HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-9, Page 4M pOr EVERY THURs3DAY MORNIFO !T . likellILL114110111111. Mee et Publication -8 and 16. $eeth-tract. ttadeoi rh, Ooltarta Terms or *.aseriprte.l O•e month, In editions ... S g Three mamba.66 .. arra Ore 'ear. ••1 • 11 credo 1s .seed. eke M grime per Mar 1 r0 idverit.ts. Kates Lags) •11,1011111 mammal advertisements. toe. pole 1, n,• fur first insertion. /and 3 creta per liar for ra.•h aft w,.l+ueat t.eerriva. Meaeared he • nanu.rril softie. Halals.. marl* of nix lien end under. t3 per year. AArorrtsrmcnte of Lost. Round. strayed. S$l1l ia.n•n. Vacant.-rituatione Waned aid eltiane.e Chance. tt'anlevl not ex+w•ed*ng 9 Ila -w oo .parr.l 11 per month. Ilona . on Sale anal Parma on Male. not to exceed a I-ne.r 91 f,.r tiro! smooth. 514. per s,ih s. ,0 o month l.arg•'r adrts. in pranlwllam. lt,y apoca: not.. e, IAA Meryl of whi•rh ,• to pr. on,, .• the pecuniary benefit of ani oiA. Epinal or coIslaey, to be eon.lderrd so art Toru Lament and charged aorordiruily. lineal notice' in ' onperell type one neat Per went no notice. lee. hen 25e 1a,o•IDMlatss in ordinary readlig type two Bents per word. No notice for taw than !k. Notions for churches and other religious and heti*aol nt nrtititlon• Ar1/rate, Veale -trial Contract Nvertt.rmeal.. A li,ni.ed nombrr of displayed advertise men.. .111 he In.rried at the tfellowng rates Per ,ne h. One tnserf ion W p* " four Imrrtl..ru....r1 M .. threeiw„rel he. 20* '• six months 3 d• one year. 5 O. No •deertl,runent two than Uwe Inches In length will he calculated on above hosier per c. -.r. discount allowed for ttamh payments en three mneths'o0 (t*.,•l : 111 par emit..* six mom h,.' and 15 per cent. on a yeses. Theo conditous wilt br orkUy enforced. abe•l "'Tim elgeal" Kell veer. Nnh•.-r;her who fall to emvdve Tits Rios at. rernlerly. either by carrier or b twill. will m coer • hT.r by a' quosntleg m of the hot •t ea esriy • date as po eltele. Leen at Tear team. Von. lahel il. a standing receipt of the date to which ynm are paid up. See that it is not allowwl to ?all Into arrear. H eon n chaster of *.dress is desired, both the old anti the new address ehoohi be given. Rejected manuscript* cannot be retuned. Correspondence mint be written on one side .f paper only. Yeall*ber'a settee, J. C. I.e Tousel, of Ooderieh, has beets ap pointed Loral Travelling Aarot for the town ships of tiodreeb, Colborne, Ashfield and W.- wan"+h. Los al IrwtnIa.cers over the district are Slav emla,.rered to receive subscriptions to Tug Nle% At.. All communications must Ise a4Attea.rd te 1). ItcO I L Ltt't' l i s )Y, Tart Sloes , felepbo.e (LII 30. tlederiek. Oat. BMRRI0U. THURSDAY. MASORA fdA 1140 PSBR TRAM! WWII TEM aVATS& In the course of a speech on •• Mutant Destiny," delivered before the Michigan Club in INerroit, • week ago, Senator Hurutso, of lkkvnre, said " No renewal of tete treaty of 1854 or any treaty can receive a two-thirds vote in the United States Senate. and any reciprocal arr•ng.•,nent resting upon a tariff statute ie Irides te be wiped out by a popular vote at any time inside of two. years." This ought to be plan enough to poll • titans of both parties. Senator Hu;uisa is one of the most influential Republ case sena- tors in the United States. He tells the people to a. many &words that hi. party, which means about half the Senate, wall prevent the passage of any reciprocity treaty with (• owl*, and that even if the- Dontocr•t •• majority by species statutory enactment lower the tariff it will he raised • rain a+ soon ai the Republican return to. power ; end they may control Congress two years better. There is hut one way of getting free entrance to the 'Totted States market that to by PoL,Tir-A1. UoioV What .1.. t• a R -form leaders of Canaria in tend done' 'They cannot, in the face of of Senator atat.meut, pretend that they can get rs.iproelty with the Uoitel Staten. TEM MATO! aNtla N !N PART. The 'star in its last issue adm:t+ that houses 01 prostitution exist in this town, and when the organ of the mayor makes Duch an a.Imienton it t. &hoot lime the mayor e nderto,k to suppress the vice. Previnus to his election mayor Rt•TLCR promised that, d