The Signal, 1893-2-16, Page 3AND OovdhllY
f apes d maOe.dM.w d elotdsa••rew
heap weed Rus I new T._rk edel.-
fi.t.1.W Temeno-Y..wM I,p1•.t-
taard Dew.
f. µstoat Riseslegwtos, h.. e�4 iy
.Moa a s Isgial.ltea oses.slM7
Gtr Me honest of Mamoru hot it will be
OW to ermatrne carefully totlees Mill then tertag W
b re . i . Legodo erewu w
1 ill senvel
them le webs me the right side Snare
rWarisa W iaMwd.Md • bill foretke
..seroma d leads by the Mame t. the
0.10.1 d 10,000,000 for Me
perp*► H. hat edited ..imtlar bill Itl,t
leer bet N Mad 1 as Mug
ow.O..t. is is rt,.dsel to a.
i .
�1....Ep *ted by clew. Hill .....f fair
aeneags& The roads are N be made rods
d travel from ass meow seas N the tesi,
sr between
legos in different mem
ties The molt mof emanation is to be
done as W as possibia by moviot labor.
The $10,000,000 is to he borrowed i 3 per
nest, listen*, sad to be paid gr de.11y
within IS .earn This mesas Ievrlsg • tax
e1 116116,1106 waally, besides $11300,000 tater-
sit, the latter graded!, decreemeg, of
wens Two-thirds oe mere of the tax,
however, will fall on the cities, which got
sant of the roads.
Another bill introduced by unite Raab
tressms provide* for the prompt killing of
gltdored horn trod payees& to the ova
roll billthe State- Thibillal
was so intro
ms Into the lain Waters and was
killed u ou.nua... 'rb. saws Senator
bas introduced a bill making the deborrdag
et rattle begat so that throe who p,*fat to
est off the bores of their cattlo will nos be
rable to pnw.cuuon by agent. of the ran-
NaIomeuw for the prevention of cruelty
ta asset.. It has been proved by lusg-
eoetinued practice in the west that there .
an mon danger or cruelty in the practice
then there . in cutting off the tails of, sed that it removes • gest source
of damps to hobo beings rod prevents the
animals from goring slid otherwise *tiring
each other.
Ther proposed laws shook' be freely dis-
cussed in every setghborbood, and the gee
nal opinion. arrive.) at through such discus-
sions, should be promptly rommuulat.d to
the >;enatoa and members of Assembly b. -
fore the laws are finally put to a "Ari.- -
Buffalo ktprma
Marketed. Timber.
The Northwestern Lumberman, ia order
to e*e.unge taws-plasung, giver the follow -
ng items &bowleg whet species of limber
are most in demand •
"The wood ud0.tnee of Great Britian.
an very numerous, there being souse thea-
.sads of firma te Lowden alms engaged ia
various lines of barons an which wood in
omptoyed. The importers in the otty num-
ber ad, ,he winner dealers,' or wholesalers,
66, .ad the: 'timber merehaate,'or retailers,
470. Theft there are I-4 ptckt.g-ass
.sasfactarers, 4!1 fires engaged in no
meg saw mod plaiting mills, 0.; mahogany
.lerchwt/, 43 6rwcod Reporters, and
n early 100 .goers .0.J broken of rarities
kinds Outside of London there '. 4.
lisgiasd Y.4U3 timl,er mseccmaat., candy
reel, over 500 in Scotland rod 200 in Ire •
Immo. Tbe keds of wood which are dealt
is are almost uaue.rable. There is the
excellent Scotia lr, as it is ogled ; •
**roar, light, yelbow pose from Norway,
Swedes, Rums •od Prance, and •
white, bard spruce ; oak . from kzgl•d,
Way, Prague, Poised, Austria, Bora,
sad the Muted Bats ; ash fella
Sangtary ; magnificent Lauri phos frim
Australia, mahogany from Cuba, Poetess
. d Afros ; padouk, (oak, j•rr•h and
g�tmwwheart from India ; yellow pine from
liomrgia, Alabama and Fiord* ; poplar,
..b, gem, oak and waLut frees Kentucky,
virgsara sod Toone.... ; redwood (rose
California, and rniewood, tulip wood, .m -
bores and • hat of mbar beautiful woods,
black, green, yellow, red sad brown, from
every other country ender the sun which
dao produvs tree&
American walnut is same desired, and
good logs bring good prices. It is by tar
the beet walnut, being richer 11 onlor and
liner than Italian, C*rc•essao or Australian,
and is the ase American wood which can-
not be ,applied in sufficient quantities.
