HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-16, Page 7Tits SiWin d ERICH, ON?., THITIBDAIN. MARCH k; 1893-M Pi 0H-1893 JOHN . ACHESON. Our 8prtmr armament 01 Dry (foods will mnrpas in extent, variety and attractiveness anything yet eared in Uoderich. The High character of use Imported Goods in 3533mgliecia. ate 1-'Ztex .CY3e =e1e ' es re.i .cST 2DTeSS 3-ocGiS 331ac1c iier:Litettae it now generally recognised. We leave nothing undone to secure the right claws of Goods, and we ell Mem at clews cut prices. We have just placed in stock a Cate of Black Henriettw at 40, 50, 65 and 75 .enter. INSPECTION INVITED. JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL TRADE 189 2. ran ANO WiOtt Ose et On O�wwa gilts •w ti. •• �t• i..1 the royal u L' -t was Werth MOOR He malty ether& Rias Pasha, the sewPianist. ie at been juinas great a., Altglephobiet a. hither -d eat greater but • mare skt:h• himintslater. Also be has the •dvasta:e rt bong tie passim/ el ea ovesw, eui .g belief u ivatasU. The Fall Season ie now epos ns, and, as a matter of coarse. FALL GOODS are in demand. We are ui re- ceipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart - =cute fully supplied. Pine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen )'erns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed Switing4 will be a *narked feature, while all the other Tines—too numerous to mention—will he fully up to the mark.: I do not pretend to keep the; largest stock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. DWBPI1OTION KINDLY INVTTHD. 5 PIR CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. SITRICTLY ONB PRIOR. • �.. 1\CT.TNISO, Draper and Haberdasher. Finnan Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters, Labrador Herring, Smelt, Ciscoes, Baltimore Oysters, ARRIVING DAILY. Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons Canned Goods OF ALL KINDS. AND A COMPLrTIBTOCK OF O.etrteity in to he "mast ly assfol" co Monte Oslo, en it with be largely eriployisi tut ~Mem Mises elect& in the "U ituaa• tee W fea.d," wheat wt.itogives there with tae utmost k .. of ,ue-eu /0.1164. M. Josde Kean. a will Le the F'..,. -t Anton Habiliment m• eat!) paid .d i •:• Mad aid its salience, ••W nen 1 fir -t went to Kngiaad, .ud ea. t Cue; an 1 email play,he maid, ••1 ee.•d to part. res •n empty walls. Mow thrt 1 am o:d and ciao. not play. they all ro wild "ver me, awl rae't bad . hall big .11, .ugh tor mer w per.. tures in. Th. Puss of Wines sew yacht, nu It fair him by Messrs. Ileaders..n, after . v.. agn by ter. Watson, will be .e.,at in Apia, and maimed by the former crew of t .e Iverna She with Sot cuutetwb in aa for- eign roma, ..nd wile not got . Atnt raw ; her laurels will be sought for to British mune bed against yachts belonging to British club. Family Groceries AT AT RIGHT PRICES Ha. CAMPAIGN'S, Cor. Montreal-st. and Square. 'Telephone CremtiM iod THE NWT THE MT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEBT THE sun THE BEST THE BEST THE BEAT THE BEST THs bUUT THE BEST THE BENT THE BUT THE NNW THE Bim? THE BaT THE B11? THE Mr THE MT TRE BENT THE BEST 7Barr THE BUFF THE am rozMI UHT sem! THE BINIT THZ MET THE sag Tates Bait Tel WIT Tai MT F 1'S I8 I8 14 Is THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE 8IORAL THE 00h1P)MT AND THE SIONtL THE CHEAPH/T AND THE IIIWNAL THE CHHAPH 7 AND THE SIGNAL THE OHSAPENT AND THE MORAL 18 18 18 11 18 18 THE THS THE THE THE THE • THE THE THU THE THE TRE THs THE THS THE THE THs TB THs T 1 THE THs THE TH1 E THE THE