elected, he would do his part to eradicate the evil, and it behooves him to fulfil his pledge in that regard. The Star wimp's that au•tahle Trim has been derelict in ht. duty. lout emkesews to shield mayor HETI7*t .1e a matter of fact the constable is by law, under the orders and control of the mayor, and is governed in his action by the npinio0 of BrT1.ER If the mayor, as the executive heart of the pelta department of thin town, iestreeted Use onestaide 1...upprees the evil. the evil would he speedily .uppresee 1, bat intones the mayor winks at tha inigoi(' the am- enable will eontinu. inactive. A year aro kat Fall the W.C.T. V of this town petitioned the council ea this mettere and emerald. Tees was cited before • onset. esti two ..f tee reused, het se the hamate, el Lb* Hamilton Menlo had left taws„and tae r.n.tatok promised to do latter thee he lied been doing the cherge against him sem withdrawn Since that time the Rasiltnn erne an los retuned. and we are informed by the Ater that prastitetiea le nfe in other eeette.s N the town. Wo.M it not hs well for the R (: T U to again take the .. e h fore the town rosttoil and w H N is net pari- ble to have the bylaws .3 the Mere =forted -twit Host, why sat? The paean of the tows eekd oleo me= Is the .atter. ..d sided e.d sorieted y the yetis' taes sed ye..g moven who Is the reseal religiose revival pledged thaw selves te fen* the demise of a Christi's MI would la • .bort time eampel the swayer..d the es.atable te de their dozy if ether weans tail an e&wt will have to he made to aeon= a pollee .ogimn1 Goderiri, es that the time will est be rem ••• the less* Moss third ear .Klan TAP SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THIIR8DAY, MARCH 9, 1899., ►. ► r - c THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. A otter• imams Ta. *Mart rms. Ake IMO bat prod S. nUs TAlLu3Urr. . - Fab said Memo dNv in dee& vireo et th. Chimes Neem west at. Toe e.s bane* .e611t ebetosea4trr.ly • good rile and et K B ttedo w Maar. TM o•adieate who .hake. sae= le set mee- eworilr In teach with the Maeda, sat the man who wits his customers every use litres la lioner,eb, the mower P. J. PrMham Gott be is the people's clothier. A told reeled nuts s powers of retort tear. wall w. rear+ 1 tioder aa .3.otr,0 uttht. and Foie Renal thinker,. le thr.ea:tla. know tar cite •+,ilk turned awl st the art etudlu of H It tial owe is renal to the beet a the Premium. Giorgi. Talents \ett Mcirri Nu. James Wilson B. A., of Knox College, Toronto. will &d,lr.-u the Temperance meting is the Tcmperauoe Hall, Suuday attersous at 4:15 Mu**... Perim. --The ruatls ere very ee c •italn,an.l many papers w hi.•h are started to suh.cnh•rs never reach them. If you noes a number don't oeus.n the publisher, and don't remnant silent, but report the lose to hum and another will be ,nailed. Person. who do without the papers they bare pail for, and complain of the puW.aber, do tujss tier to all ,•oncerne.l. Tile HAM) WORKED Omura, PANTOS. -- A Muskoka pas. or has declined an ad Jaron of one hundred dollars • year to bis salary on the ground that the hardest part of bis labors heretofore has been the col- leiOIOn of his salary, and it would kill him sit undertake the collet:non of one hundred Toilers more. We are aware that this story h.a been told before but history re peat., aril'. Os.o Rt1.*An.t Ruti G. T. R. Kest, Weer, North anti Soutb,Railw•y and Steam- ship ticket.. Jverywhere hag elist.uoes and short, Local and foreign choice of nates et lowest fares. for tickets to Mani tob•, Dakota etc. etc., .all o0 or wri.. H. Armstrong, town ticket agent G. T. R. I:.elench, Out., ti.rketa, telegrams and ex. presses t,, all parts of the world. Agent 4ILn, Dotuinion. Archer, Canard, Atlanta steamers and Cared* Enterer. Co. .4 He vivre SOr1ETY l'ISol•O.itD. A meet - tog was held Friday afternoon last in Bbe Rank of Commerce t0 make .rraogem.*ts f or the establishing of a Humane Society 111 (:..clench, to 1•e affiliated with the Tor - •.oto Humane Society. R. S. Williams „c.upal the ctair, soul after the prenmiu- •rtes had been deeewed it was decided to adj-,urn the meeting until Monday after. Donn March 15, when the arrangements would be completed. MA.ONa7.