HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-16, Page 2•It
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exotic") as IC
hike beet Aorta 'Imp
bra oijim.kin3 pwpoaets
OffoLEXE is the
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%lea&IVO �•IrRwiw
o►a�:. ?kiosk.. eH
An 0 Viro61/rOfty
fiat uric owtfs, W. f.e1AI,
ftf ntoo rrttaas richness''
fro Ns food c••keal is% lank.
v -
Tod cooked hs.
d.1 cate, d�llieiot.s,
I RaH Fulyco ntf•rtin.
DoYou us. Gyro,. *sal
Mads eels b
WeaLrgton sad Ann Street*.
them the =Ilea,
Vow 'ow • wealth can o•tch a burg-
lar! That takes the oak*. Toa
make' me larf. The Maar o' • thief telling
women how to catch it thief ' 'They know
hew too fast for us. Why, I'dr�t�� run
.p.gin • down tore than one petticoat.
She .twos screams oaths wrong time for
•teed', 1,f it can't itis- g time for ue,"
wait es • wall kaas reracketna, with •
balm sh.akle.
•• Well, if you eresesset tato • home and
fated • wo.oso whet expeet,aed
she grabbed you rotes the nook •ad hung
tight so that you esaYtt't get away, what
would you do'" queried an interviewer.
'•That's jest the Utak a worms played
ea • pal some time air. The house had
been piped. You knew, no thief would ever
go into • crib esti he knew his way
&boat. He would Niers it watched, end
every light and tweet room m the hoose
would be known With he west. la this
owe my pal had seam • woman redress mad
take off her ie./shawl pt something under
A plow. When Freak ret in he found •
women in bed. He rseshed under the pil-
low to see what was there. The woman
woke ap, but she didee% raise • peep She
gr&bbsd him .s tight as • drumstick around
the .ash with both arta& Frank flung his
arias around her and draegrd her nut n bed,
carried her screen the room, and got her
outside. He sat the .mean down on the
window sat. ' Nod, wades,' sea be, ' 1
does want to hurt het, but of you rube a
peep. my pal hell fee diet vun he'. got ea
yet Ye'd better keep still, an' if you do
yen won't
get hurt. Yell be as safe as in
youShe wee so snared she sever raised •
ward. She was p•selyre.l. Frank got
away all right. No, I don't think 'twould
do • ws.nsa much ri..4to try cd catch
hold of a burglar. Shed be pretty likely
to get hurt without arightenrag the thief
away. We •1I hate • ataeamtng woman.
but yells' don't cats& in very often. What
a women wants is to keep cool. It the
should happen to find • saan in her room,
she don't want to aormat an' ram She ds.u't
went to taint. neither. It she keeps cool
Gad uses her wit., shelties him four tams
out of ave. The best ggslsctiem a woman
alone i. • house oat MN• h • little, n.aty
beset of • dog -one o' apt eaimale that yells
.t ev.rythieg, and worn make friends with
• faller till he has sera Yon SOO times- He
barks at sysrythiag. ?hen a baby I'd
rather meet • dos.. mss than run again a
baby. The kid a'rim
' Did lly yea iver beer et the paper racket
Xewap•psn were apr.S around the doors
a' wiadews ea the neer every night, so
that, if we owe to • balers our steps could
be hecrd. 04 ooaese, M got to know who
had pap.ta it wee alwsyr when the we
mar were elem. Yee maid.'t get • family
be give away • f a newspaper wan
worth gold Me will try to cross
papa. The wind erg ie seeder the doors
or t&roegh s eraek, aril the papers make •
amiss it s memo ewe eta end sea across
an paper, everybody . '• A thiel •'
woven' ril
and the rl hod
' There were two asaids who tried
the paper reeks, Nat i1 didn't work : they
pet we
.ed too ohs - • maple of fellows
the me went right &iaeg and went thb
every bloomed tbieg is the hoose, with the
di wawa eareanag .vier and Wilmot
at the fop et their veleta- iBet we knew
shed,' weld .sae. The old women had
base pcporo hr a week and every
had waked •p the neighborhood
rhea • stirred she paps.. Peopie
got tired e' gain' ever east new finding any.
W there, .n es they sopped sway an
let the aid wow yeti an they wanted to.
The wpm didn't work Hat time. Not, in
misery mesa. H • wens le aloes in the
base mai bas • man w ani • baby and
-_-.,- }•pari �a&flw thief, uness he
Is�wwrS wr Me, win re wear the boos.
w The beet thing ler • wawa to do if she
woke top and /Deed • WO M week is bar
ll.ew, would be to kmp eery still and pro
ted she was aleep.nt. en Y be ken. that
she had.... Ildm, to eV* hie orders sad
keep sWi. L he thoteghttairs Mel submitted
he ...law weals her lir Med. sad it
s• • Mr td. b think wWittits T
ons* Walt, theech, that eek'
r "meet ber
mai gar w n deer,eans. I< a YesdMs.. by the dater she Dome te hi.
