The Signal, 1893-2-23, Page 6tLE TT1
eigle all CROWS sad Itegisigale
Oh w►. Monne e.
.1111E PO ' CORNER.
ret *All* ettoiree.
Major Roultos,ths aateor of these rhymes
against proto. 110s sod the (.'•median Pacific
1RMilway.0 • Cosmeev.eive sad was formerly
a prose. house $, was s Cowaenstirs
candidate sines the Mauguration of the
National Polley and was raised to the Se. -
ate by r John M.sdea.ld. The logic of
ciro.m.taaoes, a other words, the residual
pr•utec•ua sod the (��adtao P.cinc Rail.
way Cumla0s osemant demands u1on the
puree of the sbrought .bout & corn
pint'' ^hints. a Maj., Bo.lton's views He
was, we believe, the Amt Cooser,.tive mug.
wun.p end tariff r'ejslner. For four or five
yarn he has beet a fearless antagonist of
protection and an.deoes&e or, tariff reform
and of et000tnical administration. Sierra
McCarthy. O' e%Oookburn, Deem, Wel
4100, Mudd, Rsyd and all the other
Conservative tariff reformer' have been coD-
niooed later by Ibe game logic of circum•
Hawes that echelee aonvioced Messer
Moulton and whit* ate set forth to his
Will you walk &at►tq 000atry . says the
bright (bnainge ;
Its the very Same ementry you ober did
Well rve you leariew nothing, don't even
ark • rat,
Bat from eveythlla you buy here we've
twady- five psPimett.
on sae we've got aeedly,achd so we mast
be doing,
And though we deeslir level best we cannot
keep from ;
With salaries and endiets,interest oo mos
ey lent,
Ir.ven then It dem hellEasse to do oa twenty -
fire percent,
Our eldest boy, oar arling," we christened
him N. P., -
His constitution's Eadermined,er so it seems
to me.
We've fed aim ep*letaries to a terrible
Rut still it doe. mehises himup, tbi.twenty
five percent.
We swathed him alp cotton, a most tre-
mendous trail ;
We gave him semolina iron,aad rubbed him
with coal oil
He has been taking b,sdle drop,&. an emol-
But nothing seams he keep him tip, eves
twenty.6re puniest
We let him play with implementa,ad many
ether toys,
Klioirie light and tgt,pho.s, that plisses
Hat spite el all that we e•o do he dose sot
seem mates*.
He grasslike, grwesNse for still more than
I'm afraid we91 less Iha$ baby : we e•onot
keep ham here ;
We mat submit to peelidenee, the' he u mo
very dear.
You ase he cannot walk sloop, the' fourteen
years he's spas;
He ssimisgly res& mere support than
twenty-five preeae.
Our saber boy, "a war," we called him
C. P. R., �q�� __""
Tho' weak at 6r't, .e.rooger now, and
beats the other
Has a stomach Tike r'ach, hs* he
excellent, a.iloao
H.•s thriving like[.
five proal. It
ops twenty-
takes slot to keep him u with coronets
for tiles„; p•
His alts"ie • lot of stuff to clothe
"l"1164gpr sesta up all he comes sewer, does this
verecnons gent,
Se taken • branch lite for his lunch, moot
tweety five percent.
1e fact, he . grown so eery strong we dare
not my him say,
For tear he kink• m out of doors some bit-
terly saki day.
He has as all ups • string. we go when we
are seat t
Hell golf the Int, he will not leave eves
t we sty -Ave percent.
', os say you duet believe it, you think it
can't be tear :
I've parliamentary papers for it : indeed,
its aothing sew
The thia g has lasted loaner yerrs,ad ma-
houts here hem spent
Upon them iaf•.t industries at twe.ty-five
Hew will you folks and Mks • How bag
is'1 going to last?
