HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-9, Page 3TO 11141111111 Q tr, Qd,bOst eattftM Ura raa- or:34.m err as effew l.ustlm LPO alr- LI Mtis L R*MPLa• aaPOOrs emir♦ 7o ovum monraftsma. e rob ries a 6t••deed. C>..01Iy, Abe other day, the 8..d.rd that Mr.C• W. Rebuts(, tin. .ae .t skier sod users rerp.ted eiders .i as W h... rest..ed te health d- ears of eulleri•gsis a ees..•r herder* herder e teirolo.a Th. edetee M IW paper hearer. Mr. Heiler.a for yews, sad he raker to leear from Met the store of rs wo.derf.d recovery. He had 001 tree r. Helloess for some wreathe, bet met with eery warm welcome wham he told the w- orn which he had come. Mr./idler' $ eve the career of SSt. Pa•1 and Comet nod he is well h.owa to all oar old rsideste as • oiita•s of the highest totali- ty, having lived in this city moos 1836 "I have had rheumatism," said Mr. Arms '• more or lam for the pees ..wsuy ears, which often got w painful that 1 Id sot get .bout at all 1 had been W the doctors hero ami to .ow. to Tomato 4 .e61o, but I multi get iso rebel wort h tog abwrut. Five ys% 5 ago 1 worst to (Nagel rad took • vapor bath. and felt so aoh relived that I Wok two more. The however, was e.ly temporary, and mar ami • half years alto the lameness and las came on drain and so oompletely used me up that 1 could hardly do aeythi•g. 1 ord to a number of doctors fee treate.eet and two of them treated me, but without rebel Idly age they said was against ma ; that If t war.• • younger mut there might he sow.i hope for me. 1 was 86 heat October. i thea discontinued the doctors' tr.wurie.t •sd .bout. year ago got a pox of Dr. Wit blame' lhuk Pah for Pale People .cad ..rd Ahem without (reline any bowdt and quit. This .print 1 seed another box without any effect wad aged stopped You w I expect- ed too much sod mewed to throb that a box of Pink (pilo ought to do what years of doc- toring did not do. le Joly i road abos' the rase of %Ir. Vendor, of Oakville, who had it.e.l, I think, eighteen hote.. Whes 1 read that he wee w idly oared that Io- wa' able to wok again and even play ham bell. 1 took oo.rape and saw that I had not before riven the pills • fair trial I them got (calf • drm n home mid was os the fifth before 1 felt any beneficial effects. i haat rte dew. .n low rad my appetite had left imes I mow beer to feel ray appetite re- titr.i.g and me keens cod rides hears to pia Mre.geb_ From that eat I contrasted be improve until the time of the musty fair. wiles I weut down then in onmpany with others and west the remade beurg the stock and other exbiefta. 1 tried to keep up with them end walked es nisch _hat day that I felt mese bed effect, afterwards. Rot 1 .ow knew when to Ieet fee relief and coo timed mum 1». Williams' Pink fills. mot ever ti . e have felt a steely improve1Dost. My legs have gored strength wonderfully, mid iia doctors tell ase that if 1 wee • younger man 1 would be still more benefit ted. My general health has also improved very mesh. About six weeks ago 1 was in Toe.mto and walked fully five miles that day, soar bog I'told not have dere fetor. la fact i feel en •mach better that i have taken . two year old md.teng Dolt to break in." At this port Mrs Rename, the life partner of the venerable gent lemao. who bad some into the room while Mr. Hrllema wee relating hi• story, mud that a friend, when he heard that Mr. Helens had taken a colt to break, mid he wee going to roman(( .