HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-16, Page 6$
. I 0 • ... eti 1 f
pi IeT�, ST T. SCOT....
[mail.fwrv. or.eire
Mai h.stm� wit
g. Asawaesaba Saha
ase W An [..saw well ay..ntate.
Ile w oss.=aa1PIR • r•Mrwtt-em.
Iam geisha.. teermithhgag Mutase• -Ir
r base 5sMa0.
t Ile philosophy o/ the linger nails to a
avast Inlerrstiug eta* simple though it
They appear et Drat
I . bas Foca m cvthat the average
frrowth of the dugor left one thirty secou• 1
of -arinch pc/ tar little
ore than
tat tach toil a hall per year The growth
however, •lepeu.l• to a groat eluent upon
the rate of tau rill u, att� dunag peel. dr of
• -knew' It is uMtuu rvtardc.l.
It is ter 'erstoot o gaysWm�.faster in .umer
*:tea in a toter, and r"yel,ers iron, different
Angers, hent.• o.•rt
to .11e muddle toe
gar wad abuts[ in touwb and Malo
fte••.r, says the 11. be.
aiding to tba 4 growth agreed
ltgon by eminent 'try the average
ltu.e taken for each a. -I t•. grow *4
loll length Is aluut a tied aerates,
• ,.i at the rote a 70 years tai age
d have renewed :, 183 tines.
• tkiug the tngtb i aril at ha,f an
he would h p seven !eel line
to ;acs of nail on r. aid on all hie
ti.,gers and tht:.,te r. -at. length of
seventy -stereo feet
1t is amerted by the the nails on
the eight hand r than those ou
t` kit
• r ie batere•,tih,; to
:.ria of hear. r-
w s�lt Whe.. wet
we one au each of
•!.-:.ring to ,t
has vivaria since
thawed out
1f • perste•, fou
eighties months r
the hand of the a
while they will be
The mere .sate
will be the r.dge.
u -ental deprer•t'on
the nails as physi
rue linger nail
Immo of disease.
• are rbeuusrum
beeDerriereof 104'''���degree.. the noel
will be cut ("owe sat„,,,,...,aaa...,,,
: u typhoid fee •r, Aire the diseri . s om:es
on ,radually, there tsar such sharp cutting
o f the nail
tle•aried f>levesswss.l•.
_I he .herebol.ler and dtapara•t-e Oasrttr.
The opening add.ent of President Wright”
the history of a
,pia the duger
the- patter. • *ruin
distinct ridge,
01 the tarsi which
t.' roach is coin;,
Fere are wastes, of ...mese, but where in
u his arm within
human experience are tory out ' but they
..0 the ua::a of are odset by eorrerp,ndiug wastes under
arm mal ,s "n• any other spore. of neat::ig- Our kitchen
un'hu'rt .er hand range sends much of its heat up the cbim-
Olusr the a:1+r11ser ee.y ; that as a necessary waste tor whicl
tre14ir anxiety au.l t.hIoea not to blanc. [tat the range tire
the "arm atf ct o0 takes time to get audio way; it requires
It:tel ing,or something which In tantamount
eery eotur:ng e` I' III uun.lav thereto; it must be naiutuned
there Las Mtn an pew.:ticslly all day tend rousetame aU eight),
the system, .111* a Aad then Ch.oe drops in with her proemial
eynation as uncontrollable as char•tcterutie.
and for easy management keeps a rearing
tire all day and keeps the juuitor busy at
the coal bin. Jo that we neust look at the
matter u a .lucaunt of .11 day or all week
etbceency, or rather inetticaeacy, and here
e where electric beating gets is is flue
work. It does all its work quickly and
well. The key is turned, when, presto'
things begin to airs:., so that its wastes are
active unity while the .•c.,k.ng operation,
are in 1utl blast
11 .a eommuu Sur some people to cry
down gas as an expensive fuel- For some
purposes it as But with ('1Loe at the
throttle it can discount coal by a liberal
margin, and electricity can foaow a•
close sec.m.l, while an the matter of con
ventemce the latter stands heal mai shoot
der •Move all other methods t niter tato•,
dental or:vele might he noted, so- h as the
exact spot where a is wanted. N. wastes
in heating up a a hrol..tgun,tau outfit,
such as a .wage, where a email ..ao will du
as 11.e11 The oven descnbrd 0454 farms!.
