HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-3-9, Page 22 TRa SIGNAL : OOPER1CH, ()NT. THITRRDAY. MARCH I, 1893. =�tttt1111 E-COTTOLENEr, --r --41111 -41110 -•tt111 --1 --1 -UP --r Itis the mew atieetedtg OP"- taking the place ef rlrrd� �sr cooking batter. ipp,._ketk. Costs lase, go d11"--fertber. and is wary --4111 --4011 �~,,-,dligeaW by anyone. ~- f AT All GROCERS. --WEB tile- w -+ Made rely by �-.41111 1. K. FAIRBAIK • C0.. -r Welgartes sad Aa. ass., MOreTaaAL. -� wether BP -- THE HAPPIEST PAIR. •' It makes me as mad as fury," cried the gouty old farmer, as he gated from bis win• dos, "to see Philo Butts and his mother lerkiu orf es happy as if they owned my term, when they don't even own the dust or their boot solea ! I've • good mind to tarn them out of the cottage and ase if they will fell so fine then " 1 m sure their happiness doesn t make you any more miserable, father." replied his went wife. •' They pay well for the tont tare, toed we could not spare them off the • There look at them now They're on their way to tows with tin pad; and bee kete, and 1'1! warrant you they'll bunt up a circus or a show of some kind before they get back ' Hear Phiu laugh ', cned the old DUD. The eosple, who were passing the house, wee.- Hanuen Butts and her tell eon, Phine- n, the happiest pair in town. They were not pet -moos of much wtedom or intelltgenoe, and they bad burdens and sorrows which wosld bate crushed many to the earth. and lit they rrgerde.l themselves as favorites of ►saran• and their ne.ghbors used to call :hem "the happy folks," Hannah hal been twice tnarned. Phis wee the aro of her first husband, although he had changed his name to " Buts," when ►t, mother died, because, be said, ' it looked more sociable than haring too names in the family.- It amily."It seems an it this woman had come into the world for the sole purpose of h.viog • good tone and helping other. people to do •o. No work could weary, and no disap- pointment crush her Indeed, her lightness s1 heart, under all troubles, had become a t•reverb, cud people said, playfully. "If there's any trouble in the country, Hannah Batt will get hold of it and turn it Into • bleeatog Her first husband was a cripple. She bad left a pleasant place to marry him be- cause she thought 'it was • good thing for • body to have • bourne of her own, and • kind husband to care for her." She went to work with • right good will to support herself and half support him -- for he could only mend shoes, sod pick up • little change by cuisine the hear of • few srcbins an the neighborhood. She always roes before daybreak, split the wood and made the tire. She dug up the garden and pl•ntei the seed. She fed the pigs and poultry, and washed for any women in town who needed her. Every big ,quash or ab - hare. sod every :sew "day '• wash " she hailed u if it were • shower of gold, sod when night came she was seemingly waver tired out ; always, as she expressed it to her huband, " as fresh as • new rose." She .11d all she could for four years to keep her safering husband alive. Every body believed that she truly loved him, and that ,he mourned his death ; but still the height side of that dark event came epper- most. mei she rid, " Well, what • comfort it a, now that I can't have him with me any longer, that 1.'