(.sr P Pi11. too. Thee the lady noting the Star.4srl sten writing at the table asked Mr. Hellcats i1 all this was to be pub- lished. •• Yes, ' sad Mr. Hollows, " if there are any other poor creatures who an suffering as I have doss I would be glad to bale therm ks.ow the great good lir. Williams' Pink Pills have dons me, and 1•e heo.6tted in the same way. 1 amlar' ten have my experwnce pohdi.hevi for the h.n..fit it may do 4o others. and I a•went too strongly re en.w,n•sd these resat pills," le reply to an engaery Mr. He-Ileete said he had taken three half doses holm .isee he began to take then regularly and was now wing the North hall amen The Standard reporter called upon Mr. A. J. Greenwood, the east end druggist, whom clan u esty • few doors from the meadows* of Mr. frllette, to esquire how the este of th. Williams' Pink Pills stood in reg,.rvi to other proprietary roolie•imee, ! and isad•ntally to sequin what he thought of their effect in Mr. Helloes'. oil.. " Pink Piste few Polo People have • great sale," .aid Mr (hresewood, " rad 1 •m e.rtistutlly asked f.w them. With regard to Mr. Hel- len's c se I knew that fee years be had suffered from rbe.mrtiae and other damages and that As was thoroughly rem dews. He now 'peaks very highly of Pi.k Pills though at Ant he did not thitsk they were doing him any Brod, bat that ray he s- e•setid for by the held the disease had es his systems. He sew fees like • yeses w ise mal is abs to aimed the various mi. male, hnewa, see Alter he had takes .hest is deem boxer ha Game into the Mere one day sod started to doses eresd like • •.brad boy. What's the mater." 1 ex- Mahoerl, perfectly n.twie:rud, rem with happiness ri.Ri.g is every tree .f his v+krw, As called oat, 0, I'm num .s•i. ; re real yain. " Re ascribed as the rea- son roc this that Dr. Willieme' Pith Palls heel performed the mbs.M He has he- leretly told tee that he bad tried demur without somber, besides ether peter st.41. sire het withal* say avail. My miss of Dr. Williams' Pink PSn, w eseetasty in - red all setae that tier .testle.t Betts pals ere h y..d prelim There arm savvy people is this *Wrist who haew sewer Is be Ib•wkfnl they tried Fisk PGL TUM rwp"rw riled epos Mr. W. W Oreewweod reed Mr. Havey Seetheett, the wail khen druggists, seed both opsin highly of Tisk PHA, saying that they are the .wort reveler remade Is the Mona. and that Ursa rime them re bud is their praises of the reoslte. 1k. Williams' Mak PUle are • retest bleed %wilder ..d revs roster.., Grim sash 4 asses es tbe.esst font, neuralgia, pmwtdaI prrsly.ia, l..edel.r sM.iet At vire' iw nervous ernes preesre- the sod the owed Ream therefrom, the •t- el elks. ed 1. grippe, Ammer deresdhg es homer Is dee '1...d mesh se sew•elNg. Owns* enelpeism,Ma Pick Pam glee • beide, glom so pale sod sell.+ ewnpNmUwq woad ere • ..ppe.�r(& ler else t eriliee (sons(. M the *.nerals "Mew sore d Ile *he seof wire I they air s wild is* 1a aM caw Are .e rem, ~wee& or ammoots .i ',WI meter Thr Fills w earellesturell lie . .tOat wod B1 d.. E Tl 11441NAL: GODII JOH. OZPP:. 41f k1F, MARCH f. AIM. f(t *bit esar f• maidDe. by Hell PONere nes .old is er y the dear .r beetle 4, sad say wheelers seltMMs/M L this hetet M *Timm te defraud you std mirk! be avoided. The petite are else aMlMsd easier all (Aber e►w1Md bird beSiere and serve tries, se matter whet rime stay be gives Ahem They an alb lativallmr where aauk..e wish le • pe miery airily, othe essdrr/el n ruttiest iosoldered Dr. William's' Pis► Ash yeur Ptak Ms NIP People ler Ile. W illta r' .md .ores all (uit.t tillia a sehr.s.Mee. Dr. Williams' Plek Pills say be had of all ;imagist' er direct by .sail from Dr. Welham( Mohair Company from either address The price at which them Pills are gold make s (canoe of tnataleal com- paratively lasxpis.ire as o(mpa ed with other remedies