for 9 ceuta the heat noreestry to weed t•.
the table a live -pound t.a•t of beef res
thirty-five minute., oe a twelve pound tar
key in forty -ti• a minutes : that is to say.
the current is flow ang for undr periods;
the t.: nal bskiug tar rees.Iog gore on
lunger, because, after the ...ea ..haatel
to :pal d• 'tees or inure as reousred, the
i current may be cut off and t tar process of
cooking will aotinuc until tie roast is
"done. •
It es or sale to turn ekctrie heat
ing down. Give it • chance, by all mean.,
wad in spite of the ■utreernea ores with
which it is charged it mac &HA" ..I prove
a good domestic handmaiden-•Electnra1
Mr.q ter WSW Mae R... erertemAle
Ae..apltabad Theo rar-1'•. ashless
Cast .r K1..tetery ler Cookies sad lar
s.re Involved Meaa.ds ter tel• roomiest
Cicctrte thalweg to sow • onmug at..
commercial Maga. We asset, „1 course, u.
electric heaiiag, allow fur all the waste u
mavertiss the ossl at the central statues.
into boat and the haat tato meant and the
dram into omelet. sad the inidrabl bot
Isuse. Of hw *res emMien Sat let w sap
pose we are waiting hr a t brsaat
some sue dews the items op .0 0141
aoomla4 current by lies, at the kilche,.•
while she is converting the raw .tonal ..t
the hatcher and grow into a saanufactered
product alta' will meet the approSatioe
Mr palates.
Flat let w suppose she as operating
coal range hent. One bundle of klndhuX
w rate start her tire, _ cents : item; one ball' tat
daily tval outgo, time tun per month., Ili
mow ; total, 12 nista Let us tbruat est
of view for the present why she mei an
mach coal, remembering only the outdate
sad imperious tact that she I;'••ai away wit
ono tui tat curl m one [rout'[ to 4peratr
her rangy. fur whtrb our good cash fall.
-with • cold, dull plunk ant.. the pocket••
at the coat barons. Now let to ,tae electro
otenails for the same work. We are haat ng
shop, soh bwled eggs, griddle cakes as 1
code, -a simple, et aleaotne and frugal hetif Chloe can cut Sono the heat tariff. We
all tint heat two quarts of water, which
troll nate matters for the coffee and the egg.,
*tem . 4 amperes at 110 colts, ten minute..
1 1 3 cents, Item ['hops, " amperes at IIt
solo for two Minutes. '2 rents- Itrm 1:
griddle cake, i amperes at 110 tolls 1 •
ten minutes, 1 1 3 touts. noising the aggi.
gate coat of heat ♦ '_' :1 orate, at the end or
winch time utf guns the et .-rent and the
current anal the expense v'
The figures lore u.rt are lased on U ,.
use a the 4 sthrpot, boater and griddle.
electric unensals, and arae suhstantialt
correct Their import :e simply this,
that there are two sides which must he
considered in tine natter .est t 1. tnc heat
at 11m recant. annual oneye0tioa of the Gan -
M. in I:le.:trice! Asea4at.ou, held at Tor•
oot t, contains a nous of w•ettang te capital-
ist+ aus uneaten, ng Weil as s,I»etricia s
He said : " That wh5e ata uuJoubtedly a
fe 'het solid mid.*butaut,al prigross has
boo made by I',.tu.-rvatite management of
elt'srical *uterpt:o.e, s word of eau ..n may
act to out of p a., to larstore in •uritis
hard upon electrical apeculatioa. There is
a 'anger that the facto( tis solid program"
Ms) be made the tat ultimate i ijury
to the tome, s• . 1 with it It has
aauuwl a artiste o1 es, having elect -
• as • linens, :• ne up aa fast as
a loos, to spmit up shat as mushrooms.
