HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-9, Page 2TTTF SIGNAL:: CODFRIOH, ONT, DAT. FFBRIT % RT 116113. ctUJTTst PURE POWDERED •eaURSST, �OMOS1Ke BEST. ss� seal (ON W NI •ai llmfall.w► M. W. vta=.m ces�aw Wbemenmeme TWA- Recife,' are nee E enor•Ily mad* tory earl 1temrhl art are galling into dd.- eas To have saloeessld reviews elle mer- ar• a ssI4 love mecb of the Isu•os eem-et- Md to emtrser, and eaglet expos% • e ariel- smtobShe mom Disemeiss *sorb' oat the ides of arrang- es Leaks iu groups aeserdisg M the .s • sees for the purpose of rutriewisg. I'hs .st<t "abject was tie ksseltg st es infant class by Mrs. A. Dag 'filo was done is as earnest ad instesotiv. -maser. sb.wino that the teacher **wen .galai.t- ed with the teactung d the hoses. she made me of isurr sting asesd-Ms M i -pus - the truths etssiamaed to the woes. Tre "two ml!l7$e of the r►ildres was addressed first by Mia. Jobs Dostow, taktag for o subject •'tree pleating," noting the •eeesity of correct paastimg sad proper supports for the trees . d proper protection (aro- ouW3e circum - Gamow Dimling with these these to teach .piriusal truths. Companies the plasties t. conversion. Ceine the hie for support. and prayer and eau/du/sem for protection. Compeer( the Christen to the tee." that Waco woeful, as the pal- Mems. she ..- &savored to impress the tasseesity d early owveraie., sad of never terrain .side from tie path of right. Tat it 'Mee eelsssos was spiced by devotional exorcises. 1n a.sw.rtng lbs queuiose frees the gaieties Gomm the following lass -este were merle: All who are fully devoted is the work 31 ♦whim( would be willing ha trice seeder , class se • Vara' rale. Teachers should avoid the tea d tobsose. d 8. teachers . bosld sot be either dames or advocates of tin deems. Unruly classes sight be gives new teachers. The Aiwa and teachers of the school for the peel year have • right to appoint their mtooemw%. h as not right for �s�g mom to sit rowed a heal during 8.. - Li me account of their Isar/epee. The la.( dueler r specially adapted its the w of the Lirclasses wink the �sioitbo rd may r beneficially int lid wise classes. Ilia. Mr. Kerrie nit the enbjeot of "Biretta! R..ponei>Yey mot loosened by the iii 8. Work." He rink with tie w- los0tsiUty of the tangier. To the teethe m oommittol.l the dot d flooding the lambs d the Upper Fo� It is • danger- ous thing for • amebae to re H tench lis class witbu t being prsp•red. She Mather may often be discouraged amid tired in the work bat the encouragement sestmined u the premie Te shall reap H ye faint net " is for the 1dtlifal teacher. Teacher can sot be enooamid wbo are not servants of Christ t emeelvse. la speaking tel the parental le sated that 8. 8. tsaoye can the* rearmeibtlity. Parents •Meld pray lobi with end for their children and stave dories the week ea well se es Ilsaday to Irsb is the t way. Parents aro responsible tier net leading their .hildrw to Chriat. WWI shildrea see at home lea a stronger kit es.o- tea children teen wide they tsar at Sender school. Mildews or likely te be is tbo world what the -athers maks the.. The relation of the okarch to to S 8 " was the subject et Km. D. Ripen' ad- wou hools to d ress. edge iadvise s with the edopti a..ggs..m��mt the see d liquor, to Mees, ptobaaity and bad hteratere. It is pos�ii�MM to ham. tee mach head in- .traillien and sot 'sough heart iwtructiuo and spiritual torsi leg. The 8. S. is • very i, t of the week d the church, and thew(ora. has claim. apps the church which the olkoreh shooed rea.gih'e The obwreb r sold provide the S. 8. with the requisites for ita work, moll with 11.ta