The oerews shown it mil not de, by the ten
years gone past ;
The yeas, men ops .0 leaving es : they
can't find aliOssty
It wets the emery's lifeblood out, this
twenty five paws
adtwel s MONY eat«et.
f6. women of the S.1va11on Army have
takes to .01Yag the liquor e•irosns of New
York sad Brooklyn a order to sell tea War
07. the amespapw of the alma Two of
ors very pretty army mils Ws• in a notnri.
ors ,alien net • thouasd miles away from
the Sam office. en this minds* the other
Might. Leaning against the bar wore gamb
lees and pugilist.. and nee oe two who have
Ma jailed for tieing their pielok lore freely.
They see.sed to be shocked at the apprer•
Mee of the girl. ornate them. The nem
/ogee sod red rihbees ne the e/ilp straw
heemsls easily told them whe the *..iters
MM. Several papers were b.tisbte she. •
etlepphts pugilist etr.ds ,p mil said
NI lacus woos. iU bay the whole Molle
yew premise twee to team toren -
e psithma
a was Mos a idered•
gesed. They mkt they bdisved ft M le
Mir duty to Heil mob pram. addle* that
IM mace of the ammae VOmmese taaeeb dl•t
oma " amt Mak Tea Item ret eses.bey
segue t.rmb pw.w the big mos Meet
pleaded. ' Ke dr, �Nd the osskat d
lee tow ted le weeds
she odisd : •• No mew will Malt es ; the
t'emerhs a! elbow% wield nee hers .e. • It
wee My .iter eetrepty from the
Mat the wares rasa were a -
N Metre the Seen
Th. titeaetttrade- . of • latm•se eti tar
Taw, abs+ etre a sarnee else.
Team the Tomato 1Wownom
k.w.d thill teak, a the Mayer'' cam of
tee=Hall yesterday alteration were ea
eeeight members of the (Jearitim'
GLmmemies : - Mr. Malcolm 0ihhe, who
pretitdtid a the absence of Pro. Goldwie
th ; Mr. Percival !Wont, the Rev. 1)r.
Joheetee, AM. Boras, Mr Bailie, fern(.
Mavor, Mr. Robert Swan and Mr. J. V.
Mr Taylor, city relit oflior, reported
that during the two weeks wading Feb. ISth
65 .ppliamisiee had been made to hint, pria-
cipally for food Mad clothing. Gering the
same period the House of Industry relieved
169 eases amid the Relief Society 103 cases.
Some Nev. 1, 1,716 cams rave been re-
bored be the house of lad.etry as
with 1,674 for the corresponding period
last year.
Ot casuals, 865 have been sheltered mace
November 1, as tompand with 862 last
year. There was about oche iuntly b,
twenty it ret:eipt of relief so the city, but
the .mount given was cot large, possibly for
the season shout:i.60 per head of all per
sou: relieved, or some 17 50 ler fam:;y
Mr. Bothe saki that if the relief adminietr
ed by the natiooal societies were included,
about min fancily In .oveomeen gut relief a:
one time or another every .toter Mr.
Pell said the St. George's Society had re
heved &lout 120 families • week 1lurtn4 the
Mr. Robert Swap orodu.ed a paragraph
be bad cat from a newspaper continuing the
following extinct from the last report of the
thief Inspector of I'euiteotunea of (;reads
"Ot bee years our peoitentisrtes have
bed the most andesirsble clew of criminal.
added to thou uutber. Cockney thieves
and pick -pockets ere numerous, as these
pests are gathered from the slums in the
Kest Rod of Loudon, and after short terms
of so -culled probation in certain notoriously
miatuaasged refuges, are shipped to l:se.4e
u tuutigranu deserving encouragement,
and support. With • jew exas 1iota these
street arab. of %%hotochapel, Botherbttbe,
Ratcliffe Highway and other hsuots of vice
speedily return to their old habit* on a=rty
env to Cestoda, and to o,osequenoe become
a burden and &a expense to the taxpayers of
the Domiatoe. L the reformatories, jail.