Ti • uevite (ethereal marry of these will
diesredst, to a attain Ottani, legitimate en-
terprise and peanuts* b .iu.e. The ',may
set. •its for the 1. sa dinta!-ee teanenneatwt
of rower, thouvh .carwely to be classed with
into t may be termed the ele-_tric fake, are
al.th pmswnr1 tar renewed from the line of
commando' auc••.•.a Haperimeotelly, much
has been aauntplisbod in this direet,..n,„,
though the ouu.p•teated natule of the ap,.
promos and its .•asst for operation and !I-
tpso. ,,.ke financial wooer.. rather rare than
pi•otele atiosl M the lust convention of
th • A.soc,ainin 1 tookocear•ion, in np•Mst•
lion w views Theo ter- torth, to mildly .4,55 -
etc, the hudr.d mile. so .tour eotcrprae
that was to tarry the denizens from the
wild. of Missouri to the %torld s Four so
Chicago. Where is that cute:prise today•
Several mils of tool ate contracted-- all but
the track in a straight line. to., 1 believe,
as moldered neceiary by the projectors.
het no plane are hWIrsouni .g, and we do
soot .ee the nam.. ••t toy eugt..eer of atonal
Ing ...mewled with the schema.. The sole
nor -ggyy of the pr •motets app ears to be ex •
per.le.l in the p.."lulstiou of a very rosy-
esl,re.l pr.rpectes. .bowing impossible
prod, a, and an elat.ural* engraving of the
` appy farmer sawing_wood and pumping
.rater ny electrict , 1 power for a
ample of miles alta .alis. si' the right of
way. To come nearer be •, gond hard dol-
labare taro ex•tacted �a frdel-
/anotie pockets
o( liege mbjeeta ..t the Quern in the name
o( elseuicisy, as the myio wand wan waved
even wader the now Of Bruck'. effigy na
rv.a.e.aton heir/hoe Where In that wheats
n ow' The Utopia!, dream of • railroad on
Hew a Toad Daae KM Marketing.
Touts are nut attr..ctive annnala, but ar
cording to a correspondent of Forst and
Stream tbi•y art more iote..igent than most
persons hate given diem credit for bring.
Aly garden," he says. "was the resort of
.many tends, and we had Ireotne well ac-
qyuunte.b with each other, although 1
thougnt them rather a ttnpol lot. Is was
rt»n.cal, :. never, when i ar.'tdentally die
tut bed one among the leaves or hauled him
out of the soft earth, where he. was reetiag,
to see the little fellow puff nsnsrll oat to
the point of Fursting, and roll tip the whits
of his eyes at elk watb an sxpresaoo of
sleepy reproach.
"One .ming i observed or of my toads
cum.ng toward me along tt:e path. Ile
was, as usual, deliberate in Lis movements.
A bop, $ tong wait, and then another
hop, As he cause near my seat he eyed me
every farm t►•t :s bsslu promulgated now solemnly for a while, then helped between
will ale trattoria' re to mar generation, es- my feet, and disappeared under the chair.
spa as • wok hole for +e funds of the no- Us turning around • few minutes later 1
war:. A ward of wand* i• needed now,,saw him on the grelled wawail'leading
oars es Pereadrnt of thin ,Association f give avto the front of the hoes. Without
It 1t is open to you b •Ismaent from this any ohject 1 nae and strolled after him.
part Sem M onticios it IIyou see fit, and to The toed paid no atMntinn o nee
it nrellee. if yes Oso- The sakey of se 1 came op oath h.... Snddenh
Ornate elr•triral els' w'se M eada.gar• ' he trade • 1 t toward t ne edge of lbw
1'y tido trading aper Se crelolfy of thepath and vanished from s,ght. 1 knew
people -. root*, .,0,%rag .14,ctriwl invest- 1 we hot not reached the gram border.
me. . should he war, of the rosy colored I and 1 was puzzled et hu strange dieap
pre wf
edits ggr.c,vs M marvews Jifff psus'scr. 11„ $ ok step forward and stonp
de.A■ to he alta(. In wogs( by rieetricily, , .'.d ,'•er tate spot whore he had landed.