wound, goad moral literature. Par+ at - ted school as oft.a as possible and encour- age tilde children to weed regularly. The owsvastione held es the Dungannon mid Nilo eiresits arias the pest thirteen yeses have bow men hetrestiag and p.serabk, sad thin weed w one of the bast Nava. D. Boos•.) ere L A. Fine, I EDISON AS NO "JAY." isle a woendr if we didn't de eameehb' t(Is Wee a ,,debut m..1..taoar tort, r Iwr www. teles tasak mews, �,ssm. ape the buys all toed the y padMre. WAS .saw • Hokin' from the old -.a ear the esti het " I we u. opr.tud ti the i/esspbs vas* se the ta.►WI gene" earl ran*" and speed dollar way kis tame la ao•r' w 1►• 11681e. /h, !lied .d he isn't Dealdiet tsie the I.et *sue,' Screed le the sit *dr over eight 046 IA w bis ilgab•t. Ther. ,s me 1�11�'1l/I rlsv4i on at err comer, lays' fur that teal 1.1 a snap 1 tell yen• • heap railroad •aeureo', rales and all that sort d thug are just I,r.•whlu up the ,nonls of the ouue try lows. \Yhy. 1s s year ear two there wo.'I I.. a ells .y •oat In 11.0 Siete of Mie soars shit haeo.'t gent a nursed through i1, to d1a41 lb. renin• 14.14' to the he sty. T ossntry .Its 1 g.,,.4 .,.a..lh law any of 'ma alt 111 writ 11••w o.' '. 0 goo,' to n.akegaod people .•.I ••f i,.'• ra....l 11t. way! The girl. exit •'.v leo ter. All ..f them livie la a fee whew of the city n..l.t c.•nse in 1..r the matinees Wes; welat• sies S .1 today.. They mm.• eat ..1 oho o.ati.'ors ch.•wieg- guns, squintin' it. the dn•Ir. ,ut the corsets, med wrtag:iu' mud doggish' ayes,( the pavements like • perk of ninnies %Vomit ye tro.ug to do with .0 s 1..1 of girls! If tl.is tho.g 'rose en, vile. • g•,.11;. 1•. he tkr naohers •,1 the chi'. leen pons• day! I tell 3 on, I'm !.enged d it aiu't all %rang." with Theses A. 8dsase applied M Ws ager ler a pmauos," add A. (I. lt. • me -ie of Ill. RelWiolletev Com& w i. excelss te the ii oW- " K. walking into the Alm os. moralise. ►eke a',writable hayseed. Hs wore • bark wry shirt. a pour ..1 Letterset paste tacked into the tops of boots • aim too largo .d guiltless of blaoiunR. Where's the bass'" was his gamy w be gl..eod .rued the oast No ane replied at mesa. and he rspeau•d the quelws. T Is maalyer embed hist what M mail de ler ba. said tie Wore greet pros ed* to sinks him hr a job. Basilan" wee rushing and tial sties was two M .hurt, so dais may kind of • Iightai.g•d►aesr was welcome. Ile was •asigad to • desk aid • fended. el wish. west the rowels of the ode, fur the jay ' was put on the St. Louie win, the hardiest in the other. At the sed of the lints mea es operator who was chats lighu- iMg and know it. Edema lead hardly gat seated before St. Louts allied. The wow comer repealed and St. Lewis started in on • Wag report. and he pumped it is like • bowie [fire eldieon threw his leg over the area of his chair, leisurely trwfrrred a wad of spruce rum from his pocket to his mouth, picked up • pea, ex - •mined ,t critically, tied started in, •bout 2)O words behind. He didn't stay tare loag, though St. Louis left out measlier huh d speed, .ed sell another, sad the wars meet on Edison's table hummed like •u old- style Sieger cawing machine. 13very awn in the either left his desk and gathered .round the 'jay to see what 1w was doing with that electric cyclone. Well, air, he was right on the wool, and wan put- ting it down in the prettiest topper• plate hand you ever mew, even n� creasing . tY id dotting his i'. aDet g r much care as • mag editing telegraph for ' ratprt•ter. St. Loots got tire.! by and by. and began to slow down. Here, Meson opened the key and said. here' ties is no primer class' Get • hustle on you Well, sir, that broke St. Louis e11 up. He had been • revs -hiding ' Memphis fora long time and we were terribly sore, end to have • tan in our office that cool.' walk all over him made us feel like a man whose levee bas won the Derby. I saw the • wheel not loeg ago. He doesn't wear a hickory shirt nor pot his pasts in his boot, but he is very far from being • dude yet." CUAL SLEEPING. The tl.e.dls• -- Lurid " *averse, teadeten. the lereetere. 