HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-9, Page 6a Enjoys
method and results when
isle taken; it is pleasant
t ag tD the tante, and ads
Etre sj ly on the Kidneys,
BBoohr cleanses the syn -
u1117, dispels colds, head -
fevers and cures habitual
'n. Syrup of Figs is the
dy of its kind ever pro-
ton/4g to the taste and no -
the stomach, prompt in
led truly beneficial in its
only from the most
of eeablesubstances,its
Llesiqualities commend it
1 11�IIIs made it the most
tnsdy known.
r pigs is for sale in Tho
all lead: ng druggists.
' t who may not
n handwill procure it
For any one who wishes
uuntficture1 only by the
1'aia*AIPo0, OAL.
MOM...t ��ra 7r. Z
Xnan KILN VHA' .Alia'.
ws with those little par -
And with such • grave face,
ight almost think you were
la lite fate of a natio..
eat quite so bad as that
nog M assist Yaw, may be, m
the tale of • few dear. dear
a I am fixing some pieces of
1s w girt. to dream on,
i.aM of ssvae-that is the
is this atlair-+ever young
mend each piece. I have
r soother. Annty, let me fix
o dream on '"
eve; my dreams of that kind
- of love are sadly o'er,"
,ylyr and the merry reply she
t make was stopped, Annie
shy. by • soft sigh that reach-
. ssneed her to raise her eyes
's face.
o 1pager young, it was still
eek epon, and traces of great
of pathos in the dark
MIDI Annie very plainly that
AiIM•r7 of ber own : and per.
it Willa it troni her.
ism-tpsadered why her aunt
MA She had heard of her
▪ year past. She knew of
,e sew who only waited an
mils M place heart and hand
ger, veiling her eyes with
d tfark lashes when Annie
c Ger side, and passing her
(ty arsand the alight form,
oomias cheek to the pale one
11 Mer Tittle girl why your
over years aro.'
u Yule tease. tbgt 1 might
aid he take mire of • very
i that talla me aunty, 1 sup
•ouldae.h little ones do with -
id surety, 1 wonder
antj't you cannot Laugh me off
re Arras this merry mod.
rd Dr. Mason say y't•r'd•y
red there was never • ' (:ill '
leak' waiting somewhere, to
a she ►ill ' with her. And
Yes ; you truly believed it
After that, amity, you cannot
k. De tell me !"
K evening, when you were
wades Carl so .bout that
sed te be living over those
you reminded me so mach
ly. Ther 1 made *posy mind
Ale story as • warning gives.
shriek from oar•veltag the
irbaps 1 ought And so to
r shall sot say nay. Bet tell
ss destroy Riehie's picture or
id it hook'"
d, I Aid mot. Neither the ruse
I< le aU usesem i• ('ail.
row more eamadmmoe i• ate.
mass if 1 loved Richie, i
ti esrLNsd to become his.
NM. A ewewt time I shell
et ire him before i belong to
a el get Wag allowed to keep
strut petted Annie.
to Imre made so mach of the
ase, and declaring et to be
pid1re you ever rawtoes,
is were show beyond the
Moe 1 think, whileM any man other
war dear Mabee to your
1e, tl pyre woos ofyour betrnth
✓ y Mbar* yes deer, bet 1
se then."
r, I .ilf was to tote jest to
iMr be said he wield deeray
seed it boa."
did it end'"
Int elf eery indignant, maybes
the picture to his love,' meld
et• asswersd with kMshieg eyed
• sail d araesMes power :
esum husk this (wenn sail
W. amid not May
�[a���— I�fer.a11. eillidil"
tea• me sliws . • Peke m�t Me.
. ever to relict I ...It�.•• MpssiW that be w.slti seM oast
.•sig. Teen haws pard--eweetent el
thaw -yet the ••+miss M bring Etat Moth
has ewer am* to no. 1 me thirty Ave
sew, Amis."
still young and beautiful swoosh to
win the lows tact might brightea sad make
haply the years to Dore, suety.
r 11, dose,ii• other love ass fill my heart.
I woeld not wroeonngg soother by Wises. to
ham love so wounded •.d washed as mine.
Annie, whoa just your .a. I was • love
which mode rite supremely hippy. I eases
gel) dmghter whom the dowotios of paresis
and brothers had somewhat eputlieLI fear
• merry, fun -Loring girl like your.eU, Amite
-- yet loving with her wbok ',mart the aobie,
earnest mss who sought to make m. hie.