smbeniag and auulgaalagisr enmpanira •od : The mystery was rived, although i could
so -coiled weeder fel inpllevetnenta In tel.. acarcv heat", what i p.unly see The
phone The ..Id 10 the latter in the lead was Omer, but the fat, chunky body
ed 51.tes uo at, tohe texpiry of seemed Retrad, pasted o the walk, an
pat. nus, swear le be • and in, recd was scarcely deacersible free it. It looked
at t0lel.hnse or.w.i*nias• bawl inoorpnrst d ea if he tnaght bare been ran nt rr by a
is dad -rent •tate wi'hbeili twenty to fifty cart whir. w perfectly Mooned was the
ailbase n.pttal to „asks. 5'arier telephone body. uta 1 txoke•l, there was s light
pa'w's 'o -w nt '.Isms enterprise will wank change. lake a flash my triad three
nor., rein. I the ',per. .6„,... s the al hseu elf •I the gras border, I thought
Iegel latent ions *he h are originated I saw a daring tongue, and thea he
1. splint .►v imprart 0,orommerria1 leuursly hop},1 back to the wa,k the
0501. A. wino..4 t n err, likrly MEW reared, msptd-Iookiag fellow I knew
to attempt to Mem companies its o **IL
Onale•s 1 nolle caps • t limas. is ' "AR•is and again was that rammer
world lar well fee rely 4. bob Mrefsdly flattosieg prrw r0• repeater, as he sagltl
atter the Iewahsllty ei boor. Milo of rd reefs to me utterly horrible. i
tbdrrtaking what mealy , . he Again and again he launched hiaaelf tato
.toy came..
A P. It•akewi
"1 ha
stews re mew .tis MEW Cllr lasses
Thaw of rw..a/mit wad^Mw
hare hoe been knows
Fee yen"aa she r Freak ala o Amey. There te not
• allege along the err 4 [lio, we mate
liar how remote from the great eestsee o(
pepalstlu., to .kick he lame by set ea•
tawded• With him the killies of the Meat
meas esters who Woes the j r seek
e d apes as a pastimes, and he Nita shot
Mein alder alert aU iasgiwable circam-
He arrived m this city on the steamer
Basile, ea route for Lordol, and at wag
silly in the foreaooa that he strode mete
the Calilonsa Holl. He wrote his wane
a bag hold letters aeras, the ((,age of the
register, wad lost no arise in plunges( lab
s bathtub. Later he emerged from ►r
seclusion, looking ruddy wad muscular. He
I.wked more like the ordinary globs trotter
than the slaver of tigers whose came s
knuwu tht out the ()nest. la appear
thee he u .all and robust., with closely
trimmed *lute beast and keen gray eyes -
A loog hes-fitund aa: k coat of gray
tweed was buttoned about ham, and a
brown derby hat was tilted back far enough
upon his head to show that he is growing
slightly sold. His fent were mcas.d in
she.,+, of russet leather, and
he carried to
bis hand • heavy cane, which he clung to
tenacIouuly as he strode rapidly al..ng.
"Oh, via. he said so a gruff tone when
asked about his experience aa a tiger heat -
sr. "1 Lave bagged a good many of tbe
beset( in my day, Mit there u nut}tag re•
markable about that. With w, don't you
kuoa. It is merely • pastime, and we bunt
Oar tigers for the sport there is an it
Why, bows my soul, i can wee uo reason
why any .roe should care to hear about
tiger hunting. With us at is ordinary
sport. just as deer stalking is a Am
"After all, he continued. as he grasped
nu cane more firmly and planted his feet lie school traisisg, towhees and waw meu
very wide apart. "the tiger. to China are brought forth the signori, " That it as
not nearly as ferocious aa those of India, I not needful for wise then to teach Lico
but they give a good deal of trouble to the
natives at time.. When one of [hoes geta
a taste of humau blood he at onto becuns
ferocious and is never satisfied with an]
other diet. They become trans(oraed
low what are known as maw eaten, sad
they hunt human beings as a cat dos
"Take a log man eater, far ureter'', and
hes pretty mire to make his lair u s
jangle clear to a native village, avoidiag
the larger towns, and always w the alert
to make • victim of some buckles human
being who may tall is his way. It u he
habit w lark about the out.srte of the
sttiemeat, cascaded in the edges 4 the
purge, lead await his opportunity to seise
a victim. MooaUgbt utgba mat him best
At each a time he u extremely vigilant.
He prowls about until he sees some belated
to the streets This s the op -
fur which de has woad tar
hears, perhaps for days There is the
flash a . heavy body in the m000tight, a
cry a terror, a brief struggle. and the mens
eater is of for his bur to the jungle, bear.
lag the helpless body of a human beteg in
ben ne rive jaws. Months later, it may
be, the bases taw found In the dowse under
•Ween I west to Ckwtweoty years ago
I had already came expertenee iw hentiag
big guma, aad 1 wanted w lull a tiger.
