HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-16, Page 3o
. 1 e • •r, t
ifeet■e Pm lit saillosIlmie se nae oma. Mom ■e Heim III.M item ..abuse.
T TQM Mr. Vise& T. test ILA.. eki�f a►■wish
AND tIIIATIR TNlM el the Uvwhde. =gnimw . Iaews. d• same Mae halt the amerge
hoed nowt d the ot Decry Cen.usM.s et c
Reeving. ea the eetimmenea of ba is wYk.
end tie adegitter el the Midweek raid
is areeme u sad ohms fat aeries as •
ere et $ting the eek 4 milk epee •
fio Ifinetig•r waw L I- A•wtee he a
R__e$ad browns M ilea. Wb. tea
se M, lee Mess se Meer iso at sad
Jahr__ ptwwoa
The eyeing�ha� see w
WA* Ms
ions el rawer lovers tem
forte .1 the T o macaw tet
Moe will sem be Mowed by plains ei
~ion redo seat tM.egb tie mail The
iy.stt.tis a sae es twatitsl, the descrip-
tion se anitine sad the prweg ea omega
able, that swab seders E1 be sent w die
mat Issue Theo will pomp the perp .xiey
to the emotes, Horth.
It is very *mom te mit down end after
emporia. prime m.sl of the
slants desired. Bet when the order Ismjoss seas. .ad soon afterward the .arrow
hoses which we egm learn to reoogaiu at
sight m plant Mass," have been receive
tbromgb the mad, thee it a that • Melts*
asset of despair sums• over the aoexpen
mood b0..r-grower. The little phut'. seem
se sm. &ad delicate that the ow u
.actively destreste h* or ler •bil t ` to
make bat of them live. Nor IS this feu
astounded. for iseaperseacd or careless
pewto do nweuates lee telly • third or
11 of their plaam received by mail. Bet
with suitable soil at hand tend the should
Sways by prepared u roue as the order
e send, a careful study of the re
quiremests of the priors rad Intelligent
potting. there as 50 reason wby they should
Sot live
If the plasm seem is the least wilted
when the bin is opened. place them In m
pau of lukewarm water,a■el set them .m the
Usk for half an hour or Imager, until they
revive. As each plot is taken from the
water lor potting, notice the growth el
✓ oue •ad chow* a put accordingly. Then
e .i•ager of having the pot too large, even
i( the pleat a tall anti health looking. If
the rout growth es dwarfed, give it a
small pot, ore that is just Inge enough to
allow the roots roans for new growth. This
will be muck. better thee prying 11 so much
evil fiat It will become smarmed in water-
tng std the soil maloeat of routs, not be
revs it w owned y northern
♦ k w eslpita' 1s hero musti
m the bait busies'•, Int the vast
d the groves w owhd Newall
ay bent tee or tires sere.
-�kl lieen•4•�y �y Mw el the
mere gait.Ms thea et premier 5
.erns erases growers are wealthy thea They b. -
Yr. nitro meg that at the Wet sera■ lo•A te the addle welt -w -de ides, whoop
tine ef the amaoiatlw he bad pautd out work and warp bare bees rewarded by a
the aeeseaity d values milk aeourdtsg 10 lar paramour ireotse tram *,leu fru.:
y■alit hist he bad eaphstsd tie 1«m. orohvds. 'Three quarters of thea, uwurr.
flat vales d sal partscalar sampb u( bre mortis trent May until Yovemkmr. an+l
beth., nor creamery. the cheese factory, or the oe..usl.i was directly d..� poet' from. thane ,amemerrl. duel
peados*, epee the amour of butter fat then 116.7 an w(Biag to Sts 1 that ray
milk oeanaied ; that by the •ate..d•wisa - coast utw
4 the Babes* tester we were d-pei•g 16e w Yam, sortbessre or
ppam monguano year some of the Net usage groves
Ifo, abowsallmes nett ed.4 'Fie nee were pttm fns the ha•ua w samrprwagnorth
pees ebewig the reliability sad aWtfMy era farmers "r progressive city bussaeaa
la order to Iww 1M epee bub um bust opus smki5g tro.ey 1m.