sad peuitentiasiea they are found to be the
most troublesome and wont cooduLted cam
situ in Caned.. '('heir tont wduenoe is pot-
ent ad pernic.oas and the general verdict of
the chaplains and other prison officer' re -
gaoling those youthful Imitators of Fagin
.ml Bill Sykes amnion .ofavorable. They
sounder them dead to good infuessoce and
then: relorn.attoo bopeleee. 10 order to
protect the community against the depreda-
tions of .nch thoroughly trained malefactors,
and our youth especially against the evils
effect* of their example rod influence, it
were advisably that effectual rise 0s should
be adopted to prevent mistaken philantb
ropisu abroad ed at home from siding and
encouraging the traosplaouttoo to Canada
of mottos unsuited to the mod and moral at-
mosphere of the Dominion."
Commenting thereon Mr. Swam said that
("amide had been made
• pct PISO 01101rtp rot Qt1rt.Au
frown the old country, and recommended
that any who were committed for say of-
fence hen should, when they had served
their terms of imprisonment, be seat back
from where they had oome braided &. cri
mann, se that they should not murder,
steal from and impose on respectable
cittaen.. He pointed out that Bennett, the
leader of the Toronto bank-bwrglr gang,
and Patrink Fenton, who shot • young lady
at Highland Creek, were both bro.ght out
te (:atada by societies and were both fair
.ampies of the oleos of Immigrants sent o•gf
Alas! for the rarity �'
Of Christian charity
Under the sun
Dr. Johnston presumed Ally Mr. 8...
referred to the childrela,gg0t over by Dr.
Bar.ado and othets.00. that "bigot the
pprevionf • was misialormed, be said.
Eie Warden Massey, t whom
ething similar had lien said Mute that
he had made enquiries sod found that et all
the criminals to prisons in Ontario only two
were from such homes.
ate isles!rr THtrstLrta.
Mr. I;ihbe pointed out that, of the nine
gentlemen present, oily two were Canadian
born, the rest were emigranu,aod it did not
become them to speak in such term' e
Mr. Pell gave the following notioe of
motion " That, whereas tie report of tbe
lbasieioe inspector of Prisons Aeon that
the criminal populataou of Gonads is being
largely increased by the importation of
erimtaala from the clues of the European
oosntries : Be it resolved that the Dominica
Government be 'Demoralized to use the
n ecessary measures to check .00h importa-
Tsr/a R.krvss tell* tome,
heat The Toronto Mar.
"Patriotism," said Or. Johnnie'', "blithe
ret refuge of the scoundrel," meaning
thereby that when the scoundrel bee m r.
gu,o.t bet, he takes rehire in the loyalty
cry or is protestations of his patriotism
The famous dost- r was .ocoath in kin
mouser eomeu'na•, •0d harsh in kis speech,
but he could not have pointed oat the par-
asitical prteotionl,te of today is fewer
words As moo. as 0ayese reuse to mak
what has orot.ctiou done for the country or
the people, and God kmws it hes done very h
little. the parasitical protectionists j.mie th
u pon him with the charge that he ie ea r
O exationut and • traitor who amid he
shot before m.wai.g. Or let anyeateliameet
that • little free trade world he good for
the ("retry and the por•aitioel prshstM.-
ilia fly at him instantly as a dangu'sti'r-
aea who has Amigos epee the 'try ls*4 Y
atones of 'h. state And whet is more ter
p.reaitinal protectionists reseed all i.ibernl•
e s enemies rd the ona,try became they ant
to the Ilevenment which bide is
wing seetua0aos to the p•rasltieal protea.
ismOf enures the latter an paid for
ret► maloee. for they are mercenaries Weide • farm eat their time and each e.0 as
have he.e ghee them few such hie. as the it
peostie Proeeetioniate Ginn afford to pay, Y
earl they are imparted to he leaded with I=ll do
menden end ever reedy for actino .hat
seller, spivs But .11 anti protectionists are tanta04 the Lihs.nary en are many free '
traders in the .a.ervatiee ranks and when to
ever nee n1 these show his bowl in n pot
nee it is the duty e4 the per..itieal pre. 7
Mehr Met te read Item mut of the party me •
MAMA, who a tet N m
he &etal. Het the
people .w w kola They sawn em tbreogb N
the pet eNhd proemial** and Mq kw ha
hie ways. (tome eta he .1N holm
os emus h
hfor triol sod a� that he will use 1.