.5'i • p m wow /he o' his tamers,
wail W eldn't pia mit or mem esti'
he 1s well eat of t1•ari•'. Nam We gene
Bret then way army, sMp ►amiss he we-
• • lbw OW hew eke carr ret a' bed
teas 1x1 cid a he what
Peep shell sp lelid
I sin he n ea- serest vlad...rd
be bell smarm by yt, l sly bask end
N .s it h' -r L-'• rake wet. to
Nobs I1 i.�►-; � \art
be canning aid thea she tea catch him.
It was • smart girl who got away with
a Idler 1 know He had got tate • ascend
Soar window, .ad bad jest about leaded
whim he heard two weave ....taps He
crawled rider the bbl sad eat o eight,
The wawa game la end ttaareewd sad Art
fate bed. When he thought they had hexa
us bed long ..cosh to get to el.ep he babas
to creep oat. A dim light had bees left is
the room He bad Inst gut hu head to the
edge of the bed and his um and Mod were
steamy out beyond the bed, when he heard
our 01 the women goatee out of bad. She
stepped muar0 os his hand and, looktag
down. sae hon, w at seemed, draw it back.
She went scroms the room rad termed up the
gas, .ad began looking .rend the *freeing
table. In • innate she called to the other
woman, ' Mary, wake up. the woman •
woke, and the ether rid ' What dud 1 do
with that letter which came this •fternooa''
The girl in bed didn't seem to recall the
letter, but oculi, .&e seemed to, and the
one un the floor said, ' It warns me I
can't sleeo_ 1 must go down stairs and see
if I left atm the drawing room. The other
said ' All right, sod the lint vial calmly
took some matches as 11 she mama t0 light
the gas, awl went out of the room : but she
aide t go any further than the room to which
her brother was sleeping She told him she
hat found a man under her bed.
" 11. thought at first it wee the ssme old
Inca women are always finding. She two
vinc.vi him finally, and he amt out go'
help. She came back into the room &lour,
and in • few minutes the men bunt in and
pulled the fellow from under the bel He
was completely fooled, and said that the
women was so cool and natural about it
that be would never in the world have son
posted her. Hut the best part of rat was
that slur the brat woman left the room
the other was just as quiet end happy as •
baby. '.he didn't su.pe.•t anything, end
when she found that there had been a man
under hate bed all the time she just fainted
That's how a woman coo tool . bur
glar of she keeps her wile about her. One
thing that women do is in getting their has
hands up at any noire to go chasing around
the house to find at. Half the tnen who
hear a noise in the house would think it had
some good explanation, and turn over and
go to sleep aguto. But their wives won't
let em. All thieves know that women are
their greatest dangers, and mac tent he of
the burglare who are captured red handed
are caught through women. lint it depends,
as 1 said, on tie woman k.eptn mol and
wren' her wits"
•w. Mand ensu..
I:a.n.ariN, --i hare weed your Murdock
tilo.td Ritter for bad blood and find it,with-
oat except:on, the bat punfyiog tonic tn
use. A short 111ne aro two vefy large end
painful boils sidle no the hack of my Deck,
lis B. R completely drove them away.
SAau•t. BLAI 11,
les T/ranl.Junction.
Tie War We Got •.$ of It.
A Scotch professor hal read a piece of
Latin out to bis ileal and had called on •
certain student to translate the same. The
student stood up for • few momenta vainly
essaying the teak
"Sit down," said the professor " I'll see
yea after the hoar '
The next victim was caned upon with •
like result. Sit down," said the'prnfeneor
again : " 1'11 see you after the hour '
Then • thud was invited to try his skill.
He was a tall, raw boned. simple Highlaad
standing up with $ blank anile upon his
face he drawled out by way of at race kill-
ing the thing " Mr professor. HI see yea
after the hour''
C. C. R1.•usrn. & Co.
1:s!1n.xr11111, le dnving over the mount
sins I took • severe cold which set'to
my back and kidney., oss.irg me many
sleepless nights of pain. The fins applies
Lion of MINA RI) S LINIMENT so relieved
me that 1 tell into a deep sleep and complete
recovery shortly followed.
done S. M. Levo,
1 m1
.eery et Jewish r1 perested .et et sos.sder.
item war pun. r. upber.
The green terbsned inspectors of the
Turkish Board of Publication lately tinder
took • revision of the ertnentan Scriptures.
Io that Bible they found several points
which were unpleasant to them
They found that the Bible tells that there
wit • Jewish lac in t he service of an F.gyp
tian, Potipher 1'acha Well • There mast
be something shout Moslems here, for the
Egyptian are Moslems, sure as you live'
A member of the harem of that Poupher
P•chs made advisor to that comely Jewish
stripling This in • Moslem harem ' Thio
is surely • great reproach to the Moham•
molars and their harem life'
Yo the beard resnlve.i that hereafter ao
ltihle should Ise allowed to be published i.