ammaat ef work ..d .ap.sdtt■r. d use frill gruw•ag, awl of baviag • gas( ohsuce
nsoem•nll outail.d oi .1, tog dotty test. u( cb&sging their place of ruminate never .i
of each patron's milk tIi. atbod of oollec1- roar.
lag sad testing comp0ete samples was ad inter life te the urduj bust u truster In
vissd. Th. results d several parses of es wuterlaat enviably and very few of thein
penetrate cu.ducted u the Ki mj who have ODOR sutcred Shu aunt u( C1.114
Farm labor•Wries, Ottawa, by .Nr. Shutt, enc~ ran w Wear tt. The work of peek
were gtvea, the figures reprneeuuog theme ung raid packing :he usages u sot en
repels being presented te, the •ndrea t es leamna, sad i. a mow agree..We chmnl;r
front the band lute wurb In tbetr N• w
eagle ed *fields Ta. men wispy ut LSI
w.n.IITI .tutee. work lend, enenairea wt to y1• Then rhe -ea
rho drat aerie* showed that Mr Shutt Ile •.ra5b.' are packed aid the rot uni-
had bees "curs" an getting aocurete re- have come .0 1r.w the iert tin coa.u.iao.0
wire when •sing apeetalpippette o.e-sixth merceent.e, tide yLoa% gruwM mate + tour
of the usual stu. By means of at daily of the stat. they cult the bub-tropac".
samples of ash patron • milk were put in a • ..pntl1.ton. lager eroWMl (ashios■ble Jt
beet bottle At the std of tie week the yugu.tuue tee a tee weeks to meg the Itfe
test bottle therefore contused the regular mud gayety ..t «kw twirl., rue down to Cube,
amount, via.. 17.6 c c. Although flita opal for a lee (Lays• lark, m.•.1 jwad Alcan a:
poade esr.Ple wall then curdled and thick oar. 1n huut:ni: near for F:vergiad.., •.
milk w 5jour■ in the earth w the winter .t.,olJ1..
Jwiber. wren ..d • t;r.s enc' eve boort
it worked very sata,tsctorily with the acid
sad the result hod been proved to be se
correct as by testing the milk daily and
ateragteg the results.
•,4'HW,aAT$ shine
The second eerie, of eap.rirmats told of
the me of bichromate of potash es a pre
servative. This chemical, when present
only m small quantities, would keep auk
fluid for weeks and even months hurter,
that this milk could be analysed or tested
at any time, and the percentage of fat
I ebt•ined would be correct. The method of
sting the bichromate wan fully explatsed,
tag able to nes the supply, the water wtli . esti a sample of mill, nide up of composite
boomer stagnant, and the soil tour, ems* , samples taken from the Pith to 11th Isecem-
• sickly plait, if amt killing it estHgftk bur. wee eahibtted. ft was perfectly laid.
The plant ma be qusekly transferred to a mt. adorded an alternate method for ob
arse( pot rt160411 stopple* the growth tan* a composite sample which could
when the soil has become filled with new ' be early asd accurately tested by the
rootlet*, owl it is better tampon a growing Babcock. The weak and the strong points
Oust as often as at seeds it rather than to 1 of the &bon. processes were then trougbt
stunt at by over -potting at Aram. Afar out, the oar of bchroa•ts having some -
'boosirag the pot, place over the hole in the I what the bettor chum of the two for alley
bottom a piece of brokes dish or oyster a ug.
. hell Ton serves •double duty by keep -How To Raelrt.1
he t
leg the awl from weshiog ooh of the , A method of dumpling the milk was ileo
bailees of On pot, asd by kecptag tine eap(ained, by which mot only was r repre-
tmgk wonte from eetenag if 11'. pd sate*. sample obtained, but &leo in ab-
e hooW .1terw&rd be sunk is the ground quot or proportionate amount of the milk
far the ..tamer. liver this piece a duly supplied by each patron Th1s did
Melt or doh rtz about an rich away with the error tint ensued when ea
e( hoe .hell and elur�&j for drattrge, •ad antly the same quantity was mime daily as
cover with g- ed, nch ssL Theo take the the sample The .milk is taken from the
plant, give it a little shake is the want,
sod ase that. nose of the mos in wbteb the
Mats are packed is clingiest; to the routs.