One Jay while in the counting home of our
firm at Amoy two native . ane is is as ex-
cited frame of mind to tell that a man had
been carried off from a neighing village
the night before lay a man-eater. This was
lust the opportunity I had leen welting
tor Takuag out a heavy express ride which
I had brought from London with tote, i took
this two native to act as guides and started
out. On reaching the :Alage 1 found every
thing in an uproar. The 'motes, who are
timid, were paralysed with fear. and scarce-
ly .tared to venture out of their houses un•
les in the middle nt the day.
• • 1 had already beamed something about
th habits of the man eater sod knew just
bow to go at it. From inquiry among the
n atives 1 ascertained the exact location of
the lair of the tiger, and for a small com-
pensation 1 soccerde I in securing the err
vasa of a moire to guide me to the place.
••Starting late in the afternoon, we
made OUT way slowly through the jungle,
anal fust along dusk reacto•d the oho.
Now. the night is the beat time to hag
t n.era rater, for he as tees takep and
may lee shot before he is aroused. Know
ing this, 1 had be. ugh[ with rite a ball's.
eye lantern. Refer might hart wet in fully
1 got ewer) tines in readier.. anal waited
until at grew patch dare Havu.g in the
meauumc 1•e sued the .tact possIIoo of the
le,-; 1 left met gun'', who by :his tame we
&hie et terror stricken, ben,. 1 t:.., and on
say hands and k.,ery . •-.pt this•..: ; t he fun
gi••. Cy th• caauous use of nor lantern 1
towel the .tae Turning no i h- bgnt, 1
w•..s litt'estar leaf t•' .t -..,ver :he Mites
[wawa curled up Ind mem 1 .sirup His
head we. re•ti.ss on his paws a1111 a. ..i -eh
(wing me. As 1 prepared t • i"c.1 my rt.•
at him he stirred nnrndy. Terrain,: de-
light tell upon him. Or raised his head, hut
Wore he was thoroughly aroused 1 sent a
hall from my rifle trashing throng', lin.
brain Ry good fortune i had stru'I ham
etftlareiy l.rtween the eyes. There was e
is•t of rejoicing in Or village when 1 re•
turned with the skin. -
"Jam before I let; ('liana on my present
trip I struck a man •iter who proved to he
• tough customer He was an old fe'loie
and had a rt. -oral of shout twenty netims
They sent for one and 1 went after him. 1
had with me a double harre:ed role of tog•
.althea 1 foend no d:hrult in eracvog ham
to hs la,r. but he gave Me • narrow call be.
fore 1 wereede l in tim►b.ne ham. Tmr
[.sells. was that *lira 1 ',nod him he was
awake sod farm:lo is a1.,,r tat.'. tro:n the
otfee::a of hanger. I hot sn t .o many that
1 thought nothing of It wad :gave my tiger
one lorrel out of my gun. unac..ouat-
obi) 1 r•n.se.l Ism clean. int h.• roe. fair)
blood. 'oolong the polite' *Ito his tail,
he spr:u,g toward me lsk. .i flash. As he
w.s it. the •,r i let go .with the other barrel
anal warn. -l. him in the left "tweeter, the
heavy loll prnrtra'mg acs hu Mort. 1'e
Ott at may feet, and so come was be that
hefore h.• died l could (rel VI. ha disease
Se Went w NTstlw
All oink and dimes ad that he oral
1)o yes With to way • .me fur hie dear 1
tells t I
How sally ' Hay.
For he's quite years. beenmarred pie
Not up to wedded litchi, 1 fav, tee yet,
Aad hes earwig, dr and• r wall,
iso buy hie wife Ise Bask. • hon -Mt
rsgwsnnd PesMw
Some mea more tkreugh life as • bead of
music moves down the street, flinging ant
pleasures os every aide through the air w
everyone far wad war, that or hates.
Samemel* till the air with their preemie
wind sweetness, u orchards in a btebsr day.
dU the air won pr.lams of ripe fruit :bene
woman cling to their own houses, like the
hooeyauckle over the door, yet, like It,
sweeten all the enthral with the subtle frog•
ranee of *hear goodies. They are trees of
righteousness which are forever dropping
frwt around them.
