The Signal, 1893-2-23, Page 5THE
fi3tailla MMD
.11110ffr I00 OP) S WILIAM ••SAAR• • SS10.0041* o.
MDT. -
1111111111MOT 11111111111) TO THE PRIMOIPAL AT TMS END Or 1&*v AND
Spotted /011•04181. gime he the O.Ueotl•n air ^• r .,.roc.. �..-,•..
art! Femora* WAND 111s11s..
R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager.
Vienne 170.. -..:sty hell its firm csse.r-
.seiome to t'o..onto on Friday.
The Dominion Cotton ('.,septa) {aM your
made I4 per cent. proem m ctae aspltal
The cooftesi 4l the 1)usu•ion lade .knei-
assume neer to Ottawa nets Wsd•sday.
Kuhcaygeun was the Oaten. curling
Wkard, Os'awa *snag the last competing
Mr. Moloek's hill to meed the laming.
bone. Act proposes to make betting as.
dsdiens • corrupt practice.
It is repotted from Wi.upeg that Mr.
Bsyal mil ren fee Provuaoher. lir. L s Il-
v$ore s feet, at the sett election.
Tb. St.. Marie. the hottest boat oo the
lakes, wee lawn -bed.' Introit on Thursday.
The vessel will ply between Mt Ignacs and
Lads user -
The city 4 Montreal W et prosiest twe
mayors. Mr. Dsejardiee bag beep sworn in
to lilt tete nide, but Mr. Mariam dome
that there is • enemy.
Bradstreet's weekly report allows IMA
44 Women malaria occurred during the post
week, avian 45 lees .ask .end 43 to the
.orre.pcoding week last year.
It Ie said Ow Breed Trunk . negotiating
for lac perches, of the Dream mend t iu Sty
eagles , ea tee matt shore o; the at. Lew,
sees 1rein Si. Hyacinthe to coiet.
Oa Sunday Bishop Marv, 4 Mt Kyr
ream ordained the Rat. Fat here 0J1 cad
Broesmn, d the Demiae...rder. Theme
aro the Lain Dogrea a prey entemod u
Weisberg peters are asdaseen.g to gat
H5 new Laotian h Port Ssua*y railway
gwiu•te u bead mad apneas the propos-
ed has hum Pert or Part Devon to
Tilwborg, theses and B.s.Nsd.
Madams TMs Lea Der. who dud near
Moauwi a few days ago as the age d
u+e.ay -sans yang.. left hated Par sit •
Mee dsidre•, see heads ed sad Sheen
peedeMMwa• end turb•me greet greed -
At the movies of the dineeete
d the Idminal [subtleties A.. -ti.. the
w@sppsrrtt amt that Lbs teal reseip4 bola
msGatscis.e act year ama.ated M gee
N Mr. J. J. Withrow wow re•oewed
ea the pari of • primmer is MID
palm Napalms, Oat. who aught te se
Yen the ribosome of has wawa mmmente
Iq .agm.g e j 0005, is lad to have . coated •
!105105 connotes re0tvolsenses sassy .SMT
cusses of the prima.
Iti a, response to a deputation free Seat-
who asked the removal ef the re-
dristsoa uu Canada• cattle exported N
Mtsta, i'rosdwt Garden refused to tab
nay setws earl garaged that Geode is
free hum dream
The McCormick Manu(ses.ri.gerapney,
of Cbi.:agu, are laid to cu•umplate the me
mblr&Ement of a breach of Weir •sem se
hater" for harvesting .machinery is Cas-
ein- Aa agent w tM company has been
mseiag Han owu aldermen os the abject
Nicholas Atony. M.P.P., World's Fair
Gsutmiru.ner for °•tan•, hem received
emesr•m.»s from tits UniteKufs sutburi-
ttss that the repeat order gmar.auat.g
tabs `filen .f taw IP wee Leet Inensawn to
the t:e.wew-a.eer•l Woe 15.1 .0ewele-
s. tt.••l- He. It P. Hes Sem • Ot.aekaR-
The R. T. des R.... Gars. -Ts. Pose
Tows flees ere Take Ileac
OrrAwA, Feb. 20. - Ash Weise..f.y be-
ing • holiday the Holm dui not wt On
Thursday the debate es the Budget 'was
eo.usued by Mr Henan, MinnMer of
Railways, whoHenan, emend into a he of
' she N. P , startisg with the *indium of the
spiry in Iti-M•sd eauthat the .gent
d the policy bad nut bees to find na-
pbymeut tor our young .sem aid to de.