weigh can by • tube about 1.4 tncb is
diameter and open at both ends When
the tube ie in the weigh can, the upper and
ala. a the surface of the end as the pot fine w closed by glaring the finger over It ; the
ted rveu, a.id ou thr pia" the roots. wing tab. is now lifted out and the contained
milk &lowed to ron Into the patron's mai
peen* sample bottle.
sarrful that they are sot crowded together.
bet arranged as their Natural position. Sift
6st sal .bout them until each small rootlet
Bs well covered, and then till up with the
mil until it se wrists an tech of the pat
nm. Tb. will give room. .Dough to bead
seesgh rater to teoroughly wet the sell i■
w•tert.g. Now pinch back the plant slight-
ly in proportion as the room have bow
b11okeu or crushed, and vet it away in tbe
dark for • few days.
*ttf51m1TT Or Delta `*,Ant
Great strew iseld be lad on the
potting away from the light for a few
days Be it ever to carefully done, it is are much lees, for instance, than they were
a great shock to the plant to nave 41 thirty years ago, and there is a tendency,
1m iishiu* sinew 'he "0551. its the wind.
they make a racat..w th* •-uapeusatee
iugel% for their bard. reamer life se their
New Lignite' farms. New York Keelung
A 11 l ret. 1 ",
w.... fro. 1. an • ..1..r:, u- nehmen M a
5.• weal ha. 11•05-46e+1 , k ',Moe ne a gni'■ .v •+hilar
A.- .,U ,.N.. h, .,o M.n .. +M :eriet.. M, nen see
h. the «ton...
. -ieoael.eet terse M ever .,reel,. hen , iffAfle
:w 1,. 'Soar•
a. fee ow 4re...... Alma.. r 16..•.. the .ry IoW.
To waren eb, re.cem.•.••t. ►w ta.. reg h.,.rn
a .., .•;, •-,h.. •..the, • hu, a for M.ert.e.
• ..•11d ne awe
1....►'adr ••• ani. Mr•• .1n... nn .poll •e t.«.rdta war
u+' i.•. •
1 .uW. o.., U bled. 444.+e,14 ' .ie. Ur*. ;Oar Mia*
Tens 11.dr1e n eel pepper in ter erne'. whiner
Yee w~e're immemo ee •-e0ee211. oral ..liar•., t.
•a- ..sl ha. rearMd IJ,. .0lo, of . - n e,..whu
Slue K.Il..rk Preaching In Ragland.
An tmencau woman wh., has made .
MOS! fevoipble impression in F:ugiaud u
Rev. Florence kollock. l her there the
clerical office is atilt salon euunly a etas
culler prvrugative, and evidently there bum:
a popular Impression that a regularly
ordained minister of the other sea must b.
• strange person. Whet. the interviewers
discovered Mile Kollock to he a gr acef.I,
bright. n,telligeut women, with wavy hair
and dainty dress. the New York World
says, they were arra -,.'v s.:rpneed. Mum
Keil k t Syme M:g.....4gr and
w .u* Y TO LANON AT.
Mho O itr Warr T. ■
Mnes NailNailer.as ser
Nailer. Look that Wt -
able Male watt. He asset have (seer tern
bly abused. We must get th5 Society fur
the Pr.veat ue of Cruelty to C►ildeeh 10
look after kis case. laded, Higbee . lade, we must' How
elle we get the poor child on the stege
"You bare bolosing flesh lately have -
vowel •" "Yes: I've bees shaving any
New Feather What's the baby crying
for • Mother: Btecau.s I told bio by
looked like you.
Beaune • Mas clings n old-fashiouol
lap -poet lie no sign that doesn't approve
of the eleclnc light.
"11e eared her his tt•sd and fortune
"Did she accept!" "No; the first was too
large sad the second too ,mall."
'•Alractoua ' What brought you here!"
said the letter box to the Columbian
stamp. ".,
Strng lirkrr," said the other,
"1 ran prey. anything," bragged the wee
femurto the fur MISS Huhu**. "1 wen
you would prove an alibi "' moaned the
youngwam•t1, tatty weirs.
N►bel I really believe slum thinks the
world of tet. Kate I've often beard him
my this was miserable world and' he was
heartily sick of it.
