HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-2, Page 8w _____1_- •—_ ,
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.., 'FSE BHTITATA I Wo��� ' 16".." 'f'$ 0 Vt nBRVARY _
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. "N"ING WHRR111
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4,,i* ,.U. MAY
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I'll�}: `•' 1 1
4`r, ; tu f W liSAKKT
�1. 1 .I ileal IlV mwbsr of Paas is u
;,I '
a- Jar sallow voodoo.
: M11
}; ` i' I ,a
'." ,,0 � All WITH tvKkl' eM
�g� lir 0()LMIM
tray a .
$ .Tt 7 11J A7kUU Cl IUHi.
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IllI ': ' o GODRRIChf
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p ,,y JrL
h �V�+ �' 4RT x k- n x
7 K. Ct**KZTT, Auvi%T
resdaoaPe. aid 1ptfrtreit palea.a ii
9t sf� a1af1 wester coins►
LAh- - -
On Thuradeft •sd tlat.rdara fres 9 A.0
a 1r o'clook, end ham t to 5 i clock run.
AreWteeLMOI *tad mechanical drawing.
Drawings ter satweto, etc.
iA'U DIO Nortb.at•, Sect doer from ahs Hauer
The plea.
A grit clearing sale. Before taking stock
we will Positively
.Aytbtaa in thefary ltare How.
A flood bed lwSLIL A aide sideboard wit(
� , uunor for h.ML Werth *10.40, A tell site beer
. wood bed even sides for $015. Hall hot rad
with *'love deaWers" umbrella seed. 84.4a
laverytbing Seek tl*sall)1 IOW. After used
taking you a m'%boy at the rase Prices. we
abs Control rte bear bed eprlas Linde. So
'nodical teetimMis4t---- - - -
Next [Investings8boe Sense
..- -
To reduce ftMk I win soft dr,,ssod I.umser
atom Per tbousow.
mggtupaftho&tely bar daera
_ --MK
K IL equivalent.
f%wO. 17. 17 Mrlta&ajs*t.
T _ -
••l ead IseugP4S�Ses ASebt, Uoderick. Oat.
a" Owe DioUtO il�Ism. Oire IL Sake (Sales ai-
Waded to is mW plotof tbeebubq. Mly
dosser,but/ a W laminsurance
o�L sasses tet sill Pnrw of the noun-
, 011` ■pmt�pkkll AddnmJUfLN
t'F1Nt R(ygigg4ge OWW" kik at Tna
nowAl. l�or PrallMtr attended to s-tf
Valtmter. Gederlch,
Oat. 1elng lied eoonlderaw experience In
ells &setkseer be b in a pock inn a
ltsoberp with mtblhctioo an now
miekiaw sal te blur. Orders len at
Mssiia'o Hotel, tar meat by mall to h in address.
=fit! W. Jtf1iN
IId7t f
REl•ehei>E1i•/ 3..aet_w
eMOON, aam. of Isere" a rid l4unee Etw
Ops= trom 1 &04 rive sat from T to u r.N.
(.wiling Daily, lOssllify and lflvmfroW
P Afagrpliues, sl&, on File.
H TIC![1LT, ONLY sLan,
fres 1 e[ llkrsiey &bd ResidtbR-
I. U Ise ter I�=beebip recelwed by
K0. IJ�Rreli ARO. krTIYLN.
odagwif ' O` so-Vi"Y.
-- - 250tloe.
NEp�ftpfllNiLL ----
' L N papMd to doillMae grain Cho
X�1p11,g en ebafwt m*Uo& .+aonlag at
hems i heti tSr lata9t aSg hot Improved
"i, Nor dUsp&taL &i _Prones
ifs xaMiy I■tpttJagll� iaM
-;- raw " #110iS1aa1.
K1 This po~ bold ban be" OF
Sited sad much bwwosc and Once
`:'' wM fakes its As krdln4 ,iota
m�� �h�esms! Pgesm(7emmMlons
gees(( Tr. (:RA14111. K. annotation, to
7 Jxloll HOT=% OUDRItIUH-
�� wonAaaers on -W as't h—efw
1. Ifs Ly= tsik• ppm « b doolm
r� �lpteee�fnwt� y�^err mak(
one of as amtesma w ew�6t��bli
�lesit I. type
alar -- ----- -
--efu VIlfs-
. 44
. WVN-11 ilASRI.
@", (IAirPIROR 1411
La O?DT.n r'RRAK
)"l�:t. ' �'�'(tit t';
_.,O {ti., t %as' +
mane ► (swam sir O"de In easily seven.
i ,
i r & W f Lao a'pI
mwm Dui t. STwu 4
,, i ekmphs its 11. ' 1
7. ' ,in",
' N
I,. -. .. IL1t
T'.."IME ode.
- - – - _ --- — --
tWrlve sed deptrt eataslab
� .Amva .......... - a p w
1 noon. .. .. noon tllAt>1......
�{a1 .n oo n...Tma.m.
Man gad R>4Sema ..................... LM pion
Mixed -noon. :.:....L" m,
Prep•lW M Safi 41! ffgtr Runt
L�pR 9!ia-
C�aKa - of lam
4 stable, the P7n ��aa clef. tae wall M
ut owl par tit W H
f Il rl.l ok Na. L Weet H)g\ DWBK LeatsfWa•
KOWOoky_ I It
I aa.' ebb peoples y known amake Leoldy form
lot 2f. con. t. K net W a Wanesh, is now for eels'
On the premirer ane a large, comfort
able imams heoae. ♦ fre.em harp 1
shaped, 75 feet by IS feel, an uaderoeatb the
mine Diane stable. A Dever-fai roil spring
. is touted on the back part of the let and tot
Wood wells to the froot together with a curers
at the bora In nishes smpW water •appO. 31
acres at hare wood bush. Lange orchard of
prtacipelly winter fruit. scenes under craw
trod the balance well cultivated.