ar medical tr••tsseut. REFINED TORTURE MM rhe Mess Whets els he Dews hr ..e Mss ao meal. AAtogett he reins -yank, keel, pall sod No ter ; dews he goes, broadside, with a mart .f fear sa4 • groat of psis The toy •spbslt, woes it .tarts in to be slippery, know* when it is at. A crowd at oro. gathers. A sympathetic lady in spectacles eolioltrosaly torpors* . What's the matter Y' " Ouly • horse down, roam," volunteers • bystander. Yee, that is all : only a taros down. Poor creators ! Have you ever critto•.ly observe.' this simple and familiar me tr000htsa egbt • Nu • Tbete's • lesson in I1. There ars always a demo tees ready to assist in ;letting the fallen animal to bis feet. The mar with the faded ringer hat and antiquated mat grasps the horns by the ears Ruta hie head down and he can't struggle to hie feet. Keep hear dews at all hasarde The Ringer hat generally places one knee rot the animal'. head : eotreumee it's both knees. This makes the ginger bat feel big in the eyes of the spectator*. The banter the Ringer hat ciao poem the pow brute's bead into the unyielding pavement the happier he feels. It's the horse underneath nal so' the ginger bat Grind he eye nearest 'the messiest into the sharp, icy particles ; put it out if possible. If you roomed in Nigel togthe beast the more credo to yon. The as with the leeward eye mum; the hone by the sone- Shut off Ma wind with- out fail This makes him struggle violently and •acrde the ginger bet a golden op pp•..rtunity to het to w extra grind cm 110 home's eye and a pull at the ears. The leeward eye also plansa his knee en the Dose rad yanks the bit so that the ring will gay the corrugated roof of the horse's mouth down to smoothnme. The hors dneen't Irk. this. TM owner doe.*'t can. A hone with a store s.o.th eats leek Strange as it may it appear. the horse is mosey. Horns are not inoowidenbbe of polite attastira. So the mea with the mitre shirt jumps on *be wima5's hip, and of course this gristle the heir sad skin of the under hip. But no atter, keep him down if it takes au army Horse. under tMee circum taaoee, sew to he unnameable. The mss with the muse leg rets in hie work sow. Re's been waiting anxiously in the crowd for the chants. The borne bee a raw sore sunder the .addle. The man with the pme leg grasps the paddle with both hood., braces he feet ageism the animal's back. path sad prises and peels off :he raw, *etrairive flash by the square inch, The real of the .addle ring is pushed through the bur padding and bores another hole on the other ode of the verse Awa. Aod mill the horse coaunuestosting. Ie. B Ab, now it is the driver's tura. He has beam 'misnaming the harness and tr.o.s and all is free. "Stand char he shouts. "rhe ginger hat puts out the bone's eye for good, the calico .bort. oaks the ban hip hose and the pavement meet, tiro Ramo leg pulls of an extra chuck d row flesh. while the leeward eye causes the blood 10 run from the lacerated mouth. Whack ' Whack It wouldn't do, you know, to 1.t the holm eel up by his own usaide 1 efforts. So. as the torturers release their bolds the driver brings that cruel lush, once. twin), thrice down upon the rile, that nom welts on the quivering limb as big as . teem'. 