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Both the method and reeulta when
Syrup of Fifa le baton; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet prattled on tLe kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effev tu:tlly, dispels colds, head-
aches and fer*ll and cures habitual
constipation. Bylltp of Figs i• the
only remedy eir its kind ever pro-
duced, pleaingto the taste and ac-
ceptable to the Stomach, prompt in
he action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prtparedonly from the most
healthy a:Iddagreeablesnbdsncea, its
man v excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
fevrup of Figs is for sale in 75o
bottles try all leading druggists.
Ano rale 'leo1ti'
t bo may not
hate it on =list
ill procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
ht.x Tatialalta00, (JAI..
L OU1 VhJ.:J .0 :QLwT^.'-ib, M. M
Geo. A. FRAM, BMW AT Goouilctl.
• • Where do yea We, Jamey v she
'la New York,' 1 rspllsd.
• W W ars you mattes as w,
1 m meting `• dry ..."- mem'
.thee 1 eapposeyou dont hve very high.
ler 1 hoar 1.11 i tear . alp asks whet don't
get moright noway W hasp body sad soul
together. So III pet tell ria, Ammer
ire got mettle but tease errerda tat
'upper. We .1•'1 gel sere Merl. cow,
Jimmy. We're poorer .or Job'' turkey.'
" 1 told her 1 meld be delighted with
the spareribs, cad, to tell the truth, John,
I haven't ostia • meal is )1.w York that
tasted se good as thew ext.p roasted elan
ns, did. 1 spent the erasing pl•yi.g
cbeekers with father, whsle mother sat by
telling ins ell .bout their mahutunes from
old white rooky getters drowsed is the
pond to father's signing. note for a freed
and h.vtug to mortgage the place tei pay it.
The wort age was due i.•ide of a week sad
not a rest to met it with just 1800. She
supposed they would be turned out of boos.
and hone. bet in my mind 1 supposed they
weuldiet. At best ■les o'clock came sad
father said. ' Jim, go tot to the bare sad
en if Kit u.11 right. Bring in als armful
of oM *hinges, that are jut amide the door,
sad fill up the water pail. Tben we'll go
off to bed and get up early and go a fiats -
" I didn't say a word, but I went out to
the barn, bedded down the hone, broke up
an armful of sb:ngles, pumped up a pailful
of water, fined the wood box and then we
all mot to bed.
", lather called me at hall past four is
in the morning, and while be was getting
breakfast 1 slipped over to the depot across
lou and got my best bans rod. lather took
nothing but a trolling lies and a spoon hook.
Ho rod the boat with the trolling line in
his mouth, while 1 stood in the stern with
• silver *hitter rigged on. Now, John, I
never saw • teen catch fish ea be did. To
make • long story short be esupht four bass
and five pickerel, and 1 never got • Mu
" At noon we went aahur and father went
home, whsle 1 went to the post office. I got
a letter from Chicago with • 'beck for one
tb..usand dollars in it. With some trouble
I got it cashed, getting paid in five -dollars
and tan dollar bile. making yuiW • roll. I
then got a roost joint of beet and a lot of
defrtaetes, and had tnem seat home. After
titer l wont visiting among civ old school -
instal for two hours and went home. The
prat was to the oven Mother had .ppa�t on
her only silk dregs and father had domed
hie Sunday go -to -meeting clotbos, norm too
good, either. This is where I played • juke
ea ice old folk& Mother was in tbs earthen
watching the cast. Father was out to the
barn, and 1 bad a clear coast. 1 dumped
the sugar out of the old blue bowl, put the
thousand dollars in sod placed the cover on
again. At tut .upper wet ready. Father
eased a blosetog over a, and he actually
tremble 1 waren he struck he kaife in the
'We haven't had a peace of mt•t like
that, in five yearn. Tim,' he said, and
mother put in with ' Aid we banal had
any codes in a year, only when we went a
" Theo she poured out the oodes and lift-
ed the cover of the sugar bowl, asking
ae she did so : " How many spoonfuls,
Jimmy e
" Tben she struck lialethieg that wasn't
sow. Site picked up the bowl tad peered
into it. ' Ah, limiter Jimmy, plcaya your
old tricks w your mummy, .b' Well, boys
will to boys.'
"Theo she grasped for breath. She saw
it was money. She looted .t me, then at
father, then with trembling fingers drew
the gust roll of hills out.
" H• ' ha! ha! I can see father now as
he stood there oe tiptoe, with bis knife in
oto band, fork in the other, and his eyes
fairly bulging out of his head. But it was
too much for mother. She raised her eyes
to Haven and slow) said " Put your
rust in the Lord, for He will provide.'