'skip the poultry, but otters were actually
117 inure aruolss on the free het new than
there were in I$7t. He ridiculed Str
Richard l'artwneht's statassst that • mul-
lion amid • hall Canadian had goes to the
Untied Mutes in the last ten years, tied
quoted the figures of the Uaited States ar-
ses returns to show that the number of a the States had only increased
96l,bif1 in the 10 years (roan I$if0 to 1gW,
which of entree included the natural te-
arooms of the 712.701 Camaro. who were
is the United States.
He bombed ea the 1•teroulea/al, tied
acid that it was on • paying host. L. Oon-
due,00 be touched os the great develop -
men: of the country and said the Govern -
moot amid ran perfectly e•tesl4.4 with the
result of the N.P.
Mr. Pursue (Brant) fdewed, epeskteg
tar an hour tip to remote amid for an hour
atter. His speech wee • general .stack on
the N. P., which be said had mist been pro -
Amore el any good result, but on this oss-
uary had greatly wrested Jr barium of
the psopie without say oorresposdtig ad-
Hos. Mr. IMI briefly replied and the
House ad jwriM u 10 p.m
On F y afternoon qua s. intentions(
,debate mon up at the instance of Hoe.
Mr. Mills, sod Iseted for Dearly an hoar and
a half, en the scree of Messrs Wellies,
Wood I W ensorelsid ), O'Neill .ad
Mcl)o.gald (Pictoui u railing .. the
Govrwor-Onieral on Iasi mad
directing ha arestiso to the Impar a is -
terse Is the e coal d.•1 of the
Nova Soria end • Boma
@ e bore.
Mr. Mills said M .Dderatood that recent-
ly the Nov. Scotia Iegul•ture had passed
es Act which was wholly within the juru-
dictam of the Provincial L. i.latars. His
Exoeilency bed bees asked to interfere.
That advice was not tendered through the
re.poosible advisers of the Crown, hat by
fano members of Peritonea who waited
e pee hue le the connec.aos it wee tight
that the Hoose should know bow far mem-
here mad peewee wbo were cwt members
n ight go H. quoted sense littgluh
preedento Mit held that the action e(
the feet member was wholly at vermes
with the p+glisb system at reastitatics.l
Mr. Wt
Weida. said that Messrs. McNeill,
Weed, McUeapld amid himself, being loyal
subjects to Her Majesty, heai.g their at-
s.aYen celled to the danger that threaten-
ed the inWtu'roga d the country, took ov-
aries to brtig thii tearer to the area -
time ef the Queen's r.prase.Ytuve .a this
mentry. Whoa mating to Ottawa b. had
• .osveresttoo with certain parties u Half
fax-- .naval officers-- wbu had called Wt •t-
tostlen to the danger to toms d war of
swirly all the s.. field. a Neva Soria
pwsg Mr the hands d an alien spi-
lt might he paseibh, if . poetical
wino ansa, shat all these anise could
be flooded for or blown op se that
British war veseels would Is usable to yr
any earl without returning across the At -
The debate was cautioned by M....a
Laurier; McKeon. McNeill .id Wood fs
the dieser.. of Mr. Waldo. and Messrs.
