HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-2, Page 5CANADIAN BAN K OF COMMERCE
uts�r� wO OSI ea 11110 41.11111 SOLLARS .
E. WALKER, erIN1sAL yt Leant,
• e41.000.000b
• $t.0 00,000.
OrTtea M TIM UIMT*D STATE,. GMAT B.1TA'N, Flumrmea, BuIYLDA, site
rue was IN' MOOS VIRAL
•Gonial AttMMN, shoos De i8o OoNttwOf'lw o+ '`eretmaretar L'•twot'e.
•.d Farrows' Salem M.bs.
R. S. WILUAMS, Manager.
• BSaedlo•s 4..i.0 .. m .arid by se
ats•saps as two Oboe. o Ahr.w.t. ate
C.Mtt.it.a s.•e rrer.tgoa. . taw
SAa Flurcssoo. Ogle, Jae. 30. -The
Bambara steamier Mediae arrived u this
pert at fto'eloek S.t•rd.y muijuu.r with Gm
tsem. d • revulu►ra at Homier.. The
rorelatio.iate have .eeotsede.d in over-
throwing the liee.tirn•nt of Hoorn, and
the Vatted States troops have beau la..ded.
Awtornional li m.ernme.t hs• bow .tab•
kin „ and • comm1. uo heeded by Mr.
E'haretw, Gamna on ilia ('laa,hne .o route
es Wwha.gton with • petition to the
Americas Government to .ones Ode
H•wutme himaoh M the United state.
immehr 0.wm.esK
k'Asntsitem, Jaa. 30. -Matt Smith. the
Meekness Mimeos, las received so usi:tJ
d.speacb confirming the report that the
flea ems Government h.. bon overthrows
awl that rommksaruuere from M • uew llov-
arueeas are ua their wayw W umingta
from tial Frei/mem to ..•
tt•i Hawaii be
m5eind te the United Stones
kir. &with w o.. at Oke :.tate
Mot waiting to &t.prte the Seca et
Mato of the Iafarmeu.w he ilea received.
The State and Navy Departments have
boon of5d.11y Mterated ot the revustees
l ss.aalnee ay Au t►. Power• meas
H•arom, M... Jae. se -A deepens+ r..
saved by Chart. Brower A Go. of this
city gives the adduiseal info. 'eaten' that
the re.olutrw in Hawse occurred es Jae,
14, and wait esti rd by an mimeos of the
Queen to ahr.g•te the a etsteuw..s.l pre-
aaleats a mew ase. The people then de-
la/mei the Querns Sed pk.sel S. B Dale
at tib head •.f the provisional goeeressa .
Pre.sdent tale, the despatch Gaye, bee
Men rets.gnsa.d by all the powers .seeps
The first Isutuattee d trouble tante
Jan. I5, whoa the Qum. tried to get
..Met to wee • sew ommtituliois t►at
franehtsed all for.igserc tied put the w
Geveramrnat ie the hands of the as
The triaiNw, refired awl when throw -
seed by the Guns fid for their hem.
They remised later mad iodated tL• Goma
to petpme ter cop.
There was • public meals, M heel d
M. palace. The Queen assn wand the
hilar. of her plans sad a nati* orator die
oss.I.d the lee. 01 Nee Ministers.
Early is th. eo eaeag eitie-ue mart
formed • cotrna.itte of politic wilily.
(ha January Id . w:ass sawing we
is the .tabor,. At about 5 o'clock p.
the U ..ted [States str. Bost,o lauded
mu fully armed.
Tiny marched le the office of the C' ussl-
Osner.l of She United Stater. The mentees
were cwt to Ota America. Legato.,, while
Moo orlon marched oat along M.sehent.
t with two Grafting gene .hd a roped
for • ante os prt.Mte grounds. They allay.
ad en .+orm •l1 sight.
All day en TaSely the 17th the emir
asiuty was to • urate d expectancy, look -
tag to *6. commttue of public whey to
e timethieg to end the tmeatos
The sut.mitte was not idle,
e wtly o.enpid completing it. n
flow and sempIultog the pine' art�aa/iA
. Conary to the proeianrtiee .t Sha Sip
visional flavorsome! awl its ptiStaagit
alined forma
Ai Wenn !!0 del..' em attempt welg
nark by three eotsveSoma
the engross of a whish
Mhie8 w.. �/ mS j
•pr Nurth.etr.et by, lgr. tlr..wer •wd Net
Good. Thew M .Amp .f the wage roe
w et.d the attempt of the diem to erre."
ill coarse, ase ./ the wanee making
stories t• draw • remelmr. Mr. Uo.d drew
him owe and fired, bet did sot M6i.t
aamgeroea wound.
