HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-16, Page 6ETr's
es -
�T. . BEST.
ret ACIAZirlINTAele ~��'• m
The /selleaWb •a'w of It -
1 like of Sunday shsmsooa to reed the pipers
rhe only tem es tureen, baa with m.tau
thee ter ter,
Amid the store I reed the more i thank hew
muck these him know,
With Wks at pisidie ',therms, of tbisp
with iw't as.
as Isag'e • p.bbs Iles ncter has got way up
Mf hes • t;oo'rsr.Omm.ral, a !'remit or
M P,
He doett't need to hove a mite of ordinary
2'er git a copats400m far his brilliant eller
11'.1 us lelo w orTyea s some other
nese hes writ, speech th
An' week in two or three stale jokes, su so
show off his wet,
Keg u some row. et Gagers of a pooty big
omelet ,
Aa look .r t hough the owned ies all is leis
own lank acement.
That ketches os -this Tigger talk 1 generally
L kinder hypmrif . to the ordinary
A aro dont never stop to think of whar
then millions w,
Kut pounds the finer an slangs his hat an'
hollers out "bunk ' "
Down ter Toronto Thursday hest i see the
yghege trek„
Invitedby the BOOS .t Trade aa than they
dunked a.'
An' wen they'd eop ase the neck with
turkey an'
The p.hucws eatirsek hear deism to ex
I needle t state thtlffigedienoe was in • happy
Thar's sothm' like OM feed and boats ter
git folks finetla'
Bo 'twasu't each sl"Mty job to make em
That piey �
stpm.pority prevailed
tbroogbnnt .hod.
toe tbar's million delta talk
eking at yam a iord,
Aa' dao sign of tion to be seen around
the hoard,
Aa' the ruddy wine in m•atlia' till yer head
begin. to swell,
No wonder thm$uoaas toners think that ell is
goes' welL
Now 1 ain't so hetieker--ell that te-
rmed a quite.
An' se, far all thill itis toll, them ewers
eta be right.
It way be that oar exports an our imports
show a glia,
An' Unvin's beak deposits are enough the
vaults to Meath.
t may be that with some champagne or
other bracts' .1s ,
Mixed is with ohms ea' music. t pad
swelter Stadyre Melt
Rut we wick glt Wap second heed, an' mi-
tts fon an' bows
Are naturally iodised es take more realistic
The country may bepeosperous bet of one
thing Tan sa e,
That ate an' .11 the .sirkbors round is git-
nn'doggooed poor.
An' er censers" them fingers this is all I've
got ter say,
'that of they show prespe icy it Mao i come
oar way.
Thar at t mer miles around the far-
tea-' owns
They tc zed till Js bare to work the
d4fl most otT yer
We Ove ter toil es' std an' save ter pay
the usurer's fee.
An' alter .11 the eh
(:h, vee' tbe cous ptwperous' Jest
look at old Van
He kin afford to strut et' blow as sure as
you are born ;
An' Sir Johs Thomspeaa --they'd so seed
fur him a-looki.'hine ;
1 I'd the tess.ury at tayaeek I'd feel quite
wealthy, too.
J goeas old StaaIsy'e prm,pmues ' Yeti bet
he gits his share ;
The salary he drnat mid make him cheer-
ful anywhere.
An' I reckon Mswah'. loyal. to the good old
fig he's trues,
Par a yearly s.em tbo.aald that's the least
that he kin da
Aa' tithe the Nal•dnr.ad crowd clear
t'hreagts- - the tilos e.' Tories botb
Thar wasn't Deo of till the gang. 111 take
my solemn
That hhsdn't darned geed reason ter be sat
i.6.d that he
Had grabbed, or wee*, • pod fat slice of
this oeespurity.
The millions that tbeyked shoot .t that
there Board of T
le whet the tell of formes as' of working
Nies W wade :
As' ed se be es Stanley sy1 the wealth is
really there.
Wy thee that drove el grails' bots Asa
robbed em of our shwe
Feet m, the mere 1 tbl k se it, the Isere it
series quits clear.