Deers sail Freer is support of Mr. Mi
after whiob Lair John Thorpma said he did
n ot think there am any dilemma of
Spawn as to the cossutetiosal quietism
From tee 'posies of Mr. Mille -ad the
geMWsmes who bad wait os ha Ea-
esllsscy it appeared that they all agred
that no poem should approach His
Ktodlency for He pum ss of gtvutg
d yke.
Atter the Nev. Soars Boal episode the
debate en the Bridget was renewed by Mr.
Edgar. Hei blamed the ('rov.rusest tar
ailing to the Northwest. Bo
craned that the popa5tos of the North-
west should have leen isresnsd este milli..
at least drriag the last decade. Mr. Eiger
then referred to Lha Seaton idirsry and
ctted out the .sesmity et tacit reform
was a tax el 40 per not. ea oottoe
shirtier sed as won by airing moa
H. calmed that the output d erre i.
Gamed& wee 814,000,000 worth. What
taw were paid a this outputAt is
p. Bent tbe tams trimmed to $3,460,000
per tisssm, whisk west Isis the pocketed
the wnfast rex.
This tax was an addittos to the east d
the seldom if imported. H. estimated that
the east ef the raw material and labor wow
$1,000.000 set d the $14,000,000, w this
was a itrgia of 11,000,000 50 meet ordi-
nary expense sed dividends, wittiest He
protective idowtrim. Umber say fair
m•asgem@at this "beak' Maths a profit with-
out bey pr.t..ties at .iL Tis Canadian
sotto. Emilie meld eompsI5 is the es ids
work' without any prstemies at .11, .ed
they did it. They were is the Chimes
markets with their goads wmptiiug with
the worbi T1/ remit was that they could
supply the heaths. Chums without wooe-
tis. yet they .rented 84,000,000 eat el
the pec is
of 77miade
T' faete showed that the tariff osgbu
to be reformed, sad the duty oe notessa re-
ared now and sae wait for the Mi*imter d
Frame to ge though the ....try with W
fanvee and menagerie
Mr. Frear dived tato the oatnsus, and
laid that it seamed always ssesniry for
arivernmset ratans harrgivng s atoms
or ea expiamitism for the melte ID Eft -
lend Seek • tbisg was never Wight .4.
For muses He 0sla1ide/15T7 Stam d
the ..awe rst.r0e was ..poised toy 07
tee rsares. The Dessises MDWtiiis
said the remelt was due to the deep of
early marriages l eldibrey.
l* weeds, (�.aerilimi- did sat la
mos emu. er .l. sat marry at sI. Phis
was he rid the ms were M Iha r
Hit the yegeg wane were blit ismer
dn55ted sin, gM pwHable
sod dill .et marry. 11M. be add, w a
gone Mader ea the yansg we sod tbe
mdhes. i (Limit a. wpsilatd the
From H" be aas.0.d bee Site tulle
petlw maims that the dleldfet Bao he -
se tis tem parties Is Maeda win
00 t� 5 It was mete
.. the
ism aids use hem tmmde en t0. etbr.
Frac wade wen Dat yet en Mee beewsen
the taw pities. bat !kat aim me nim-
bi. Pree.os' -toms elms end a Sled.
Ar inns to _sem Assume Awed no
mites es Me bee df the earth is epee
- ear hre
ie toils.� dthmdnD est
• aeill Weirton-.
nti n ^e.A•a• . .r _ w^Ji . "i t ✓rmn to
sesames meltsM befor
.. 50 ed. . �
D:bikitlee Prn
A.uttIr-f d she Mesiad die wad-
ddle that hea perplexed the Shalt.• fur.••ay
mote nue appears within • re.sos.ble dis-
tance, oetng w the action et the Private
Bill Committee of 1te Quebec Legislature •
Oh.oncil legalizing the el.otwee 01
MK, aid postponing the geser•l elections
.ail .ext year.
Phaedra Smith, of the Ontario Veteri-
n ary Cargo, ha. received • porno. of He
lunge of a pow imported from email& sad
slaughtered u Kaglasd tial was supposed
to have been •dieted with pears pee.-
mlEmtt Aoalym barn shows the supposi-
Rem to be wur.dy unfounded.