Is the m.su.. the ..mitt. en WAD
g aiety, a..c mmptsted by members of Aha
Qo.en,,ent shot to be formed, proline.'
to the tioveroomet bedding.
Tore • prealtimatis was resit, of
the shad power areas follower
1. Tho Hawaiian soitar.8ial systen. ei
Omenn. cut hereby abrogated.
2 A prison sal governable' /et the IOW
Mal .54 management d public affairs .w+
the pprrotecti.% d the midis maw i. here*
. eteldien rt, to exert until term d suite
with M. Uritod States of Amides hare.
been 5.8•.tf.wd soon and agreed epos.
4. Such provaio.al Ooveraueet tht1
arseiet of we R*a.i1tiva Commit of NM
.embers, who shall administer the mon
inti.. department's .f Um Gover.iaswt whit
I. Ad roomy Counsel of fomrt.b, who.ball
laws 1 hsia►t:o. for .os8eeit,.
4. It orese el the Gerontologists arm M
..r0ies their /matinee axe.pt this Q.•M.
Ifar.►.1 Wilson .d the Cabinet.
The Promaimel Oevermon..t aid W
Idioms weed to li. plan .d ental►
their lea t. the Qom. t. eke
Wooed at lies to Told, hot mast,
.ural to her eenutry r sidn.ee, her t .
■ ►reelered and time Gemming.* era ja
6e b.ed..1 the hreig..r.
Ti. stemma M eea,eeefi
Of R. S. D. A. King. r. a Jesse. and
3 O. B5NL 7 be imembeee el the Ad -
wry Nosed tie B. M Dlamea, L A.
6 sMea.� 1I•.daask. J. A. McC.ad-
▪ r. w. Mme' W. IL CMOs.
reewke0ee. IL Et&T J.
K M R.
P. 0 wed a NNW
• F DiN'ttad.ti
le a.w Oes.r.a..n sailed Aber eke fireenwee hefor the nohow
Sae. who wakmbkd fatly armed S. WI
Vito .mawM O titans em.readeeed .Rhona
1186•. • him. sl*8r*Rb h had sheet 4w
sem ran awl • irate., .f gatOrrMsthe
1 l+stiret(t her priests -rt.
.' i w ar•-
(fa rasa+lenes at Wr.k_
isglea• and Oke Clever ameot t.
grant •n hora•r.ry guard of 16 mete. Tse
household guorde were paid off to Feta I
aid dab...ded.
t.nws r ..ng. Ora
New Yoaa, Jae. 3U - -The W rl't in en
►t.teri.1 novas* of Hawaii sod overate
which led to the nem' revolutions any.:
••Th. qusetim of aohexu'.n ham baa.
widely .lk•cu...i :h H.wau during the peel
year. Famylaad ba. yt•t.i.d with .earning
gray to the 6.4.i watch tine Un.t•.i Heat.
bar upon • he I.la*..lm, taut Csns.ia has bens
rrgust2,ng wails H.w•ti. Mr. Ashford, a
Cau.d..u, •u•1 furan Sty Att..t.w.y tiv rural,
Was lent eape:t..tly Active in fay..r tri as-
swas sou 10 1.444....
The Uriteri Sodas flagship Stolirea.,
Admiral Skean', rat's.! fnwu nu. Erman:wee
today ler H.ru.'c.:u. "1..c Revolt -r ta ex-
i..we4 t•. k.y 41 auy co nmeat. 5nal the
A i•un,. • 1.1 lure, t ....lty �:.t ?..r aversl
m'nt/a p-st M. i6e,.. Igen N. mucsi L...t1•
vat* activity at tl.. Mare Weald n..v. .and
:a .t preie.i .
Ams•• Ratti, • millioaairr imaberman of
8 gruaw, Mich.. te deed.
Mr. Ames ii%a fee, one of the oldest esti
seas of Detrusa, a deal, /gel SIU.
Wm. Douglas, • retired farmer, .1:ed .od-
Moly •4 Gait on Saturday anent.
Mr. Rtch•rs Munwood. • promiueat
0..06..1 of Weltaod, u deed, aged 61
Mr. .lames Armstrong, M P. for South
Mi.•Ilwa, died fhursday last, aged ti.1
Wen. Huhn, win went west from Loud*
last November, hanged himself at 6a tiro
aesr Klm•.utoci.