"Theo she fainted away. Well, John,
:here's not much more to tell. We threw
water in her fax and brought her to, and
then we demolished that dinner, mother all
the time saying - " My toy .limmy' My
" I stayed home • month. i tided up
the place, paid off all the debut, had a goal
time and tame back again to New i ork.
i am going to send fitty dollen home every
week. i tell you. John, it'. mighty
aioe to haves home."
John was lo,eking steadily at the head of
his cane When he spoke, he took Jim by
the hand anti said " Jim, old triend, what
you have told me hu affected me greatly.
I haven't heard from my home way up in
Mains for ten years. I'm going home to-
morrow." -Romeo..
A nob man wished &finest forgotten his
old talker and matt tells how he taste to
make them a vita(
" How I carie M obit my home happened
is . carious way. I;dz weeks ago I went
dews to Fire inked, ishing. 1 had had a
1e-tob put op tsr me, sad you can cera
gine my utoaklleseat when I opened the
hamper to find • geeing@ of crackers wrap-
ped up in • piisslet the little patent.[Heide
country wesklIceig buried at my boss in
Wisoonsm. 1 elia every word of it, adver
Mssmeets sod al. Than was George Kel
iegg who was a elibeohnitte of mise, adver-
tiiag hates tad salt perk, aad another boy
was postmage r. By George ' It made me
sad I deearmiaad then and there
M go sad ge home 1 did.
. L the first pleso I most tgll you how I
mass to New Yet'k. 1 had a tiff with my
father and lett host I finally tented up
im New York with • dollar in my Docket.
I got • job roans • freight elevator in Inc
wary hoose in whish I ns now • partner.
Illy best* to gat desk drove the thought set
ly parents hem sss, and wise I did think
d than, the bard verde that my father last
spoke to me melded in my bosom Well 1
wast home, I NU you John, my train
mood to ores. I was actually worse than
a schoolboy gaing boom for vac•tim. At
lata we need w town. Familiar sightet
sed ear eyes •+it wpm my word, they filled
with tears. 'Phots was Bin Lyman's red
barn just the saes ; bat --Great Scott
whet were all the ether bowie! We rode
aesrty • mile brise os ias to the station,
peeing may heals d which only an oc-
casional me wog josiliar. The town had
grown to ten time its size when I knew it.
The train stopped. mad I jumped off Not
• fen is sight I ether. and I started down
the plaices t• ye hose. In the office door
stood the ulatios meet 1 walked lin and
said : " Howde, ler. Collies !"
'He stared at me and replied: 'You've
get the hast of me, air.'
"1 heed him wise 1 was sod whet I bad
Ma doing in New York, end he didn't
make my bones i• Melee to me. Maid he:
' It's .boat tins yes ems hoasa. You in
New York rich, sad your father scratching
gland to get • bees living.' "
..1 ,ell yin. Jabs, it knocked me all is •
beep. I thought gig father bed enough to
hire upon esadMlmi iy. Then • notion
Menai ta. Benin gOol home I teletrrspb-
W Lbiu se gee of our corre.poodenta
{tore M clad int, ism thousand dollen M
Brut mail. Th.. I west into Mr. Collins'
bask dies, hoe eV Beak in there, and pat
as an ail hoed gsed1ew0 suit that t need
ter GAMS ami MOO* My Plug het I re-
placed by •'aft .sin, took my valise ia my
bawd .ad met home. Somehow the Sam
dida't look right. The ~rata bushes bad
bees dog ay from the front yam, aad the
Mei was gem. AU the old lomat tress bad
lose etas dorm sad young maple tree were
plashed. Tee haat inked .sailer, .rete
bow, too. Oam I met up to abs nowt door
tai rang the belt wether ease to the front
deer and said : • W. Ames wish to My aay-
today, q
•• t deb's take a West*ers.f.d Johe
Mia Mai le fns► Hs res then, her
bet • meth awls deIMOm be
a sind her fees .hie,
dews garrottedheir YK over bar eye -
TEM simir :1 L : GODERIOH, ONT.. TH iTREIDAY, FEBRUARY 1t, 1893.
Mot to rat ea mows and wka0 M OW
One thea
1t is estrous
To sew perleetly plats vsitIeg .s,4e, et
fee paeled...rd, ' di.drave,l t.. plow ecttp&
le.esrtte to if et ,hent to use • writ -
see vd.d►rag e:..4. de en i, d .Mt. s uo•0 il11
peeled rather toe with leo amt irk.
the used the L• the teesbl ..cut to I
deliberate purl...tt.