Was mashie el the o atakry's wimlth-thee
.re two oosotriss
111 Ira owe it's all priespineeteas slick, pet
Wheel limov's. '
fir. others Live is popeer bard
workIn' slaves.
we die
u por-
At' =I t11R wwial M tis (lav
Owe ter aerie' the man that manes, mad
mat the sass that ewers i
t n waw lmeal am se 'oi l lar Mt as
ChM sni Imp - *.seer w• the hie
Psis, Welk
THE WSW >,r 1 of J.Pal
Moe et Ms thew Ts..Awmee enaanw.
se be mslialebsdL
Saunw.s, Feta a -Pat. PM asap,
el the erisstsl depastm et .1 the Jar
Hopkins UaivereiIy, W e.4rsed (ewes
(1.rmesy, where he W Mss in ossl.rsece
with the sateen makeg tessslNisss of tae
B ible tattier Me dlseettoa The Americas
saye that the Brat pert of the Bible to be
posted will be a critical 'dittos of the
Hebrew teat of the Book of Job, edited by
Prue C. Siegfield, of the llsivesity of
The book bas been reconstructed in order
to enable the reader to better enderstand it
by putting verses to their proper panties
and ..queso.. Twisty -one pages of enn-
ui mutes give the reassess for the venous
changes of the precede( V page of the
Hebrew test Aaothrr thing etpiataed by
there notes is the reason for the use of the
blue, green and red grounds upon which
Darton portiere of the Hebrew text is
misted is clear, Meek type. The blue
Mound indicates parallel composition : the
groes remind, that certain polemical emerr-
pulatioss directed against the tendency of
the poem were here trade, and the red,
certain correcting interpolations conforming
the speeches of .lob to the spatter the on th-
odox system of rotriboties.
Mreaa6ss mtahes.
Twin blountaiu .1uftias.--('ream .ane -half
cop of butter. then add gradually one hail
cop of sugar. Rest two eggs light and add
to the butter and sugar. Mu four tea
spoonfuls of taking powder mad one tea-
spo.oeful of salt with ooe quart of flour.
Add to the tint mixture alternately with
ow cup of milk. Drop frour the spoon into
buttered muflia pima. Hake about twenty
lire m1ad. in • moderate oven.
Breakfast Bacon. - Baoos u easily cook.
ed and easily spoiled. A new way to cook
it u here illustrated. Cut the bacon into
thin shoes the. gooses a comma wire broiler
with • little oI the rind sad lay the Noon
in even rows across it. Set the broiler into
or over a drippteg pati and put them in the
over on the grate. Cook until the Mom to
crisp and lay the aliose on trewo paper w
Doughtiest'. - This rule 1s a little different
from the usual rules beans • both soda and
cream tartar are used with soar milk. The
ingredients are five cups a goer, ooe tea
spoonful of crani tartar, one heaping tea
spooefal of butter, one cup of sugar, one
and a half teaspoonfuls of salt, 000 quarter
teaspoonful each of c,nhamen and nutmeg,
ooe egg, one cup of sour milk, am rounder
teaspoonful of soda Mix the dry ingredi-
ests together as follows . Sift the creast
tartar in the flour and then rub in the dao
ter with the tips of the finger : drop the
egg whole into the centre of the flour : sift
the soda into tie sour hulk and pour on the
egg. When using soda mix it with the acid
as quickly as potable ui order to save the
carbonic gee which makes the mitture light:
if soda is dissolved in bot water according ;o
the old way a part of effervescence u lost :
it u better to add it to the acid which i%
already Bitted in the floor or mixed with
it After mixing this dough well add a
little more flour it necessary and tern on
to a well floured board. %York it slightly
'and roll out one fuunh of an inch thick, cut
with s dough cutter and fry in deep tat
until brown and drain on brown paper and
sprinkle with powdered sugar. Have the
fat hot and to find whether tt is hot enough
try it with a piece of bread which should
brown while you count sixty slowly as the
cluck ticks. This u the rule for en us000k
ed mixture but for something which is a1 -
reedy cooked se • croquette the fat must be
hot enough to brown the bread io forty
mantes, counting in the same %low man-
ner. 1f anything is to be fried • long time
do not leave the fat oo the front of the
range where it crows hotter but after
plunging the article to be fried into very
hot fat set the kettle hack where the heat
will not Increase : in this way a hard brown
crust is not termed. Bread flour has more
gluten in it than pastry flour therefore if it -
wish anything to rise quickly it should
e made of the latter, which is not so ten-
acious. It u a mistake to keep but ooe
kind of dour in the hoose : but it come lied
to use broad flour with baking powder or
rola remember t., use lees es it swells more.
