HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-9, Page 1TiM miTi - • ,,;,o,` i 1. ".. ° .w 1. k.;i K.�" Yet f �•t- r'!' i f ♦ ' ,.fi t,"�r ' . .�. ;y' '- . is ., n )I ..;,, ;4 , 11P.11�t 1F x �..-..�..�•.�r.�.A.M,w�r.,�'.� — ...,►•„uses 1 1#1-. -.. ' ems^" 4 *. r A=' L" . � 1. plass„ rat s - - - -- - YOUR LABEL tMfotesed.l wallie a A sen. Dmaie.r ., r 'nlu I ZbFMs alt. a Yom^ �1 � -I ` V, I . �� �, T — . i ' A IS OW steel! o M� p/lr !Susi _. - - iT- -.1'.. , TH33 OFFIOIJlLI. 1�T�W ., „r ,;x VOL. XLv. __ _ ���x oa �rcrRoi.�• �.�.� V -,.-. No. 2598, (30DF.k1C , _ CTOVNTT_ r. --------________ H, ONTARIO, CANADA. TH URSI) - FEBkUAkY 9, 1888. _�� D. MOGILLIC sora NARY SEWARD'S ley --_-_- _ __- p is- _ UDDY, p ` even w1th mfr user debt b pay, we 13tabe, ►epeesawtad.isrl -- - .beaiw ►aiMdly deaery ser bxabiw °41°"rdta[ b In Hw had a wvUoy IDEA OI'' CANADA. , op "e& glo, h'a •Di�""�' • ��° (P�nr�e ; �,,.-KY.•�I•I k....n HOW THE FARMER sold mania It weald be topn.ibl.lett `. vee p m*r npaa lacreese t. pop tial b« ormma»rcia! end tl.@.d b' re r, da wwclb to Mr. Sew&r1a1. SABBATH .)GHOUL WsmNed that ('aa"& u* atiltes •creel Y' muwt werhodtu. He knew that i WAS as p� wea°nipdora dtraKs w Sat ke sed karAre y Y sed Last Intl aybtetu, rdesk adtrirvr al time great deweLary, Lint IS FLEECED. f«tem b nerd a Short tla,e std we wotsw �� 'i°°.IY br1 gad valuable rtaeral aero grsdu&UY betngY.amtlalod Lo our own, I arrartl a°atred bis u, alae n•Siwe bdt•or pvior. Wbds apwkty xw Iharteafa, bet M aeoiered tet !rhe must °Reply bsoaws t),e Y wuoatt.wto1860af Itat(;uefp6!ably to retereew li l+aaiing •' A BiiStRs>rn(;IIitl[a ft3rfalpp Oi gt� have a lar IucreMue la latioo Itelore Ices F P°t'Nle wear beoolult/g C'hloagu Y • President ul o•a.lid&le of t1N' theme dere�ol,ay 1M'Pr .gli•h and more Anantumn in spirit, Rw ul.lacan t aattla aeeaatg wMdulel by lingfaed, exal br- arest quMUon, fes .Lia L could Las secured ; that , awumwat, and separwon ; that Automation restst iluueeo y o»Ilstateuoa� fthis urea, i m.a Fraaklsrd, of Toroww, Ytd it seas • 4L t plc. etre awld ant sell rrrw w bur leaved! walla I i pmA pq & Colborne Farmer tllaktlta i bead. as Mot alt• lormen of this grass �u�t=Aon and )� ftrall ` '-," Apt et • Profit sed ,toa,p,te with F lanrl. Dort Ile work RraarWlr Int a It sensed giro me great pl..a ns" to !cora legal DOty " SA► ae f r uaetof Ibis so i wad Oe( I p ear sell tt b us Whlb w °t'rtl+y, to l i.A Mr. Seward derived rNwe Y N, the fulurw of (en.•f• � sVt�ement. eve. CLEAR CONC$PTtON OF THE del a Plaesd &s 1opd,of t ortulact.iw frvtu tar fact that (++arL 1 tdlae 1 in He kaS,r� • Jlrty reel wed gsly snirthy eta ilaai..l CASE r Pan rt. Hli called the atbat,uu dmf Md (orloal a eus fro cell sot • at c..tive; troNly J°'ured tM putitteal ua+ee /iweraa.eot. 1 dw't tkwk they took mma 1W %Lase `Jenad.arr ro the (act that in (aemcla coal and„•, whnce Was deeutmd b ma lu,h, b rtes l .i to $tatava send (wit' t,armtl woaLt I THE CUE OF THE AGRICULTURIST stock to thus loyalty d ('verb. It ,wtmd boa Larne !send Doty to New Rrumawic►and Cwarlama Y g ora ho plwtd La obtain wy sew iolorm•ttor 1• tiefr owe oottvweleS,ae w wtiAelule our