Thin below owe of the beat farm* In the town
ahoy, it ought to find a ready rate.
Ira twms and particulars ayYpp. is
. M. Ct11f tLIG A N
or H. MOI(RI tU�.
I asckrww, Out.
- i Mw of the last. is x
HuvSE TO RENT Hr•use with uo
claire, cellar• woodobed, sooet water. it
a convenient humility and pleasant part of the
%own -to rest .beepp.. Appl) al on.w to
east JAXL8 RKKI►. carpenter. Wolfe -et
or south Inst of lot IS. moa. f Wed Wa
wa mall is offer( d fur sale. i t oomprises .5 I aces
and tri Toil is agood clay loam, situated
eleven Dulles from U.dtWich. Dtood or, hard sad
two good &genair wells, with a lesson barn soil
comlortaWe log Muse are on the premises.
Ibeestate of the late Jas. Dances Applr uta
The Prrodses to MR& DUNCAN or to .uburt
P. l►. tM 41
ll�' ford's term to rest or let on shares is
ooeyear. Matuated on gravel road one mik
from Peet Albertand nine miles from (code
rocksApply M JONKPY TIwKRT, tab@ppard
LOU. Ikt•it
atN ImpPved farms on the fourth am
Oseslom ef O.. ,lc rich fowneb i p. three m ileo from
Goderich. For particulars apply on the pram
two to MRS. ANNRINCII!S or by tetter u
Gudwtch P. U. War
oWhoweetead of the We James (now
Clay of the township of Kau Wswsaooh. be
like last Ralf of lot al, osoceritw 1. on the
Crewel road that leads from Ooderich to W imeig
hum. It is all outer! about 40 rode from Auto
nen, a thriving etilage with roar churches and
a school aver at haud.A oompam,ivelf ^ew
frome house with seven large rooms and cellar
with other van wealieece& and good bank ban,
and about 100 I&rjm hearing fruit treeii are on
for premiers. About 90 acres w cleared. *rho
owl is of the brei. Fsnber inrameuon f mm
MR& CAMADAY. Auburn P.O. tf-la
li' txwion. Reat Wawaaoek 100 acnes. That
W a grat-class fawn. Also towe Iot IN. Gode-
rlCh. also lot 217. Gaiderich town. on which
tame h a g.rod lielek tottaRc. APply ,a
11' ommabodinue bu % lag on Kin tat., Bass.
Dela, as at ot•,•bPled an a paialahnp b7
Wn% t1. u on este Terms racy. Appy 07
1. d TT, Rr.weL P. O Dat
ep"Ite Peat OdOe. Weet-OL.
Godsrhd All standard and approved local
and ---mitheties on bud far pMebas extrac
Uwe at teed. grimy
1� eurxeoe dentist Gas and vitaNsed air
admisisetcreed for psinion extracting or teeth,
1 attention Riven to the preservation tar .fur&, teeth. Olnco-up saitr.
Grand Up,•rw House Block. entrance on Want,
d'. Go .,. 2181 -IT
WRIT 1Y s HUXrBLllRdko-
seas! cpm• Rowe. Odi
Phydc4ns, S,argeome. AecoucheM Asa.
U. C. r1H1.tle40N.-Resoh-nee. %&pier at man.
Uel. J. R Nona.-4ov. Ateudem a Nath• n.
Opp. Model rL•how.
v {sae, Saleltors. Notaries, Le.. 4ioderich.
W-41Ter Jordan's Drus diem. K CAM
Q. C., .1. O. JOHNOWN. Money to
lar• 0.9
solicitor. (400volaamr, Se., etc. honey
te, leen a lownt ragas. fllsks s Block. Gode
rills. tint. 04 -If
. tar In Maritime Carom of Ontario
04bo--800th Colborne Awed. 1313
L enveyanoar, ta.. Moser to
Wad. =orw Poet -canes (kAarich. Wtf
LM. Odes, owner of aqua" and West
(aldol, Goderiot• eve telegraph owe. Psi.
treks ode to tend at 6 per nest low
l,1 ARROrhatersW � PROgpUF�DFOUT, B¢lt.
rich. tl
J. T. Aruse
a.8 „ Mt, Har` gf�sst Gets
Bar^istora Soketutre in CtAaewIF fix,
Oodwlch. M. C. C4mer0b, Q.C.: P. Balt ;
Dedler Holmes.
J. kat.. bald commissioner fa takiyy ro
4MTIN 100M isances of ball. =:vAita e
Oe11 dOPQWIW" w solemn d«dlos.
*me in or coacerntel; any house, suit a 9r►
W,.ing to eke High Court of Jud tee, the
Otmrt cot Appeal for Ontario, or in say ('oust)
Wg•1) gDivisimnPete�Ca Camara. All transactions oaasrstaallfy,
—P1Omllu :-e:OAt. r �-tit
Aldeman M1N moteres"
AG MS. AOEIIT MR THEC. Iwmreow Auntrn&mca Cou►A.T. at
don,Ragland. Ono or the olden and eua°sem
rare In.orence ('ompa:,les or
Is the world. for
O W Por&u rd AA I. 17111). ANN" over efghese
Million dollars, A @hare d bo■ ear IS tea
epectfn117 solicited m behalf of the Move
paej. C. MEAGRE, Melnan's M@ei,
Mnnarva wt. Uoderleh ll
mt4;•ex+ideal Iweorlaons among. u lewe@t
()Ino* (ter. .. tb.ot. sed +ieeete, Q"-
*1111111IO1001) TO 101" "PLY To
amount Of Prlraw rheda hr
st I11`113 ratty am OVO&ebw igaryalsaw
019A w a PRO(TDik)Of,
bei 4r secel/ beUetaa ea mean" i
to toad M W iWs d la- mo
'es,r '
q v .+T M a�P��� ��jae__1 -
mt Mer rrtigs rr:. iia@t baryes, ft.+-. 1
Ii. gets-tt .
i - - A
U! ..