4 Seo. of Com. DONOGHUE A WONDER - am..he All a.atlig ss+tseds live= Twomey le One .siAsod Mies. Srasroon, Coss., Seam.! ?W.giem. Jae. lib.-Jowpb Donoghue of Newberg. 11. and a native of New Hresuwiek, ..nehe4 the 100 -mile skein rowed lite maitirsene today .ad inoidast lly deimtd Fre.klin of Norway amid Joie Use el this oily. seconds. Freebie' Ilea mode ninety .ed Do.ogls finished is 7 be. 1l.sia•aad 38 1-8 sale -third miles .d gime . ty-6ve miles The beat raviolis reseed far NO sales was Mist of Ra.im, .t (Ahd/s-1 bra 3744. it. C.ovum prime io the mifrom le The ribs *1 9:28 Das- hed - 71. W�-.mdes*rear a�hss gliln in 1:13:08 'pe baAprevisse ..seed !w the disease. was 1:1 1.6.' At thou time Deeorbwo wee me and • b.H mks abseil and two mallose iles wvo miles ie 1:314 111, whir woo 1 mil. IN a 6 emu. dead of tie record. At her mMea Deneol ses time w 2d6t46. This ewe ori min. 21 sea. At mike hi. Seas " 1 have been looking at some furnished bous.s"' said • woman lately, "and 1 am surprised to God how much the use of single beat has tocrease•l, at lomat amongst New Yorkers. 1 was curious enough to iuquars about the atter et • furniture store, and the dealer told me that in ordering eau, particularly the high priced one, the choice was often riven of two single oro double bedstead," which would sem to in- dicate that the wealthy class that marabou abroad is bringing home this gaieties It u beginnsg to be under.tood, 'weever, by • growing number of per.00s that 10 sleep alone appreciably contnbute to one's rw,t and health. The system undergoes electri- eel chaps must mutually re act with ap- preciable results Toe l.+.udon Lancet called attention tet lone( ago to the habit of duel 'kepisg. lay • lag tat tare is nothing that will a de- range the nervous *yawn of • persoo who is eliminative in nervous force as to lie all night in bed with another who is absorbent of nervous force. The latter will sleep .ouodly and rise lefreehel, while the former will toot restlessly, and .-ill awake in the morning weary, peevish and dmcwtaged. No two persons, no matter who they are ought habitually to sleep together. The one will thrive, the other Ines. An aged peewit and a child should not be hesitates ; great as is the pleasure to grandma to ha.e her •' little comfort " with her .t night, it is one which the wise as well as the food re- lative will forego, for to child's cake. A owe recently sine to the writer's k.owledgs of two raters fifteen and seven - Wee years old. The younger was • splendid specimen of young womanhood, robust, ac- tive and merry, while the eller, though not ill is any definite way, was thin, tired out quickly and fretted over trifles like • net, sow old woman. Thee conditions 6aelly sera to he accepted. and probshly would have 000tiaeed indefinitely if an English mauve. a physician had rade. the family • vomit. His sharp eyes noted the morning lawitede of the elder girl ad the corres- ponding freshness of her sister at breakfast, and he drew his conclusions. An inquiry et the mother secured the knowledge that they not only slept in the same bed, bet, said the. " Elite's (the elder) devotion to ber aster ,s such that for year'. she