HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-2-2, Page 2ONE >f JOYS
Both the method sad results when
byrnpof rip IS it is pleasant
and reikehhmg to the and acts
eptly yet art to you the kidneys,
Liter and Dowels. cleanses the eye.
1� esfll::; , divas sld colds, bead-
sad fevers Sree habitual
constipation. Syrnp of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro -
duped, plcagngto the tate and ac-
ceptable to the stomach,rompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, pr,p redonly from the most
healthy andel agreeable subetanoes, its
many ezcalent qualities num mend it
to all and have made it the most
popular rent y known.
Syrup of 1'jgs is for sale in 750
bottiee by al leading druggist&
Any rliabio drugpiis v. hu may not
have it on hand willmay procure it
promptly for any one who witches
to try iL H :nufllatured ouly by the
1,0171$VSd t.z7G,,Shaw _•iaer... a.%
GanG.A. FLAY, Ulmer AT GODatiCH.
Farmer Hobheinid, coming in hot and
tired from the hay -field. " TS•t
time dratted maebiles wait work, and of
1 am to save my hey, P11 have to take that
intrust mosey .ad bsy • new machine.
" I think you'd better not, tuber," Mrs.
Hobbs answered, Matadi alarm. "1 don't
know where yos'rw*lei' to get any more,
and Job•soe a peitlaidel okist about gettin'
bks memey oe times a rd be .hard to let
it run over • mtwses."
a Well, but L.siady, tha hay's nuts
eneew'n the intrust, and you know they's uo
take' the stock thmws1h the winter without
it. The cattle adeili kinder rub along, but
the horses is jilt prim ableeged w hate
their timothy, mad my timothy is as fine a
piece as you ever let eyes on. "
" Suppoee you 'try again,- Mrs. Hobbs
eeggestr.1, helping low husband to• luscious
quarter of raspberry pia "i'11 go out with
you and help tanoh.ke her, and well use
plenty of Ile, end •.ebbe you can rub
through jut this wast"
Well 1'11 try. Irnei.dy, I bain't nobopes
but 1 would like to save that incrust
Mr.. Hobbs stayed in the field till rive
o'clock, and the hay wee cut with few de
lays. The girls brought out the •upper,
which was eaten with much relish in the
hay-beld. The bermes being watered and
fed, the work west se by the Mg harvest
moos, and at 10 o'ei.ek tbe hay troto the
'• big medder," was is the stacks.
A few days after, Jim Johnson cane out
to me if the interest sesMy was ready. He
meed his horse under a tree and started
through the meadow lases Mr. Hobo, who
was fencing his ricks as the other side.
" Mnees and the Ihiffiruab.e ! Whet'•
that ! " be asked, wen at. ability blue re -
Sections Sating oo peek of water standing
everywhere, for of had rained heavily the
night before. " Oils and no mistake ' " he
went on, after dipping his fingers Into •
puddle and testing it o•refully with kis
It was only the dry irises that the pap-
er had cantaieed an so..nnt of some new
fields found not above twenty five miles
away ; an old partner elf Jim had been tbe
first to invest and weld esasejuently fabu-
lously rich.
.lobsrton carefully eabbd his finger s
his pocket !,andkerobid, stowed the latter
in • deep pocket and boot woad across the
Bald, his foe pale mai ids eyes rlitt.ri.g
very unpleasantly. Ho tried to greet the
farmer with kis .00s Lamed taeilanty, but
his words cera by jerks end in gess, 'ad
his throat &.sane• N by that he could
eerctly arti.shAs.
" What's lee mat/sg t Natal yes well e,
Mr. Hobbs asked, .s.p.ediog kis work to
gam curiously at Me viifter. " Yon look
t•llerl'okeSd as the deed...' roar eyes is
like burnt holes in a bl..ket."
" No, thank you, not .t a11." Johnson re-
plied at readam. " hem quite well, exempt
hanky sore throat--gve yea w.H ' And the
' Pretty fair we've oat • good dal of
health mixed op matmott no -vs know
they'. twelve .11 told."
Yes, • large, intaresilled Mindy want
be mall the farm ! "
H. tried to smite the ase miss ism eager,
bet he meld sot quiet Ilhe tremor to his
votes. and be lies is nst.t.1 dread not Mr.
