HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-9, Page 7time Ade IT 11 d--- Ito fat is d a and M eta . 1.. its ow mut t tat alae re Aso e it i• bed rwa sew out, reap pe. inds the pant L sot cket kor tail the 4 i JOHN ,ii,�,\ACFfE$ON. F• r + t + + + + ported Flannelettes. wit Ye chewing this week special value in Imported irlannelette t. + + + + + + + To UNION wMo wish to get their Spring Sewing done early, we to ante see fib following linen complete ;ret' and White Cottons, Plain and Check Muslims, Prints and Ginghams, Embroideries and Edgings, I NBPEt,TION iN V 1TKD. JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL TRADE 1892. The Fall Season is now upon us, and, se a matter of eouree, FALL GOODS are in demand. We are in re- eeipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart- mental fully 4upplied. ne Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Afantle Cloth and Tweed Suitings will be a marked feature, while all the other lines—too numerous to mention—will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest stock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality ;and price, will be found 'mond to none. BPI.OTION KINDLY INVITBD. PIR OINT. DISCOUNT FOR OABR. OTLY ONI PRIOR. Draper and Haberdasher. —MAS FRUITSI We haw Is week petant a tell Is of the tetl•wlat gates: alencia Raisins, London Layers, Black Baskets, Dehesia Clusters. Eleme Figs. Candied Peels. Golden Dates, Filatra Currants, orida Oranges, Almonds, Cocoanuts, Florida Tangerines, Filberts, Brazils, Messina Lemons. Walnuts, Peanuts. We have also the most oomplete stook of Oonfectionery to be outside of the cities. Try a box of our choloe Creams, they are to please yon. /Select Baltimore Oysters arrive daily. Finnan Noddies, Bloat - and Oisooes and all kinds of seasonable flab In stock AT ED. CAMPr&.IGNE'S, Qor. Montreal -et and Square. Hs 8118T HE BELT! HE BEST RE BEST s BEST HE BEST E BES', E BE8T HE BENT 1 BEST E BEET HE 8187 HE BEST E 8187 HE HEST HE BEST E REST E BX -1T X BEST BEST BEST E BEST s BEST II BEST s BEST E BEST BEST B EAT BERT BERT 1 BUT B ERT s BERT HEST E BEST 8187 MOW BER BEST BERT BENT Raw BEST BUT I8 18 18 IS 18 I8 I8 11 is IS THE OHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE HEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SI NAL I8 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SI NAL I8 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE 81 1S' THE BEET THE BEST THE HEST THE BUT THE SIGNAL Te BEST THE BEST THE REST THE BEST THE BEST TBE BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE 81ST THE BM THE BEST vas BEST THE BUT THE REPT Tee BEST THE BMT THE BEST THE BEST THE Harr THE BUT THE BEST THE ROT THE BES! THE 8I1 THE OSSA PEST AND TBE IMIONAL 11 Tee 8187 1111 OHBAPEST AND TBE SFAIIAL 11 T'BE BAST 1111 OREAPEIT AND TH1 SIGNAL 11 THE BEST THE CHIAPERT AND TEM S1ONAL 18 TT�I'1S1BB� BIS? TaCHs:pls AANDl1D TBS al 11L 11 T"H� ONLY A IIP -111.41L.1% IN ADVANCE/ Tu SIGNAL: OOfFRiCE. ©NT., TIWRINUCTI. RRBRETARY f, Mi. MEN WHO WORK UNOcR WATER. e IfeasM.. eent or sibs „p•._A •.., ninny .«r.r... He. York W lest her be. all -rend other, Ma our was Ad.su.m F&Yeh d, .std he was drowsed a few woks y.. 1. net W death is the Zan river while pre- pares( repttti g t. Nest wader the water. F.inekild wee ler may ye.r. the .hint diver .f the Doak d.p.rte...t, ..d be haw hie Wawa iheneghly. One, .s & reef as Fitt' Ani .creek be obeyed oder water A,. boar. .ad a half. Tide is the beet record of • dryer employed is barber week. There le . big ledged reek is the river ji..t 1. treat of the dock at she foot .f Fel- ten street. F$rokild amid bas amileaste bees Mea at week there for the pant am. Heath, Ne.Uag this rock .ad removing it trent the bed of the river. There i.. big seem moored at the north sad of the pier, at tae bet of Felton street, Mr the us of she diver. Whew preparing to take the fatal trip to the bad of the river. Faieobikf wee in good He iuld hisa.eeiat— that he was go▪ ing to speed New Y..rs with bis wife tied children to Brahman, lone. Every diver has a partner. The meteor's pnttioa is one of peat respoa..bibty. He is k.ewm as the lender. .TM leader looks after the Wer guard Use, and taroath this W e all signals are sea meniatd between to diver and the saes above watt. Jolts