Turkey without the entire osnt.sion of the
.tory of .iseph.
After Nether rx•minatin. the Turkish
Board of Publication decided to omit weep
other words end even entire sentences Clem
the Armenian Rible, nn the Kroger] then
they were hostile to the Moslem religion
and shrieking to the
rntoi.xr ,r .onrerv.
In some a011.eces they went en farm be
'noddy certain doctoring by adding words.
Here is • .ample
.Among other thiage they found this v
which they onesidered badly to seed
docttrtng. it ran
For the Yea of Man is cow. to soak inn
to save that which was Inst. Luke lir, 101
Thew revisers wanted this vers to ha
pet in such shape that it might be pl•iuit
onderstorel by Armenian readers ohst Mos-
lem, are not included among the awmher ol
the hat for whose e•lvatiloa the Von of Mae
has come Tbey decided to ba.w it rood m
Por the Yoe of Yea ie sews te soak trail
to sant. thew flirtatious khat were foot
011 h.ifs informed that h•rssher so ether
form of 144hle wield be permitted to he
p.Misheri in Turksy'Teem the sew rdarm.
ed Mitis*, revived ly the Turkish ilhvd {e
Pnbbesuew, the tgresemati a et He
British gilds floristy wee* vete iwdigsoat.
awd piamt sly weal M Rh Clair Tard,
bind- Y te the Puri., aid pe�1�►
.d =the hastiest set of the Aowi 04
Sir Obae pmemaly west to tined f1sah•,
(hill r ed Pereira Albers, •id to 1')jhvaf
Pasha, the Grad Vida,. sad errata lv pre-
tata.a egebre the sense el the Turkish re.
'gyp (%!ad vier ayhsed Ihe Botha
0_y f►empmly stMes(r the T�arbw
bred al *�ii'aseeiiara M aria Mi molt
t se, •aaswnn air gab s._,_i.___ c
the. thaws.. N.dp.. •ursew Tette sew
.he ea.sr M write It.
They were heli a dawn stria or more
Moe of them factory girls to print :.ueks,
dowered by the beg manse heel apron,
Which eras ted d1 the way down the bock
M cudue iMtr skirt. trod keep them a .m
being ren1i'h' by lbs machinery. They .ad
uu tar este ou sad tb.' wore clods .m t .tem
feet They were all the "Maury tyi. .4
smell lu•wry girle e11 but ,..e, or'..s \In.
Frame* Ili/diew. Burnett w n...li.hera
Why del the Snail Peritu and her eyes
bard upon that one and f- 11..wm,: her s ,.-
meat' Abe w.s nigger tbau the others,
and seemed noire mature, though • child
could not have esplainsd why. Sher ass
dressed elactl) es i0s)' were omit Ir•• I.,
tied back apron, do s, and bare head, and
she Mid a coarse, tie wonted •teekmg
who h she wee hunt site ,*1►i.:. It
slid not water to the macula risco that .,lie
we. beuitiful. .\t that age beauty w,.1
to her somethirnagg with pm► cheeks and
sparkling blue and black eyes and •nor, :y
. tined hair bud • charming frock. Nu: •
strange luokiog, clinch•.e tactory girl, kin..
ung a worsted sucking end wearing
wooden .: ga l;ertunly not .lad wt at
that girl she stared, ywte forgetting hie
•Cb. other girls were the ordinary r..0 ru
lot, talking loudly. bouncing &boot, sial
c t
But u net
int r. 1 rat thin cue
.i he
pushing each P y
playing at all She stood or move,. abs •1
& little, with • ratter measured .1 0t omen..
knitting all tie tune ber blue worst, 1
"lis re's ti,y teyther'•' cited one ut tin.
girl. And she gni it to tee one who was
knittin[ ib. looked &t the advsu_tug
loan sus went on knitting u d uothmg was
occurring. Mbe was also evidently ewd
to him. He went up to eel and sudree e l
her with paternal blasphemy. Ile stem
e.. to be ordenog her to go hotne. Ile
growled sun bullied her, and tbreateoed
tier wise hie fist.
I;u: tn. pal u..e tndiffarete woe looked
him straight in the brutal faro and went on
knitting Chen she torsed and walked
slowlyout d the square. He uelked be
hind her, threatening her .t laureate with
hu tilt and his lifted clog.
'geode the brazent oupideuce ' ' the Small
i'erson heard him ay once.
She always wanted to know what hap-
pened afterwards, but there was no and to
the story that she ever saw. Sort was that
some years later saw wrote a beginning, a
middle, and an end herself. She Mame the
factory operative a pit girl, sod ahs called
her .loan Lowrie.
A %chests ess' Idyl
Ho. Masi) 1 reret/ber as
The darks deep .wed noel tiekwed.