For a gem !moan to ass w smaller mid
Mtge • ioely •• d ' M set rue sr to proportion
to its beugtb
!or • gear lr.tuttt 10 l.relia " Me.' to his
aster os • tenths card.
Fan tin od.,'rr In t b•• c,n.. eN sae i .. pbv-
Mien, a jc,ti.., or • u,:uai. r of Me g'epels
n or Inc title .••t a •,linog'arl.
1'.. cue the fall want. on • v nibs( coral. ee
Mn J.od t',,:ton Ni•rtl.' "]ji.. ('tors
Howard JaI:N MNI."
For ■ lady io prefix •' Nes ' . r " Yr,"
W I the 1&)t um) bt, W het Oa Mt on • YWt-
151 card.
For a married lady to use her iiu.band'i
full , ,,t..' r 1.1.1 name 41.11 mental.
ler a gentl.ines,arn•rtte.l lady or • yoaeg
lady wi .. lee limn tor .,amus Uu.0 1s society
to have his or her a.l.lrvsa connived on •
r,ah ere card.
For • young or .Ingle gentlroiou to put
the n111,.• Of lite c uh ou his r.nt,r•ther than
los nun ret I.,..', if he p.of.'s
For a toly t" nave F.er r.•copttou day le-
gravOd in the left hood corner of the reed.
For resident. it a small suburban tows to
pat the Mill.'' f : - n licit cards :0 order to
avoid a•ulus:.'n.
1 to
i orlon
t � r surra e
Fur the ol.lrs s ngl belonging
the oldest braces of a f rorty to use " Hila
Formate on her carol, car for the oldest
daughter mi a ytntmdr, branch to do so,
where thea.• arc n., sin4lc women to the old-
er Mauch
For a ).",ug lady 10 here her nate 'si-
gnior.' below that of her mother of the
rano card, tis :
*nmmm ewe, awes rod, honest, bssevol-
sae wee i deed tlhIMg •t her tad tbw
eke bane le Memo M ma I saw the brood
sib e. her Iran, ami SIM a "eat sob Ms
M obese epee ge l`i1'^y'^• theme v rapt.
s Bee Jimmy) .i4 iee es 1 met broke
dews sad .tied flits o WRibe gog
tbeam. Y sodksg eon. tad
tbse die vehe`doer and shots
"thither railed arson w kneehole : What
the you wee* Chelles•• Theo be MOM fey Irkeew ass i5
ta.emtIP10 1010111iIPM ►i head Mad Baht ass A dell book is esed,astepldoasi
amt/ ma& utersly : ' Wetl, better. :leave mimes mamma • cam of
yeseggialPmy ie rise mM es behove your beet sea -feet to anima iM dimes&
411.1Z:44 tsfd M rams • boom dem* B t ► �'tmirhada
ile!�� . Med is the y n.( yoer
� earl
jYs~i� ►�IdeM�j.take AyMr . ikwtq,Mrilk. •t sees,
Mart Lomond Soba.
Mlles Sloth.
For husband tied with to hate each • sep-
arate resiting cwrd.
Fax a lady to leuve her Ituebnod's card and
three at her anus sod dauihters is makieg
the first call of the suasoo.
For a Indy to irate her hoahund's card, as
well as her .awn, a:tor u .linear party.
Far a lacy to lesre two carie in oallieg
upon • mother aril several gr,wa-upda.gh-
ten -one for the mother anti one for the
When calling for thefire '.me upon sever-
al ladies (who are not mother end daugh-
ters), to leave • cud for tech.
For u lady, 1f about -el to wake a call, to
leave the cards set 'he venb^enaa ..f her fam
i1y w the hall table.
For a lady, J admitted to make • call. to
leave her card on i be hall table and seed
her name up by the servant.
For • lade to send 01. her card when call-
ing upon a stranger.
Wbe. 1. eespalr.
Whets in despair of being curd of lung
troubles, there is still • hope, and • strong
hope of perfect euro in Ir. Wood'. Norway
Pine Syrup This medicine cures even after
•11 others have failed, and oe roe suffering
from cuugba, colds, asthma, hroocbitis,
hoarseness, etc., need deeper of cure while
Norway Pine Syrup a obtainable. 2w
blew M nese* sxgall asap.
1)zgall soap, for w•ehios sice prim and
woollies, is made as follow Siloe int one
goat of ozgall two pouted' of the best yel
low soap; set it on the range and let it sins
o'a'r until the soap is dissolved ; add a tea
spoonful of malt ; pour into pans and let it
hardest When mid, cut tato ban sod dry
it. It will keep for yam
erre= Parses.
7►e■ .trim curtains, laoe edged. are
lovely draped in the following weer.