R. teary was F.iroktld's under. Leary is akin an .xp.rwsoed diver. He has leaked atter Fairchild's waste for m.sy years. AfterLeary bad .djestd the behest Fair- child disappeared seder the water, •.d in a few missies he was at work ea the ledge of rock as the bottom of the river. A booker osutaising the eight cartridges was seat down to him. Mem the diver west below ho took with him a thick wood- e n .tick which Leary had rads for him in the morning. It was to be aced in forcing tM..rtndg. into puition u a bole which had bees bored the day before. Leary was koldssg me to the life line. B. - aide bine were two we, with Zoog iron -shod pates, who kept the ice away from the place wren Fairchild had deoe.ded Suddenly • muffed noise, .s if from as explosion, reached the ears of the .tea es the scow. Lary twold not determine the source of it by the sound. A few momenta later Leary signalled to Fairchild below, "Is everything .l1 right I"' There was no response. Thinking that Fairchild eugbt be •t work at the time, Leary did not Mink then was anything neA moment later he signalled again. " 1• everything all Arbt'" Still no remorse. Leary signalled • third thee. Thos b.pal- led on the life -lice He hauled it is a. ta•t . h. could. Sees the body d Fairchild want ...e floating on the surface .f the riv- er. The mien pallid it aboard the scow and unbuckled Ube helmet while Leary cut the mit from the diver's body. Wks. the hel- met had hem removed it was mea that Fairchild was dead. His body was still warm. Then was • discolored mark acres the frost of the diver's neck. sowing tics the cellar of tam breast -plate had bees forced mama the threat. Lir neck appeared to have been broke& An ....lases was summoned. The phy- sician who cants with it laid Fairchild had been killed by an expiation eerier water. After the toes tad laid Fairchild es the deck of the .cow Leery palled up the book - et which had 000tained the eight cart- ridges. Two cartridges were .lewd. They ware the craw d Fairchild's death. " It's no use boys, said Leary, " poor Fairchild'. gee.' 't you sin he's broke hie heart ! Tbe ooacueiou mapped tbe valvas of his beam" It is supposed that Fairchild was running the two cartridges home in the drill bold with IM ramrod .hat they exploded. Fairchild's widow and five children lies in Bridgeport, Connecticut. H. was about to take • wick's holidays to join thea. flit: REASON NOT FAR TO SEEK. why the M7• sad OWN Leve tine I P ate Werk Orr Tleae.tee, A. M. Caress 1. the Panna'. Advocate As the old gaieties of " Why the boys and girls leave to tars " i• being revived by a ( ediaa journal I venture • few thoughts on tato subject. This gory intro- dams ntradaoea the more practical ingairy, "How Mall we keep these at k•.." 1s .y mid, the solation w any. Give ton, a we great • .eas.re as p.mible, the ooe ted *mares that Irs them to tows. What are they Wealth is cot sue, in three alae sur of Ave The young folks like money, ef course, asd Nome of their it i• that they have own. Bet reward it as • means, sot as as end. They prefer to matter it along We's pathway wed reap • barest* of ask*. mast by the read rather Lhas leve it ia o.e golds pile to be divided sad (panned over the the hair. I it was s.en.wry net they Weld have ease Anil m.sy d their own, he- wn 1 have Wows hays •d girl• haws to Lem he leek of We very limier Mary dew% weal to go to her lather every time re wane owe pewee •temp•. •Sin book. our sheet d anis, r ease weeded elethi g, and bar him pewliar about hard Wes And Tem wool rather stay hone hem to loxtre, the oink or w m-tieg tel -k the eY Has ter She note .r a dollar to tae hie girl there. Put the yens folks Lia the way .f .