R. T H.m of Orangeville, treasurer el
the County of Dgdenn, eoamitteJ suicide
in • Buffalo SAW.
Robert McDonald, saoa(er of the Indus-
trial Farm, died Friday ,a Woodstock of
p.etaaoaia, aged til year.
Assoe,.w Jessie. Lamar of tie United
States Supremo/Court . dead. Congress d-
houroed as • mark of respect.
Nev. David (,ran4all, • lather of the
Baptist denomustioa in the *4.... a.. Pro. -
en r,ncpe died NI aria) night at Sprovoidl.
the N.B. , aged BSS.
Kolert 3to•e, u the (Jor.rnsaent employ
as bridge tender at Perth, Oat., deed Ora
Friday lie bei been chef constau;e of
Perth for 14 years.
George Grover, Brinell royal vomitya-
nosier to the World'. Colamban etposit ion,
was food dead m his roam in the Yirgwu
totw' imago. Heart disease tie suppoed
is hove Men the muse.
Junnea Gillespie Mum, who was born
le West Itrowasvrlle, Pe, o. J.nuery 31,
16311, and who h.a her away weeks be..
sad Irstering on the ppooint et death, died Fri-
day morning in Washington. la respect
Wald to lits memory the Howse of Assembly .ad
m. Semite adjourned.
WHAT eIts:�Lit acu�ku W. A C H E 80 N &
ouzel% •
WItttaas Tawas, t need Kelt.. treat argil
.Pe•$ la Bis i1nswa ter Tan. B..,b.
Wittman It runes►-D•at► Tress seer'
teals. Ar.r ta.e trq's III.. ..
Tuaoeru. J. :Ni Willmar Tee
{+oust man 23 years old, eau .w•1
its electroplate to fe, fork owl
tits Toronto Asylum for the Imams
Oct. 27 Isar. Aced uu Friday T
Goosed i It mot the e1416teet patr'ul
front los reek act until Thura.tiv,
he was tolls. Ill wilt usdarsuketr
*tee boasts and death .mor a lest th
At the pet -mortars exsm.n•4o. he/
Saturday tinning% t'uroacr Lyud, Dr.
iu.eie, Ih. Ycwng nod .s.1stant, br I
and 0' Weir, who p.rfunnad the
w'rtem, were present It was foes
the kite and tort had been swals
handles first, Olt spoon bowl first. U
three utiles the swami was the only
Gum lullowed the regular Dour. of d
tion ; that u out of the stomach the
the small l515sttaes two the rectus.
large Wttetme. '18. wee loun
the stomach with its bowl spree
entrance too tb. Brain tetanus:, and to
corroded tee partially digested. The k
and fork, however, materiel death ; they
taken Oke .tort course w the tectum
Werued through the lower wall of
stomach, making • large gap. The
was nitride ha/silks tint, however.
ties of the gamic juice hod corroded
kale b • greet extent, stir blade war
a water ands* the end the jArun had es
into 51 USW it was is the shape oo • ►ooh
The fork was almost intact The keifs was
44 ,aches long, the spoon 64 inches. the
fork 74 taches.
The post mortem also revealed • trumps -
tar pet of glees .boat j aria Inch to width
b the trachea or 6reethtag tube.
Local physicians look upon the case as
arse et the most remarkable In the history
d the medical proa woo The fact that
Tucker dixeld carry the articles for three
month,' without ►newventeswe, and coo
even jump ep rind down to let the of
paueute bear the articles jisgls ►nude b
is most extreordtrry. laooa.ed war
so. of Ree. Mr. Tucker of the Method
Book Room.
spots0 1 this month only.
u •t y
Having finished stock -taking, and as the season is
advancing, we are clearing Mantle Cloths several lines
at Half Price, and some ends of Mantlings at less than
Half Price.
Dress Goods, many lines at exactly Half Price, for
t Wool Hosiery and Gloves at clearing prices.
vo hen Men's Lined Kid Gloves, our best $1.25 line reduced
to 92c. for all sizes.
Ladies' Finest German Natural Pure Wool Vests, our
'.ren $1.25 quality reduced to 93c.
du ed p�Special $1.00 and $1.10 Ladies' Wove Vests, reduced
f the tO 82C.
Ladies' Black Undressed Kid Gloves, $1.25, warrant-
ed, reduced to 69c.
in Bargains in other lines.
'b7 a i
Two new ..icons will be erected in Win
The weather in the Northwest is tat -arse
Burglars .tole $3X) worth ot goods frau,
James Scott's store, Wallacebur4, no Thurs-
day night.