There are bees that shine like also -beams,
or chime the hart like suave sung upon •
holy day. How gnat a bounty and a
bleashnv its to hold the royal gift.. of the
wul that they shall he music to souse anal
rag ranee to other. and life to all. It would
be no unworthy thing to lire for to make
the power which we have within us the
breath of other moo's joy ; to scatter sun-
shine where only clouds aad shadows reign;
to fill the etm.aphere where earths weary
toilers must eland with a brightness which
they can not create for themselves,
and which they keg for, enjoy and apprs-
t'rwettetsl IbIlW.Tttlata/.
When manual $nfattieg tab He ere: I.
economy departmect of arming wad yawing
was being urged as a neaemary part o( put.
✓ oom mer it was the most narrow ee-taelp►
U,a: 1 ever had. When measnro.r the
gig r was fogged to be alnxwt ten's** feet in
length, and hie finery waw on* snot three
quarter m.•bee in length. I had the latter
mrntnVd .not diatriluled them easing toy
Intr. it
- 1 ,.old toll you • gnat tawny .torts if
1 hod the time, het try have grows e:d tat
e ar and w.mld 110 of no ioteareat M the pre
he.• awl the tree slayer asebwsd away to
ha Ruiner- --`_ —
4 Marp W ttwptrns•N Variety.
A .harp bay streak a Jchange areae
asrrhaat the other mem .r •
she arrow into the tar or es • tuft of gram. 1 "So roe want to Ir se eskr boy, d T'1
sod 1 do sot laieemilas be me., mien d hi. ' queried the merebaut goody
(art , and* pe. y' 10.x.4 .4 how(• Inygy,alos• Mviwg i • 1' e.om
, air-" " tt' hat a yew de!"
year with animal he was asena.ing as • of and /.lee hiag, "Thuya the sane eld 5rwvr,
wad ow •e set"- B "um" my gatyr js rd � said the mwehnwt. "fro yes expect to
Tisk el with
in tease I sears them trltA griller- t m s•
things From every city tame the answer.
•• Mothers do not teach thaw breaches and
.aur vire are being brought up without
practical household tnfamg." Or Sum
mer • lady had 260 girls from offices, guises
and factories to board during two weeks
vacation. At the end of the mummer she
found that but now of the uumbrr kuew
how to [rake a ben, and ntaay of then, made
it a boast that they " had never na.le a bed
in their lives -
Some did not even know ahet-her a sheet
or • blanket should be put on first. And
these wt re not destitute girls, but such as
represent our self-respecting wage-earners
--girls who were boarders, paytutr a fair
price, and yet who were expected to make
their own beds. Mothers had not trained
thein. Tbere are hundreds of bright Intel
Imgeut girls of 15, 16, 18 that even older who
here never sewed did nut know whether a
thimble should go on their thumb and fore-
finger. What ktod of wire and mothers
are they to make' London Telegraph
Dr. t:led.s«k at 11.im
When relieved from the affairs of state.
11r. t.l•dstoae bed• no pleasure so great a'
has home life at Hawarden. There hiss
family are gathered together, and the greet
man romps and plat, • with his grand
chaldrro as though he never ',new what it
was to be Waned for everything that went
w contg to all Great Britain and her colonies.
Mr. Gladatote is a wonderful scholar, •
hose enter and speaker, but the little
I .ladstone children kuow bait best as a good,
kind grandfather who is fond of fun. He.
too, would preter to enjoy their comps'
rather then he surrounded by Knglimd•
great men at an .11-uevbt smarm of Paris
meat. His other recreations are walking,
and -this is really very funny chopping
down trees, Our great Georve tt'aahaogwu
acturding to tradition, had • like Madness
in his youth, but by the time he became
President he had probably outgrown such
fancies. Mr. 1aadstuue, however, is an ex-
pert woodman, and though he doesn't ds -
troy valnabk cherry -trees. be goes out with
his axe and takes the keenest pleasure in
felling trees in Hawardoa Perk. A suitor
to the castle noticed an axe behind the door
in the great hall, where at had been left by
the atatsman atter one of his chopping ex •
peditious. A curious ornament for loch a
pace, it Seems 1t may he out of compli
merit to the boy George Washington and
Ins hat -het that the "Grand Old Man' pre
fere to use an American ate Harper's
Young People.
The tttasele of Calle.
Here te the etiquette of calls for the ben,
fit of all those who are in darkness on the
important subject. 1t s necessary •
To call within a week anal in person after
• dinner party to which one h•+ been in
To rill within a week after any enter•
tuament to which one has been invited,
To call upon a family in which an surge
nest has just been asoounced or a marriage
taken place.