•rsi.g ewe ta•M►—e•ni•g tn, i may. ler the it will he mese wisely Let to boy have sow Meek : the they it wilyiyteldrl � thing better than .eoey . harvest .l knowledge The ether day a young Iirl, the ally em. ..TlS4 L..jbtr et • well -to do lawn, left bean to week m • .trvest te Dai• %.'s d•mdsa Why ! " B.esen," .. fret .inter IN, "tether was always • little Wee lend, sad he mewled .very time Jessie tended him ler .easy. 8o she made up bar .dad le awn her e.. tiring." Her two Weibel* left neer. �rcan ego tram awe somewhat Wier. I tWk tet awe way My • od gbh Imo the Wm. w beneee they ere w...mfmb.N. M b..., hat bone- they have the Wheaten et to talent to AN seen of the may pre- teedese, •r perhaps nose pardoner Made Aad It is right that the .be10.d �W. weak! wet beep nese, k.s..e that N in boob •ai to Law then di•einefal 1.t the town el thew w!o w t My new e-- I.i• ..edition ehe0.M be ,Milled and, 1 viable. gratified. Are they fed el wile? Tim let them have • •ssliml 4Mreemes id wide The rdafaa..pnliAig•d not half • tats. i dl.liewe ps as If • with w very hat �Otw«..twsre. *.....Aid. 1.hs ase meme nesa.reyp M the dad es fed etre M e bed . S4rw tet hi Abet M le SOL " • Wal where el trared.tnf Webs la Whew has steal .tarp a pew beta IMOthrisji into the leakiall et the sidles 118•0101.2., (lenilW• 1,49#4. n ee as ins6e 1. bee Widen lit tact ttaiels � am.tb tWr youth with li. reused 1 ly�t. of • lenses.., seenelltre b.a- Br1t Lewin I en i8... 4 aresad .-- In- seammisat hewn Oise may eddy wipe MOS the wide •d d..g8s.e ban an .s.1 Nay n gheeler was are all read et ko... 'f wawa ey hate to he eo.pelhd to -wed ail •theeir� thaw and me yam a& their became Meads he hack hitches cwt be weeand d winter ti..a livery Emil wade • hitches, dingo. .ad .itefse-w.., a..... _ s. awy fer.iebed. A pretty, ..s.ient how docs ntu.k toward keepingv.W yams f.lks at Woe. "Hardly sey labor, syr "is so well epsn t as that which makes 1L. wile ..d obeidwen fond as/ Arend .f their hosts" Yet., no sower hew beautiful the ►.w is, it .seea..sabl.laaNdadRg,asvor- lty mad —I.--- lodge there, the children will nes Gee from that earthly prider et eon& Bente k•pplsnn is the mad pre.- ise. this` .s earth. There is only one way to gat it la pekoe or tonnage " De unto others as ye would have them do to you ' ODDS AND ENDS. A discarded ollci•Iataadlsr about r own of place. llcarise. The man who is growing in weight Reser- ally " makes light of it." Ruston Courier. Whatever may be said of • sweetheart .M can't be too good to be tree. -Philadel- phia Timm. Hicks -Is that your dor ! 1 .appose yen aosoder him Al ! Wicks—Oh, so ; b. i. K9.—Buses Transcript. Eery unmarried wont...sy. she would an .teed it, ..d meey married won.s does stand it. - Atchison Globs. la thew revolutionary times at, Henelalo the daily salutation i. probably, •' Havaii you tow •"-Pittebut Pro It most have hese dreadfully hard to wear Moes old wits of armor. ' " Yew May have Us appease) of being bard • ware. "---rliftisgs. " Are thin cigars .trout !" asked the ..a et the Diger dealer. " Are they •" rs- pli.c the latter -" W.11, .ou jest try to • 1 on one sad you'll sin if they are.'. Philadelphia Record. " No," .ted rood old Mrs. Jenkins, " I h.'.es't say faith in thew new -tangled spec- ifies. I've buried eight childns in my time ..d tbe good old.fashioned yards is Rood enough for wee" Somerville Journal. With pare, vigorous blood coursing throsg8 the veins lad annotating every fibre s1 the body, oold weather not onlyNo other elle bat t .sot otter bleed medioiw ia w o•rtein is ill result. .a Ayr. 8sn.p.riia. What it does for others it will de far yea Regulates the Stomach. Liver and Bowels. unlocks the Secretiona,Purlflesthe Blood and removes ail Im- purities from • Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. =• CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS - 'CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES BITTERS Cheap for Cash Take for instance Over- coats—a few left—to be cleared out at away -down prices ; shoo Suits and Un- derwear, Grey Flannelq and winter goods in general. No Reserve Boots, Shoes and Slippers from 20c. a pair, up. Odd lines must be cleared out if low prices will do it, to mule room for New Spring Stock. A full supply of the cele- brated Crompton Corsets al- ways on hand. Odd Iincs and sires from 25e. a pair up. Fresh Arrivals of many lines of Spring Goods, such as Prints, Tweeds and Worsteds, in Scotch and Canadian Chev- iotte, Serge., Sic.; also in Panting.. Pants made to order from $1.50 to $6.80 a pair. A full line of Family Gro- ceries always on hand. Teas :t specialty. A. B. HOLLAND, DIIAOAHROa QODERiOH Stearn Boiler WOr411. tanTARLI5Rit) INSJ A. S. C H RYSTAL, Awras.v.e obpMml M 811606,/ Maehiketeren et all Made tot Rediw- .ry Marin., Uptight * 7.101.. WI Panel Books Inhaler, Meet boa Weefe4 els., eta IMP Best Cure For A11 disorders of the Thrurl anal Lungs to *pots Sherry Pesteral. 