The row o 1 145 Inbreeds round the sal.
The hum aka. neer Jae tenni •
And, franwvt about by nip DM Amt.
Aad'-aw int dwry plater.
TlM swot bead sed wannest 1n int.
T1•- lundly •1•1 whooh.-.aster,
1 see the rimy minor nook
His Woe ...el .Lsgl.trr est w,
A rsev. lair faire.l..r* who tool
With u. her 1 rm.* aed Latin
Hee lonittngi. 1 matched the hour.
roe o nlendorf and flare
And h... 1 fought soh Too) Powers
The mum he trod t.o tare her'
And who., ore dei . ,: 1101 eye "Nese!
To stay .,etre rdu' .uur4, e
reewewr t inns besot lie te,:
In smiting a1 0.,La.art
And rbr WA t ear,. '•k0p te asst.
To awl) , after idioms
We napped the disci a hour ,.r naps
whale he, poor Dur. war door'
And there be w, moth heisted had,
len erre old volume porn,;
(lir m M mia4 . if Lath lie said •
Re's test Sleep and snoring)
had .hare the shaded luut'.i.ii 1 plays
Amos the • rears orlon.
ley ..i.00laute of the olden ,Lar
Sou, .sradung tab) . working
Charts R limas .o lade.' Hou. Innen*
*pearling Pik. Of. H&rllt.a stay.
This season I have seep both spearing
add fishing through the ice an several differ-
ent pert. of the country. Mut •t no place
.aa 1 more auterested Ill what 1 saw than
at Hamilton, Canada. The harbor of the
arty is a be•uuful bey, lust off lake
Ontario. Out ou the frozen waters there
was a regale settlement In some places
the little houses, or buts, were Dear 10-
geth r. mad in other plata far apart. They
seemed to be inhabited, for corkscrew
wreaths of smoke tome from the papa'
which ran tbrough the roofs And yet so
person oruld be moo around, no one came
eat of or went tato the huts.
Looking out on the bay one morning, l
said to my oompeauw " What are chow
.►amas doing there' Who lives is
"Wby." said he, ".hat we .all the pike.
sparer!'pat those .hands mat then last
Irnember. They stay an thew all day, mad
u night they bung their fish to the city to
Then 1 lesrsed that some two hundred
men make their living by spearing pike
through the toe Am soon se the bayis
Owen over first and solid, these aria w
their shanties on sled. over the ice to
mumble place. Then they set• hos is the
Ms mid est their shames war it. As •
rale, • shall.. plea s erected, m that the
cis see the bottom.
I Th. Amstir, ate made more or Ices
weather-proof by being basked around with
mow at the bottom, said when water is
unwed over the mew it freezes tight
smarm has • wall iron stove ta
air M keep warm. The eha.tiee are am
/lies mise his boxes os the toe. They
have no windows, eel, doors. Yew of them
are mere them six tem amuses or more than
aka test
paw wide, yea Sad it quite dark. But
Mat is .het Wee pike sparer wants is
noncar to we the w swimming to the
fjir water. below. Umally M eta ea •
ita hex ever the edgy of the leek.
et111 m • at.tea, sad u patient m
tears the we sits hoar efts, bout watch-
jR the k.agry pike. In his right head
M a slimis prowm.d spear, sod in the
bit • abort line, at the end of which is a
ibis er an artificial minnow
Aad w the Rale heater waits and waits
Until • pike, very hungry sad very claims,
Me= for the bait. (!sack s • Ruh the
spot b thrown, add is wine tams eat d
tea the pike is pinned sad mad. prams. 1
141 you, it takes an expert to spear wish
lloh 11 yea th..k yo. .an do the trek,
OM toy it, es 1 dad. rad --waw.
What 'erect... se to that ee any mw
gkeeid follow the .pert. it is • sold way
a main • hvssg. -Harpers' Tomas Pen
1.1.0ew/ag ant asastUH%
mg "'Whet an ietawsung animal r etelma.•
d awe ldy, sppraehl.` the sage ei the
Snag e.tasg I weeder, bah Jove, it
£r dtot.atly w.i.ud to has "
Al {baptist Freddy was teterreptr.d by
• nags hon the awed simiee, se fell ei
a guieb, Miner, •ed amdde., duupsrem, ...
pvua•ble wile that the entire imeageris
was throe* kw • state of vidwt esUle
weak .ad the keeper Mealy sabered the
yetis wen isle the aperieswt .here the
mewwi l sad weed si•ken were ea at-
' Mini.. --Gimp biba.a
...se o',1'-
Tl. Kew Ted irs.wa •a41s alis Chew
•d li eetNy.
