HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-9, Page 44 flu signal ssissammi EVERT THURSDAY biORNINO ii t$pipmerm*. Sps of - ot(B, H Sack Street, Torsigo ed lues qe. tuerattfrls ... ... II ertlaR M elsadw. euthe d par year Mill Mt ...... r Adeenerear loft lIlOse iCI 5150r oobren]isemuaata agbounM•send by Ba Sem. etude of Mit Ir and under. 13 par Fear. •r• el mean,. Sit Clteucen W nonpareil. el Per uses ea `ra:r and p'nr'ea$ on Sale. not 'o ersDeed shave. tt 1 tr QM moat h. leo. per tete. ..5555n1 mosnh. l.rger Mvta. to proportfoa Y.r speoi.l DO'ice, the otraot of which is w the r oomiery hesedt of say radi- Teeq•s �os •o' 55..' y. to be considered as ad Legal eel anal chanted aoeordiagly. nMicees in so greed type one deet per t*prd Nnottc+losetheeobs, �,eo 1 sourer to wdliaary mediae type Iso Cham Per our.. No nett.., for lose than Me. hatess for churches Clad .flier religious and benevolent institution"' half rata Pound. Strayed. Waited and not exceeding t pmsmeretel e'ewtesee Adverit.maessa A limited number of Mepl1a•yyeedd advertise- masem will he fs•ertad at the Hollowing rates : E'er facia. one Weenies. go its four iase.� tai w a throe m.cha...... ! PI sit most he one year 3 0I) we advertisement tisemient teasS thee two Inches iv wil be crbbs pe t. discount al for cash payload.. es three mo.tb. rodersof ; le per Omit on air aneSUI.. aid 15 per emit. on • year's. These eeeditioos will be strictly sa(oto.d. *bawl ••TO.l' ale entypy. Subscriber who fall tit Noel ve Tent $w\At seedarly, either by earner or by mall. will coater • favor Ay •eg s.ttsg us of the foot u as "arty • date as pe elbl . Look at Teem Label. Your label ia a sta.ila5 rsoplpt et the date te which you are paid Op. Bee that It is not allowed to fall into When a chose. of mse is desired. both the old and the Dew t>idtra, eborld be given. Rejected manuscripts eeinot be returned. (lorr•epondenoe mein be written on one aide sr paper only. etahltwammti s«tee. pointed imolai Tra em J. C. Ica ToaesL a��Oedorich. bee ties ap shite* of A.derieeb. •Aer tet for the Ws ae.mssne. AMAYd and Wn• wotwseb, Leal pontmeeters}pit the district are also empowered to mub•aiptione to Tem 8row•t. Aa esmwlude8Stwsat be addressed te CUDDY.Tint sdtt,� 1 pteae Can se. amderrle_Ont. OODZIICH. '1'i0111111111AT. res, 2. tet eiteMer/(IIR owes. During the Qwest few weeks our binds should seed in ttoeswat subscriptions fee the coming year. It is • comparatively Amy thing for every subscriber to set himself er herself square es the list for the ensuing term, and whoa that is dose they are not twitted by a IoW is anew as .tech week passes by. THE 8Ic'AL daleisR the eomiag year will be much aided by oar may .sbsoribrs nkilngpirss.pt remittance of w boriptiois. ThmaeStary subscription is a small item• but she agsrepte cauls up thousands of dollars. sad if every subscriber would make up his Stied to commence the new year by getting straight with his sub- scription amount the sphere of usefulness of this journal could be leigely extended. Dunag the past few weaka hundreds of dollars worth of woolen* tie aabscnptioni .are job work have been seat out from the osuuting room of Tat SIMMIAL, and we hops to receive a ready reepuws, 1f yew don't ret an aaeswnt don't get of- fended, hat maul your iad.bt.d.tss to us at mate, and roe will get des credit for it. Look at your label sad see that it gets mewed one notch in trent of its pnweit de - Y ted the suheeription and well do the rest. Tate aae4 o1.114Pe6Mlowtn Cana- dian winter, that everybody bre been sighing for in this adios for so many Fears is now with las, sod will not be forgotten. �y, A " rorrna-UR A CallINIrT ]Minister was held at Ottawa last Sun- day evening. .1 one ORA*LITOX can- not have his Sabbath ebservanoe bill peened any too quickly. THE ToeowTo potl111M11111 HAya s8IN raptured, and the potpie of the Queen City breath easier. The " terrible bandits " turn out to be a quartette of young men ringing EOM 20 to 24 years of age. TMa .INDen-T11111111 Qt11111TION Is STILL agitating the farming co.munity, and coeds of resolution asking for its re- peal are being forwarded to the Dov minaret. The " tae that brads" the farmer to the Protectionist party is evidently weakening. IT ss TMesti Mt rANA rSETIICS. The foisting of the $. P. tariff was the emelt of a snap ~diet got from