The members of the Women's OXrwu•s
T.mperame Cara of Wtanipag recently
debated is that city the q.usu.s of prow
lag the freedom to wow, 50d the ladies
en the assure* side penmat Sema very
stro.g .rgunee.0 u opposition to the pro-
posed The members of the Looal
Legislature supposed them to be u earnest
and now they are autos& to tall the mates -
men that they were may epistles far ergo-
mest's sate.
Ilobt Sedgewick, Q.C., deputy etii.Ner
e l pushes, W bee. appealed to the bead
of the avprems mart.
Mr. 0aodfeed Evans is pot MUM of the
Dew deb in Hamilton, .d C. R.
McCdi.ogb secretary.
Hen. Klward Blake Mill the home rats
bill, aa • whole, was mceeptable t. web
..Mt... et the UM party.
Jane J. Corbett W pet up $10,000
with • Mallow to Mite0U, sad $2500 for
• maids with peter Jackson.
Mr. AamberWa and Mr. dike were the
p�nrt.D4eatpp.sl1 speaker" is she debate ea Me
$ame-R.a ball is Lha leopsrial House.
Mr. Hoary W. Pearsen, saperisteadeist
art the Anitab agrimbiernl exhibit at the
Chtcege Fair, was is Toronto Inst met.
The Liberalmet uLeftiesLdes is uaawmess
is prswy Hoa LI ward Blake'. first
. peach i. t e Wirth Huns of Commons.
Emperor William of U.rmsay has accept-
ed Emperor Peaty Jdeepb's Isttuiao0 to
be prowess at site army m.n0Svew u He -
Mr. heat L Webb, barrister, d l .1-
0...e, is e0eess by the Reformers of East
Merthemberlmod as candidate for the legis-
Mr. Jets Firgerald, President d the
Irish National Lague of Agarics, says the
new Hare Kale hill u not whet the lank
people want.
At • .setas of the Trades sod Labor
Council Mr. Phillips Thompson s seadids-
tare ter the Tenure va..acy u the Legis-
lates was wterwd.
Mese Jessie Smith et Kingston has bear
appointed by the bard of England
.nmom beard as lady s.peri.tendost of •
fnurse school at Kobe, Japan.
it is reported t7 -...t Prof. fingg@, during •
recent teat te Ctac..�n•ti, agreed with Pro.
Smith to form . pew- chorea if the General
' Aiaelably decide, agatnat him.
A.bPUI Money 1
Saving it for you-- making a little for our-
selves. We are not in business for our health's sake al-
together, but a little satisfies no. We go by the system
of " mony mickles mak' a muckle. We turn our stock
over often : mark it at prices to sell off quickly.
Three lines in our
Print Department:
A line of small patterns, light and dark,
fast colors, good wearing cloth, worth 7c.
At this price we sell Ashton's celebrat-
ed fast colors, 32 inch goods. Most stores
ask 12 1-2c. for them, none less than 10c.
Note the saving. We have over 75 pieces
to choose from.
Crumb's famous " Guaranteed 1st Qual-
ity*stamped on every piece. These are
without question the best goods in the
world, nasally sold at lbc., never less
than 12 1-2c.
We have a great many other bargains for
yon. Already we have passed into stock about 15 case*
Spring Goods. New lines constantly arriving. Every
thing will be as near to the cost of manufacture u cash
buying and cash selliag can Uriah them.
We open is steak this wank
25 - PIECES - 25
of Fittest French Challiee, prior, Nk.
100 - PIE CE S -100
of blue Widest KDgIinh Cambri.s and Prioht, pace, 12;e.
2000 - YARDS OF ENDS - 2000
d Whiter Cotton, from Dominion Cotton HUB, at Yb..; dicount
TO. Retries. t. the Throes of Hawaii Ai
4...w foci. �a
LONDON, Feb. 20. -The Princess Kaiaa
last sends the tullowiug address to the leople.