THE SIGNAL': GODERIOR, O1!T., 1111111111111DAT, FEBRUARY 13. 1113. •
bard u hie pre=set stain, bet will he ewer
a the weber ode trysts N make wise► M
or oat a Tree rade.
0006 ANO ENDS.
Laker" is tam ler dems wortah eg m-
meteteeed wiM rugger a seed he
The Armeinmg gee wee premed by boa -
stoop to L866.
A telegraph lite was set up ea the Great
Western railway in 1838.
The tether of Mend LITt.g to a woo um
operator Is • collas ire
la 1862 there were 15,000 mil, of tele-
graph wire is (Sr.&t Itritata
Mediums for making tacks were find made
by Thomas Biencbasd in 180b.
Camphor menthol u as extol -Mt ialeslsst
if ase r .ntferteg treat cstar'h.
The YYt . Lamm writer of comedy Tames,
wee a sI&ve, as was also his father.
1t u estimated that upward of 18,000
hones die or are killed aauu•lly to Limbos.
The state of Wesh.ugtoe is one of the
heaviest twusumere of ooudeused intik in the
Csmmun.catten by land Mad ora was se-
tabiiah.d between London end l'on.tenttno
pie nu 1568
'there is nu virtue in dot.g what we have
to do, sur even the devil will behave himself
when he is audited.
Gashing Gomm! (.eorge l'uater,becauee of
his lune yellow curls, was known as " Ring
leu" amuug his seldom. '
Pale, weak women used a tonic, strength
riving, doh building medicine like Mil-
buru. Beef, Iron rid Waue. lm
(alma barbers lather their patrons wit►
their hails from a teal made to tit wider
the chic. Nu brush is used.
W oru.a cause serious sickness. Gr. Low.
Worm Syrup destroys Mad expels all kinds
of Worms quickly and surely. lm
A famous Roulet] gluLteu &Iways wore
gloves at • least w he o..uid handle the het
meat stoner than the other guests.
Zinc muwerget Webb ('ity, Wis., have
mewed lately that a .haft awry were dig•
King has beeu growing hotter. At • depth
of 163 feet, the other .lay, they bad to stop
work, as names bunt through into the
People troubled with sick and nervoas
headaches will bud a most efficacious reme•ly
in Ayer's Cethertic Pills fhcy streug'he.,
the etomacb, stimulate the liver, restore
healthy action to the dometive organs, and
thus .air,( speedy and rslwf.
TO. Tvaespm
(Inc. then were two tramp who were
actually k.oktug for work. la the coarse of
of their wanderings they tameupon a pile
of coal in front of r palattalnsdeooe. Said
the tramp with the asferior musket ;
"• Let as engage ourselves to stow away
this fuel at a prone of twenty five cents"
•• Nay, nay.' said the tromp with the so
parlor intellect, "let me go within and te-
gottete. "
Ai.d he did negotiate, and secure the job
at the rare ..f fifty teats, of which sum be
gave roe -half to hs oompsoioo to perform
the aecessary manual labor, reserving Doe
half pato himself for superinteoteeding
operations. Whereat he of the Inferior
businees ability, though he bad received
twice the amount of work be expected and
at kw own rate of oompeosatern, lifted up
his voice in wrath anti .wore by various(
deities that he had been b*toed. Wa.oe
aetheeeltk Mo Is. v.
Attend carefully to tangle of Tow bum
Be PrcmP.Irtt:l1 things.
Coa,liitri well. thee, decide positively.
.Jtld'e to do right. Fear to do wrong.
Roden trials patiently.
Fight life's battle bravely, manfully.
Go not tete the society of the vicious.
Hold integrity sacred.
Injure ant another's reputation to busi-
,lois hands only with the virtuous.
