HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-2, Page 6i
EUROPEAN EVENT& `"01f/"_-00"t•ANO'
Limed Mugge ed /.Mesas A Neve 1.s
EVERYBODY. A.etremaNew d N2ede.d mad 100 tees
of batty weekly be the leaden market dur-
um the winter months. The batter s net
freesd sires it Imo bees bead that it will
keep perieeOy send is • weel chamber,
wiataimed eaustently at • tempsretae a
fav degrees above iresaimt pout_
SirBemjatam Baku s. of the•logien
a e gnat Forth bnds.ne
g e, sots o • carious
fast that daring the of the work
several of the workmate f ll free tt. Midge
150 or 180 feet into the water without b. -
hg killed of even stunned. They hal
breath enough left w their bodies to enable
them to oaten a rope whoa it was throws to
them, but sot breath raoegb toapeak for the
mixt f.rtaight.
She lesser Odds. mews ee Maters sad
the tfl.stgp... Ceem.ese _Tepees reesk
geeu.sM+&ea lase.eeelag.
Ms. Modabby
her be Pkla►. N•vwp, the Pansy ladia .mum
x►auaded moseadna sigId reeds lerbateste eiM
asi ea
sv M .•ss how h.ilok and that every. s. M empress how jg�- M lr fiat ovary.
baa been k b kis. "It was grrti-
is the t# be hem to be i.ougntsod
Pses of the
yrdlaosiedZetekis fly pottasue et
of Commie' ' From
poheas ri at tis gate to the Speaker e
theehair, all alibi welcomed Mr. Neoroji,
P. for Finsbury Sed member for hells.
It lea good thing indeed that he .1111 re-
tsina law two. for the Indian (engross
*rad hardly have been .o, very moderate
Hue Mae me Aad the petition against hem
aseaseded. Mr. NIt.oji IS, however, grow-
- ism .tor. and dmkeg/tome/ He is a■
w , • ForwMer, a Druid awl • Good
7•elalplar, end is le he seen .t his b..t pre-
sidia( over • Bead of Hops sieiety ad-
dressing ter little children. In the Com
A sew departure is to be made by the
(Last ('u••t mute between London end
Rduaburgh t. cats nag for thud claw pea
sentare A number of dating oars for this
clam of travel is being built on the Amen.
de principle, with a covered vestibule
L. the adjoining kateben car.
These can; will be heated by hot water
pipes, the supply bean obtataed from the
rho tows of Salford, u Ragland, has do
weem h.• promisee to he member tor India, ceded to 10•0 /5,11110,011111 to the Manchester
• well as member for Ftn.bury ; but hr Ship Canal authorities. Oldham will pro
wtu bcc w 0* * the too. of the Hoose hebay loan $1,000,110 and llauchoater tie
holier he can he really efectite in either remainder required for the complet •on o•
atapacity. 1'ha Ieedanhip of the Indian the canal
es.ae must still lie between Mr. Paine and ..
Dr. Hunter In a report on steel ratlruad ties a Kus
res othctal states that about Ili per twat
ear Leeds tree scan evade, of the total railway mileage of the world i•
leather a clever .weedle, which hes been everted on metal steepen. He limbs that
she cart of mar
sM• veiulttl� ogled oft for some rima poet, nteetaat, hs :tea per Sent. less
Ms at length kronght its perpetrator to tin pati wooden del and reap of the
pt 1. }',,r some tiie put a respectably thostint Tort of the h ial ..nail r a tv eta
draped elderly mea, .r•met1 with offirtal. high of wood, which a tall arg • von
1„keg books Aid documents Ams been high or of thou of the former.
"elm( people use bate been fined - and
more •ep•ct.11y tralee*ten who have
been fined few Wee wetghta and la •report i n the and, Major York tolled rte,
a'oe•ure'• ed ting that ie w tray •cc t m Fat he considered •eak
a.ntborire•,1 to the •ooOnt of the nwistis to vat he N . weak
bur. It
'•'.••'•,41116114 the trick lamest m. us`at is the prer.st method wt ich etgnal
varabay eu., re!+ The detrovery ret Use os. the
ddiet part of it roy depp•.res
trickster was due be a sharp clerk in the R the o. *1 the
of r arway employs.