•is tb...gel esker asked Grumbles of
his wife the other night at supper. "Yes,
des "Huh ' Well. sow 1 know how it
was that Satan revolted...
Y. Ib you believe `chiller whey. he says
that the beet woman u the one whom no-
body talks about' 4: I rather think it is
the ow who talks about nobody.
tiolomw was pretty good at writing pro-
verbs; bet them, a man with WO wives,
mor less, bad abundant opportunities
ler getting wisdom, don't yon s'
Deal.Overlooked is the Deal. Claggett. Yon
e re • big, able-bodied main to be begging ou
the streets. Dusty Rhodes 1 know it
but e cas't •l1 be in on di. Panama b
He Do you love ere, doling• She: Some
times l think 1 do; and then again when
you ha ve that hideous, baggy sew over-
coat os, 1 doubt the .trength of my •gee
roe i.
-What was tour objection to my pre-
decessor "' asked the m..ousry of the se-
t he1t.- uanibal. •• Re war utterly devoid of
taste, returned the mamba! with • wry
Thr Sultan a J&„ore has (111,000,000
in reels, The Suiten is to attend the
world's fair, and if hr is u wase as he ie
wealthy he will ',eve Oce sinners at
oe u s u Husband: Why d•, your clothes cost you
5".t Assyrian arthrology futile Oro tali meseum. • hundred elopers mots' *,has year than they
merieaetet.a. Are Geed, ter• Ea g- did last' Are.'*, things' cheaper' Wife: Yes.
Oa her return to this country she expect/
lead• aemeaetst, dear. that'a jest it There are so many
Walter Bowan writes : Mr Breeder to act u tee pastor of the uuiverealet has
fir uta
mimes" Me very kindly tent tae hu book church m Pasadena, Cal. For thirteen gm.
called "Americanisms sod ltritucisrlls,' • tears past she bbeen pastor of a eharch I -Professor," said a graduate, trying to
.sat little volume, in which he discusses i roweledaroweledl'hicagu, and she hmade the remark , be pathetic .t parting, 'i .m indebted to
able .ed of being absent only once from you for all 1 know." "Pray do not mention
matey things, but eapeoially our differences her pulpit, and thea on account of the grip 'each • trifle.- wee the not very flattering
of speech asd apelhag. lb.., ditto mi'. P . ed
after all, appear very slight whim. they are
alta holl«k s edneation eau obtained at reply.
fairly faced and pot stile by side. They the Wisconsin State University and .t the "hid Yr. Came. seem annoyed at your
University of St. Lawrence tallier with hu hill?" &eked lir. Caekett
of hu new collector "No, air,' replied the
HraptyDaa}ty le Ike leer heat, young mad_ ••ll14 the contrary, he &eked me
Hawn tonna ,-burn a chum • to ..11 agate.-
Ilieuaatanii1 a.qm. phut'
Halal. heputt.. Ranee lautiorie Aunt Jane : Is the water when you live
Hunts kohl.' „alite forget now eat er hard • Wee Niece. I guess it's
"Theta how we sing 'Hompty-Demrty' petty hard. The girl spattered some on
i the Bast when we are small,- wow thr lamp cbuasey thr other might •a' it
Radian' Kipling. So you see then are bruit. all to pieces
merry rhymes and sweet little immense l'rumtner : What are yon burning then'
verses all over the worl1. and the far But Gillelsnd • A bundle of old Inc. -letters.
r not so very fu away after 5(1. How can Crummier : That le wise. It is better to
it be a strange country to you when este burn them than to have them roast you
you know Humpty Ih.mpty Is cutting Op soare time an the futon.
antras Mere, •asd Y He org
the soil washed from 1m roots, and to
reutan for days in that ,ondtUon, u •
ailing plant meat. The plant neces-
sarily feels eeh•uated, end the bright sun
further week's 1t d the roots have ■u hold
w the soil. Plum retain their original
Wavle heti. T, make Dew room quicker, .ad
u every may are gainers by having • few
days' rest away from the Itght. Many rose
kinds of plants when thus treated, then
brought gr'.d.ally to the fell light, will Again
n ot lose • leaf or receive the lest cheek to Aswrttss: r.r 14.01 wolf a• • Paws; knee•
their growth. Ryas heliotropes, feature, oroloold loom": m 5041 at • .Ise '
and that clam d plants that trouble the Thor, never ha. Mr. Matthew.