Using the wroo kind of flour is very often
the secret of failures in cooking.
es PM. y.0e/i4111.00 the
w., w...
Ott..., P.►. a A epactal from (`Wee.,
Nob, says. Two tknkee bead Wt.d 6ve
mea es the reeervati.s S•t.reeyl and sob
defy errata by tae ladies passe. The
kelliag took awe se Hsmehmey'. Rasa11
sear the month of Weise Cls Creek.
H amphs eye Moeda is sheet IB mks .sette
weer.( Pose Kite AgrarseW.u.3.d Knee kaiak
directly maim
weer .f the ties
greeted of two rears ago. There wee son
&adorable skirmishes( a that ..'igbbee►.od
dung the arming. and soldiers were
maimed med at reach for some tine. Two
Suite's bead has held together sad has
Mee very vtsdicuve of late. Ni the "mar
break b • esrpn.e.
General ?sssesgor Agent 1 It. Beekman
.f the Elk►ore egad r.osaved Wee followrag
from Rushville to day Reliable advreee
confirm the dsJtog of throe dead and ooe
mortally sided white at H.mphre s
beet camp .-., White River es the Sheri R.
servation It o Do; positively known by
what mesas or in whet mimeo thew tree
were killed. but • rigorous Ioveetdgaties is
being node by Indian Ain't Brows. The
killing was done by Indiana There u sod
to be oo sign of uprising among those cow
at eke agency
Om. Brooke expresses We "taloa that
there could be se Inundation for the rumors
of an Indian outbreak. Ile pare as a rea-
soo for t►Y feet that Two Strike and his
brad belonged at Roe -bud and sot at ['wise
Ridge, as indented by the tnesasges giving
the news of the killing.
It u the prevailing opiaioe that the kill
tag hes bees the tenth of a petty row Me
teens cowboys sal Iodises Sam. enquiry
u to the force of troops .nw stationed at
the pests in the merino of Floe Ridge and
Rowbud hrought out the, faIurmation that
the eepartmeut a prem) well prepared at
present to quell &myth's' like as ladies
outbreak of such • thing sbould occur.
At S..a/ o'clock to -night The Ree received
the follower( savoy" from Pine Ridge
Agency direct. '•(apt Brows. acting
agent, tsstruewd the pollee that be sent
out thn morning that tMv must hrdmg the
murderers to the Age•ry If they resisted
to bring them anyway Pint Sergi. Joe
Bush, who was in command, tells the story
He arrived at the Agency at 3 p.m. •.day
and reported as follow*:
"'Phe melt wore camped down sear No
Water's camp, dose to the hill. The lice
were out en the flat where the Omaha House
is. When the police first isme upon them
they tired once at us end .11 of us then
commenced to fire upas them. We got as
lndsa..goi•g up the hill and we killed him
there There was another man raised y
dose by the home, and w• finished him • ad
knocked Alin down.