Mbar of a legal }Bernal, Ise (Reit, who oeteee en a the be careful and sow
tsotawd that aa ladividual Gamut there fitter stature may be themdrawori but cwt•
"'off' day to look d • ale, <d ee etuuy tate insured with them suggests wh ret all
tke • note of lbs $ane. std eedrearesof woes br insured Ie oa owhether n
persons w ho had des. recently 6ne,1. 1 ke would not railroads
possible to adopt no I.ci icc
ether .lay the ' mal was wat.•hed by s loons of leg whn wtoa ldstpre of electrical
detective. and way sought in the act of take tnurlrckino wrtag would prevent a witti
irg money from a trudeemea &t Raul/Holies.
�° from lower tag his starting signal wrth-
Tbe pretended fh S-eolhctor, who ware Ma out the permission of the man in the tower
!WSW s .1 next in advance
rerph Chanty, was. sent to the
eioaot.' or vi•ym. en the lork-•P is called la order to encourage Ladua:nal progress
it France is Buigarui the Government proposes to
poste -?ltid vee pose Beale stn, grant all new undertaking's 111 yews'
exempOf the many dim which are n to .miter oo from tato, fret import of nee
roue& about the borne rule bill. Wring
most �knan and f manufactured
low gong• for
lively end am is one b a prominent 10e transport cont of mending the
goods and
u� y pr 10 yeah' contracts binding the Gorrrnmeot
Liberal pto;itidea : A well-known member to bey goods of Ru1grrtap manufacture at
of the timet ors thrown into a .tate of prices 111 par Gast- &but. those of funnies
the Menu oanekernatton by the sudden origin.
discovery that hie copy of the draft home
rule bill had mysteriously gone rt. missing. ABANDONED altianQ CAMPS.
11e had hem 'Wag it, had had his atten-
Wall momentarily celled away to Something A neemAs muses. where (►See war•
else, mad wee lost in astonishment and dts
may to find that the portentous document / People.
sem sot afterwards to be ween. There was ti esters nutmeg •-amps yearly gree stalk
a owl bre!) some Teethe first few minutes_ tag evidences of the rise end fall of great
The Cabinet Minister was overwhelmed nem, but perhaps no more remarkable o•
with distree.iag e•aofl•etitws of premature .tenoe u at hand than that of the queer obf
revelatiutr 01 slat. secreta is the Peet, and town of be (•it), in 10, w lu eve t
el ►u p ri o ate aatea1.ry wa. the ooty person tea! history reel begins is 11100, when gold wad
about who could possibly have had access elucoveml o,t Oro Foo Creek.. A year he i
to the musu.g paper tb°tngb even a h.d scarcely paused after the diaooibry when
bees carefully kept, &t arm a length in this -•O.aed sed the
reatle d street. richnesswerr dig! ng .luny
natter the. development of the incident the creek, the crichnessoof f digging soon
m.y be bett.•r imagined than described. In nude Uro Fan° among tha famoar camp+
ere o! the .ealetd este of :be (:older tt'et e;o
lope., etr.oge b re lel was eta pend
late, it was act rally diaoovered. tut that a seerne l to lose rte valve. hod
men seemed rather in quest of the ex
Coat of rewash neeeratieua ' connect attending the discovery of new
Now 'tat d.o.atfwu it Frasierare Alda Chao of the yellow metal. They
been placed within the reach of the ner- spent Lair dost with since.• sTw never
alley of apparently well-conducted nuns later Boil bnor d Toru yeah
who apply for them with sufficient persons
later Bowe 11..Resin rvellons chescivilized,d
Portia* world;with its rtu►n•ellor. richness, and
city, it must be gest/Vying to a vast number with iia rise began the decline of (ho Fino.