a people who bad been poring through hie commercial crisis which had over spread this 0oitinest sod some of the European conetries between the years lel; aid 1fd-711. A number of Lib- e rals were asaght with the aoanding phrases of PrsbsNit* at that time, and in the belief Shah the iesaguratiou of • policy that wmetld keep Clanada to ,. Glsasdians would Make the land to flaw with .ilk and heifer, vete(' for politwal hercey. • Ise artier of It' with the unlet Idled lost ,Smit Blit Luddism as of Jolene now known Jossra sot etatss Is iseikd (',..nada, and when the policy that w to keep (Almada for Canadians " w to be adopted, Sir Lso*Aw sho his contempt tor consisteaey by ow looking every Canadian statistic end seeding to Washington for J are Niueto. Between 1$79 awl 1/482 the Colt aervative Government saw that t National Policy hart not caused t commercial and financial reigeneratio of the country, and on the specs plea that millions of British capi were waiting for investment in (ana' but would not lee invested until least five continuous years of the P. were guaranteed, a premature ell tion was sprung uponthe people, fail a year ahead of the constitution dihsolution of the House. That was not all. The fahricato of the falsehood about "the millions British capital that wanted inves merit" were afraid the people wou not bite at the bait if left to the selves, but would renounce the herh+s of 1878, and so the famous gerrya der hill of 188.2 was rushed throug the House, and by it Nie "(Grits we hived" to use the language of the th Premier areal the popular voice Canada was smothered for the ti being. After the °election was ove the. fiction, about the British capita awaiting investment was discredit% an effort was made by the party i power to gloss over the gerrymande iniquity : and far and near Tory nres- papers and orators shouted hoeannal to the great N. P.. which, they laid after a trial of three years had bee sustained. Between Ira_' and I$' 7 the i effects of the N. P. in the matter o developing Clthaeda awl Canadian in dustries were, if possible more marked The country was waking little or n progress, and many manufacturing e terprices which had prospered uncle the old revenue tariff were encounter trig heavy sailing to weather the corn m.•rcial sterna, whilst others h foundered completely. The fico about the British millions for invest sent was as dead as JULIUs Cits.t Anel even Turns, the "G Stretcher,' dared not revive it ; the ini quity of the gerrymander had bee counterbalano d to some extent by th education in Free Trade and Liberal ism of the intervening years ; and an other means of tying the hands of the electors had to be resorted to. The aid of the Franchise Act was invoked to tide over the election of 1887, and the partisan returning officer and the skilled voters' list. were resorted to. When the: election of ige7 had been fought and won by the Conservatives, an effort was again made to min;reline the retests which had been employed to accomplish that end, and instead of the stuffed list and partizan returning officer being acvorded the praise of having saved the Government a right which was theirs to a great ex- tent --the whole credit of the success of the election was once more given to the wonderful staying powers of the N.P. Then came the election of 1891. At every seitbion of the House during the yawn that had elapsed since 11'487, the Liberals had endeavored to have the Franchise Act either wiped out altogether, or so amended that the op- position candidates would hate as good a chance of getting fair play as their Government opponents had, but without avail. To aid the fraudulent Franchise Act the cry of disloyalty was raised, and backed by a state- ment that an earnest effort was to he made to procure a reciprocity treaty with the United :(tater', an appeal was once more made to the people, and the country was again carried by the Conservatives. The N.P. had no more to do with the general elections of 1 891 than the Man in flet. Moon, and yet there are fool newspapers like The Toronto Worldand The Empire, and politi chane like Farris and MArt.EAN who still pin their faith on the decayed wreck of a miserably abortive effort to legislate a country into prosperity by burdening it with terra. Fortunately the era of the people opened, are being