amateur by wilting down tato forlorn bttM lith
lamps, often will not wilt at all if kept r very rightly polars oat. • p.rfoot RD*
the dark for • few days. The boxes tet (i••ge. Tnore ,.ver w41 be ode ; or, •t
have been filled a ith raw sad other sem- haat, rhea one arri1es ti will M like the
Id al be tet the dark Fmm.nh d Racue, 0la.gsr •pokes : 01 the
• `dm ee . lotdi*a words, all ki of words. Where -
growth 1e u mono 50 Mat the now f let net the Amnion be puffed �
soil, sad
the light, ti IDS are ready to be mann
phsted to their enmwer beds, ea will be
surmised at the gnat growth' ef white
nota formed vision • few weeks.
growing more marked every day, to adopt
the Amaricso methods probably because
there u en much reading of American
books. Mark Twain sad Bret Haile have
much to answer for. Hen are • few of the
ddfetescee to speech
Aawkss aadread . nenduatsr , grade to enteral:
pnlieh : Railway dared . gradient . to Wart. tar
mer bloomers shouldm t• Ssascn1 a l.du, • .•cred lasgo•ge. Then
With the potted plum (• closet i5 the o.(- must be always Americanisms, asd these,
hr will be • goal too ter thaw!. Ib est m breakn.g out 1510 Sew forms i
have three home too deep ; five or ill asd•. toy. or Or goo• or Ronal ('arolt.s.
Mass, .tier die holo' w cat and 1e There must be ale• d Astraliaa words,
a11.g.d B b. (lief t 9.t
with pride bemuse tis speech has w bundles.
std forme not sed is Nr oo..try ;ysdj "les, err,.. answered the young w0maa
N1 not the Segni scholar -as wstrepee at the desk. �.
the sob•ppy lot d ea Kaglieb scholar -ted "What's the enbscriptten price
iimrelf oon.tras.d to protest ageism "(1.e dollar • year.
des me ef pew worth by a mottos not his
OM soca .eke use d the
y have been termer to
You bave ever rear.", to Wm Forgiven. Penelope Heavens,
believe that cows are jumping over moons Jsok . Hare you forgotten how to woks'
and woodroua wise men are disporting about 1 o ha,. stepped ou my toe. .)rick Doak_
bramble bushes in true Mother Gam. g _ Pardon inc. Pen. Your feet are so
taahlo5. small 1 could not see tun.
"Jobeo■ u very amhuio*s He is always
A M 1 Hedaees figuring to do enmethi.g great i the
"This se the otter of the Tempera/tee tenon." "Yee, he does to much in the
Tbrobber, isn't it Y' brnklr augured • fawn that he doesn't hove time to do any-
nervuus-lookt■g mean who went into an thieg i she pteessr.
ot6or is s tall building on lam. Salle street arq
yo'llyda7 &teru000 with a sinal) mesons■- Y.., I ke w it, Harry; but 1 wee i
dune book is hie hand and his arm full of
peel have some news to tell a to -r t
I bete.'► 'ser • Deal to -day, .ad I'm just
,yi� ler news.
Father . You mem to look at thing i
a eerydifferent light steep your marriage.
His ewly-Merried D•eghter Well, I
Ayer's Pills
M better known and mon gener-
ally used than any other cathartic.
Sugar-coated, purely vegetable,
and free front mercury or any other
injurious drug, this is the ideal
family medicine. Though prompt
and energetic in their action, the
use of the pills is attended
only the best results. Their effc•: t
is to strengthen and regulate thea
organic functions, being especially
beneficial in the various deran-:. -
ments of the stomach, liver, .u..1
Ayer's Pills
are recommended by all the leading
physicians, and druggists, as the
most prompt and effective remedy
for biliousness, nausea, costive-
ness, indigestion, sluggishness of
the liver, jaundice, drowsiness,
pain in the side, and sick headache;
also, to relieve cot's, fevers, ne:'•
ralgia, and rheumatism. T'i.
are taken with great benefit in
chills and the diseases pectili•tr ' •
the South. For travelers, whet!': t
by land or sea,
Ayer's Pills
are the best, and should net e r
omitted in the outfit. To pr: -e' ' .•
their gqttedicinal integrity in ;•
climaths, they are pu: up'.i ho:!! •
as well as boxes.