• gone to • home when be won't need such tender nursing any mere. " After this Hannah wrought os it the •pint d heroine, keeping little Phin always by bee. leen when she walked • mile to wash for .omt farmer's . ,:e, she would sorry him .o his arms rather than leave him with her ne.ghb ire, bemuse it was such a comfort to have hint in eight -it made the week go so nisch wash !" Several yea,* atter this, she married bar mooed hoshs, .1, who ironstone blind. He was • good m,n, and did the beet he dwell be hebinset 1 bet nn the death of his mother then hart seimied nothing betimes Ides and the alone house He was greatly respected in the town and every one ted to help him, but no oho faintly could as, same such • care es he must be Oise day • ynu•; (vend said to him, playfully, " Abel, if 1 were you I'd ask Hansa\ Butte to merry me ' She feels the .see of all the helpless folk. in tows os her. She would support you like • tsstls- a to " Whether Abel had ever thought .f Min glue before or not, nobody hawwhim ars, bat wh H•►, like • !tosses wanes, went to ask the ataister to marry them, else said : " It doss seem to me .eseetimes se if ass Lord gar. me work to do for Rim, right trews Ris own hand I think it's • ;Fist essaplirneot M bate two earth non as Joel sad Abel sant to wee that I may feed them es the ravens did Elijah 1" Of coarse Abel eosld•'t go eight seeing with Ranneh sad Phlegm*, with whom this .seamed 1n • pasties ; .. ha used to keep d bocce ler them, sad split their we. •sad do everythlsg eine that • mss sea a. with - eat eyesight, looking Isrwurd with ehildleh joy t• thew rotors frets towy slab bendy 1ssapps�piits of the radar slwF-M --- him wil- riat setten. Ostbs�flag t . '-- s1 hrpti- sem W eshees tself termer, 1 wM lr h * psla r g team Abel bad beau busy ever • es\ teat he was task - tag fee Phu ; hat he aprwsp tat M She but .ward o1 their feeettiMege sad woos eat be apes the gate to welcome theta hats. , WWI with yea 1" he embed as Mea as Ha•a•k .sae a ee bibs. ' Plusses." she Who's with yes. Pbla r he sake. '• Mother,' answered 1'►em. •• Why, that's .sways," cried Most " I thong►t 1 beard, the (uct.teps yt three pr - sues coating UP the •oai-" "Ott, well." replied H•esob in • chary tune, " yrs know you often hear doable ! t'u't you be eatia6e.l to have is back with- out wastes. sespaay r" " I aims.' eta, Hanr•h," he replied ear...t- ty. I duet want any company, I wouldn't give a east te see the trmmdeet ounspeny w the world ! conte in, quick, for tm.veettg t• raw, sad I v. made up • woe little ore In the trove to warm you," said Abel. "There Phut, du Nook at that warm streak of lirht !" cried Neenah, as she laid duwo her burdens on the table. '•I thought when the stoves crack. d across the top that it was quite a mrfurtuue. lint to come into • is dark rnoa. of • ool•l uight like this, and see that streak .1 Rebs as bngbt as guM, ia .e•1 cheerful ! 1 ea..'t see but the otove ..o..k, and bases just se well as it did before' There, 1 do say," she .dd.d, as she touched . match to • lamp, " this to the oheorw..t little home that ever • pax worm.mi had is this world. H*s• you beets lonesome Il.el •" she .shed, Ma ling kir bs•b.nd • gr. as orange, as d he bed beau • child looking fur pre.eut. • \o, indeed, Hamuab. Young dam's ..wen over from the farts house mud reed the news to me, and be la going to teach sue to shave hoops fur the coopers. H, says I can errs • dollar a day at It sloe " (loudness !" cried Hannah, a whom the 'dollar • dry' bad made •o tmpruewua. '• 1 wouldn't let you try It for tire' world, for fear rog might cut yourself !" " Hammers, it dose seem se If there were lour folks bre.tbiug hero twtead of three, and I in Dever mistaken •bout bre•thiug,yuu know,' said Abel, with • cutlass .sprcalun le bis face. At this, three persons beret out into a merry � of laughter, mid Haou.b .. d, You t want any eompaay,Absl. You wuuldu't div, a cent to we tee grandam. company la the world to might r ,. Well, I'm ooutented with nay every day company,., repined the poor man, " but for .11 that, I have a welwaw tor anyone who has token the trouble to visit me." At this • tall, rough looking young man rose up, and, without speaking • wurd,took Abel's bead in both his own. Abel was silent for a momest, and then said, " I haven't beard your voice, ur, mod I don't know the feeling of your head ; but the breathing is lake that of nay brother Joe, who went to ble:aw twelve years ago, and