Gather them scones the top, « baste in fine
pleats, and crow them at the top et the
window till each length ezteede threefoer-
ths of the war over. They will hang very
thick and doable. Now separate the sides,
and drape back with roads or ribboes, just
two fere below t he withers ; and have thee.
upper portons hanging quite fell u,til
moat "baggy W hat ie t.... left N the
lengths hangs in Meg, scant folds just resett-
ing the floor
To leave surae without turning down
either corners or ca.G.•
■ e net es M r .e Geeslin. a Lady 1. •
Scratch of heed n.nsers.
., There aro two occasions epee which I
never will recngnve • gentleman, not even
my own husband,' said • well-toown so-
ciety woman the other day to a New Or-
leans t'luyunr moo. " If he is sitting on a
street corner to have his shoes blacked he
might bow at ma till the crack of doom,
'nit I would 0.,t recognize him. Or if he was
reaming out of • 'aloe.
" 1)id you ever have a mar greet you in
the street without lifting his Fat r asked a
•• t)nce or twice, hat I never recognized
that individual again. One of the best
• arm n:lergynwo in New U. leans makes •
habit of sot raising his hat to some ladies he
know*. He would not feel Battered it he
could hear the comments that are made on
his boorish cowmen."
" Perhaps he forgets," said a taw who
'was ready 10 defend Inc set
" That r no excuse. I would not expect
an armless roan to lift his hat u tate on the
street, hut nothing less could excise him.
A gentleman has no business to forget at
'wet the app.rance of good breeding. A
woman feels a moo has treated bar with al-
most familiar contempt who dna not lift
his hat when .peaking to her, and if she
Ms any spunk at all she will never how to
hiss again -- -- --
Tbe Erik .t spa■kl.L
While children are much more indulred
and 000aidered in this aFe than ever before,
they are still the victims of • barbarous
custom. i refer to the practice of whipping
as punishment. Though it has Tong since
been largely abolished in oar own and other
countries u a most inhuman mode of punish-
ment, hole children are still hasten, cuffed,
td spooled by food i!) parents io • moot
eae,ssoioa•ble manner.
"Sparethe rod tad impost the child " was
intended is my estimation ins purely meta-
phorical sense.
It is Pretty generally conceded that cul
ing children on the head or meats frequent,
ly ((toga with the moat serious results -
many ones of deafness and even heath
dine. Mving arisen from this practice.
Evils quis se grave, i am assured by • lady
physician of extensive practice, resell from
the punishment know. .. 'spank mg. "
Blow gives with more or. less severity and
greater or lees frequency in the region of the
spine, will, ate contends, must serious train
or .pile) trouble.
Moreover, the stats of the Anis and owr-
vee/ •rete= have • great effect epee the
diepositing. and the Meek which may
Feasibly care lame vault, may be disordering
and deraagins the Dervoss system prvdnee
thane of • hutch graver tad more emptiest -
ad nature.
It may console stet peeper to krw that
the. pbysscan referred to does not regard
twitching u opts to tate tame objections as
smithung,and IN the followers of Solomon's
precept see that they literally use the rod
and sot the Ind, tad thus .lo as little
harm as pemlM. Weald that all parrots
ostld be cantered of the evil of the whole
001..rw1 assesses.
Stn,- 1 hod a tin -oblation. .old which
atthisg woad relieve Reel I triad Hat
yard's Pretend BaIess, •ed i em g-1 to
my that it y atfii
ft. itwt aaase. ilea.
its alb. teLfi Ibis
He Cita in a Mget, he heaven s sigh,
H. squirms, M wean till as hoer goes by,
hod thee, 1e dinged, the theater he leaves,
,.tares he .....t sum ever her .lee...
M fee M Sena&
Doss Seek -1 bare wad your Regysrdl
Y ellen 011 ter may years, and have awed
I ft .ci•tgaded tee bit.., made, seem, eta
Be Haat A. cbiaaly, �,CM.
a Ttoe ser Mist.
How slimy hours' sleep de yea require!
Nn rule ow be laid down Jeremy Taylor
thrived o. three ►o.rs,•.d so doss Cardinal
Newman. Many eenteeerisu are seetee'.d
with flee boon ; bet some of them require
iambi or sins. Bat there w two rale of
sleeping whim everybody may adopt wltbdm►
be•itattas. 1. /twee let yourself be ama-
ssed by anybody else hat wait until too
have mispt oat year sleep. 2 lied epee saw
as you it. awake. if yrs follow these two
rake, the leen of seep will very soon ro
gelato thee.ml. if yee rued yourself he
sleep, yea amid read • heavy look .N e
sew ■ 0
**papers If the ewer
the bend, hew. .tn.e•nle
lied M sere d • sera faker site.