Winter goals away bdow cost for
the next 30 days. Too busy b write
a long advertisement. Qall and in-
spect our stock if you want good M
liable goods at low prices. No
shoddy goods kept in soeoLk.
Just opens( a few days ago our
first .A .sent of spring prints in
lovely patterns and colorings, and the
I"t value ever shown in (3oderwil.
Judas's B;ocx, (Ioderich.
Iter. is*. Ili ou
Notice of changers tuust be left •t this
()Mee not later than SaturrL►y
noon. The Copy for char
must Ile left not later than Mon
day noon. Casual Advertisemera
acceptant up to noon Wedneadsy
each week. -- —_-- -
atual"o0! OfmsL
A wood look, to enter amTke as red
fee” taro H4tMst woos to eamttoteat per
Immediately b1 letter a MI•+
('AMRRUI�, rare of Da J. T). N'tuwr Ism
don. (fist. ZVA It
SERVANT WANTED. - Waso,ted a'
woe, a oosspHent housemaid to whom
tbo hiysbst wsgea willhr Ps,i '.PPI)L.
9e -d MRS. HARROW.
— - _.- -_- __
WANT11D 1f11111tUl-►TlKLY A
TV mad sonoW IL CAIi -k)K. Neims�ee sal. JPpIT t 9 Ri
PubUe IloUfta
-- - -- - - -- - -
publmc.- Having en the man ufaaer-
ing capwa• a) of the raalttord Tawnrr), fon.rri)
carried tar by A. a J. Wick. by ,be purchase of
the Kirkpatrick SloseTmoerr. 1 juice.] tura
ted the trade mo erery bram•lo, end am now
prepared to offer the °i¢hoo " for bidet or
everydrrcrptioa. No emit tollutawy.
Joskett RKCK.
tfal Sal,d•M. Pr.,erle.,r
zxomtegw Hellas.
Lror Male, Lot T. Con. I. W. D..Osltarse.
serve rbe %crib "wee or 4w sand s. Coo
3. and the,tout b yarrters of Lou 5 and 4. Cue
i. W. u.. ('.oiburne, 130 sores. Put of for
`loath half of Lot S. Con. l• W. 10. Co.trnrne.
10 acres, and pert of teal Sl, Maitland Couusf
sum. Cudborne IT acres.
Apply to xis t'rir7e and Andrew A, Young
KsoCui,vs of tela Tate W. J. Barrie or to tt C.
Hays. tr./wilar. Uodericre. War
Circles.-Goderiok Cifete, No IIR mare-,
hlyd Monday of rack mouth in the bail Owe.
lag +1*1AL Officer. l4peclal indooemenu D.
imu-ance and Dirt banedt . D. CALSiCK.
16sader; H. J, A C H & iAJX. Traa■orar ; K
KICHARIMON. xewelerT ptfr
�_"4w f11Ir aaR(•
1 pmlkye-tt Ill. (Aon, 1 1t-14 in. have. w
bar buret to dt larger shalt. thud as new.
W III be sold u a resox"O to aj[ etre. Appl) se
TN�:� AL Ste&= Prating Honey Ne�� l.,
wT TIIK V.x „r
QC 313116 E, ON'.
It Ag'Orde ton maltmitod tetimrooelm. •fret a
thorough toot, resulting ha� the m.a.t ethanaee-
tic aPprs•eW)Oe ef d'ligbtful and Astonished
patrons. to whmit thA 1 have the only lad
exclusive ritllat to see In God@rlch, the latest
selsoUSe dM°oyery, which u warr&sted Deese
to create the IoW pain during the extraction
of teeth w hump* of any kind• in nearly
every cam and we" little pain fa the most
♦NorI-Nb1RP1® F'OIUN
Is alesal Lasewthettc that never offsets the
patient n the sifflefest la barmier as water,
sad the hest metsind known on earth a reader
the tooth now $""tire to pais. Patiours
asosre me it Is
rsaktarely Nerveless In ite RfYror.
Preaawvaobn or the ant oral feet as a.pwrialty,
All dental Oprw&tlon* well Aad skillfully down.
MT Mtlenu Ineevewfm err else.
West wawaawb : Os Meda Jau. •i,
Patrick TrOv brought a large Irr.f of
to tows. The lad a ontesihed tw@n� �aee
bogs, then Aggregate weight of which van
6145, and wan said to 1 xurkaoleler at
0&40 Par handl-rod Ile The pratxcdm.f the
In" Amounted to i132. IA, a eine snug mm
IIs One land of park
Brussels least: The quarterly hnarrl ef
the Methodist church in thin place toot IAes
Monday evening to "Derider the quoo"M of
Rev. 11. F. HaitCS's Invitation to Clinton
After talking over the subject With the
ppDaAeuaerr it wan 0 ins unanimously that Mr.
Ralton be oat releyorl the Bran(
Mt instead that be be ce irdialiy b.ie id W
sswpleta a throe yeah' peatnrats in Rresslls.