room poor mother and 1 had long ago given up for dead. He breathed jam as you do, sir" " Web, Abel, I'm the very roam. I Dome to town today to meet you and mother after • long urs of b•rdsbip in foreign lard.. When smgmrtug for you at the teen some one sed out, • Why, there's Abel's Ovate DOW just going tato the .torn with her nom. So here 1 eta I helped this sped .inter home with bar load, and I mean to help her as lung as 1 live 1 haven't come back, like lost brothers in story books, with • Mad of gold, but I've got money euougb to buy the little place mo• her and ynu lived is, and to put it in fine order so that we can us.k• our treed from off it 1 want to earn • pescshle living now and 4o some goal the rest of my life, and 1 believe in folks beginning their good work: at home. Hens•h can stop washing for people as woo es the pleases ; for there will be work enough in her own family. If God spare. me, I'll •totoe as tar as I can for try neglect of you and poor mother, in my wild young days, and pay Hannah for .11 her kindler lo you." " And Phio, too," said Abel. " Yes, and Pain, too. I'll put him right hack to school and keep him there till he has as good learning se any Yankee boy steeds to get .long well in the world with." If Haawb land her family were' tLu hap- py folks' amid poverty and toil, you can im- agine what they were obeli they had • Mouse of their own with plenty, mad with that family love which makes • dinner of herbs better then • stalled oz without tt. How glad th.r former landlord, the crusty cid farmer, would have been to oetch one glimpse of $k* su.sbuis -The Hour holt. ._ .5 Teta snow Sob People T People who are proud of their humility. People who say • great deal and do very little. People who say little and do • great deal. People who talk all the time and sever say much. People who never say much toad yet speak volumes. People who look like .hate tad behave like grasahoppere People who look like gr•mttoppers and behave like vitiate People who wouldn't kill a chicken with • hatchet, but who try their best to kill their neighbors with their tango.. -Indian - •polis Journal. Ile .Nee Tea Baryes. Pittsburg Poet. Did you eves experience the •ens•ties-- not a *meant esu -of beta. thrums into a state of .e•vonenese by the pressed, of soar one The pantos way he • stranger or an •ognaistanoe. .toy he • good !meed or an ,sem] Ther. aseaaten e to he ,obisg pecu- liarabiemt am* • one that makes him al - meet ttnMmdle, at least at tinea very likely be de00't alfeot.nthere se he •Hesta you ad Ten say do year beet to overawe woo TM got to be your own wcake.. *Oil *s mghr1 is rein. He irritate@ yes in oma iasipNmble way. *led mlrseeasee. arab A Nebraska traTdMag ton i wpwaibd• for the followisa g/Ysun : "Sisk ward, tan backward, 0 time, In thy Blues, fad mea cm gruel again jest hr i .54ght ; 1 ant so weary of r..tatreai steaks, pekri6ed doughnuts and '.lemise1 steaks, oysters Mat sloop le • watery loll, batter as steno. ea Goliath of Gelb ; wavy of payi.g for whet i can't sat, oh.wiag op rubber amid eallieg it treat. Backward, tare backward. Ion weary 1 s.i - rive M • what* at ay gr•.dmnthsr's jam • let one drink milk that es never baso disused, 1st we sat better whoms had, bas Mea trimmed ; IM ass but soot Mee it .Id fashiaed pis then 111 be willies to earl up sad die ; I have toss oat - too iron fillings few years --is it • weeder 'm woltiog 0 tears'" Mr. Hugh CsMlwell, ATdssdsls, out, writhe - "My d• elms wee trembled wMb female weak mea, and ler more than • mar wee seder the ..n d *ammo sad askew I.edielme without retina relief. 