Although there was no time ticed,1 felt sere
•t no very distant day 1 aboald be Henry
Peysoa's wife -
"Simms I was bite's I had worn oonst•nt-
ly .rowed my neck • chain hiding • locket
given me that birthday. When 1 Ent knew
Henry, he used to tease me about it, once
waking me seriously if it tnutused the hke-
see or hair of some loved oae. As eerioasly
and truthfully 1 •sswered • ' Both the like-
n ess and hair of one very dear.' "
., l:entletnan or lady` he continual ;sad
I saw greeter anxiety than be cared to show
whim 1 replied :
" Oh ' 1 think you would see • gentleman
-young and haudsome besides If 1 Ihonld
show yon.''
Frequently atter this, when we grew
more intimate, he would speak of the locket
and beg to we it.. But I would neither ex
plain or permit him toooypesm it. 1 bad
soething to tease him :grand girl like 1
wanted to keep it.
The day he put en engagement ting 00
my finger, he said :
Now, my darling, you will pat away
that old love," touching the locket, " and 1
will give you another to wear.-
" Oh,
ear.""Oh, no, indeed, I can never do that.
But I will wear yours, too. Beds, it u
not an 'old' 'me I will let you see now to
prove it."
And opening the ticket, 1 displayed •
fate of wondrous beauty -too delicate per-
haps to be called • handsome man. The
lieutenaat's uniforms in which the picture
was taken causal Harry to start.
' I suppiee the reason I have not beeu
honored wit h the acquaintance of this young
gentleman is his betng at se. probably. Were
you ever engaged to him, Amy!"
" Never engaged," 1 answered with a
provoking emphasis on the last word, but
adding directly '' Oh, never mond it. The
one who gave me this will never trouble you,
nor be any more to me than now "
" This seemed to reasure him, and for
seteral mouths we were, oh, so very happy.
Thi demon o: ie.tluasy slumb :red. Rut
there came • terrible awakening of it, and
to me.'
" One evening, atter we bad been engaged
about six months, Harry mooted she parlor
unannounced, au.l found me reading a letter
just received from • deer friend. M be
drew near. i made • show of hiding it from
him. The spirit of tantalizing possessed me.
i taw he was worried and when he
" Who is ,,our letter from. Amy'"
"A fried," 1 answered is an emb•rtved
Tbe friend whose picture you still
wear ' "
" His voice was em changed - so stern- I
should have been warned of the coatis, d•n•
ger. But no, I was possessed and went on
replying :
Yee, from the same."
" 1 dared not raise my eyes to see the ef-
fect of cruel words "
" Oh, aunty, bow could you toll him so'
Of mune it was not so."
" Yes, Annie, it was true ; the letter
was from the friesd whom picture I
" Oh, aunty. 1 could not believe this of
you. As bed as I •m,1 would Dever wear
the likeness of one man,nor correspood with
one, when the promised wife of another."
•' Nor would 1, my deer. But 1 did al-
most as badly. 1 let my lover fear this
wrong of me. Nor did 1 give him en ex-
planation, even whew he said •
" Amy,tbese doubts are terrible. Yon
must toll what this man is to you ' You
must put an end to this affair. t a tonight
I must have this promise, or 1 shall bid you
farewell forever."
. I did not believe he could or would do
%hia. My tempter urged me on to try hiss a
11.11e longer,and so I answered only .
" I cannot do it."
Taking his hat he left the house without
another work. Annie, i have never heard
ooe word from his lips .lace. i believed he
would comae newt day, but 1 waadisappomt-
ed. A week passed gad yet he Dame not.
Just then. my cousin, • midshipman, came
home from sea. We bad been almost raised
toget her - intimate from childhood -so,
during his visit we were muchtogether
Ons day, while walking• we eaow face to
face with Harry. 1 longed to place m
hand in his and explain all. 1 believe I
should have then had not • look of wither-
ing score met my gams. That evening i re-
ceived • note requesting the return of his
letters and picture. Accompanying at was
my own picture, the little keepsakes 1 had
given him and .11 my letters."
A few days after 1 esw by the papers he
bad sailed for the West Inde. 1 have
never heard of him since.