There's Nothing
f mons*
on It *a.-
FALL ""o
a Terse Table Mat •.efts est MI Preview
The only duty there will
be in connection with my
goods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing a
hpecialty, and everything in
the latest and best Dry
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard -times pnces at
The Tornio Cash Store
P. O'DEA, Manager.
Scri bner's
For 1893.
Partial Prospectus.
•• Shaving, 1 initiate: hair ca t,3minutes."
The news is from Chicago. The reootd
biota that d New York. It puts Chicago
in the cad. It is unpreoedeoted. It will
create great astooiahmeot in Paris. But we
give notice to all barbers that they cao.ot
keep up their prices under this time table.
They cannot charge tiers thea • oast a
shave, or throe ovate a hair out They cea
make money at these prices by steady work.
Sixty shaves as hoar at one seat apiece. t 0
alta ;twenty hair cuts an hoar at three •
piers 60 ovate ; ten hours' work • day, tib.
Isn't that Waugh to satisfy any bsrb.revem
in tliioaEo ` There will lie a big rests of
customers during the Esbibitios, perhaps,
that • shaver oma pet in twelve or foe/teen
hours • day, shouting "Next ovary minute
of all boon, from morniag till eight and
whipping in the mom like lightning. It
will be worth anybody's settle to go to
Chicago to take • look at these barbers and
the hordes of " seats - are saresiuiog, bleed-
ing and payieg oat their meta Aftif gee
ung them no oody will want to go neer the
shambles of the Kzhihitio■. It was report-
ed • while ago that a Topeka genies had in•
vented • shaving machine, but what ave
would it he in Chicago! Ws must implore
oar Barbers' Union, No. 1. to direct its
walking dasgates to keep these Chicago
wreckers from getting a foothold to New
York. They world ruin the trade. Tbey
wooed knock the .Dale of prices. eves the
five -cent scale of Avenue B, into a cocked
hat. Who would pay a oieel for • shave
wham he tow rte vitro of the ore -sant barber'
Who would pay a done for the sheering of
his locks whets he 000ld ger them shorn for
three mete! Let the(ihicago penny'in•tbe.
dot blackleg barbers be outlawed.
Mew to Orem children.
The maternal pride that prompts all
mothers to dress their children as well as
preeibls under adverse circumstances, sage
a sensible writer in the Ladies' HomeJour-
nat,aleo induces them to speodmeay an hour
over their clothes without begrudging either
the labor or time. Fortunately, the most
appropriately dressed girls are the platoon
clothed, lost at present ; bat, by bsisr
plain in style, it doss not follow that ter
little frock is not to be of • dainty material,
tastefully' made and in • becoming maser.
Lin not put too sombre a Dolor epos • ease
faced child ; neither bare all around wishes
on • stoat little figure, which requires top
Bring effects. A little thought will soca
settle the pert of the teak, which is the
simplest. Blows suits of the cottons imit-
ating flannel ; latae-tennia i•oael, wbecb is
part oottoo ; and all -wool blot -and -white
limed and Berge ore the most comfortable
of play dresses, and for little ave :t the
seaside sotbisi can replace them. If trim-
med in any Macer let it be with costes or
woolen braid, according to the material of
the dress. Sew the gathered skirt, which
is amply fall anti hemmed, to a pleats uo-
derwset, and have • sailor blotto, nth the
regular sailor roller and coat orskirt sleeves
with a round neck or tiny bead ee preferewd.
Mimes wear the blouse suits made is a slsn-
tar style, .d their half -worn Airs may he
entirely were out with two or three add
biomes made is this habit, or as bolted
waists of w•.b sant or striped tennis
Ilan mi.
Nasn.otk for minims may be hail ready
tecked,or the whiteembrotdery sus he mod.
Separate gawps are advocated, a they
are easier to wink. White freaks are et
plass ri000k or embroidered 8oaaeiag, 27
inoses wide. These of lot roma may be
remodeled by adding • wane -belt of Mor-
tice, vat of the same and revers N edgieg
over • molted i ntmpe. If the skirt is the
short leagtime it with • row of toeertioe let
in. Plaid and striped gt.gbaane are always
neat with accessories of e=b,oidery. and
small figured arcane are freque.Uy made
over for little noes and worn with the
inevitable gaumpe, which n called se
" American idea," tbeegb is origiaa d ie
Any dress to be bade over for • yeses
ppal ran Me. nes sleeves. yoke and abort
herder of tense plaid woolen goods, set
hies This may be need for any plain. dark
woolen gond■, ted if the renovated dress ie
of stuped material the e1M portions added
are of=is oesttm.,u. r 'bees. ere
tall, aofisrt high,or pleated aid tared ever,
td the skirts are natally hill •.d UMMreh,
Rousd waste, Sake( bodices .r( pointed
beages hvi.g full fronts an were
yang girls, with hill vacs,
erMeta and ate similar to these ww. zltl'
girl. TM awl silk addttio 1e
dol. toilette is ably
etr.h w Ldia ilk
. mall Ivrea.