" •S.rgt. Sitting Beer killed ens, Peliorman
Red Owl killed one, and Serge. Bleat
Horn killed enc. I took five of Young
Man Afraid's nes, young fellows, •sl they
helped us • great deal. No Water casae
up asd told as that we bed served than
right: that w. had killed them and that
they heel all they wanted, and the best wsy
now was to drop it' -
After making their reports the piens
were highly complimented by Capt.. Brows
•ad Curse'. Two Strike aol one of his
boys got away It is thought that Two
Strike u seriously wounded. (' Brown
has mother squad of police ens alter these
two, with instruction to beteg them to the
'seamy. laspector Cleary of the Intonor
Deportment u here. Hs as well as Capt
Brows does not minima any farther
The trouble which resulted a the shoot-
er( of the cowboys grew out of • drnaken
quarrel in cabi.h Two Strike for Two
Sticks) was maltreated Lad driven from the
crimp. Two Strike returned later in the
eve.mg reinforced by his sons Lad a num-
ber of other relatives and friends and com-
menced a deadly fire on the cowboy ramp.
killing three and mortally wounding a
fourth nue, who has since died. The
sones of the throe men killed are all that
can be learned at this time They are:
'barley Swartz, - Boos, (Jsderwood.
The / .nlaa. Quiet.
RAPID Con, R. D.. Feb. 6.- -The report+
of danger from discontent among Pial
Ridge 1rdoas, caused by the murder o1
fear cowboy. on Friday, aro unfounded.
The Humphrey and Stinger cattlemen were
killed by • wandering band, s a result of •
quarrel early to the week.
colonel Carlow. has countermanded his
order sod no troops will be sant b Pine
Ridge. everything beteg reported quiet
Tho N.g►ee. Amaek
iiienwosir, Texas, Fel.. 6 Th. wildest
excitement prevails here over • report from
Staffords Pint, stating that the tows is
seder control of an armed mon of nevem,
who are threatening the lives of whites and
applying the torch. Already a number of
white men hare left on horse lark and
..ighbonng towns have been telegraphed
for reinforcement.
/lithe Chtldrea's Teeth.
11 is not rare to hear mothers declare that
they think it "nonsense to 611 first ieeih •
This u • mistake. .1 child's tint teeth . e
the nucleus en which the mooed teeth are
formed. 11 hen the first teeth are kept in
the mouth and allowed to drop oat na••r
ally, as the will if they are mer pat ret oat
by force before their time, the rota aro ab
sorbed. Ir u from the absorption of these
root. that the second tee'h seem to grow
In order that the secood teeth shell be even,
it is neomeary that the gums shalt eularge
atureily, se the will d( the first teeth are
not removed by force but drop out when the
second teeth push them. If the first erns
of decay are met by Mb rg the spots with a
simple cement, and the Medd u oompelled b
use a break every day, it itlikely t4 there
will be so further tresbl Not only will
the child be saved by the dentist from the,
common terror,the tooth• he,bat the a,00h.I
{meth will be what Were intender(.
4w Meetre fleas.
Every one, bet eepeci•lly chiklrem,shoald
wear properly fitting shoes, no matter how
common their matenal,sys a (wahine writer.
They 'Meld be neither too large nor goo
small, and should Nye low, bat heels, that
must be promptly "nested" as.00s as they
bogie to wear to no, oda if theta's of the
foot show • tendency to lap they should be
rubbed with the hands Nee or twice 'soh
day : and if this care be gives when the
curving rrummesoee, it will, as • rule, prove
snficisat to uorrect any irregularities of this
eaten 1f • nail is wayward in its growth,
trim it only lighUy at the Ohne corner, but
folly at the°ppeisiteoorner. If bath corners
grow ton deeply into the flesh, clip them
carefully and lightly, mad them scrape 14.
centre of the nailfrees tbe Hp M oast the
root until it is thin and flexible nib pro-
cess seldom fails to rearrest refractory nils
provided, of.esrse,tby are sot neglected
too beg, -
f>rrd'AMIlePl m
Sew- " Aren't yx. eelso W buy • sew
overcoat this "rimer w'
Riot �rep " No: I beeps NO Ins/ wormer
when (they were
Boggs " What are you gd.g b do with
your slperfla.os rash sow, ties'"
Rilehy " I •m taw es the way to hay •
ossa0 int m.xt ae.emsr." - Peek
Ae • rare ler Bey i the heed and catarrh
Noel Heim ls eademed re mineet mss
everywhere. here. 1). Haelsys4ire, presides* .f
Yrs Oman° C,sssmry Aimotee len, says
t -► ewh rano it
Baal Balm bele the •«ha ter .mtasyb
a•4. eM esti 4. the
brtr4, L
etllasW relief from the :it gpliaatta., e
le Zoe gashe d.. I math sail tt 1 f
f r. .at..d:.dttta `a .
w. D. Be lee's WWh.a.e sweat -The
,ke.pa.e Nearly neem Dna Lefo.