of permits to lean that the cwt of them ' Men with blank«u on their deka started
Ms been conetdeesbly decreased. The over the bills to the new Ki Dorado. But
Journal (Octet publishes a decree of the On; I'Ino and pierce ('ivy remained good
President of the K•peblic fixing the tariff camps for years, declining gradually as the
for a simple Chevalier's cross. at • sum . ground was worker! out. Thirty two years
which is rather less est.* 12.50 of our cur have paned. Not a sign is left to indicate
Ailey. The next Mar upward., when one where once the booming tamp of Oro Viso
becomes an "officer, cora about $12: and atter!, while Pierce City is simply a relic of
• "oeweres ieur•• has to pay a farther snm whet was once the glory of Idaho : a re
of clone on $1 tot. After that there in a minder to the young men of the West who
drop of 60 ,vele for the distm.tion of hate come upon the scene that while they
"grand ofit., • but to attain the next were being rocked in the crattle in their
grade, which i• also the highest pinnacle of Eastern homes, .ad before many of them
all, it
sad ill. semidry
to dishurec between ifell had seen the light of day, a stern and ragged
char of men- the noblest type o1 American
a•nbo,ei --wen climbing high mountains,
etaseswrdteery tet.., or "terries, vom exploring deep gorges, blazing trails, fight -
An interesting and cerio us case, Mustn't - Ung savage men and best••, wrestle! the
erg the recuperative power of nature, yes golden treasure from the mountain and pre.
just been recorded by a Londa* surgeon Apanng the way for homemakers turning
workman whist •tteadtag • machine used f westward from the crowded Kest. Pierce
for cutting Woeful of tin bed the tips of two City today Stenos ree • little bench over -
the fingers. of his left hard clean cat airhob in Orr Finn (reek, which winds
with the balls. Neves hours afterwards through the open eaten, so wide that it
the man went to the hospital for treatment. might be caned a valley. A row c/ log he
The surgeon determined to attempt to re- Muses end shacks made of whipeswed lam•
pleas the miming portioueof the hngax*, j her stands on either side of the single
thougk the .n+*poet of getting them be eere.t. TM populatioo consist. of mix or
wail. seemwd to be most enol.,. Tho seven white nun. about 100 Chinamen, and
wooed. war„ Garefnuy elwaneed, and the i tour Chinaware. it u in fact • (,•Mare
sada of the �� won restored to omit, I lows. The oldest places ere worked and
oho., mod midi by "tarm in a fortnight.: reworked by the Mongolian.man
. who age
fiat, anion oro found to have occurred, sad to make from 50 Siesta to a 51 a day. There
whet, tie petieat was meet sees, site a I is woes good ground still held fry whsle
coraiderah.c (apse of time, the surgeon wee men, bet there is hub, work going on ex•
able to note that both potion sed sews._ apt by Ctiaamra. No las tbaa 17.000,000
Noe were perfect it, the ends of the fingers a god "•••1"1"•• lakes froar the ems*.
Dearer Stas.
THE BMW) 0116DElitdit ! , #'HII A"�'e' FEBRIIAitY t, 1$Ios.
THE WORLD 0? LABOR. wufrwN eofwa_Tz. TRAMP, club 1
tae was ..es tike Illooftood of AN iiseeses
•l•eee, a.ns iNI bee.
hem The New Y Wena.
Ideelie Skulls, • Mete. -dew■ tramp,
deed et Riverside Hua *W Wd■,sasy .1
typhus' favor. While intoxicated leer See•
.relay br was harked down by •
front of the approach to the
and received • broken shoulder. Ty
est sguse ly developed_
Tem yearn ago Mara Shafts was
ot • flits. " ftetulta He waa the hes-
hared of the hirer singer. Maas. Anne
op- He et her in nth when her first
b.sbead, Sir Henry Bishop, w.. still living
le Burge.. `ttult& became her manager
end married her at St. Paola, in Condos.
aeon after bee ttu.beed'• death te 1868.
They made several tours of the two on-
1ia.uta together sod ootned mosey. (At her
death he inenediatedy organ a life of dime
patron and moon ran through all his money
and bream a trampp.
Shultz was born ha Dedham County
seveuty yearn ago. His wealthy relrelitrs
for a Tong tame tried to ehim him.
1849 he rave uat,• prosperous besmear to go
to t'altfornis, when, it is seed, he added
• targe fortune.
New" are ■a1•pesi•Menet •e ref beeseed
is . rare... new Meters ss.e ab-
el•sate owed Arabian Meed an, Skew
end par.
Paris Ira 50,000 regpiotetea►
Japan has ono words lawyer.
Paper quilts are used in Europe.
Parte lies a dame ckothtag shop.
There are Y36 tn
varieties of dynaos
Horace are • drug w m
the Idaho arbet.
