The Signal, 1893-2-23, Page 7Jr r Orr 3i IIIA. JOHN T. ACHESON. mported Flannelettes. We Ore spewing this week special value in Imported rlanneletttx► To those who wish to get their Spring Sewing done early, we g to announce the following lines complete - ey and White Cottons, Plain and Check Muslins, Prints and Ginghams, Embroideries and Edgings 1N13PECTiON INVITED. JNO. T. ACHESON. FALLTW 1892. TERPSICHORE IN THE NORTHWE3 T• •.were nen. AIM eM lot tars ease nmes-Mse's amus ors smMr• !Isar she Yarntaa IA.aaalea Rama Regime ..ver tack a Weisg lemma is ►r We, bio he perhresei arra turps w►oteau foam yesterday merwieg is ea Alder street Naos that Baths Camas - wt• soy taenia Cashes could .arpes is puiat of agile Meadow_ The aosomp•myiag music wee the merry crackle of • nix -shooter manipulate! by Jams Danielson, Rousso did sot dosire to deuce until Jesse beim to twistThis the impulse mat ptgasm wimp t cmrley-amas..hutDi esd rag was more tbaa Romeo costa rest. Two or three dome specimen were prat what Om eo- tertam.mmeut op.med, but, for ramose that this earrsttve .hall explue, they did sot remain to warms the grand final. The story ewe that Romeo, who r a gambler, had • dispute with • brother knight of .bases nsmel Nolan, and Daniel - w°, who Moo prefesstoaally woos the flirt- atious goddess, took up Nolen's sod of the controversy. Rome. and Notes were saki - fled to settle their quarrel through the •r- bttrathoe of fisticuffs, but Danielson was not eosten1 with any such tame and vulgar method He received hu sporting educat- ion in the unsung cams of the Rockies, where the revolver is an indupessable portion of every gentlenu.'s wearing ap- parel, end where the custom isto eat mile the defeat d a • foams by mem tag him to dace. That's hoe Dourless Oak - United hie victory over Romeo. •' Let's see you dans." It was the tome in which the mandate was tittered and the bead drawn upon his favor ice buaioe by it oielem's six-shooter Mot impelled Romeo to obey. Hie tint move - meet was a Bacton dip toward the door. lett • bullet that came within so ane of sw- putating one of his toes caused frim to sod- denly change his direction .. Faster ,'. An old-fashioned hoedown was the r.- noose, bat it was not rapid *sough for Danielson, who is finned for demanding quick attain ler his money. Rano wast tee pistol sad whirr west the lags of Romeo in • skin dance. minus the skirts. Get • move on yourself !" Whoa the stroke from the shot accom- panying the request cleared away Romeo was seen to be petforming • crass between • Virginia breakdown and ani-r•-rs Boom (Way quickstep Danielson was • little better pleased with the en'.ert•iamont, bat n ot satisfied. . Keep • hoppie''" Crack went the pistol again, and Romeo threw Tom o' !chanter's witches into the shade He hopped, skip and jumped until be was ready to coups from sheer exhaustion, .Ind then Danielson mixed mercy with bra might. Hie gun was empty. Police investigation led to nothtsg that would warrant an arrest. The attaches at the saloon oonfemsed that there had been some shooting, but aessversted that it was the resultof a pistol accidentally dropping from the her to the floor. Some of the spectators, wbo reared after the tint .bot w.s Brod, and viewed the remainder of the entertauimeet from cover, substantially describe it as it, is berm given. The Fall Season is now epos os, and, M • tatter of course, FALL GOODS are in demand. We are m re- ceipt of • few lines, and shortly will have all Depart- ments fully supplied Fins Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed Suitings will be a numerous to mention—will be fully up to the (nark. I do not pretend to keep the largest stock, but as and priee. a - marked feature, while all the other lines—too regards completeness of assortment, quality will be found second to none. SXePIIIOTION KINDLY INVITED. e PSR OBNT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. STRICTLY ONS PRIOR .A. 2,..Cr.71N7M0, Draper and Haberdasher. Finnan Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters, Labrador Herring, Smelt,`'Ciscoes, Baltimore Oysters, ARRIVING DAILY. lorida Oranges, Messina Lemons Canned Goods JUDOS % FIROVESIMIL Lister vetoe eb awlshle. Cee, f.mis.. •1r ba., set made. A alas tees like veli' the may Y'a bet- tl... Dont buy .otkis' ah frac • mss thatoU ash! you his volt lilt cher mug►test