BLOT asntta, Out, Jas. 6. --A 6re
broke out to the Amster, near the Canada
Atlantic Railway Station, .4 Alexandria,
Saturday, mad it was is • very short tee
Ma a beep of mouldering robe. It was
eeeupieed by J. R. McGregor R Ca,db
merehaate. Tbetiding was owned bsytTina
Mr O1. D. Mcleod, who met with • •imi.
Ise lane den ago at Ghia Gerdes it
Mewed. having a cheese factory Thor
were about 16,000 bushels of grain stored ho
is the betiding. 13,000 bathed' of which
were oats. Thee were aim shoat 6150 idrawledworth of drawled begs beraed up. None � the
lee was saved but the books andoomph.• oomph.of desks, a smviag which Mr. J. 1` 14. 'w
(Gregor marl' lest leo life. What he •d
reeked the hurtling budding he rushed at (G
Nee into the ol6ee without • mammae ch
thought, and was .early overcome by the
smoke and steam floe the butane grads 00
town fell tw. before b• meld regain dor out- V
side. Th. ModemModemwas tenured for $1(100 ter
Ore . ccommits far 6450(, which w.11 windy inn
penally cover the loom. ( •
•wddw mese. W i -quest iOf
Lorrr.v, Osl Feb g. -dimmest I�e.tky
the weal knows Ida baron, ease livesleet1t
Dm Township of Feeeloe, sleet five miles
from Lindley, the other day died very salt
direly. Thee beta ennskrsble talk re
sardimg Iia very sudi,den demos, Dr Pooh.,
.Droner, held a .a
inquest, d after Ghia(
the ..idem-. of the faintly sad n.tghbnr•
sod that of Dr. McAlpi.e1 *be held the
poet marten, • verdict of death from
a --y
lnrai causes-trmlgia of the heart -erns
er s- .,.ryer <..
as as indepeadeist
461P1117.1:4161.3• 0
There bee M llrw
diphtheria eteei (>r►
There u 0141 so sip of the delayed
masermaserCityy .4 Peke, from Yokohama kr
Mas !'r•ncsaco.4.
TNova (deet.. legislature hseedjo.r.-
.d. The coal deal bill sed 10 ether tme.-
semi were sm4b
e.dseamsTIM world Moo Woe. of the seas m
regime throeessut Manttotm, the lrorthwept
tetoree and the western stades
The wife lathe poise. ovurt at Woudooek
was blown open by barriers as Then/day
eight and the tete! eestenuWO,, 0, stolen.
At the C lii.gwood Young ('o.seruuve
meeting a resolution was sassed e♦pprr+mes��D>,'
dle•Igrotal .f rho attitude of Mr. iYAI•.oii
The Winnipeg hockey teem has left ea a
three works' tour to pia matches u Lon
dee, Hematites, Toronto, ylC4mgsto., Ottawa
sad Meatreal.
Phe roro.er's jury at Chatham have
brought ua verdict of wilful murder against
four of the Freentaes for the killinga( Cou
stable Raskin.
At Amherst, N. b., .lames Asthmatic.. wan
tried tor 1, . diary u.l .hooag and wound
ing Policemanaes 1.
Soy, ani s.d char
teen rears .mpreamo.ent.
'1 he 1-1-.4*..County Combed passed • rem(,
lucent asserting that Mr. otdwin Smith
dosot represent the (needed' people 1:1
Naos.hiesdvoo uy of pohu.al ios.
The weather bulletin Need by the Ob
Tommieservetery for Tommie dotage elates that
the pest month was the coldest January, leo
mooedfar as Inc coed snows, since 1657.