has oely gone to deep when the h•s only roes to sleep when she eould hold liable close in her arms... The doctor fairly snorted at this "inti• meet and in the end persuaded the mister" to sleep apart. Two pretty brass bedsteads side by side offered propinquity ed 00.1 1°Y. 151 preveote.l contact, art► the re- sult that in six month. time Sties showed marked improvement in her general health and has become in eighteen months • happy. good tempered youut wails, with one - adorable increase of avoirdupois. in this ogre at least the iopeoveesset data from the meassot et eep.nte bads. AN OLD GRANGER ON YOUNG FOLKS jffTSNl tD TO *AM Cil!SP AND CASUAL ('. U U. are ttie iuitials of au Atchison, Ka., express u,eesentrer. James Whita.ne. K.:cy Dery ed aaapprea. tioeet:op as a b•.uie p.m;er. An laden' girl owlets. at Ilaekell (8.0. 1 Institute is uaurrl Jeu••y eht. Feel her. small Sugar -('soled Burdock Pills do sot gripe or sicken. Tory are. mill .041 effec- tual lin lengthen 1,. ...Ail .0 .1..•d with water from Solomon m poi•). those -et an aqueduct melt by the eruvt,lerl. 1)r. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delightful shampoo. It rlmeno+s the scalp aid darkens grey her. lm Th...ylro,;.. • ,i,•.." 14r males in the United Stele. 1. 3i O..7 33:'..1.1 the whole number of is -melee 33.t'i-i4,333. week s .." .•n ....Led a tonic, strength riruo . 11.') l.uii.;tug n,e.licine Isle Me- ter -us'. Reef, Iron and Wins. lm I . w'lose c': ming .e t l,0 gral.ee are squeezed six lane', te h pressure snaking wine of a .101.•.-.1.1 .gnat:my. Worms sealer• are i.•w sock new.. Dr. Law's W.am'iyre) doe roy. 34r1 ecpele all kiwi. of Worn.. weekly and 'surely. 1n. Within mter y years "coy 1wens y thousand lives have 1..•a Wet by shipwreck and drowning on the c of Fsglaid. A Vermnn, lnm'•er denier advertises that he has for sale 50.000shing!cs mate by "the only Christian .hint!•' onikr in the Stat. The Lelia„ (Teti.) H :•.' 1 thinks the 'sotto on American .dyer «!. 3in, ,.In (;nd We Trust." Shod.! ). , !tan,;ed to reai, "Lt Thus trod We Trust " A Maryland women entertained those (nests some uta ago, strangers r.. her sad to sae soother, named Mn. Spinal/le, An. Shower and Mrs. Storm. Mr Murphy 1. . converted a.. many New Haven topers that it as thought it will not pay the .also„ keepers to set out to oma - winery Tom and Jerry during the holidays. itesoeror William is credited with the in- tention to h.ve only general officers of the army rent -eaten him a. arnli.eeedors to for- eign courts. Even the serretarsee of lega- tions are to be army officers exclusively. Ayer'. Hair .r keeps the sump free faun dandrnff. prrc.'n:• the hair from be- coming .try and harsh, and makes it 6exabte and ghey. All the element that nature requires to make to hair abundant sad le-eatiful. are supplied by this admirable 1wepatslioe. Se Nye she my• end Girls ase nee whew They geed se gr. pie- the 81 Lode abbe. Demesne". .. Hoye met boys like they marl to be, 1 tell you," acid old man Moreton, who come into tows regularly every Saturday from illinois sad pets sp for hie dinner at the pokier ; "'.p"ei1Uy aouotry boys. The city boy, may be, is party much the mama he was thirty or forty years ago H. Itke 6wo cloth's, agoa the girls and goes to the s.stas w tale �� theater ..d oburi about the sums as be was bilbla II•i, This lims the& therm did thee. Rue the amotry boy ie different ; masses orf Wen an hour Imitator than the re mrd. width mom 4:13:16. Dasagisss was d this time six and a holf Mile, ahead af mil .lea/ d FrsnkBs and a> ssed the N'ty a pat, atssis b tis Donagent said ,nra.etted ' Tls Is • while" 111 emp wed se he as fresh as at Ike roilofthe lime W Wits ei.eft►#Mid mile DesaMhes was hY by • hb'nlades iisoptt bit1 al •iie wysp 10 He eeriest Itis nod 45, $ l► lap 4 Mee re'ever- res: ties Vets tt♦sers se Mama.. •• 1I ..darer..