-W,nithanl Times Right Ex- cellent Grand Superintendent Humber, of Owl/rich, paid Lebanon Chapter, Royal Ara Memory. Wingbam, an official visit o. Wednesday eremng last. The third de• gree was exemplified toy Exoellent Com - mender \tllli•ms, 1st Principe! and officers The Right Excellent l.rasd Superintendent • eprx•seed himself as well pleased e ith the workings of the Chapter, and waeentertain- eal to • light spread by the Companions at .ha close of the sleeting. EITENSIVE At tato% Suet. The ode of household furniture of Mrs. Wm. McLean premieres to be oue of the largest and meet attractive of the season. The tuventory r ane that coven almost every conceivable it ticle for uee or ornament, and, as the sale i, without reserve, bargain. u0 bre looked 11r in every line. The *al. opens on 1Ye10es lay, March 15, et 1 o'clock, and will coo• *mu.. until the weeds are disposes of. John Kn..x. he well kuown and ppular auction- eer, wail wield the hammer on the occurs. IT It Vast, Ustrri. The Epwnr.h Leeway of Christian Emleavor m camectior .irh North et Meth.,dtst church hare is sued from this office a neat little u page roller containing the weekly topim of the •u"jecta to he lakeu up at their Friday vexing :nr•tinMI during the next Eve °.urns, *lie names of thrum who take up e o•h t.,p e. he pledgee of the active end •s - +n••1 Vr manila-rs of the I."ague, *Iso the hat of oth.e-s of the dicel breach. On the first ,.+;p.• ro printed an tevitauon for all who on spend a protitabk evening at their meet ter*. THAT 14 S0. I remember one time when i was a boy," writes a well known merchant, " 1 had to at art • fire. Tbere tees plenty of kindling, but I wanted to be economical of it since I cut it myself. So I took a .null lot a kindling and started my tire ; it went out. Theo I took another unaU lot, and toy fire went out again. And .o on, until pretty anon 1 had ao kindling left, end nu fire burning either. Now if I hail used a big lot of kinlliwg ha the first place. 1 would have had my lire ail right, and some kindite§ left. It's the same way with advertising. Rr,Awa7.--O. Friday lett • Boit drives by H. Dicker. ?woke away from him *hes he sem getting into the cutter. The colt after running .road the square bolted down West-st, and when near the Pat Office wee caught by N. McGuire. Mr McGuire knowing whose bores it was pre - cooled to take it to its ower. Making • .sat of the broken shaft he redo around the again to Kingsto.tt , when in front of the Allem Rotel $ youngster got oe the shaft and shoving it, Mr. McGuire fell backward einem the Mise got frighte.t at this and tuning the Bruer of * Kmetos-et, threw his off hurting Isis thigh badly. A GOOD SAL► The New York San of March 2. publishes a re& estate transfer in whish • former resident .,f Herren fieur-. h • moot gratifying planner. Mr. Walsh was • successful builder and contractor in thio maty and moved to the larger items" sphere of New York where he has woe for Memel( a position amongst the leading usechari al destgtrere and builders of that city least Fall he purchased a vacant lot in New York and erected as 'parttime,' Imam which he tempt/owl last October, which he has just sold for 471,000. at heirs ewe of the hest homes ni its keel u. the ray TN. Stn. Al. a pleased to leers of the w eer.s that h.. attended Mr. Wale ie the land of hs aduptso.. Teems INTO Corroaom.--A very in - he eetiwg event sem witnessed by • large asmmbly in Kut.x Char= Net Friel.y 1114- 3.g. whim alter diet= service by Re.. W. M. Hamra, R 1)., of Etetar, many sad Moe permeate were admitted into fall ts.wthrohtp In the uhareb, leu profemea of them faith, sew) ratan 011 0ertile.how f-vna other ehmrrh.. The paster Rev. J. A. Awdersea R A., W the majtrity .f there malls sprrn•I Mslrmoiw far awes weeks in lila eeahe.nwin.a3 dim, widel. he mimed early last January, when the ...agedimt. Ctemlar sod Renter Haft the tows. This elms hes ►.w 4 ImsaMLNe peed te the young ee marts, se well •• ••••16. e smhees et OM dstell, amity .f wham nplaety 1W medal Wawlw. -J. el.h.op Myth 1t say M ear readers era Nles ta y the tpvaltltg l.kirs. it Is mat Messes we hove set time and •g= warmed them =MUM IL At the pretest time Uteri is • phi.sit & e amp. or =chap. • deem of them, gang through the country with • sew racket. but worked 1111 the old elite game principle. He stab.