and the mouths of e of "the politicians are being ur stopped, and before another election comes amend the utterance. for freer trade Sad lens taxatioe, which are w being .arse by the Ropt.rows, CC ARTR Toa ()'Rlt Rwa, the �Avtwg, other erstwhile Tory politicians an ✓ wed Br- ian, on he he bus tal at N. et• ly al of 1- Id m- m y n - h re en of me r, 1; n r u 0 11 f 0 n r ad on rest n e Som no M aid will Aare borne fruit. - erR*Nage as SWiM ■aflgTa ()ansda is sew in a had state mo far se its rattle Leede is onnesrned. in Or ieber of last year (fasarlian battle were misrelated elated Inc alaty}iter at the British entry port, it being alleged THE SIGN AI : GOPFRTCH, ONT., TH(TRRDAY FEBRUARY 9, 11493. po.amonia had existed in certain Mipmente made from tail temetry DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Mstarday I. Rea J4a1s1111AH Rune, tsessetary of the Agrieeltural MOT DISCUSSION ON THE ANNEXA - Depart meet of the United States, Scheduled 0.aadiaa sande entering that country, and in his proclamation declared that N Britain bad pro- nounced Canadian cattle to be infect- ed by disease, the importation of ani- mals from Canada to the United States, oouki not deet be injurious to the herd. of the latter country. The action of the Awericap Secre- tary of Agnt•ulture prohthits the shipment of cattle from Canada a4 the States, except by way of Buffalo, .tt which port they will have to undergo a quarantine of 90 days. This stipu- lation will practically prohibit the shipment of cattle froth Canada, and will thus hit our farmers a severe blow. True, Inst year the shipment of Canadian cattle to the United States was on the light side, the bulk of the export going to Britain, which was then wide open for the trade , but with the scheduling of Canadian cattle in Britain, the American market at once assumed other proportions. The scheduling by the States will thus be of greater injury to the farmers of Canada than would be the case had they an open British market. The Government of the United State* is, however, within its powers when it schedules Oanadian cattle, for ever since our trade assumed pro- portions with Britain Canaria has en- forced strict quarantine regulations against animals: mining from acroso the bonder. It is time the fences between Cana- da and the United States were all taken down, and tine commercial strife between the two atantries ended. "IMAM MIA Me." When Sir .!oust TBoursom turned the tilde of Amoy Isineaet's eloquence on a memorable occasion with the phrase, "That will do," he put in cir- culation an sentence that would be long remembered in connection with the subeer. iency of the "working man's candidate from Elgin," and as long as ANDY stay, overground the ex- pression will appear in judgment against him. in like manner Hon. G. E. Fosraa, when he said in the Tory caucus at Ottawa last week, e. Vote down all amendments against the tariff," gave publicity to another memorable ex- pression which will rise up in judg- ment against him and those who stand by hien in the time to come. At election times we often hear candidates state that if elected they .a conscientiously advocate the in- terest. of their constituents, apart from party exigency or personal feel- ing, but hereafter such statements will be largely discounted in view of the fact that at any time a FUSTSR may feel disposed to .ay, " Vote down all amendment. against the tariff," or a Teottreow may cut short a powerful oration by simply saying, " That will do." GREY. Froin our own correspondent. A sleigh ked of the Foresters of Cram - brook took in the Forester' omega at Ethel, on ThursdayIsm. I•. They re- port laving • good tme. Robs. Dark, who has been foreman es Mr Ihekens's term in Tucker.mitb for • n umber of years, has moved back to grey, his time having expired. He will go Weer is the Spring. A social under the auspices of the (:range was held in Fulton's school bout loth hoe nn Thursday evening of last week. Re 1reshameta were served in profusion There was • lengthy mueio•l and literary program. A real please' easing was spat by all. Sleighing parties sow take a prominent plass is dm Uwe of a.ua *sista This is very exhihiratiag and enjoyable way of spending •s evaing. Besides, there is al- ways • pktsmaet surprise in store for the good � people of the residence that s