"Oh, suety, how terrible 1 think 1
should die if Carl left me m. But ot the
other -the mem whose picture you wore!
1 hd yon ever love biro!"
Annie, my child, I should have thought
you might have guessed. 1 wore so man's
picture It was the picture of my dearest
friend and schoolmate, lbllie I brmer, taken
in en officers dress which she won erten
acting my lover in charades while we were
at school. For • piece of fun elm rave it lo
me to ' tease my beaux ' she avid, and mak-
ing me premise to wear it always.
Yoe see, dear. sew the octet of ..ch a
joke. Now, my child, do hot try Carl's
love too severely.'
•' inded so, suety. Mese hie dear heart
111 have him bsek tonight : and there is se
time to Ire, either. '
Anat. ,. away, to return in fifteen mia
its holding the folks /tog sot' ter misty to
"Fame!, Ric1111 While looking over
my desk al.. days ante, i came scrota the
e nclosed pictnre Thinking yrs had sever
had so excellent • !Amer, I send it to you
for the l.wsly girl whom love. I treat, will
hoghteu your fat•r years. With insole
wisps for the bappiaess of both, i sr your
friend. Aeon P,w,ia "
New, •.tie. i ehsll eselooe this M •
note to Carl, asking him to rail it w Lia
way here this eventsg."
A tow teethe after tile, the ew.sirrg be-
s-fore Angle's middies, *beset with bar
in Aust Amy's lap.
" Yes are very happy toy darling!"
"(Mr amide. i should be plestly es bet
tar ane tibiae -the -the .bdnw tis your MI.
T.e leve loses the eSIy ..tier 1.ver hew
and it herb me be sane yes me haply. aver
stem yes mid are yes anew 1 hers pry -
ed Oar realm M hrlilites per MIs."
" A there le as .1d Mend waiting M
Annie' lather gaol, salaries W Mete
With • wild hos Lents .*.wood rt los
Asses .. the .end sig read :., Beery Pip -
tea. "
. Q.. go, Aimee ; my prayer is answer-
ed. 1*, veer hair is all right ; and yea
Met, eh, es lovely. 14.. I newer -w peer
eye se bright," Assia said as with loving
arms eke pleased her wet out of the roow
lister, Peyton hastened forward to sleep
the Yemblw woman to he heart, end whim
pored : navies, oke. my darbmg, forgive !
.ad love me sill ' "
1 have nothing to forgive, Henry, and 1
have sever ceased to love you. The Malt
was all my own. But how did you find the
truth!" Ary said.
•' Front your friend Dottie, sow Mrs.
Archer. 1 rat her t.:it. Lou.. She woke
ot you and your intimacy, and then told the
story of the locket. I could not bide tu)
• oistest, w is she Darned my *tory. tied
then she sent ams to res, never se leave
again, , uatil I tribe you with m."
The day there was • double wedding
after which Anme whispered :
•• Now my happiness is complete, ter sv
prayer is answered.'
Aad Asat Amy, maths; through the joy-
ful tears, replied
" And my story cos•pleted with a hap
pier ending than 1 ever dreamed could be
or than I deserved it should.
There u something pathetic in the life of
every man ooaieed within prison ,. d I
this pathos grows more Intense when all the
fres outside world is glad with the Joy that
comes in .t Christmas time. Rernorse must
weigh heavily on ooavicta at this time.
Forgetfulness of all the pmt would b• •
blared baro w many of them. but naatory
is keenest then, and we do not know with
what headaches they recall the time when
they, too, erre free and happy
Tbe warden of the State prison tails the
following pathetic incident of • life -convict
I was passing out of the prison yard ooe
b.tterly cold Chratmas morning. .lust out-
side :he gate. and crouching close to the
high stone well, 1 saw a thinly -chid little
girl of about twelve year., her face and
h ands blue with odd. She put oat one of
her thin hands to detain me as 1 passed
" 11 you please, sir,' she said, and
stopped, fingering nervously at the fringe of
her old shawl, and timidly glancing down.
•• What is it r i asked.
•' Well, if you please, sir, I'd like to know
if 1 can go inside and see- my father. He's
in there ,and I've bruag him to something
for Christmas_ It ain't mooch, and I didn't
▪ pose you'd mind apy if he had it. Ha
seine is Mister John H—y."