net• 1 A VERY INTERESTING (iATNERINQ ewe"& ww a salla Tae ouwrrr4vr : aloe, Irwn thus IoW reward W the yor.ti.n. L•em raw d chimer e a t. &d Ileal �ho that each Provos* Was w antral its own do, and they wen bound w do so even ►1 head& cesmd a*t Aesrdrs aN laeeeta aso1,011 )u. snRAtATtote eve TairOnoNTSIT wm' &&roue thneugh • F'aelisment os BENMILLER Tea luteus 1. tM7 had to aro ii on the trumped up chores err owe enplte a%&” N sr Liu» of its own creation, fur lie 1"ls ! UbndMrVped All •Mas ire Tee roreaa"s eve• \ mob t!M ►armpol wee escb that ,t wY anlikely Mat ea reread frowt oar nwa rte rt+w.odsl Uwe -ift,w sae• wrat.ber Leas f tk&t pw ca peeuanau ea.eief roarer .r 1 les sleprlomseee.e� rasadswa aearpeU. would Lar found else,r y lost tt wvu;J edawte rho people to m I t.aa (Lm..tw, tsttla Now. let w hr.ealw�k MtiM•a ♦w Wn•r Iteee. nabst thea JP ass F'Aar 1', ruttAxt. .a Felker, lately *'Ma sada& rvoammsw wbas roe r sm last fe aiaartLeseays amatsp aivttar• Irgr q iwtt leen Lwwl m llraatohma sed • iM44OIr"a to & kfrger ttpriere thea •wry or aaedamm at what at Onela to be so ver In)&I w the Arre vee rarr,� . trot •aunt couocnl, wall t nwtvwd frI— !Itch' ao, ,tor by sbr tars e/tlwelp~ay Mother Ciountry, df•t w sb.a rsfuw w w Ttwe yarcbYel • imrnoer /.e. • Mw Ise tssftwr tris emw- •we she eNasrw dew aiansrrs eeylaJ. yamlit] of tea! •t tM eYl.riu haw f the 1 •et:aras tt ant ealY n- reicwr t wyt� acre fatwi is Htllrt t. doN tr �, Tr.rht.e," •• ■svf t4 K Ft Kky Sluuntrnus, asJ bitununow arl oar mews` all J.ngv Iln&t • a.a.nrrchutel (:ov- Tr1th dew frNN rdas•o- •Mouses heel wonept mareetric recd rlectsr„olty rub tb• I '► 1'atmrwuver lwiandl; tbu Emigl•nd witdoaL Ko.aeat wovtJ ever be es"Ished w Neth HRAct t'Attt s FRrt,:xu. - Xavier UwvA• weatattee eve ttsa tr.r. �• In comparing time Samuel that eN AM She Trrpe,sa," Cate," •• TM cel would carer lave statdiab•d ba• Arnenn•, should (aaad• bwautmte ea tide ler, of the Fe)la rectae b tittering neer could be rewrtved for lM tmrtidl,ace tit •nee Vlerb r wwra dad bwtmeat-ala M- /• tt'. Rhea /w \rw York ltd Pewlent :hate, bat iL &cured a (:uveremeat 150 bead of cattle 14r winter om .his two -= buedred-acre farm is to Amuce of dustiest lernuf.cwring induerliee, asd that a sew farm•. \\'e 1+ [�tOIIN At TBR THE LATE SKURId- a'uatry aPluaout Dual weld eaa f°PuW�e nn forri in all .*Senor! ton, urea bear that he 1r Nein w im rt with the prlos renetvel a ('sorb we tied - \J ditCioull i gtet He assertnf that t'an•dla Y • 1001 Noataaia Ghee w stock Lar tares To the Editor or THt Hall We rewire Lary flowes,i had a,rlP"i the par Y someeolt(ully eat&blreiag mea Irrt art tM seat iaaunrr. P Pas 85W kwaofabout 3O per cent. leve )LIA)WINI; I -S THE RJWORT OF cA..e ..( Alaaks, tun lab !ieo.,a,r fee' un••g Industrlr. upon a large.euwle ie C'nnted Stator would •hare um all the r.lvnn• 1R,- OUR TIME AGO YOU IN. to LM amerkets f (,aa•tta than we would to the fAu,g.°m a and Nile& .0, toevea Foote. of V.