invad- ed. nvade The worst blizzard of the season *scarred hem no Friday Inst. There was • esow blockade generally. Roads runnier north and moth are badly drifted, hut .t the time of writing • general thaw has cwt in, aid it is hoped it will continue until tie snow hanks are redsesd in sive. We take great pleasure in proposing Dalton McCarthy as • 6t tad proper person for Govereor-Geswal of Canada in support d our motion we might may that we Mli.ve him to be • *triol) ibdepe.dt was, • w an who is sot likely w ely to he sosss.d of mending ia" with either of tie great fpolitaaal p•reme .be will seemed the me tied. Not • few are trying their skill et grow • ►osier. One thieg is their favor taw is plenty ei snow. This reminds r d an S- eldom' that happessd a few d•Ts ale, wheat the ge'+d lady of s lahexes aged est r htwo dash/liters, se that they sight take atwscil total's, Sad ssre.0 the myts.ry ref mtrasg• tracks that id away egress the Aad.. The girls •cols seplsis.d the matt.t by Mating that • ream( maw who visited bjs house the preview/is minim travelled neo woe •hoe Driblet!' mew dews sot oMilee alit easy shoe creche se winkle whets you some is Welk A it rewarmed. he the Arse tii�smese_afftTt predated551. % eetrait r.esrs.MrHyimp.1.1 by w alpleMrs am. iest perledms of sl who has meedfl , and the ease= of the preprlssasrsod .asefi.te ers mw TION QUESTION N. Pewee Will Anne 11te Wedge. .p«.b heat Week -Tho nese LIb.rar • aeon. -31 i. D..•td.d 1 it•ep *fleet 'aS t5e 11.1. carate•, Feb 6. --On the tetotioa to g., Mtn Coaartlee of Supply lnterday Mr tbaritw wade the p.reonsl eutmmoat which lee promptest yesterday whoa atteatias wart called to the •,alta trade by Mr. Cheriwo aid others to Wmoiu twee labs .lelmt. lasted about two hoar*, and al aatl the Itchier went tet. oommtttes •w1 traaaed ',weed penitentiaries' items. )1r. f 1isrti .D. to Iii. •splahaltou, ds.,rt that he ter dt.loysl ,end etreagly ut.gected to the Users' party being charged with daloyalt,.. He ch. .gad the Government Atha the tiuveroereut pews with osnstantly murepr.seeti.g the Lateral party Tho chsiges of disloyalty hinted atrium the Liberal* were suck as to make the people of the United Sr.tes believe tie country wee ripe fur at.eeaat: n. It was perfectly use that there was a .-erten asowat of unrest in the onuntry. 1'het party is power was resrtm.snle fw this dusatsfaetl.a. H. denied that Ute Liberal party advocated a imitation. More war sot • Ltlwr•1 in the Howie of Committee who bard dote ow Th. policy o1 the Liber- als ter not resolutto"ary in its lesdeacsa it was una.ignent,untruthlul and slenderises to ammo Liberals .f disloyalty. "1 repudiate," he cud. "thea attacks: I •pore them!" (Chem avid laughter.) He said that be happened to be bora is the United States, nut n. was of °comb and English origin end was proud o1 the family to which be bel.wged Under the laws .l Britain be was, tit. -refer., a British subject. As to Ma place .f birth, it was a matter with which he tied lett:Ue to do. [Laughter.) He was sot ..earthed He lived to tri- ads aures Isis boyhood, bet there were sorra of his Couesrveu.. }rands who thought that 40 years' resident's was not •ufl;abt w naturalise bin,. Hs repwitated the charge of being • traitor. As to his recast visit to Washington he mid theta he bad • perfect right to be there if h. maw 6t Hu business was of • pre rate .h•rasar, bit after that wee through be had • talk with American politicians of things Guanine. He had •dvoc.tad no views that were ase for the interest of the Dammam. Instead of there hsMg as eager - nein os the part of the United States to swallow .p Gaada he found Mist nine uu• of every tee mem knew very Attie abort Canadian afters. 