A 'Frisco hely doctor weer* trousers.
BenderA Beaer breeds rats fee rivisecttoo.
Pbupcirnphs netted Edina $1,560,01111..
Italy I grope in wine produetwn_
;sis eatw. Ca* au 8,071 foot amoeba web.
Araks misers pay 80 date for • potato.
Lown City City s , has a 9,740 pound
t machine stamps :AM/ letters per
ttherbed' boar are lighted by *Me
.An leveled% chair is electrically prnpel
('i pros ed air clava" 1 mon Pacific
Washtngtoo bas 310/.1010,1,00.10e feat of
17te first Sunday paper appeared in Lon•
doe in 17118. dtugideA ond tor cut titig gide lisle about
three months.
Tee price tat itury billard load ha
doubled in 13 years.
A cradle rucks arse,! and furasbes w.
may ;or the babyrh
Faister, Walsh . has .truck a Iu,000,
/set tun Uveal field.
�txm winding watrhre werr invented he.
Noel to 11:51
The London blur. um contains the tine
envelope ever ensile.
--The flesh of the oyster contain% about nae t
per cent of water.
mire are user 70 mdse of tunnels cat in
the wild i.oick at Gibraltar.
Fully :v per cent. of all the champagne
Qua is read. is lost by the bursting of bot•
t lee.
In 114''4 Jams Barstow began setting
type on the Norwich (Coon.; Weekly, an.3
le still there.tti
The Pae bot water fountains for the use
of the pour supply eight quart. of heated
water for 1 cent.
Scales w now Made Chet will weigh the
dine of a candle or the smallest hair pluck.
ed frothe eyebrow.
A Mexican street car can be hired for per
.1,11/Li nee for $130 a day, with a right to
stop at any one place for two hours.
The oats the h'enasylranta Railroad is
budding to transport the two bag Krupp
guns to Cbicsgo will ht the biggest height
cain the world.
of the whole length of tic Sues C &nal 66
Jude' are cutting', 14 were made by dredg-
tag through the lakes. and eight tulles re-
quired no labor. English of the nglish pumping engines
perform work eytia ing the raining of •at,.
(doom mr gallon• one foot htgb by the con-
sumption of ldtn weight a coal.0X7
A hell that toald be heard 4.1,0 feet in
water could be bead only gall feet in the
open tar Dogs harking on the earth can
be heard by balloonists at a height of four
The slowest railroad in the world is the
Artrooa and New Metiers. From Benton to
Nogales is tui masa, and the a hedik time
is eight loam. The fare r 18.140, or 10
cents a mile.
To guard &guest poisoning, • law has
been passed in Germany that all drugs in
tended for internal use must be put in
round bottles, and those which ere only
used externally must he placed to hexa
gonad bottles.
4 ;ramie,;ramie,ot
for oumns, bittern, round
poets end urns is now worked chiefly- in
lather, which, for the heaviest work, ere
111161e large euungh to handle block* ea feet
long and 3 feet in diameter.
The *oakum beds in the Ural Mountains
are the only oto the world in which
that metal is fogad in grans. In several
Are bmore trotter known and ort gener-
ally used than any other cathartic.
-coated, purely vegetable,
fro• from mercury or any other
trm tl injufious (tirttg, this is the ideal
family Me, 1.'j e. Though prompt
and encrgttic in their action, the
knows use of the pills is attended with
only the best results. Their effect
is to strengthen and regulate the
organic functions, being especially
beneficial in the various derange-
ments of the sto*nach, liver, and
Ayer's Piiis
are recommended by all the k ping
over physicians, and druggists, as tate
twee most prompt and effective remedy
Mese Yy tags sb.r de 1104 Ila
a'erhape no birds spend more of their
liver ou the wing thee parrots and pigteus,
the latter beteg amuog the most gra..•eful
and rapid in the inhabitants of the air. In
New Y.ealend • .pecks of parrot is found
that. tindiug its food entirely ou the ground•
hes hat to power of fight. It defiers
the rest of take family only in this re.
and is heists almoet s uicelms-
Among recent bre edit of pi freerta u
parlor tumbler, wla h esu not only lost
puwer of dight, hut hos very nearly
that of walking s well Its yup er motion
when ttattempts to walk hes given It its
name, the tumbler.