1 thee get I. Williams Pink Pill. for bar sad thee have eeaplelaly ..rod bar All daslera it wail gra• boa hef'0. • bor home ler HU M . Wakens' M. Oa, Brookville. Ota liftentre Ifni eaddmis Diet, 4ew SUNLICHT ebb wedN,w..d Bap chases se the Meader r La ad , she 1•sase\tW Imo bis for goallfp ort .siresd seam Oead seesuRsg se e4erlrsfta Mess atm with an the eiLrsidsse. draywy .f ver day 'Hy n: yon woes bet emnsee en. fto/RL1011T Haar W bees Is use hr ',laden Castle for the pest • yen*. Will Ile reasidanuren bare boon spsetatly .ppel0bf SOAPMAxalta TO TAM pones fltase.e 11 SdI Medi M l.•apegeesoed I)ta•ts. Society MMI --My baby hal • .cry- nar- row escape this morning. Friend -- indeed ! How on! S. M. -The nurse go I, thoughtlessly left it alone in the care ..f its m ether. t''are hr Yeodar1e. Headache •new from emastiprt:on, bad Mad, dy.pepsia or hscr coo.pl•Iot. As B R. R cures all these c.implaot• it is natur- ally the most successful hes. ism -he cure exut- inss Once the ,owe is removed the head - tie vanishes. 9w Mrdo'1 nod toy he the i tree ear. " Where here you Dots today!" I've been out in the cesoerery reading the epitaphs on the tombstones" " Indeed ! What are you goiny to do to- morrow r• ' I .m going oat to bunt up the comae - tory when •saber. are boned." A fare for Dyapepsle- Dyspepsia ie • prolific cause of such die eases as bad bland, setstiprtion, headache end liver complaint. gunlock Blood [be- tels is guaranteed to cure or relieve dyspep- n• if used according to direction.. Thos - sands have tatted it with best results. 2w napkins Is hese.. In France, instead of using starch on tab e napkins, after they are washed and dried anti ready to he iron.', they are dipped in hotline water and partially wrung out be- tween clothe. They are rapidly ironed with as hot a flet -iron aa possible without ban- an� them. Ater awns* sad Bruises. No other remedy cares sprains, braises, cuts, wound., cbilblao., sore throat, rheu matis m, eta, so promptly se H•sysrd's Yetbw CII. It as an old atan•l•rd remedy !Sat bas given perfect setisfoction for 30 years. 2w Viewers ems iMe ..lama Som. of the flower badges of nation are se follows : Anthem, violet : Canada. eu gar inaple ; Egypt, lotus ; Knighted, rose ; France, deur delis (Illy) ; (Germany, corm lower ; Ireland, ohm orolk leaf ; Italy, lily; Pruni; linden ; Saxony. mignonette ; Swot Land, thistle; Spain, Fome.ranate; Wal.., leek lea/. A Valuable Brut. When you are attacked by cough or cold do not delay but oommetteb at Dawe to see Regysrd's Pectoral Balsam This old standard remedy removes all irritati•on,lao- ens the phlegm, and heats the mucous sur- faces, caring coughs and colds of all kinds. Yon M•tsssa (repro' ingly, Sunday} -You told me you were going to ply church. Little Dick-Ys'm llamas -Thee I'd like to know what •l1 this load lasghiegj1 is beet. Little Dick -Oh, that's all right That's Dot and me. We're the choir. rtes 1\e tar North. Ia seetherm climates people are very sub- ject ubjeot to colds, hut the natural reinely is oleo produced in the limns climate Ili. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma., bronchitis and ail throat and long troubles. Price 2Sc and 5000. 9w Pleasant; of Tillage ons. " I shoeldet think you would oars to live :0 a village "Whynotr " It must he so 4811." " 1)811 ! Why, man, village life M /ell of Interest You know rveryhorly's private slaws, every fantily'e secrete. mad thee.'. sows 'new ssed•I beteg developed ovary day." IOU Blend ilasvd. nmw7tirrel,- 1 have fwd year Hotness& Move' Bitters for had bleed and Mad it,with- oat eso.pt'os, the heat purifyieg tome in use. A short time afro two very huge and painful bnile cane no the hack .1 my seek, B. B.& oomplebly droves them away. RAOeta RI.Ars, gtr Toronto Jeanine. .somas ams en sod Offmks were. lima... of Ms.s -That weans sever meta Triomf-Hew le that! Mantger of Msec..-- Well, Me'e a skirt demur sod .he M always kicking *beet the salary she resolves. ream Rut.