Oxford l'ounty t Wne►1 teethe the Bab
lawmen of the prohibition question to e
Id plebiscite.
her Carpet maoufaa Looters ars askisg • May ter
lin, ditty on Antenatal tapestry carpets of the
the cheaper clam.
tons The statue of the late Sir John Msudon
!tamed Mos Try M d. Op. *bat 1• s
Toaomy, Jen. 30. -I. tits Toronto
u it Deadwood City ' Another dayl'g
✓ obbery was attempted m Friday at
by four armed mire at the Hone Savin
Sed Loco Company's office a Chu
street, whim • stone's throw of pol
keadgeartmn, but is this case the pluck
the c rka prevented the desperado.s fro
getting away moth any mosey or ral•abl
About 4.15 o'slock Meier Mae., tanager
of the Sed the eros y, left these*. Four tier
boy were left bellied to baton
sod sloes the doors. Wellington Wall oe
U m cashier, was in kis cage minim
pooh ready be lock epp u the vault. O.
ad. of 6..s was R B. &treat, working
the books, sad on the other side wee Jae,.
C. Nowa. About 4.ti1 • well-dressed
young - entered the door, levelled
couple of revolvers at Wllaoe's 6e.d,
comai.edud him to hold up hu Maeda
the same esome51 a couple of other Isco
e ntered, all with revolvers, but Mr. W
law thought it eoo some joke and 4.4
elevate his usanuelestremtues w requested
One of the tree proceeded to climb over t.
counter to try the door of the ,arhie
cap, which eras locked oft the instde.
then became evident that se e was
Waled. so, as quick as thou t. Mr. Wel
lace •oatebed • chair .ad MI the seat be
twee /outsell Gad the rather to prevent the
eooundrel from getting • good aim at a•
tai pan While Gus was iota; on
unit Mr. 3a.... that it woo time for air
so he piled into the non stat had
used the oomat•r. There was
Sty that ohm r mare of the gang w.
captured, but the third invader Woe
plank yo5eg man a Wow se the head
th the bed et the revolver that hid
sus to the door .tanned, sad that cut b
p opo.. Mr. Street thea took • part
the melee, sad received • sere eat in
hood. It became evident to the rob
that the beat thing to do was w n
it, and as sem as pomble they brok
way, all three .saki.% off, the door havie
been goa�e.f by • fourth. la the rear
ado* 7o6a De Da Boyd .ad Peter Lyrr
two clerks, had been engaged. When the
4.truders made thou MWtias endow,
L nae rat .p the back stairway to the law
office of Foy t Kelly, where be t•lep►wd
to the detest** tam for aswlance, which
woe at the urea m the perms of Detective
Caddy within two Meets', but the
birds had departed. They left so trace
behind except • loaded revolver, o.rtrfdge
of 32 calibre, which ley en the (her.
The det..ctiv. Maw sbeolutely me at.rti5g
poiet at wbcb to bsge. work, Get even e
good descriptio. d I . mot Jerky robbers
that ben ever worked is Toronto dans it
was Toronto.
Four young mea registered at the Palmer
Hoare Fries monde; as nems. 6.w
Balkh. Th d.eripuon talks. with that
d the robb.n..d, as they did not ra-
ters to the 6sta1 at night from their visit
about the city, it is epect.d that they
are the wren who attempted to operate at
the Home Smutty and Loan Company',
fid, made by Wade for the city of Hamll-
too, ma shipped lame week.
Several .embers of the 1)oaitauon Parla-
ment have given notice of resolutions h.•
read Sag in view the lowering of the tarif.
Middlesex end Feet 0o•nty owutcik
ter have adopted a resolution favoring a
ht provincial pkb,s'-tte co the prohibition
tcmoot question.
Brant County Donnell has passed a reado•
roh tow favoring a provincial plebiscite on the
toe question of prohibitten the sale of fntoxioat
of rig liquors.
m John McKinnon, of Rocky Point,
es. 'd SO years, nam on Thursday sente•c:d
to three yearn in penitentiary for setting
6. titre to • harm.
Two Dung women were baptised in the
River Thames at Landon Sunday. They
btu were candidates foe edmuawn to the church
one of Latter Day Saint..
at A Washington spec.•ia1 says the llevelasd
Administration to favorable to the anuera-
boo of Csaads, and that 16sa will be the
• most eo..piceous feature of its policy.