1. sps.ki to Atnerwss• about Canada he e forbearance gosh ea ought to be slimeis • larger country dealing with • .usher. He was satisfied that rectprotity could b. brought about between the two ooentrt.s, not such a reciprocity as th. Ceoadus Governmeet wasted, which would be alto- gether in favor of Canada. but oars that would be fair to both Canada sad the :states. John G. Cm -lisle, who was se direct lies for the premdeocv, was is favor of seeking a statutory offer is fever of r.eiprowty, as also was W. J. Springer of Il;thos. The member for North Norfolk said he west to Wasbisgtee and told the politicians • great deal. i4e did net WI the House what he had to say about machine politteiw.od French Gtbolic leaders. What was the dife►eseco between the two pinta os the question The Obmmarvative party has always bold that, is the first piece, we are Canadians end to the eecoad place that we are British sehj.sta Sad that we intend to establish Caaadisn authority on this costume' •ad conduct our own diplomatic again. This w.a aot tbe oces with the Opponuos, whew pokey was not • patnntie me. Mr Fraser spoke at length, dofsndire Mr. Longley. and etati.g that there WWII no •ntesat waists in Nova Sete tte. nether among the Liberals am Cowrvatives. He did sot hoer the Con - farmwives attack Mr. Sol White became he was as MNmaIiOalet. Dr. Mostagae: The gentlesnas is net stating the facts. Mr. McGregor: 1 have heard Mr. White talk annexation Dr. Montague stated that Mr. White had recent!" declared that hei was sot an aenes•tsonut, but he preferred asa.xatios to the miserable policy of hon gestlemeu oppoattee Mr. Hisses seed that he never accused the Liberals of tering any more disloyal that the Conservetiees The Country, he believed, was loyal to the cora He. however, did aceu.e these of having Edward Ferrer se their leading editorial writer on their miss, T►. Toronto Globe, daring the last gesiersl electro.• if Mr. Longley was sot an anneratioaiat, st might be sold of him that "language was gives se as to Soo• oral rise's thoughts." Mr Sutherland said the& it wasbwsr•iag the dignity of the House bringis. up the question at•II, aad he would not Mos said anything is connection Pith the debate but for the fact of what the member for Heidi - mend (Moitagu.) bad said •bit Sol White. He (Sutherland) then went es to Dhow that White gave a lecture is Woodstock in favor of aesextisa. H. did set believe that either Comervativsa or Liberals were disloyal in Canada Mr. Tuttle did not understand that any Conesre•uve member aoees.d the a.mbses of the Opposition of !sing disloyal, al- though the Metre of the menthe for die North (Wing of Norfolk (Charltes) might have gives same grounds for enticiast. He west es to whew that • deliberate freed was imposed es the liberals of be riding by arida parties mailing • meeting and passing ea •ateIatiee resolution aid hewing it telegraphed all over the enaatry that Gm Liberals of the riding loelared for rrtatneealal osis.. The spier hw of Mr. Charlton at Waskingtou, Buffalo and Chicago, es reported in the Liberal prase, pep WON red grenade for remarkaagainst the ssrbor for the North Hidingof Norfolk. The Norfolk Reformer, the organ of the liberals is the repos. ease out In favor of sntt.ented adios, sad No eseret•ry of the Liberal Austation was the gentleNi...ho wrote tie leading stn.+. fee that newspaper. It:was Mr Cbarltes'a duty, If he was is Owen, to dese..ss thea Ile Lud.rk,a followed, after which the tatter dropped, a..l the Hee« west tat.• supple After pss.ag a few twos the Hoer rete, it beteg6 o'clock. After recess the Men.* again west tato "apply and eat caul I I s'ctnek, pantog • largo number .t item. (1n the Item for lego:I.tn.w Mr. drakes m eel.• • .tet.rn.nt ,,ret the ii.falcet len th. - . onto:.' ..Hoe. Ila ..M 'het the emnu.t taken Ile tete etc. -meow' ariasseisl- ant semmintaat was INE.4. . what. bpd been Maria q•.ri e,e ,he l:set elate.. IIn in reply to D• iond«-kte. n• swot Si 4e5. lent Ire* tett 64.1 heart of rte. ahnrte.g-, oeeelettl .1 dart i.r,eMeelnw of me.e.itere of Pante teat. J.•t pill. to •eljoerasact r seemly whet ' bat he se net Mot nesse Mr. Natheriet Rep& seenthsr lar Mer - who snweeds the Ne. R Masses. IIMr.t, was Iserodead yesterday .ttereese by Sir Jake Theorems sad Mr Mr Jobe llataos•{I, whe arrived with e. $.yd this Niornt.g, and task hu east ler the arm bate tide .seise. Mr. tint..o will ask tie Tbereday wheNw u is IJt. intention .1 the llovarnatset le etre the venni Iiia revised this year. Mr. Newoe has asked whether the Gov. enmest profanes tattoo may steps towards huddles s.reenoi and hatcheries toe ys- tematic•ally iacr.enng the propsgattua and diol nbattus of a.18.h is ta. bays Sad waters of Canada. A TRAMP'S LOT. tie was Lemma Up and eswaes a As .anew. Attcwwraa, tint , Fab a - Ancaster .0 lege yesterday Horning was shaken from is *Petra t. its .UVUOID Pence by as weenies$ imidest which sutured .t the lockup. It seem