HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-9, Page 5,NIDRRN`N, ()NT.. TITUR8DAY, MARCH 9, 10113. THE r1ANADIAN BANK VF COMMERCE w Baas. t $ '"„a Soy' 'MAD amok v+oeowisk. fls, I- GPI 111111 w1.fi loft B LL41w • • 11111.0110.011111. 81,000.000. - E. WAU(Z . e+ leseXltt. IffiSies411111. BRANCH. A GaltaRAL oAMUUNO Illuwe Sea TRMIACTSO. Foamy r Norita l)lan0UIITED. DRAFT• ysuW PAYASLI AT AL, POINTS 01 CANADA. ANO TME PRINCIPAL OITIU M. THE 0,11TE0 8TATa11. GROAT BRITAIN, FRAROE, BERMuDA, M 1141111110111 MANN DeraerneeT. °SPOOFT1 OF $1.00 AND UPWAaDS *LCEIVE°, ANO CUCUI1RLMT RATES OF TON RSD OI MAY REST ASO Lt ,,WED. IMTRg$ST 1111 111 Ytt11 PUINOSML • Sae M IACs/ *MIL SpotIsl AtfMt*Mt give* M ties 0.11.011^n cr' ' rvs.-r. s -r. sate* Melva. R. 8. WILLIAMS. Manager. GREY. ren rte tor 1.w week. A number .d our farmers are stories o or ,uu.mer use. J. Stens moved *•.t west to dos tam he . meetly purchased fro.. T. McGregor, 1. • A snwl•er of the yoarg w of Ci..•brook tad viciotty wilt take Horace Oreeiy', ad rico and go west in the Spring. 'news are raker dull just mow owing M the stormy weather sad grant depth of esow, roads are •Imo.t impassable Buren ars on the war p.th for fat cattle for May shipment. bi sod bi am* per Ib. ttre the prints es far Y sales have been male. A sleigh Toad of the Royal Tets/M•t•e of t reat.r..oh, drove to the resides* din THURSDAY (TO -DAY) HIS Bg0088T COIPLETION This Sean our Targe order given months ago for (IROS, KONAN & Cis CHALLIES and SATEENS from France, has been filled entirely awl r.'•eived Nothing remains now to Dome in these goals this year. The ma- terial and designing from this source is pronounced the moat delicate alul t"-autiful the world has ever sews. Our purchase of Challies is the largest amount and comprises the finest selection ever shown in Goderich oo.soiller Brown, 3rd line. oat evening last week where they had a jolly good* time. A meeting of the East Heron Farmers' Institute will be held in Waltoe, se Friday of the week A number of live topics will be desuw..ed sad • large turmoil u i m- prected. lioNtittowill be manned to the sinned at as its neat *klieg with the object of rookie Ing oar mewed teniose •a1 forming new toms so Y to smoke it more co.vesiost for children M attend school. Tye report of Ise debate held to Oode- rich on the yeestine of aneetatie• was read with mech interest by readers of Tim Saw- n it in this .satins. Tae 8141rAL 115es all the news worth knowing the world over. • Albert Oukt.y, who recently rented hie fa. te to his Mother, hal an emetics male of stock a•d implemrnta ou Tuesday last. The sale was largely attended and reed woes be were midi Abe. will probably see 1 west nail sem0er. Literary •ad debating societies Dove been almost a blank this winter using Ames the stormy weather and bed rood. Whale this is to be regretted, we have reason to believe tb.t b ,me read iug and ./her studies received more them the averse attention scibing like beans armed with a good itock of knowledge. The Foresters concert be' i In Denote deed Cranbnwk, ou the Inst , w as a dwide•1.oceee.. Nig ItantaLeer FA - ward want Tows, d L.odoa, ori p• J chair. TM large audience were deligl.ted .nh the program whack come** of music ort the glasses, lanttles and balls by Mrs. and Maes Sage, of Walton. Comic soon, recitations and dancing by R. Mcleod, of Seafortb. 