Keep your mind from evil thoughts.
Lir not for any consideration.
Make few acquaintances.
Never try to appear what you are
Observe good mannerv.
Pay roe delis promptly.
Questm.0 out the veracity of a friend.
Respect the counsel. of your pareata.
Seorifie, money rather then principle.
Touch not, Mate not intoxicating drioks.
Use your Ilan time for improvement.
Vesture net upon the threshold of wrong.
Watch car.{ully over your passion.
Extend to every man • kindly ealut•tioe.
Yield not t•. diecnuregemeeta
Zealously !aper for the right, and .nooses
is certain.
Tem rete r ?...e Mead.
BeR :inlays, J. rdnys, writing to the Lan-
des Timm ef I)m*ber 29th, forwards' as
extract train• Inter received by him from
Stephen8tepbChristian, • deeeendant of the
mutiresrs of the i*it(ety. When the late
Sir William Denison, Governor General of
Mrtr►ha, wet a ship of .r to PitcaiPitcairn8.
Island to remove • 1'.ty ed tinhabitants
to Norfolk Island, wine eteeted to•ie,
and stall continue (herr. The greater .em•
6, however, migraed sad settled in Nor -
5056 Island, having desired Air &t5115.. to
include in their brief :vele of lawn the pro -
obit -Dm
ibin of ell toutr,cating beverage. That
f• etcloatnn of alenh••I bio net enfeebled
their strength Wed du toe ram be gathered
from frothe 51t.r of Stephen Cristiaa, which
states.te• -•' Last nesann 1 int fast to • shells
•bt four miles off shore, blowing vitro
hard, • very rugged (i. e ► Tho
was snag vat fee 55iewl, amid
. T. the rely man is s b. lyes who could
moms swim, got pitch.44 nv.rhried, aid got
g host tine hundred yard. eaters of the beat
Were 1 knew anything &tout I11,Charley
Hejumped' nverhoard join ` time to
• him Tram got to them fest and
/ekednrl them up They both slimly got
�a1 think M quite .(roses. a
tesd•1 for his kesvery i lane the whale by
1 asked ('harry what wn.l4 he de if
ager tearer(.( gr.h head of hire awl take Isiah
ernHe said he... quite w.lhIgg ten Ow
d ire with him." bishop ftiley% Nsarke
et when Christian ays the mei la
rugger(,' it ie me in wheels few wn.M tiers
be in • Anat. .4.11 ham nuroi4. i. '- '1tie
tea of Bishop Malays is headed N the
Howe " A Reeve Aee," .sd .hall on set
44,. • hearty thew ler Marley R+a
Yaws, and all the people el Pitman pod
orfelk b1.mir,0, Mese t•thm. sad nbily
ve rees.lned free ler mese Mei
(fore km the test sed (slot M
,essay, t
efinieilloellevers otwerrara/w lushes
staaa..b sea is. neater Who es ewe-
me.wa 0015.... M Mese a Deese www
Tan•w*o, Feb. 110. -Maori's Slime,
yid >a • .g.rmaket mediae et
404 Adelstde-atreet west with kr
win .d four c►i.ldrea, died at kr hems
yesterday mrniag a few mauve before 10
Dr. relishes had bees .uaneseaed, and
arrived fast .tor he had ees.ed'weethiog
Tbe phy.leias retorted to arab.- a! reeplra
nos for J) *0mises, het was sas.:emivel,
ad pronounced life extinct He found the
body of the deceased so • healthy sed well-
nourished citation, and res totally at •
lose tat sap ata the Dies.• of death. There -
erre no ester,&( nook. et vidssce tied no
symptom* or signs of feeses
fh+. wife of the de- dead told Dr Me -
Mahon that her hwl.&nd haul not beer x11
a: all, but mead baro t ,•sly int.,& ate( the
•lav ulcer
Under th,se er ,n.•I.ncw, :owe, :110 as
the parts leer- s. ,kr ,ten w 1e:. \tc dshon,
Ise rolused te pis a.. ti•.eele of death and
,nt4Aed etarillwor who cell eo-,fsr
with Chown Attars. y Moran tots tno•1 f•112
es to the edstealttlit, of bold•ug an
A lir {yr an4 tbe (..'tee -father of the .1.