We We pleased to my that he will probe
Ascide In do an Mr 9altrwm hall few Wf
r • Ptaaohwr Aad his rapahle m&NAWSWINA
K the binary geancial Malan rmtinag on the
Aumh Aad t he plane to .w being *vrhd set
lot its nderti a speak ..hiss far. Min a
s geAerier In ra•ged week Mr. ask
ss ohm - _.cont piwMbsed tb Dar I
,mer b Are PMO"W b �atsd
eosin 7►i vuuY weemasd eM �,tiybj
, r.l•ftn :., pis, file ,-, . (.O.Jem Rule
�$ ( � G1�•i�f&li(f e�lli�fi(�ii4%ksell'`.'u;
Paw TRIIN WUK tame mmmko d in alb pr.un.imyga Tb OUMOANp01e
.Wr rias eomog d Iffy faddess Ttim in W
Olaa4fgR •gl►-I#Ymor `Iltt....... [H • (lisp wg�•elni,e ewpo•M M Rge/au at
twltitiM w fyfw and
►fy• t11amM et tttk- gypa•L
ffpnil ♦♦site•-�ta\e T. AeMesH........ 9 ;:= wqm —6 tido w 1111, In. i<�ba•�i� /Ilton wr earn +etwrraa•a
�iri ivi9rtia BsSvecs. - leer. Yr. Ku*rla,
Aawreaun A•sno7-C. /esHte.......... • kanirkekreitsrtlr�I� • �MntlMfal• wW atmtlwk w■�ty a■nb is the Yotlit•. "L I
Omsk w..tea- Mim ObSaot oa .......... • lardyon mea !fa mnq dist eMu\ .n •a\redo aatttre•eng a Na �
t3..mi.g 9a\a.t►-Ora A lar........ s on" Mur, 7 ednaL
sUagemar ebb► Iwd�oye sari ilea So4y
Dudiwy- U. Nbhobm . ......... .. 11 will* y depietod, &d M tdmek eM Bonn -Mb Mary A•dmn■•. Who bek�"'Ii'-�
Gi11Se's Iq•--lel L 11omr. A mat altdt■w was t\rUkd by tLa e@1Ma��•wea bass ea •• eltawdad titwt N Mr aiatw Mew -
d ills epakar. At the olo■o a eissimeun Hugh Uirvin, Nila, boas* d
- -- MORN. rot• . =L was aerdtally bnietd M 1r► tnaeL Mviag W a• enloyab6 ad
RAgbOHl.RI< Neer tihaPOAdtoa to Weapon Mr. Deewy fair ►b able address. pleaeaat wblt
te..LK m the 9lw o & UM, the Isla. iltoTAL Asan MuogaT At Ifs blurt (lige- Oa1L Uroe Hen -�aboriben of Tun w
ef I. Baosbiw. )r., of a d•wtkter. lot omvocoMm. hold in Kineardiae M Tillers- Saunas., who desire he resew Sas do ss b7 I I F
MARRIED day evcniag last, Ha,-o&mk O►y/er of ad as arm J. U Wim• who e
FORD PRZNUKYILLE At K1•pbridoM, *�oriplSw pi
J&a. eft► kT t\e R... Rat for Kim
M. Royal Arab Mas«r, area loonwed by the output far tw mmw ON 7WAr.
road, ttf seeltam..4. Usk.. to W Katy of Moet Excellent ('omp•eien J. E. 8aa►na/, Anna A&/easen,
Pe.edovtii■, of Asbse �`e'°°°° ThaNe • Rood wig b jtry a Itsedi
CLARK DUCtl #&NAV -At lbs Maw, cod. ardl" d Stratford, Grand Z. of the deneg last wSeL woe brine y ategaged v oiste, but, it's a prat% hard condition
ncL. uta Feb i.t t,MX b Rev. Jas. A. As, (Ir•od Ckaptrr d Cesarian akin R It, Cenp. shipping the ra•taidsr s'1 ►r winter fruit under which W d/H tt Perhaps
demos, B.A.. JoLa sir, l ut Kass• C. A. Humbrr of Godermit, Oteed •ap't to forvtY markolis Tia Look low He par � P
datlubter of John uuctt.a.., •Y of C49 of the Haron Ihstrwt After seeing the eased u this amigtabnrhood. out Te noticed that the ordinary
borne township work of the Chatter CEO lifted by V. tz- JAN'T TUAw.--I)WWW Friday sight and �it Or Sir helicine douwit at•
Comp. K 11 hall, aw"81: by as' Able aAi• Sat•urd•r Iso bad a January thew. which "in"
am it
sial &%&fi, to their eatare satisfaction, thea 1Medi0lio Of its kind ek
set%ti laessned the Oink of ssew. It IsoThe
THE .NEWS AMU TOWN. drtlagsuhri ,utiwn with the ('4.mopfasierns of sb,ryt duration sad a It" later would � .
rotjred to the hssge@t room, where the hers bre • Fehruvy thaw. /amarkahle in its effects that it teas
wants of the inner not were attended ao iN sold on this plan is Dr. Pier0eis
etlfSfs atmesiv K Ishlw• feeds& lfiDCL1tY•frkL1. -i'ISe nawnment d this
Aldo addressor pertaining to aepatslar me- Golden Medical DiNCOT As
Iso /arra kr'Y PTewt LL (wad's enppar W1U lD. V 1 M Atdmiatmtered b �• a
DnsrJ were delivered by Memm HaMiam trillion obarch on (Sabbath neat, Fah. 6t\. blood -clestuer, strength -restorer, and
— sad Rember to an aupreclative gutbetlug of wvtw is connection tMruw{tk will own
The awe Of be book lavdew a to business runs the fraternity who will bong retain a very flesh -builder, there's aOthlnl like it
little r.sa of W Dos Dtn/•Ped. and the Some wbo ownem At the ea.ual hour. Preparatory ser `itn
pha/imir recollection of the vwt of @aoacot known W medical science.. every
sou his eiotimR at r J. i•ridb.m'■ r do•., liable u( the craft etre wall be held to the ahurob m Friday,
carom sad a also lit sad resod sawen.). Feb. 3rd, oowmeacing at 2 r.i. disease where the fault is in the
rINK TAIWRI%U. -Fal, Aad Winter Tni Mii.rrAai BAIA.--The mesa ball Visarcla. - M. T Satchel, d the tows liver or the blood, so Dyspepsia, In.