.. 1 have used Ayer's Pill.; in r•:.
family for several ycarr:.anti
found them to be a milt: ,.-
lent purgative, haw .
effect on the !it ar. It :....
pill used." -Frear
phur, Ky.
Pr.p,rod I+' Lk. J. C
s.•id by
Every Jo,.:
rsat1'.1454.4.5 515,5.
" I have in my mind a good subject for •
puenl. ' mid the youeg man.
" And so have I, "replied the rude editor
as he glared at the poet ; " for as obituary
"That's nett,- ,aid, after patties t to .iter neaten* tonneau lamps
owe"dose hi, boodles and miseries to an 04e- end Sine e5sddmbr&e for wedding presents
While them few days d dareanes are Agia, s be N. For my own morandum book • moeme.t. 'Doihr •
very seossar it u aloe well to dr. i Mte hsari.aa spelling, _TM t years right. Sed • dopy to Ortn■ 0. Het- Mn. Highly s drew u • perfect dem.
tbey nYewly Mit feel t ! tar. No. OW Shortalt . H.re u your � you w it r Reporter . No: 1 w, oh -
Mt :opo a (0 s etre i watering Newly d the word theater Noakes les mon Cheek ,•, .dthro.g h the sliegoersders for 1.lf as
dK plum (an 04dttr bow great lovers eft early aMice, . third., e0.pad n at all Aad M seed* • mark is the little book. bear •■d didn't Sad • perms dressed to re-
ins bees g/vw thew to mottle them i their,the American., if they like, should not
pmad eases the mii
soil to sling to i! as *,bey do laver, Mar, meter.
seem•, •bonlutely west .o seers water wad . mrd m forth It would be bettor d we bad
new growth eemtmene.., er the soil is de- f • waiters system. but both bete as.d acres
eiddl W when water IS the Attester 'leen it 1110 roma or logic ea
The youwg woman write down the d-
dr+mo gam 04e.. Ther. r se generous heart in the wand
•� r M aalased, referring ens I t for
and him • resent for the
=eat • mines pia. i gams she'. pee
ntsntore.d "I believe that than ear withheld • egb d ps
ddrvyy � sten �s
rosy ynud.d Willi ry pint /gr' tree defame to be tet up,
more to
hr ■w r' awful fate that km fallen ssdissed
►el. jos then. ere
Gomel., ow
w Omuta M lemespa All things eosin ,dal■
seem Ise. to get. 'Half pint tent
the ..' mew d any plies near San r madder haw downfall W
vers d this m. tee efts thin ride t the pleat laws beTo u Amerman it sleet he fN modem rima
apo y(�, where 1 eae gen ball • Mat of good Hal-
lyd �Byieitksi .1
rot few weeks aloe PO &!g. The see Dt1erems in prwmseintien there wast
enthrals • Binh and water in given to revive & y ptttst■t ts bear of y, I "Did yea write James tlkidmre'. num
k ; it "inhere more, and tie setae, keeps Mot, end the Wow pretty pu.e l/1
"Sir r, m for mate!' end the jade. 10 the prisoner the Miffila. Bet
ea pour:._ m w•Mr tilpail the
plead die ` ny end ifr•'S man r' .•1 mmy, de vee knew d ry plasm what .em.wd of furrtry •'r 1(k. ow know,
etatrig►t 1( to pleat r tHs.. pnUpoltp. MattMers M was t man rot wf . pistol fiend H1af ledge, npltd 1M psi
►5v lean - • esl t. "it Jim Abd
the reds he be Md to be r ,.ripe. wee he pyo that "Sir f' mess km a teyprtgkt so the batons bap
retied b th...ak.rl.4 wale, that him bre.ght up be ,an • eisil beg. te r► ••Rww d my p4 whore I eaa pt-- pew M fro biidt name
y but ...« mail eas probably iced w.. m
theta ala., int with
vai. �es� _
If thine disomiese se.•oddly followed, wish igiiaaapt wash ere.. t rse,Ahs,+o.. "
iYsbdthaa, sad ens M Assad e s a ea way to the depea
Mum will M tory bee saNares tee settee lin barred, sw.rdriv*•
pleats, W the sate., denote me *.w pfd poetry. g.. d bum aro to temadr &- And the bur!, _
,sake their sde.4bw from the alb way. ileabethes, w mh+.M go bask to enema from the ..barbs, pocketed os1
�1�.e 4 asd .w/ .t tear "Mom twang n .