•nnout, iuvlted time How. Jobu wlni+muuoo with i:&gbed a the l;altad L'"R°s of ,ser Immrawe horde market aawf nn nil i Rwsuvtia. -Mr• Bllraley boo ramowmrj to \ wiled your redden w give their I M° Sbw it tet wket MY free ; sed la 1 tion MLI at lout,gasawt on ti'edse♦. Siamp•'or, s Senator s! the 1).u,1•lw f (sae Stares, tenth of whom have an unlim,ted tAr beacon to !a derame i hwu the iu,meatee I Hulktt un the (aro. Ltely pttrehaned fiesn ►►►"`.. JJJ view* with regard to Annexation boking over tbe Trade end Now, 6LKo Ite• day, !eb 1 oda. 4• I mott atm ed is to ugtorg sed ,be srtrply well dutrabuted ovK each tto0atr "artery of (me *•tura) pro.tuctrons ; that + tM gr,r -a,.-- Hu ,"n J, erph wall lamull &od tM oaoadl,nun art the Country is gm*r•l, sere' [or toe year ending Jrue 30th, 1892, y the vwlue u( her nateray ur esse/enra xuu),I the o{d hwr.stdrd, rrnl, it ►wpt*rts are true, and I have Meo Prrirntiv waiting to see Tax txr'olm or AGRI, t'LTf tAl. Puoavd es M, ext" NrMION. dtmpwu lrhu dlrcl is 18ti41 „rg&e,mel the He resm.rked that. owing w thew ser (hatarw ll.ok of C,asadr will • yrali,v of oar ctrl, Nova dr,tN teal Jt.l M,e be a the mtrcy of our !eg�sl•uns ; that I w' 11 seen bring M.ne .t PsrtnM. The ,le- some of Ing fellow fornterta,seams N, the (abet (:aevantioo re• ujreeed wild rm/igiose sit- aapttal of ti1,00p,00p which wY sibrmil **I gn "eat n( tlttebec ; that It a dot Lha* v1tle ul iter Ifshe,te* woul,l tor• imu.eeee. swrtun of tM family wJl be mucA mired arwi glue !!telt rive. As ase• of chem dont &tuaarntel to 00.707,000 &ad 30 pre K'cism lttore oo'l to 12,01(0,000 nod he becenw at. almt,uld he Placed upon ctrl Ly (+srdn, ,� IY averm&oecl : trial her grot mineral ro /rw,t ,.ser slx,&l gtrcl•.. done so. I will endeavor m self to la be Beat of Lha, &mount wcwld bo =15.212 100 Tb* Bot part d tM program was ria loree it farther west, her owe people weld sruroe• would be r y w� ; fors u Y y ddLn ti -at the fanners ..t ton l►um,w,w presi,l•OI. icNawr F,Ats wY 011e at LM lar •pill der '%%rML%T it' (nil. I'aVrIll I",ae Y ver reader• the w,wditlw of the farm- ,ehdalb Oe the Old'• Wa•) wlltad:riben w Its (oPrta), to the ei he compelled I., pay It : that a Lax les eel itrR ARAI" tA,' Faehe ,,sea t,owgAt nn •all btatr In Pef hdea M w,Jer tt/e OI Mtleg ■fat& Ul eltrin• ire • OQC hartng a free nirf keg le LM reports f the vari,"YI .•. bet of X90,000, and held hu •Lack until hie would wori,.uoly emlrlram live ,millers &ad TM estate 1• • Lt „r, there Min Now, wttb regard La tae yuwulw of annex- -'hated Nut only that but thew lora 30 per disid ebor►iag that the majortty of the Ya world be occnpud sed cnitavrtei ;her seat- walla on the prtntt�aw! reef a.*t the •um� of cast also tem whabver sa..unt .,I their pro cabana &re ie a duadh Tire two Se,rture core leuarrte °L°am `'oassb oM tAe laked and oven, Y K wen ty red ; &Lane itself I think the mrlortty of the fal7e- prosperous dwrtdltnon. trtea'Ir fur a quarter of • century. %% bv„ well ase bar manufacturer, wad that she lar Pra t'er waterways w- 07000. He entered ma pow•ses*tox, uu the Ist era tate vary little stuck ie tt ; tt r dune wY reouleed for hours oronwmption, TM 8r*t riJrar m the pra,gry„ wY In W' hrugt.,& Seaatur Fwata invited MI. must always buy oorlt, ccal asd rot,oa from bar rat)oaY mrleapS Isq dfy in at January We wish him macoeow in bo