to be everyt►iag • ram is le politicks ler. Nothut short uv Gabriel's wumpet kis git some oat se olio A smdi.lat.e's love for hie felier Otters bogies to sluff of after he's elected. N mimeo Ism more influents in pastiche than the seen air initial' to acknowledge. hires the United Hata 'iseator has • saeskin' atom to favor the laudation that favors him. I wouldn't give • paean ler all souse atatewnoe km shoat the right kind uv law main' Lad how to do it. iseigloat Origfinelity is • difliouls wannest. or perhaps we should say, a rare gift ; and often • mea himself cannot be mare whether be is iovestieg or reptstieg. Ts. New York 'hibune reports' that • manufacturing firm offered • frier for the bust onewmel motto for • pan. An lows mai prompt y sent tnem : ' The pea r air►tier than the sword,' with a request that they would forward the prise by the n ext mall. The head of the house wrote a humorous reply, &eking the claimant if be could prove himself r he author of the saying. The lows man, evidently an hosed soul, at ones re - 'wooded: I can't myfor certain whether 1 read it tweet • just tagt it. I've read McGuff y's Readers and Kidd's Maculae and the Pro- verbs in the Bibi.. If it isn't in those books, it is original, •sd yea wIU plea and me the tansy." AT Of ALL KINDS. AND A W.*P1.8TE 11TOCE Of amity Grocer!es elsphooe AT RIGHT PRICES BD. CAMPAIGNE13, Cor. Montreal -.t and Square HE B1f;8T I8 THE OHIAPEBT AND THE SIGNAL IS HE BEST 18 TBI CHIAPEST AND THE SIGNAL. 18 01 BIsT i8 THE CHEAPEST AND TRI SiONkL 18 HE BEBT II THE CHEAPEST AND TUR SIGNAL 18 E BEST 18 TEM C19EAPIST AND THE 8IONAL I8 al BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE 810NAL 18 H! BIST HE BEST BE • B� THE SIGNAL HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST H E HEST all BEST HE MIST B I BIdT HE BM HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST BE BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BEST Hs BEST HE BEST HE BEST HE BIST RE BM? THE BEST BE REST THE BENT 18 THAI CHEAPEST AID THE SiGNAL HE RW1T 18 THE OBIAPiST AMD THE BJONAL THE BEST 18 Tei OHIA PVIT APD THE IIAN AL I RIB? 18 TRI 01111IAPEST AND TBI 81G AL TMs BEET O TmH= pe1AP111r ANIET D 0s B8&UTAL * Y]7&R IN ADVANCE! aeensesr en Mdsess. tisane,'" .oasts is business. It may not figure as as asset in • schedule, but it Me a rad -ink distinction in its importa$o.. It is pretty generally understood that char - eater of the •11 round, reliable kind is by se mesas • .trig on the market. Some mea are good in spots ; others are all punk boles, with sot enough sound timber in their make up te warrant a salary. Here end there, end we would willingly believe in mors cuss than is generally supposed, we meet with the well bal&eosd and proportioasd character that, in • reasonable way, ie all um expect of a we cman nut yet exempt from limas infirmities. .lowness end •ectal.•. A wealthy,irreli;ioas, shrewd business man in Minos war approached for a sub. emptier" towards building a meeting -house. He cheerfully pet down his name for two hundred dollar., and then remarked •• I give that as a good Nosiness invest - sant. I would rather give two hundred donors every year than not to haus the gospel preached in thiscommunity." How s that!' be was &eked. '• Yon do at pay any heed to the Gospel. Why •r. you interested in baying it preached !" • Oh," he replied. • 1 live hen with my Windy, aid my property is around hen ; without the lateen,* of Christi&oity the oonditinm of society would soon become each that neither property mer life would be safe. I would not be willing to live in any com- munity where the Gospel was sot �. 1" These views of • hard -beaded man of the world ars confirmed by nil ex Cbristsnity 1e the talc of the earth. Daly the utterly eb&idoeed would be cement to live where its Whews bad ossss.i to be felt. .t la sena at watt.. Never ride whoa you ca. walk, newer rue op yea oar wait, never red wham when you .tae work, such was the advice of three R's and three W''s given by the distributor of mimes at an Kalish boys' school. It is counsel which comperes some wants of the present day. The temptation of cheap am- nmbasssa and trams draws business ore away from that diurnal exercise u bey might pin through walking to and fro on their tray to sed from business. The rush lied hurry of our fever -heat commerce b.gete • .tate of impatiens 