St. Patrick ever a uteri at a11. Talking about the makes that the great Hibernian hero drove alt of Ireland, every one knows the story in a general way, tet ■ t the details. It seems that St. Patrick gut a big drum, aad proceeded to walk bout in the dearer most thickly infested .bout Ly eeriest. rod crawling things, bssu.g • thundering tattoo as h. weer. All the snakes came out of their holes and followed him. ot. Pati ick started to the seashore, mle.ding to drowa the whole lot, but sad. deuly In Lbs midst of the overshoe hs thumped so hard ..poo the drum that he burst its need The snakes were forthwith treed from the charm, and would have doubtless escaped bel not au angel sudden 1y appeared ami remedial cutters It is wt stated *farther the angel supplied • new drum or merely rep•ire the broken head, but at say rate the processor was &ale to name op triumphantly aad ane anthem were ail drowned in the sea. Not all were drowned, Low:ver, as St Patrick reserved the worst wake of the lot fcr special treat- ment, and that 14 another story. 105 Wicks') *.Atte Many antiquarians have spent • greet deal of time trying to find out .kat this particular snake bad dee They have come to different coodastons, Woos of which agree, except in this that the snake was orteinly the very wont and wickedest of it. kind. St. Patrtek decided that drows- ing was too good for this badly behaved reptile std decided to make him • prisoner in the depths of the Lough lhl.eeo in the (rites mountains, which era situated an Tlpperry. Toe stake was told that if he reformed he would he releawd from bis watery prison on the followug Monday and bit al..twe.l to join his fellow snakes in the bottom off the see- For some rea.00, h owever, whether be-ause the snake's con - diet proved unsatisfactory or because St. Patrick forgot his prows., the solitary reeler was left alone to the lough amid .ewer taken out The cossaluence is that the old iahabita•u of 'ripper.ry declare that at •.asteto hour every Mindey the eats, trete snake cams to the surface of the lake and utters this mournful plaint to • rest Irish, "`than, an' ain't it s long M ■day, Patrick Of course ev ryoar kour• the story of St. PataciCa birthday, that he was really born a' midnight on March 8, which caw .d a depute mimes the good women a the ueigiuborh.'.t as t., wbrth.r he was born on the 8th or the nth. ..4u they settled the !natter by adding the two dotes together sad fixing hes I.trthtfay ,an the 17th. that a an obi story, but there ere useny wofualb,• •.o t.t 1 know the weird and l tale of Patrick and the goat. Thu goat's mime was Puck and the Irish mint loved hit. with • deep affection, which Peek returned One try,after the fashion of Mary's little Iamb, uck gut I. and fell into the hands of • hungry and nn.cru peloua mist roam. Abu forthwith, regard lam of the fact that Puck beloug.d to • saint, ears rd him up tutu savory chops and devoured loan When Patrick heard the news . t Puck's sad fate he was grieved to the haat and went •boot graining sad cry tag nut that he would never see his dear Puck say more. Tun aro*' 0r rues. However, be foment a plan to punish the rascal which was M Ing. mums as 1t was .kccrssfeL Whoa 'Conley came and all tpsuple were gathered together to bear ham prw-b h• suddenly turned to a patttcular man and cried out-- but the &ardent as best told In the words of au ammo poet This *ton f..e team had he., s+rapert•d br Tcunt grad o N "', ro le 14 • fau.n ale , 1be with • rap bee Coe. bold awl woo,. W .-oak "Pot Puck. • ban Aft 'hoe Aaww now 11e04er ..f woad.,.! 