panty tthhoey� newt, and i( Pw to► it r • well knows fact that oar tq&tt*r by John MoLnae, the tat titmp-,Il to call With him, upon wars,ary the 1?s1Lw1 orates• He reminded Ott hearen Or-&" : the 9t- Irwr°oce river Ievelop*d dew venture, which a -little different from that, togetilrr with �°y *sae sewn wAether the 1'rodm►ea u ioteMJtal (or a�pwt tverin bjest t of 9ewar He wY IMttv,Jeued La the that the anhar o u b Ito utuboain our oast I :icer .hipptuN www what be by Puaoe. hey arm live me 'nil w Lreglauul, or ties 8t .las, or for bottle Uang•mrroa 9. ttd'bool. TM tuhjeet wY lrvtre. pLoert p..n asthrvcttw akwa Ie our coaecitmg ur.te on ,M eraao,uld whatbusinlie - ha usl t to. ui Ivan �r ��ted sed MPPY under the o1,1 Y '• Wb Are We ifae,.. tory Y an wnfamt and true friend ul the ""°I t" pretest 1u F,trchYr by hiockade Y well Y un ti,e t•kra : the y. fid 000wmptwn the forever ha• La take what- Y He gave the fol - Y under any other. i have knows else to Unite) Started sed Y use who believed am 'shoe++ during our civil al "mooed PK am Ila uuSl when. _ Lha tout sell moods over Wage u Prevatliuv at the Lima he puts lowing reawe 1. Becaw we ale v & tr►mat La Mr pe pie of wen, dyy _ P groat pretentious it on tM market , sed the owrven of the worker have •work to do, and thst erort L dad dstaral t.a polititial I.t1ee el the U*It m°°aveaeaoe,o tM Iatanulatitaewm of l .!used, and that 1h lartrwStn"Oul ie iter OutwloRmlScrRwamillrr. N/aOW ovster sup o oy��ad -ho. in fie lu*iWa of A n awned i d l3tatas dad Csarla To. futwrw of C;••• aria : that b procure the lowest ppaoceert pu par O.F., will Y y differs•t bars of railways sed atermshipe very aeaponsib".tbvtruatng upof rMyoalh- ad& wY fully ,yid freely dtaa*w,,d by ,lie cart u the p••oduoPtion of masefacttrd p'1 lattw would cause an increase is tM be field in the Fmllb`en' new !dell. at Ilan- tog thrmselvea osd their t&LaAw i w ,M that ►n eumaged in handling what produur we an h*re to receive and import help to lbs vn are ol all bar fitted ievstme*ta 11r. miller. oa tee evening of Friday. Fc F. 17th. s e:ported w the Brltrb market geiereUy 9- s- work. :• Fs.o.u.e w love lbs work three histhmea. Mr. ti*wwrJ kneww*U gonia and the bagiteot pdveubla grade of Sewnr.I ptedncte.d that tAe Je,rl., 9i+taa. bot see artil tlry 1tr1 cite&casted diet it wY 1N ,!icy f (:rest Retain b workmoashtp tbaTe must die • oywematia oar aoetb•rn St&ua ueJcr i*taUigpeiitcwi(rs amll�natraan ural mumal� 4th of yoeat w�h rho' dito wt.taa�•. woirA .,nr co,au ~ w� to regulate the amount. of ,A•ir ex. sed ter howU arc to time work &std we love uwtte Knumb North America under divimmm n of labor ; that Saab a division me,� ltd toruarw r ,bat lbs pride the r ulmtor La see the teerk r nee tart labor w..u:J tr nae of th,e 000nnterc,ml weak& "; who *hi tM pec Pro'Ps 3• It a our dtty tlaversawt, dad that thin wY Ohio the do ewly he ma�,anPiNhOd m loguee, etc.. two been pr,-p,&eO,l, An,l the ev- We ahowld not tbink of &norxatioo roti! we produce r ewbled w offvr to be ban. If we do our duty to the work , 1&_L aaWtdid• dere ol tM wI veld, and that war tucrasse In eainq iwoo,isr b Lase a ,try wjoyrble nwa had tried tarry vacuo to &acid it In m tie farmer r just about the &=Oust of the sea ase rot help being se000Wfti, 4. It im min of the (;owwmuwt all consgn. H• arteats : that to secures w the coauumarx the denote b the suture wooer lar erwr.! that Sa r win: Lin wit Ito a &w in o11•cmedt•g the noes. two. &t a fur profit oo the ort of Ptvwluc of the at PPe be tarred from b b 7 o'clock. 