* • contract with each fermv for hes wheat, *greeter to pay 41 a barbel ,delivered at i1s nearest stat.* wbewree he desire. it. 1. .order to final the omtract he pays a little dew• and agrees to pay the remainder when the *boat is delivered. He .sly ap- proach.. those who have serge y.autsttes. He gets the contracts sad *111 hotel them, neter canting fur the wheat, hut will worry Ib. faster tato giving him a nice little Nm t0 " release the oestraa't.'. How Kteceaotwt loos., AT IT. Kt.* dine Beef.. IG,dench is • very pretty place we .butt not The fact that it is • "cireal•r town " seems to commute it. advantage. A young man from that tont. awe dwelling oil ita beauties when he struck off to the one nearest the beart a •11 young (:,eieriehitos. "ieelerich les a greet place for a fellow who is girtiere" he said " All he has to do is to walk around the 'Queer and them walk the other way. If .he le on the.q,tere he's tars to find her. The editor caped his attention to the f•.t that cot being a Freem..rri it was tmpos- poaihle for a lady to to on the .year*." He then explained that what be meant t., ssy Iraq thtt if she were around h,'d see ter oa the agars. He was gettr.g a little m1se,t up but he continued to dilate oil (iudench s "advantages ' Tec lluustrs 11sii.i.. Oar agricultural reader, will scarcely need U. have their at- ient:on catlu,l to the advertisement of the Steel Homier S.c.l 1)r,ll uo this issue of Tire Si,.' et. as the announce• neat of an article post•..a_mg .uch LM1u.etlonal.le merit u this popular instrument will, weir sit doubt, receive due attet;tmn from our progrmaise and energetic farming community. The Noxer. Bros Mfg. Cu aro au old eenial/ah•.1 and familiar brei fo thousands of Canadian farmers, their business alatieg from 1866, and the energy and enterprise *hewn by them in the manulactnn• an.i making known the merua.f their productions to the term- er, stamps them as an active anti progr.. sive firm., and we have no doubt they are fully prepared to make good all the claims made in their advertisement a to the excel lance of their Steel Ho, Bier Drill. Orr HAND Rir•i.t $NarT. -The l.odench IND Hand Rifle (lub had their seventh Uro phy shoot on Friday the 3rd inst., with the following scores, vis : len yards. 0 0 17sa a yrd.. r !• . t Pennrgtue 16 9 9 9 1 43 6 5 0 6 1-13-56 LH.Watson 76165 ri311N.6-IS-al H D. A rnold L. 10 910 9 -et 0 1 0 0 0- e0 - 48 Wm. Peahens '103 s0 3313670-16-61 If.J T Nafuel 9 10 6 9 5-4110 2 0 710 fe -71 I Lcxa 0 • •• llld. Campaign. 6 4 4 4 7- 3t0 0 0 1 3-3 -1; W. It Logan 81u 8 1 5 -32,0 0 3 6 1-9 -41 J. Pett 3 1 b 10 3-2311 0 0 0- 1 -17 The next and last *hoot for the tropic•, will be held o11 the 17th inet., when we will expect the full club to be ea the grounds. 1r 14 Tile SAtrs IN GODa•ICII.---Wing- hatn oorre pon d..t of the New Kra : -The New Era man has been in pease.:.n of certain facts for the past few weeks re- garding the character of a woman who W voce coming to town, blighted eoorm of homes. and caused the loving mother to sigh for the way ward sen, who had been ee *toed into her tni.puitons den. We have re. frisked from slowing up this iniquitous wow.•., owing to lack of evidence, and not caring to pollute the columns of the New F, • with the character of each a creature, we have been &eked by • numb.( of t:h. intim workers, who ham been petting f rt h en extra effort to rid the town of this lip.tiws woman, to publish the facia of the our. It is mid this house of ill repute is frequented by all classes, and the reason that this cast•i.Q concert hall singer has been unmol •*tel during the put six ouooth, is that she has entrapped into her coils some of the moat prominent men in the town A twee e year•ohl daughter of this. woman, who has hem under the watchful eyes of Chrieuan people for some time beck, mai. • co.fessmu such as to cause the vilest of the vile to shudder, which ee will 00111. .t great wronv has been done by them vested with power, in allowing this nam runner to breath to atmosphere that is pure and