Hobbs shoed bees some rens to mem the
held end mw As .il, wins his " cake weld
Ito demob," sr ha mantel* eu r+mod is
" No," Mr. Hashe d abo1'yy. and
west es wits •t. ,sett
" P11 gime
7......0 piss 1.r it -1 want
1 tier • ewnMaadw dos /elatery. gee •
" Wei, nest,* thommie-tea tv.mnd s-
pirts," said Mr- sielk4 moos: a. term
who stet Werth oma tikes • third of des
•' 191 take K," with • M1r} " %tab
fifty to bind the baser i. and i'!1 fir MIM a
abash for hole baleen, right Imo"
I -
H. did sen 414 odd saw /gym he Me.
Hdba. who kept b!„ snsNaw.s• rod e►
h. was ewri•eed that John= was sew.
" Come te the beam mad ago the ma-
lt Inv the dosi"
-• All reit "
Mr. sod stew Hobbs seoomp.i.s John -
es to Luau, rid were tibuadsrotrsek whim
they learned that the sale was reel, sad that
they had twelve thousand dollars is the
,.leasee that Juboeuo hum t crazy, ' Hobbs
began u he was clear of the town, "why,
tbey's sometbin in the wind. 1t may be •
risco factory, but 1 duo t solute It. I won-
der ef they've found gold' "
'• 1t don't stake no sort o' de(er+os to
father,' lira. Hobbs answered. She
was .Irani that her husband would take
alarm mad want to "rue tack." as she ex-
pressed It. " No, it don't mike •o sort o'
,leAereelcs to as, .n' we't r got enough for
he piano of they find duniets. I never did
like it, an' I don't hear how soon we qct
•way. Lets tiny beck our .ix acres the the
•.lgeof Cloverdale. We can git it for throe
thousand, •o' then you'll have nine tooth
mad to put out .t intrust
" 1 -es, mother.-
" And we kin git tittle .1 im his cornet and
send hum oIl to be leered to play.-
lay.-" You can do jot as you please, mother
I'm rich enough now, I re chin, to do as 1
like, and 1 hope i won't want to do •oche
very bad."
"That's •omethin you never did d ,
father," dutifully replied 1.a wife, "and 1
d.,o't believe brie' rich is a goio' to changer
you much. If it mould I'd want somethiu
to come along and take the money away
from us, because it can t never pay :o rive
up 'lora' good
As sono hes the transfer was made and the
deed to -cried, Johnson sent the following
telegram to his w htlom partner
"('-,me en bring .0 your loose cash oil
in abundance."
'1'1.r weld was sent with instructions to
buy adjoining farms on option of thirty
days : the oil man would ,ome later and
bring an cheer?.
1 he fame were bergatned for at ndtcu-
Iou.Iy low figures, and then Johnson invit-
ed his friends out to see his "find.
1 tell you, boys." he said as be rode up
and tied itis horse to the meadow fence,
" the whole earth is jist •-.nakin' with It,
and it • jut burstio' out of the ground. You
we this country has never had any oil taken
out of it." he answered glibly, "sod as it is
constantly generating It has become so
chock full that the ground cast hold It and
tee compelled to come out. You'd be snow
albeit to see how it is actually boiling up.'
" It must be wasting if it is I. that con-
dition," some, se remarked
' What's a waste of a few miUioa o' bar-
rels'" scornfully retorted Johnson. There's
enough left for nim and my family and all
my poor relations.-
elations."Ry this time others, haying beard the
news, had arrived at the farm, and quite •
crowd hal gathered when the partner with
the expert drove up. followed by Mr.
•• Just wait till you examine these blue
patches," Johnson said to the two men after
they had alighted from their buggy. "Now
tell me if you ever mew • purer dedication
The expert gave • glance over the field,
took •quick survey of the confirmation of
the country, and opeel his lips to speak ;
but before he could articulate • word, Mr.
Hohh. broae into the conversation with s
remark the' sent the cnl.d chills down John -
MU'. spine
" Anil is it thein blue patches that ludi•
este de!" he asked, with a glance half pity-
ing, halt contemptuous. " That's a fact, for
1 used morn two gallon on my ole mowi.'_
macbiue, • trvin' to git through the seats
without buyin' • tow ose."
" Int this be a lesson to you, air," said
Johns'. partner.