1 R y duty tam than the priowa prevuliang is ell our privilege b ix here, 6 We Doss to Pa Addressing kimcelf to Mr. The finable ud .tent the leaden of the (i►maer- Amer " mi&rket R'e haus ft a tho !le tine sen h tau two tittm&turtl roar ('amuL taw, for market must be prewrrm wiU coe,nmreuv at °►live part] anode timer La import koowlmdpm and tevys ►aege etrougb to t4ntpenn, by trak&kly cud that pmlittn&! u,.i• T' wthurity ol A. J. Tltomps,a, •earetary of Peg that we aatq Law rim better abL M Would coak&pk:e Ibe burcbw-* of the claiau • maintain • sufficaust Dome: o/ each s• L•sns SHerrsxT ur \t'odH. Jeros I:lerl- af the IiuJrdiw Bay Cos ie Ra are sew, the t Baine t ly d a t of t.anode, attd •user oas•T euee•at the 1k"vell ee Uwe Stock Aeaagruns, mad oo the work of tie S nobabi. Q WS ppenaar is tabhshmeed w cread • hesltny eompetiuos that he a.osr earmeeLly dmsind it. He ,mill hiU, irvr the lleeaarUrr wselen mill•, chip. Ladd. ill that UnLob l;olsnoboa woold ' among :he producon : that it would he poli lost week 100 ba when they refused w am -OPS unrwletcad oD• of the prioatpal cattle akipp•n of an to rwi+e taLtru•/be. 7. We maw Lha a iaft*leratiod. lir leeward said freak that tt would remo a the amaveeo owe, Idler! Ise. of anal mg ovK te* re i It with the Stated, Y that w l &uWa 1r an interview with & MAiI re Mise beaisYa tM Mete u dare uoptr sit, Poll c•wAnA. to immiuce irritautw between 1{n lammrt cwt toes sed wbmch fillet tbrte os & b mi whole- PrOC Y taw to help r ly that he tarclms*ri Ala*ks La prevalet ite the United Sr R Mote firm is Hamilton. TM above WAS ell be the surest mea" o! securin the prospe Parer he Yid : He could have cattle trout in the d. d. wort. 8 lvt- •re hen b. muse to ate* : that the PW@*e1x a by Eaalaad. dverwby pn�*,4fl Itrigll4i d tr to foreign woks . wl,er by rmri"W the Imeru&late, the 1 e s e( wW "S loot yror's clip and presented • nuc ny Ity of the people of (:&aria and Phu, avoid ()btarn0 bid down mt [,"ton for five dollvrs the Holy Sprit I. here N. suit htm and b the exa iwx ec usgbw !neat floe a tAe B d ur the l stead Surae lural eve a.or°, delay the development of b�a&tarw! re. tae d r,�t�m PK bond !es Man mt Montreal and could Partake of the Holy' thug's m( God and re th..t if Canada •stem :1000. The of is a waexation. NOW, Mu .tutee '1ltrttu tree u; ;air, m.r%c a he Ixliered tt would plod le (.vee caporal eturtxs : she Inv beyurd the Mrdar• o/ thio fnWs*l,i wad 11ves ft+ilial'O ga space os the ASSstere of the Atwn veal then& auto man •troegthen Amwncen trmllneaos is Rriu.b tow mmautotaWnaig udwtriw b • mor• mprul she arPeadrd in P forest .md boimnrvhl Y ovcryow" helrovw can [loft for 36 or 40 @billings heed ill tM di*errwnon that followed the piaet Y prot*c- -fly public works, ur,leae °he had %*¢ureal