With • (b.s44ht . e• with se
mw. •iia taw in Me sestls," sad be is
seer gate happy owl he pemttmes n•/•
(l.isd. Otto fire or set large ewes, that
pantos .• l+laoele 0...... as (5515:. • u
made up of tow•s sesta populattoas el fr en
Len to twe•ty Lammed tultal.lYtta la
tray of thaw towns • lug. ' od ata wtsontely
built ueick or .nowt house, ..Ith •11 the IsN
modern Improretttents, mad w't•blO 1 3
fa/mites 4 aha Of twelve movie, may he
bought for *bout $12.000 'e rrste't t,r
alh int 41E a year Lir tag, too, see'tr.ao.
ly Away Thr best porterhouse roasts and
steaks are fitteeu o•-sta a pound : mutton
o il poultry, ton to fifteen coals : 't1 1..,.t
per huudred Fee Atte, 41.0i '•i►
plea, fifty mate a imolai Mutter seldom
ousts more aha,, ...rtes. batt. • tn•',t' I ,
rgge, tea .x014 • dwe0 :..sal, Sri y' ..•1
:on, and the best Leech and mapl'• w....4,
$i a cord. New \ orkers • u1 fieri it hard
to believe that • thoroughly first -clam cook
rarer .rots inure that 424) a moa,h, rind
best housemaids and nurse 410 Chew
few items will show the cost of In pug to les
about one-third what 11 Is 10 •ltd ar00r.d
New Turk.
\Isoet all tees delightful t'.taa'it'ao
homes hs.e segeut':e tauten. attached,
.04:1 y carte pi::urea lin. KIWI) int tbe1, ale,
with teeny kept paths bordered .:.0
Esigluh dawns awl -.1d festooned piens
dividing the beds of rule vegetable. sal
rows of small fruit trees and current a..
go...'.rry bushes. lin the autumn ti.
mtst..,a ..1 tee house will show you run
groat pride her well-filled preserve caller
with jams and yellers and pickles minuses
to tnske a New•Englaiiii housewife jealous
and rutin It," di:e•.tion int any lass roiraat
people. \los: t'atodi::n women are good
ho•.eleepers: g.ris are tau • .t nousekeep-
usc as par; of a relined e>iutatiea, sad •
mother who a11..a''1 new slaughters to ,tr w
u withowt .01. k. ',. d _•• rad its practic-
al and or'.wamic wlrki.4 would be coned -
erect wenn.. n her •cunt. ''!t• wealth or
social standtwe of the family does not in -
nuance this matter to the test. In bugs,
families the grown up daughter. 111.
•ha ge of the yuung.r one:, ov.rerrelg
their lessons and general dep'rtment fa
this way the family nes aro very Moody
united: tnr mother and the older gins have
so much united interest in "the childrru,"
and the little ones Instinctively hook to
thew elder asters for rtampl. and encour-
Canadians are . remarkably healthy
people, probably owing to their good cliln
ant and love of outdoor life. The cbti.irtn
are robust and sturdy and intake a ple•sin,;
picture in winter 10 :heir brightly oulore i
bl•aket mate anal ups defy tug oold s'.a
snow. Occasionally ears sad
trusted, but • vigorous rubbing with .now
will sum restore nipped members to Itte,
ad .'n they co as .nerrily a• ever with.
skates end sleds deeply resenting • wnitr
with little .now sod "1w fun."
*.Mag Yabelee,
Among the spring fabric in wool may tr
Oagousls, sees in all fashionable tole
'Popes, .f varying widths. The good. ale
toreat favor, a' they arc among the meat
stylish fabrics offered this aea'.m. B&yadore
teripes share the appre.-latuw, as they me
new and becoming to tall bgnres.
V.gugnee, that are taking the place cif
Bedford cords, are of the leading colors.
Their firm texture sod beautiful witness,
combined,s the secret of their great
Velem." de Kure differ materially from
the velours that appeared lart year : still,
as 1'eeuliar 'hararterstlp remain. and .one
of the most beautiful yet seen hu & light
lane of lavender on dark purple The mune
effect o seen to light blue stripe en dark
Poplin, always handsome an the piste
colors, ween more attractive in the sell
colored brocaded figures. Th. 'lemtgos are
generally sea.11 -including Toga large and
small -open circles and.trollmg vine., with
nee foliage.
Serge* will lied in the populaf laver.
They are particularly handsome aegbined
with silk ; also, 1a .wmbinauon solos
Navy blues, with • green hair -time wipe,
are selling as rapidly as delivered White
lines w navy blue, spaced in different
widths, can hardly be suppled, se great u
the tall for it ; but it is sat toe sew as blue
and green_
Wool armoires resemble int elk of the
some Dame. They are in exquisite destine.
The wool bengaltmes are much like the
poplin, only the weave is tweeter, while
the ottomans have • sill heavier cord.