Ti, call upon an acgtaiotance who has re
turned from a prolonged absence.
To send out cards vetch orsn new addrees
after moving frau one part of the city to
aunt her.
For the older resident. of • neighborhood
to call first upon newcomers.
To return • first call witbm a week and
in person.
To tall promptly ao.d sa person after •
brat Ms 'tattoo.
To make the first call upon people in •
higher social position if ole is asked to do
so, or if they are newcomers.
For the caller who arrived dot to leave
For a gentleman to ask for the lady of
the home as well as the young ladies and
to heave card. for her as well as for the
gentlemen nt the family.
Fer the mother or chaperone to myitis •
gentleman to nU.
For • roatkmaa o neU epee • hldy if she
has invited him to doso, if h. brings • let
ter .1 Iatr'odweli•. or .f an ietimMS friend
of the home btrd.boes him.
51w5. LIMInie 1 earns Masartut
Mustin pss ins.
Deng the pant how weeks bwwdrwds d
dalliers worth d seseewte for abcriptletr
.tad job work here beau sent oat from the
eou•tiwg .corm of T.a llama, and we haps
ae rate. • ready wgpoase.
The Rtw.•t, durlag the ooeahg year
trill be nisei .14.4 by ear a say
ksiNAiws taahMg pt.mpe ,-41 -rw d
solitary enbeerlpelea is
Ilia Rom, Thedee amireget• twain up
theilelsi of dollen, sad if every setwerlbs
rsl� taske op hie Ofd to wmnshs1 the
1Mp�yusr b, U .g Wreight tubi he arab
ss1tMM�wAA islet Kn of re.hlwerl of
dealthe Mush*:
deeteget.M insane des% am .e
MIwok tar
� >• the
M fear mrd so eras l$ g{esea
Cures Others
Will t-ar. Yost, in a true Mainmast d
Me action of AYER'S Sassepasllkis
whets taken for diwaaee orISlrati gg b
Minim blood i hut, whilo this asenrlien
it true of AYER'S Sarstepsri5 , as
thoamada can attest, k camel be truth-
fully applied to other preparations, which
grpriteipled dealers wiU r000mtmsed,
*ad try to impose upon you, as '• just as
good as Ayer's." Take Arses Sarsa-
parilla and /gees only. if you seed a
Mood -purifier ad woad ba benefited
per,.aasatly. This medicine, for weedy
My yam. W eeioyed a reputation.
and made a record for corms, that has
moor bane equalled by other prepara-
tions. AYER'S Sanspsrilla eradicates
the Mist of h.r.ditary scrofula and
other blood diseases from the eygtem.
and it bas, deservedly, :the conedeoce
d the peoplr-
" 1 cannot forbear to express my joy
at the relief l have obtained from the
ase d AYER'S Sarsaparilla. 1 was
afflicted with kidney troubles for about
.ix month., .telfrring greatly with pains
in the smelled any hack. In addition to
this, my buds was covered with pimply
eruption+. The remedies pre. ribcd
faded to help roe. I then began to take
AYER'S Sarsaparilla, arid, in a short
time, the pains ceased and the pimples
disappeared. 1 advise every young
man or woman, in case of si.kneae
resulting from impure blood, no nutter
how long standing tbe case may be, to
take AYER'S Saruapuilla.' —H. L. Jar -
mann, 33 William st-, New York Cdy.
Will Cure You
Pared by far J. C. Ayer a Ca. Lowell. Ye...
Cave IMawerlf any.
" Young mran,'. said the judge sternly,
"your face is familiar. Hate you ever
been in this tours before
•• No, sir," raphe.' the youo{ man, " I'm
• fare, dealer."
Falai Mems or tlesay •
'tcknew• generally follows in tie path of
neglect. Ilion'* be reckless ' but prudently
take • few doses of iicutt•s Emuktoa im-
mediately following exposure to told. It
will save you may painful days and sleep-
less nights. 2w
A aerie= films&Ny
"Oh . what.biull Ider sell thesoubroattte.
"way trunk heau't come anti my wig lin it,"
"111 ked yon mine," said a friend.