good. We hope to hear of her ejection .r arrest, now that evidence can be had. which would give peace and quietness to the neig1bon in the -rickety of this north end den. Se. Payatet'* I)as 1'0.0•[.7 St Pat - riok'. Day *111 be celebrated in .. ranch, Friday, March the 170s inst., by a ooneert in the evening in the Opera How. An excellent pr.rram hes been provided for the 000asioe. The committee of manage- ment Mate bees fortunate is securing the services of This O'Hagan, M. A. Pb. U., Pri•cipel of Waterdown High Sdo.L le Canadian literature he bolds a promise= place. Hr poems have lose praised by Whittier and Hattori, Priecipal Grant ef Queen's University and Prof. Charles O. S. Roberts of Kings College, Nova Soot,.. To el0cetl0n he has devoted much tams sad • hereon. He is from the Closbisque and Phil•.Islphr schools of elocution and le ors - sidereal me of the beet readers in the Prey. melt. The follow..g are • taw el the prem comments. "Mr. O' Have is an acoom pl rah - ed elocutionist aid during hie lecture gave • very heentifel and original i.terpretatine d Longfellow's Kxeeb..w."-Toronto (Gk.ba •• During Mr. O'Ha9an'e recital of !Lady'. Sinal the audience Mouthed till the tears ran down their cheek.,"--Stmforth Exporter. '•Mr. t)•Hag.n wee the eloeuuomist of the evening, and it is w16ct.nt to my teat be well sustained hie reputation of hieing come of the nota aeesmplrbe.l slne.taeataa is the Preview.' Termite Materd■y Night. Mr. O'Hyan will sing at the connect and give manta of his favorite reeitati4aa A pleating feature el the eve.i54. pro -rem will be the appears's* ea the stage of forty children fro* the 1ep.rse Retool who win give masa. dieJegee. sad reeitatboe. The eta. suet will also he asd0.d by the Mlbwi.g talent : Mir Teats Kidd. of Sinew City, lows, Mee. James O Imam, of stratfeM, Mrs McCormae, Nies Anne* Curtis, Mir J,wie Ska.aae, Mn Machetes*, Mir Flan Trainee, Prof Machete= sad Mir Moylan, reeeatly o/ Ottawa (sty. Tw.ntyriglit cy0seg girt * i. 0n$l*e from the llaparate Orli will marled* the eoauart w*1. a.. of the novo "-'.I mimeos .t the imolai. " Paley Volum." Mayer Betlsr, .helr.ta A•Imrreit, .Gari 60 eta, aide setts awd gallery, ata, Nate .aderaeet\ the the gallery, eta Dome epee M 7 T. K. Osman semreeee at l 1. .. Tia pah35. are .Y.rd.ally ia*MM. Pr..1 hos M twit Porter's. LOOM. MavlTlcs. The Spring haloes will opss w .temillte Mar eb. 1i. ks t r. Jaron. .R .w Why bay year sewing medial» from taemtger=.t k.kab.s prtew, whom yet est fat tie bat m eisfect.red from O. W. i hamar. for IS& 00. Ides. W. t. iseM seem ter ROI -tai•. p.s.ttes. sewing .eshMes. biOy.3.. vidie, air rod ...**I srt.r- eha.dis.. 411 of the hest, c 111 .t ruck bub tom prier. Now is the tim, to perchers. C. A. Seeger has recently hem ap- pointed to the temporary charge of the par- ish church at (Terra.11r, near Toronto. He r at the rime time atteoaling Trinity the. verity and taking the regular gredu•tiets icer.. i0 Arts. Miss Alkeu, of St. Mary's Ise taw.et se- veral by the trualee Laard ill the C•dletttate Institute to sup.. rtutnnl the comma.- renal .3.• - parley -ea. Mir Adieu ennui well ref •m uu•nde,l, anti gores every 51i.lerid of being • auov.,afal teacher. f 6r days are growing longer, and they will lengthen eometht.s mire then • minute per day until *h•• eu 1 of the m•u,th, trust Is: ening (retreth-n un' the latter pert ui June. On March 19-h, day Gid uight will be of the rime length. The hoard .4 V it toria .t church, (ioderich have given • unanimous invitatmu to Rev. Ur Irvine, now of Idamsa11, to hoc ane their pastor. Should he he sent there the I lode rich people will end him en excellent easter and preacher -Fleeter TirnM 1 he Rev. J. H. Simpe,n, of Hruo.eeld, will deliver • lecture on '• Won.an's It. fluency ' in the basement of Knox church 0 Tue..day, March 21st, ander the•napioes of the Weomen'. Foreign Missionary Sweaty. Musical and literary program. Triter 10 mot.. Mitchell Advocate . Jan.ee 'runlet, *be was ,ane of the e.rlisetsettlers of the neieh- harh.rrd, moved to /Greler,eh this week, where he pur-ba•r•d a "man property He was a .oet. peaceable moisten, and oar -rims with him the beat Lwr►a .f his many tegaasnI.Oo1. .lames