"• A11 the lemon 1 get out of it," again put
in Mr. Hobbs. " is that when you u• •
cuttin' hay use plenty of de."
" It's •---.wu ulle'" Johnson broke out,
livid with raga. " And I'll laud you in the
pen before this is over."
" Isn't talk to me About swindling," Mr.
Hobbs began, adven,•ang upon Johnston, whn
retreated to hie ouggy. Who was it swin-
dled the Widow Robinson out of her property
and drove her to commit suicide • Who was it
that swindled the people out their of tares
and barely missed the g en' Who was it
that swindled "
Johnson gave his horse • lash with the
whip and drove rapidly away
" 1 didn't know nothin' about this de
business until this morn.'," Mr. Hobbs ex
plained to the people present. " I knowed
they was.oceethw' up, but i had no idy
what it was, for 1 supposed every blamed
tool in the country would know machine -de
oe a madder after • nim" --Waverly
Sews Atssi Tows.
It is the current report about town that
Kemps Balsam for the throat and lungs is
making some remarkable curs with people
who are troubled with coughs, sore threat
asthma, bronchitis and consumption. Any
druggist will give you • trial h..ttle free of
coat. 1t is guaranteed to relieve and oars.
The karee bottles are 50e. and 11. (2sow)
wessap Www litiellevese
Mrs. Rthb. " 1 declare you in.. can't
write • letter onkel you have • regular
desk, and office chair, and big blotting pad,
and don't know what .11."
my Hibbs Ye., and • woman may
have s 1200 writes( desk, with everything
to match, end yet shell rt dere os • .tool
and write on an old book."
a nesesss Meet ovist.
The best cure we knew of Inc eon.tipatinn
and headache le the piedmont herb drink
eall.d lane'. Family Medicine. It is said
to ben (r gun rest, eomhisod with
simple herbs, ad mads Inc ON by pour
Mg boding wailer s to obs dried roma and
herka it is rse•rkaMy edia•akoss to all
bond diesnrdews, sod le stew the anvermen
remedy with Walton tor desiring up the mm.
plexles. Druggists ..0 the packages at
We. sad 11. Wsowl
To grow .14 g..dbiny, .ss mart live
tee}erletsb �lmb, metbttdie.ny ; be is
wa.isi 1s .+ that Y .reg es is tis wend
M .he fol, happy, and sale. mad, sad
shoe beep Ohs blood pesee emd Optima
by 7 anepia. as set Area
My asig►bsrs, Pour Toughies s.' SWIM
ler Prows.
Hey sold thou fares ate' iris's en' ore meg-
to' 4 u.
'They're grout tired it (arose' as' Wry
meat to rest, 1 guess,
1'1i bet ton '.hay , re oak o' town is thirty
days w Ices.
Rf they lea sten' it, but ( tbiek it's hard to
How thty ural hie •hut up 3:i cowl the way
thet'll Iry to be,
Then iteus.0 mea 1 ..th seise of 'em as'
taetglibors a.l a1UY1,i y
demi bard) raise uo panne troch they'll `n
het- so little grouted.
('.w't loop no pigs or ehickens, or their I •
i ,ne■1 W
seighl'.rs they U complain ; ! Li
t,..u't We eggs to sell, uor cheese, .or hot i
ter, muck or grain
They'll bey to got r,u.e ot►us, or tall back , WhitA
as Piovt.:ct.c.,
An' do a 'debt o' mown.' met their me•der cd
It's eller* been A peuak whet m many town
(.11..1,, !
T.. make a liviu' : yet emus Otos they neem
to worry through.
Kat these'• uothiu' like the c.,uatry et at'• ' 11 li"ht
,•..tnfurt that you •rut ; \■(111 v
Where the prairie chi.ketrs muster as the
rabbits net their !soot
Where the 1stks the up an' un,is' to the
moratn' 'Late it'. light,
An' the katydids a druu,nuu' at their or
ch. sire all u:gi.t
Where :ice choir at Itie list* 10,5.1 run a ort
it music race will
Stith wimiever eke is singes'. h: ing.o' in Tyall do
their buUfrt., bet..
An' the m,vrntisbt's sort o' mellow, an' the
eveuin' wind is soft,
As the bras is full of perfume from the new
h.ty in the loft
N'1 ere • lis apples it: tl:e orchard, throwts'
kisser at the ton,
Git to b usane an' ecplainin' that they
meant it all in fan.