+ 'rams bfidMM•w�p► rhe.yhI� M rood to d else ,tweptef has► ame gmm"•Ila thee es? LOW, meas that old ewe r 'elltipewll la rt Groner (beaming ea her) -O, you don't want any blueing. All you hart to do ms look in the wash tub with those beautiful blue eyes 411 yours. A bald headed mew may brained fellow. It requires a powerful ley to see double. Tae man who fancies frequestly wrongs It. There is no alp for the ewe mea who cau't gets servant. Then is many • young as that is able to cut into a fortune who cannot carve ow "My fortune is mud," cad the young .an who ha41 just become engaged to an heiress. The num who aspires to. make . wooer - f.1 pickpocket thould study free -band drawaug. tike -If i refuse you, what will you do! He -Propose to some other girt Sb -- Tan I accept. There ase said to be 611 cite is an elephant's trunk bees packed by • woman. A buy looks in the glees to se if his face u clean after be has walled it; he look. at tie die on the towel. The man who cam tell what be 10 his travels is intelligent, but who cal t is positively brilliant Yon may trews, you may bast the gas meter tt you will, bet st the .ud of the month, twat the same, there's the hill An biol. carpenter fell from the road to the ground, and whoa packed up remarked: 1 was monung does after nail. anyway. A fashion journal alerts that the "boop skirt is coming on again.' Queer that • things that stands at so should cosi, iu too. When • wife commis her husband to come straight home after aa evanag banquet .he means it in more armee that 00.. Whom a w dor wren be dam tea fear the andsrsation of the lad soar as mach as he fears the indignation of hie wife. J -Wife. I lbw) was "bald alp" on m'way' 'ono. Mrs. Jag.by isareasucally►- os wouldn't have got home if yes hadn't bees. "Know thy .It "' ue an i.ju.ction everyone should follow. Another ono, so ler impoartaa, is : "Doti give thyself away !" "I hoar you've been cultivating the so- ciety of that pretty widow, Van; whaler, you up to r "I'm trying to kill the woods." George -I heads, wity Ethel calle ea her chrysanthemum ! Disks -She may have he thee discovered thet at you haven t yK gleam be • hare to cable a he writes poetry of the wo- thousand n.w- It most hove hes sees the w ;'ORSE NOTES. !buttermilk se seta to cure scratches on horses. Feel your horses clean fond ; if your cat • dirty, clean thea,, and don't /tied hay full r.( dust or din. Here is an excellent .nixture for beeline old sores on • horse -three parts sweet oil to one part certmile scale The person who will whip • hone to give vent to his rage, h. lower than the lowest of the brute creation, and deserves a ver] liberal dose of the wine punubrnent well laid on. While so mach has been wad about the reoord-breaksg on the turf the pant wawa, the honest, plodding plough horse which has added a mole or two to the di.taoos he has been able to draw a heavy load oe • plough in a day has not been hewed of. When stepping, get year harem in some way sheltered from the wind if possible. If sot, do not be satisfied to blanket them and leave • bum 1' 1 facing the wind, bet bead them tress ,' A good role to remem- ber is that • gases's tail should always blow under aim. Keep the horses hungry i. the advice of • good boreeman, but by regular f.edi.g of jest what the bores will eat up cleao they will sever have the colic, which is ges.r•lly from over-eatieg or from sour feed left in the hex. 1f fa veterinarian is not always at hand it is well to keep moms colic cure for immediate w w promptly relieve the pais in ease of an attack of colic The bet enol only thing to do when your home is excited is to calm him down- This i• *et done by getting to the horse's bead .