•% M Meer. fie knees gmterely fellow is the path .1 211.igIu.t Doe% b. reek len I bat pra�o�� • • few ares .4 $snU s lira.hN. 10 ssedhiesiy Mlewisg spewre to end. it will save yoe Ism nigh w1 panfulMyo amid slew semen, eremenale. " I bellow paleness it. • tact ei tkhiwea " Bo de L Oae of ahem venial ems .f ear .wa do weber dap. "--LBa FALL ""° WINTER COODS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hardtimesprice. at The Ton10 Cash Slog P. O'DEA. Manager. Scribner's Magazine For 1893. Partial Prospectus. Frances Hodgson Burnett w UI rosirlbste the em serial to appear 1s • me.esir..o trues M r ore for many peer.. ago Med THIL OMR 1 KNIW Tilt Bata Or ALL', H. C. Dunne will furnish • series of sit ekerehes sal idol '• JKRSKi 8TRaaT AND JKRtl1Y LANK' Il1s.Itatd. Robert Grant will relate the farther etpenessom of ►►ed.•ad Jnaepbi.e la " A MKQ UEL Tti Tint RKILEC- TION Or A MARitiYU MAN " Waatrsted. Harold Frederic will contribute • polished novel Ogren pewee. retitled THK (.'OPt•gKHtAU. By the Author of "Jerry." Mi..S B. kw.rrr, the .other of "Jerre." win write • rrsltra.c story o1 life .moss the Tennessee r,s•Wtwere. '1111 UUHYYT 8PKRHET.e Personal RatninI.oenoes BOMI VNPIT BLOW' ED LETTSWe Oi ('ARI.YI.Z TO KDW iRD IR%INII mad others. dealing with • pan of Carly lei life far Mre►ett how that brourhr oat is the r•oewl tlrers'ere o1 earls le rrminlseiw.•s. RICtrL- t IClTlO%8 OV Ll'Ie.,l V ANI St'MYKR. By Ihe Mte Mairpcim os ('0.505(1 BMA ,rr teles arm fell of new wetter, AN ARTIST 1V JAPAN By Ho0.ir BL05, who has Jos returned from a r.. metro a nearly two year. 1. that ,Mat r', Ahwndsolly7 l't'rs•rwterl M the antt.or. IIISTI)RI(' M•.IIFNTS. whirls have been a feature A the o.wasioe deriet (ell. will be continued by some particularly striking pepere, •mons them .tore' of Ilse Treat war orr..nm.Aen'., Wires.. H Rus- e 1111 ?/,1/•rI11 1/a8i• and.Ahere Men's Occupations. A wrtt. n/ art else nn the lifework of maw 1* nary csll'ngs-rhe-hief wet., Piketon vs M prntreehinel t.. obit:\ mew earn their I.vNt- M".o. The World's Fair in Chicago. A series will ter rubliehed later In yearthe 'deli.. the mpreo•eu. -nr/e by the eshlblon Ston dtlt4renr observers of note, both time•' .en mad lorries, : and many M these observers oil) he ahs sell who will illes'r.s their 0513 mr',d.a. Ilglsosllaneous Articles. Farther rnnlr.betioes to the POOR IN raft• TeITlt'i. Mr. HvstiTri tIb,sr..it pwrrr on the Lnndoe Ow fon H1 Oil IC AID Tlt INT %Lilt rHll.l•KKN, ate (tf epoch Iwler- ..m aha. will be Professor Hatt rats'. setts r1- tuire account of the PKARY i*ZL1KY KZ- Pe'1Ill i1)N liltwiretrrll, • very Inirreerlag to- ilet.s. by Ilevs Uz.v t the exhibition of IA10MAN7I ANT sus frier tie In Paris, and artiel.s epee arIetk subjects, •orogen or Us. vela, etc.. Me. Ths IUustraUons near w1)1 retorters, the work act way or tfe well -*mows IlleelntonS but weer draw. Inma will alar appear by artiste who are \M known se punters TERMS: 1, SPECIAL OFFER. oe ;m:mod a ..b.,eriMM. M 1010. KM Tie Mete. while beet s•sb•re. booed 1. .beet. - - • . . . . •.M Nan de Me bass M miaow Oa Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 Broadway, New York. DUNN'S AKINC OWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LANGUT SAL. IN CANADA. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. nay thereon.. k{aerrked a el the e .stal ra.satbi�kJuneire� Noe �a �� of M hee provided ear k.eakl.af • 4k11..tele bemired heves.. which war etre a. t.aa itwavy d.toton( biles It le by the )nol- o•.. w et each art lolee .f diet that • wall t ata er•.1ea lsmay be wallaby ty halt .p .aa l Orono eto resW Heedr•d. d subtle �t .1 mynas es essay to stook wb.re.or then le • emelt prat. Mo weir reran et_ . dual.ud i be keeplas or.N aeee wen iar0Nwt with pave Mart sad • erepertr s.wrtahed Rana" - COW Snaky &mate. Made etesNy with b'Nllag wsaer lir auk 'told en/ In saak.taby Onwss. I.b.IMd saes: JARMs erre a lis , a.imisrspaslele s1ss. war t.ad.a. Log10ad. 1893. Harper's Magazine. ILLCTBTRATB E1. Hearses M**aatts ler lel♦ wi11 contuse to etatutsls rhe asrtv.11•d Nwrard of enrol. 