Heavy crepe cloths, with cnmkied surfaces,
end smooth broadcloths, are both used for
street gowns with fur tnmmmgs. The .11.
wool hennett•s hold up their clam to
popular favor with 11.1 exertion, since they
are never out of style. They wear match
better thin the more enticing silk warp
hean.ttas, and are accordingly greater
favorites with the general trod'. Light
crepes)* and French cbaIlies are es prom'
50.1 as last season. -lhy Goods Chronicle.
Winter Menthe.
wooed ow. did you •nesw.ss think -
Witting your cheerful hearth band.,
While boisterous .tnls their' every .•hint
.1, dos and easement nea.e.i •n.1 Arlied
That, attar Autumn. days are doge,
Some anoints hods poor rendre th'r..:-
ray ams the; ..roe to resell the won,
ant spread the We their nave .in..
115' bo. ,.a.), do.,..suet
UI three seal shivering sutrats'
At t5arht d It new .)cud retry eye:
La..er shall onto sr their lenses rlaas
To nigh' you love we and yen int/
That their ream Iota Melly �`im�a
not t Was birds .ho M teat
And rein -eh! .m vow bet samsT�
The Dresses le •• al•el.a"
Some of die dresses were in "Becket,'
which have hem desigsed by Mrs. 1'omyne
Car and carried out ny Ilse Auguste, are
very handsome. Mr. Terries, as the King,
loos throughout gorg.oee, amd has a vane
ty rot mutton's. is the hist act his robe -
0, shirt, to gine it as proper nam. -u of
rose-colored silk appliqued in gold on whoa
cloth, and decorated with jrw.b The
edge of the garment has • deep harder MS.
br.ttdered in gold and adorned with rube
anal opals The wide hanging sleeves art
over tight undershoot, of height blue cloth,
which elm appear under the edge 4 the
robs, over this is worn • delicious .;oak
of heliotrope cloth bordered with gol ' hale
sad hosed with • delicata ,h&de of e..gyjo
N11 silk.
le tow of the hosting seems Mr. Terries
wean w short dram of silvingr'sy silk tont.
broldersd with silver, .ad • gray cloth
mantle cat up is press round the bonnet
le Mow the pink lining. Another ddiet-
eus cloth worn by the Ring le of royal Mae
breebm draped resod the top, and festoons,
on ee,th shoulder with jewel clasps It is
hoed with • 4istewctrng and altogether ia-
deacrabable Mier, nwnetki•g biomes sal -
mit sad crashed strawberry Maes Terri
weare es the 11.er ea.. • straight h•0
don- el hyamnth ordered •110 pus trim-
md wall pnk p•remeaterm rear a prat
eget of pest mil 0 le the emend no the
worn & phis Primers Orbs et yeller bon
ends severed wish Mahn
iy spas as ..ti�m!!�M•ad
Mail. MrAlone
• • • •
If you
Linen to
be White
as Snow
will do
to ns �perfeetly purer
sad matalaa ea aro
our Chesteal. to Injure
ember your elotbes er
vont headsureateN
care u exercised is les
tusa•deentre. and Its
quality u so Myre toted
by she public that It W
abs LLrrpnssa� tidal. of shy
h eap lathe World.
Can Toe test this! H
you D..s never Med
those who me it what
they think of IL thee try
Ulm yourirlf. The r.
stilt will please you. sad
y on clothier wall W
wes►ad N tar lees tee.
.it► lose Labour,
Onager Comfort. sad
will 1e .hies then they
hay. ever leen beton',
oh.. you used ordteary
sot the best way to le
Ids Ow matter f Pit*
by aoqu1n.5 whet the
experience u of those
wbo already ase k
heo.odlJ)' at
b • fair v
7o•reel1.To. are tot
committed te any way
to use the amp an we
ask is : Don't Ilsley try
It the neat washing day.
• • • • • • •
1 t'ser 1 eeslnlar Trait.
New Clerk That young lady bought •
whole 1 •: lir "Mogi without note &eking the
Old 1':erk Th-) tieser hot her about
price. •h.n things ere to le- charged.
"Rythesousb onewldms of t1.e natural
bur. which gersr• fes overaUe.l of die. .boil
alsd netrttha,.ad h) • careful applesauce of
lie Das orep•r1Ne of wePeelect.d Cocoa tl..
gnu. bas eroveied ea► breakf*at t.hls with •
Orli. alai) fievoure.l beverage whi,•h may ave
...ea *suave donors' bels. 11 t• b) the ja4.-
'•1oue use of such articles of diet that s rowtf-
lut o5 may be gramme; kilt up until raw 4
et.11tt5hlr to realm every tesdeay t.. dowse%
I1nl,dreds cr/ sub. le maladies are &ell. s
arcual w read to attack where, er t0.re n •
weak point ready
may maws wast'r a toad
-lift ht ke•Was ourselves well t rtia.sl 5155
i rare Abed •not a properly nourished frumc." -
t'.1J serene Or.ehle.
Made simply with bellies mese or Milk.
t..ld only In imokel%by Winer% lak.tted thus:
JAMES arm kira co... sm
1893 •
Ilarpr's Magazine.