I recognized the name as that of • life-
ooavict- s man ootorhsusly had. 1 went
back into the prison grounds, the child fol-
lowing me eagerly. Going to my r.ticc 1
sent for the convict. He tame, sullen mod
deiectmd ; in ha face was the look of utter
hopelessness the faces of prisoners for hi.
often wear. The child sprang forward to
meet him, the hot teens streaming over her
white face. He stepped back, mulles •011
seemingly angry. \o word of welcome
came from hos Imps for the ragged, trtmbltng
little creature wb^ stood crying before him
with .omet king clasped in her band.
" I--i-came to -say ' Merry Christmas,'
father,' she felt, red. ' 1 - thought may
beyou'd be glad to see one. Ain't you glad,
Christmas ' Christ • OM, what would
that man sot have given for freedom of body
and soul.
The convict's bead dropped. The hard
look was going oat of has face, his eyes were
moistening. Hie little girl went on tremb.
hag and fearfully
And- I-brur.g you somtethin , father.
It was all 1 could thunk of, and •11 I weld
Ret. I live in the poor house now." Her
trembling fingers began unwrapping the bit
of soft white paper to her hand, and she
held out a short shining curl of yellow hair
carefully tied with • bit of old ribbon. " 1
wouldn't give this to anybody on earth bat
you. father. You used to really and truly
love little Johnnie, mother said you did
and so --
The man tell on his knees, with both
hands cluped over his face.
" 1 did love him," he said hoarsely. " I
love him still, bad as I am, I love hint
stilt "
I knew it," mid the child. going closer,
" and I knowed you'd like this, now that
Johnnie. dead"
• Dead "' crieol the man, rocking too and
fro, still on his knees. with his hands over
his face. " My little boy
" Yes," said the child, " be died in the
poorhouse, only last week, and there's no
one left Int me now. Rut Iain't goon' to
forget you, Lather : I'm Ruin' to stick right
es you, spite of what folks say, sad some
day maybe 1 ran pt you out of bar. I'm
'oleo to try, I dost never forget that you
are my father, and so- - "
He put out one arm, drew the child
toward him and kissed her again and again.
1 silently deft the room, and they were•lew
together Inc half an hour. Then the child
Dame out, smiling through her tears.
" Mind," she tall, before closing the
door, " i'll never forget yon, father new.
It was the voice of a true heart. May
Christ give it the benediction of his peace
-- Youth's Cospaninm.
aha ala
"Me tat ou Bob," laid Stringer to his
' Bob who •" she quickly asked.
" Rob -sled. "
" Oh, .int you fussy r
VW Odds oral gem Tbrest.
Sirs, We ter Hagard'. Yellow 011 in
our family for colds sad sore throat sad it
is excellent. My Whew bed asthma efface
childhood, hat on trying Yellow 1)11 for it
she soon w curd. 2w
Mir Idiom CliArwws, R•Mwis, Omsk.
sem% Walt ger ate drib reeve
The *uprisen, a phys mans and the pub-
lic proem that taking Sie.tt'e Kmuloinn pre-
ro-daces as irmediatw meows in fifth; it r
tieref r. d the highest value in washes
demises aid easgsmpeion
Broadens Oared.
Osxnsusx •-1...&.ed Mr er fire years
from bwnaeetiti and a severe ►arias Dough,
and nook' get onthisg to do tee as gond.
A fraud told nmnmto get Howyard'. say
Balsam, anti I did se with geed remlta
Time betties oared ms amid i hardly knew
what • saki is sew.
flim Ammon Rvnma, (laelpk.
Toe deed
INder Berry -I had • keg talk today
with apeeb psek.t Re said he wield re -
.fees • bele War, het eoulds't shish s/ N
OM naw.
Yea Barr -What i M .minas hr
alder lrrp .bass--- mesha. te
ire ail wp...A
and find It a
great ovine t
aged slather of
...rirr•••••• 177-
Has w0 .gis.I
for purity, war
• ft* Weaning arra
sweetening, nor
preserving the;
clothes and
hands from in-
jury, new few
general nae.
Refuse CHEAP IsaITAT10Ni
atm Tom. is we.rld Produce e"eed.
•' What • good stolon player you would
make," said Nellie's hero fellow as she box-
ed his ears.
"11ereses you handle your bow fesrlsss•
Mahe me slemhe.