501 W tr0e I tail .s 1110 gots seed audibly .a 1hr theft b*Hy This ea surprised the tkaftb•t be baps to run away, but was caught sad brought beck before the eery prorate, who,add-air jag the cowering wrote& is thundering tones, cried out. 'vere hoe us b.tag w.0 and Gas ay phi 1 1'..n. Culler, Purl! thy ..,tors vein reptag ' lm n.dietely th taut, air was mega A. harm, out +.f sew•, 'goo Ie swell tike a big drug, sad what as awful dh 0 as tweed In04. Cir rerun or ...or w. H es 0'ou1A .pat urn der k05oareto r. And In rhe delight.e toelight, sa w t twit thrash tart wade eater's= Ike pretty rail, whet s h .prssg teeth ead lumpes�s� d tN ki mob aria, Around his ranter on Oil make plying. WAIN arum* tis this( be is smw.rsas-big. k Perish tensed Mew his esepaspatlsa And ..pobs with joyful bar hie tskeetedue Tanen t.v this wands.. odds set, t .hew peon w,,• r. y thing pwulars se too derey.- Ruch mrr•eles as this the great Patrbh waked by the "sore dunes his artery in Inland. which baps is hes fortieth year and •od.d °sly at hie death, eaghty-five years later. As already remarked he taught the pen le to change minims fruits and pro - duets of the .oil into whisky, and the art of dimities°. was geeerwlly practised darrg his life time, the slivery osslo°etins knows se "pot.." brag named after the tSeet. This was regarded as ase of the most matis- feetnry a &E.=wastes wrought by him. Tee rtaa'1.• ell Tam .Oa5TAtm. Another ethers ea the fraesise.Nha plea was the ties whi.b he wreitea the top "f • bleak esouatate whore 1e and a party of hie friea4e toned thewaslves ewe wtater s ■fight with we suss of .skis a &r& St Yui.& ordered all hands N "abet balks el mow and pile them together is • greet heap. This beteg dew he bow his erase -there is ate eseerd as le what he had hoes drinking- epee the fronty smear/ mad, lo sad behold ! flame" barb fart\ Irwin it immediately mad everybody wee happy. Thie imisi/..4 is related j. the &sllewit.g te.ehing lies , Si Pallet, as l begs& tad, ft seem so Wag rust meshes �i :Ml at sat .the tMl�k Y t M 101 W k tie Ir El: has a she gMi kd waN rs Weiser wwiM as ask 4447 sol..s se be has, id ebeel/.rases--.sentaMeubb peek ham ell se are the herb".■ ^'y mas m There leas reason why .Mlle.m dwell be allowed its maw Irma 4..s4....re iame serve sad glandalmr .wdlN.gd whom pla.a tot, ,toadsamo ,., sad emig.l ommillmboi mewl of the .sirs•s /.\Miss may woo p` .o * you Co ere amemol.s a. fal.id to Lid to ...eared days amid bogy .w. • the top of Oe fie h. dug • root ked at waw mama dogleg .lew1y ewer him Them he rleslarw, rogreseatod the wast ..nibs of soar which Md Nowt Gavel by how. Oti maother o.tasNr, • Iwo aloes ue top el a mru0taa, 8t. Part.& leas %riled by the devd, who pnaeeded a. jump upset bio stud stake him genet ally uussesfort able Nothing daunted, the Saint .sited out a a load tow 'Retia, ' Hellas '.' wire..opus, although it, was to tk. addle of sigh., the orb of dry haste'] ate ap parch by roe, al hours, and ruing brills oat u the eau frightened the eve: re away. Them, whets there •as we (wager say .5.e.sty for its preset. e, the awn sank agar be:ow the boteruo ..ted did not reap pear uoul the treat hoar At the pelmet day no:htug u left of at Patrick s earthly frame but h.i law is .ale, from which ail the teeth have gtadi.a 1T departed a ith aswesdio certtur1es w.t• the exception of rte TLr jaw boot is .'rsfully preserved in a fatally of a p t&.ut berg near Delimit, to whom it was 4x1.4 ed down • 4th injunctions Inver to port with at The poor mea has bad tempting offers from proprietors of abuse maseama and curiosity scop., but .o far has resisted them all and preferred poverty with St Patrick's jaw bone to aMueaos without it. Tb.. law bone is credited with marvellous po.er• for barites the ark, admit wowea in childbirth and determiusag the gwi:t err innocence of suspected criminals. tt the lowest e.tnnate this beta roust be co.rd- erably over a thousand yeas s o 4, which is dotes tolerably well for ' h r. naiOing troth. .1 Caleke.