Wilson, H. A., student of Kane College Toronto, will preach in Knox Church next Lord'. Day *nmol and ere- mite, and present to the congregation the claims el the Students' Missionary Society A eeitection will be taken at both services on behalf of that a..nciatoo. It has been proved to the satisfaction of hundred, that teeth ram be extracted by the painless proems, wing anti serve path Don't be deceived by hoeing the cocaine treatment. The es* is harmless whilst the other in very danger*.. If you west the right treat isat y40 can have it et .tv dental rooms, Grand ()pen Hoses block, R. Richardson PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 1(nbt. Downs, of Clinton, spot S.aday in 10*.. Mir Maggie Cook, of (;oderich, is viltit- iog 10 Clisto.. R. S. Hays. barrister, of Sodortk, was in town oD Monday. Mies Julia Peart, of I.mckew, is vimitisg friends in Goderioh. Mies Minnie Couch, of Clinic., ie the goat of 11r. Minute Pridham. Misr McKinney from Oderiah is visiting at James McKiney's, in Berate. Wingham Advance • Mr. B. Sults, of G.olericb, was viatiag friends i. town. (trey : Mia 1. L Hillier, of Cod.rieh, spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Cott. Mr& Stirling from tioderich is vtsitieg her brother, Named Colwell, sad other relations i. Bereia Exeter Times. Wm Hawdea sin l:ods rich this week duping of his bush farm in that eetgbborbood, by amities JOVE Thomann left this week for (Guelph, where he tete&* le•r,nog plan tuning u, the works of the Hell Piano Co. Jim. will be much missed in the musmal cirele. here Mrs. W R Moller and her daughter, Mu. Nelly May, the guests of Mrs. Wm. Lir, returned Io rhe,; home In Wins ipeg, Sat ur day last. Their may friends wish them a safe return. Sanitary Rees.,.. memorsd. To the kditor of THE biuret, Sts, --As there s a strata( probability that the choler.. epidemic will reach tins onetinent next Summer, 1 am glad to see that oar Local Boars of Health is 01(5037. ieg and it is to be hoped that t►. Retard wall take rigorous means to put ear town is • thoroughly clan and sanitary condition. Spring is at hued and action should be taken speedily. Pure air and pure water are prim. re- gslrementa We have • plentiful supply of pun water if the people will only nee testae 1 thing the •eggeetton should be carried one that all wells on ehe liner of the water should b. Mooed .p. In the interest of the general health of Ow town the water from the maim should be mead wherever it is available. The well water in oar town is very impure. Many primes think that 0 at is clear, colorise sad tasteless it must be pare, bat that r not .o. Theo, tissue is the matter of pare air. How can we have pare air when there are hundreds .0 open oos.poole and pita, miry of them in • most nonose onedition. in ernes ioo•liu.s the air on many • .ei11. close sad hot night last semm.r was ohm= •eh arahle fro., this ora.. Than pit. .bold be red and new sad dap imps mode and ryslerly disinfected, or better still.. e mere s•ritary system devised if ithe pr. .1tewbletodoso If primer eh.arte are takes oar tows can be math one of the meet hsaetifsl on 1Li. Matinee( and the Loud Berard ref Health is invested by law with ample power t0 take them mesas Prompt actin. is nesded,and 1 would nog east the.ppn• tmlemt of • Modiral Health OMe.r tlarl an inspector, both active, M0- rnagk-gmiag and inrl.pesrl.nt amen, whet will .es that the town is pot in • thoroughly .Mme stat., and who will art eithemt lea Of favor. Tome toil C. Masora. Odh eei., Mord Its, 1801. tem UI..M Care Ilaw Toesa.e3e. Toothache, the meet norma is anti lege of the meat painful edict item is instantly oval by the application of Poker's Nen vibe*. Pelao.•. Nervihe ie a eemhi.atioe of pnw.rfel aes4ysee. and ft.trlk.e at sem te Ula nerves, .mothieg them efbi aferetiag la era mambo total rebel free e Mott.. try it ler year d's ilike.teeth- mho.oth- ..h. lfervlI .e le eoW is 10 std III alt baht. by all dnlrbta Carey j rJda Drew. bad • valuable renal lime laitessol the alba, day in a peaMsher maw. The .shat, twat beset le the ytttrd .ad rp• ewer • •m width 4.w s sad e I shwas of ate the Mia.b bead rM».4. TM stent elms* dm. II b scoots Am oPeIsotSCA i..