1t has no equal at a cough -cure. Bronchitis " Whew I was a buy I bad a branchial trouble at secs a and stub - burs character, t t the doctor pro- aownced it incurable with ortfioary re.edies, but recommended mit to try Ayer's Cberry Pectoral. 1 did so, .rd one bottle erred me. Fax the last (theist mars, 1 wave used this preparation with good effect whenever 1 take a bad cold, and 1 know of mothers of people who keep it m the horse all the time, nut ooneederfwg 11 safe to be without it.". J. C. N'. P. M., Forest Hill. W. Va. Cough, •. For more than twenty-five yam, 1 was a .barer from lung trouble, at- tended with coughing so severe at times as to a .aux he,norrhage, for paw:yvms frequently lasting tbree or four boars. 1 was induced to try Ayer'. Cherry Pec- toral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured."— Franz Httffm::n, Clay Centre, Kass. La Grippe Last spring 1 was taken down with la grippe. At times 1 wag completely pprroosstt and so difficult was my brs.thuig that my breast seen,ed as st coasted in an iron cage. I procured a bottle d Ayer'. Chevy Pectoral, and no sooner had 1 began taking it than relief followed. i could not believe that the effect would be w rapid and the curt so complete."— W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Prepared by Dr. J. C.:Uwcr it Co.. Loore.t. Ira... Sold b, se Druggist. Prim t.:.:s wale.. SS - Prompt to not. ours to owml. MOLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR ASO Orin. TINTED rt.ree�l., Specific and Anridofe for Impure, weak sad impoverished blood, dye =pepia..lseplennem, palpitation of tbo liver complaint, neuralgia, la- of monery, breseMtio, oonaumption, gall stones, jaaedioe, kidosy and urinary disenest, 8i. Vitus' Autos, female irreg- ularities and rental debility. 6UBORITORT, IOOERI.B, OIlTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor sad Meae6et rr. McLsooh 8yTear 13srtovAToa was be ked from .11 drawee 1• tows. ea wen ea trent ell the drattrieu between Owes Baud .ad aecbrtb. Browets. Durham sad Tomato. MIT 11. E'dmr.r• The Cold ave Her steme6 res, It.t we act+ nett .1.8.1, as we have A COMPETENT STAFF a 011 WHOLE IRI JOB IH OUR Lill WI Mats A \gess weer OF STOVES FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL OR WOOD. WS Asa ST1111. II ARMS Toa RE -DIPPED TINWARE. UIYE U8 A CALL SAUNDERS & CO. WEST STREET. "LITTLE CHIEF" BRAND CORN, PEAS and TOMATOES Are tae best Cannell Goods in the market. TAMILEA/OE TEA I ' i'rQSMT'f3 AT 40, 50 Bar 80 CENTS E' P01:714D HAS NO SUPERIOR We are agents for both lines, and ask for them a trial, assured that they will ple.ae and extend oar trade with you. Yours truly, Cass. A. NAIRN. A. B. CORNELL etttT=== Ate_= i McLean's Blocir—On the Square--McLeaa's Block, ' 8TZLI. OO1(TIIrUSB TO OOIIDUO! FUNERALS AT SIB USUAL LOW PRICie, Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose teem 2 srst-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendaiss. NO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNET ,T ,. On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. TrT r'QHONE PA�2.lOR ToibowTo BRANCH—t9 Fruit -,t. West MONTREAL Bosom -818 St. Jaa.es-at. 1AMMOTH Wosu—Hail. Canada. U N 0 ERTAKERS .T" B1tOpP3 E'4' at sow Have added be their pretest badmen one d B. J. Nevi's IAA/mit at sty H..1ei, ales ,8.e finest Heed funeral teraiddnge in the e rod a.. las. prepared M ...does femoral. at prices reasonable. 11b &primes will be dtristiy Mks tied is by his sea William, whet is thethe him D. Goias for the an veers, bas a imported. el d M pe the bndoese, and by prompt Nbntiton bspes to ilharep67•71 Ishii* pebswsga R..amber as fless—iress4s, en rim why is Ihs post Ohre US a sail. •BRomterir & sow. , 4I.__lese.4 ab tWUS., o1wrt WHY Does GEO. BARRY, do Qodarich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the beet sleek of furniture and ondertalodle supplies! Aad bow is ill that he can sell so cheap? BECAUSE He finds that it pays in tie long ran. His motto : " Small Profits and Quick Iia - turas.. Be also stakes • specialty re Give hint a mall before ing elsewhere. Em Fluid always am hand. 1387-y Patronise True .Compethieie !sN OAs PAdvso • :tet-.r'.at. l_.stempe..yt a esu to •• , ttt»men/nm« d mus! Neese use Vier ..••••� . Ile ssI IWMI IL 1