-whew ae•eetle., '.M ..r r elik4 with vatting as I walked obi warden through. And ward upon tis 'wren 0,10 Mel/ ,011:00400 I..4.., Au, 1..0 .M w tis w,aald'e. sed .11 taw poultry • rev 1 , ..1N 1.,.1 Ila 1rta.'b 1. ..,,aa as pal. 14* 'nae .1.., 1 .a. tis 1.0u4'141ht/y 10 11:• "rt, 1,01 little Inde that .hoe 10..r• Walled retreat... ,Gey are I had the blase et paean as tae Contain .wall .•• prou4 , bion a poetor papaw with the populace 1 tweed . la waging Farmer 10 mate's, too, 1 Iola•( th, rod diq ..•A 1 ra.ed o'er want a Mrd that won great spun apo.0 Malang ; 1 rot is raptorial man fluffy .-htAa tel dor boned kytr . I .Awad Guo My lee lotk... and her l oeh. (lona But • i • Lard .n all the show, of all aa, vete 'c are. Not dna va .111114 10 pteatng, 00 an useful unto 40 4t n an eagle that I own. as nagle ob so as,' It u u. eagle . lnrola, too terra. 0a aest. Bot a eat Ny with surd thaws .ire to draw.. the lot 1r u an eagle salads of gold ?orb 4rvw t►. .out. •g re OLD WORLD ADVANCE. t ekuar of freers« rrem lar Distant Ianda. A meeting was recently held is Lsipsig of de hes representing the learned ther- ein of Ziarmany sad Amtrak with the .is. M laic 161• pe• ri Cribb The vessels engaged im the passenger traffic, on the Atter Lake is Upper Au.'na will during the coming summer Is pro polledh electricity, acoaolatore bang e mployed w Coloring aluaalum has, it is said, been successfully &choreal by Herr G Magnet. of Hoehn According to the process, alums• stun can be early cared with otter metals nickel, silver and gold. The works d the &ltip osteal between the North Sea and the Baltic are berg pushed .toward with moth energy and regularity as to give hope of 110 being finished in 1695, as originally intended- Fifty two million cubic meters of exavauoa have .1 ready been male, and moms of the locks are nearly bnuhed, while the beaks are h. - Ing lied at emend points. The terminal ticks at Kiel and on the Elbe are to be made double and both of them provided with two entrances. There's Nothing Like i/N[ I%\ SOAP 1T DOES AWAY WITH B OILING HARD RUBBING B ACKACHES SORE HANDS LAT n *Homer UU 0Av •o .r W11141/7 TRYING Sunlight REFUSE CHEAP IMITATION$ hold ter Mi• .lead, , That Was :In awfully mean, lotting re nark y.,u lo,a.io to tarda. Patter," said .1r.. Freddy. " I know rt was hot hr's potties alarg.." .'plied her hwhand. What .btfornee does that make," "1 wailed to make hot, tee! small." x"``.1893 BitailtioM Weary nae 22 ro 43 L It is stated that the long-.t&.dteg scheme for the cotmtructioo of • easel from the Elbe to the Danube, with • view of connecting the Bakke with the Brack 8g., has now assumed definite shape The Aas- ura Government will provide • good part of the capital, sad the rem radar has, it r mid, bas subscribed be • i.oadon syndi- cate. The work* tee to ho prowl r tate bends of London engineer& The Corinth Laser, .loch r now ap- proeobi.` conspirers, awl is to be 00.wrd e April 2d twat, was fermelly eowmeuoed ea Marek 2'7, 1882. The cowl is a little over 34, miles r length, 88 fret wide ea the bottom, 80 feat at taw water lies and 9N feet deep. The ental ealeakttiee put the ueav&tien as about 11,000,000 etre yard•, and the first c.pW was $.000.000000,�, e te .01.1. $3.000,000 norm had bead/e/ by July 31, 1000,.►e the works cam M • steadies& o. •ceout of rack of feuds. A n ew company was thea formed to finials the o•.