IA/NOON, Prix l&
To dor d •sericaa Pro-
Year years ago, at
the request of Mr.
Thereto*, , lei Hawaii•
an Cwuinet Mi,ieter, 1
was sent away to Eng -
Laud to be educated
prtvetely and fitted
for the positron +filch
be tbeooeet,tsti.w of
Hawaii, I was tet In-
herit. For all these years I leave patiently
cad in .tile strung to 6t myself for toy re -
tarn thisyear to my eau we 0005117 I now •Em
told that Mr. Thorium u in -Washington
eektug you to take away my gag ao.l m y
throat No ear tells me mon this officially.
Have I duce smythima wrong that this
lrnng *koala be Jose to me a•d may
people! I •m coming to Washington to
Cd for my chrome, my ns•ad m1
Bmaim Will not the great American poepl.
bear me?
(Sinsed) Kauuust
OSmlaena se Els Three le tee im-
perial Hesse.
Luanne, Feb. e0. -Hao Edward Balte'.
Brut speed" Is the House el C0.awas Wt
sight was • diastase eac0eas. He spoke for
as hour and • 4.1f, imprompt•, in reply to
Mr. Chambsraia, forcibly dealing with
pant after point mind by the atter, aid
bolding tie dose atta.tius of • full homes.
While le oo.@idered ties the bill amply se-
cured the espresso et the Imperial Par:
honest, Mr. Blake mid he objected te
the empensien d the sed qqueeres for
three years The Irish Parise/met he
thought, aught to be empowered to deal at
Dade with the and problem. Mach es-
tiasiase wow Mows ween Me epoch was
Swished, both Liberate and irnh Members
cheering badly, tie late t aiming ad
waving their hate. Mr. Blake wee warmly
..mplt.oemt.d by • dietiag.i.hed member
et the cabinet, who is said to have declared
the speech one el the beet svor heard with-
in the walls of parliament The Libra
prase is IMMAMcow ie his pears. The Daily
Neave m 5 the brilliant speech crested •
peolo..d .pression. The Chronicle lays
the peroration' wan as flee as say the hoose
d commas has ever hoard. Tin W ester. -
to i.-
ebr Darier remarks that it was a bold
tblmg for Mr. Blake to •1bmpt an im-
promptu reply to Mr. Cb. breis, given
Wm high prams ad says be acgaitted him -
▪ ore well The Time thighs Mr.
Blob is evidently prig to run ea the big
Nos 4 the Nsaiesalist party. The 8t
Jamas' Omgstte smeeriagly dseoribes the
sheering es aril/ al ad as that of • hired
d th. ti.T. K. here Saturday night *bunt
7.74. A well•knowa colored man wised
J.try Johnston, who win engaged ha511mg
ie., was dnving across the track when he
was rau down by the St. Locis express
going east amid was iuetaatly killed.
Johne ui's body was pitch..1 into the
e.tttaguard and bb hraiw were bespattered
over the track. Hts head will. split open
and kit death was undoubtedly tosta.-
une•,,ts. I�1�..�t�hl horses were killed and the
sleigh was binasb.d to atom*
Johnston was about 40 veer. of age and
resided •1 the foot of Woolworth -at rest
with tin wife and two c!tildree. The body
was intro to the city hospital Aa u games
wtU be he1J.
H. Lelia neesegs l.eetend en a wase&
ase RIM Sofa.
Toaoiro, rd, 10.-D. M. Whyte, of
d Parry Mead, os.mitted suicide by
sheedag himself at the et Jaime' Rota
all• had bees a 54 the hotel rase
Tuesday. Hs bei Mr. Sherry, owed the
�ee�ei@tis@, that be was is the Sit Is Ibn
iaiwea0e of Lha Osagr 1.amber (:
Parry Snead, is whose empty be had bees
Ir aim dears es bookkeeper. He else laid
that bo W a wile d tine ehiDion .ed
"a aim little bene* i. Parry Eauad.