1..-. which hoeswm.aerisd it hum the be repine Atones the enable features et the year tare will be sew novels 1, (bona. I0..11 s. t os.Taees f pier.. woutpa, bed OIL/JAN RLAWS. Sherr tori.. Will toms cestri- bated by the wog popular venters of the der, twirling Maar K. W maims. Rtcaaao H.tte icon Davie. Maa. on., hsusir. Bftsw•.s NIArnow*, sad minty neer*. TboUlurn.ed dee.ttetive papers will mama. miriade, by Jtua. RatJ'n on aeon Synths,. n.d Worsen Made. t. ; by Twarwoas fail.e ea ladle; by hot LTmsr, Bssuu.w os NorM aid Oeretear ; by Rimers Heasim. Devises • Landes ser nor.; y (I0160w01 r. A. Donee es tosses MNsre, oto. spirts A. Sastre, W.M.Mies m 1004. •peers•', eueoalle. will M oseellaasd. Urersry sir Ines will ton contributed Ys C.Atal.ar lite? Nownrw Mta. Janie T. Fi.u», Wu (.At1 Ma Howsua. Maupst airman.sad HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HI RPLRB MAOAZINs. .,r1wr leer In .e HARPRRB WJTartr a M HARPHHH BAZAR MO /II.ikkP.tlt'S SWING PROPLR, 0 Si Pail sebewabere Make, L. was awl as w Vw wd The Vdees of the the N.s\ns far Jame ssh.rs�'et awts wi Wise rear. W0 ns taws r aa\npt low will aegis w11b the Number wriest •t the Uaa..fm order. lieuad Volume. of H.rp ee for three years heck. la /l neat et\ will be Beat by mail. peat_ paid. os. !ams .10 ort .PAO ..ution e. Cloth loth said.said.fee .coir.. Memos mail. am It.•tinsa.ee should be are by Post.omes Money Order or Drat,. to avoid chases of less M000poporo are an to wap 4A.e idwt4ae tleen a'L'r a' •acre...Ns vone: H., Address: BARPKR a BROTHKWI, New York 1893. Harper's 'Weekly. ZZLUsTR s.a•mI). Haarsa's W iter r is scseowl.dgad se standout firs •auag dissented 'weekly peied ie•le le A merica it oecuNw a p1... bet weer that of the hurried dally paper sad that of the 1.., timely nomthll sattgsdne. It fooled., ben IS -rotor, J el mows. • pretest, with pail •-or said /eli.•ity the real events of entreat binary sad the Irnag/..sive tense* of .heir. tie *cornet of Its very enmities, series ef Wen trainee of the World's Fair, 1t will tae eel only the beet guide to the greet kzpeettIoe, bet aim .t. best so•.voatr. Kees pane etreIn of gee - oral interest will be fully IUserrsted tn pet writers and artiste to oss.try. beteg 1t will con- tinue to email to Ifteratar. mows..` Ill.us- twuas, all other publications of Its cisme. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Teri HAHPRRa WRRILY...II MARYS/CR MAnAYINR ..14 M t1 trfYk/fJBAZAH pAcKt PItlra YOU.YO ParIPLZ . 1 a SY.re.. L`�. eat Al "rah esseeeribere fa the VwYed The Tolman of ,hs Wsai* Mover with the drat Number for Januar, of each year. Whew no tome is spent booed. sobs. rhotose will bern with the Number eurreW as the lase or mer cre,ppte of .order. Uo.wd Voles.. of H.arslfe WEEKLY for throe years book. he twat deli We liolt w111 be set by emu. poet*ge paid or ytn ere.t fee e/ ezpei.e 1prev/ded the 11elent ass aW enema one dealer per vel.asel, ton r7.10 per Ole* Qum ter .•oh rotten. ealtaW for tl anility. III bmkoat �by await, pssstr-paid..s iso• Meow Yoder w it. tbe In Kofi �ef JMwr s►m ecru net le mpg MO ads tile. u ..seta fk0 alpreee order y ('.arta t address : HARPtk t BROTH VIM New Verb. 1893. Easper's �salr. ZLLUBT7t &TACO. Hasralt Bases la •loam•' f.. beet& K .Ives the fullest and Wes *boot llobtsae, cad lee sumwwes II Parts deigoss bed pstws+lsor seppiesswto etre IMNpeosabie silk* to the Mone deer nater wad the prde.Nosal ,dye No ss - penes M awed to sake In animal, atte.eHyr mesa the bier et ceder. Its Wrl.Mt Mono. ••talo( oatuattles old the.Nhi ON her all tangs sad Nlost t peg. M iso eiseso s'. bsdss or wit .r humor. 1• Its wwskly now everytklas se lsetaded **lob Me lett,,.. N wanes. The Serial. for 1!r oil b, writhes y *ALT= an sad lame LTaas. (,tiatertas TarrS(1s. Homo= will /efsi� 0 pearl teal eerier, eatJtld "At the 71tN�' t tats Klw*. Suva wainstast sa�?