Drowns dist are entirely geed setts haw
the seder part of the dorms wart set, and
it nesse toe had to petal them, es the ►.M
Meg f.'. like out the domes aad matte
sew sodas. Meg ladleg dreamt
iml• boyaw
far themselves sr Meaty
ps wash este®
tar a new par N eh.vee set) be elbow tar
A thme-owad r cur a urea
b goody darned with ails, tom=
Id w erne esier,N • mor glees d
le pose bale the Iola.
knowledge el •p lass d1~ Ylmal
laws pve�
he }t" ang ►y a nrefaleteut i~C�s~�e`1�wilr
tyhe tAlsot si o w 1WJnetlsetytaws wK► a
drM,rr�� .e cher a' sat.
N obi b tab
gam me M peseta tg lit ap awestro R
MaaiMe s.
01 mails ataWw�are llmtw
crated es raadt r stook wherever there is •
weak pol.t. ,Wee mats NSW met • cwt
shaft fireplug sore•to.s waY tartie.•d with
fur• tksod and • proverb reart•b d tome* -
'CY.4 Harass (Josses.
Yale motto wit, buWag water .r milt.
Mold .,My le rock.l.by Uremia. labelled taw:
JAMam erre a b.. a.rlae.. 455. owoo.
hart. L...d... swei.M.
France Hodgson Burnett
will roetribare the floc eerie' to appear 1a •
r trees ►. r urn ter teeny year., entitled
H. C. Banner
wi11 furnish a aeries of rix sketches entitled
Harp3r's Magazine.
Hairsm's Ma.azine fur iOS will teatime
to sietwto /ha narlvtMl .teadard of excel -
hate which was oiata„t.r.ssd it trust the M
tisane Ares the odrt•kis features of the
year Omni will be saw novels.. tenuous
IA or a. I'n..raet. ray.'ROOK Woui. ,,n, sad
W I1uar Kaes Alert etwtes will he wall+
bard Iq the rent pepsrr venters et the ear.
usenet. Maar R. WALRUS*, Ktwtaa. H.wo-
rat Davie, Mthsu.T Ustrro. Btu.oss
Malenawa, and .ell1 Wien. he W
en. Tuettaded
drarf.titomenpesa .emkrsoa ankles by
Juuam Rani ea sew float►era sed Waster•
table r ; ►r Taaou.ws (nun es ladle: by
Ka tress Rwsu,w ea Ku.*a ad Oerwta.s ;
M Rrowaen H.50.m barmen .Leedom Wm
ass; It l'ofuee1 1' A. Dowse us Ieetees KtderR
eta Mien A. Asara ithismtl se N *mkt
sp'are's tbroedles veal be . Oat/need literary
•reislss trfn ee 000rlbuted by ('n..t.mt 11.10?
Norma Mae. Jarss T. Fists.. W►tuas
flans H5%5.te, II•amDNt M.rnow% ata
Robert Grant
will relate the fore., eXpermseter et Fred tad
Jooepblae fa " t MIQI' KL TO TH t R Eruct!.
TION OF A M A K RIM) MAN ' tttwettated.
Harold Frederic
.03 contributr a political total of great ,ewer.
By the Author of "Jerry.'
Mtn 8 R Kurrrrr. the author of "Jerry.
win write • realistic story ,•' Me aWona IM
renew.. mountaineers, •-TIig »CREST
Personal Hemtnieoenoers.
sons I:NPuni.is til) urrrea8 Or
mbar. dealing with • pan N Cerise's life tar
diAbreot how Owl heparin oat a the rarer
Memo ore er arlrTI. restiniereeoce. RECtIL-
By the late Mawpcm Ds Cs.•xltatu BMA
artistes are tall of new .toner, AN ARTIST
IN JAPAN Bs Hnmslrr Buns. who hag jam
renal o from a riii,let.c of nearly two >eaee
is tear eeee,rv, ibaod•etly IguMrsts.d br
the author. HISTORIC MI)MVNTII, which
have twee • tenter. N the DrgaNne daring
les. will be continued by vont. particularly
striking wipers. armour thew several N the
crest war •e-rawtponden•s. Wnet an H. Rra-
e att. A►•, b•RAI1, }(• he. ted where
Men's Oooupattona.