&1, with s capital of $1,000,000 in . 4..re. sad $4,176.000 la obltgatioas, of whish sly 84,000,000 have been Issued. This eompmey 0.s sa for aymp at.d the work List the spratsg is saas.oe.d as ahoy. Itttpertm.wb here reeestly ham ae.duet- e4 at Yeppe, (1..., mai a sew onmpouad et Weisel &ad steel, the starer of the maim. facture of whi°b has bee. .esurel by the Krupp Work., of Kassa Tae 1 inch shells, e ach oew.ind 6 oraces of Acne aril, were plao.d,.se an • gra of ordinary Knapp Mae, and the other in a gas of the slew Wake Meal, at a dr'as.. of 12 whet from the ..aide. Ups the *hells helmg explod- ed, the m.mle of the gum of ordinary Mal was blows tato a number .f pieces, het the may effect prodeeed .plus the afek.l steel gas was • local ealerg.m.n: of the both to the .rest of • quarter of an belt. La the meat e*pertwt • 3-7-1oe& .kelt, emetalatsg 6 3 owmes* of parte acid, was horst is a nickel steel gym at • point 10.6 Weise" free the bottom of the Mrs The raw te were an ealargswt to the imb d .f 1-3 ilea4., and • Alen 3 lashes in leogtb. Tn•ls of pout .f tao HAW steel hour Woe ►..n mod., .mid haat Oren Lodi► 1 A aimed 15.04410*., "Leek ban, Msulda," amid •Team lady M thy .cord eek, 'lee alum right ds. M the .biehen sets, a./ yea met have hoard these thisrree m saflar tato .hl.4...a" Ya worm, 1 heaped the dti °..s Wier, and 1 hoed the votes oh /e mem" ' Why /dm'i you go out, tae.?' "Case, ram." (burettes tete team,) "1 \aew..4 my d4 fodder was eat der, sad 1 0044.'1 hob him knew .tat rt legs .ossa demi.g h kim ier ell tee tohl.bsss he to old deal r ! whole far. w 1111111 M INIONNIS Litt! maws nho uG.O .e Th. 8.&d Bicycle CO. Ltd. SRAKTFORD, Orr. .500.1 , w rM. MGM G. W. T EOa dON, AGENT, GODERtCH, ONT. Matra FALL "D WINIER GOODS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub tic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a bpecialty, and everything In the latest and beat Dry Goode and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at 'the Tomato Cash Store P. O'DEA, Manager. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGE.T Sett 114 (,*NADA. TO A erthes P.M SW CIRATILFUL-COMFORTING" [PPS'S COCOA aIAKFA.T. a b. .010 6.0wled.t d 016.111 4.0010 1 ieah era. thes5GrMl•w• of e< '4 seise AI R�.snlr' wiled our tin•olest tables wilt. a dr7w•tt " 10141.4 hoverer, wtW0 icor tare les man ',.. ro 100./: blue. It ls bF tis 1.141. Nraase ^1 Gad.,tete M 4401 Ibal .este Ism may be110005117 0.111 up mato to nim every IenA.oey is 4lssa.r. lieteks of ..041. etgeladl.a the booth a imam& r ready to •mare wherever than Is • stash pial. We may radar w • fatal .halt�g keeping *Greeter* .et mosey .nth mese fil.sd and •.,N•rty so.rtehee hams - Mr aBBBBr*wMrrNreGaiiiimttplyy.•with t A Mitts wary •r on :told way le ne.bN&by ureter.. rru err .1a11d1e4 thea* : Smessewisee AAmos.ast4l�i. `hew 189:1, flarper's Magazine. ILL O 8TRZT]DD. Hattpatt's Nwasues e/r will Orbiter Ie man .les the osrlvall'd reader"' of once, lona which 1 ascbara.terised It hem the b- glaala • A e, eat the actable hotline of th. ) oar 10.14 a 11 be ... •.vols b 4. Comae twin., t O'tTasee Ye.,$o.. octant, ..4 W ILLI .. Ht acs Rh 1 sane, .IH be o..•ri- Mated ay Ilb meet /s, .tar sinter of the 4y, tattle) "e V oat R WIL..'. RM.atta Hatt. 1.0 I/A.IO. MAMA t.T Ugueo, l aawesst mammy's, and w .y atter*, The Meowed de.criteiw. papas .i11 embrace •rtleles by JtElea RAL.. e r -. Soothers sad Wean ester. t. : bi Tfu000tts Cam o es ladle; by 1'ot'LiwaT .0.610.... Hume Md Oerm.say by lt(cuasa 111111041116 DAVIS e.1a.adew tis ; ken cohost L A. lames se EtMR. 4gar. eta !COWIN 0. A..ett'.bluntest bine of Thahe- apr.re's ('use dies will he ro•tlw/ted. Utosary jig, ides eau se oowtrii.ated by (smalltime :!JOt O1tWOJ Mnt, Jars T. /limns WILLIAM Irma Howet.t.s, Haaouua Ma•-rtsw., mid others HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HA '• PERE MAGAZIN& ..Per Yee M 0e HA i• PLR9 wRskLr - 4 On HARP/ME BAZAR. 