11. L Jackson, Brussels, violin. The chair yt` T'I� 2ret nom addressed as the boasita of the C.O.F. wino l�i di flea Forrest, eta- 14, having lest his L ,d d Inti when feral ke • urea of yew. removed this . and bio y w nd r f shing to the tfle and acts . In tats.. Mea Forrest'. h..lth fee ver q U it the arm or a • i lx, t s is COlda, head- mg their residence of smarty twenty a iG filnd f. • , ors here they proved wonky sed,_. obitg- 11C11iA And ;, •cm i and Cert habitual I L asyhbon always wihmg 1......... read• ,.t.. `tvrup of Figs is the i„ est.rtata ad tut a r nth t: Tec: " taken; I"^ ! week to tbe township of Fiat '!arra, Ox- I•yTnpof Fid is take , It is pleasant I lora l o where b good I.d will A VERITABLE FLOWER GARDEN is the Department where we are chewing now HUNDREDS OF COSTDHES IND DREAMY DRESSES Ladies' Costuiius comprise medium weight goods in such new ideas ao French illuminated cloths, wool goons -•effectively woven to imitate the shaded and shot Milks which were so popular last season, Berges and whipcords worked with silk in dots or delicate stripes and al- most invisible checks. a - t••nrly vet) ron.ptlyontha "idneya, boss .cry poor Clot some woe, mown 1,ll. Li int' lrj., uli cleanses the gym' twos this quit only r gL�.diyy of its hind ever pro- dnc�. •,, pilr..lting to the taste and ac- ceptable o- eepts to the stomach, prompt in its Sonia and truly benefcial in ita *....., Yrs sued only from the moat Mr. Forrest was prsosntor in Knox Incc . Cranbrouk, for several years sad his re- moval also cams a whammy. that will be difh volt to gat rote so capable of tilling Al- though t- though their removal is regretted b) • large circle of scquantaeoe., all will tonne in GREAT LEADER . a A inchwlONE NEW• mateflJt mention- ed. tyle of Inst nteutiun- ed. is in golden tans, browny and French grey shades, at 60e. a� y rd- regular worth, 75c. e r its wishing Omen a fall measure lzealt6y ecllenreeabiti•sc rumen ether with .11 the good tlinita of this hie. maTtvcsocllent�u:;.liti.srntameod it i a to all and have wed . it the moat I DUNLOP peg r- -1-sty kr.�• ,- _l. from our own Correspond�m4 •1p'.3 iJ f. _ Bale in 7601 PAs[. O.waaa-Amongdeaths of the f•milias sad but V all 1_adi: dnuggiste.' month of February. ' , e. int T o nils not , veil known figure was called hence on Feb. Any T it ., C i2 1 th We refer to Kicherd Oxtoby oM` haver.� hand wiltrocnre it (• .as somewhat past the allotted spa e n IT 10 wishes granted by divide moored to suffering humanity: For Dame time b. had bean b.ing alone end not having been moon f for • day or .o at the pet office where be wad la the habit of calling for • letter he was expecting, and the letter com- ing. Mr. A. C. MoLtais d with his ode took it from the office for him •bout BLACK DRESS GOODS BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - 112,000,000. REST, - - E,000,000. A Saving Department has been ole,fled in con- vection with this branch. interest allowed at cafr�rent rates ' P . H. LOCK WOOD, Massager Godericb Branch. 1893-MARCia-1.893 in plain Serges, Henrietta[, Cadhmertss and fancy diagonal and figured blocks. We invite comparison. Our prices cannot be beaten in Canadian markets for good goods Black and Colored Vfelutiaa prctnpt•y t r • n7 011C btMilfIR ,Ut FIG SYRUP CO. try it. Ni. •., afaetured only by the RAY 1"--.4 A DI CIB)0, C.AL. (1/o. A. FRAIL A0a1T AT (JonazICR. for dresses. One case opened to -day. + t t + :17-47 + JOHN T. ACHESON. Our Spring Assortment of l)ry Goals will surpass in extent. and tttraetivetess anything yet offend in t;otierieh. The High character of our Imported Goode in . ariety Ez"Z,-1iS�:1 Prints French =e1ain.es �'an.cy =reds Goods flack Hen.riettas in now generally recognized. 1 We leave nothing undone to eeeurr the right alass of tlou.le. and we sell thew at close cut prices. We have just placed in shock a cast• of Black HenrirttAt At 40, 'i0, 65 and 75 Dents. iNSPECTION 1NVITEI). Beautiful goods. 