A eerie, of articles nn the lifework of nen in
mat's callings-tIme Otter ways 1e:ringlets set
Professions' In which men ears their liveli-
The World's Fair In Chicago.
A seeks will be puhti.hed later to the year
theist, the impression* rade by the exhibition
epos dt&renl observers of more, both Avow i -
ma 554 forets. ; tad rainy of three observer.
will be also artste who wilt illustrate their
ewe ar/Ieles.
Ylsoellaneous Article&
Farther contribution* to the POUR IN
OREATCITiSN. Mn. Bua>ruiy'u illsalreted
Moor os the London piss for HONE Ail) To
INV +LIU CH11.bItltN, etc. elf a re isi hoer -
era also will be Profaner Het were* entborl-
laiive •ooetnt of the PEARY RELIEF EX
t RDfhIOX tnleefrotedi, a very intereetlar sr-
ios of
e OIKAX'B ART stow aerate on in Passu .ad
•rticlss epee artistic subtest. •eeeeate of tra-
vels. Ne., ma
The Illustrations
of the year will reprr.ent the work art tasty of
the well-known illustrators, but away draw -
Ming wW •Oo.ppear by sinew whe are beet
known as painters.
TI S: {, :era I.
SPECIAL OFFER. r`r w . .
• wharrfpll.s M mf. Oahe
The same *WI been aaesharth
t'.e.d be erect. seep
Maw is lbs those M etew'rite.
H P1KsB. 09
hAPI' R'x ) OUNO P*)PL1.,.... .. r ea
Peaty Ave to nett seemviMrs to the Maths/
etnsoa e..da mad Mexico.
TM Volume N the Mame,. begin with
the Number, ter Jame and 'Overarm'. .t eek
tear- White no t1111e b specified. subaer.ptrase
will heti• with the Number wrest at the
Ufa N receipt of ardor. limbed Volume, of
Harpers Yapsiee her three lean heck, in
.eat doth Medic►. will be ®rat to mail, /ogs-
paid. ue receipt of MO par cult... ('Ytth
C1•era, for beadles, to eew each b7 au•4 pem-
1e=lteutese should be anile by Poweihe
Mosey Order or Draft. to avoid abases N
Newspapers are not toerP,' w tee .d.wddgs
most omes
it tie express erdof Harper t
B roilers.
edema 11ARPIR t BROTuies,
}sew Yeek.
Charles Scribner's Body,
743 Broadway, New Ytbrk.
Scientific &Aucekxu
Harper's Weekly.
The Signal
ase i mire dab rfile
Joh Cris tarda Ola eO�,•
weed wawa. the
lee Mot/
ead people .seeetese of}II aceselpiort ■ pommel A passl et tkk ed.i•se.
rives may seams tmoethteg yea my
he u acrd of, acrd is sash wee we sell
sit tutun amide*
thou ear will rarer with
the approval d vela po►•'•as
trout litcwtir
This useful auto is kept in didfu1:
range of qualities Mow as letter
henda. VI Ink
latitN.te %%tete•
In this lino we have a very large
sleek of fine writing papers sett
*We for every clam of business
represented in this locality, own
pruung laid and wove, livens,
quadrille anti other papers, nailed
or unruled, as may be required.
14 emu kNtwtis
are not so generally used, they 61
an important place in commercia,
.orresp nuance. See what we've
got under the above head&
It the " pay-as-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not 1w
mo great ; but there are some men
who get so maty dummies that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is oom
to this line with four Mast
paper and nest ruling.
Both single and doable dell.,.
and oeots columns. Tbey egos
cheaper than bill heads, and etre
the proper thing to send alter a
delinquent once a month. They
are sire to fetch him 'rowed --
HAMM, WsaL, Y aM.ewedged OS
eta.4lat ®ret SRaag dltawra*,4 weakly paned-
ieals is AtwN► It amass • p1..' between
that of the hurried 4:; ly paver and 'trot of tar
lean tinter siesthty inemaxir. kiwi -tides both
Ilteretememet news. sod promos wnh equal
tern0 and felblt7 the nal eters of cement
beton and'heinsealeative themes or eel ems
O. &kroner of Its ver rmmpiete sane. of Ultra-
estrlloes of the Wade's pair, 11 will be sot este
the beat pith to the moo kzpo*tlea. butane
ua beet see.reair. ewer pebllc'e..st at goo-
sing !mars will he fully illustrated to ata
=ppaapg.ar Ito oestribetione brine from the heat
re and an tats in tide country. 1t wdl eee-
war to areal le Ilierattle. meed[. and ,lIttstea-
tlo...11 other pablesuosa of i1. claaa.
re, wears
HARPER'S W5kXLY.........c M
NdKPER'S MA(AZINS. ,......_ t
Peatapr free M.Jl sse.erta.re d the 000.1
Mutes. (•tooth and Marrow
The Vol•aess of abs WssmLT brads wit► the
enc Number for January N mob year. Whoa
no tuner, mentioned. eebwriprss win teem
with the Number current at the time of re -
veils of order.