About 10 (Mak Friday Nana
Derma, ens el the da.beremin, ksseked
.0 Wbyt'@ door, bot as he a.awend tress
Me Mid" She peened ea At 1 (dock aha
sawed the rem aid Mead him lying es
Ms Ser dead with a 3111-wB4e Smith 11
Wares revolver beide Pia His head
rested simiaes the walk which was bespat-
tered 1,1:1 bawd Thi Wayne•
ear cartridges cad ens empty @hell
Whyto's only baggage wee • leather v.lies
with the ordinary samily d esdrwer.
la his pe1M was . get& same worth aims
4310 .mil is Mabee! ei the lane wow a .Scop
el paper ea whfek was 'Males : "Pima
beep eard.11y for my little meg be
le asp amp to wear it"
The Deadly Trolley.
Towson), Feb. 9l). -Daniel W. Keir-
otied of 7 Walton street was killed by •
trolley car in Yoinge street on Tber.dsy.
He attempted to board • dow.•town volley
car, and. mussing bit footing, struck bit
head against an up town motor sad surer
ed a fracture of the skull. His skull was
crushed to such ul extent that the argeone
could put their fingers trtrough the nooks
mad into the cavity of the brain. He once
regained consciome0ws and remarked to 1h.
Roach, the hose surgeon, that • trolley ear
had struck him.
A lwprens. Caere AppaGa
Omani, FM 10. - As was sit
d maid be the awn, Mr. i.hrt
asdgwiek, Deputy Diadem el Ae-
tie% see
page et tie
aapefas Osumi at�t • ira-Htg d
seam& De will y agrees is by
id t
ists et
the woesn1ar0. ,usryfar ttarsi ea en Tree►
day. is" fall Hat se maks wee mime
with rdmasse M appointing his Mse
i he he~ ►el J
The Win mi as iNws�
W bees sees te between al. Jibs fh.,wp
gen amid 14. Loch to bps g�er�gaai..
1�15g. piss boom. •mM@r, whi@h ala ea
iiis'at This, ed esinres. dep.rtate be Peels
b is pito et al!
d 1l 11M spas or tw.m MINIM
.. lL _ 1►- '.MSM
Rr.b. BI. Jaw Bono.
Tw1WD, Ont, Feb. SCO. As a ceident oc-
curred bere Saturday by wInch a yasug man
earned Thoma. 1nst.rbrook received @otiose
injuria. Hs was ss charge of bis aisle's
delivery weeps. The hors. attached W -
rams frightened sad started to rue away,
cawiug the young man to fall forward ea
the uninel's heels, which kicked viewed',
s;riktng E.urbdoob in the face, breaking
but jaw bone u two pians, hss.dee taint-
ing other serge@ !jury.
CAPITAL, - - $12,000,000.
REST, - - - (,000,OO.
A Saving Deftartment has been °Ahmed in cow -
lion with this branch.
Interest allowed at rates.
• H. LOCK 11'00D,
/dowager Galeria. Branch.
Carriage Mariu_factuxex,
Haamg purchased the banns• of
I have new arranged, not only to continue the Carriage Tra.l. have decided -1
. - E- .-do all climes el work i.
2395- ly.
Psorsttl t
].e 1TeW 3-rocexs,
}lair • !:tock of
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware
which for quality and prior cannot b.• . xis41. 1.
The INDIAN .4 APAN TKAS which they hot dlr .•xcluslvely can-
not he 'surpassed.
lit a J &parse gale lately 490 fsbrn es
were lost with their brats.
The pop received! 61000 pilgnme tuns
vinous parte of Italy.
It is reda. that the eo:'oa spinners'
strike to l�uwehire has been col.iprulntsnl-
Terrible poverty continues ami Cbiatfoi
whore 3,500 tannins are being fed by
Hugh O'Donnell, charged with pramon•
amu -union men at Homestead, h.s beau
Sleet storms have so 'spired the wheat in
eastern Illinois that there will scarcely be
sail a crop.