8n - r. Now he is up, nervous, treeh li .,excited, erre and lame. No matter, he is only a horse. Who cares! Washington Star. MW or Mea. So fav as the etiquette of the signature is (stunned, there is ase unvarying rule for woaleu, married or angle. It le waver right, Dor good form, to siga (se's name with the additios of Mis. or Mea You are Mary Reify Joss., Dot Mn. Fairish Pits- wield its.g ntld Janus, to whomsoever you ay be writing. If r. be necessary to Dotifyour oorreupoods.t of your married style and imi- tate, yogi ray do so, and in one of several ways. Piers observe that • correspondent should set be left is doubt as to this, meek .stb.rr■cams bene Iregsestly calmed by the essiesios is lettere between Nrasgors ef .And isltwmata.D se to whether the writer is 'tarried or iagts. Yoe may rosily *rh- ea* all you wish *tell. Tos may ppm " Mrs. P. F." before the Mary Reality sloes mid, in hers&s a You ay writ. Mrs. Petrie& Tisge.Dld out fully sod p1DM1y w the left -hard erre of year sheet, below your iteeper ^ demets. Or yam may simple 10.1... Tor engraved .Mittens -.rd is ye.1 'utter, We Wog en the ideas the tome esti rhea she ere eeswesis.t (embed el (re's retrieve to necisy. The =lmay ha norm. to 1 here diet the amed ie or of is se eselMvMy horses letter -nese whish bee she one ree• e re* • reed hewing A Seem eel TresMD. Is WOW. me s gash M the Cmesberh.d Iguusteias, treed wise t asked the buy ler • basis el water is the sinning he invited me est isle the yard, where these wee a trove Mt .i orator Dada pier of seam seek clef htrssiryr to a pat few • towel. The r whiles frace bedsit hem washed ler a mem* .ad whew tew heir hads't hese esesbad her • year, writhed my prneeedrtp with lob West, IrAtes t began to somDdWr my prime earls be et to t� Il► you wash y.r free every day r' he islwind estiesDly. Yea" " As' enwib ger hair r •• Yea " " Seery de, r he rspsasMd. 0 Yee, every dry " 11 ems los mash ler blushed he res idlest fee a stows.•• r' Ari." M sail se YM. "ie% yen disk yes • Sr. ei Week1• M reeemit r le w -'-a thole prise wkk-• is4Js 11. puswas paw.• hews creel le be demittel ler. sot the Ade ee. l DESCRIPTION OF N ELL THE FACT (3Aune A WOMAN IN CHURCH TO 00 CRAZY. That AYER'S Sarsaparilla anus d 1. Fere/ VIM s cawe ilk. wee Lsesrsy elbor(0 a M•p.tesl, t.e..e Warpage ilk. MtM1, rsea.ro oro nett some ay Nor r..esr. roar Desna, t.► ff. -Mrs. Willem Wilber .f Row•ie has bre adjudged isms* sad set te the umlaut. Tke tmt.edime saute of hoe teeing her mead was• grepittr pee portiere o1 hell draws in tile p.lpit ti h ow pastor. 't'ne preoci.er . dant rtsou of the ler moots ,.I toe damned mole suck a vivid 'rots premier upon Mrs. Wilber's min.) that bet reams era• evertbtuwe and it le feared that . be b hepelemaly eemae. A CAPIT eats r ahio r TO. crime .( as IWgllakmar ter .aro. tame lilaae,.e.d• BAtuatutra, Fah. :'7. - -Aw Keg:.ekaa. agreed Ronne! Pastor entered the cele. of 8.811 ((roe. Saturday rad drawing a pate fired d.hilmr•toly at Joao 13.811, • risen ur el tm. eon. Joie 53.41 had .only time k attar a. eaclamatwn ,.(.i. Wittig afelw urs the Moor of tee o8tce. The skews than turned lair weapon sg.iset the ..aper 8.6.1, who eras tryurg to pave pia brother The reagents'. Urn was .t w trail In thio mamma argil h• only.... led in tailcoat a were but probably pot fatal wound. Ton Panton ,rimed the weapon at lums.if, hut acrowd rushed into the clow and seined him. There was great etctteuueat and wane ei the people threatened .Achene( against the murderer, but the police finally lodge) hen la prison. The cause of the .hooting t• not yet known. The Kuplt.henea is • (rel agent named Willie. lmmediat.ly after kis arrest he attempted to uoncea5 hie ideality at 1 gave the mime of Pa'.o,. Is he • ell Willie tried So utraarle hin.o*J1, but was resuscitated by the tsrakey. He to now boated head and foot. Willie was once a clergyman. Hu mint auto the eel baainers severe! years ago, hast was ant successful. Tie motive of lou crime yemeday ts believed to have been trade rivalry. Jose flails