Yellow or pitch pros holds 110 own, but at
very low pries, the objection being to the
resin in it, which makes it hard to work.
The price at which It M offered Is • neared
to Bnglishm*n, for they recognise that for
strength and durability it far exceeds all
ether kinds of pine : sad from the mall
American trace the draw 1007 erroneous
eloodnsioae se to the 4.....e mutat of
the Americo lumber Santry. What i.
•moi weeds bettor
s to ate
Ceseeal Farm /Sebes.
Newer *rias • est with a whip manes it
is positively reesmary .d be hoses why
he is *ruck.
B eery stable floor throag5 which the b-
a• it pour u an expansive bore N farmers
by the snore Or son
All the fisc breeds of stocks hers been
improved primarily by feeding. Why is
abs the improver, mesa, Ssprowd u the
IOWA way t
The hey dna safer trdm thirst in wia-
to. At l..m Ane drink daily of water
saw* M gigue teem
Dry hide for she store hep may mese
prink, and • not d thea nm ll pacuUy
give the brood maw asisfers.
There is abundant evides.. that d the
amnia, myth highway wore made uses a
good gavel read. ebe ones hrreapower
mind draw four uses as groat • led us
It the kens w net bong i-Wiiendl1
try wars rm
breakfasts. sse.d • Mase moi
nth avow pepper that woad he Ipwe
Ai. le mot taste. The 4aklb*.10.14 he
mOsm�mttppi�ntos1largely of .ase ad vegetable
derweh d hose 'e awl. Myo grimed
lot .id soties that grain is set dstink*
Ow growiy oohs woo exploded
Ind Milly u starve the Stop
bodeed whoa thme�y .. hoot the
Iliad' a
development.emay ran r'p`''=Whe
ides dudish inning 1. ptoyma/ With
hhir � Wine Immo 4. buid f inert
step* mom mid pmts eta In hope full lid.
Mind than a Older. norsod aside were
frees 10••••0. M 116 subs Mored mire
thusUwe bond I adineaso im�MOgmamps ? this
pian n Indiso hawed niftiest tib dor
m. ,tawdla f it Sisk • o hot*. betA�
bred mock a d ei.pothiar oust pose,
imeo tatIs hes ism d. pinning bu
thtt borne .n leout i mien nom
t"-`1"0 apperder, n"'."1. dyi'y.ww.s.1
M to 4. +1l 1 •. "..r.wsi�� - 1.
doss Mulji• rt. Ilea diurnals Wfay
WNW Maid >M e.emerie.
The 1Mw•f physio if.bll+t. the Mew-
e.oi ease n the Mamie ffelli.k ladel .m
by'gime dose ma Ihe
head alma ams yl h feed we me eros*
not Weed wri.kmwe d we did nee
breaths Ahr is boo he w .M, We N were
Mier it the ...-01'484 people el err
ego W Nfw
ppayy k thee they ..old
wale" it. Air r roe el err premed*
aseruemale ( te *le tot leap what feed
*te the *mush. It. imprt•.w may be
Iron the feet that a Maltby hams.
rapines IM't eifeight.. air
lite beg tar•. which, if *by were spread
Weeid ewer 900
ewy square tessera This
psl.t• the .odahm e of the W.
rose 1ostha, and it wit do act iaK4.ottwely
adoesta.d heir N do it properly we shooed
Mora. 0...., hart ammosties. But low
breathe properly. look .t the Mildest
ewer their lemma us the assosemat .Wer
Ms hooka You eaa hear kiln breathe !
Noy, they de u so feebly thee it does nee
WWI their ponies er eoentemsom. T.
heaths correctly is an art and meet be
nosed, though amens ought N have gives
everybody the faculty.
L the bra plane it se wren to draw she
$seatk through the .cath. The nem ie
lee a*eral avenue to the Image L the
sone .re provided mediae n which the air
is warmed before at mime le the leap -
The saes deo contains exerettaas which ab-
bsorb the impurities ef the air. We .Y
commit • great fast by rot breathes wit►
force. To e.dereta.d what • trine forceful
breath ., baro the, brut •.d look into
your gem The ordinary breathes mama
y moves the obeli ; but bold the breath for
an instant before it is bows out, and yen
will see the chest move. This u right.
11's must breathe m forcefully that that
Mott moves op .red dawn or risibly ex-
pands and entracte. "Artificial" breath•
ug coo.aete is forcing the air la easel out of
Um leap .o aroegly that the chest vilely
exp•sds and contracts. To leant to prac-
tice that it is well is tot b.giaatag to
upsttght against . wall for i.11Naw,
placing the heels together, resting tbe arm.