Make no mistake when buying • remedy
for dyspepsia, headache, eosatipation or
bad blood, be sure to get the kind that
cures, Burdock Blood Bitters. " It is an
excellent remedy for headache.- ---C. Bi_tra
Err ltooi'tsux, Pub. ('aeadi•o Presby-
terian. 2w
Mat is
" What have you bean doing in there
asked Brander of his friend, who was jamb
coming out of en express oeica.
. They charged for delivering • package
to my home is the Weft End."
" Well"
" And 1 great in to express my opinion."
Mw is the Slime
In this the season of weighs, colds, asth-
ma, broochitis and ,ether throat and lung
complaints, its well to be provided with
a bottle of lir. Wood's Norway fine Syrup
which effectually cures all such dismays,
and that very promptly and pleasantly.
Price 25 and SOc. Sold by all druggists. 2w
Tley Could nes esmember.
" What was the name of that mus you
pointed out to me yesterday'" signalled owe
deaf mute to another.
Let's see," the latter signalled hack.
Oh, dear, it's odd I t'a't remember it, for I
have it et my finger ends."
A..dble Mas
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the throat
and lungs. It is curing more cases of coughs.
colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and all
thri•t and lung troubles, than any other
medicine The proprietor has authorized any
druggist to give you a sample bottle free to
convince you of the merit of this great rem•
edy. Large bottles 50c. and $I. (leow
At aloe Tbrmter.
" What do you think of that big hat
right in (rent of us "' remarked the chap
who bailmt been out for liquid rfreah-
ments •o,d had to climb over about ten peo-
arple to get back te his seat.
" Not half as ohjeetiouabk as your big
fort," replied • gentleman with torts.
ettlseaeeas Cared.
t;gt,TUIlltx, I have used Burdock Blood
Biters for biliousness and fiad it the beet
remedy for this complaint. 1 used several
other remedies hut they all failed to do me
any good. However, it required only two
bottles a R. R. K. to cure me completely,
and I can recommend it to .Il.
It ours truly,
2w We. Rosiseox, Wallseburg.
scram her nrrauvs.
Was gadder 0, dear, i do hate winter !
It'. such herd work for me to select becom-
ing gowns and lemmata. I do s envy Mrs.
Why, my love!"
" Became she has each Reek that seareely
three months pain that oke dem mot toss •
relati we. "
sag ale tape.
Not only safety from miswal poison (01
which B. K. R. dem not contain the slightest
trowel, but prompt anti certain actin. is the
cure of disease may be rrafdently relied ou
from thew of Dna unrivalled oatmeal s/mi-
fie fair dyspepsia. ('osetip tier. had Mood
headache, biliousness and el dime's el thea
stomach, liver, bowel@ set hies/ 2.
A ('ere M tbegleiglidlida eke Mm11seba.
ilr. Silas laws, while is the *.sky Moen.
tains, discovered a root that whew o nenhi.d
with other herhs makes as any and oertaia
mare for constipation. It le is the form d
dry roots and leaves, and 1. knows as l..s's
Patel; oa id Unite. It will our. sink-haadaehe.
Yee the Moo hirer sad kidneys, and ler
eserine up the ee+.pI•sioe iL doss weeders.
Draft -eta sell it .t We. • package - enough
for live ..;aka (lee.
They Were Alt stlgsei.
Yeathweteme-" My hey you want to be
partiseiar with times Zeman ales Whom
yea sheet lands with the ee• i setro,f used
you to this newaing you Mill more year
ftwaTg Chime Orem SL Louie- -" i don't
knew why I .heeld. They are • bras mew
Themes whits, P M.,01'.r Joespiktane..
miles :"Navies
mss eel lm Mk
Dr. Wilhe'P114,ti h
P 1 god they age undoubtedly the
bast Mood par Mot end resbnelrooter e1 a
weakened asset 4d41i5M.t essslh.tim that
sea lis footed " All Mahn .r br .sM. pas
paid. at firs a h.' et tit hem kr PESO
ID*. WiflMor' Mdhiss Os. Drink villa.
The only duty there will
be in connection with my
goods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing a
hpecialty, and everything in
the latent and best Dry
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard -times prices at
The Tonio Cash Siore
P. O'DBA, Manager.
For 1893.
Partial Prospectus.