Iwhs la agree& vane,) at the Chicane Basses ,.I the 33m IlatiAhon was bold in 9sforth Of %%'. wloo, sad who some short time o digestion. Biliousness, and the most
N est -o 1. You uu he,e a but charas sad fel) t'ii I
on Rood W Is sial lit eit very moderate y�iaw. oa the 27th olio, and as the 33rd a(we)s pracucwl as V.S. in lh".swm. has two. stubborn Skin, Romp, and gcroftelous
I 'Cormenc. star. durtfi the week on • Tieiting our fur l
carries off the palm in all Iu celun*, the g affections, it is antaed in every
gra Toe "hew and urT " Is generally mord b) wan no et About 250 couples wets �"re and boas wowbwd When
lbs Ivy who chops up the surd wood at br - hen he was popular es a aitueb •ad Shia ns ease to benefit or cure, or you half*
s.,sue. but Am&Iways yule os a emltlelr as . orraent. fore bright scarlet nntferm*, de- V. 5.... Mus Cub, of KDnaarodine town your mousy back.
is ober be ,*lie at R. It. daltawi .tsato to haw. corated with gold, Of the o4com pve •
be. Pi'ture takcu. lertlltAocy and splendor to the apsworeaee Of shep r the gtaeet d herene4 esi •sot, !I r.
of NaxT SewpAS %rTesteoos:� t;oeraL Tai the aumnttolage that can oniv be seen at a and Mrs J W. isayth, of this village
To eve sufferer festa
mil�t•r Lift«Tin •rhe su r ons one . f KsLk• Aartyol Oar deputy poastnmester, 7
PIMA facts MltiTll.,, .lea. Mitchell, d the Y R S PP° h
•dear, will Addrer that "Waiting at 0:15 o'clock 'he,eat featwres livery arraeogriisot was Wm. McArthur, has 10 u preseomoa a no matter bow bad theC'iee 4w
is the l'empera•ci Hall. All welwgtte. •'Arne-( out with A regular military Order, ofspy in bouk fern of so historical ��n+Kr. how {crag standing the propriston
armd this was an with the splendid moats Phial and political survey, dated Alt of Ill, Sage's Catarrh Remed say
Earn a� o.w I'ri airs- --Ree. Mr. Tor N.r ,us' mold help call) it the socia) ovent 1798, of what was the known of the Jinn
wtaae Of MOMY. Sc,tland, and now this : •elf ns' tmtt't carr it, pe Dolly
nage, of V actors a: Mothordut church and ,if the alY,u Visit„n were present from Yo pro
Rev. .1. K H,/well, of North at. Metbuelus Lindon, Toronto, Stratford, Woods, Oak baably known as the Shire Or offenty of
and permanent( ,we'll pay you 111111,46
caurch, exchanged pulptis Sunday evr.Dnk ' Tinton, Brussels, Hrmall, Exeter. reale Many• copies of which an so source ail in cash.." 8old14 all druggists.
r last rich, 1►ungsiamon, at in4Mm and Blyth- da111••elt b �o.:un, we presume, an to ah-
Umtrrin. rhe train due Mn &t Me fo'1, wing attroded from (lodsrich tar Unna t►tin farthiege. Mr. McAriber _ _ - .
#&Ir. and Mrs W. Logian, Pay Matter Jar Prama Ili* book highly As' Massy was his THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT
2 P. a. was delayed on Monday, the cause of tae, quarter Mentor luck. Maj .r Varcoe, birthpla°e-
the delay being the (seeking of the driving Miss S',antion, Mies Kohlu*n hall. Mier LISTuaa --"a Monday evens` the 61JI tt.sdrarlele ewer..
shaft of the engine at thrombin, The mut Mand Martin, Mr. Henderson, Mr. H. W. February, the third and last of the amflw Rooeaac s. Feb. 10. Uv
neseas by the 10 r.e. trnlm. Bail, Jr. of lectures •oder the Awpwes of the tp
war:► League, to ooeoeettoe with the � Who*'-"""""".... sat tee n
A HeePe wa FRU::T.-IZ Price ♦yon Merxuanwr Ksc star. The Methodists 1'esg t:u t •%"I .................. S t5 w o rl
have had their buetnew stand much in, of North st. church had a reunion Tuesda • De' °out Circuit of the V,thudat church Acme t.EmI3................... I... 9 M to • r
will bs debrered by Ree. W C. Hoodoism, +Aorta. 0 to ......---».••.•a•... 13 M road el
proved donsiqg the past week by the adds evening which was a big thing in its way. D.I I., sublec6 of Leaten, " Notes of Travel. "ran. Is too ..............,.......... 12 is salt N
two of a ba.dartme peat* riaw trial. The rhe attendance, was big, the spread war with too days is I.osdoe, Fax DEL.` In afowoei p
, 0
Bouk of ('ocnnerce vital have to follow suit , bopps( wMm 1 tai -noon. M M au t1
at. pastor Howell one big. the choruses oonnrcue with the Ivcture an a:celkaa flats. sew. a ►est ............. .. a >R a s •
sew were bar, aid the Wktag was tag. It a and intereetimg par P of mask. recalls Piet tobweh.. 4 hl to S Y
Tux R. Tx, AT Hul.rsoviu.L- -The new saran r had that way About nitre bone, eta, u Weather aro. sky two r►Ised.9bmb........ a 40 u, e N
gr passed r pn�� xarmy =Cm .!! ................-., t i w e t
Royal Templar council arstanued"Holme lox k r r ,ami .ii.1 out know that A large made vermituog a lam atteidaooe u aski it.. * an 1111116"s
somber of rood p-oTle wen gathered to cipstad. Ihe•ae& a best. .................. * M to e !