$which ought to be beet) upoe the hips ;
then push the chant forward while the eh -
domes ie contracted so much that
the weight of the perste talls
epos the foremost part of th0
feet. After h•viag ootne into this position,
close the .oath and draw u the air slowly
and blow it out se slowly. Altar • or
41,49 breath one ought to bold that breath
kw r Matelot before 1t is blown oet again.
71M i. lung gymnamiu, ted the rnth:maket
ft is that onlyJ the are woe felly centro.
tad Ry boldtog the breath the air mom
te act nm the when 1. 4..e of the Moo*
enarisblog t' and removing
most be geethe impure ,
ised, grew
Th. leap
re611d. •d that era say I
bo done by feredul breathes, Wars we
.sail thom axpsnsusase the body ma* ant
be tied dowa by d.a.fittiag grsae.te,
bead., or es wario.ded stomach. The
Met time is is the .orntnaagg .d before
Mods. The *x001.0 Mould shuteye he •
takes in free, fresh .ad pun air, u at least I
before •a window. Five .i..toi exer-
cise every day will do waders for a healthy
pawn Wei most net expect miracles
fee unhealthy perigees from lung gymnas-
tics. We ought to practise before we get
tick. !Sometime. the practice would pro-
vost the sickness. At any tate Lt will pro
long life. 1. came Mak/or.
Suoeeg4.l cake mokiag depends apse
about twenty thing.
Proper .Iater.•Is.
A correct recipe
Following directions ogleeity.
Accurate weights .ad mmama*.ent..
Compounding the siigesdis.N n their
proper order.
Having everything an r.ndt e- before
commencing to mix the ingredients
Rertdat ng the tempsrataro of the owes
seeoeo1, g t' the kind of oaks made.
Having .44 the tngrdis I. at the right
Not ssspeoltng the .pee.itoss of mixing
..til the cake is ready for the oven
Boating much or Brio, se.ording to
the kind of cake, tad always n one direc-
Whipping the whits .f egp to • coarse,
m elerately stiff froth ratty then s Bee
muff ma
Sifting the hekng pawd d.r edoer to-
gether two or three Epee..
Folding the gear an carefully isetsad of
taking strong circular strokes.
Placing se the even as mon es the baking
powder is added.
(.reasim( the tin with .0.e lard rather
than better. ad sifting • little dry loan
Opinng.d .hn*isg Ihe oven door very
gently darns the pewomne of baking.
Not tuning while in the ova if it .a
M amidsd.
Keeping fruit *war night in • warm ream,
dredging it thoroughly with doer
ring it nthing. lightly the him
Lining tial for land oaks with eiiedpn�0
Or, wa
, batter yyeoith peony ds e( My
and water 50.4 rolled thin.
Malting the porn or pa*ed Y' i el n Us
for fruit rake sr • large hid thiels -on item
higher at the tides. Is e
orris end iMtiranB Mitsuo les tot
omen dad.► curers iwes.
When Mgt is death odor, what .eget the midra•1 prawn -
Wow N do? Dr. R.e►ard.o., • reoogaisd
8r*i1.e authority on the whim., mowers
that, at premed .edie.1 asiww knows of
het ams promos whiob .lards • Annie of
n acos& It hi preempt artificial rspiratioa.
Thor mint he .lwegbt thud, with obs body
at goriest not, by • d*)bi.hcting bellows
or pentfp, whit► *mammas mad 611. the Atm
Wish •. Li most, we w a)q further toll.
Os amid ort Manly aid wetly, mad
M.hdrawm is masts then is any mete
amt 01 r,spirMis., oteerwim it sena d
Io snathin 1 W a posietos d • whoa shot
that lbws te essgdslids sf the hied. 1*.
Bacharda.s dear. his .osvictna, 'lee;
ed .. e..,,.. dntal data," lir..► lent
i• every thew et leer dhe tcame now
its fatally ..4S' 1Nerefonmwould be saved
sate insisting IIsi •if to every laseplid •d(igdoubts- t. sad e
* tallowy owe ut
that it might
no n M 10. *hove MsiMaa-
Wine% 1r.