�y��pe�frres 11 Ol C tore. ComsTA \ The beeps is tlo aneUslliell e Isossl•les will N runs eie,..e•a.d .111 wssry 1 ..,' twin p T. s .olhJBmps.1w MMM sad lie.,' win p1et.. • oaNlyseM HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Vim r H4RP1tRd aAI/ R Je et n HA NPt�/R�se Ws INA 4 de H/A��RstPil�zire r'ou PY )PLA 0 0 814144 (osselet, .w% ,. Pros So 414,444,16iro Ix W Mika One R.mnip Mr her cis, Nam* yor. Auto.... with n Nmm1r...fustNo dor Is aettatiostol. ~ at 1ba tinsel' n.4 of seder. Dead Volumes .f Mawnere N a.a Il,r three y te moat •tran.�woma... Iree "ea�•artak et'hi fper vii(41..6 44.5"7:12.1."Zr.P= tar steels \. Orr �� Qbso tf ere n A w to eA tale aflioe I SWIM t e0. The Signal saes m«..r .Memo. le 11. Joh wilds me aaosr- se proper essensis. el all abaft el pining A Mass' .f this ____ e. meat way seinathaes pas aft he u aced wan* in son nom wws cit y cur carts pls.ease feels will ccs, with that oar c%rM te�tkscc meet with the approval of our patrvss licit. %%te is This useful was is kept in the Ili rr++nit�g++ of qualities same as letter Itea.Is While -LIMAS %%etas Ia this line we have a very Imp stock el line writing papers sok able for every clams of bosuns represented in the* locality, of A prising laid and sure, lino; quadrille and outer papers, ruled or winded, as may be required. T11/4emo, iritwl I, aro not so generally used, they by an important place in commercial eorrespoudence. flee what we've got ander the above beads. iittAad.. If the " p. aayou -go " plan wm the order of the day the t.emad for account paper would not be so groat ; but there are some wee who get me many dueners that they Wender if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it ty and at present our stock is tomer plate in this line with four won. Gold paper and neat raliog. Statrtmtnts Both single and double dollen and cents columna They cons cheaper than bill heads, and an the proper thing to send atter s delinquent onoe a month. They are sure to fetch him 'rou soesetiate. Yuulksekoves Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and t. keep up with the deaaod far them we keep a large stook GS hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices willeast.. from Tbc. b $2.00 per M. We handle cos mercial and legal shies exclusivde CommertI l3 -P rmi�<utvq has already been partially emus ersted in some of heads above. There is, however, a vast asoma of work under this head that ts enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all .t Tel SIGNAL A nest ,. ons to an "At Hoare" or a wedding require considerable taste to melee tion sometimes, but we stake it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and non. C'%rcu\aV• We aim to excel in all the diner mot kinds of work we turn onto but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for .11 requiremeets. Vrot/ ams of entertainments and -�� promptly turned oety foss 1i plain but neat W tbs molt sieges* with cord and pencil attached. Cards and 7%.t. Sts This bend covers a large mace of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat ceiling card, front an or- dinary dinary adaaiseion ticket to a testy business card or • bandNssailg pintad membership ticket Posters Our facilities for turning out this clams of work are evidenced by the fact that the groat bulk of it is clot* by us. This line alis le- cheries Dodgexs 'whish on three fart-rssat.R j primes are able Mara ever he surprisingly short ties %oXe. Wt.\\s belong to the poster departmeeit ales, ad we make • specialty el there-pr'emptine.s being our ala is this respect A noises of Rib will appear in Tao Btar*L free d ohmage when hills ler male are get hen #\\ Acmits of W odic in /be tical printing Hae ens be done in this autabliohm.B$ is aa expeditious and winds means mad OMr 4 ivies vikkk tot SOtA rfX1 T'oAsolluabk.c. We is ear thanks hr pert hr en and slisit a seed. ems• at the *Ma T Wt SA431114.L., YMBBts, tion