craned elsa called on ('e=wer A:kias a••1
dsnamdel an inpsee1. c;ai.nug that there
were g...d m: •owls f .' 'nape ling foul else
the h..+'Mei sod ri1..1ad lived unLsp-
ply and t bat they hod heard pr, inns mike
use !the 'springha that they wished he
ems dead
71e beat fruit'. qw Rater C.sad. Otto.
.at ea t.wp. (Jnsres. n.e.
OrrieA, Feb. 20. --An or'I.r-s.-council
was passed Saturday taking from the Min-
ister of Agri'ulture toe power conbered
ea him by the cattle geareetiw regulations
of lM$l soul Iltr of alloriag settlers, ender
certain ctodatet*, to take their meek auto
H.nitela •ud tis. Northwest without yF
d.rgosag the 90 -day quarantine.
It will be remembered that one of the ex-
cises nada by Mr. Herbert Gardner, Prmt-
dest of the Imperial &serd of Agri•ilture,
for continuing the embargo against Cana-
dian mole was that ssttlr. Iron the
United States were silliest to h=ag cattle
into the Northwest w.thout,
sod this &scion has no doubt bees taken
be the Minister of Agriculture to
,iu&rm this objection. Tho cattle qurae•
tow regdlsuoot to power to Cas.da are
now, therefore. ate.dute that then shall be
• quarantine of 90 .lays of all s.1 easels
e ntering the Domiu"oe ties{ the whole
frontier from the .'.t;o.,tie to the Paedic.
A. was anticipated would be the case,
Mr. Robert 8sigwick, Deputy Mtn:,ter ..t
.hosts, was appointed • judge of the
Supreme C•.art at yesterday's mesuog of
council. He will prol.taty be sworn in by
Cote( Justin Strong before the opening el
the court fou the February sateen on Tom.
day. It r said that no neons was takes
with reference to sppeutng kis snoea•ssr
to the Department of JaM;ce.
A aeevo towel =m reps of Morse* althea
1. Hemdto..
ilarla,Tot, Feh. 20. --A horrible accident
occurred at the Weetwerth-street creosol"
of the G.T.R. here Saturday night &bout
7.8A A well-k.owa colored mali named
Jerry Jnhastos, who was engaged hauling
ice, was driving scree. the track .hie he
.as rya deers by eke fit Louis express
going east .ad was isateatly killed.
Jobeuor'. body was pitched tete the
mttlegwrd .ad hs hru.s were bespattered
over the track. Hu head was mitt epos
.ad his death w.• usdoubtdiy ,ustue-
aneous. 8-48 horses were hind ted the
sleigh was smashed to atoms.
Johnins was about 40 years of Igo a.d
raided a the font of Wentworth -stress
with htt wile and two ebil•lree. TM body
was takou to the city hospital As inquest
will be Relit
stew's ttnm'e M.reltwnt Lranse.
PIIILADguwIA, F.b. 90. --Collect., of
the Port Groper he' tamed as Amerman
register to the Intarnatio.&l Navigate'.
Company of Phttadelph. 6v the weenier
New York. Setistact•ry precis were pre-
treated that theaet et Co.grw ragatring
the company te build rentals of capacity
equal to the Paris asd New York had Mesa
complied with.
The Paris will be granted her register ss
50115 es elm arrives in port, Mad both vessels
will hereafter had from Pbiladelphh,
although *admit from New York.
This n the It certificate ever issued
tr.n.f -ring • ship from British to Ameri-
cas resatry.
Rtes&. =1. Jew wee.