IRO • pa6(' b son and
sob B... doeording N the story Chet
oa. doers from 10 �•..bss.t)1Panorama
Wont iwdr And senor
tic.. .11. ialy.ser - who *it the
t, faith sd mot *10 withthat
*reit d Stead fibs Maimed tW
s+�► •'r.slota
%W,11 "A 1111164v.r+ral
6e f 41 Y/14 1`I , . k t '
Oho Iamb IOW Was aloe rtltltt.W dr.e.
sl.. O.siWbsO Oval
1d • Marr d Inert mays a IMsr fa the
dhlb.Ile q1 hill mot of ..t• b.• keg
pond its poneh. IA is sew moons en .a
exp. odd. with M. piles ..seri y wear -
Snag hee, map he Mused Is a lidy
whom eeremilinsee blm.W and forays
ed with F•.wRea In M geeng.l
purist. ly ,..seeded s
own and white . is suer
or geotwat,ry, f reN otb•lleas
and tee. W hem • tens.. N them,
nes.. el to -day aro ratty brooks el
to what the, were thea, sed i• Rant..
Amorist we ean tram the shore
line. et ,snw..•. optatereani lay r.
Windt se longer *alar. Mat wise
this tact may inters* and perhaps
am • little, it der set tax our
c0 dttli7 se same se whin we me told that
der, instead of .sow and toe, • lexun.ut
Sounded not hr from t h.
lndeed, the Frinoh naturalist
Sea bsluwed that in our planet, which
wad cowl cooled end eossol*deted, dale
bili° at pelma : and shat drum then'a
M spread in the direction of the tropoee,
where at first the host wee to :n
admit 'd any kind e( life lint 11 u only
wands MOOS lean thin we have Mien
d ill be pet • glimpse of the ancient arctic
Has, winch is much more aeoe.lble
lbs mimetic, and what hate thee far
herr brought to bees make. Ihfioo • der
Ing oonleetare appear not so vary impro
le Bpiliergea sad Geminated, *n Alaska.
the banks tf the Mockers* neer.
m Grinnell Lend between I.) aced k3
dgne. aorta Iakt ole • the faiths* pant
jM.sao1d--tosetls pleata have beds fogad
to the carboitferoue, jurmeac,
' Y"- - .s as* tertiary periods, sad thew
deeps have Mw ss
described by Professor
�sd Her, 06 Zurich. u km a iswrebie
week - "►tar• Fordo Arctios' The fond
•t 10Ves et tirinnell Land bear an unmu-
bsk•tM nsrmblanee to the Hiring sequoias
et Califoro/a, wide the feed laurel len
rte immigrate -of ancient Greenland is
mid to be the direct enamor of sur prim -
eat dura. The cold which overwhelmed
the ancient polar replants u not arrested in
is program : tee sum which first brought
at a to still at work. Our eon is becoming
mere and mare eondeamd, and by and by
tt will no longer end is the ocatr.ction of
Its diameter • source sufficient to keep op
its energy, and with the extinction of the
me out earth me* pert The approach
ref this deadly world chill is infinitely slow
-oo slow thee history oak. no mote of It ;
bet is tinne the now crowded, busy portieres
of the earth mut stem the tate et Gres*
land and tipttsberg... Theo dal le still
hurled is the distant folore ; bet tar of as
it is, the lemma .i the past NIL as ,eat it is
Whoa 0.11y M.$.,ed the Omens* Pro -
deem ass 1. leathers A.teeelty.
Mast poop* haws heard something 01
a.trich•f•rmng m Saab Africa, bet few,
oompar•uvelr, know Cott within the la $
tea years o*richs have bees saporrtad into
southern Cegaternia, std thrive well in that
bmatiful climate. "I was lately a1.)nag,'
writes a oatreapo.da.t from CaLforn.
"on an ostrich farm, owned by as &go t
seat, at Norwalk, Los Asgslea Comely.
California, and took same inewtaaeuue
photogtapbe of the. iaterusurg Mg birds,
with their "attitudes eyrie sad vow,' as
well as some sketches It was a sight well
worth swing in the montage whoa goose
fifty Mrde were sit ont of the paddock,
whore *bey had passed the night. into the
pasture or Gad. The whole troop with
wings outspread, their long white plum.