was a con.ptca• nus cet:.en. Ar he woe our courei.lor at the time of his death his lura& will 114 ~elm ••ekw,'• AaaatIst. Cumin itAM, Fab. 47 -Wesly 0. Rippe, the maa who shut Mackay, for, wooly lived here. Re wits and two sues en .till here. the latter in btws .s. Same years ago Ripe, deserted hu foody They board from him at were Is ap to 1887_ Bison thee they have heard making from him .rod concluded be woe deal He was regarded as • peculiar Assn. bat is wee act thought he was teases Y*rkee eew MMM. Dune& Feb. 27. -W. C. Rippe is well kss.n by many of the pioneers of Dearer. Charles Leickeemrtog probably hewers r much ahoy bin as any moo in the eity. Mr. Le.cheenring is Mee .011 aegrunred with Me. Mackay, and was greatly shoring is hear of the emoting. Rippe .ash te Dearer la Ia60 or 1861 and was talrfy well e.11 He followed the beaisas of urine 1. fast hemi.. In 1*74 Rippe brat mat Mackay. Mackay was thea in Ik neer and the two were introduced to each other by L.icheanring T\ie feet e a direct matter dictum of the report from A.. Frameless which stated that Mackay did sot knew his •as.,l.mt. Mr. Leictoeansg, however, positively asserts that the men were wen ae emu ved and lied lettings together. Reppt 411 Deaver t. 1876. A despatch from iiae Frarrouee says: R.ppl is dmeppolnting the deltnn, w►• predicted at first that he could rot live 14 hours. but finally made it 48 hours. He has pealed the pout and seems to In gala - Mg rather than losing atr.ngth Today he take.) • little, and to regard to the shoot- ing he oriel: "I had bore laying for Mackay for &best • most\ because i regarded him es the oases of all my i•ew. 1 am set sorry that 1 shot at hon, bet I nimbi • heel hu.i.ase of it, for at that clogs romp 1 ought to have killed him at the first gra." Marks y u gat t Ing along nicely, but hie doctors still enforce the role that he shall have ae sailers am' die...s no besieges. HARRY GRAY'S ARREST •N Me.M Kagan. Nb Cries. w. a 1.eNesk fellow. Lanae Pr.ak Tosoisyo, Feb. 47. da_. The f..sny .1 Henry C. Gray of N. 4336 Leer- •ve.ee, New York, name to task abbot kis arrest in Cherie on Weine dttt for mistime his Dollop friends. K N. P.s nod George Stacey. They had run away from Upper Cascade College at Torous sad were es Moor way to Honolulu. Tao arra $ ter toad. apes time onmpiaint of Pugh, whe ie the of a New Orkess Fleeter. It wee the ietlwtisa of the boyo to jets Gray's sae, who ha* lived in Honolulu few several years, art that gentlemen arrived ie New York yesterday oil a rivet to Gray's father, Robert J., .he is proprietor of the Harlem River Fo.odry Warks. Mets; ken bees wet to Harry in reamers t• . telegram from hint Hie act is regard- ed b his agai •uta.ewe a • esthete hey'e pra.� and they memo be gee him home within throe days. H. arrived as the .et. Yee 'sty these meet* ago. terra e.s. K fee. Csmoa.o, Feb 47. -The t.egtelattve Orr arra ievestigetieg see rem deeps .( Orme .veered Smereley whet they re - g eed as the mem impertatss to tresey Ants gives It was to the street that ebn:.ing made* the New York Rias• Prirw asBing Sieg wee baadierd by early *very whale- tele h.btele .lad,ieg fires i. Chbug . These pads are the very cheapest goring, the wiMmisse odd, sad it is neuretities with them thee bre retired were is tltiergo ewes .kep�M is the present marwetre levet. This diF orrery will load me the iotesda.Ne,u ei • rata selesiee is the legs sloes ring am 000. ▪ M 1sstries the tele d em1iot-lsede eYMbisg se the wee he wbte► it is meati• Amid Rs..w.r error. M0mrss, Y►, Feb 47.