Theo the ur;t-rtn solus chuskle, an the
yeller penikus grin,
An' the sweet potatoes gig,le while the
holly hoe k• chane In.
Where the tut keys strut and gobble, au' the
guineas rut* and screech.
Au' the rous•ers pitch their crowin' jest es
high ti they can re,wh.
Where you we the hie,•s a tat ole . an' the
cattle lookin' sb','k,
An' the ramie a-gn.wm fathers es they
waddle up the creek.
An' the prairie 'lois a• berkiu', es they lay
round in chi- sou ;
An' a blue streak cross the weeder awns
jack rabbit on the run
Where you live on homemade cookie', he•
old-fashioned buttermilk,
Succotash ac' .eppl, dumpl:n', rnastio' can
jest mei the silk
Pancakes smothered i:, molasses, with • yery
temptio' look
Haat an' eggs an baked potatoes like your
mother uae.i to cook.
Oh, there's nothin' like the country for coo-
testment an' fee health,
An' there's nothin' like a •'eihou.e fer do-
meatic peace an' wealth.
An' there's nothin' hke the prairie., where
the air is pure an' free.
One road Kansas quarter sectio. -that u
jest the stuff fer me.
Mary S. Mille, is (linage Advose.
('em114■'t go Told mode.
Hicks " You can always tell a man that
has been • postal clerk."
Snicks " You can't tall him much. He
generally knows it .11.
•Ors as May.
it is given to every physician, the for-
ormula of Scott's Emulsion being no secret ;
hut no successful imitation has ever been
offered to the public. Only years of ez•
perience and study ma produce the best. 2
W. -engem Nen ray.
• 1 Ne sept h n seer pay.," said the moral-
Oh, doesn't lir said the demoralizer.
" I know • Iran who made $25,000 out of
false teeth last year."
how is tom Timm
In this the season of coughs, colds, .sth-
ma, bronchitis and other throat and lun
complaints, it is well to be provide) with
• bottle of I)r. Wood's Norway Pine Synip
which effectually cares all such diseases,
and that very promptly and pleasantly.
face 25 and We. lith by all drugging. 2w
Atmlel.M Illi•sw•.or.
l'hi1Le McKlink-" MOND Penn traded
with the Indians for what is sow the site
•l Philadelphia."
Kleecker Rood -" And yet the say that
the redskins were always imposed epos by
the whites."
main se fie.
Make no mistake when buying • remedy
for dyspepsia, headache, eam•tipatioo or
bad blood, be sure to got the kind that
cures, Burdock ltlood (titters. " it is an
excellent remedy for headache." -C. Ki.Aet.-
n'rr Kasia.n,., Pub. ('anadi•. Pwby-
tsria.. 2w
lays Marefineweefinwillis
The green leans d Niamey should be
tared against the time whin celery is est of
warn Wish the perfect laves and dry
there oe • plat* a the book of the stove,
taming frequently. Keep in • tightly
covered un box, sad they will prove
• great nddttioa eo soaps, stews and dleo,e-
Shenshills famed.
leerier se, -Iw11011171foliar or five years
fru.t bronchitis wad aWNW hacking cough,
sad 000ld get sot►isrg to de me any good.
A (need toll hes to get Herrera ■ Pectoral
Balsam, and I did so with good results
Two bottles curd me and 1 hardly know
what • sold is now
2. MIMIC t Brass, iluolph.
• PT.paeer rulatied.
" Are ys sure year friends will sapvert
ys'" • candidate was asked ion before
•lean ien day
" Support ste' Iodised they will," the
candidate replied. "They will vote for see
just like nes isms "
And when tbe ballots were masted s
election night it was found that the made -
,!ate hal just me vets.
allow oma tired.
( yi. sr, -I haws need Kardeok Shed
(cites for hilbnesos end hod it the hest
remedy foe this pk .. 1 need severe)
ober remoili.s bat that' .0 failed to do she
razed. However, (t required only two
saddle .f R R. R b pare ase dempi.egy.
sod i pen rsememesd it to all
a• cam. ammo.:,
i wg.