•d taking to him gently, rubbing hie face ..d otherwise divining bio erection from the esbjeot of bis frirht. If the horse is t iles .tad wiry the sane treatment wall be Mend bos.gei•1. la to high state of ex- citement the bores does not comprehead what you west, and it is uselme, wore" this folly to attempt to beat tbe fright out d hie. _ TM trewtir er t isesoe. The fakeer of Sen•uw Davis of llin•seota. who is now poet hoe eightieth year, and who is • very interesting and scholarly reale- sow, Ltely said " i recently received • letter from • promineet *seam man is the 1•r West is which he mentioned trete tied words which 1 bad said to him was hew • little boy. That man will live het maty or a,rhty y ears in this life and ht the eo•e.meet of • kindness axed is s memory . better to the than • granite m.neosst which might lest • th.ussad Wesel Clarice W. James, abed {dark of the Ousted States made, said : ' That r.eaide use that when I wee a little boy odium sowepapome ea the street then was • w eber of Carreto whom 1. called Judge Sails, to whom 1 leakd up as .a• of the g reat* rtes in the world i did net apy-- pro•eh aim se I diel everybody else ea the "treat is • AI?p•nt .•d don't -wore ..•ser, het sided him to demo buy • pager. He beeight a paper, bawled m• • dims, sad es I was fumblesg a. -y pinkie ler the theins, be patted me es the hood and eaY ; keep the Ansge. Marla, said Mita K boom M yea nether.' I sM MAN sever Ns Judge tlsiitir, ser seam used - as me el tie beat mea 1 base ow Mama lana of IMM the W IN kbdmw' he'. Masgsd uwdrfolly. There was • ti.e waw he was party mach shut .p to himself for his amseement. Stags towhee n■ through the tows", but boys never traveled es ma mese they could real • ride in the Mot for • mile or two, just to best the driver. it was • kg (bialg for • boy le them days to get • chases le go to the city, thirty or forty miles., la the eseroe of • year be generally W two r theme days M by beset out en, and tins d thew was the da the circus anal show mem to town. Wr at hy, i woe .w tar the boys that used to walk thew ne low mile .p tie rime road H meat the baggage warms of the mesas emu* - ; sad .7w IM animal show left terse rim fdl.r.4 tie dap** tenths 1. Ids nes as assay wilm dews the with meed. Tim pri.elpd blames of • boy is ems team was te -hoof by day ed tot op tie devil d Ws W to end .f pmt : Is the than. mad &Woe 1• W Herber. !!!".woes Wes M AVER'S Sarsaparilla Is superior to all other preparw- tionsclatmin to bebiood-purifiers. First of all, because the principal ingredient used in it is the extract of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla root, the vanetTest in medi- cinal properties. Also, because Cures Catarrh the yellow dock, being raised expressly fur the Company, is always fresh and of the very best kind. With equal discrimina- tion and care, each of the other ingredients are selet ted and com- pounded. 1t is THE superior Medicine • cent. A difference between a knife blade Ise - tag its temper and • woman u that the forester becomes duller and the later more cutting. tier tat. et ort .ale's Boer -- W. ,ao but think it is : The ottani south 1. oozes But .e re wenn to her mill! As article on how to mit down graeddly, which is sow being run to • oo•sidorebls extent by the papers of the coeMry, ie per, Ocularly timely. "What extrsvgo.oe, to boy your wife with as expensive rise" "Oa the contruy, sine. .ke ism got .t ebs has bought 0.1y half as many pairs of skives." Teacher -What pert of speech is pimp - grape ! Big boy -A noun of the feminism gender. Teechr-Why feminine ! Rig boy --Because it always talks back. H. tallied et tows in • •.otters ; It wee kis hwM.t drama. Sot he formes tk. awl„! wawa (1 h.