150 -Pieces of English Carnhr*tcs and Piinls-( SO JNO. T. ACHESON. R. P. WILKINSON. I have now the pleasure to announce that I have ac- quired and will conduct under personal management the business carried on so successfully uWILRIN80Nin this & CO., u n or the Hard - past four years by R. Hard- ware Merchants, and am further pleased to announce • that the business has been secured on most satisfactory terms, enabling me to offer special inducements to our many customers. Thanking our patrons most cordially Our 2000 yard purchase of ends of White Cotton please every I for past patronage, soliciting a continuance of the lady and purchaser who sees them. 1Oc. cotton for lied, and 12}c. for l same, I remain very about lOc. in ends. INSPECTION INVITED. 32 inches wide and all at 12}c. a yard. All new patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES W. ACHESON 8& SON. b r. a., um the sight of the 9th, sad going to his residence, found him ill. They at Duce got wi.t•ree and Mr. sed Mia. John (*e kindly saw after him and pot the house to rights. Other near neighbors did their part is helping to nurse Um prosdeid valid add ramme sottf�f .ed nt was his in- nersdammed ked asked Mr. Macdonald to team oeot- s ry dtsl,urasss.t.. This was dcoe and a statement merle of all amounts paid out. He .1 once wroth to relatives new Toronto r.a the 10th, but lerthem letter of his reached h tem the �� all arrangements for the funeMoral, . ts...I Li 3. Harker and 11. Ticb- bourne. This mom the approval of a meter w1 *phew w►o came to att.•d the ister- smut is Pineview Cemetery,teColborne, recy , `30 the rg b.'s Re the last tad t. lieorge's church, aosdsCt.d rites .t the grave. Quite a number of neighbors .ad friends were gramme .t the **to mate your tonne before it is cat, for, as in the present case, it may oost more to book • stack than to buy it. On Saturday, March llth, we expect to open a Boot and Shoe Department, with stock selected from the most reliable makers in Canada. This new Department will be conducted on the same system as our Dry Goods business : " CASH AND ONE PRICE." Six months' experience in this way of doing business has convinced us of its being by far the most satisfactory system to both buyer and seller. Art muslin, 12 new designs, worth 8c. A variety of new patterns at. fie., 10c. nand i 2e. Bolden Fleece double -width Dress Goods, new American designs, worth 26c. Special Showing• in Tweeds, Whip Cords and libel effects. 50. 15c. 29c. funeral TMs deotassd was a v.ry gwi.t LEEBUNN. From our owe oorrr uusdent- Mies Grans Linfield bas sos. for • visit of some months to relativesip Guelph. She will to much mowed by her schoolmates of No. 5, with whom she was 0 general tarot- ita Ton Friar Mors. --In our last weeks' items we noted that the temprranc. circles of 1)iv. 4, Colborn intended comma to a pullet by petitiou�ng for the removal of the 1)unloi hotel hoer we for the coining license year The meeting held on Wednesday of last week saw • fair hot compact attend- ance of ratepayers of the division who bad mat together to .se what oould be do.e. Mr. Hetherington was chosen chairman and after devotional exerci,.s and singing, the object of the meeting was dia- omen - All admitted that • stand for Ile MADE. travelling public might be needful, out �U��T,_jt+,p THE BEST DRILL agreed that it mould be atm as . Temper- Goes house without thews* of liquor. '1'm p.rfert and i,el.e...ar••us n a vl.tbo of dd pilo of llw.. I• all kind• of s "i. THE vNLY loos of the pumps outside the hotel would I CILBeNCT FOWL IC I•FK° t. me The taor„ueh eyaptsw•Ot of cur faewry wl,h Ow latest groat inconvenience to three who implored I.bur gavial m•oki.ery••d • Wryly Ie.rreased on•nut rnablee a• to ofrer the be • Hoo -ter 1)r,•1 and • i oiler 1m1M•ntentn of our ..anni.etvre at prMe4 lower Ghon ever twfore. water their horses and would cense some r,« c41 . ,tUr., in ices.n.d terms. tee our lova a.ri.te throuatt.out the. conotr). or send to bother to those who refresh themselves Der "kr with cold water if they prefer it instead ret the comforts belted the bar. J. G. Cb.ttoo, James lb1.Meim .ad others de- W. H. VARCOE, Dungannon,►.Agents. bated these quietism. It was then decided 1 that the petition against the hotel Stand be BEATTY, Varna, undertaken and asking that no linea.e ter the amnia' year be granted. Tt. different ..