IIalu•mn'n klaueaimafor 1503 all eostieue
to moistens .he unrivalled ua0dard et eaoel.
lel..e which I an chera'teriaed It from the he -
ginning Among the meat. features of the
isr there 5111 be sew week' by 5, ('o,0 in
h yt v. t'u.wra'ea YtAlruwa 116 0051110X. and
W tt.ia•r Bias s Abort mewls will be maize
aiz -
but.d by the soca popular writer, of the dal.
messing Mary R. WILKINS, KO:ralul 111•110
Intl DAVIS. Maes45.T DELAND. Rita MUCK
MArrrawe. and meat' others. The Marveled
de.rrlotive capers w111 embesee articles by
Jr tear RAlru on new Swelbere sad Weiner&
subjects; by Tean0urs CHILD as idle, he
l'ockeesT Baocurw o& Rowe& and Germany ;
by Iii ii*ru H•& 11140 Marmon • London Bee-
son: ty Colossal r. A. Mores ea Rasters Hider,.
etc_ Hoene A. AsarT'e Wastrwtiossof Abate
•panne, (bssediee wit be continued. Literary
avails. will a aoetrlbeted by (`ranine Kum
Surma Mrs. J1res T, Irisin. WILLIAM
IruUS HOWSLUI, BRa'Dss MATIllrel.. and
JIARi'KRN 11AOAZIN1....Per Year l4 ..
HIKPEWS H' SEELY .......... . ... t a
MARi'ER'S h O['Nr: P1 VPLI . - r w
Postop. Pea to all .ubeeribera fa Us Urt(ted
este., Crusade rind Meru..
The Volumes of the IIa/maiae begin with
the Numbers for June and December of trop
waft*.1893 Biantod
year. Woi es it rise 4 mb r c r sot .1 om twillime
ofeble with the Bo current at the
time receiptElage ofas order.oBowed Volumes d
Hatrper'i s heeding.
for three year. all. p u
paid dirk receipt
o. wit b. eras by mail. poet-
ppaaid• u* res 1pt of 4100 per volume. Cloth
('amen, fur binding. So cents each by mail. pest-
Remittaaes should be made by Peet-eaee
Mosey Order or Drag. to aroid .Yuri el
Newspapers ere wet to ropy Mu .d.weise
seat wt out the a prru 'nester of !torpors
Brothers. .t
)few York.
Wow' ma 22 ra N Lan
r.rurae uwan ae
The !Weld Bicycle Cs. Ltd.
ttsaw►1 155 Tenni num
G. W. 7.11O1.1.ZO
The only duty there will
be in connection with my
goods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing s
Harper's Weekly.
1LLIIerr .EL I)_
Haarot'e WsasLT r acaaewledgd m
studios firth wawa illustrated weekly period -
teals in America it occupies • place between
that ul the harried dally paper &ad that of the
tees timely a.oethly meaadae. 114.04.4.. both
Hteraaure awl news, •sd presents with pawl
/erns nod felicity the real crena of eltnst
buttery and ,be lmagin•tive theses of Sawa
On•000unt of lin very complete series of Wee-
teatfon. of the World's Fair, It will be set 'sly
the beat guide to the :meat kzpootUoa, bat also
Its berm .000•• r. tv.n P.bbe e0400r of We-
enl :ntereet will be fully illustrated in its
Ages, he coatributlo s being from the bent
writers and amines in this emintr7, it wnU oen-
tissue to excel in liters are, wws, mad IUeetre.
Mae. all otber publications of am class.
Per Leer s
(HARPERS W1/X LY. .. 14 11.
HAtiPKRS BAZAR .. . ... SO
iPoologe free to sin a diereij.r. da tAr Muted
Stairs. Casede ow/ series.
'The Volumes of the Wty begin with the
w1,,t Number for Jaa•n orea•h year. Whirs
N use is meetlo.ed. subeeriptloos will beets
with the Number current at the time of ton
! cefpptt of order
Hound W0111 MOS of Ha•rxr's W misty for
three yrare back. In seat cloth biallsg, will
be seat M mail. postage paid or by express,
free of expense iprovided for freight does not
exceed one do!br per velssa. for 47.16 per
('loth t'asce for each roams, saiteble for
bt.dieq, wi1l be seat by mail. post-paid. an re-
relppt d 41.00 here
stmald be made by Nestdos
Money order or er&11. to avoid ',Imam et
Nrr paper. oar we to copy (Ida wireless
anent without the e.prwes order of HARPER 1
New York.
specialty, and everything in -
the latest and best
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard -times prices at
The Ton1.o Cash Store
P. O'DEA. Manager.
'kion Amnion
Harper'. Bazar.
ILL LT 3"1"R shTR.D.