S. J. Henry and 1' .1. Boom, New Vora.
two Palma palace car porters, pleele'fl
guilty at Lockport to the t of smug
cling opium from Torcasio oottttto New
\ mole.
At the nnual meeting of the St. George'.
?society, Mr .1. Casten Hopkins gave a
lice of rnuKlom to expel Mr. (;oldwin Jrsi
from Inc soneity on account of ►as adnocees
of political mason.
The government members Mid thou int
emceeocee under tbe pr•emierehtp of Sir John
Tbomp•oo on Friday. The Manitoba echo...
queetlon and the proposed alterationsIn the,
tariff were deemed.
11 r proposed to orgasms • tneadta:.
Club in ltasulton, the objects of the assoc:-
altos to be the steely of aa. hurter', hers
tan, sad of ('as•da, sod th-
1ost.riag of • mu patrm
sot11 sentiea'
Aq edioat..1 New York and Toros•
capitalist. r formed for the peeps..
of reclumg
i.Aabbridge's Bey end este'.
lashing a blast furnace on the land recton,-
ed The preliminary tariey of the localit,
has been completed. (:
The report of Major-eaeral Herbert.
coeiaa.dtng the ('saluu militia, u not.
dela for its eriticiwi of the existing miidt',
system It ooedem., ' b. present oyster.,
of providing the men with clothing, and
says much of the supplies are of the were
possible description.
TM gay r of robbers which has infeste•.i
Toronto daring the last few weeks, exm•
mitring depredation extraordinary du
ing in broad .daylight and wantonly defytno
the police, have been arrested and most o`
I be stolen gold, disco, erect. The maraud
n ..
eare four illiterate young men under
two of them married.
Jame, Yoe, tried at WVuodeteck os .1
charge of selling a cow that had a cancer ofest
eight menthe' growth, wcommented and
fined fifty dollars and costa It u stated
that the purchaser sold 10 for three tithes
the arnount he had pod for it, sad that 11
was atterward.sgaughtered and the bed e•
posed for sale in Woodstock market
Yas r. John Heedless welected chairmen
of the Hatrultos board of education.
.toe Hess, the evaagelet, bas been
home stricken with paralysis at her hoe in Den -
kirk, N.T.
Mn. Orr, an innate of theseHesse of In -
(henry at Kingston, is 107 yes of age sod
enjoys good health.
Mr. Neil Mc1'rimmon, of Termite, was
married at Thsmeville tea Mies Nellie Mac
farla.e, of that place.
Sties Nora ('inch, the young Canadian
rdohnst, played before the Queen and f'rin•
case Iteatner at Osborne house cm lottery20.
The little daughter of Dr. Mentaguc,
M. P., has been eery seriously and danger
oust' 1l at Dunnville, bat M sow tmproy
centlyContractor John J. McDonald, who re-
cently had • stroke of perslysu u Moored,
has suffered a relapse and r sot expected to
live many hours.
M r. Charles Whitney, proprietor .f •
circuit of theatres u Card• and the llsited
States, has leased the Grand opera Hese,
Toronto, 1.r hr. years.
itev. Father Bergin, of Fame, has been
tranderred to Neville parish, Tomato
Hu pee. is Barrie wall be taken by Rev
Father Egan, of Thornhill.
Won.. Arthur Stanley and Hon. George
t•nley, sons of Lord Stanley of P reetoo,
are i11 in England, sad lady .tanley will
ve for the old country at once.
iYssident Harness nominated Howell K
schwas,seks, of Tenneese., to be Associate Jun-
oof the Supreme Court of theur('weed
se wee tales, vice L Q. C. Lamm, deceased.
A Liberal enevention for South Portia will
held on Feburiry 15, and the M1wah
meetingRem der seems to holey. that Use meeting
all minnow Hon. Thomas Ballast's' tae
Rev. Frank Dewitt Talmage, son of the
lehnm accept -
ted llrooklye care: os, bee• roll to become atais•at to Rev. O.
rake-, pastor of (*vet Pr .bytsrlas
arch M Philadelphia.