4301 .loin A. Miller, and Mens R Davis, both
Ai of Tarawa, were arrested at Suspension
sl Bridge charged with attempu.g to
act Suites. ie a•a • .mot di•moed& Into the
hi Americas s mtnra• colleen at Nospen....
r'. Bridge captured 530,000 worth of *mem a
T.od.y -+owing. It bed low seaug%ld
is from Torcmto by two colored railway
A ooapaay has beam freed at Rosen,
under the lite of the Franco{,a.adian
Steam Nsvtit.4os Csaptay, w easbhsh •
ft � steam service between Frame and
The A.u•ime•t Commussioner for Hemati-
tes, Ont, Ms prepared • statement white
id ahem that the total nem of property as
k that city whirl r exempt from ta.atieo is
The Notrten Mauafactitnog Casepw•y, d
is Railton, (as,, oe Friday divided amao•g
iia employee a portio. or It/ ear's profit.,
each mass receiving a mum a�t sgsa1 to
• ten days' pay.
• The amuse report of the department of
e justice ahem that 387 ow.viote were re-
g caved by the peniwti.ri. dines the
past year, a decrease of 47 compared with
, the p.vis. year.
7.. ►..plant, whir woe • dict. .gar for the
Merchant. Flak at 'Windsor, en Deoeusber
17 het, whoa "8,500 mysteriously disap-
*Wbe matey. arrested. ekers.a with
swaling A.auel l.aareaotk, of Hash•.., • ..we
.gent es the G. T. R., is under arrow 4
Bridge charged with stealing •
wh eontu.img 4743 [Rom • Grand
express oar,
A dynamite plant soar Bessemer, Ala, bel
erplo.led. Two mea were biotin to pmeow. be
Eaglet miners were killed by as a the
seen offiredamp ie • mem at Dux, an Bor wi
A brakeman' mad Ball, ./ Paras, had .aa1
hu left arm crushed while oomph/a( 'a
,.•r Stratford,bore
Th.l'amptrpford wealk% mill was de
1 stroyed by fire es Saturday morau,g. The for
loss a !]_'e,000 •
The people d ToryIsland, of the north
west .neat of Ireh .re dyisg by deems
e1 saaligawt measles.
George Rnlof died sit Altos, 111, en
Tiu+da of injuries received u .t a=pls-
sip. at Alto, Jueetien last Saturday.
(leorge W steo., a M.C. R. brakersa., fell
from a car .t Tilbury Comte, sad was
crushed to clean beneath the whel..
Fifty -eves mmen he.. beau reamed
from the horning mien at Tokod, Hos-
* Pel. _The remain'.. esyo.ty-three haus
An Ent ee. train nue a gem
et mow shovel!. near F. 1kire
aingary. Bight men wore haled and two
Ann. Madeira was badly eurshed en the
T. IL. at Tarot., and was remora to
the bee4+tel- Hopes for ►ie recovery are
Mra. lit. .l.yal, of Winnipeg, was fright -
owed late . at of 6y.cerice .. weoieseda♦
night by an alarm of fire 1t resulted is her
death M • few aMnte.
Two proem wore killed sad tee other
fatally Wowed by a ooilisi05 betimes a rail-
road trei..5d • sleigh lead et pl.00un
o rehe sear Trades, N.J.
In • hovel near Parkersburg, W. V..,
Jobe Michael's wife .ad three little .Ail •
drew were *ieeo,.red frames to death. A
fourth child, an infant, was found •liar..
An explodes oeo■rrej la a ctrl mime et
Towed, sear With, Hssesr7,eating fire
to the mina Of the 130 tam 'n the
muss, it is heliovd seam will be saved from
All hope of resoei.g •li.e the men elm
woes.steahed 6, thenpksio..t firedamp
M the aim mt x, 44 *'..., h. been
•t.ni,ud. A• Mewugstien shows that
.Ree hundred awl thirty meet Ism tier lives
n the dimmer.
A ea.s.oa IS by IMO Let at the roof of
the mom sans .4 the mos.t*eter.rr build
lag ss the W,rld'. Fair %mend. in
CbWw eallspeed from *6. weight d .waw
on Sat.rday Meehisery hall mlse safer
Of1ugrossly. The lees estimated estiat 111101,
mei the belts parties. photon ihhem a tOtthe
oa.tl, antt a•t t M
re-tdeur el Mr. Joins Lang. Doom Fab.
the .bar .fg►S. Dern* the sight ,sass.
Steve... d Thertold, got hobos with en w4.