waving, rustling, and almost whistling
through the bream they made, timid ism
in • body severs uses round the field at a
pace that would 14swe a good rang -bores
sowbere at the finen. Tke would
nvrably be *lowed by some o1 the fin -
mil 'tickles I have ever suss sod by gore
very entertaining wdtxtog Some well -
aimed keks world resound hers Sad than:
bet them powers of taking an quite peal
N their power, of pvuig, .d 1 newer .w
one kicked into.. ww•4d. When going
amongst the birds, it to sometimes name -
gory to carry • long forked stick, and if
they sherd .bow tight, they are literally
'choked -Mr by the application el the fork
of the *Sok to their necks. There dist is
varied by giving them chopped -up super-
uperheats, .sing, and alfalfa hay, cut up sod
.041_.i srsd. and rhos even a small farm
of tweot7 sores, highly cultivated. can well
support one hundred ostrich*. The eggs
are hetcbed in incubators, for though the
birds, will 'get' altar laying fifteen eggs,
double that number is obtained
by their removal to as ncob
afar. The first plucking Ison
chicks six math*' old averages $4 pet bird
at wholesale prices, after which the birds
are plucked every seven neatly, the stood
Iver psip 61860, the third .nd
ober, , natal the birds are fall grows,
whom the mould proceed' from the feathers
of as ostrich are over 636- Owing te some
sop berm; amfertile, it is difficult to esti-
mate the I.cnsee but %hie might fairly be
tpasel at eight athletics' -Ulmer from • pair.
...fertile eon are blows, sod have •
ready sale .t 616 sed upward. • doom.
The admission foss of visitors to the ostrich
fame .re ..other souse of profit. Oss
ass eta do all the work in each • twee�t7
ears bens, but M rocking time extra WP
u advisable. A duty of twenty-five per
sial levied on taw feathers imported into
the United 91s1s g's... the e*risb-fanmir
thenW10.. additional advantage.-
TO. Comatose of A4..dA...
The O..Nre of A►erde. wpm* .soh of
her youth es her fasb.r'e bighted enamel
Onionia It .as is the days that du
e nds triode with her father's get, Mr.
pW.tiss Mounted os her limas posy
. he oft. •.oempasid him an W Melanin*
M Hiked kindly to the bright hide girl -
ples aid
p▪ eople that MIA magnetismmwood have
ibovht gait* removed from the interest el
.o young a armito w. Bet ua
lair kly and whoa, n 117T, babel
bask. L.osm. the rou.t.. et •
those early movereatioas aid tot
i.6.enw they established had .word ler
Mr.$eoatal sed estimai.e-
w dhere.t n the pepsin piste poorest
-fro. Young Wo.en.
• Dew nosier.,
Med Mid with shoolealm
nuns Y • .d.mot that ie mud MW.
rho lett of who mast be fished M • imp
wend p.n, and jest hoar* M is .edsd .
a layer hem the hop. taii oat dM
On seder part without ►eeakng the mak I
.ad O is is yew with its chr*w ratio
Pot the lop or the whls enter with • de I
moor atWWarm writ ihd violent aipdtransd a
• laa.wfa dons willll dol manure e
esd.en Mlle a foist 01s .Ne?. taw grass.
Med slag r for mod hied. sad p,
nape der eeab soma praised ort* .s ponad-
t 1 I ( •t ti's
filleatFAIRYt*- __..
7bt.a poroses were horsed to demi in
w.Lnebnig. W. 7..
Morrie Oebs. W wtso, and end, were
odememd by . IIsi to flew York atty. Fn -
Three dims M 1h+atr, 111, were
eme.h.d Imes a dmoslose mem by • falliag
Jd.m Addie, .god 40, ..d ►. awn
WUli.m, aged 16, were horned to death u
6werblfl, Mom
• mad dog ran smsek u Ohmage o.
Saturday night and Mt dee persons iris,:
the police killed it.
Japes Mitchell, hie wife, .ad child, were
Ir.... to death ,. • frame hour seer 'i-,.
pat•, [arias, .. Thursday
Urs masa was killed sad fosrtett serum -
1T umpired hy exploits.ea exploiof het slag is •
beemary e ore ester, Mena
Mr. T. J Richards/a, of the Ha nerd
*•f, slipped es the icy sidewalk in Octaves
on Tkrrtday sight, bill sed broke his le!:
A bre damexplosion at Rocklin:•
w., Wtto, Germany, *.used the
death of .5(51...s sows, while .swots. ,,
were injured.
f *3 A., of Norans's, Ps.. s0.•
badly hart by beteg thrown from bobsiei}',.
while roasting ,tows the ice moust•m
Nuttier• Falls.
James Drysdale, and 15, was mast s,..:
us one of the s1re0 1 -'ni.g oat of Halo .t
when he res iota a p. 3g train sed w.i.
al met instantly killed. Has mother is a
Sr. Kdward haggler, formerly • resi-
dent of Pnrt•ge la Prune, was caught in
the machinery of Ogilvie's grain elerst.w. at
1/laminate, en Tuesday, and was isstautiv
While search.( in • bland oo Inlay
lar tau mown` d.nt;hter, Hear, Gmbh,.
of Harrison. Mich , perished almost win:ui
teach of nu owe door. The girl has cot
been found.