A. P. lapin, M. P. for Montreal West,
tends reeving ter leg4slatdas restrietl.g
home er meob•sie• is the Goverment
vies or employed open (Govermr.eut
tracts parking kr mare hems
than eight hos
R. C. Jsunisge, who has beam mmnegsr
the (]readies Beek of ('losnmera. te
Paris, (int, Inc the loot 1t years, has
tress oppemeted manager of • branch of the
hank to be oposed is Toronto Jusotiem
Wm Wattles. has bees •ppnisted owe
mimionser on the part of Canada to &et
with Rtehard Rathhrme,
by the Coed States to ..ttI. �
Coned ies
an the great lakes and etstigeoes water. el
V&I•ay R. Feller. loreserly orf Hamil-
ton, ere of the American Jere"' Cattle
Club's 'mire to .sleet the Jersey caws ler
the World a Fait exhibit, has fine sad his
ad.etane, hevieg travelled 43,14)0 maim is
ekeei.4 the asseael►
Mr. Alfred Peeler, QIC, .f Leede.,
Me was einpaeyed by tice it misses
rive emat ..d Sir i esges Fes le mite
isrestagettes isa. the 1 .i giity of the
Rue sr Foie etmt►eeee
POUT (40.aos%R, Out 7.b a TM Erie
(Ness (%,mpaey'• factory emelt fire ami
was %madly deo revert let evemer fJaM
Ssbnews. 1.010. $*,eek peftsy tmsUTsl
4.. ttp..o•eei l'tlnow% stenesel
itm Jam MR, lhbt 6.-1111 hies as
=ow bum eel ;Nes bmeasl yerearbp.
Nepemsd esbessri.e same h the Mirth-
is i. O.law Be re- I
pmea the seem. peedeesly dm.+iu
A Ftsi*Mt
wishes to n � `
the YsaafsilE s 01b ins rwsiwad
thee a regular ow eilaperes Mk He
sop i ' L w fosYeg; sink as4 tired and
my stomach seemed al ort dor•der. 1
tried a .ember of eemeiser deet .see
tsslmed t4 give me olid ..41 1 was
iadsoed to by the mid reliable Ayer's
Pfie. 1 have takes only one boa, brat I
Seal like a sew sus 1 think they are
the most pleasant and easy to take of
anything 1 ever used, beim[ so finely
w gar-coated that even a child will take
them. I urge upon all who are
In Need
ed a laxative to try Ayer's Pills." -
BasWbsy (M..) FW:w►.
" Between the ages of 6ve and Mesa,
1 was truubi.d with a kind dask-etiessue
'r entptiar, cbia/y wall mi to the Lags,
and specially to the had d ths lease
ahem the cal! Here. lhewing twee
formed which wo.W mesh ewer, het
world break immediately os smeri.g the
My mother tried everythissy she
could think of, bet all was without avail.
Although a child, 1 read in the lepers
about the baeeftcial abets at Ayer's
Pills, and persuaded my .mother to hit
MC try them With no great faith is
th.• result, she procured
Ayer's Pills
and I began to use them, and soon
noticed an improvement. Encouraged
by this, 1 kept on till I took two boxes,
when the sores disappeared and have
never troubled me since. - H. Chipman.
Real Estate Agent, Roanoke, Va.
" 1 suffered for years from stomach
and kidney troubles., causing very severe
pains in various parts of the body. None
niche remedies 1 tried afforded me any
relief until i bean taking Ayer's Pills,
and was cased.' -Win. Goddard, Notary
Public, F�See Lakes, Mich.
Presaged ySSuld b, a/ rDregg yer s6 e . t 8.e Yr.
Every Dose Effective
Deteoaire tartyzan.bip is all riie.
Pattriotutu In pesahura oa:y is had bus-
Thar ain't mut.h cense do a President's
Dues the pnllitikle semen now what
they want '
Ralliticks is mighty this when you git all
the dirt scraped u
Some men re tilda't love titer country of it
waist ter th. a Mee.
bliltwnriria. aim. so bed till they gid to
all the dot scraped et
The way to git at the right ow a pub_tikte
Iwaure r to try it 00 Ihe people.