1a men's dispositions, which is teantg and wearing alike to heart and brain. Meaty a tins they rim when they might walk. Yet, on the other bawd, there is much tendency sowadays to overdo lesson and reaeeatios. The constant piss fat shorter hoar is loading numbers to for - gat th dignity d teal sad to drop into 1101- la.asew, in mood tram the over energy of the hors of labor. Tie beat recreation is .brigs of work, sad the hetet of aostinness application i. ihe most worthy ea well as p_Mekls habit to acquire. THE BEST THE BEST THE HIST THE BEST THE BEST THi. BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT THE BEST THE BERT THE BEAT THE BEAT THE BEST THE BEST Tlf s BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TB ■ BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE Mgt THE BEST THE BEST Sae eM.ss mew mesa. Whoa sees yeasty girls reads Eiseman they tmeemu a msag d to mum pear y.eeg MY, aid es M hamm't the money 10 marry ea. they wait emit Mas bsaved it. The w proesr h • loos and tiresome oto. Wht� the rens tett h bevies • good time, .petditg 2O wale ltd eating 10 agate for hie marriage, the girl is growing • little older. • little more careworn, ..d weedsg bar youth ia waiting for a mean who is mast ogees finds cause ono sore stirm.uvs and breaks the essecemsst. 11 girls will look •roand at She great s.usbsr of Orbs who have • waited' fes gams poor sae to their sorrow, ahoy w*V prs- babiy hesitate before eaterisg epee an to- t that premises t he long .td tft.ties., and that !gaves dna wore ..s. e nd with .o laltb is Imam natarnt ea ihe • V▪ ery ahem • girl who is waiting ler s pang nem to maw. risk. Mr w. away she real enteremsM+s.1 her 18. ; very .hs. she is the slam to as .aeries d • nam who Onally deserts Mr. Very etas, seder gig► eirmeassaftese, a weenie gem the wrong iliusa ef life. sed atgerg the world ef faults Isle mot iKy el. le • we, .eon tole el tboareivia. Ise dm eleala Ting BM? ga• g▪ e wimps °'eewpts the Isoens .1 Ya. hard Tns REST Meg+ User wwimas ars. bet woman Tee Rist who ihe .4.ie efT cresting ton leash sad THE BEST by h., TnsBarr I. Jardine, Ilam, . r E we :— rag BiII't I herw as.a }oar Ike �irfl rare teems - Plush PIs THE Bin I wOb d•.mdai wommo. S. would 1g THE sill? ; mm sad Imprewebedam~' led 414 1"114 Yeo. M THs siHT gipe b.ve at..�d.d wesdcrfal relief bed 1 18 THE MIST ieRov+ Mem to beematMehra 811" et bm�lg ,}ws paid. Oa abas Mehradi 1rAI Ii! t meiy/er Dr. 2uaa. Mad, Aka as Thi UT TO iiEAtn. MAW* ail the clogged .venues of the aarrAdd of ,ea.v1H'dnwebs •adLiveroes d the rye. tom, all the imcpimpurities and tout humors of the secretions, at the same time Cor- ralling Aeidity of the Stomach. taming Biliousness. Dyspepsia. Headaches, Dizziness. Heartburn, apostipation. Dryne of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness. and General Debility ;a t these and many other similar Com nts =too the happy inferno of B EIAOD ITTERS. �� For Salo bybosun. an bo,..y. �.IILBUP11 &CO., Prcl !tl.ii, Cheap for Cash AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt relief and speedy urs ttf Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, and other del angements of the throat and lungs. The best- known cough -cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers and teachers. I t soothes the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, stops coughing, and induce; repose. Take for instance Over- coats ---a few left—to be cleared ont at away -down prices; also Suits and Un- derwear, Grey Flannels and winter goods in general. No Reserve AYER'S Cherry Pectoral taken for consumption, in its early stages, checks further progress of the disease, and even in thc later stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, needs but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine, every household should be provided with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ''Having used Ayer s Cherry Pec- toral in my family for mnany years, I can confidently recommend it for alt the complaints it is claimed to cure, Its sale is increasing yearly with me, and my customers think the prepa- ration bas no equal as a cough cure. S. W. Parent, Queensbury, N.B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral r►w,tnd by D. J.C. Ayer h Co., Loud& Mass. Edd b, a11 Druggist.. Pr. c tit ; tit berths. 