Capt. Themes Harbottle, steamboat
ittapeater, was in Hamilton to •youni0. I.
new steamer. While an *he shipyard h•,
ems *truck by • toboggan dr.c.sding from
a hill close by, and was knocked senseless.
Two hones in the right hand were broken
mrd his face was severely bruised_
OaWednesday siegiit the men -year-old
son of Mr Jacob Heber, of N merlin., Ont..
est shot bud killed by hits sister. use year,.
of age. The little girl had playfully point
ad • revolver which she had found in n
drawer, at her brother ; the weapon ww..
discharged. and the bullet entered the hula
fellow's abdomen
gra Featherston, wife of the member of
parlament for Peel, is dead.
Captaiu F:co;le., • well-known lake Milo
per, died very ..ddealy •t Belleville.
Capt. Pstnek Wood*, • venal captain
well known on the lakes,* dead at °meek.
Poatnt•eter Robert Crawford, of Owen
8osad. dropped dead ea the ares from
M,*. McDoseil, wife of the member for
Algoma is the Hose of Co.''...,aldied so
Addison A. Keyes, a well.knewn new --
paper man of Albany, N.Y., aced Thursday
sight, aged an.
Capt McCormick. if the Rochester police
depart.ssoat r dead, after • bra(
aged SS. Ho was • mauve of Trenton,
Cd. Phorir Howard, • veteran joursal-
ut sad Democratichrev
tician, who
reeding cloth a the House of Represeut.-
tiww, . dead at Danville, I11.
William dovetail, • printer formerly of
Woodstock, Ont., has amended at St. i •rel,
Mus H. brother George, • reporter, deal
at Woodstock on Mondry from oouszmp-
, tion
A. U. Weston, of lindg:town. N. 8.,
died from the effects of morphine. aid his
wife, from whom he had been e-pure:.r1,
bas been arrested, charged with omitting his
The man who minded In B&RWo on Mon-
day be been 'den•ified as Duo -..o C.
Turner, • former merchant and alderman
at Ogdensburg. He had been ruined )y
IJohn W. (.outerbach, ao n.iporter of
New fork, jumped from • window in the
6fth boor of 103 Reside street on Saturday
and was inertly killed. Liminess, trou-
ble are mid to have bean the came of *Le
The Dess1•ien eartl..o.t W114 be Asked
to Disallow the her.
Orrtww, Feb. ti. - The Nov Scotia coal
deal promises to come up it 1'arhanteet
right away. Toe *moronity of the deal u -i
the hardship it may inlhct on .11 *seeds
eboeld an American syndicate eosin' the
Nov. Sodas mine* is now b.ueg felt here,
and • strong effort will he made t.n iodate
Parliament to disallow the Act of the Nov.
8t-ot. L-gisl•ture, under which the lease
has bees made to the Whiny syndicate
of Baotou.
Tat YOU AriVAT IDmia
* hep (.m. /ewes the r'.(♦...d Ne. Sled
55 .00,
Roux Felt. R - - The Pops is tomb with who. is said in the Retro'.
•leech i5 referee°. to Home Rule, 14.
H 'it.e.s has had long Wks on the whJJ'MMtl
•' w Crr';i-ow's Vittoria", end 1.rgu.. Tbw
l'.•i...w.'1; "Olsrlatoue and 1, eltbosgn the
• to widest loaders, have the y.e.gest
8a11 -ed 4.rdock P41!. o trot
g ripe 0 Crt 11sy are mild and WM-
taal. 1.
Is Now 7w.ied one may oak. 100 pounds
of front • day with • minnow, or 30 peach
with • Sy.
Dr. Low's Delph.r lisp is a delightful
ehanpon. It awn= the drop and darter
grey hair.
J. B. Hooker, pamtmsst.0 at Hamilton,
Mortis counts, N. C., who did 8atsrd.p,
woo the w17 white Rsprbb.n is lin
Wirer moos teens, anhnsos. Dr. low's
Wens' trap dummy@ and .peps d trod.
of Worse gslekly .ad .01.17. los
The rtmeg.e oerviet ewer oast up from
Itenter*y 1e now ewe s emtseoo *6 one
TOW tie prottesuary. Rio name is ams
DoblA rove od, and Rio tango against
him hi raid parties. L.•tudky sash a
it M ~bow to note that tota 000 Waft
it friend an ruled by 4 arekb*ops amyl Iii
foisliont, while for Rngn.d 1 aro►►W.p
and Ig aro ormailsred meal N .he
Wok n1 atng the work of eda•h IMO
Tire M no dais made dor A i Sir-
asprilla whit► earswt he cesdmms.$ biomes
of era hwnebtls. This fzs plainly pewee
that th• h10oi is neons ....,t w...t dia*r.