"it's very kind of yon, but year wig u
blonde, and my press mot ice. call for • hrnn•
Yrs= the tar larch -
In northern climates people are eery sub-
ject to colas. but the natured remeiy is also
produced in the some clanata Dr. Wood's
Norway Irma s s rwp tarter os.ghs, colds,
hoaraet•eas, asthma, bpatfhiUs and ail
throat and Wag tesshfea %ohs c. aid
tit. • 2w
TO. Beetles* Lsabeelts.
., 1)14 you ever get Lack the adienSa
that you kit Keleher
Y ee
" How ._
" 1 borrowed it .,t•tu.
•' Frons Readier •
" \n : floret the man he le';t It to;
A Valuable 55.5'
5.5. ben you are attacked by coo;;.. .•r - ••Id
do not delay bat commence at once t" use
H y e.ord'. Pectoral Ilals•m This old
stas.dani remedy removes all irriattuo,tots-
ens the phlegm, and heals the mucosa ser-
faes--, curing coughs and .olds of all
kinds 2w
you --
SPRING --1893
Long years of exprnenee permit., us to may we tan wit the moat fan
odious tastes. ()ur papers being so beautifully blended makes it only a
pleasure to ahoy them. As for pricer, they are the very lowest possible
from rw-. per roll up.
Customers wall linf no trouble in selecting
Borden, Friezes
or lt-
(• they are designed to match our papers.
Cher four hundred samples to select from A taw tenet. at .nest, as that
love been in stork for some time
Leea1 'aR ' n Mali TeMpb. e t ..
Booksellers and Stationers.
Afraid Mt Craaka.
'• I see," sail *happy to ('holly. " 1 see
Uri tore tatting to stop thigawetts smoking
by I.w r'
.• \- as-.." I
" Dealt me' lit and by we ran bee•k
the :an aid be wegul•b rte umnals and get 1
(towable (nom s'.mpeth.m.g :•air•-•
" 1 s. Rut 1 1:1st het attune cwank *eU
keep the law Isom pares '."
Mlaari's meanest teams Rees lgeo.
Coal, Wood and Kinfeling deli-
vered to all parts of town
with quick despatch.
1 handle the Mae ams of hind omni in
the market, via t the New York. Oumre
a W.ateva Railway (hyti ('t te*MM
Lade walnut valley (Tal Is leer else..
els : Chests... Stove, Rb. and Orate.
Beat Shoe mere Lump Coal her was i•
grease, Moya. farmer. ear.
eat ttsallty reedea RMsabmwb smith
Mr crit *levers a ewes. fl eel•1 atten-
dee Ideas to marry trade.
()u aN epal weed. M bars. awl It ram
lows, .lwaye alawit, Uwet hewer Mal
i am :ening weed. eat sled split. secheap
as you ma boy Jews wood as the market
All log wand le sed by the seed or lin
hast or but Med Mta
=5 woos.
t feet Mag. sr cut
v..44 t~ h waR•eadppud seal
sail wawa rail • sews tin welsh rale.
AS mei Imam' m.nmas awermd
Teter *fns C*Ar.. SEMS list Mi
less d SSI.;
and eget IS lashes
We .sir Wall
of even this* 1a compounding PTsser pt/eats
Patronage io.peoatuliy whetted (,pea oa army far Lfodtaiw
W. C. GOODE, Chemist.
nteaoard Hwadsebe Powder.
re little liver Wal..
Warm Powders.
/Sew Neck of water Bottles (rubber,, Atoml.mR MPOSIEW eb.. sea
I have now the pleasure to announce that I have ac-
quired and will conduct under personal management the
business carried on so successfully in this town for the
past four years by R. P. WILKINSON & CO., as Hard-
ware Merchants, and am further pleased to announce
that the business has been secured on most satisfactory
terms, enabling me to offer special inducements to our
many customers. Thanking our patrons moat cordially
for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the
same, I remain very truly yours,
A Shoe -.sealer '.!.sold have • practical knowledge of Boots
and Shoes in under to obtain the bast results to himself and
bit, customers.
Thirtyyears in the homine'tt has taught me much that will be
of great benefit to you in your dealings with me.
I have the largest Stork west of Toronto, and the best Cloo'is
it hap ever }leen my privilege to offer.
The prices are sower than you will find them for the lame
class of floods anywhere s' e.
Ordered work and repairing given special attention
Rips sewed free of charge
5 % off for earth
We haus jolt received • very aliases let d
----••nnilitiONITIIII0 or
Which we gaaraatlee to sail at lost