3; Prompt to act, sure to cure MOLEOD'S aYsTEM RENOY�ATOR arra errma r.rrsn a6166101o2. Specifit and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dys- pepsia, .1..plessne., palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loss of memory, broochitis, oonsumptioe, gall stews, jaundioe, kidney and urinary diseases. St. Vitus' daooe, female irreg- ularitis and general debility. LABORATORY, gOOERI A, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Prognosis ass rias,detaree. Molsoo's tysrstt itssovatoa sea is W tram all drorgW la Iowa se Oweswell as gonadboss aaad ll the Braiate betweense* 1.. 1)trt a e and Tnreaso. SOD le. Boots, Shoes and Slippers from 20c a pair, up. Odd Nikes must be cleared out if low 'prices will do it, to make room for New Spring Stock. A full supply of the cele- brated Crompton Corsets al- ways on hand. Odd lines and sizes from 25c. a pair rap. Fresh Arrivals >a THE 1111 TBI ARE yee going to pat a Farness is you hoses .. dose! 11 you are, can on SAUNDERS & CO., and ace MR. J. H. WORSELL, • preetital wens sir ran, who will (live you figures for the BENT FUR- NACIsS IN CANADA. YOU should not leave this tatter until next !w. Main right in at once and get your heating dotes, and be seedy to start a fire in the Fall. Are you GOING to build a bowie, church or school. We can beat thea to your entire satisfaction. Ask ut for figures and plans before deciding on any methal of heating. do work right requires a practical knowledge of the badness. We have it, and do only first-class work. KEEP ARM by using either WARM AIR, HUT WATER or STEAM. SANITARY PLUMBING from latest city specifications. Stoves, Tinware & Housefurnishings WEST STREET, GODERICH. "LITTLE CHIEF" BRAND - CORN, PEAS and TOMATOES Are the beet l`anned Goods in the market TAMILEANDE TEA IN' PALOSETB AT 40. 150 eftz 60 OTB PER POUND HAS NO SUPERIOR We are agents for both lines, and ask for them • trial, assured that they will please and extend nue trsdtt with you. Yours truly, CIUS. A NMIT . A. B. CORNELL of many lines of: Spring Goods, such as Prints, Tweeds and Worsteds, in Scotch and Canadian Chev- iotts, Sergcn, Am; also in Pantings. Pants made to order from $2.50 to 55.80 • pair. A full line of Family Gro- ceries always on hand Tees a specialty. R. B. HOLLAND, DIINGAN14ON TU LEADI G— aLTINTRERTeAri.CRR MCLea n's Block—On the Sq,i —McLean's Block, STILL ocarriNuss TO CONDUCT TONZRAIa AT 1118 USUAL WW MORK Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to 'Ire him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ZIiO CHARGE FOR SEABEES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. QOD11t8TOE Stearn Boiler Works. tosTABWHiW Irml A. S. CH RY STAL, sw.....ea CL.trs%♦ 1g.eIN Manufacturers of all kinds et Stakes• ary ll arise, Upright A Tubular 32301:=R.3 SA Picas, Smoke Stooks, fiber* Tres •�.das1e Works, est, et.. vat it "leve~ °p'`ht • palely. Ail dor e`ueatnmsiN• s I,r,,,km_a.... er► W a. fltutlem, FIFTY TO SIXTY ACRES weld M b ...iaerM a pont M1 of • hew telt try sed rashes that ata ern Of PAPER THE E. B6STED DY COMPANY wee ate raeml.g tet el* las Ieels .,.lMsd. but THE LARGEST PAPER MILLS IN CANADA. MAMMOTH WORKS. - HULL, CANADA. PA.- tlsmettsm. shoot lllstehs most week. NDERTAKERS WHY Dee. ONO. BARRY, tlr Godsricb furniture dealer asst usd.rfaker, keep the beet sheik of fsrnitare and und.rlaksa's sapplies1 And how is th that be oan sal .o cheap BECAUSE J_ BROPHIE3 Y as 801sT Rave seined to their present beminew one al B. J. Nash's Wait Style of Olty Hearses. also •he finest line al funeral furaivhiitgs in the county, and are new prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable. This department .i11 be strictly attended to by his Goa William, IOW, is the employ et the late D. Gordon for the part sen year., has a knowledge 01 the baeimrmr, and by prompt attention hopes to sham poett et paa'0 patronage. Remember rte plasm ----Weals. es yew way to the psaq .live us a Dail-rti I -u a. BROPHEY & SON. Re find. that K pays . is the loaf ran. 8b motto b : (ball Preits and Weir Re- turns." 0* oho slake. s 7 a< *bare framing. i(3 .i him • oto bailors p rebs♦ lag elsewhere. Rlmhap i _ VIEW always on band. 1011877 Patronise T r1N Tot Cast patine • .Com�etitbn e t+MalbtariesaPagiora. l Oak =sow ea ▪ b▪ eam tiellielplo IM pellegra the.... i eI osmy smear wits bees. areaseeene blimilineisesesithatiellassee. SIBU MAY