that the . Maga constable yesterd,v aberseen three tut* the dungeon a soaps chew look mg individual whose only offence ngs.ust some', appeal• to have been that he was ill cbei and minim the stuff which procures reals and lodging. The tramp didn't naiad it meek and the weather was penal. But dsriag the sight Jack Frost get is his work and early this owning old Mr. Markle who has charm. of the lock-up, called toss bow um prisoner had .pent the night Bot Mr. Markle could not get In. A pmol of ureter had accumulated at Me haat of the dobe yesterday Sad the was fresco solid, adding doubly to the sale - guards of the prima. Markle wast to the blacksmith shop, heated is... Std thawed lb door. Whoa the poor tramp was found he was mon deed than alive H. said he W had • great enemy chilling exp.raac• . i. ►u trayels,but hopes never egos to strike each •osmmodatson as was provided bon in An caster AN ALLEGED FORGER N. War neekk..p.r For the walk«yw. Reewe5R C..traay Wisp.../a, Oat, Feb. s. --George Gilbert of Walkervills was arrested ywt.rlay at the isetasee of the %Yalkervitls Brewing Company, charged with ferrety. Sees time ago Gilbert w:.• dlemsmd from his position as bo.,kkeeper tor the company. Auditors have bees going .vert the books, sad at is •ileg.d O.lbert's acs.wat* are short several baadred dollars. Tit specific charge est forth in complete' is that os Dm. to Hilbert raised figures um • r.esipt from 8316 to *1216 Gilbert pen testa nu isssesses Re wee remaadsd maul Thursday. BORNEO TO DEATH In /t.Y Tiro, of a Trate or !Sesame wawa St Pam., Feb. 8.-A special from Fargo says the passenger hila on W Fargo sad Southwesters road arriving yiitey brought in two dead India. A mew plow wick es agate mei cabana was run- n ing ahead of the minerrg r !rails Near Sheldon the testier t,rok. away from the aria and the caboose left She track aid raa down an .shaskmeat The car magic Are .ad eras destroyed. The three traumas rould sot got est, *sad l'oidncter Welham Crawford .sd Brake- man W. J. Quinlan were buried te death is eight of the paaauag.r tram, w►leb had •mad aad was powerlees to airman the MOIL Tam dfaitla, the third etas in tss oahotwe, was seriously iajsred asd will recover. RUINED FROM AN ICE JAM. easiewad week. Piled With era --messy Faetertre ahem O... Prr•rsac,w, Pa., Feb. s. late last night the big gorge of ice in the Beaver Racer at Rock Puist broke mid is meals" oat e'aua•d much damage. At owe point the track of the Pirieberg ■sd Lake Erie Railway is wash cd out for over • mile, while for • dis- tance of societal miles the tracks are piled high with tot. Teieeraph lines have been owned away and the water is costing fader tM read bd. All of the many factories along the river have bomb compelled te shut down while some of them have hese badly tlasnared As Freeport es the Allegheny River the loo r tart of the awe, three squares bock front toe river, is i,uuelatul and people are 6eetng hem ;hair houses, whteh are hasp pow..i..d to piece% by the huge blacks nt hex. 51.17 boats and rafts of bushier have loeu wen from their moorings and de. strayed. In m Pewit of Trambee, Wntent, Ont, Feb. N. --Special Agest %loG7oy of the (:.stone yesterday laid in- formation against Mn. J. O. Peck read her two daughters, charging then with smug- gling. Mrs. Peck is the wife of sae of Wiad• sr's mots prominent baseness men. and Mr. Peek proposes to fight mu ten to the ad. He says the greeds an gnestloa were pereha..d over three years ego, whisk is the tithe of iiMMaties Van ■.,, .•. It./..pu/t.. Donees, Feb. t --Reliable iaformati.a has bees received here that Preside.' Vas Herne of the C. P. R. has chisel contracts within the past few day. Is eft. Pard for firs p.rpbaes of the North Star Gsetruc Mee Csmp•s owarsg Duluth sad Win aqua Rail .ad elan the Superior Bali Lase sad Termim.l Compaey, owelag ewe desk at Sup.nar. M..ma of No ruse. Wmttrueow. Fen. II. -An •mwdmeat to the American Remiss teary mikes all attempts ea .maseisate the (her or members of the royal frilly an extrsdinbls s6set, regsrdlem of .wive Atype.Iw alas Case. Vaoeeaaa, KC, F.