'--- „,,. »w -4r *iter,. .. .
lital a//'1CC N 11171Eil.
AtM " Oen►
CAPITAL. - $3,000,000.
Po WSW t..nel 1. ..•.'there. er ...
MIN P. a+•ae. M.P., Hallam, rneldaa
A- w- Mt fats. 1.. eros...1. Vt.►
Gnomes reA1is MWrd.
JA.M. M. WAl'0BU KT,1Nw Tett
OMAU1101113 MAL*AU . Dew Torr,
0.r' , • "" P. M MIT,NCt, Olaab*h.
CWAU[.sf tl MORAL/. Mosi1Wr
MACJIA$TKR • Mutl/B4ON, *65.f.em.
The Digesters, who are now the ooze,* of
the veers Capital stuck, have decided, at
tie request 01 numerous rereads of the
Oumpa sj throughout Canada, 50 enlarge
tie proprletur.bip of Its snack, sad to oder
Mr sate. at par, Leo thousand shares. 01 one
k.udred dollars oath, Luny paid and nem
0.0 .a0le.
Payments are to be made as tallow.
Ave per teat ou embargoes ; gotten per
cent. o4 allotment , twenty per oast. ewe
*a one, two. three std tour .soliei from
the Mate of allot m. at. Applicant• bare tot
right to pay lu full en .41015.5.1.
AppiMOslw Nr wow« will be rip
eel wed serail rekreery MA, 1050, et
ear of ere sateen W tie canaries
mem' se t: .,o.. et tb. redness K
nee L.M. Raab er.00l,1.., sato et
the bead .glee .f tot eeapsea. D. T.
Life malls/as. Meatr501. 1
Forms of application for shone may be
elestued at say of the above s laces, sr
tier will e" efts, b7 maga reque.$4
"Moue no allotment aria* be made N
say applicant for shame, the amount paid
wail be returned la tun, alp to the sweat ar
the Directors endows 11 I uposeble to allot
tot full .umber o1 *bares applied forthe
surplus of the deposit will be credited le-
ered the assume parable es a1lotme.1.
ewh`"eed of 'usthe
ot.t whole pert a any eh
al.i.wt 0.of ire try .a -
rant 0..y M trot umber et thawy- ihs
number tippled roe.
As the diverse' of the Compeer are
payable Masterly, IT= wile the Ire
nay of Margin feat, Awa*. of Moak will
be comma to =we a report of the
quarterly dividend me deemed, w
oto I eeea nee�.teair to ease (10, •.A►
Wtie a of Meshed see ly Tweet° . ami fir ed1-
aW q_e*arlasa d w shares of the Ohn-
pasussd i▪ � , Inc with s (ninth osedira draw �si
sehlos We, be several of the
lar ,".t Vardar, and Mader Twine Pootor ee
coasts It, at dM. operated them under
lana. but 4s operatloes baring been see -
mend. the Capital Moen was masegueenty
ler.ntgd M three Mitten Dollen, and the
leased properties ware perebseet.
TO. Gasp.. hast me Mrtenere
Imdemeedwuoa t end. lie the
leer smdw whin& 1t wen•
.d, mete era be eree4N liveliest the
esmaem5 ed twe.t&eare of 8180 .&..'.e
bender-, represented so a mimed tt
wound pee thu pmapue..
• oo.pos7 W pewee to s.s eases et
lee bankers s-
me by *6 .. 1 w«I, Tait affaiaMahn
bleAte. aleepher bleredieb. advesellse.
the knee of Us .toMe lereity ok M morrow
Ma5Ta0A1. Jeeuar7 1, 15.1.
owslamr Corea" Os. Ltd.. Montreal >-
Gatertinsn. We have welled .be
books we doeueneata.0.zseted wit' no
organisation of the Consumers P...ys
Compaq. Limited. avid area opium.. that
It bas leen properly Iacerpor.Md. w
(het Its capital stock of la,ISS,lSl, •r Iry
sed, Is folly paid up tad sowwssee,
aseosdlag N the pr.wlstess et she " Cam'
Nuke Ad.^
We ale, years unity.