Asher. and mreiesetly shot 1.hn Walker.
et she ems tnraw, M Iib stank .t the head
The ereiabd ageg isy dr.
'"4R +.- . , .
,..r -
They tabs Wena eaten.. la Tee ie•e tar
noose Tire.
To.om.o, Jan. 30. --The arrest .f F.
J. limey. the sign porter en the m-..
Shore sfepi.g tar, and Hash J. p..,
rise nssre kndu of the hairs ter, at
R►i last week male the
.eisere of $30,002 worth of opium tures
Det to be m i,nn..1 ems as the mmo
are believed to ►•ve hes sagged in
eine hn grmod. tosadet
sfro between Te
Prato�sad New York for seer time posh
Thor are geed grouses kr the heart that
Were is • large •moues of •meggliag mem
en, .d when there is ese iswno of the
guilty persons heft( apprehended then are
several when. they .asp,. Th.e is we
reo.abis detmit that . ms.sieershle q....
(41701 .Plum Se eeeseortiy entering tats
the Vetted Stow, es it r lowers thetem eb
ef it is peered I she Northwest ad that
it must have a market eamewti.ra. At Vis
tori., B.C., there are an fs.t.riss rummies
tee days is the week. sad they ham a daily
espy .f 40 row's. a.khsg the read
wawa be-
lieved tee Um wee the men IND ►ssatleg of optimaIt
s Sys ism
W h.rle .f a kw INS who Arai& the
mese, and direst the bidneeh watte the
elesrog ahpermitpermitear perend ethers Deeply set
as 1Aoe.ir .pas& One ed the mind palms
4srespeed eenfmod shall be ee.eiver $
• . crottbrigre aphis theoag4. free Inmee
Ale ander Mclwaa, of Tomato, was rob-
bed of 5800 ia mosey and a gold watch as
the (hand Howl is Lockport, N. Y. Joe
Cooky, • bawd employee, was arrested and
meet of the mosey was recovered.
Four caked ase made • desperate at-
tempt to roil the head aloe et the Hoak
Serfage mad Loma Satiety of Toronto se
Friday. The uses were u.ad, mei desper-
ately attacked the Werke et the ben tst8se
but failed to obtain some se.en thousand
dollars which the teller. Mr. Wal.., had
en Um coaster, and which he sand by tom -
needing himself a the teller'. eager sad re-
towkg to sterrendrr, although asemhed b
the draws rem/wered the robber* The
ase mails their weep& -
IS se shad Lard Salisbury weighs 840
lett '1
(•t. Beehep Brooke i eatd to have
Bishop D.wadwg, of Hamilton, Me Ids
ler New York, en mote to Rome.
Yr. James M. Lottri lgs. will be the
o pr..s ens d error the eHaailtse jockey
The same of Dir. (%ors lies Bern ben been
reus.vd from the roll .f the Remo'\ begins
•i4 Hiner.
Mr. (Siris.. *to..l., Jwrise the pr....i
Mm.•.., to .anis ietrndere hie i,etl'• iay
Utearv.we. Aet
It it olefin, ) decided that Lard Aber-
deen will .eao,.e Lord Stanley ea Gorernor-
Uo es al of Loads.
mis=Lowe. d Ontario, was Wieete/
itas by the bishops of the mats
.leaked preview of (Made.
Roils, of Mentreel, W b.s close.
anew .l thepane 154. et
A. P. sod A. 1i. is se. ii. mb
f• IgM *4'a FSr paeee.h, the !.q
e.a. me • satin. d IterA
�Old rear relatives live 6*. ~w is
W. lt. Aylwwort6, d Deseoosio, hoe
been ..ppelnae.l 1'aunt - Clerk of Hastings,
to succeed 1er J l' Bel 1, who resin;sed os
account of all health.
Cul. Tisdale has %oven motes of are.
solute= calling for eapl ratio. and sur
rent to allertaiu the must direct •ad
feasible canal rout, cuane;ung Lake St
Clair with Lake Eel., through Canadian
Edwird F' Searles, heir to the enillsoau
left 6y Mark Hoplios, has promised to
erect in connection with Boudoirs College,
basun', tilt :hies( rail b .t equtppe4 Lgtd.
tug for the study of sciences that money
can **are.
Mr. 1. W. Roes, Minister ot Education,
returned to town innweek after • five
month.' tour through Kugland, France, and
Germany tt'tolo he went for the benefit
his !eeaitn, he sound tint, to sac. -Are consider
able Oaf tined ion rel.at:ng to schools awl th
school *,steins tel those Countries.