-Yesteerda • ilereJoke Collies as ss w*st riding rah Mw Or, ehler, • yeses lady. The hares, trek was • pielted reseal. h...rr fright - seed at • era* died MD away. Seth erne shrews cwt • ed the war sesr.bel Mies G•esblers .eek wee es sad .he died 1.esmstly. C.Uts.err .(t badly hest Mrswsr.' a .mei Wee . Rem, Flab ».-sriSi,.ir erred d 4M pmmies V M(sterie ese.Sieely, bet dobe, siehhd he death the pereester, phew% and Ids fams.ly.aadearefiel of all the ..sig and web d tie wit. .serer M.naN te neer(& pa111. P. l7..-Th.Miasmal*hYMlem 0nop evaded i. Toterhiyb teas M Aes w N- W d+d..es is mars Au- Crea elm ammo so renal, by HI UTllgfr of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions. Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing that the same course of treatment mu. anti YOC. .w that has been said of the wonder- ful curer effected by the use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla during the past fifty years, truth- fully applies to -day. It is, in every sense, The Superior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AYER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- parilla, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, are blood -purifiers in name only , and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take VER'S Sarsaparilla arsaparili a Ceres (then, will elle rel CRISP AND CASUAL. ■Inert.. 1...ta.e.1 mores saadredr. F., It .rt:e real., summer h. -et and general toilet p.irpore•e u c Low'. Sulphur Soap. to A laundry in k nglaual ow owl by woman. and employing *ashy rumen earned $25,000 hoot year file Per,. hot water fountains for the use of the poor supply right quarte of heated eater ter our trent. A gigan sc tor.mer, teoceatnrisold, cam lei sees in a cow, t of the at tallery tarrrauk• •1 Port Loon, Fla ce. An tttacue. of 10d ler l liver e.u.t l e Arne. - eel .sol all bad tole re 'eat. Iturdock Pliis are brat for dad . r )tout.':. 1. The Queer of Henry IV. of France on ohne gabs ocomioi wawa tit ‘,6 DM a WILD 32,000 pearls and 3,000 .ieammode. As • piek-,,.t--up atter t tceasire exertion or expuaure, Ms:l.urn', Beef, Irma enol Wum N grateful cad a omtuntug. In. There iaa no truth whatever in the 10)4.4 that anyone fallow into the sea necessarily route awl arks Wive ttu,e. Arnhem drown - lug. Robuaou C'ruete'a island, Juan Ferrra- det, is inhabited by .I.,ut sixty persona, elm attend to the herds of cattle that grate here. The United States funiahea 672,000 Free Maumee awl 607,071 (Abd Fellows w.th lode( roan reao•.. for late hours turd leitob• key. Ao ingenious Parton man has jot patent • eel an electrical des lice designed to auto- maticall) plat' hauj*N, m&udolio, guit..rs and harp(. Some symptoms of worms are : - i•' ur, robe, vat i.bte.ppewe, reethmee.., ,...k. new and o.,n.ulaloss. Thr uolailiog remedy u 1)r. low's Worts, Syrup. 1. The fiances of ten goats cad the work of several u.en for half ► year are required to make a genulss cashmere shawl • yard and a half wide. For All rkrangemenu of the throat and binge, Ayer'. Cherry Pectora) is the .peed est and most fellable remedy lIves at the advaoced stages of t;onsump'toe, this woe- derlut preparation afford. great relief,ohauka roughusg, and indoors .k,p. Leer aoeresa. Doe% worry. 