Tweet', Oui., Feb. 90 -An aceuimet se.
marred here Baterd•yby which • young mss
named Thomas Eosterbreok received serums
injuries. He was in charss of his sect's
delivery wages. The berm ataaehad 6.
cram bight -mist .ed started te tea away,
musing the young roan to fall forward en
the anneal's heels, which kicked vie.osely,
striking Fmeterbrook is the Nee, breaking
his jaw hens in two plains, beside. .,gee►
lag other serious ujury.
H. was taken q .aseesesew and Dr.
Tattle called in Hopes are "intermitted
that 8. will reenvw, The yosog mea r
&bent 20 years mit
roll eche ant.+ Maseoat
Tavttiroas, Ost., Feb. 20. - Hear,
Schaefer, far. . 54 years of age, leviag
two mJ.• from tbs. place. u the Township
of K..thope, whose brother i. mews, .hes
ntur...g from his farm to the hoes*
when he had bees feeding .tock, slipped
and fell se the beak es hie head with grew
He was able te w.Ik to hw how bet
lived nely two been He leaves a wife
.ad Inge family, grown ep. He purposed
coating to Lida vsllago today to maks We
(1.. M Marta
Sao.u, Oat., 7.h. 20. -Sunday raereia4
abet 9le,'eteek • fire .e. discovered i.
the .pour epartmeste ,,c.-up.ed by A. IL
RI ere, ea • barber shop asci lath mom.
The dre destroyed the furniture sad 1.
15np and went down thinu`h to the .tern
beneath. •.et.p..d by A R. Comer as •
jewelry .tory. The .t•wk was oessehlerahly
damaged by fire tied wow. The I ow le
wet 8..,.s as yet; seven 1 by tswruna.
♦r0sM irrNim a mini -
Year. N T , Pee. 2b -Tire freight ter o
based met e. the Pie8h.rg Railroad oil -
Med .ear Athol, Mem, ti.'-y.lay marw,n,g,
The tal.aaettee to the seemed freight .ds
ward the eabe..e of the hat mak on •
dews grad. freer 'hyo ..d Jessph
Martis of Orange. Mem,, were kasNe
WWI rmd Closet Ho fid* two hsoly
Cures Others
Will taps Ties. ler hem shalsomd if
the steno, 01 AY5011 ifmotprrls,
Mom Whom Mr rsmsom a.fgimsdllt is
Moro hood t hots ett+i. tbie asswWa
i• true d AYU'S S.raapurles. as
thalami terve Mere M moot he trete
hey applied tmOhr perpsretie ., which
eepateeipl.d balers wilt mimosa/.
a.d eq le impeem tips= yew, ad, "jure as
good as Ay'." Take Apses 8.nm-
p•ri8a and Alt's tardy, if you seed a
blood-p,riMr sad would be bceiMd
persaompy. Tais medicia., form m*
slty years. has sreyed a reputadom,
sad mads a record for cures, that ham
Dear bees equalled by other prepara-
tion. AYEJ&'S Sarsaparilla eradicates
the taiDt of hereditary .cr.fola and
other blood diseases from the system,
and it has, deservedly, ,she Oee6deoce
M the people.
" 1 cannot forbear to express my joy
tet Me relief 1 have obtained from the
use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. I via
aMicted nith kidney troubles for about
sic months, suffering greatly with pain,
in the small of my back. In addition to
this, my body eras covered with pimply
erupti0nc. The remedies prescribed
failed to help me. 1 then began to take
AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short
time. the pains ceased and the pimple.
disappeared. 1 advise every young
awn or weenie. in case of every
resulting from impure blood, no matter
how long standing the case may be, to
take AYER'S Sarsaparilla." -„H L. Jar -
mann, 33 William st., New York City.
Will Cure You
Peewee by Dr). C. Ayer a Co., Lowe& Masa
nelsety le Eestaed.
When we say • girl is homely we mean
that she is the reverse of beourifai uomia
'akahly plain, mod son,etisnee painfully so
In Eugl.ikd, hoverer, the term is • measure
eosnwinieutary. The homely girl is thecae
sod -wed with all dnm.atic vitiate. She t.