It le soil abet Mr..loseph Pope, who wts
for several year N,r .104,1 Maca•raal l . pri
.ate wr.retsry, an t i+ i, Attestant lecre
t.ry to the Prey O o.w,,t, will shortly 1.,•
appointed Deputy Minister of Marine and
Fisheries, and that lir. W,lium S.'th, the
present IMputy Minister will be .u.meranu
• - $12,000,000.
.1 Saving- Dejartmenl has been hexed in con-
vection with this branch.
Interest allowed at current rates,
Manager Gdern h Branch,
s- .A •WALIC R,
Cassiage Masa•-u.faectt-tser,
Having purchased the badness of
1 have now arranged, not only to continue the Carriage Trade, Lc 1sv theaded to
do all claws of week ie
The New C+rocczs,
S T U- izt DY' 13 ROS.
Have a Stock of
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware
which for quality and price osau.ot be tiaturlled
The INDIAN and JAPAN TSAR which they handle et, luxirely ran -
not he au rpaame(t.
c,f nosey by it ! Evan the cost of the medi-
cine he kat given has not been returned to
e him. Now, what is it that makes him do
all this for as! 1t is the Bible ; I have
looked into it • snood deal fin d&elected langu-
ages. The Bibb --there ji nothing to omit -
pare with it in all oar sacred books for
goodness and purity and holiness Gad lo*,
mad for motives of action Where did the
English people get their intelligence toed en-
ergy and cheerios* and power ! It is their
Bible that gives it to thaw. And they now
give it to us, std say : That it what raised
no ; take it, end rants yourselves.' They
do not fore* it upon us, as did the Moham-
medans with their Korea : but they bring
it in love, and soy : ' Look at it, rad it,
essmine it, and tee it itis not rood.'"
An icelande academy will probably he
started in Winnipeg.
Gray and W r. w i.'r are-watmag great
havoc on the cattle ranches of Wyoming
The linoleum far -,ram a: Nor-th A*Mxtan,
Yorkshire, have been hurried Poe ions is
Spain will be rap- ...toad .t the Chicago
World's Fair by the 'wain.* E:ilalie and her
hitabaad,,Pnnoe Antoine.
Pat Wells, a .eero who had robbed the
boast of a white mon, was lynched .t
Quincy, Fla., Friday [tight.
The Penin cau.a •.andel is to be inns.
boated try • sielovl, eoocmttt.ee of the United
States House of Repre.wtatiaea
The Government of Hawaii his been over-
thrown and . provisioned Goya -mood form.
d, mid to be hostile to F.og!•ad.
kigbtem coal dealers in Rochester have
been indicted by the greed jury for illegally
combining to advance toe place of coot.
It a stated that tea ex•muu,tng magistrate
is the Panama canal loretigation ba► found
• use bill •g•mn a Count Ferdinand de Lou
It ie reported that the Northern ('acinic
Krulrowl will extend it. hoes to Alaska,
and thus ocnstruct an overland rote to
It is mid that Bill Dalton is collecting •
gang of desperadoes to raid the toil at leek
Emden*, Kamm, and rescue hie brother
The Loodo. Cbreiele expresses the bend
that the next budget will provide for the
payment of .11 weathers of the Hooke .f
The Birmingham Chamber of lbmeueeq
by • voted 76 to 61 passed • resolution M
livor of Canada °Berme preferential tants
to Great Britain.
George Vickers, the Mitobeil ...i4454.,
who wee wrested eu Mich4as in Daeaair.
Bras .tai.. ad at Stratford oe Ast•rj.y to
live years M the p•misentisry.
The aftaoseere et the Catholiclhenriga
of the United States have selected • site
.oar Pletteb.r4 N. Y.. for tie erection .f
buildings far the .anal neeeti.p.
The strike at the Brooks boometies
works at Oinked', N.Y., h.e seens.ed a
ass loss pia... be troop have hem milled
an to pretest the .e.- mien Moan
Oemial smarms piaci* the Reams Gimbals
moieties of the Uinta Staten *4 8,80g,-
OBg, to about spiritual guidaeo. It %Beare by
14 archbishop., 75 bishops, .5d 4,124 semi -
liar sad 2,443 regular priest&
Sir William Veneta
Etareeert, (Am
alikethe KIohegaow,
d 6.. iseliaed to
advise the li veruaent to accept denote'
koivage, MBavi , that the bsabie slaws
d moiety w..M ..fist during the limn.