Hosed Volume .f Hannsxt's wettest for
three years tack. is stat Mob *Mutt, wU1
to seat bt mall. psst�p er by sera..
free N expend, (provided rredt(bt dw cat
exceed efts d.iMr per velem*. for 57.el pier
(lo..►es Oaster sem volume. sefeade for
g ppwin be kr 0041. post-paid. w m
oatUnttti.ao steed be mete by ptrstellkss
Money Order er draft. res weld theme et
fah peva .n .et a cape esu e
meet without' the eeprrr order e/ RAW= t
Adds.: HARP= t IRordhlt •
New reek.
Harper's Bazar.
Haat mew BAZAR s • joursal toe the biom
u itf the to taloa a•d latert later ashen
.bout sat Ke sumewo.I4 ireass ,
Perk and ptttersahest smetwemes bedy.se•bie .Ute to the mate dor
maim0eueaal 1N..x-
ass• M top*.410. make Its artb(k atratel,e
[less of 0dita0t order. Is bright sterile,
sol l.tat eetoM.R sad rhoagti fel essays sat-
hN di tams. end ler ret page le Weems sea
budget N wit sad baster, V as weekly woes
evet7tN■g is Minded watch sot lstemt to
assurer. The sensor rer les wig be written
Tip WALTER Blin•UT and Sawa L,MA-
Cuaiertre Tnienusa Hmu1.g wW reuse► •
=ltris. sauteed At the Tenet."
cPte. Huvg TM0.se Mtuo,sae
Canines tfy urine.. 0-11 be erq.ee/ .o.trtbo
cess The work et wares 1s the Ooluml4..
Smoke tea wdl in fatly rsrdwit(ed wuhwr
41ybulest,stlsss T. .Hreelmens,1.'•Women ant
tow' wilt plisse • ealthatad nadtwea.
Now, it would be hard to get
along without env' and N
keep up with the tientaud for
thew we keep a large stock os
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range fees 75c. tc
82.00 per M. We handle cos
mercial and legal sizes exclusively.
*Omuta r w.lrhn<vng.
has already been partially emus
ersted in souse ..f the heads above.
There is, however, • vat krona
of work molar this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire spate occupied by
this adv't, but we de it all at Tan
Per Vim
y4RPKRfBAZAR - et 40
114RPSKB 04404S4N* • A
HARPS/ell ram;raorLk' • r M
1.. Ls mm M W eMler#ere 4s, Mr U�ds4
yeeu.' sis t t ea tet w
0 Tam ndaps1nasi sN ft
ass tete f estieewd. iserialw win
rb the Member screens at 11• timid gar
sfte entthrerwwVstwss•. of H.ae
ws..d w 0ttelamsl, est
�er se glees er sea
owe ow we• seedriat
.4. express amen of /Aar a
addle EAfMrt 1li111.
:re,t a -
to an "At Howe" or • wedding
require onnoelerable taste In melee
ties .owetimes. but we make it
an may matter by keeping is
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and per,
We aim to excel in all the differ
not kinds of work we tern oat,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
of entertains)enta and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the ma:tsactitgre
with cord and prod
Coatis inti ' mt5.tte.
This heed Dove's a larged
bread work, from • bad or milk best
to • neat calling card, from an or-
din•ry adasiauios ticket to a trip
business card or • headsssly
printed membership ticket
(her facilities for turning drat this
clam of work are evidsrwd by the
fact that the great balk et lt Is
done by e& This line a1M In-
Dod►Qtrs ,.k
which oar three faiMeamaiag jab
are ableabort 1•aloe.imfate est b 0
%UNA IINA‘.s .
*0 thet
also, a04 we make asp specie' of
them-promptnew being ear tis
is this respect A yeti,* of sele
will appear in Tan Stoa*s free d
ubarge when hills for masse ata get
#t\ R‘nhi►s t$ W or11t
is the tical printing line
• n he In obi. establishment
1s we e.peditiaes and artistes
tlwammr utd
Otter 'Qrft1 isA‘k bt Sowa+a
oars viiikeoweibke.
We waled ser ikeake toe ped hv-
alleitili MNtw1 a oentinnenee d the
�klwit. et