Bowe s ea r.tile around in the oases
they bold Irk. buck &hot in a busked mos
Bells..' rrreterttew,
Yellowly Fetieon thick* the future mac
m•) be aisle to go *ahem skcp.
Brosiley tubo is haying at, experience
with he first baby;- Tbc future man ' bless
you, the prrser.t mill doe. tow.
orway Pine
1=3 the Mims etas
l* ler rethee and beim
ssslb y sa
AN mf l Pear CUM PAR
std ll EAS'S.O Ieml L VIAL
meet ether remade*ellsolstIOW e1 5' pW ce�faM
MOON NO. r Ons. Alar 1101111141.
DV .µ
coag AND W000
Coal, Wood and Kineling deli-
vered to all parts of town
with quick despatch.
L l �e� kat mode a bard 00111 10
the market, via : the New Tack. Owers. s
t W..tera Railway Osy'•. OmekesW
Lackawanna Valley 0.all In fuer Masi
via : trhessm.t Moen aso aM Grate.
TBest Sha mea Lamp (nal for tat le
. stoees, oirsenM, etc.
Best it Icy rMw g1N,-Anfwh ion
las coal al wars w Med. $,..tel satia-
tes elves to esostry trade.
sro splir woM. N hobs. mrd f feet
beg, always Is stork, Dews fortes Char
1 oma mittnr weed. sot sad spilt, melees,
as yes caa key lees word as the eeebet
All my wood Is sok( be rhe earl of 1ie
Nat or Wt nerd lote.
mrsusre w0om.
er oat end ap1Y, M lards,
Iw l
m .s&
�aare -te my oalNotra10001 esd
ad weed rasa a sew 6 res weigh eosin
aM wee lite and seete.e. moused
OWNS. Yaao AND OoAL SI>M in del
trill short, Nelesm.et, 1.st et Haw
i russet
1,111111111 cam
TME At: sn i t+' '1:4
T dv/ilp QA
Fraser &
A line of Memorandum and (lei Books. S .. 10e- end W0e•, gy-
ral price, 25c. and 50c
A job lot of Notepaper and grnvelnpes at half the wholesale cost.
Over 500 boxes Al School and Rusin.. Pen., for 10c.. Ibc. and
10e. a box.
Family Bibles at leas than half price.
Any piece of Sheet Music (not (x►pyrighted) for 5c.
Music Books for almost nothing.
Clearing Sale of Fancy China -Cups and Saucers at a sweeping
2u _ Mei tlrbmlhose rue Booksellers and Stationers.
Cold Cream with Vaseline,
Nothlwr better fo clot•. and rrrttmtioss.
Vaseline Cam?her Ice, 10 cents,
Da on s Witch-hasel Cream,
Oar Acme t.Cough Drops,
Black Cherry� tame
The old rel bis
eo.gb meet,
Our Cherub's Honey Cough Cure,
neediest for osajba. colds. mom stn.. b ehUdrea- Oce
A11 The Leading Patent Medioinee.
Prescription work a specialty.
W. 0. GOODS - Chemist.
for which ern are sow
yea will fled .11 that is required sod at prim
that make us may -
wo dss'i'tkiskta Ta Maa
ar ytkisg thou w
have met sedapsrtme.t.
lits b where rhes-orrying the meet
IlsNo shoo •toed. allowed in the stats a~~ss° is Y eewty.
(lar mescal tasdware mask is moa oosletete sad wall bombe Our priors .droit st
tondo. sod we your pstronage.
It ,hakes little differ-
ence what others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
Car. Kaet.t and Square.
P.S.-The latest and best designs
for Winter wear just to hand.
We bare jest received a way * u ilii d
Wbisr we g..ranfen le sail at blast
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
Tian can be bought from A trial order mill Oa.vine you of the ems of this andrdoa.
We sell the best awns obtainable.