g them forme. We Sri g«.g to repine t.•rasd ve bunk, :eked op
hie boodle,
•neaeM s( seesaw g11 1,ikea 1 to l■i�reg� will mash sod bustled est d the atm. totally en-
• se lims oro e( tar e(ieo to keep it masidel s that be W done might to of.
bask Dat the eassag aellbairspay ef feed the met midis. -Chimes .des Tvl
'e trot deem in Tana • elagtti - eaye ear Mead very wady, "r beim
0404a stow terry
see'. '•Hwksit,- at the Lionise Lywem shoo .asst. sad to tamper ler est o5SPee'esie et oeHNe arts,
71st ie • bends wlmep..1.k basad.. ay, browse large dusty im
♦ serious i. -bad to the eases high -
goad, diver s sdirtaiw a Over
this •eM OM .f she I_uu ' wt ed.o•tir ler yentas re the Zeglaeli eel
Imo nee. .lie aa. 1 v.rmues (. reported frehg. rima The e1d
T --
"In • held t DK it wt Nei mil. di Idea M•..Ly. seas el "eepesm•dl
'anis I t G gdi, wNd de quietly etc. w• wMrrd l!mdhM Merely Why. her r *5040•. we me ednidsred !•Jiyew
.mrd' M dredair to 6d 051 Mir het is • i! • ird emi ■hee 1 died aide measle Ile the girl dt.eMwm wbe •t
am ef�a Allg fporersMt dpw:t•�4 Howse-_We11. yes deo'*, sappers i tend •ial•Inauce. and 128144.6, r.
.s IM dd12ete hp.rhk►hiae p44w. weal/ hem worried has if h. W • t died. mesdiag ad memo* *her peg fib• me
robe endire Were. la neer mow to 815
Wag e�� d
.seed b /_tirel
dey..t -
.ort.nervi te a'sml Mr i..__..4 ms bun
• tug .61.emssr M4
re Omer lapin •40rte. bee
IN/e 1eftIHM��• "f!M8 Mr �' � aka lk. lma
okrwl. Wale
r do boa ie&
rte• re eon cwt bed,
5'•154.5 se .ear til cie$4- e,
Ts mop es, Item fetal eels
aetl,te�e r breathe Ma *N,
Qedra es • a.r Vero
Me.Mr• r tad bet
Wash. r ersd het w
/�e�g arab bet her,
treee•A r steep but le Will
t�Wtig r Weep Set ba/,
p •*,hie ea ten bas dmd
Ilion m te rig awn amp
At. WM. is t arse t
Hoene r nstut mai.
limbers r mow bas tsi
les sbbuut
gdmMee raj...~lww ran e: ee (811
A Representative Farmer
} r
i .
`�.,•-�.(r--•r��.-te r -'r -+�„ +- .,�,.
Reid the Following:
We are clearing out the balance of our Fur
Collars and Muffs, Fur Caps, Fur Capes, Seal
ettes, Heavy Mantle Cloths and Astrachans at
wholesale price.
Also a lot of Tweed Dress Goods at a great
Our Spring mods
Our Prints, Flannelettes and Tweeis are
here now.
We have 100 pieces of the celebrated
Crumm Prints, Hindoo Prints, and Pongee
Prints, the finest goods and neatest patterns
seen for years.
We carry the largest stock of Brue..eik,
Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpet,. Art,
Squares, Rugs and Mats, Oil Cloth, and
Linolentns ever shown in the County 1,.'
one house, and our stock for Sprint will •
he larger than ever. an our growing trade
demands it.
We will have fully 500 sets of Lace Cur-
tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for
Spring, from 75c. to $6.75, and of unheard of
value. See them.