*.alio.s d the divisioo t0 caro for the prtitiom was.awgoed to H. MaoMuss. Joseph Cook. J. Doatow, J. Hetherington, J. Boyd. Jobs Horten and J. 0. Clinton. TM vacating &dinarsmd till Maroh 16th, st Y r.. , closing with devo- tio.ai exorcism The car•asrs will om the dire mimed give is their report d their prv� cod other matters for the ptrnis* p( E"eald petition will be brought up. A good •tta.daeas of an eapporters is desired. SUMO we ••spared the obeys fir pis we have boot Mistrusted to .a7 that u im- portant proposal will be brosobt hrw.rd at next op- posed andpetition web all w10 are e'P deed tis. willDome and list* to it and give beer 'tows 1t is propreed se t.kow That ty project i. int the taoef' r t tyir iMl w Ma to remove th..• . d liquor /tea than and transform the base NMI into • iwpersnee hotel. wan r .od Rave good resp to he worked for. ars was by all who knew him. His rens/vas doers to thank the .eighbon for their kindness to him. BENMILLER. wrest our 0wa oteree00010M• Is.rrtCIIST Mate Seat ICL -The ques- tion of hatter mail ..eomt odlist esii asitating oar villager. weekly mall is totally inadequate to Las re pantomime of this importeut emit*•, and whet is wasted is that there .ho.ld be a the doily service blame* tins lag - and o„nty tows. la the township of Colborne tyre are sin post -o vise, all served daily aril than A.nmilkr. and yet our ales is the most Important of them all, sad we Gad ilthat wMe•djg • �y�. ld t •dat ONO. tsssieeti0u also. Aaotber tspsr.ment w soh seeded is, 000hmssioati.g. either by telegraph or telephotos with (loderieb. The distance 0 roily six mils sad we are 0om- pletely dist of. which makes it vary itsoom mat wou• ld ofte•timenv es • essae wnald save the *mews of env to tows • IlI s : e M hart half q}isy'a work. We .ft a pregressive people prowl of oar little allege atth the marry bride*, sod anxious to keep Immo with tbo rest of doe world. W. boar it Sitksl•tsd that • meeting will be bald ahaesty .oder the prolda••1 f oar h " Mayor " M ass_ider ipreaat gain - times Tea TALJ. MLA° STU , sea brreliMITI u 1J rrt•e Nn,ay. - W sy op at easel.rtilt, is Hallett Mwosip everything have • ales 1•r�e Omega ball mod tag ort.. !yams of Mos good fOinneto�r+rosrat• there made the d that tb. hall was set eamp1 Ti without • staff to sr the .&slue a. Ns gl wises 1 •.d *Mir b ig My .leo mods tie 41he•rery that days, 1att*.k el ender memo 4o n, Wog mo �iver, es Mr. McOln .', pr+slE••• r. end was OH tie thing ssmded. Amssal.egly .mete he el the " west with a ism aerate the river mai •g ead with • sawmid alma. w " iaady Blue Serge, heavy weight, suitable for boys, worth 40c. Solid all -wool Halifax Tweeds .d 31e. ♦ range et patterns at 36c. Lace Curtains from 35c• per pair upwards. large variety of designs, all new, not an old pair in stoc the best you ever saw. New Cretonnes and Counterpanes. After Saturday next, March llth, Butter, lig taken in lieu of Cash. VASIVOA. Gus >`o�e�rice and truly yours, R. P. WILKINSON. Hs!v_SFG!teel ain Drill There igen n Tn Canada than h ner ofalt ]s of other kindr s combined ufacture in use NOON BROS. M'F'G CO., L'0, INGERSOII, ONT. 000ERICH TOWNSHIP. From our tows e.-tagotdeat. Joh. Salkeld, while driving to O.derteh kart Mondaywith hie 11 dli� �week M e Use animal break hos log in some tamaw.aet. able manner. net 11 L. ST. PATRICg's Det CONCERT' ■•� 1893 B"ntPo"d prar+e�+litermy _ _wed debating .