' i1MfAr.KIFAST.
gil"rrY 'M•a'rd"'...tmtrs
athse dos sreeertW el a sittssAl aiNb
=all:keens laser
.gems \itiRiislla14s. NitIra
Mew me of o s areidea balk ost •
mess may be psalm*aevery y eatU�tetroye
men to el "bite et sal Inn there� a�
around es- teni i ray waoeaaaers ims S.4 *'
hr dand• o.rsN•ft weU
Nada scup* with 1s'tiling water er moth.
field oats ter sa.hes.bl Uremia, labelled thus:
Franoes Hodgson Burnett
win contribute the east serial to appear in a
magazise frusn h. -r ren for many years. am Sled
H. C. Burner
will furnish • aeries of int sketch= wtltisd
Robert Grant
will relate the turf tier exparkuoui of ?rsd.sod
Jesrphiee h " A tif�l:1LL TO THS REPi.RC•
Harold Feeder!•
will contribute • ppditleaI novel stereo power,
By the Author oft"Jerry."
Mtge m. B. 1tu.tmT, the author of • Jerry "
will write • rwalitetc story of life amoug lb.
Tranam.. motutalasn, **THE DC KEET
Personal Reminisoencea
ethers- dealing with s Mn of Carlyk•'s life tar
different from that broseht out la the r.ee.t
Went ore or Carly le rue elseeeeea RRCN rL-
r,gfTiONS or LiY(tioLN AND $L'MNER.
By the late Maiser-ts tic (11a31311c Both
•nkls are hill of new manor, AN ARTIST
01 JAPAN By Roagtrr Barts. who he Jest
rettsru.l from • resinei.e cis Nearly lire yt.rw
la that constr., Abseiling', itlts orated M-
Th. author. HISTORIC Mii)(V TS, welch
have peen a feature of ohms mysiae lorries
MO w111 he cautioned by sane p.rtloel•r!y
striking papers, asatsg thea, several N the
Resit war cewrerpondeat. Wtwas 0. Rt s-
. U:. AP•(B'nalr'F,'Yiu. andnthr,r
Men's Occupation.
A series of articles nn the I.fework of res is
mary callings -the chief was aqui."I we et
profesairmsi In which mem earn their liveli-
The World's Fair In Chicago.
A aeries will be published liner in the year
riving the imprcminna Tete M the- exhibition
upon di(eirent observers of nine, bosh itmert-
aan and fon-ion ; and many of these observers
will be akin artists who win illustrate their
Own articles.
Mlsoellaneous Artioles.
Purtber contributions to the POOR IN
OREAT('ITiM. Mn. Hcsxtn 'n Illustrated
I"ipayer ma the Loudon phi. for HOME MD Tit
V ILIIo CHILDREN. etc. Of sports, inter.
ear ale will he Professor Halt enis'o author, -
,alter aecoont of the PRART RFLiKP EX -
'•r DITIot% liilu.tratedt- • very intermits= ar-
ticle by (icrava Usee e t the exhibition of
WOMAN'S ART ..w going oS la Peri., and
• r,lel.e upnn artistic .11111�1..accounts of tra-
vels, eta, stn.
The Illustrations
al the year will repo sent ,be work not o.ly of
the well-known illustrators. bat Maar draw -
lar. will also moor by artists wbo are hes
known as painters.
TERAS • srawe :: �:.
SPECIAL OFFER.T.'re 11::''.11
a s.teersplleu ger 1155e. •t.M
The rase, wttb b-tt;.— --u,
emend 1* natty - --- s 50
Now 4 the time to sttlssribr.
Charles Scribner's Soon,
743 Broadway, New York.
L .
1�nsw atb T, Rt's
Jcitatint Antrim
PA! ErJ.1/111APIN
Harper's Magazine.
Haarea's Mat.astxu ter INS Ink Genoese
t• roomer• the ;unveiled .uadard of easel -
lens winch has cbarawerised it here the atm
stabil. Astonet iho noyW lasLwres of the
year three wild be www esweb b1 A. Cutaarr
lioTi K l:cts5Taucs r11011110/01WuuYox. and
N twos Burt. Short .errs win be motel -
timed by the utast peeler writers of the 41.
imitating Maar ratan, RwuAwo Haan•
mu Dame, MaasanwT Dst.san. Basemen
le enigma, *ad mast' eases. TheWewratsd
des.•ripti's papers will em5ses awtiols. bis
Jvuas Meteor t new Sosthan and Wester
w1eets: by Tuamotu MUD es ladle; h
I ot'a.Tssv nasesar ea Ramie aed Osemeay :
ler Rtceas. Neriine Davao. s Leaden ilea
ase: 47cow., r. A. D0•0 10 ea k.stero hiders.