-1 Tits C.w •atAll MAw.ws -Mae IiMO jest roee booed the 4.1 .amber (Mandl) el ' • ave' sod eatiee.l money, tip E.ted tompo Hien mimeo, art Gad literature, anas • '13* d know.. (1a.di.. M .., It to to he psblWted m..tkly by tae Os- t•rio Publishing Co., IAA., • etrv.g own - may, l'the firsIt ireetewe d which ars Hue J. C. Patterson, Minister of Mlliti• ; Ho.. Themes Ballaltywe, Speaker of the 0.tari. Legislature ; Then Mulvey, Barrister ; J... • foregos. M. U ; Barrett F. Frauklaod T. H Rest ; J. lirrd.0 Mowst ; L. Bentley, Y.A. ; and K. Sesame, C. It • while the. . took het includes the names also ol W R Meredith, Q C„ NI. P. P. • Irk. Wylie, M. P. P. ; Attorney (Goober& Le•gley and otter sell kens. Isom Mr. J. Gorda. Mowat ()Ioa,. Oases) is the editor. The list of oil. tribute(' t.c1..4.. many of the moat pre uotreit area in l'enadian public ledge ameagst thews Hoe. W,Itrud Limner, R B. %Vito*, M P , A. McNeill, M P., Hua David 11.11. a.d ether uateem ee, and a large .umhor oho of elite end graeef.l writers oil a vara -,y 01 popular topics The current tree oontaisa a µo .1 variety 1 articles. UAlt..'. art{'arthy, Q 1'., M. P., aerie with „ The Maunota Public ..ehooi Lew," and Principal (trent with "Asti. Netinnel Freiurr. of the Netionel 3',•hoy." Rev. W s Blackstock in • well wnttrs art fids, "The Smuttier the Diseot,t.r. of America," attack. Columbus and pretest. much that sa new tat t ase.reaid.re wegartium eels ('adambtan discoveries sad ..N1.meet on this mousiest. Prof tI m. (:Lark, of Trinity College). writes thoughtfully e1 •• Cosd.ct and Manner." " to the Shadow .4 the Arctic " lea the title of .n iilu.trsted article on Hefe ee Hay, by W. W. Fox ••Som** Mewietss.s of the Stege " are chattily diem .«d by Hector W. Charles earth. J. H. Comer= t. • obar.tiag, well- .leel rated art ick describes the Latin Quarter of Paris, • a.d Cook Then as in 'rhe Rsreoetat.•ro'humorously uompar.a city sled country 1 fe i. their adaptation* 10 I.e pie with " lade " " Sir Lancelot," a brilliant addition to the Arthsnen Legr•ads ly N- W. Campbell, "The Heeds' Lullaby. ' a very pretty .Mort poem by K Pauline Johnston, •rel an " imitation of Hence," by S. P. Morse, comprise the poetic con- tributions Two stone., " 44'hicm L it!" • character .tuey, by !L J. Taker, earl "An llp..t Window," a thrtllimg Comelier' story by W.. T. Janie., make .p the literary eo.Nmts. The illosttetie.as are good. The m.gasine should meet with the cordial amp. •'sit of every i,ltelltgcit Ca.ada.. Th. .uhscription sv f2 50 per annum. Pato betters ; Thelhstarto Publishing Co. led., Manning Anode, Taranto. Ave Klee-m.LayiT sena,,. - A number of rel .ens &re contused In the latest teems of The Lake Mations., the brit tw.113y ewer Iwbli.ltd an Canada " Tr-eel.ti',- " by H. M. Stromb.rg, is the line article, • thoughtful. besatihlly imams.1.dy, that mum( feel to b. plesuag •.d b.a.id.l 'u rang sod brilliant is the sneer on " Ole Muslim of the Saxes is ldodation to Woo - liaise," by Mrs. Elisabeth Jolliest= d Pie - ma Refutation of tha.rgulments weaM be In(IIoa1R " Th. Development el the Theory of Keergy," by J M. Clark; M.A. , LLB re • clever contribution to uaiuetilc titers - rare "Tat Franchise Q...ti.m," from • w.m.an's standpoint, by Edith J. Archibald, Proudest Martine N C.T.U., treat. with. vigor and clearstory the adr..osd .Ude of woman's mirage. "The 1.rertm,' is a beautiful .ketch, stron¢ly tes•gin$tiee, bet Helm A Hoke Joe r t'larkecomtnbetes • cleverly antraa and novel " Iefehey of (;Gia, who Sieg hue Brother." A variety of other .alter, well ..iected. otomp1te wee of the beet .uwshars yet Teemed. Tits Meraoot.r MAn Ax1N1 roe 11 Melt, 1893. A leading article in this member de- .cnbes the reins w. ideas of the R<731p4t3.., which reveal in the " Book d the brad ami "Judgment of awls " • remarkable foregleam "f the do•tnue of the resurrect - ,os au1 immortality, with which Mo.es must have been fanoher. An illuetrate.l aca.unt is are given of the renurk•Lle expedition of Lent and Mrs. Peary to Northern Gr..al.ed. " From slave Roy to Bi•ho.p," by M. H. L (Matt, describes with portrait and other .smraviugs the re- markable career of the late Riehop Crooner, of African