• h.w.e body in every sew of the word
use of chime ooh little woven with sol'
plump chseles, smooth hair and rounded
out lote.,Illat a man always Imagines as sit
'qg opposite him at the utile or bending
:Aar • het of sewing a th. mellow lamp-
light. If we want to tell a Briton tact a
girl is not goodlooking. we must not my
that she rboatel', but plain, or ugly.
A. Old as Aalawuto.
Kitbag by acquire,( taint or hereditary,
those old toes scrofula and coo.amption,
most be faced generation •iter generatias
but you may meet them with the „def. in
your favor by the help of Scotts Bmulso..
orway ' ne
msNsr,s of ether5.OTr b ad herbs.
A iog05/RA FOR
AT fcHi
pl'sme1l!t4'yew(, psis le Nie
Nessa a=ir A=n Mee PER a-Rais
_-- N e4 serelefeell.
_ -
Coal, Wood and Kineling deli-
vered to all parts of town
with quick despatch.
1 keN1e t 8. beet made of hand teal In
the market, vit.: Mae New York. Outara
k N esters Itaderay (byre. t'slet.rou4
Lackawanna c&lI.y ('oat In four else.
s -It : Chestnut, Stove, gin and Orate.
sort oo4.L.
ficir Lep 0501 for nse a
R=at, . s'o.N, ferries., eta.
toXIIMItt/EslOO Z..11Mi.eb,re► eeaith-
Ine real .Lofs on hoot. Soerial .tem
t Ma. stir, to 00.a1r7 wade.
. u .a.' met wand. N taeb.e Med !lest
Inas. always le meek, Oran *.est that
1 Mas ..lura wood, ret and nmOL es Mem.
es )0u ran hay lour wee4 es die mikes
Au Mor woes Is .add b tt. owed of Ifs
feet .1 beef owed lot.
11:I1+iD1.13fo WeoD.
s •o et . •'.. w cul and 'Mit, N laches
. r
W72012 0012.11,
t h.,.. .4401 M mor repepuipM'1 ..4
S.I *oat f ted • now t len we(eb move.
A 11 wet Ms and m,aeua *.s ismia
Orrice, YARD ARD Ot1A6 SKIMS in old
4411 ileo,(, Nel.os-d, foot of Hast-
Toro 441 111.
Fraser ik Poflers
A line of Memorandum and Counter Book , $ ,, 1 , W ors
nal price, 25c. and 50c.
A job lot of Notepaper and Envelope' at half Nle wholesale cost
Over 500 bones Al School and Brunets Pens, for 10e., 15c. sal
20ca box.
Family Bibles at les than half price.
Any piece of Sheet Music (not cop) rights(( for 5e.
Music Books for almost nothing.
Clearing Sale of Fancy China Cups and Saucers at a sweep*
Booksellers and Stationers.
Lorna lermaere. MIL Telephone t'w
We we ash
tt everyt►ae M .ompeschdlee Prowelpebna
regaeeruSy sskf.itel. Oreo on early hr'Meglelase
W. O. GOODE, Chemist.
IM Ate
alliew neck at Water OfsMmpet►esr1 Aymims, IJ._..i. en., eta
for which we art- mew primeed.
you that ♦'maker stay. ill lad ri that b ramrod •V M pro
No sloe goods allowed b Ib. more.
Oar general hardware monk I. meet oemNrte and well hews►' Or Res, sonde M
testloa sod we roar muteness.
Thr is 'bre sYmti- serry5t ths mA
eamplete ter a it esaty.
Zvow 'rA33-11E1
It makes little differ-
ence what others say,
the leading place in the
trade /or years and
years has been occupied
0.. Ilii& -et and Square.
P.B.-The latest and beet designs
for Winter wear just to hand.
We have just r'eosired a very choice let of
e 0i*
Whisk we imamate* Se sell at isnot
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
Than can be bought from pedlars. A trial order will eea-
vinoe ou of the truthralness of this assertion.
We sell the best OOTTIE obtainable.