The Republicans amid Populists of Kassa&
have bel a bent war for pewees.. of the
A large number d iivs bate been bit
owing to the deadly mum u lead MEmsa
seer Cartagena, Span.
The beak for titled Ia•dos hers in Rima
has recently foreclosed V70 Iw0mM1 mates
Mese ow.ere save become bankrupt
A special 'sewed iso the 4,4n45 Grotto
eentaioe4 an order-in-Cosacd abslishisg the
•Usg.d discruninatioe in canal M11. *gains*
the Usited Mutes.
The newsboy. of Detroit have legations!
• bayoott against the eresieg papers .f
that city, sem•ad'ng that the pries shall be
raised from one to two anal.
The seventh am Sal convention el she
AnrieseNew Pablubsre' Agssciati a
11.11 engd Is Ns. York. Over $100,000,
me f capital was represented
At the Mentos u Paletract ou Mos4*y
lb, 04dsto."n won the seat. by • 'majority
of ei This is • Liberal gam, as the ...-
sutasecy was formerly by a
, V the Hews el lards Lard Ss0b.ry
lens made • (arioes oar& t oe the lei
penal govermmemt ter elegem smeosstitu
tines) arum se as fleabags with the
(.lora& of Ragland.
Magear Orissa/di, iris. Misery of
Frame, says 'he ».eatery COMMIsos will
prob•bir gust ,.._-'4. next May, as the
REaa tloyerlseuN an onmes0omd that
nothing will eoete d it
The Simi Federal Co.ecil Ito
the sp.eul meusrss adopted Sone time age
against the Army. &Iva ni ions.
will be herr.thr a esmble only to the cern
soon law of the eosatry.
The Iris Parliamentary party, at• meet
iafg held atter Mr. l;ladatewe'o *peek, pge-
N a reeeleuog forusally accepting the peo
posed limo Rha oonetltatton as • mtiefow-
sa►ree 51 Irish government
Mr. (bveaad Y.onmeee that J. Slerlieg
Mortem, of Nekreaka, who visited Pim at
W miaow. was toederod the 8eeretar•ymbap
i Agncnliw sed accept w This "Oyes
ee17 the !Dairy sed tae Aitere.y-G...rst
ship to hr pwvadsd ter.
At Pl'iledeip'is Perorate er-O.wsrsl
Msmmmsksr seas she 4. pase
the p.50014. ambo w.. t ei g thet�a
pea.* with • bomb bat • MU
sad the experiment was a eseusa 170.5
gsewl tams Baha wrapped is es Asterism
Blares, Tinware and Lame Goods.
Beat Prime White Coal Oil, 121 2c. per Imp. tial., as usual.
In Tins, containing the equivalent of 5 American Gallons,
for 50c. tam ttm
ISA AM at at..l y wgllwn be bra -
pen es Pe.
Owilleal ride,. it globes. was A
Ylmsd Maser F.0 intoes/IA IM -W.
tom weaned by a.damateo
1111116.m WMese Amer pair., tap
MI ltstlidi adlimess ti lbs
Ho,SF Grain D!!'
There are mare Hoosier Drilla of our manufacture in Ole
in Oe.nada than of all other kinds combined.
Perteet ted lnWMiteneola Note $fon of depth o1 Hoes he all tlN. of eon. THE I1�T_
PERFECT FORCE lull 1. lir The dhurough roomier d oar thrtori with Po. 1
Improved labor saving narhlo.ry and a largely increased morel ean0lee to trie oder the
Hoofer IM11 and all utho r implements of ewe mssafadre at prime awe them ORE hefors
Per catalogues. prigs and terms. ire nor Leal *genu 10.0.500 t the Sontae% Or send to
our nide.