• ars eeleos WeelOm..y.
A striking te•tinoay, reea.tly betrm. by •
harmed lira►asia, in the presence of two
huadrd drnhair, oraiel students, .ad
ether. W luso bee. ptbliehd.
" I ben w.tsi d the missionaries and
asks whet they w. -What hove they oases
to thin country for What tempts them to
leave their p•trtete, friends .d country, te
Osumi to skis, to them. unhealthy *lime! L
it fee pie or profit that they cone ' Bose
et ss, me try clerks. in Asvtrwae.s elen&
mesho larger solaria* then
rs.„.may tt Be how 18ey wred din h .
Mil ma Leek es rho tsiaioonry h Mesa
hr. • saw poen age, leaving ed. sad fee
or need t hit wen no( week void Woke aged
empwtms gim ems s. was u« dinerertsg-
01 La thhe e a dlgemary, .ted w said :
W ,. peyf 5 mot Gomel wee *8.l) twit.
�ie�e� we motet : het r the dim
ear inkier mad or bete, we were dad to
got beim, end he wdeeeeoi tri We mew
et Gro Y be wn1'ed through nor
M s asses i bet, see [nssR whim tier
styes ad langhlent were is eiek..r and
slngwiek we west W begge•l hiss te ....
-has late our loam en•Weasste t..1 4
.ams, aged our wine a.d daughter' ..s
while epee re is health r A. 8. rads ally
From oar anti aeol_t.ede■c.
Alf. Seed. Name lift week for °odor's+.
He is employed to work on the wows with+
are being helot in connection with the
There is • good opening here at present
for a blacksmith. There are two vacant
*hope in the village at pretreat, one to rant,
the other free of rent. This is certainly •
good chance.
Mr. Henning*, th, present msaager of
the flour mill, is doing • rushing bunioes.
He is compelled to work elitism hours •
day to fill orders. Mr. HeiIIulI s is giving
his customer* the baht eati•t•ottoo IoW in
Boor and chop.
Some of our neighbors who have got os
their thinking asps are wondering why
tend. for the courses for improving our
harbor ere Sot advertised ter. They hone
not forgotten the fact that 18,000 we voted
last moron to make the .ecemary improve
meets to the harbor, also • large grant for
• railway, but Smatters mum at present to
be quite dormant. Well, we have got to
.tee those harbor improvement• made the
asinine Hummer, alai the railroad in the
very star future or, oar ----
Coe. Nwiwt,
le a pronatis conducted by thn weeeing of
Wbt boob WI the year round Cora rear
tag wan first enndaoted Utte it t6e agency
of Putiam'e Punkee $'or. l(Gtraeber, the
only safe and sere -pop tore con. Pittew's
It:tractor is now widely imitated. Beware
of all poisoione sod sore producing .ib.4
tutee ; they are dangerous to one and sits
sold simply because they &lord the dealer
larger Kat.
Mores : We regret when that Km.n rl
Oliver ie in very poor health His ..diced
attendant pronounces the trouble to be
.hoer of the stomach with tittle hope of
&tetr Tim.: A great mem small awls
have been kslk.d is this .eig66erhoed.
These owls ars true friends of the fart...,
sad it is sot oily • Mame, bet it also
agoiset the law to destroy them. Dada,
the Sommer .•.ann they kill oft hundreds
cit Sold mice, moles, and otter vermin', sad
la the Winter season they make their hose
is the barn.. 4 feed upon .nip , y
rate, sparrows, etc., ani instead of
wantonly destroyed rind
and protected.
We have within the week
passed into stock about $1000.00
worth of new goods, -rather un-
usual at this seamou, but the cash
system enables us to be always
in the market.
In this lot we secured at a
great Ions to the wholesaler a
line of Dress Goods formerly re-
tailed at 141c and 15c, this
'N`aaon's goods, which we can sell
at 6 je.
A line of prints, new pat-
-terns, to sell at Sc., worth 80.
A IOc. line for 7c., and
Another lot of A.shton's fans_
cwt prints, 1 t}cSSE
price, Lc.
Alta new designs in art
muttlins, 38 inch.t wide, for 10e.
New cretonnes from lie tip.
New fancy drapery. tabic
linen,,, table napkins, towel',
Hamburg emhrt'i.lery, a p r on
mtlrlins and gingham*, mites
&deft, Turkey red., 'able oil .loth,
Specie/ value's in flannels,
oladerwear and hosiery.
Remember, when you bay
from Aft you Nave all the benefit
of °soh buying and cash galling.