tease. Rev. Dr. Dewar, oo.,rile sit •s as impnrtaat art i le on " The F...r t'col arlee of Steam Het ween the Old and New Teet*,estn" A vigorous article from the pen of Miss Francis Willard describes recent preens, ie Temperance Reform. A I.3* sketch of " McCrea the Ri.M,pp of 3*.w.n 13*.).," " F.agl•twl is Egypt,' " R.r1y notnonSymhllrm," • re. mew of 1)r. Sista " Se. Bernard Of Clot x," two =pits; aerial .torics, and other readable papaw, make up an .xeell.nt number. AMERICANS ON C U Tie Mple aeons Mr Mae are TevemiMe se e-npeerh M '0 -.were r Ramp, *ell, of Ne. It cannot be expected them one maimed is the brainy amid untrammelled ways of the "•stamp" should emulate the lefty lights of that polished platform eleewoo• which h as down .n tltrao.fnlly from your orators to n ight. My only claim to be head by the See of the Smith ie that I •m • greeds= of old Virginia-tite brightest jewel of the Battlers crows. If you cab how i oavtain that relationship, 1 reply that 1 tea • tau of Obio and Oltio is the Brut sod loveliest el the freeborn d•.g;ltters ed Virginia While 1 love the flat of my mother erste emh1x.ned with the aunharet soil gemmed sheaf, 1 •loo bee the Reg of her mother State, adorned with • stu .iy water tread - ug • prostrate flea ; yet far Ghee* bete, 40 11... that ether cud greater lea, 11301 ,t. forty-four el.neewlseam ..h as =maths] as the other, ..d se aurally filed . its plate. For whether it floats to the Northers bus a•rd or 'wave to the Aeuheru seplevr, it is Mir Weak Children will derive strength and acquire robust health Fry. par.. Krieg wee ofMereef Food Medicine SCO(S EMULSION • NASAL BALM n Hs OLlawlslls, lf/ Ns' • ' E v 6(iiittc chda.f *MA Pr rMMfCom Pak" f SEWsasoliell beeess tles amseeable& with eity of Shoo es C°10 head Y.Modred symptom. yes have time * Mode wti 1 alfa IN (i .etressiptpB=1 =dem peke q AMA seats mil Oil b•mmaasslw3 q\ G 4.. Af1e.Mii1lss.L 'VC CATARRH x OldChrun (CUT PLUG.) OLD CIIUPI (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. 011srt Coif rawer? .r. reer- Mawr. a. C.' -'- MONTREAL. Co ling. 10& } R Plage lilt: is -THE--- RECOGNISED STANQARD BRARDM %llungo, Kicker, Cable. Universal's acknowledged to be superior in every res- pect to any other }wands in the market. Always reli- able, as has been runt dem- onstrated by the millions that are sold annually and the increasing demand for them, notwithstanding an increased competition of .t- er One Hundred an) Twen- ty-five Factories This fact speaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturer& S. DA VIS & SONS MONTREAL. Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada. 74-3.1 sew and hoover the /.g of "Ow Naha Pend." That the good and wise should prime ti* ooatlese Musings of our Dative Ise* is Wi- ther animal nor eurpvteie, for what ems to groat and happy • people b. limed? Yet we wets net always se great. When aur fathers et-ock Ise freedom they feeeded • menpanUvely restricted empire. it wee left for • Virgin= PrrsuI.nt to memoirs the mouth of the lifrestastmi sea the gnat Northwest stretching eowtimial17 to the Perak. Umber another Virginian we acquired the R..rgl.4.., ted reached sow he aid to tit (Gulf. Under • Twreessan, sad Icy l.eeri- eom water, WS saptm•ed the " Loo. Si., " Gad the " (Jdde• (Gate " Tetley 4ssliay works es oars the Wanda of the Paella TO..rrew 11 ..7 be the pea of 1 he Antilles. Three dusky *aide,s may sea he lollnwei hy the enemly white sister to the worth dI me; while is God's grand tt.eoar Dative bed shall °noarise North Amerisa from Ritkah Panama, and oar lag .ban Gast .d. T. Mr .xtoodhsg resew we MOM, the op tumid sod Ilberty.levl.a of an the earth p yet win we allelu& the serpent from this me parodies, whether he Kama ia the auks of *rarity, grin....' disease 140LME BVILLL Ilam ear ewe senesoemds.t Tbe llehmovill. Royal T.taplkw WA • hemmed visit t. the 444.U4 Mori v avowing bet. mid elmest e very sae enjoyed hom,dl to M. bear.% essiteaL We regret is fears, hemmer. Mot ease el the IMO doses home se M.bp lsuper the rt paay el wee do bee dame Mee 1.14 .p. The la the mors re pMt.Me se M m. nu. *rroeo to IIs bid or M the Lewes el the year, sad N *331 bei bit the roman et tM am ble -a • - -tssaw