••i a7 ht I y Ifs Im W m.ellww prinAdeat,toR"e the. Iv- A vary M. p,. el ssei.al ..d literary selsib.e was awe la eta 1Mer.0ieg lease.s d St. Pasrlok'. It•i will be celebrated ie OODKRL•H. On Friday, March 17, 1893 by a aro* Ooae.rl 1i by will ton taken part THOS O•HAOAN. M.A. I. . I... the 'Volt Cans.l.nn 1. n tat** saeltted W lM fe towl•e: MP* TR`e.IR KIDD. of Moll. City. MIN. 111114. JA1. ttU1\NK of Stretford Md1ORMAC. WAS ANNUS CURTAIN.. Ml$4 JOa1R RU ANON. nick C. RLACK- RL♦CEOTOMNR and NM 4 rum TR iAVYLA . for- merly of Ottawa FORTY CHILnRRN frier the g.pag♦r «1etwo.Reboot *111 give sew. 410- INIeles sad "YAiRT Vomit1.- d the mast Iloa•Ufsl "deem of the twee - .x111 M twee►tt4 by t•e•�-•t1:� 111. t>.aai.g was u MUM= in was oma tap SSW 1M hall, wed .• het . Do eta w•hei.id, ole le thug was w Wady as • ttmnkym nal. lee .•r H. .." by y esu ewlae tly ... d Bar Malmsey " truly glee t s IN e • remise b saws plebeair so ewe se M. Ille+ lard A. Sassy wisdom red b We e.m IN esrilwlMy think, w. i W Mem 1"'roas•��•es Clem .e�• d .. �, .b... Me Liteswry wed Vag w.1 .r tad. �10 temWeedy .� weN re.ei.eE• Mau$ ease Baa cwt wets+ s m ti d Umbernd-1M ,&,.vela will be yest M was, abe nes mowed w Id. seem Ise kn. h+dywiles • iib will 1• bald t -e- .d themes d die te Scone •Ilial lar iltr- vlaiw• than •• Mese 1 be M • Imo. We - may W. wttab.k ad IM aBti ear b o sei$S to • td Ewes." 'rM pnlmd ..a .nolo veld We tMm boob et . M to I a e•�1y 1M• TM f •h. wasp* d I<. 0, hew 1, km peMaleaens t t.I1ilo re 1 tiles of tbe 11easrei! Is ow MAYOR Rt1T1.55 WILL I'RRRIDR. Ms.retee Deere"N wrests, Mat Mee asset .we •&errs• tee t user. ter p.ittq thea 11•••••• meta as r w- se tis eesse..e ei •..e.e.. rim or Nem .t 71*A9RU a res Ails d the M1�1 .dee d wand el thia Mary io Om* if kom Wheel with se skrepee Wawa 1111111 re NLN. T7W51. t 10 NOTMIMO taut TIK0 YM1/•OrUwDO ler The Geoid Bicycle Be, Ltd. ORAleT/0010, Owe. mew 1 • se Noes MINN? se.oew G. W. THOMSON, AQEN T, GODERICH, ONT. Womb = Adel. 0. (Lemaak No M wlanyag, Meamet st week. wy.S1S 0* Niko • bawd M type dinette i. Met sky. Salsa wed typo. Now as • A Climeniee, M Detrelt. eL loam t. doe .tst.ewe.t thaw "th... see .Mit • hooded allmoomen M H.4 sly dews," idwoms es dos s1000do t.a4 Wordy .Mos Male orrvorbow toss nage warm No sward tine eta I ado it v th• tsar. Om kr opine e flea etb IMM• allose., oldest deep/wet r1 Mr sower amoss, d Regina, se vMit•.g at lar ().k m .. Mimi Harm* la • native d deateet1. Re1Ws : Irsmplrey Hien, lits el IMO. OMB. Mee with e. eteeealin ly paha al mt. noel• aH. had Mo ■p ie loft nal es y senw dews its Ideas MO bat slipped wed plhai.M Mfell : , .Ml+tbe h +ed 41 Mai 4.1 torero t.a .1..a R LA 418 WUK. '111DDY, AND a Here. erywh ED TRI seas (Snare Rr. J..a1.• .r 1■ nus o seen .1 ter .e t. .ata 5. 18AI'R UI .. ec.ntU• the cowl -t 1eu,l4, ail-, er tsar I'• a,.1 rad 11.) rat for Its. .1e. - Nit the 1104* O,ri, 0, be ewe•at I01111. pail taboo oda • Ise, the bre add is the run mai utu het .veu, .nth Muer ret m iUto..atana. o we of des Imo anal one gh the hear grad jury ketol ally lea of duty • jery was q .f s.eo. 1 t is ■.y d .hakl met. reds t►.,e fill the Ir o 1n1, present t. 1Y 1 end road i• a pea or pairs ar Use - jefy • • ani k let to ei.ote-y les is ',roil e - (MI m tU • the slraol Sing info. ea Misted ON oven tseb knee the figure it d or 00 one sit mart deh.p, Sad Carry oat be olfenrli nerdli 1 have leef! ecti•o meg • d thus lbw t:nsPrnmt art normal e su4 ct.ett h oro ver ctel caws titan s and their ill b e a they reel to .b0 •re al (Joni Riled Ste - restJt o net Oil N. It it eek. 1 n t emit be p,tvih hailing the item pima w d es gilt to 1 ht by C. .. Mt 61 dauow. M miss M ipso tat • the del .t iM kp Rent u d eu *It ttaws o lip flat .m.• 4141, TN srd .) idiot 1 ant NI M Oe he am ,Nwee it ash k..ay down wi ..acrd rhes. 11 A howl ,ale n the 1 se IN