Outsiders cut have a fair idea of the ann"nar him t , be, would not, i think. wiUaliy be when the Cased an lies per of Int wY Nrvon t t toll Ne- Also that Cdum4ami J at wY (mouaJr.i on the north Y rive tanff, wathuut a vary large increase na each w Iamtxemae u of bnelnebe done hen 1 this lar p 75 ur 60 Y we" as can the south the (:sited : a. her owe pe,pulauou Y )Met," men, y ,rte chi •. guilty of 00 gore a aid N defrauding a lab shillings. This y a sample of the Holy Spirit wad rket. send tAat sh.wid hY teW. lite .1i t ooYrnoers sew{.d the exload,tan. the Inert doe witch a only the wrplw of the lost orvr of hu wags. sad yet that is Line twit be & gtuat •neo Be Gegw by /IeocribioR. {x nhiirlw,i to Pry the adraaw is prloe caw t Ply all wr,ulJ 1 year r put chase. of cite policy he rlcaw,taa Tin (*refer in THr I t aCRrtca ports tHR ►wsxsR uragow.ent to the fattbful ell by %Am lncremm4 duty. Ha atfirsnal eO°�u iovolvod tet J etre aLbatpted La Ora IG,Apx AWD Rival The diff. .t Jrat an mach eo Y any other is and the way be is me& toed w0/kK. tells-v4nA Aw A •:AaTxw that is our —pots with the (Jutted States is reetin •laborer, ' 1&rRe and '*Standy '"crwl Subsidies to oew[e g g pa,hanattto•r* &king the retain read, after the the counter, aad hu only WILL•te 1. toy Cme•dufa Mn- & J. peettasa, of Ilangannoo, took ,. u.arket the oast of Pr' runway ooa.,raoxiou the pries imditatiowa &nal ply !or haw Inysit� w the r. him Subject • How to raise the Standard z along Oar &v* & rm (rostrauor. too lost iK to prodmatn.n WwIJ bread neem ee p,l etorws, turned oat their noes to he receives fur the prodavee oe hu farm, and Mother Country, asI et r frla tb to here aa] ial,efwat Strength. wood fly decre se' e,w Fe'lltmy, (''Mow'& to 'Marietta the i*Cot of , over egleal, it would mild La ►*vel tAe pi,eh•hwlea, which hart if he s Die Y Pe'oP%s i i wooder o/ S. y. '1'eachloc." The fatthfal tsober ill"- than all, that it wY already practic. h r aril! w meet asci Rovero rev wlthuth t eery is- made tow- pe ival of UIe " wh:{e of slung sae him grundtitiog 000mok"ly. Now, I must real e* thegreat responsibility of him dth ease u the twot chine cover impttawftle, The itwttltaA r fila a�noe is wy awarket wMrebv he me have shown that a farmer on a hundred acre position. All eH•,rt put t.rth in N. S, work ally broken lit rmaeT plmics tint. by the of prn+tuctnn here. He tlxwgbt tM outdo dt ponditR inerea•e of revroue : that every ia- fn.xen over evK where imcruaw ba state of Mane, which cxufinerci&dl cepa far Sit extaeeivr °tram re tettatine could drt.s rnLaadieg sem- 01,nnld be • np:dy and if the thaw profit& by even Doe dollar he is farm would he the laser w the amoust of should have [ave iu egeet the optvenica of tuwmaface"eu dna 00 in mf►rsmte from her. old that throme Sewn arra mtirA damsRe abng emp(y defrauJel of that ouch of hl• w !1582 mot had to roto. lir ddrntiowe Provlamo•a (min : (muada, either Y • depesdeucy f (lrtmt R the hooks ami be tFrr aged by R • free annrket is the tM hildrem mu/f the bu.ldfa op o(• par her preStrt popu4tiai* who wan !ewer rt y rvult µ'e hove It <alrtmijrly beoonis • done serious mortar `tats aM4 beads that