"As tht-k as the hair on a e.ig's back,
express uuthing in Hle:leo, for the Meet -
eau dog u utterly dee. id of hair on its beck
or anywhere else. The hot climate bating
rendered it superfluous, Mother Nature
kindly dictated him .t it. Nor dos •• the
little buoy bee improver esoh shinier: hour
m that ...sentry. t)n the ceetrary. it sown
learns that, a. there is so winter Mere.
there u no necessity for laying in a store of
bossy, and degenerate, Into • thorongbbred
Aa big as a whale. might be rather
small, as there is • speedy of the rota
gena, hardly three fat• long.
As cunning u a fox," would ha
.ouitled idiotic to the eistoverere of K
ecbatka. They fond fuses in large nit
hers, but so stupid because they had ne
before sero an enemy, tint they ooald
killed with clots.
The birds of • feather" that " flock to -
brother" do not belong to the penguin fam-
ily, as they are entirely destitute of feathers,
having Inc a covering • kiwi of stili down.
Another penguin peculiarity u that it swims
not on. but under the water, never keepin
more than its head out. and, when diets
ening to the surface at such brief
rare intervals that an ordinary obeer
ver would td,no.t certainly take 11 for a
Ducks do not .win, the world o.er. in
South Amen,* a domestic species is found
that +*soot , xvel an ordinary ben in aquatic
accomplishments_ It hese lived so loo, in a
country where water is only found in wells
that it has lost itt aquatic tastes and abilities
•• As awkward as a crab- des. not •
or seine of the Routh 8es Isisinds, for • c
is found there that not oely rel. as fest u
an average man, bot climbs tees with the
ease of a school -bee.
Tensa OMB Bar tee Sea ISen r.
Frotn Har,'s miner.
rural(' it not be wire if some exercises in
the myster-iee of money were added to the
curriculum of every girl's studies': A boy
Ends it *11 out by actual *mean with the
public as soon u he is out and a wart of it
bat a girl may become a mature woman,
shrinking then through the habit of Wag
protection, and he thrown on the mercies of
the world with her moldy to f.11 the prey
to the tint chest and omen. She IP taught
at school the spectra of the stere, and the
map of Man ; what • pity that she ah,.nid
not be instructed in the workless of life os
plc w it is to In• found imbedded is the tko planet where she lives ' 'l bet a ka.tr-
hard serpentine rock, but only in the tial lodge of the nature end meaningend memo(
in grains. mire.-%- should be made a part <.f every girl'.
There are an eauteses, tat u detente!, Odueatioo u growing more sad erten eyi_
specimens of paper made from rags as early perity,pest m whithich
sae of ropy i io tt end psw.
se the Fourteenth Cautery., to eldest ex so issa whuch .. And in into the Malde of
tact beteg, it i. reported, a letter from to °may twnsna in the coining & cel
•Imnvilie to Louis h., ce France. dated callsry, the woman's e manyan, u it u already
A.D. i115. called, is which se women will be
The smallest electric light matelntatt u workers and earners of money, it u all the
the world u .sed to be in the village of Nre mot important un order that they tray
men in Teenage'. It comprises a single stripped,
he t they should
nor taw far uct-
arc lamp installed it • church. the lamp ed taped, t t they -Mold he well instruct.
for biliousness, nausea, costivt-
ness, indigestion, sluggishness of
the liver, jaundice, drowsiness,
pain in the side, and sick headitch:
also, to relieve colds, fevers, n. , -
raigia, and rheumatism, 1',:,
are taken with great benert in
chills and the diseases peculiir to
the South. For tra'.e:9rs, tvaet:i.:r
by land or sea,
the are the be -.t, and should rev, r
omittedinthe outfit. Topreserc
their medicinal integrity in :
climates, they ar, put up in bottles
as well as boxes. •
"I have used Ayer's Pills in
family for several years, aitd ultra;
found them t.► be a mild a.'tti t-a;c1-
lent purgative, having a g�,,;
eliect on the lie. r. It is the b:' •t '
pill used." -Prank
phur, Ky.
Pn o d by Dr. J. C. Ayer a G.. '.or.':- . ., .