THE THE Tis THE THE THE THE Tin MT 701 MIT BIM ANDj?ss a11S1 *11111 TU rnrayA)ifD THe I1Iia P1 1? wIn Tao ala ALi 1* T1s E ? THE SIGNAL ONLY TMR IN ADVANCE! The Duchess of IEdeiwrgh, jnst mew at Nio., will shortly proceed to St. Peters- burg, on a visit to the Err perm and Km prem of Rues• fur . few weeks. and in Use spring Her Impanel Highness is go- ing to Bucharest to stay 1r some time with Priam and l'nmtws Ferdinand of Houu►aa.a Lord Randolph Churchill was at the Criterion Theatre, is Limiest, no the first might of "The Bauble Shop," Cud afterward went behind the monies. it was curious to observe • former leader of the House, whom resignation made some stir, watching the representation al a not dissimilar series et sena BEST BEST BEST BEET BEST BEST BEST HEST BMT BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEET REST NOWT MST BLIT BES? ssaT UST UST EIS T EMT BEET BERT Bin MET 1111111T Mr. George Moores new drama, •'Th. Strike of Arltmgtord," written u response to • ok•lleoge made by Mr. George R Sims, will be prod.oed by the Independent Theatre Society in !Arden this week. The drama deals with the labor pro - Mem The bermes is wealthy and well- born, wade the hero is a pronounced Sorsa llet .1110 Wig The seem of Ides • ranee -Story is .be among one of the most popular resorts i■ Pane tor seemly in geoeral.aud the ..real aad artistic world in particular. The re- ceptions are generally held in Mme. Story's bu.band's studio, be thus paying our of the ureal penalties for the loss of has bsehelr hood, winch b. deplores, though admittaag that his quarters make • splendid °onx-ertSem - The enthusiastic yoaag lady who chum - piens the ease. of 1.» 1or.lins Herr leas hashed ter task saeoessiully, which was to travel frequently from Bournemouth to Paris sad back, carrying papers from I)r. Hen to his legal advisers, which be deed not need by pert. Franck detectives were employed by the French government to &t - red the you$ lady, who, however, .- aged to elude them. CREW ANO CASUAL r' atmee'e eaefa..es Mises sewer es. • ' be Germain aluminium orev.m w now e n sal. AB to wend .ver time aro sleety-eiwkt memo to 100 mea Beate bits sassed the death d .early 99,000 H►•dooe lest year. The British !else comprise ee. fewer them 1,000 separate ialaeds and islet& For sot tie rasa, summer beet and geeersl toilet purposes See Low's 8elpiar Hoop lee More tam Coe -laud of Great Britais is owned by members oft . House of Lords Pascal, the great Preach writer, and Rap- hael, the great Dalian artist, both died .t 37. L. BACK -ACHE In Pen. ylvuia a man ham been treed 111,- 000 for calling another • • Molly Ma tip" An emotive or torpid liver *oat be arcus .d and all bad bile removed. Burdock Pills are hest for old or young lm Skirts embroidered by band and ousting $60 each cerate in fashion in the reign of Elirabetb. As a pick -.ie -up atter eaossmive exertion er exposure, Milburn's Beef, Iran .ad Wine is grateful aad oomfarWg. 1m A Barton sooty Ilirsourii man is going to raise peacocks for profit. He says own- er of large mammas with spacious lawns want them Pr rfor..aoea •t theaters of ancient t :rose sometimes lasted twelve bount Seven o'- clock in to morning was the time for the raising of the curtain. The village of °riftoo, N. C., is anatod in two counties, three townships, two coo gnomicsal districts, two .eiat.rul dietriots and two judicial district& Some symplasts of worms are:—Fever, colic, variable appetite, re.tlems'ese, weak- ens and 000valaioes. 1 he unfailing remedy is I)r. Low's Worm Syrup. 