Ne. uwix A. AaagY'e tdu.tratioa. of ibake
eps•rws Comedies wig be coati.uodliterary
arid.. w1U beowtrlb.ted by CH&MWO BLOT
NoRTOK Mew Jams 1. "mum. N'Luau
Lusea u� a
HowsBRan Ms
.TTaws. toad
HIRPKJ1S MAOAZJNI..,.Per yiei.-gi tis
114 ?WIMP( BAZAR."•
PUDE to air au5seri ery h the Mega
state., m.•da and J/wtlte.
The Volumes .f the llasimaise belts will
18. Numbers for Jess sad December et tome
year. wee. no mos it speciosa. esb,wiphss
will hefts with the Nmsber current Si the
utter of receipt of order. Bound volumes d
Harper's Ma(faais, for three yews back. in
. eve cloth binding. will Or rat bis t.•lI. ppaas.tt..
��•it, on receipt d UM per vdesm. f%.+t
w!s ter brad . og. W cents e•ob--by mad. paet-
Remitt•neem should be made by Pest -ease
l.M...y Order or Draft, to *void imam at
Nesespsystrs an ea to tom fku odeerttise
tme.t without the e.preaa erdte q' Hamar t
Address. HARM' t 13ROTHBIt0.
New Ted.
Harper's Weekly.
Haaree'o WESKIT le acknowledged m
s aadl.0 erg 00550 nlnetreted weekly period-
ical* in America ft occupies • plans het erase
that of the hurried dally paper and that of the
lees tamely Most bly emegaatse. It lugedes both
Inset are • id taw. sad preemie with equal
force sad felicity the reel events of overeat
Watery sad the imagta•tie. tsemes of 501...
Os &c,ouat of its very complete series of Woe -
trainees of the Wora's "air, it will he not only
die bow guide to the great Kxposition. but aim
its beet soevealr. Steer mobile oven' et as-
sess interest will be PAH illustrated in its
Its oo.Wbutiaes beim/ from the hest
wrttare sad artists in this teeatry. it will oast -
Hone to excel In Ittetrature, news. sad Omani -
base, all ether publications of Its Hem.
Per gear t
81:::::711...k. modsaistrrihers Ms the Mao!
The Volumes et the Wssaty bogie with the
And Number for Jassuary of each year. When
n o timed' meat limed, suba.ripsloae will begin
with the Nmmber ourrest at the thee of re -
...ego id order.
Bound Volumes of Hasrra's WpgtT for
three years back. le mem cloth bin flag, will
be sot by nail. postage ttaid. or by exttesss.
free of exams 'provided the fre1bt dose sot
emceed ems dollar per volume'. for 17.50 per
(loch Comm for each ruluase, suitable for
binding, .ifi be rest by marl, post minim rm
oeiyytt a 54.55 scli.
iles/Wsoss snoold he made by Post.aaos
Morey Order at Drat. ti, avow LOM d
N ere f a eopp is thgdeertbm
mrmewt-it fit. .'pwaress ends ofManess t
Address : HARMER a: -
D Mw Iesk.
Harper's Bazar.
lisarmals Base* is • journal for the hos.
it gives lin LIMN and (west Information
about'embhus. wad Its sstn.see. Wwtrallnns
lsrb diehros. ale po eremhest supplements
are iedlemsemable alike, to the Lust dress-
maker amd the pwhalas-' ...let". No ex -
prose Is spares se snake its artistic •.treetiv.
sass et the blithest order. Too bright aeries.
ammbg eewYm, w abovghttei sews 0Y.
his an laws wad lie last peat le famous m •
bsyet of wit and boner. In 1u weekly lease
.werytiry r iectadod wh r of lat.sat te
l ea, Tfm BerMle far will be nettles
k0 w&Ura NsiaWr sad shwa LT U.
(s.Ra gat�rarqas sTi..uas Hsnmtm Win •
it slave
Tited At W These"
.acs Etas, ve Timms to R gel
Cesium Mum,.4 will be frequent ewttibe•
sera TM week et treses b the Oelembiw
deals ll w Dill reprm.is " Weals Sled
ated with away
claw eel pima • cultivated midtown.