voile about lac legiunumf of last mouth Wath Applels • bomb.... ... ............. 0 m to
twenty members, °..w numbers *bunt sixty - ✓ether to wol000e those who had bee& nos Givip r r Roivxaes titins K. Murdoch, Walter . .... ........... .�.......... t 17 to s Is
five. They are to i *sit Eureka Council hen .erted daring the recent I' y and who Mn eonduoted a Swrml store for &boat gaim fro\ supaseed, •Illi',.... 0 is to 0 a
Hunter revaval services, be would not here three a u view den ne ban lour, ores ............. It to • M
next Monday evening. y n' IOrRt ,t a&/.... ...................... .. • to t
home able to determine what oan"d the *Du* capcitT IS aeotber part of our fair wts,l ............. ............. a RI a s
eft ARTRYI.S Vakt u -M - The quarterly hum aaef bass and merry prat of laughter Ibmiatw. has given op business to this ribles ............. ..........r....... let a 3 N
services in connection with North-st Moth, - that came up from the big barrlosnb of place. During Mr. Murdoch's resklenc. tambtkfao............. — v.._..-_ a 90 to • 16
diet church will he bold on Sunday next, North st church. For about two boon hen, \e, by his kind and suave *manner sad LNO"4 •ewh........s»•... t o Sa .s'1
Pit........_. .............. a7)tooe
Feb• 5th. fellowship mmuov b@vine as' straight it was s -an-you pdrAee enter upright dealings with DiI with whose, be'
10 o'clock sharp presetting earvwe at 11, 'a,mment, after which pastor H"*U under• iteme in ountact, gained the esteem sed res Mery give Not Marys&
140 took to Obtain harmony out of chane -sell poet of many of the people in the ejl6c
followed by the sacrament of the i.oru s ,a did it with the aid of • r the sod aartiosorbog coaatr He will The re mets of live sack at the yards d
supper' North et choir, a cot.ple of soloists And missed u the church to i ooh M belotnaad, the Montreal Stock Yard■ ('irmpaay, Punt
Ere-oaTx Laa,00■ or U. K,-- The breech two or three speakers. The fat d tb► as be was a oonowt*ut sed trustworth l(t' Charim, for the week ending Jan. 2/
of this society is connection with Numb .t. la& 1 was a the -filling room of the member, ever res.iv and wilting to arbt m Ware as follows
two. -meat, and lowing bout* were also furthers mod ommot. the true inteneu
Methodist uharoh sided over forty new 8 ng pr •ng - �
member to its mil last Friday evening, present to welcome the gear dmfab Dome thereof Oy doier whet lay is ban power. As i 2
They aall meet next Friday evening for the while the informality of lir entare pro- a eitaw I M ares mach esteemed for hr kind i
semi annual election of officers. All young '~s'i� Fat all the nea«aners at their and friendly feeling to all. The nominate IM so m w
ease. The address of wo•►comr t1.* d Dungannon and vicinity wish him and hie Ldt ass best ...... _-. U ....
people ore welcome w these meetings. P°s !tO 7
for was & hourly one, and the 1 sp•ee►ay Amiable partner to life the brat of success. The ofJeriags of cattle during the wrl►
g Rafmouti; its rus Yoryto Max. There ,if Rev. Mr. Torrance and Messrs. Co)r• broth in things spiritual &ad temporal, pmrt of the week were light, goad pries
were twenty mitiatiow* at the meeting of Moore and Dowry, of lkderich, And J. K wherever they °nay locate. heteg realised ; with harmer receipts, how -
Karelia ('cunei(, No. 103, R. T. of T., Moo fano l&y, ,tf Toronto, were in good style SARRtrx `k`n.,nl. KtfTeRTA11lIxeeT (►p ever, as the week advanced, prices tonal i
day evening last, amuertaen of whom are sml thoroughly appeecated. The sob by Moods, evening of last week tLe annual down coomWomWy. Thurelay's market nos
among the ladtar young omen of our town 1). Cslbick was well rendered, and the chor :(•I.hath school entertainment, under rhe dein[ very bruit. The demand for lamtA
Rro. I.. W. Rtack brought in sixteen ,d uses by the choir, under the le•A•fership ,d Ams it" of the tea,:lmer■ in orar,e too° with and calves remains good. Died prices fire
ahem, and he's after As assay more for next S. P. Hells, were along the line of the g,ed the Mriooduot church here was hell. Ke- He*$ a,nUsse to advance ow,rg w tis
week. (food
for' Dick." work always expect. -d train that galaxy of eltaljans wave readered in an effects%* uyle light supply. elemer sheat 7 gutta
musical wen; t the gone of tit@ evemn,r 1,)J 1011,, Crawford, T. Rrydgre aid char We quote the fallewisig as Moag Lar vas
T A RaArrirri, MtRa,on.-This week A. P. was, beyond question, the onto by Mt.s children of the Sabhoth "met. A verge at- sea:--
eaa McLe•m has greatly improved the appear- Minnie Acheson, "The Ivory Gste. ►n.I tractive feature is the program won the CWhe bntc6ore• ger ..... ... 40 to W
Ince ..f hie store b the addition of a isrr ';,alien." which broug'tt repeated applause rendering of • duett s nos and i �,g
7 g lry daughter, Cattle. bleachers' meltem.........�...g.: a
pp1ate Klaus mirror Rotten from the Hobbs from the entire gathering. The en-winel ttwinal od the Rev. Richard Treleaven of Nit LWIW. hotebom' eulb.. ...•.........f ut ils
MLnufactuneg ('o.. Lomdoe. Ont. This a `rut 1•rought toacl,arAM,at 11 o'el„ck by the Thomas, who are ,.n & visit to their grntai *sells mw w~ ••^"•"•"......... to 10 `ire'
one of the largest neirrors m the country, dnxnl h • the chair and e -,.n r limn an,l g.d L ••••.•'�••••••• ••• a
oRv y R rya father and mother, 1d r. R Mn. i res ..............«.. »......... a *N
the dimetcoons being 8&12 ft. A portion of . he
henedoction by Rev. Mr. Torraoao, of ImIne,en, of them village, which clicited
the back shop had to be taken out to get teteirm-st *harsh - -- groat appl.aasr. The singing by classes also `-- -
the mirror La.ie dearrvtng of nota, and reflect. BFtrant crr.Ht COUNTY CUIMENCII.