•41.. it M stalks. "Won't you try to love me*" 1. pleaded. "No, ldr. Adams, 1 cannot," she answered "I ma not over -strong, and my physician has advised me not to do too mech." WHO CAN RESIST +►+e because it is always the same in appearance, fiat or, and effect, and, being highly concentrated, only small dust's are needed. It is, therefore, the most economical blood -purifier in existence. It Cures makes food nour- ishing, work pleasant. eep SCROFULA refreshing, sl and life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in the system and expels them harmlessly by the natural channels. AY'ER'S Sarsaparilla Fives elasticity to the step, and imparts to the aged and infirm, renewed health, strength, and vitality. VCR'S p� Sarsaparilla �ars) apr a r i l l a Sola y d inVriW t tkrice M t is basis.. Ss. Coro ethers, will ore yes TEMPTIF4G PRICES Fraser 8L Porter's A lite of Memorandum and Counter Books, LI, 10c. and 2Oc., u•I price, 25c. and 50e. A job lot of Notepaper and Envelopes at half the wholesale oust. Over 500 boxes Al School and Business Pena, for 10c., 16c. and 20c. a box. Family Bibles at lees than half pries Any piece of Sheet Music (not copyrighted) for 5c. Music Books for almost nothing. Clewing Bale of Fancy China- -Cups and Saucers at • sweeping reduction. _; • t ea kVs trerverse an.dnees. •• I walked from the cap.tol ;o his hotel eitb t onerel Butler a few years ago," 'eye .;spta•u Belknap, "and •hen we were sear ug the N.tttn...l Hotel, the general, wise!• ling along to • leetde bet determined main• .er, etun,b;ed over the extewled wo.o.leu leg .1 • man situs' epee the euie..alk mellow sad pencils He ...alit have talism if I lied sot caught hits. Turning to the poor fel ow (Teneral Butler said : • How much cam .ow earn selling lead poeci!• from now until .udnight!' The enpple reepead"l, ' 1f 1 save gaud lock 1 will make ift or 30 tent ' " .t.tler pulled . silver dollar '7114U 1.1s ineket, ended n to tis. p.".r Jello+• .wale sold : ' 1 mH give you 11 • day 1•01:1. 1 remelt' in 'own it you will keep nese «.•nfonoded .ended leg o6 of the sidewalks until 1 am :nee.' And thee, as we started .,u up the .t.'oet he turned to 0.0 and "old : ' Belk - 4p you enjoyed thus inceleet as match as I did sad you might, el least give the pow -evil. all donee.' Aad 1 elides' Facetious Friend -Well, have you .•d your wife yet settled as to who . to b. .peakr at the hoses ! Voris husband - - Ilot yet We e'sdiy eccapy the chair to - Airy Geode Gales --Clerk-How shall i mark thee. goods! Old Tarred --Just figure oat 80 per omit profit and add seven odd Dents, so the women will think it's • b.rpis. A (Bowe( 8xsmple. --- Protases l omnis• i.g .1... i. physical -The pressure of toadies at rets abed for... (.eve an ix- ampla, Jonas. Jews las observant whaler) -The police fere*. A man killed . bog da Check ( ;maty nod Mee . IN gold pies as the i..ide. All the rehears n that section have sines go.. to stock raising. We have always said that there is messy is hogs. "Jenny, you haw left the doer epos. mad we btusg the told sir bmte the bons." I can't kelp it, ma I'm playing this room'. • street ear and I'm the conductor. 