would have rho md• teat (blati&n char..xer. A Rperfea•< m0000dly, nt lbs beeadwy lin, between (las• Britain or Y as independent republic. with tache} La her iastitatioee would tease her heard that to other miler out mi lar plocs the flSshet in when it At"Oul a up W the huwiretfa, Y y wastage of being able b boy his efanufae- for tM tewaharo t" u i boom Ont., h h the stem! dad eel the (rasa I�f l°tTM� tM peawlauom, wY far and mme ro m : that the yours ambitious pard sed mltcb Jamage a. rated, by b4iw- %be done wham he u deprived f ♦tree w• tared articles cheaper. If not. why mo mach of the ttamt MYter�Mt givenlighi the life antaatotum wbreb exabd betwete the° prnepent] of the K• ing qp tM Ice to Y to np*en • ehanmmrl. Pdw- ked (tx Lau prbdoae is the St&te. &od wild kickis on the People of the two ,wince• : t Meadlau le was Ja dad courageous native bare ('seulism, who ha a /eIr c R part of the emaufaatmvro ! objOe a which wrr.wrle l him. To @sowthe ed P^ thirdly by the Poop Pawllrnt chsAy npda tart ps burgs o[ dynamite might ave the aid of •few 6Rars I think I opo prove i think M wonlJ be ►ble to are from barred ween axteuding trP,m the neet wad of MW Prow Of fish, white piss sed wheat with • deal of bridge anti other property, and we that what I claim u right. Now, i! Z b $100 om the amount of is tbs work m o raroot heeffst drat Lac (;*Wglas Ry w the ka I River, ntd fourth bar'•y and peas added m Oaurio, and a%". r"' It Marx AN13MIAN THAN SalThte, nve this hint to titre in auth-.rimy. for the fwrew will take the trouble to look mit the btl d.nM w g0`Md, he hY La made. 1. Lena of awing the ot•wlard of !y, 4y the R s:kr Mnuut&ien, which Kpa- hay anti potatoes in the lowK p rnvlat)1a : dad who h&d ao old Mwitland i. rwri' morkrt r e ] R Yw. A farmer has Rot to K 8. ging might ,,taut of M. S, armeef. rate Urittah Colsmhta lever Rupert's Lod. that the area ill wh/Cfi fruit enrid be wn aper dam patens° rvl•Litto, with the Pro L • " wicket) " pt its in any' of the city papers at exceed Y much for mwulaaured and other o river duria • _ pan the markets articles on which tMre u • duty Y antop t f tM tamclton to impart plane for Be also oiseenbad 1'aam1la Y s fn d sew 1°rJ �O vr. who were roe+pelMd to R Lai trwltet. tM pressor tits* arxl moa n°�avv�yy arggOe ,scall : tbat uorn could! not leu ,ea- .Stk flet Ibeir own futon. would ave beet, ; of the large cities of the 'states with the other claw of cat ixon. sed bee la° he wi11 O*A'yag a the wmil. 2 To b&ve a rrgular rttloHnamte a1wnN per m,rthera b.iunrluy. aaastelly rayed eaoept to a lana ll 1 •rtHw of trate to leave her. In addition, be read that ' BRUCEFIELD AND LONDON ROAD. market report of 7'nnnLa a Mo*Rraol, hs dee.! La purohw waeually at 1•mSt nae hue• we the tM MCxfor the ..y ay of the lessor ge a.wrted that the c mnsrcisl enders* a u( llbI- sed. rhe"""um, tbat (At a,a enWW when she lost her populatow by the Sturges- from ear nwa erre• ",•ma,, Will notice the diffirerioe. 