11,1 hurry, " Two swift arrives as tardy ae too slow." Stmp.fy " Sirepi(y '" "Simply !" Do.'t overeat. Doi't starve. " Let year moderation be kaolin to ..1 moo." Court the troth air day andst"tit. " Oh, if you knew what was to the err. Sleep sod Feet abundantly. Sleep is s- tare'. benediction. Speed les ~vow energy each day thea you make. Think only healthful tbosghte. " A. • mar thisketh in \e heart, s i.. ha." Avoid pamin. sal •xoiteant. A awe meat's eager may he fatal. A.eeerle with healthy people. Health is oosla5in.e es well as disease. • • Don't carry the whole world es your .hn.hlere, far hem the a.ivorss. Tres the Watch the gam .'Mere of • ((onium void. Nine-testie of all diseases dart with a Doli. 1f, at ally time, you feel chilly, if yes .s••e, if yes have rid 1ia.ds eft feet, if yore head) .semis kmyy or arse. eke .t ones the best and pear .11.last you w ewers. C. C. Rttesaass & Ca (lswn.wv *,_ie driving over the messs- aim 1 utak • .erre cold which settled is my t wk and kid.eye, o•msirg tri. miry sleepier nights of pets. The first appfiez doe d M1NARDii LNIMONT.o rsliev.d me that 1 M11 into • deep deep amd .eespk.t. frowsty Wiertly followed. Joan S. Mel.seo Im Aomori* a i..ma.ah L*...-... " Whir .n theAebeipa predsde of the Ilesei res w sumer ►M I thrall say heeled, beer sea s tteterel." a Smseree 1r. •mUy lesweerd• "Se the 1e gibs le marry Nd r .. err. she kr.►ifd r ii f }. } a COLBOR1Tflfl e -I� Read the Following : We are clearing out the balance of our Fur Dollars and Muffs, Fur Caps, Fur Capes, Seal- ettes, Heavy Mantle Cloths and Astrachan at wholesale price. Also a lot of Tweed Dress Goods at a great bargain. Onr Spring Gods ARE ALREADY COMING ON. Our Prints, Flannelettes and Tweets are here now. We have 100 pieces of the celebrated Crumm Prints, Hindoo Prints, and Pongee Prints, the finest goods and neatest patterns seen for years. . C e2 w oolga r:r = We carry the largest stockof Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpeta, Art Squares, Rugs and Mats, Oil Cloths, and Linoleum% ever shown in the County by one house, and our stock for Spring will be larger than ever, as our growing trade demands it. We will have fully 500 sets of Lace Cur- tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for i Spring, from 75c. to $6.75, and of unheard of value. Bee thtm. 5% discount for Cash. EirA first -clans Drees and Mantle Maker up -stairs• t a � COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH• Great Carpet Warehouse) of the County. 1 / i t' s* e• s t t rJ !t thi • • r r 7 3 IS 1 1 1 O r 1s al 0 NEW ARRIVAL DB LATEST STYLES. Remaa-wi te he elev.' east. ....e.e,e and .beery riser H. DUNLOP, b. Went -el. Taller. - PATENTS! folimm s Sfont and w,• rriaawa�ic.tiioM.a�lltwlisila MniuR memsltRllptra.. &J.aI.rs Wme. rem. If It sili �� .7134.• 7 eu is>itri seas Msb� 1111 wmlers. • A mew • I . Olfw.l s Pelee" Sallen011010141141 PLANING MILL SST *a IMS MU. Buchanan it Son, rsetrraon sa5m SASH, DOOR and BUND, Dealers i. .11 hied, of LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES Lad ballie '...Ma,W el every •me mien Mad rintilvre a g j. 1! tlMf, II . .. R LA 'MO M tfIK we Ler i is Litrasm to Helaal i *ryes ED TRION a tae gnat! lir..rd•e W. tie ti tea ew toe el tit. O a 1. etta.'1J eL 18A1'it ut a. rain Illy lend.) arta el' iron t a..4 ;t w I tar) w fur f.a, t or., ti.e t. •• a ll, r, he aut1l. nut . ah... ..tit • . toe. t he Orr a...l e 1 the run (1(01Wn1 vera, •Itis older wt is t owuoa. at..0 of m, awl oqe gh the hen grand ju Iecolelly M. of duty tory was .f moan. • he say 4 'ilb(k Men er held fill the! Prmw• tree and (met is a pm ut pair fliar the luny • • s a •ti kl temlae y 0 to ;serf. re u Ica# MO la DA IN las ei the st r ting inh.. imaced Oren cmc knee the figure n K on 414e court carry oat h•• otfr.N .r, f '.010 1 hare evtila d that l;rarer 5111 e ser h two 11.1.1 ing that tool their ill bea they 1. who •I tatted n ngnl r. It it reds rel he peevi the i :alma el Ibe• tilt tie ht by as eel rlstisa. 0041 ..eiw tilos • the .t the ke WOW toms rip ne day, oar,' what ret oft or em M it ba down ad