The Signal, 1893-2-23, Page 21
011gn ENJOYS
Bath the method and results when
8yrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taide, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver aad I4owels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and feven and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro -
duped, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent quali ties commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
.Syrup of Figs is for fate in 75o
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable d i:t who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
SAX 7swNW*Oo, QAL.
Goo. A. PRAM, AeaT AT GODMIR10n.
Oepaatoeseswho bawd the border*
r for dert during the dammer,
eed venture into it to look for the titin
night and the Brevfogle leads whenever the
weather win permit, is Jimmie Morris on,
who makes Columbus he headquarters.
ix • lucky Iruhmaa. H. never
struck it ries according to Nevada ideas,
out he Ma had the luck to find markable
claims • w and thea cal got rho money for
a •pros tit to wake a masa hair curl.
The bet vesture that Jtmtnie made, how-
ever, panned out so much better than usual
that, Instead of limiting his doings by the
boundaries of the State, be determined to
go to Sem Francisco and do the town in
Nyle He had sold • claim for $5,000 in
eau, and with Lite draft an • San Franci.ce
beak stowed in Itis shirt pocket he Warded
she tree of Candelaria, and away be west,
dressed just as he came from the desert.
Ile was pretty well loaded with such drinks
e may he had on the desert when be
.sorted, and in cooaequeoce fen asleep and
esareely woke up, except whoa be changed
este for Canaan. But when he neared the
••pital city be began to realise that he had
• &ad on which the hair stood the wrong
way, and thereupon he determined to re-
form and get drunk no more.
Jimmie had often made that resolution
without staying by it very long, but he ie
confides► that on the occasion he would
have re navel permanently sober but for
the matinees and hardnass of heart of a fire-
man on the Southern Pacific train at Reno
Jimmie reached Reno in the evening, anti
had to roman then for about two hours
waiting fur the train going west During
all that time he sturdily resisted all desires
to step into the row of brilliantly lighter
saloons that face the linos Depot and plat
form there. Instead of drinking he ate a
smell in the one restaurant there which does
n ot deal in liquors, and then walked to and
fro ma the platform.
Now it happened that when the train for
,ie West apjved Jimmie was not far fron,
the big tank when the locomotives are supp•
pwa with water, and so. instead of board -
Beg the train at once, Jimmie, out of idle
cariosity went forward to the engine and
stead there looking at tie water pipe and
the fireman who handled it Finally, to
get • better view, he started to climb up on
the tender. The fireman had apparently ex•