► 11. -The anises of the Isalsng whoever Osler rad Hattie haw. /posted the ease to lbs asprenn. (Inert Tao ..hee.ee woe eoa6.maNd for illegal esak.g. tern leantw.es Weed Sneer •4011,11, Owl . Feb. Within tit. past 45 hour. It.. D F. lice of flee Melte, din Church •si Ice• Mr. Uratnhi, 1,, ..f the Presbyterian (7lwrsh have died. Rot. were elderly centime's. A" Oe•p...ttt.... Lewder. Wi.'trwr, Peb A .tt a caucus of the Nonni too to the Nariteb. L.gtelater. that wseru.ng W A. MaslAaald of Briberies era. ehssen leader t Igy 10.1...4• neat Ina tsne, P.h. a - A liwrnnn Bart.,,..1,. ws ni.d /IMPS ()rent, Aad ea Friday, at Oaf+ Ball H. hod ase lived whh hi urge ier same year.- mea,.aMp N.e.eaea•a .etas arm.ear A OM OF THEIR OWN M[DIOSNI. Mew tae re.tit.w.w. 6.A.b.a l MOW, athUg ewe LP. Mw. Abset Hae yam ire • they stylish 111k1. giro .Mak mons Sat is Detroit, sad as • matterthe of seems. /a r•bM ransom el y dy sale sdom waw their shown en the ether .we. Same forty-sev a odd cloak. were .. irsprt• ed " •a that time by W alidatitaa, but ler mom memo or other stet ei tism iiraet to pay the duty au the sated., whirl Set 810 each. Yr. Motley, • llama - mat officer, beard of the um/Imet to pay the duty, sod rs'uitty asdb • wail wpm the s.ugglem foe the Baty. The Wsudwr Re cord tells the awry this cry Joe White, hgsdr mouolast, Owlets. same, was die brat uses caked upon. Mr. White osukl nut rMaeusberr .oytbeg about • cloak bought two years ago and said he would ask Ice Wier hall and ..e d her 'oratory was asy betas He did es and es Tuesday wines thentle.o walled es Mr. Whit. ..ked what hs mrbill wee mid gees his us for $1.1 Mr. W bite is a brunet el Sol %kite , M. P. P., .fid then is pahably no mon herd shelled Tory in all ('.solo. He is ease of the head makers of the party In Hmsx. Acoo.staut Neieley, of the Inked Re- ams Depastneent, is *wether d the faithful shove es.p.oso.," yet it appears that ha too, had isvoetsd i• ewe el rimae Shaka for ebildrrs. As was regser ted N ante up to the Lass of $10 60, which lie did without a mW mur. Dr. Covvwtry was likewise paid as ".1- h eaal visit," as Mr Motley had bees led to Where that some of the doctors family had bees i• the cloak bonnets about two year. ago Tae doctor protested Sad refired to hived. The doctor started • lengthy anti n est •ted the official left Dr. tivestry be- iomge to the old school of Toryism. 1 (1. Peck also received an oltltial cell. They figured up that Mr. Peck's loll was something in the neighborhood of $152 50 He reload to pay it. Mr. Peck is the only genuine free ttnr in the het A. M. Phut, a tea tu*reh•st, was also pounced upon sad trade to disgorge to the must et j9 50. But the last straw which broke t be camel'. back was reached when that staunch sup- porter of fossilised Toryism, Wm. Stokes. was asked to ' • go down " for $10 50. Tho mea who is always foremost in all Tory pow -wows, ben feeds, etc.. oboes saseMon you might trace hack through seventies generations witbout flailing other than a blue blooded Tory. Mr. Stokes looked at the ricer, seised upeshintseN lip in • glair, and said " Well, I m d. d if I'll pay it." However, after much deliberation, he de- cided that the interests of the party re- quired the sacrifice and he dd. The mors1 of ibis is that the protectionist is always • free trader whs. het waste to buy. It is ally when be has •aythiog a sell M shouts for frotectio• sad • high tarn We ouop es these sm gghng Tory protectionists forget all abort encouraging the Caeadien bleak -makers. Whet • tarns the whole thiaw is. COUNTY CURRENCY. Ms•forth : Jobs A. W- iese arrived home from the old ooastry ea Wdwwdey, after • misers there of four months. Huron • A lase addition to the wholesale commission host. of Tomato, se the 6rm or Aikeibead t Sleets, ►.tb Heron hove. t lint on The many fr ends of Dr. Won b ington, will deeply await to bear that he lies almost at the point of death, with very little prosusot of recovery. Seel rtb : A young mu named Ben Price had one of his fiug.r• nearly severed while mimed at • taw in Rroadtoot t Box's furniture factory .s Thor.day morning. Clinton : TM 12 acre lot oa the gravel road,a short dt.rano5 bens the town, owned by Mr. Hill, of Barest, hes been prchmtd by John Sb..bb oak, el Hu11Mt, lar the NMI .t $1826 cash. Exeter . While John Hawkahaw was working reined some horses for shipment an Saturday Inst, he received a severe kick in the groin from Gee of them, .tad has been confieed to the house ever sena. Brussels: diet Sandia afternoon the members of Mrs. J L Kerr's Sabbath school claw presented