101 During the reign of Klisabeth English dudes wwe shoes throe feet in length, the toe pointed and fastened up to t.be garter with golden chains to which little bells aro attached. •• I have need Ayers Hair Vigor for • number of years, and it has always given me satisfaction It is .n excellent dreaming, prevents the hair from turning gray, insures its vigorous mr.wtb....d keeps the scalp white aad clew." — Mary A. Jackson, Salem, Mac The Emperor of g.rmaay is mach pies ed with • new minuet dame at one of the Court balls under the direction of a oel.- brated.olo-dancer—Mrs. Wolden. Five rows of ladies !including theRoyal Princesses) were standing in fret of the throne, and, afar bowing, performed with their part. sen the channel slow rola of the balls "The Birthday. At His Majesty's special request, the pler.iag dance was twice res- ted, and has now become the rage at all fas►iosable ball. The divimw of Princess Margaret's gar- ter .meeg her urideamaide afar the isarri- .gs ceremony last week is • mode t variant of a very old custom. The ortgti..i echos was that the beide wore quite a number .t pretsy ribbons as well as the ordinary gar- ter, sad these were in doe course distribut- ed alloesgtbe.s.ealine friends of the bride- groom, while let Scotland the piper Ursa - ally bad me to tie resod his bagpipe. The conferring of the gift was supposed to cm- . ut.te tel siemens champions of the bride • At • resent mint hall m Rom., Queue Margret wore a dress of red velvet, trim- med with .arrow lines of dark fur ; this went completely round the train and op the sides et the wart ; another line of fur pas. - e d from the right shoulder aerosol the bodice terminetieg at the hem o1 the skirt. Om the other side .1 the bodies wee a trisemaag of roses without nava, al- most meetlyaa►ia$ the shade of the dries, aad this was also.enNnoed ,partly down the skirt ea the right .ids Her Majesty wore ber fames. pearls aad a core - t et el diamseda Me.. Baikast, wife of ph. err-Mieid.r of Public Work.,ereeed of bribery and ander arrest, has seed for a separation of props*. t!, and Maims for her share 300,000 inset Mme Baibses was comae the belle Moe. Assessed, a rival et ib. Republish beauty. Mete. Gemberese. M. Armengaod was a ma.iipai eoeeefller, and for some reason he Meshed a divoreo from ►is beastifal wife, who beams Mme. Bsih•ut M. Anosagsad ham had his resege, for be knew this his divorced wife's husband had been mesh eesspbd with Panama, and when the >ttw sees. h. sassed to implies - tam end serest of hie amen ser. e.. Lady Jeans i. eetbhmg if ss erigir.l, sod apparently has the mirage whisk likes to be es tie side of the minority. Har latest peasomse-Noent is in favor of a mdifled teres et eri.olim., r rather she re- minds es that wens, will to wooed jest se eri.tly in kneeled prNoentsas hi mihit& lady Jeans Is oridestiy of *hies tat the instate leadenly of human motors to yearn meet ardently for to .eatteiambie holds god hs to matter .1 eoertebip sad tam to d faell that some fest of speeded ekiri intervene between a mast end the e►je.t .t kis idolatry wd1 rads" fee..s etherwie the valve be pate spm her Lips M. Walls* Ress.sa., the &dowseffe doweresu.tennesedtriala EMI in the Parma4witir eer+lg►� ..i kept etma.py by es &.wealo temper. er 110!