4 a HAlePLR'a 1'uUNQ PRtriPLif... 100 Power Pres to nil aseorrsbbere to Die MAW Maki& Zbn•de and Meeker. "the Volumes of the )ta.aslas bogie with he Members for Jane and lborember of each tear. r' has no teas ellipse fled, a u hoer. pt laaa •.1ll brain with the Netaer esereat at the tune of rac51pt of arador. Hs..4 years bath. of hcloth*nom blather imbia u1 he sat for jaw Awl. se tear d Nano err vwlae, C4tth l;sres, tee eked !Mesh amen-aymmadl. vwat pald. RemlUaaese thetas he made le Per -sifts Meas, Order or Draft. M ovoid .boas of lava Nr s ora .et to eegr lass .4rereiss swat ore Aewt Me emerges.tJer re/ Harper M H Minta e4dromm HARPER t BROTHIIR4. Now'reek. 1893. $asper'a Week .w-LU41111 s'rB313_ The Signa 114010ca's WalsLy is .okso.tdg.d M steadiest lira mem Istel weekly rrtle4- eee la America. R .eowptes • piece between hat of the barrios daily parr .•d that of the less thrift ...thly 1tiaoholos beth itteretere and sews, aw-d peer -ca wit it semi ones ea/ reality the 4051 events d emveat hurry- iOf iteeel f Veryoettise tgae�m�eepsseielleiof Iletin. weemee.f I0. Wu,id'. pale k ./Moat sob ,lee best dei e le the moot weesesuest, bat also ,tebeet .arv.Nr. Kerry pabiiserset of gen- eral laterent will be tally illmsr•ted r 1t. lis eo.lribaloss beim fro. the beet wr• iters sad artists is this (o0ntry. It w111 ere. lbier to excel la literature. dewd sed illwars- t1..ww, all other publicationsef 1t. class. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per leer t HARPERS WLRYLJ'. .. M M /IARPER'S MAGAZINE. .. 4 MI IIAatPAJCd BAZAR tin HARPER'S YOU.'I U PMPLE . 0 M Poata4e five to 011 aobar'r'(bere (. the Uwttad SKatea. CCa.et. and Munn. The Vdwns* of lbs Wuxi. begin with the first Namber for Jesuitry of recti year. Whets no tone ie meet ioned. mala. rt pt toss 14111 begla with the Nombre ourreat at the time of re- .:eipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harriet's WssgtT ter three years back. in neat cloth Mallag, .111 to ret M arm. parte paid or lav easreps. free Or ex prep Iprovl0ed t cid, dal set exceed ode dollar per volume!, ter $7.00 per token*. Cloth lases for each volume n(teble for toadies, w411 he neat by ll, p.d,r. o 1pptt omam-pale f gi.ei eat*. Memorises should be made by Paetaisa Money Order or halt. to &veld .he.oe N le&. N s ere lost to espytA4 adeerhla• meat .(1Ae*4 tke ma Itis enter of HART= a Hswyrass.. Addison: HARPER t BROTIg1*Ra, Ne. Tern, 1893. lialrper's Bazar. ILLVSTIR. £TML- HAtvsa'a iHAaaa ls &journal for the bome, 1t err the fuller and lathe l.fete.sstts •boot raskiess, sad 1t. samerowG Wwmtious. Part. desiga& and lretenahest epptamenb are ►.d1pr els alike 1c the home dr. water and the egpr ferdoe.l modiste. N..x. Armee is seated to reeks its art ink atteact/vs h eft of the hOgleat order. Its bright stories, awsltr othstates,and tbeanh,fal smart mt- 1.1) GH tam W its Yet WOOS' as • bodges tf Alt adhontor. 11 Its weekly law fvernhlag M INleeld wh4d Yet imam* to WOUNDS. ON H se sad far HIM �t4 written TAL&,, traumas T.tsevw H.sO.CN .ill fins\ • the Toilet." (+poo a Knee. ours ical aeries, Tsi y mero treM,u et, sad CANDACE W m.oL.1t will be.et 05,14 1.- tura The work of wow le tlw Cdumb4s Ettweeiie will be rally repossessed with .w.ma.� Itl.stnttf.n. T. W.Hseotwaos, he "Wealsah.il new,' vim plumes • e.Nivated a00Nee. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per leer AARPL * Z DAAR. HANPLRI MAGAZIN& i4 •~e HARPRRI WIKXLI HARPA ro(No PIN PLS. f N LR Peet to ell awieer#we fa Oho Pedal allsmrt .rd reams. Tal. Volume of the Beat �m auto flet stever b om Mr Jeasima ... atom.►-ysitr0� .1 Mass Y weere00..w1[r With N ember eewtst as td =NV*sd woman of Kulter ae er.was oei(t wUk. I. -10,6,..,,,„ '•". BA�apA.i`(t.,reg �� sag ssi....r r ,,.. woltms\n vt. * Intim hismilswv I holliorlifvel=osesoald."11111111 farm Lir r fle*f� Pinions n "d`i Guff y."b br he��to ease men salla stls.tl.m le W Jobwhisk ore •atwr- esausties el ail priNLsger• pommel mfd this woowtgm, .e.• ail wawa imieliling you um L he need et, sad is awls mu es waaj alt )our �a11.•ys. Nat oar./orb to jls... lei a t the approval of oar votress lZalte �itud►s This woeful sue u kept in the hl rr��rnt�gee of ywlitles me as Iegt bwpie. W hits at In this lite we have • very lar, dock of fine writing papers alit able for every class of busmen r�epeessnted In this locality, cos peido¢ laid and Trove, lines.. quadrille and other papers, roll or unruled, u may be required. lA t t O , k‘ta(.s aro not so generally seed, tiwy till IA important place in oomuier ial sorrespondenoe. Bae what we've got under the above heads 'WA. If the " pay -a• -you -go " plait was the order d the day the demand for a000natp per would not le so great ; but there are some mm who pt so many dinners that they wonder if the stock will esw run out. We don't intend it to, and at preemie our stock is cam plate in this line with four sine Good paper and neat ruling. Vittattmtntt Both single and double dollen and cents columns. They cams cheaper than bill beagle, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month.. They are wore to fetch him 'round - sometime. liehlb Veist1 Iiow, it would be hard to pt .laeg without en v4am ofd le beep up wit► tie Awned kr them we keep a Wipe lank • bead We hvie new abet a kindred th mend in stock, sad fik. will map from 75c. to >]1lL We bindle cues serreierairesireserelesivelv. Commerrvnvnxt has already been partially emus erated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amoun of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this sdv't, but we do it all at Tan T nvLta<Uons to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in melee tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and bed samples to be bad. Call and Pee. C'vrtw\(ars We aim to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we turn ort, but especially is this, and keep in stock plain and fancy paper suitable for all requirement. 4 eogr Ams of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from tas plain but neat to the most elegant with oord and pencil attached. Cera. ane 'r.�1c.ets This bead coven a large rear of work, from a bread or milk tacks* to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary rdinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. 4 otters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is dons by us. This line also in- cludes Do(1Qers which our three fast -running job presses are able to turn out in • surprisingly short time. ?SOU lab\\t belong to the poster departmm.t also, and we make a .peei.lty of them -promptness being oar rim in this respect A notice of flak will appear in Tae RtmNAL free if ��ee when bills for same nae g•* #\\ RVndt of 'W ar1L is the typographical primWts Mae ora be done in this eetskihkeimit in as expedialens and aliisli. 05aner and Our' Vett% of \\ bt jouvka ut4' rtotonab`t. We extend ler thanks lar rad be - are end ..Ihit • ..Nies... d Wal men ri4;6-- WILZSA Ql111#L. ON