her with • haadsoe.e d iver .apkin ring sad • Urea napkin. The naboked for gift wesappreprimely scknow ledged. Verna . Jaime Armstrong met with a very painful aciideet a Thursday sten. ing. He had hoes turning neck yokes, when Grit dew out, striking him In the face, making • geeh ii his forehead and bleaken• ing both eyes. Morrie The farms bol.,oging to the es- tate of the late Wm. F. Roger*, Gontaiaug 100 scree, was sold by auctios at the Besse - wick House, Wtngham. Chia Hemet* , of the Bleevale read, tea. the purchaser. The prise pard was $2,450. Morris : Maisons Rick, teacher, h., purchased the 100 acre farm, math half of lot 18, Ith oeseennioo, free. Scott Fires. of Se•forfh. The prise paid was $2,600. 51r. Black dtra net intend to farm hat will ma tines se wield the pdegernsi ruler. S.ferih : The X. Literary Cloth had a very isterestiag debate es Aasex•tios," at their ihestmq es Monday eveeiag. We behave the M.ehaniss' lostitute *anode boldMg • mini debate oo tke Leese subject se Friday evening sext, whisk is seam to be lively tad eftessetisg. Iwley : One day lest week Thames Camurua, el the Themes Road, killed • one, in the Soma► d which was fogad fear sails, sue thew itch, 1 two end a half inch and two shingle sails. How the rail got there is a my.tory, es the row did met lbw symptoms of anything wrong Brussels : Wad was reward es Id=lass, that !tri 'Cagy, el Tomato, daagbter of IV altar Smith, of this plass, was dsagu ostly in. and her friesds west to The Wealth of Health Is in Pur. Rlcb Brood ; to enrich the blood is tike potting money out •t interest, SC�TT'S EMULSION Of Pr g ..eche hew Ce/ UMW IiiN owl Nottpheaphits• p'ee case bland g papas. leo • remarkable degma jos el ram draw f Take toilet fashIss. Ahmed as Palmisbls as I. Isom gad gee tha,g.e.iee EIVIVO t, • eau. Q �r� • ••••4M�uaa '6% 9 4 qloo"rt,""" .....,fel Pra4' " �,�: 10,411 MOW Self Mw1WIH i 3 A f . 'i/Ilis1vI 1O 'owne , E,flVS 1V x OldChuui (CUT PLUG.) OLD CllU1 (PLUG.) l o other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joyed such an immense $ sale and popularity in , the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest C*i' Todd«o asaau bf. telrpre se Canada. MONTREAL. Cie Meg, 10c. }Pkg. 144. -THE---- RECOGNISED STANDARD BRAND: Mungo, Kicker, Cable. [Tniversally acknowledged to be supenor In every res- pect to any other brands in the market. Always reli- able, as has been fully dem- onstrated by the millions that are sold annually and the increasing demand for thein, notwithstanding an increased conlpetition of of er One Hundred an I Twen- ty-five Factories. This fact speaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturers. S. DA VIS & SONS MONTREAL. Largest and Highest Grade, Cigar Manufacturers in Canada 0-N that sky es the first Wits. kat toseiley marstng the sews 6ihs1 .ver the wine that the spaek of Ms W ind. Seefertb : The yellowing dmepmesb was resealed • few days ago frees Wimmip5s : Wm. V. Mashes, ewe of the beat hews barrio. of Saskuebewse, died at Prime Albert on Wdas.rlay. He formerly .4 to Brighten, Ontario. Mr. Mar -Use art one time resided is $..forth, Wisp a obedent i law Mies lacies d Jamie li. Nests. Varna : Wm. IdeAllmter wail deserves the seined the .b•Mpiem beg tlatier in tai Nwssbip. H. has sold. sinew last October. $lye worth of prime, sad ha. net dimisie►- ed his SSA very Nisch, as he h., 60 left. They are of the improved Rerkeeire breed. He says pigri payhotter thea wheat at 60 mem per bushe St. Ha... • Alex Stevesrt, reeve of Ree Waweeme, and hi n other, left for misses es rsesiving the int.11ig.00e that Ms brother, De Farquhar Stewart, had been s rieuely injured i • railway weediest, bet farther word wee received to the effort that he bad emoeeshbed le his federate before his frisa& rwaobed their deniami e, 1» Stew- art is • Metier of War Job. M.(h.stis, Sed wee well Lamin r *5551 dWrist. . Morrie : Nearly them year. egyIIDL Limb, wee of • Nail„ Leah. was married leo Cirri t. • 4.s ter e1 A. R Joshua el years they how+ lived w the poet Ter eke le se M yawn era Lamb bee bees cls 15Nmale health. seed after bar miter, Mrs. Wm Lewh� died akomit fear ..sib, •p, she het J. nat. Mr A e�sO • died • ennaibees lefwmiee hie el Me dry at his sad inmord wldir Ilia N ahead the hese al Mash .yeaeeib.t is islt ler the herrvad ass... har:w.rt _t. . • a i