5.i.1 by a1 fk, ite....v. t.7.. '
n -
Every Dose Effeetj'it:
';rent Britois and !related were poretiedly
gaited in 1801.
N;apoleos ftossparte the great became
Emperor of the French u 1804.
The battle of Trefelg.r and the death of
Nelson occurred io 180(1.
Fulton mad. hie haat steamboat voyage is
B 1807.
bad Na ,:eon b:oaap..rte died on :•t. Helena
in 1921.
The tint successful steam railroad wait
operated ter 1825
Morse invented the electric telegraph in
Queen Victoria ascended the English
throne on Jute 20. 1`131.
I'm war between this country mad ldexlco
was t•egun in 1816.
berg operated by a small dynamo, driven as 10 dories movements directed
lives: -
by the wheels of the village mill. meets, that they may be directed ie the
right way before they Set ons to earn.
sees -?reed --or a■ English General.
A oorreepnsde.t, wntiag of the Tate Lord
Stnthnair, Saye he was the mote indolent,
leckulaisical, languid person wbo ever
dawdled along Piccadilly. When be was
detesting central India, enuring the 'plead id
victories that immortalised hie name, he
wai..o lazy that be could bot be got to dic-
tate the dispatches reoordieg hie own
triumphs, says the SbeMwld 4Raglan, l Tele-
graph. Months elapsed before there dorm -
meats could be extracted from bim,attd tiee
they were brief and meager to the but
emery Ose day, whet :sir Hugh Rees, he was
The matt canoes std eei9Oe' oleok entartaitieg a galient o,epsay to diner
'railed meet
a, O a the 11Ueieelfor daring the crisis of the nutty�. With the
ir'raile, was .etttel•the ,t utmost seag-froid be was delivhgng those
of Amedee, aerial the pW�su.m.,. a lath him middle
one him
Ms best taredanecdotes.
• curious cloak, whtoh, by the way, ion l It the middle el it in orderly entered ..d
iaot, bands and lever, le massed M • , sheer 200trng, exclaimed We ars OSP
which sbonu upward ii ittsmente leered 200 robes. dr.
which bot water •eery all seeds. To him the rem*of
tarred seed with that
b • uoeederful r4p.t en.rtesy of matter es which be
is Mottles Freres. ev ate IA GsiAts, prided himself, seeemety replied •• Meek
r Oily 10 year. from the A' �t gh the ! yen• eergesei -
tieg 1 Bet rhe stat still emailed. Aga,.
ion -14•d as moll n I,2h07 behebea d fine t•rrupting he °bi.l,he said • "Ilett what are
a • lines/66r There M hill mo sr to do with thew, sir t"
vise in e.ttivatioe mhat i. known to
Whet u mud to be the largest gas. bolder
the world Mae just bees complete.. for
gas company of East Greenwich, Fog -
1. It u 300 feet Indiaas.ter, and when
fatty misted u Intl feet high. The floating
vasal of the holder weighs I,** toe., hod
the capacity of the ■rraagemeat is 12,0011,
The Rotischonbergex Stolen mise, of
Germany, will, when the work m complet-
have tie longest tunnel in the world.
It will drat* the water fres ►11 the Frei-
berg silver mines sed carry it to the Kips.
The main tunnel u snarly nine miss
bet its breeches add 21 miles to its 1 ilea
making the total extent about 10 m
This mussel was begun in 1844.
The freaks of et.eleaanm tiny be
Walesa (t.ot.. (reed. I Liaise 1Me. IMO Sght With Nantes.,
An amass by Mr. Baird in the Soots 111 1n 1857 N1 111. earned a medal to TA
Naganas t• as end to • lo'ei cootrovetvy be struck to w the veteran of Ube Yeses
err. to Air Walter
the P:.slryternn chaene The article Ono empire. it was i that
altos that Scott wog a member of the called the Rt. Hel+sna medal, and was only
Kiel Session of thud conferred ea these old madam who had i Lase
`lawns oonn.eti is with gra republic .aa gibe 6 the
elder of the church1ilal Scotland : [ruling nerved tinder French colon between 17114 ' Lee.'