md.dt. A1.arra, C:AnrnaLLA Menaorwm.
ke A_t'opurt flee Nemo aecemeter
w *6 bMn. BaliaMws of the t bsepanyy
that *entre le Ile IOUs hate lees 0.p
MOM( wed. . th
1 e vie oon
e..►rac . errraG
Applicants fav stares map examine these
dwoeumeale.sopies et which may be sera e
7 • races, sed at the wariwo
Wise er the Desks t.O.t.eod shown
e ' -_. cotrlgc5Itoomieley is Irro-
Oirdarsa. rn
r M Mader i*Lr�aworl,
avid elem. the Ibiaowteg very aterhl ad-
vantages ever It. erimpettuws
14 Awnle cossmai to medusa Ile bust.
ase watch emblem It :-
40.1 To bey Its r{w . uspwtsl to Egger
quss*ttles. tad at dodo. p5MM
1M To w est, les lest sed =set ler
tea a lmont d kMpqtor its .4545
IThersiersr wd-dYlrlbumsg
int insmitausimot
ted. The badmen mem se wide • terri-
tory ( Goods ro to shneet
.wiry elw48ed gene he Ihf mord, 'het
It seta be -t..4, tytrd. M teal * res.
tom;and 11. M•eo er..etlahmesas
tin . mm*Mgd thin the of sewer
leas y s.. 4wary woo
nth, Lowey rest et •
01 Ey maldaliaia Ihe soma/R.-
timers 1y severs' mtlb.It Is s+a.lsd
M I.te educts 1n aYshe best .ached• hued
la 5.eb.
(b). ay gn..L g 1 . ei.sogretal sr
led is boor m Mow is tier Mind Ile porirr►
lar of the naw
I'apprise normimsen �K mwM•11�a Murns oak sogrissa
premmwWibei ii
osier. W idem 1t..
mew lite, epee 10...
mimea o sewer awes t
.t1TyteOlouraa� leer nos1
Ir 101. M bee sot N .. real lis
louse It w been �0mtolss�eels, le IIIIM
Mem ingeerasips �lea elbs. In pm�eii myna
gb ws• loss
ne tis hi et Mtiherrr bard* nal
and the Dlststaeo baleen Ort them
WIN bee sseetweded le the eel n.. se t
plttir 5 trerkas $wets$ ss no ad weirdsatiee �a
TO. slawidomd M ens pew o.rgt
MM er-Iobes. 11Ne. woo in dm main 0t'
Oil per..&•. pew tea. 7115 peon
rwN/eoram O.r1ps*.7 we obs grow
Nee pe.tlane Aae•A w ebtd$ii_
en liseewinends• mar mods/ Old.
*mi ootoosokamoi UnowlooliellItaseli IMP
estem. one De peer wed .lbg�Mw tri
glnwdlsa nor sow proms./ sel.;M. 1111
Mow r t&. -.11tH Mr
Sad e�w.nsts d Writ lit
•e. A..Med me simnel mi on
had OM on• rise el., of sir
pew at *50L1
�i�`- -'^'-�'^'�."r
Read the Following :
$51% We are clearing out the balance of out Fur
Collars and Muffs, Fur Caps, Fur Capes, 8ea1-
ettes, Heavy Mantle Cloths and Astrachan at
wholesale price.
Also a lot of Tweed Dress Goods at a groat
Our Spring acods
Our Prints, Flannelettes and Tweeds are
here now.
We have 100 pieces of the celebrated
Crumm Prints, Hindoo Prints, and P )sib ee
Prints, the finest goods and neatest patterns
seen for years.
We car7 the largest stock of Brussels.
Tapestry, %% ool and Union Carpets, Art
Squares, Ruga and Maty, Oil Cloth, and
Linoleum.. ever shown in the County by
one house, and our stock for Spring will
be larger than ever, as our growing trail. -
demands it.
:r We will have fully 500 sets of Lace Cur-
tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for
Spring, from 75c. to $6.75, and of unheard of
value. See them.
6° discount for Cash.
gar first -claim Drees and Mantle Maker up -*taro
Great Carpet Wurehouser
of the County. J
t ,#
' L
itsL s
IlenmemMit font. Ported
MVO Onems.
lo; Vora tam
grearqg �wlgrt
Me s
Buchanan a• Son,
Dealer ie sn stars d
And balker% malerf•I .6 •weep doss.i5lYs
8eksti !!1it11r n SDecial�.
-. v