1 Will teeth• .'deed dollen earth od tarmiag implealeot• rho tim th 3• Viaiti°r of tie Mar.Liate Province• m lJ always be 16Wsever O°ntPpe with ne to the Pnwinctaoe, tten of bar ones sass dad Jan hterm, de ,e Raw. lir. !len, her articteo as the f011Owin list that m t &add took* of one kind and coo the wPe��d°at y A with our twrth Atlaatfc States, while those wmla is foreign diaries P Paan Mme bngna his regular R thtr,ow clot ie private uuminaras .f each iadiridttal ge nm1.) that oM wY d of win.rl toad. CWIOU is flied investments would ours),] aerrier &Iter a K.en itlMeeb. Hu meay tlprcsret tM prtxlaoe o/ nor Ann.! d- ithy re,proe also hI hY dam La bear of (ln*Aec wuaw be with tAe four u/rthewe owawon O to nm [ follow, or b wou1J make it suU more tUf• friesda we glad La bear of It am }ant. and ctHnpa►rs the tt' rant° of the cls*, by the trrlur to see how ,Hunte New Veaslend titatw : That the isterwts of fowl w �ho pork and t,reoT a,wumed la fello for Aer w chola t imi ll manta from pries Lest Lboa by shaft of the borders of taaauas, ProRrsn hY been Prdr. It mi ht w seal) Ootano weld !s with New ,York, IKio sd Mr lawltmr Amps, and also tau Dorn non- wear tM ben : Alb Aikeubead visited ser village !w*t could be reoeivei if we h:d a free rnmell is I To look at the position of the farmers of Irk change the teachers at g Miehlga•, whtk thee* d BngSb C)be* -aa , that the commwreial inter wesk- the States with the prices that IT Rat for ( +nada from the brightest aide Prritonbr flames . °•irr•ed n ,he mnollfacture of alcohol. Mr, este o! ldritiei (blambaa In one P&ci6e The km the dame WsoiAle I Toe wperittendent.h,wld have & bisi idmsi Would Ile with 8Swwd called the atteatioM nl hu ace in (awed&: one f'aeiee demtes: AtaSU bearers States wouw P°raOOa:sann it booming of peer. Pi rd thidk tt amantat two mush wurK ten At lM of the importance of kis work. that the laterste of ea ovioo, y b•dlato +*•sten et et, wad a hie _ _ _ Canadian Amorle•u ptroeeut time. We have b d to•Itwndnr, the b rtes last that tkve R cry ysr sed alF N teuk&se ma �� r pr that . ptptLuoo of the Unit• far exceed! her iatere.d rn tM prorinor Use hot" $100 p30 gmwiog of Imrlry although our sal aced Tns AYTxw.t.cx Savalt)x m gbt tr organtre.l betw•w Iles [ted RtvK ed `!tate• wY ebve urww greeter thea wt of Mr, and that if FkiuoA (ol POAT ALBtRT. amt idnitlah l'olumktmi r•,ww be with our , ib•t °! (' east• !0,000llxs rattle attar 60 cwt 460 'Jb0 climate y well matted for It end is room. was speed by edigiotm axe nciss, •(tar she w dmf, is other ward•. that tar wiLbdnw from tM ooatedenuy, it would flrowt env nwa srestaiaiTdewr 7,000 Iba hogs at 75aere 072 Mo wbyt we traseos tiaripste with the N Nu*thwestern States. He wua rreoh teat+ cud of the whi111etree wY eleven tinea merely e,,llapee, or if tate of the sew vie- Mir R. MaCowoell le tM 90 lamb* at weal. 01,6' vrbdOk t71e teiasLee of the morning believes atutliwr, Mr. `iim ,n tntormtd me, with i 609" titan hen, mad that au6 deeds ea. to bei Pio guest of bar $3.50 eaob 70 wuaw tw*d. oe, Re bRive, the ll bey Moan Sitter, Mrs. Huh 154 It•rai.Ya: w►tfxmr rt trRT o► TNR the report• of the s MIA of lbs $edaw Flay 1 wp,ld show sen ieoremne rt( laven{e is out Wan mad the Red River, g R4M- fes)• to 200 bush wheat ►t 67c• 134 332 tIt-m lox 'i re *abject of H.w tM d S. oar std Company and the new" (;