Haaranl !AL1 Is • Marna for the hems
11 envoi las fullest .id latest l.Ssramthie
ahem reehba•, sad lin numerous Wmtratlew.
Pais design.. sad palte..Nest wppbmseee
ate fedi tee alike to the helm deem
winker ewd the profosresal tagdistw No et-
ymons is'pared to make Its •rust° attmetly.
ams st the highest order. its bright stasis•
ameidan 0smed1. and thoughtful .mays sat
idy all Isstos. sad Its last page is twee. m s
Mew et wit sad humor ie Its weekly mem
everything Is Iadaded which is of ImterT.t y
women. The Herter for Ilial .111 bo wetness
by WAtTma Roemer and tow• LTAL.
atsrtr. T iuc'.i Humus '.will furnish is
st suW '-
practical ..rlmIIiAt the Toilet"
•.•s s Kir,. Mutat Teanars Ulu ask sad
CAN DAC. WHIRLS/1 will he fr.4stmt eo.trthe•
len. The work et mimes 1s ILe Oel.mbiee
Saporito. will to hit resreeeeted with maa�
illeeratloh. T. W,Hmotr.oa, le "Wmm.m ung
Mw.- will Orme • eulatvetad midtowns.
Per Veer e
seUM'S WiuuLr 10
AMPERE rOUAN' Parf)PLa t w
Pootoe Pero to oil aveaserrac - - iluwa4 and Mor io ~abs Maw
Volinn d the Boson heals .lt4 the
that rsbe usimessaarytserr'tapet►
. y.
a▪ lai 11 N.mher merest •t he One ef n• hNibs
et=Usama V1 arse of Ba■oth raw
threw rubra b ..•f 1d, y.gl.g
he awn b wWl. p.meye Aar
hoed sa enst tsrwroe the fend.
savant sae roe ttor vvomlltls�rl�• M 4T.11t per
rewtbdlsm, .111 gat y mhA. asst epi
Ifrmeitdt a4'eraw &Nlf Ir
deab 0p pest.oas
Mys•y (Les, ere= I •
••itd� ohsssr M lets
w f f mlpewa~seir ern
Aides : KAMPM a
The Signal
ease sets a els .ental Weans, is w
Jab whisk wkMk en tlllallt•
pawed gull the shine ler the prompt
mad pompom s.eesWih of •I1 ,:leases a(
pristine. A perusal et this mhertees•
mesa may uugg.I Sas.etbag yue star
he le wend mfr 1104 a mesh us15 we soil.
cit your pea -map, feeling rvtnadeat
that our sfrorte to plenas wal meet with
the apptruw.' of our pitrese
•itAt Mietta s
This useful alar is kept iu the tall
range of qualities same ar letter
head.. While
•VielAt;r ♦‘stl\t�s
In this line we have a very large
stook of line writing papers suet
able for every clava of business
reprmiented In this locality, syn
prating laid and wore, linty
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, as may be required
�1�emo. i\tad►s
are not so generally used, they till
an important plans in 000iuer'cial
oorreept.tldenee. ties what we've
got under the above beards.
IA% iAtt1AkW
If the " pay-an-you-goplan vies
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not he
so great ; but there Ire some men
who get so many thinners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is corn
pkat„ in this line with four sixes.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cent. columns. They tome
cheaper than bill heath, and are
the proper thing to send after •
delinquent once a month. Tb.
are sure to fetch him 'round -
Now, it would be hand to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a /large stock es
hand. We have now about c
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 73c. te
$2.00 per M. We handle eons
mental and legal sizes exclusively.
C ommtre\a\ 'V ivaXxng,
has already been partially emus
twitted in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast amo.w
of work under this bead that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all et Teo
Z tnr\<a<\ohs
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste u melee
Son sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping u
stock the very latest and heal
samples to be had. Call and wee.
e;tvt CUA.0.1s
We aim to excel in all the differ
eat kinds of work we tarn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirensemta
"2YOs rams
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from tie
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached
Cards sm.& Ww..V.ets
This head covers a large mase d
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from an or
dinary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or ' a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Our facilities for turning out able
elms of work are ewid mod by nig
fact that the great bulk of it it
done by as. This line also in-
Doagttrs • 1
which our three fa.frr.nntttg job
presses are able to tarn oat in a
aerpriwingly short time.
Ooh SA\.
belong to the pester department*
also, cad we maks • apeeWty d
demo---prompt/we being oar aim
in this re•peet A nide. of elle
will appear in Tut BMus fres d
charge when bills for wane site past
1W. IA:\ind. COS W ark
in theleaf printing lits
sea be �done� 1* 41,1s eetsbifidus ml
15asmennexpeditious .raW
d cr*Ll
Oa, vb:kkk b. j o auk
stay rtasoraobke.
We ..nand sur tb.Bk• kW pmt kr
No .ad milieu . eawtfae.ame llf lie
•••t• T W& ISA Cilli#I.,
assume% (