_iii ler c.W .srkiely style, 'Sigh Ohms ,.se MIX a b easeelet. shirt -treat. ..d erilli ,.segs .r &naw. Thee is sot eseeh je► hid lbs .lever...., bnsaeltm, bks melt. Fwe.hmen .t his gmemilies, his *hemline has teem perely easstaat Be amortee leer er S..mmes sgs a -' . b mgliwr r Damn lermem was uses • is a 4. t yPablo Soyala& few gte ler uChmesetsed b dl sewidow et t mem et white nil ge.e.eediy M sae Waldo* lloorms. Iles a BnsMlen or Ase The queen of diamonds u • muck more elaborate card than the deme of the same trait, yet the dime mist as hard to draw. Far asesis..04.t.wtme.. No other remedy cures sprains, :)runes, oats, wounds, chins, sore tbret, rheu- matism, etc., so promptly as Hagyard's Yellow Oil It is an old standard remedy that has given perfect satisfaction for 30 years. 2w eavaa Ie OF Bingo—Bitter aIle i.e kin info Noakes him wear kis dr.ss snit every evening now. MrsBingo-- Umpb ! He dids't do it be- fore they were engaged. Bingo ----No ; they were afraid it wouldn't last until they • were married. A cure M .r•,e.sta- Dyspepia i • prolific cause of each dis- c,.es as bad blood, ties, headache Blood Btt- aad liver complaint. Sts is guaranteed to cure or relieve dy..pp Sieepp-- a if maito directions. .000rding directions. 1'boe- .ands have tasted it with best remits. 2w Asresomm, sad Pe4Ytr. •' Why is it," said the planet to the comet, " that yon attract so mach more .Meehan on earth than I do!" " Den't you undereta•d that ?" responded the coma " it's my long Sowing whis- kies the ob.em. A rare M M.darhr. If..d.cbe arisen front o,m.t.ipsti.•n, bad blood, dyspep.te or Iner complaint. As R B. R. cares all the.. rnmpleiuts it is natur- ally the most sucoessfui headache cure exist- ing. (hone the came is removed the heel• ache vanishes. 2w %oyer Get. There. • Blifltins must be • very generous man. I heard him say last night that he would land a friend his last dollar." " I know it," was the reply. " Rat he's so rich that he never get. down to the last DOD05 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "faoha.k. memos the h;d- aeya are 1. 'reals. D ekTs kida.y P/Dtglue pmwpt iw J l6 per sant of di is rat earned by disordered hid - "Night as wet try to have a healthy .icy without sower- ay.ey, as good haaltl when the kidneys are 0Njp4 they are Said t7 all dsethes or seat hr mei a rens* of prim es mess . pre hes or tin fee ti. Dr. L. A. ee.W $ Co. TwaWei Ss moa W. ani id Uhler Tai. the •e,tier= "Delay Is dair9 :leo toas. Nap.. ney trembles result 1m sad Mood LiverCaw Nati, and the most daa- poresa of all, 'rights Disease, Diabetes aad Dropsy 'T1• ab... Amass sanest Crest where Dodd'a Kidney Pills and we. ' • March he swab" hi the aid adage. It ..arches out any imehmes .f the system, ✓ esdtium from impose Wild. Thom who w Ayr'. S.rsap riWa find March mo sere searching or even disagreeable them any other ametb. This medicine is • wonder- ful invigorator. Cheap for Cash Take for instance Over- caate—s few left—to be cleared out at away -down prices ; also Suite and Un- derwear, Grey Flannel• and veinlet goods in ganeral. No Reserve MoLE0ID'S ARE you ring to put • Parnas, is your house or more t you are, call on SAUNDERS & CO.; and see MR. J. H. WORSELL, a preetical mate., air man, who will give you Spume for the BKs'I FUR. NACES IN CANADA. YOU should not leave this smatter until next i.U. Start right in at once and get your beating da., anti rte really to start • fire in the Fall. Are GOING 0 to build a bougie, tisfac or school.sk s r or thenar to your entire satisfaction. Ask w for and plans before deciding on any method of do work right regains; a practical tnowlsdse 11 th RENOVATOR business. We have it, and do only int-claes %TEM, ysxrwn aancuirs, K SPecifif, and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dys- pepsia, sleeplessness, palpitation et the heart, liver .wmpplaint, neuralgia, Toes of memory, bronchitis, coomanpuosl, gall stases, jaundice, ki.lney and urinary disease, St. Vitus' dance. female irreg- ularities and t'c»cral debility. LABORATORY. 