elder of
the angstot session in the God 1815, std ler o ported of at haat two eta
!'rr••.terJ ret Fdwlrtrtlt and the Vye„d .i4 rano 1s. the year Itt00 this J.nor.yem UNIr
Lothian and Tweeddele : and that he was vetesen is the and
so., mar ig to ;the : There
doe.. • member of the General Assemblyes maks tt end tow,
rep, eeitadve eider for time Y earsts and dmaks
led for Wocttenhl.tt he a Molal Ass 1 & town
Coded of IWkirk. It may sot be slam soak to
to 13. In Iirf the serer had 'has t
u what auk to 10,510: i1 I0 dime 40 ware I,ON Mss J
pansies rasa he mated lass elf 1. wavhvers, and m 1800 only 18 worept old fee" t
0., V.ps.ropsl choirh, hit it ..amr he7ced men remai■•d te answer le any mortal roll ether
deel.t that he was, so far as church
benAi goo, • 1'rrshyt.nea for the dsem ,ter s.4' Of tap thwarts v•••,••• who are yes excel 1
pert .1p
plegs, and an Kptsoepalthn ifs with a --men who hese actually sees vee hue!'"
yeses Meet ()corporal' (nasi to face tie y wbtcb
was hers is 1800, and the oldest ree .July sebef
BNtrtettee. Ladd Dpi Jaws.
A deer*. by jam leue published by the
(lovenew torrid of Warms, ordering a0
"ow, Is. tt sewn to eases teamsg their pe
..her drar.sod so alter the Million of then
bur. Whoa r dsaoheys diet pay See
manes set th• spot. 1'hie decree will he
heterfy kit hr Jews, who are true to their
k.ditira It. Nnerow .ad Si Peterebing
pane jeeps. h^Me to sees ret..,
e Ruins. ane wear their TIMC. 1•i.nn etliltli 'orl,uf.aea, arid, ,Sienese, 1
rb eyeel��:iaewd u Jews wireare dy.
Hamad tamemar ..sm ft scams dy
g,•.p e..- • v -•v2- .-'- w .d► 11. Is l
pt.od.bed 01 h -i • %F5 1 and to le
p•reirel if '
he fr li.relore 108 years nld 11fe
taw in • tasp.W tee energise at I.ynea Re
served with Napoleos i. Rgypt, and sneer
.d with him neer the (treat St. Bernard
He took part in the Peniswler w .ad the
fatal retreat from Mosso,. Fives dram
wounded in Rupia, Ase Sprues see .le the
ballets in M. bode sti11. Rin battles and
rotate Puled at Waterloo, where be served
with the Imperial (taunt
Mita Mone. .
"I ..der..... Rilkers. the .ills. *am
•athni.sde berme of year mew pietism '
"DW h. t Geed 1 -
'Ten Hs said Mae arm is hie wkeb -
Id. had 1. .r ewe Woe fled • .
eagle &M ,7
hls prolific ehroh, sd flet i. ribs Oh. replied Rir Hugh with • soft
vise at Hampa % t']♦mye, Rag. snide, -hang them, M coarse, mail pre, re -
wee yiestwd a IW L nae Teat,.�l. savi a M. eneodotw
erne ••• borne MOO banshee. Is a little w►tM Sir H•(k was make M-
et ale.R, a dm nisei of blast 1. teerrwetssl is the middle ret ssetAer Mary by
the t who ores. im sad said •
eweuatea Steers °f the greatest smmeyem M o•Pie .lr� Were home the let, ••
the soars"heee of peg The !•.peel earned, entree f
y, Gad
wo.li •rcopt it r • gaf it oesapied vttsy it the sweetest meson lisped masks,
sed• and at ti. asses this was • wiseast• .erT many Cheeks, ' end them
t1y heap, Bines that it hes reMe wont ow with 1tY added es i1 netbi.e h•i
ole sf value and of w•.N/eeaYs eMm w
important*. It hes hes ' sheie eiyy dams r the 41 a the a .a.
ill bi at ivm� 68011 n Sad tits was es itmtPT that it sem* rim Sir
instead .f bra* Mid
slob his Mew>tge
meds brae metal eatieae, w hi 1111 MMO 4 /or collosod S..e 1Meti.
w mute w 4. 10IlOi
i..t,T Ufa 1e es .M 6.w .e�mtl ~e use Rttq.rd a Yellow O4 Fm
hailer .stir Std aimil•r p�myt,p�� o r tarsoy ger golds end mer. Sheet ami II
bl'w. b taatat s/ ll•wo ki nemOest My abhor had mama dew
10162111. ear. ;i� ` ho ofoo . o s •m trying, Tallow Oil M M
iM8-x v •. eV* e• .e'•enn oho seam oro •reed, gee
Nim !Oen OF .Pallia. l`kg lo_ nr
able roe
*0 alit
the mak
la beadles
al nee,
u ord
Si h.