1t would soma rod if the doer was left .Ms" Mrs (Jomley (reading► -A [crop... . me.tht ha. been listening to the •rocs d • /y throne a010T05 075 He says it e sed" very much 1ihe the neighing el • horse. 11r. Oawley-Perhaps it was a herm•dy. "Dill Toe hes el Hadge's splendid leek with bar wadding premets r N.: were they headroom. Hamlin* r I Mould ay ear Yoe knew Madge W • great ea'sy wealthy friends, ad mob eon *oat her • tea of seal." Amey -lo yarn ..aspMd Me. Thorpi.v Imo sight ! I taught re odd me yea "lids% e we fr him . Yana" -What was I u do ! He was reuse a my shams. and W Iliad one all right, thus he proposed I W either to romps et 1511 dews. Te Imitate Both Parser-C)dMr--Be yea 'sem M 1M as M P. whir yon grow big, Tommy ! Poluteiri s 'mu row - -Yes; Ill* pa Other -Theeou ve made ego your mild Hob • great of talkie( t P litesime'. yesgsul- -Yea : 11he ass. Brow. (swotlarly► Yeti i as ■p to my saes i. b.saasea (bray -Wel, tare. a /eager yue'tl ever get ever the-, Deers, mw a kit of Mager. And Ow pets W thumb M tied W ..i "tam. W glee t Wadi tib Arm ria a ham Iahr-ar td tie FRASER 8& PORTER, L.eeI asasa.e. Weil Tele/demo fib DR. WOOD'S Booksellers and Stationers. REQUISITES OF THE SEASON Cold Cream with Vaseline, Notbloyt bwfto•► for chaps and Writatlent .. Vaseline Camphor Ice, 10 cents, Davi non s Witch hazel Cream, Our Acme Cough Drops, M.wte ItrosIt a 5 eau • eecka s. Black Che Balsam, ,' , t ,. orway Pine Syrup. awl lashrare�IM10. edtie Fee wwele�li frets aid kalria A ifi. 04r 0U POR OOUONB AND COLD do. sol si TN AT. BAOON NIALw - INF �� >Mid guiseDISUSES. Oteraste .le lids /wag I.O. ani M.. pPIM 1111011%.• ono ev sat s•trotwss. -0 ITT - coal AND wood jet t�=a Coal. Wood and Kinfiling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. rry The ..WS reliable tweet owe. Our Cherub's Honey Cough Cure, ixoeo..t far eeeg.. outdo• croup, etc. . i• oi►ildr... tie. All The Leading Patent Medioinee. Prescription work a specialty. W. C. GOODE - Chemist. LALL TRADE air whbk we .re new In BUILDERS' SUPPLIES _ that mute es eta" In FENCING MATERIALS ZAPS) handle the beet grade of Lard one! le the m•r►et, vie : IN New York. ntat*rte k Waiters Railway Coy'e •'ei.erated t.nrkawoaae 'Valley Deal in fnnr .lava Tie • Caeetaet, Nowa, tag and Orate. 00.AL.Beet sae Lem. Ceal for use 1. ewes sieves, lerwlemmase4.. S.. B� Idt� la sen iatgtsesberrh IU - • .04 ewers so bead. ae•sld iota - tan elves to misery trade. WOOD...d spilt weed. M albs .ad 2 fret Issue always (. meth, Gert femme thea 1 GM settles weed. est and split. es ebasp e s 700 em b lose weed es the nserkot All my woad 10 sold to the tori elf j! fern or belt rad Iola WOOD •cd sett. Ig imbue lay. WIWI 11 boa settled to m7 wmmNrppad mei e el weed sari • new tea weigh seals. All wd horsed se -se t ismesad O),Itre, YAMS Alt, Coll. Suess i• aid drill dish, Na1ama•.4, loot 1 Ham- ilton -.t TURBID CAM. PAINT and OIL see deet tidbit you haw sot gall is 1 want meytMet tame w' d.p•rtmeit. 1.111. 111 .bees she asrryi•s the met owwplste bee In 1* m•uc7. No des goods allowed is tbe etses rut ieaer•1 hard ware deck Y met eemps.te and well bontk' Our areas seen et testees sed we your petroe•aw. JOHN B. PLATT, Prfr4 R. P. WILKINSON & Co. NOW T.A BOOTS : AND :SHOES FOR INSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING, Oe. Sasha and Nowa P.8. -The latest and best designs for Winter wear hist to hand. NOTIOE TO THE PUBLIC. We have jest received a vary .ivies lot of NEW TEAS! ase BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS Whir we guarantee M ilii! M head 10 Cents per Pound Cheaper Than eaa be t from tpedes. A trial oder will v nc.WmesellhheeubO1FTei1e[iha>ra oa. eoS- REES PRICE & SON. ti