�/. disoount for lash
flarA first-class i)ress and Mantle Maker up•etair.
Great Carpet Warehouse'
of the County.
N. C. C. HAUN.
Tis following nem:.rk*ble facts are fay
ccrtiIltd to as being ulder.isbly correct in
every particular. Itlr. Haan is well known
in the vicinity, bating monied here over
f.fty,yeat5, ed is highly respect idea e
man of the utracteet honor, w',. me word is
Pi good se hie bond.
-1s will be ..en from his letter, (sir
pby.dcials had ateended hist, and 1t was
only after he had a-:•. • 1. qpm of corn
that be derided to try �Itur.lock Woo.:
Bitters on the r•cumn,an,lation of n
neighbor wbo had been coed of a similar
diocese by its use. Mr Bean writes is•
fol lows :
1, ..s Ftns,-I think I hale been one
of the worst sufferers yon have yet Mart
of having been six years in the heads o'
four of oar best donors witbout0Wi:tif=
permanent relict, bat continually g owiri.
worm, until almod beyond trope el re -
einem I triad y'oar Hitters and get relief
in a few days. Every organ say body
was dersn .d. the liver eel harassed
and torpid. the heed 4141 d' ewes
seriously deranged, a large abscises la sty
Wok, followed by paralysis of *s right
leg, in fact the lower halt of sly body wes
entirely mrieve. After naiad Dards*
Blood Liters for a kw dayt the shame"
bunt, dieeh•rging felly Ave quarts of pan
in two hours. I kit so if I had received a
shock from a powerful battery. My re
ornery .f1r this wan steady spa the mae.
perwlaneet, eeoing that for the tour year.
I mums I have had es good health es ever I
ied I dill take sa oocsniooal bottle, nal
that I reed it but booaaas 1 wish to keep
sty syMem in perfect workiannggor�der. 1
can think of no more remark.D1. Geer
than what I have myeelf passed through
and no words oars express my Ytsaklslnen
for seek pefse* rsoovery.
0. C. HALM.
Welled P.0
In title eoatteelton the following IetI.r
from T. Camino', Esq., • leading d�
d .p
Weiland, Out .eeks for ikmN.
11e•04a. T. Milburn & Co., Temente.
Guxmainiv, -I have been personally
with Mr. 4'. 0. Haan few the
=17414 sand here elwsye Arend him
**ors tillable m^.t:. Tow may pl.'s tbo
wl� regard
your d' i . bosonwish regardto your toe
rasa,riesei(we within theism* tsar years
W ant that it ens mm•rwite= the nay
the ihnissit 111nod Bis.n$ bd eased Ms,
wed /W lee now felt se obisbedo s defile
work se he ever felt in his Ida
wale well he rag oiler some B. 8
es he says, to hew bias ta
ge�M Teem truly.
Tsees•,MC. .
TM el1aiday imwe•ee sal. d O. IL $4
Ms WO d Mr fib Ams boa biro the
}Mr►tln(irlht AM N ane tio
_pA I 1
m. 4 3 =
Y 3 c A
t; 'l 1 c O
L s 3 $ 9= `0 0
• e .. v
lie t
E Ti �;! w p° i ti � > a'
es ■ a s w `- i t O m
1 ni
i n :� p
3 y • �• r��t..D e•
-' P4U 1 y 1
g21.1. so ▪ � � f: � - �
. s'-'111, II' ' 'e ..r
:t �
iliq ��dg gee ;t a C7
t liP i
E 3 l 1
eI Aali a :a 0 M
V et I $ I� K $
s_8 0
1 m.1, II 9 i
• a�1 1 1 !
• Aley. a ' g: e� re. c
• B r 1 i i
3 1 a . ;� 1
P4 1
• p� �i31
d i r r It
fl• iii14i
31 1 1 0 :a
• r
Hemmen to he cleared est. N►rfsee
sea show, Ades&
Buchanan & Son,
ager reerhtlar
Damen a all kiss. et
AM b5Mm'h tmtertal of emirs dm ow.
h. wes►m• Atter. imamat
MOATS. Tinge INNS I(A gON111l/Tt
. end ell
fad .J e t r.