Goll wee discovered in V.lifo,niaim 1848.
orway P ne
p i oat dtllher _ yrkn
Papaw 04)0* Pouft
�O.000H8 AND OOLD0
TAOMtlneM• ottel4
ile•ee•s t>� Drinanod* odor Ponolloo lf•1d e
/alma aro. ani Bite. Pee morns
seas F ..L .see.tmra
Coal, Wood and Kin" tins deli-
vered to all parts of town
with titaildt despatch,
aLASD 0-
1 handle the boot grade of lord oral in
the market, via • the New York, (Astarte
a Western Railway ray's. Celebrated
Lackawanna Valley Coal Is fon elase
v z t'Aran ot• Stove. Zip and Grate.
SOT! Does..
Best Shawnee Leaap Oral for not le
grate", stores. famine. et..
at)RIeI ITsg .5n. Rtaitwhergh .mm►-
lae neat always's heed. Smedtl i4.
14.. gives to emote, trades.
Cr .rt sent wed. M teethes sod 1 fMet
1enm, always le meek. f►on't beret toes
.1 sit sulag wend. ser Mid epalt, mobilo
se pee one b feet woad on t1.. merhet-
511 ate wed v add tip the sod of fill
feet es had nerd Iota
1 feet ion., or mg sed split. N hashes
rss0s 11O'Lsa.
1 lave a44.4 10 sir wen-disslpp.d sinal
sed weal yard a sear 1 tea weigh maks.
All wet ►u Sed t■asowem eareueeed
Ovnos, YAR ASD COAL Swans in Oki
drill shod, Nelsosat., foot of Ham -
mull CAU.
JOH21 8. PLAT, Prop.
Here is a Chance.
We will sell the following goods at Half -Price for the
next (30) thirty days :
15 Family Bibles, $3.O0, usual prion, 116.00.
11 . 2.50, .. 5.00.
7 200 4.00.
A few Pocket Bibles, slightly shopworn, at same reduction.
Any piece of Music (not copyrighted) for 5c_, usual primo 20e.,
40e. and .50e.
Irving's Sc. Music, 2 pieces for Se.
Music Books, much less than half-price.
Music Holders at half-price.
A job line of Notepaper, Envelopes ant Pen&
250 boxes Barrel Yens, 10c. box, usual price, 25c., 35c. and 45e.
150 Pen Points, 25e. " " " 50c. and 75e.
A special job line of Memorandum Books.
A special job line of Blank Books.
Booksellers and Stationers,
land Ileaasers Melt Tel.ph..s re.
Cold Cream with Vaseline,
edibles better for chaps and tnItatiosa
Vaseline Camphor Ice, 10 cents,
Da ons Witch-hasel Cream,
Ona Acme Cough
• Cough Drops,
Blk aC4huerrSyaenBaasm
Thr 014 reliable reiigh ewe.
Our Cherub's Honey Cough Care,
gaoellest fee crude, ••ld1 seoap, .te., la &!area, 1Se,
All The Leading Patent Medioinee.
Prescription work a specialty.
W. 0. GOODE - opt.
Air which we are now prepmrd,
you will dad all that is required sad at this
that make as nay.
we deal you eaadettanmaaLadrtkitg lane w
have sot rotse its la V
This is where
ormplste line h u c the mem
No *ion mods allowed u the sten,.
Our geeerwl hardware stock is tact complete and well bonito Our pensee Whit et
te■tion ••d we your patronage.
It makes little differ-
ence what others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
Cor. Rest-wt..ad Soni.
P.$. -The latest and beet designs
for Winter wear lust to hand.
We low jugs wlwi.'.& a way Ada be alt
Whisk we planate. to talll N Mast
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
Than can be bought from
vino. ou of the
We sell the best
A trial order will ebl--
of this assertion.