LOCAL BREVITIES on the teeChe a And children. TM church
Tui- kvxpan,. The Fart the 4iraog --- oM,ir rendered hood ser.ioe during the
('coaxal Company will Appear in the I;rsoA U. Bt (lsldbick wan to 1'lutou m Tban °g Morris: All tmrtnship o6oen for lAW
day last evening by discoursing excellent sod sp were n-&ppoa&ted for 1894
Open a enc the tThureiavl evening, sono Proprate sebetkno for the occasion
from the encomiums of the Mar . t'ampbell retarwed to Toronto Sraf,rth or s me LUry, wbo re hew
prow. ail wbo al• ps.t week. Among+t the recitrre bu*ioleo these already w (ildora= for cams time, baa rwtnresd
tend will, heyond question, participate in a aame.f who dsu rye spn•al n.o•ntion are �
Mm.. F Williams ywted to Stretford MI. Bertha and Mary 1'eUamd. Kelrfh
grand mumatal treat Prof. Telgmaon, who this week. R.mberu sad Etta Wrio ere. The entwi.in- ('roe : L S. I'whaker and family to -
is favorshly known to the music losing pea We are leassl so state that C Cribb is in. tram the 12th oo°oeoioe to Haapobr
pie of Goeiorlch, writes that a first clan P =est war a grand soccer qustw • number t►b wenk.
concert las be expected, soft hopes that the impravi 1). were preset
company will be greeted by a full Mouse. H..1. la ('woke, barrister of Blyth, was Brunswick
: D. e, intends formerly e
is town last week. BLYTH. the Bronswack hoaw, intends les.tug lows
Au Kw.,oTAsu KvRcigo The memberse'eemowa" camsv odew. la Godwich, where he will "a pomemiom
K. Holme., of ills ('liuton New gain was
of the infant ole of Knox Church S. $ an town than Werk (.met esmmpeUiuon At present among one of the Huron honest
with a few of their friends were Last Theis ashes merchants. Winghsan We lean from a Grandma,
Mbs Mabel McKenzie r treating fnsets N,•rth Dakota, .QAWSpb
day evening entertained by their teacher in Clinton &t prentrat Mow Ida yt*wart fast prwnt mttomditta paper, that Man
Mim N. Nairn, at the residence of C. A. Milo Jeaoie Burrows in visiting trios& in the Tomato ormwrvatOry of music. BLwbwell carried .,R A am" over the heads
Nairn. Karya at. One of the events of the Richmond sad vicinity. Milo Annie Dramanood is all at present. of six other compotaton•
evening ares the stwging Of • kimlergartaS 1 H. (olboron loft M A&tm►da bum to Her many triemels hope for her speedy re M*6nwcvth The marriage d Miss
atom which was very much appreciated by vista relatives in Paisley. y cev�' Mary Monsoon ri y, t MOA(" #A d
thou* presrot The otractam of the oven- MOL*Od and DOWM will pre a two-mile Alex. Watt sed Geo. Knot, a( Hallett Washington Territory, took plueo at bar
Ing wait the *bowing „f the magic lantern dash Friday nicht Carnival shortly. tetw !moo o! Jas Iwitsm, w., m Smn- falhere residence o• .iDs. 10th
views by -%Ions, Salle,w* and Suwon. The No Dominion to sleep m the bar or *it an On 'Coeaday, Ju. 2toh, while Mn. &
views eat( the little ser& _ The woi pious d road is the suet to Did ars* in the add • *f
greatly lllo°ssd a th re logiOt m 1, read Wilmer Saitb'n afoot a mile .1401 Is Of Blytlt. It ym
boiling water she slipped, OAW falling.
LieAvi-so Taws. -F ,,elwood. who (tae Plage 8. thiak so. a trial will convince the meet water apilled ever bar, aealdfeg bar peroo
The osmmosme class recently Started by
been One of the teaching staff Of the oall *eeptical.badly.
�' Rey Nr. ASderaon y Rnox e0inrob Sow Uwtn to Mir Dbncan's abassce the a- txoter : We regret to *nee om the
ma aosptsa for over a year, has resigned Damian About esventy mombwa g j
and sooepted a similar prte,tion in conoec- A societyunder Use Hama of thecamedias jet department @f the public sebool was in death of Mrs, Mau, amt Credites, do"bkw
Dim with the Plates sol institute At abarge of Milo Mally Anderson em Moodily UTdm of L\ones Friesds wan ofPceihe loot forenoon. of AbreAam I>yerieg, of AtepAea Ab iad
s& increase in salary. Mr. Selwood. &I Thursday ovesing by Mr Calqulnaw of A number d our young folks drove to b' all bat m weak, sad loaves u iafsat
though a voting sort. has proved himself to London. abild and banbisod to saonre bar tens
be thoroughly equ;pped for the duties of Wb buy Aar rot em * m from Walton as Friday toeing last sad heat •
Why y °g very h time. (hly Osoupset and mo Hetrys : Mrs, Jae Gogo r, wether d
his pr.fet*iroon, sod daring his ■tLy in drarlgws at to logo per�tmms�� W\ou you las bar John and Thos, liaynor, dissected this life
/:adenrh was highly est*nerd h all with ggestt the bmf manuf&ctaeed from U. w. A 1erOTr number of brick sal below drawn m Monday I&" At the ripe agm of 91 years.
whom he came in a.atact His many TlmofonOn for Moo ansa from the brick vmrd ►ere. Mr. Mvin,i survived bar haebaSi tar melhe,
friends ben wish him coney Snosoe& Rev. Ur. Moffat, of Toronto, agent far y who died at the advessed we d 101 year*
the Cowls Book and Treat society will Monnerey, au Melly supply the demand
RwrxeruareRT. -A nary utefestiSq a• y kr his hoick this winter. ate te tido tins►n.