W. H. VAROOE, Dungannon„enta.
L. BEATTY, Varna, i`a-
OBITUARY NOTES Robert Beet, • persist El lbs Hamilton
Lusatia Asylum, was driesn-d to a pawl
working in s quarry Near 1h. asyIs
Philip Nos, proprietor tel the Copes es groundit
hrowery, m dwarf Joshes M•rn., aged r. h;rm, was k4W
Thea Kdly, . wartr"k taenr, dropped y . ftlLtigg eleetoy wklte Aelpilts to lave
41041 mit Wailer&
Jfaeaiture 41'000 a hard" h,.iidtmg s► L.n.d-
.dge Kelly, alt CharkilSslwea, P.B.I., gy Thur.dsy.
ag td lO year At her hoose near Qtrnngtoa. 4400. Ndrs.
Nal Ferris, the olden remdeut at (ase- Jaw Hilton ion i. a 6t into the fire plops
aqui linage, has jams died. aged 1.7. He wl loosed
oos d as death in the presents
wass Irohsbor.
Jo0a Stidd, esa, a well kion. farmer eN wm fertton.m. on the
Peterborough county. died saddest; am sr j CIL, •t Ombra'. siding. N. S., w
80105.d last Thursday. ed byusdlr cat
Mr. Nicholas Krllr, et wat.rleo, diad killhis oblast f•ronttrdeapwendeavoring to h
int nus). from maw el the stmmmioi, Hear Yh"•r. t.raer, hung tee
aged 0/. 1 . was • pr.miseat and pnpeias miles from Tgdauw-k. slipped and fell ea
Jibs J. Queen, investor of th. !teb-
owi s telegraph cable, died at Patchogue,
41.. recently ed apoplexy- Hs was 70
755.1 .ld.
AEm0.gsudden death. reported in
were time d Joke AaOeah, aged 46,
Bell.vile ; J. P. Wedmore, barmier,
Fr«arieeics, M. , aged 71, .id Mrs
Sorry, tad.., .gee 70.
she hack of kis tool, reaetnfg melt isjurim
shat he died iR Two hour..
At 14,1,diow At sIderty lady named Mn.
tarry foil lmse.l, ..n the slippery sidewalk.
The Shook d ins fall .5.@.,l a .trehe sf
appexy, Eves .11..h Ma did.
D. M. Ware t.•- bookkeeper for the Cason
Limber Qwti,*nv at Parry Seined wag
knead ems i is the lit. donee Hotel, Torts
Se, es NM.' He had hien then t breath
the bed
As sit• Irtng..t he Wiledaor
W. D. Nets ills bed merle propensities t.
Damsel Rimwas 0111.4 by • Mello Is" • (Leser lie, p0ningrph d th. diner:
sur t0 Tommie. Thursday. d.ay.A the hire, •ml Mr IEol-
T►rre perms. were Moistly bitted and vile looked to see what IPM + Jim
10 'Oared by the w»cki.t d se eleetrie , lkq tb.I„,,,kcartridge exploded, and r. Iir>I$m
ear a Parties& Orrep u.. last week. rime r lent hi proton,
wren,*) dellen afro. at i o s &
David IMMill, (1.T It dresser fell soder Awry, Sts Meads,. lead • fatal
en es0•+ 5.1 wee killed at K.e.. Ri.tiess. mai A child drepo .l • luted taper
es the Midland divisive, Thereia7, i r1. of p.iredwans r neadere
A ler ser ..end Phelps, wbip was dein. 1 and .. •1 101^••••,„ Id4.w0d • bosh w
tog • fed el weed to Brestgma ha ween, I N• 1••11.11•1 -Twenty P•••••• avers
was ashssly killed by H0 Mrd .p.etin5 in .*.Stet. and muff .ase.. Sen 1. .
arssea wirawt sgd 10, iEmirommi n..4,t... *n. She htit.rt.
t. they rse
hest h" bare at Belmo.t, Oat 4s.
lt� ge, 1 Haslam will net go to rnglead • Neer
11, mid se . d Ube bay .ie bo I *lbw. hal .10 $s ,.r. 111 hu, -