60DERIAR, ONTARIO J. M. SIcI.EOD, Proprietor aad Itust$cturer. McLeon•• Semi.* Re.ovaroa oa. be had from all amorists in town..m well estrum all the drat to between Owes Bound and Saforth. Brumeh, 1)mrtam &tad Terento. !7 Ir. Boot'', Shoes and Slippers from 20e. a pair, up. Odd linen mud be cleared out if low prices will do it, to make room for New Spring Stock. A full supply of the cele- brated Crompton Corsets al- ways on hand Odd lines and eiseft feom 2fic a pair up Fresh darrihals Setay line. d : Spring Ossikm .ash as Prints, Tw e& sod Worsteds, in 9eolei .ad Canadian ClteV- imW, Bargee, be.: also in Pants made to other from 1f! bO to 15.80 a pA full line or Family Oro - aeries alwayp on hand. Tess $ specialty. R. B. HOLLAND, Noah OODERJOH Steam Boiler Works. tESTABWSHZD 1110.) A. S. C H RY STA L ) **creaser to Carlota! d• Blsett,j Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright A Tubular Salt Pane, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers in Upriebt sad Horisontal Slide Valve $relies. Auta5•tic Cut -0RIDa.ineo a psdatty, A11 Mee of pi a aad pl Cowman!& en band. balsa's. tare en snort e.tese R.solri�s� promptly attended to -,y r'• 0. Az X. Goderich, Oen. Works (Magnate 0. T. 11. Franca. Oodarieb d WARM by axing either WARM AIR, IM' WATER .,r STEAM. SANITARY PLUMBING from latest city specifications. Stoves, Tinware & Housefurnishings WEST STREET, GODERICH. "LITTLE CHIEF" BRAND CORN, PEAS and TOMATOES Are the beet Canned (foods in the stark TAMILEANDB TEL XN PJ02CMTf21 • AT 40, 50 8z 60 03 3NTS Pf311, POUND HAS NO SUPERIOR We are agents for both lines, and ask for them & trial, assured that they will please and extend our trade with you. Yours truly, CHAS. A. NAIRNc A. B. CORNEtLI VNi`r:RTP TT'9 McLean's Block—On the Square--MCLean's Block, i1'ILL l'• PCS T.) CONDUCT FUNSIRAI$ AT HIS USUAL LOW PRIMO. a Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The beat stock in the county to choose front. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Pronpt attendance. :NO CHARGE FOR HEARSES A. B. CORNELL, Os the Square. 27,500,000 PER DAY 165,000,000 f f WEEK 660,000,000 It MONTH 7,920,000,000 ser YEAR BIG FIGURES, bat t E. B. EDDY CO. MAK. THAT MANY MATCHES Ant) MUT 18 MOR$ TO Tills POINT. SELL THEM 1 MAMMOTH WORKS. HULL, CANADA. UN D ERTAKERS 3. acitopipiprsr at BON Have added to their premed' boilleirl use .4 B. J. Naak'e Latest sty!. of Q3y HISogs, shoe •he boot its elf facesl fsrsishia/t ia the meaty, sad ars now prepared to aesd.et Lace. at prlo.s r sews o. This department will be strietiy attended to by kis alta WO..., wk.t in the ..oi.y 1 the late D. Uoedes her the poet Ms years, h.e a knowledge et the busier, and by prompt attest&.n hopes te nilsm hart eft 'oldie p iws.aga Remember tate p1as —West.., en jar way la the pest slats. OM us a osIL J. BROPU Y i& SON. WHY Does 001 BARKY, the Oooderiob Webers dealer 'tad undertaker, keep the best els.k el tarsitsn and uadertsks,11 espplss t Lad Yoe i. N that hs omen w amyl BECAUSE He Inds Mt it pap in the An His matte i 2 sn remprt60. aad Qaiek B► tome' lis Shoo makes a spetWt Give him t au buds= smokes*. 1 el Plaid always as hand 23571 Patronise Tire Ten Our eete-N-- sue Is 1 weer masa sin •, =r•r 811