tertaiement Isms Mid by tits Mdlalliv ay pyeach in Nortl• we Methodist oborch last Wm. F part who hes leen vriting s
Mission Based a the leetere room of Kons (.Cad's Day morning and in Knox church in friew n in 1V. WawAnOsh returned home m To the ttdkw of yes exnv•L
the oomteg Moeda last He loops an if his visit !gra• I take this
Chao -ch oast Friday evening A sOewl pis Uro. W. Thomson is iOoaF Agent fa Bell r opportunity to draw st
wanp varied mm mhwe O( the bmnrl agratetd with him and promises to go bank Watkm to a dm few the tarnishing of yowl
prmt+talent )y bicycles,
, ,,,es, orgatsr� u*winR aro \inns, shortly. mem and boys iota MA(ts of Mfeg ori
eel iothofait an effbib The h&tto a ,i eM Cis, vtelina, fetes tied mashl war Asn
evening week an orhehetam d Bleb-sIsinring *hsodwo. All of the ,t&ad At rork het- Quite a number from hoer took is the tea- tohsieoo *slag which oxi*U in this tows With
Ay Coo. Allen, who has been suedinr (tom price. Now b the to purchase, meeting is Connection with the (lvNw the sanction or the mayor sed its - ,
tSoodmtack college. Mr Allen showed both ordsr in Auburn, Tuesday *wooing sed To. A number of buys wadi age frequent fhb
We love tial; M. Retehism. wton wan and hillisrrla la rivers, fta, ms
all Ill and carwlnl lassoing m his pWtarm•nee, port having a sera( time althoagb theos- p`M Pb vers.
and Ming heartily encored. kindly gave a des downs bat wesk M • Paralyti" oventerwrl a goodly number of pitsbh Nay to the 4law, aid t Awm sad offers
wound exhibition affair a tow mbntm' amt. ggroke, hanimp roved coee"mis ilv, sithnegA are *Old to mia.ra aoal+An to bhe 1)rtetis
nsoeorell weak. The later! ale (Ivey. Young A Sperling are gwtti (n
sites namho► sof saw al fkatut& The outft a( thou dan bebofe b
R. T. for T. INWALATtew M Orrtras. - of A most �ATerable ebwaaar, we ave piano- q law � mayor Hsu", who for ban or a Aasw tar
The soli-sotaaal instillation of rimes for ad to seta "till is Cronfretinn with the malt blank. W aerriot oma the arN► the meebeunoS
It bull haw pro ed to bhe satiefaoaim Of Their roof which loll h some time ys bon
the current half year is P.areka (7wwenil,Nw bee4rw6 that teeth me be *:brewed by elan bas repaired and will saw gleed s kM d a " Mongw." Mwhfy be a dM
103. W T. d T., resulted an hose : B. a, tips Fresoul use bell there.:: k dwort-
NwOw anti serve pan& sew that can sloe\ wp@a it Cctb
J. L Teas, L P. R t P. C.. Jon. W. V•s• ppaa ssia� iwg, Aewlinv sad yaltisg d IM
Deet M dseutTod ►y Loisg the erraase A wumnlrsr of witnesses t►me ndlmi to
&Use . V. C., Milo R Baker I Cbp., A. B. travmat The ane b iaewkun whilst the 17^'�'bh on fiuurlay IAAe fn gore erkloses attended up to the smell "1 is
we* the town eosetaw. or is those 4"
ilAwiesn : Trona.. R. Dunlap; Y. 8, Mlle sebar is army d•fgdrwu& If yon want the in • saw of a elam. of am►»loloewt w►ieA *at\ person •:eapk as pay day T
L 1Warteun ; R A ilbe M.o ; right front wt yes out have K al =y ttsewtretl in Morris • liteki Over a year age Dartlwr
Asst R. L Jen A. ") il., I ffm C. doaW Abos Mae casae .an called Mr. CAW*F nw, Q Ooierieh, Feb. 1, IL
Raera ; D. k F. Rsudale■u I Q. Min L 1i. Rhbardem.(3 �n He►uSs Ntrl, C-, wM /-W the
pisPeanbtgton . i .a W- MMA. W"(areigin, AtJOT10A f1ALfii a m tAere�wss a saw to On di tteisw - -
tho oseimt rmom log sssreary of the Osee- Ria Row Jedge Doyle agreeing with him. pYM � erg otirtZBOU11111111111, exR I
all, ares w wkh un Ph,"madYr,
i awia. Orows Auwm?, tleeirvel Ifs ism v
mom"" in pun by He mnsmhsre � An P•rtWs�cep 'in imwe awea hue �$os I *sO ward the IsAawk new wbmh His Re&w The well-koewe afdwewk mumps
e but toat'Ui tesres i• thsl 1a Ili so Ito age a the time of ai& rives b � and bas elk• a sumbw
wg wpaekfy. wsalrl wee allow. The ante ihn.fe q
Tuesday, Feb. 7 -�mle of tiersag\bTdtl , fore d Tba N b olAi nod of pkMletsr tend wall. b said same el
•ewemT TtNsia•wes Miert...-T►w �A i.sb.rtieA. r�
trek • eehektnalo M bb brwrar
and now b the �!'�F� of elfr PgNanesd • okay of ferbber pSwos*dler4, ebo boors
bM �Mcra antro en w fh9m d frsa Rletrl avast IIgm rWWIoth=. bot ase ON ell Mit. MW Crook, of (amton, is Two"
IIsi! n.eteav altevatwm. efetl g r..g i.duast Rad I iwi e.ri far asks am's 6 :sin lolbeivw hem
.vS , ate: eI t 1 ill - '.�Ii tKL�`• -