��tpp Pee. Tear t
4RPX a mama PMA')PLS.. 5 M
pa.es� Jhw M M Me se•eiebere e Vesfi d
•abort 1Jsl L and Misr(,..
no edema et the Ramo Mehl w,th tM
Beet amber for January of mob ysw. whim
se ere y .s.e1 get. ssherlptlnee .111 8504*
with the II umhr ewnent at the alms of rs.Npt
emrepro irfwr .:aAawlbWdasas ter
b seat tee. oil
be seat et'ssyma.
ZeYwir vetionmetNmefar of n
» Asiia1011=
le hp Panellise .
y�e fAiw .r Din .501 SI 511 a�
wwwe jacr
w e arses sem. of 5a'0* !
AM4'mw : ■ Aaria a:igMTtis_
The Sigia
.nm atsse aalle • ansias r tis
Seees. while eaear-
l/slhtlag N
Mea partial ef *Ws
et taw mignest ssm.thiag ye, ssi
1r in teed of, mad 1a sash age we
sit rf• oelitrf►
fist to please will asset wile
the approval of Der pa4oss
'lot* iitt...gis
This swtal aim is kept in the fall
of qualities sans as link%
Zaatttr \calms
In this line we have a very Lege
stock of fine writing paper wit
able for every olaas of business
trepre.eeted in this locality, eon
pnsinq laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, as may be required.
11(10. iitooks _
aro not so generally seed, they fib
an important place in oommereisi
correspondence. the what we've
got under the above heads.
Bt\A kited►%
If the '• pay-as-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper valid not be
so great ; but there are some uses
who get so many thinners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out, We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is cum
plate in this line with four saes
Good paper and coat riding.
thattUllhe hath
Bath eagle and double dollars
Yid rials columna They toms
simper than bill heads, and are
tie proper thing to send after •
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'r'ound--
"r ,
iftent,et o‘ttu
Now, it would be hard to pt
along without envelof and ts
keep up with the dsssaed foe
thein we keep • large .tock as
hand. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stook, and
the prices will range from The. M
$2.00 pet R. We handle osss
mercial and legal sisal exclusively.
ommextao\ -ranXa g„
bas already been partlily anus
grated In some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast /unman
of work under this heed that to
enumerate 'mobil more than take
np the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Teo
Z ratsatotaoras
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in setae
tion sometimes, but we maks it
an easy matter by keeping i•
stock the very latest and bei
samples to be had. Oall and ma
CvrtuNsari i�
We aim to excel in all the diir
ent kinds of work we turn oust,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock dais and fancy popes
suitable 1st all requirements,
of en .ter alfl3lents and mseii./I
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most
with cord and pencil a
ord.% au& T'atbi:tts
This head oover a large rage el
work, from a bread or milk thirst
to a neat calling card, from stn or
dinary admission ticket to a teeny
liminess card or a hoednm it
printed membership ticket.
• osiers
Our &calla= for terming set thi
class of walk are widowed by**
fact that the greet bulk el it is
donesy ds. This Bae sift
11 miser s
which our three fest-tmakell jet
presses are able to tuns int ie •
surprisingly short tiime
AeXt Balks
belong to the poster d.partmO-
alms and we make a specialty d
these—promptness beim mar mill
in this respect. A noticed gab
will appear in Ti. Broxi& fess d
charge when bills for smile allele
#t1 Koreas os W oak
in the typographical printing Liss
can be dose i0 this eelablialtmed
is an roisiditioue and anile
manner and
QMT •Q Toni ‘k lot SO\►tila
tHfXnk reosowob\a.
We .stand oar thanks kir past Mr
sea sad what a eantiseasiee of vet.
To those
1; to tumour
rey and
no Hosi
alencia Ri
orida Ora
Florida 1
We have 1
outside o
to please
Select Hal'
and °Looe
s Basi
Hs 811?
HE 811T
14s BUT
a 8i8T
i11 BL8?
E Ba13T
Hs Bab?
t 818?
a 8108T
RN Bin
Hs 0111811
s Blair
Z 81CN?
a Basi
Z Beit?
s Bari?
X 1118?
X • Bs11?
s Balt