•e4 /sea Net M nit
oe. tiWs
Ohetsisale N
either ar cloth.. or
,os( toad . tie .test
coat is sem etsd Is ism
umn.t.eteee. aid its
aeatlty M M
by the pubik t tit hes
Me Limpet Mahe .f esiy
asap to the would
tea st'enw t o eft? u
you hoe tower Weed
thus* who one it cabal
they thick of it then try
it lar ;marmite The re-
-salt wWlease you. and
Tose clothes win be
..abed ,n far tees ams,
.Iib Imes* Labour,
t o reefer Comfort. and
.dl be whew than they
have ever been before,
.ben you wed ordinary
not the Wet way to dr
cid, the msser .tPlea
by enquiries what the
ezpen.sr a eft that
wbo already •*e it.
Sewn dly, by a tact trial
yoar..lt. TTon ars soli
ee eauttad in say way
r ase the sea all we
ask is Dent Delay. try
it the oezt washing day.
• • • • • • •
On the roll of fats : The champion wheel-
nau.-l:alvestoa News.
(tains• are healthy. Plumber' get fat os
leaks. -Philadelphia Tinsels.
Dealers in lard ought to base no difficulty
in rendering their account* -Troy Press.
Small Sugar -Costed Burdock Pills do sot
gaps or sicken_ They are mild and effec-
tual. 1m
Samson was the fires man en record to
bring down the home.- Union Couaty Stand •
Odd as it may seem the prof seios•i lady-
killer* seldon, sleigh their girls. Chin.go
Ur. Low's Sulphur Soap is • delightful
shampoo. it cleanses the s: alp and darkens
grey hair. lm
Perhaps they're called crow lag@ because
their condition u enough to [sake people
cross Philadelphia Record. tow
Pale, weak women Deed • toric, strength
riving, fish budding medicine like Mil•
burn's Reef, Ire and Wine. 1m
Metaphorically speaking, tt is the the•tris
al manager who hitches his wagon to •
star. -Kate Field's Wasbingtos.
Worms muse serious sickness. lis. low's
Worm Syrup destroys and expels all kinds
of Worms quickly and surely. Im
" How long an a lens live without air ! "
" It depssds s the air. Forever if it's
'Ta ra-n boom -de -aye. "--- Kate Field's
The fat man who sat down on the side-
walk near .lames bank tbe other morning
left his [nark on the community ea it
were --Atlanta Constitution.
There is one thing whi,b the modistes" an
erre in favor of the crinoline, and that is
that it sakes the men kap their dis-
tance -Chicago News Record.
You can sever tell what • slight oold may
lead to ; it is batt, therefore, W give your-
self the benefit of the doubt, and cure it as
soon as possible with Ayer's Cherry Pector-
al. A day's delay. sometimes an hour's
delay. may result in serious consequences
Teals me.. it rays
It pave better and better, every year, Inc
young men to benome total abstainers even
from a business standpoint. Not only do
the railway companies openly express their
desire for total abstainer for their envies,
but every other class of men see clearly the
a.tvantage. Only last Saturday • Hamilton
liquor seller offered a young man five do1-
lan a week extra for • bartender because be
was • total abstainer. He doesn't want •
man that drinks himself, to sell drinks to
others. it pays far better to get abstainers,
if poe.ible. The same day another etas
was given to understand he cold get a posi-
tion on the police force here providing he
could get • certificate horn the editor of
The Templar, ae to hie abstinence principles.
These hint. .re well worth taking in them
days. -The Tempktr.
A Yee aw41e.
Hahybood hraishee an rococo& of • novel
cradle used by • smother who is especially
bright in thinking of convenient ways to
tend her babies and keep them well neat
She bought .n oblong,s.
splint clothes -ho
keit, rad laid • hair pillow in the bottom for
• bed, sad • small, Rat pillow at the head.
When the baby woe fed it was laid in the
The best feature of the basket cradle is
ite ratability, for it o.n be carried by the
beadles into any room where the mother
must be at work ; nee it may be takes out -
dors sed set down in some career to rive the
little occupant • breath of pure air, the
into the hone and put wifely on • had i. •
darkened room for sap-tiane.
By the am of the basket the babies bc-
onme .oeustomed to going asleep without
rocking, sad by the rine tb.?r are too old to
d eep is or bs satisfied with 111e i. a hetet
they are oostst to he pat in a crib for • sap
or Inc • might'. sleep.
Thin sucther funosbeis bads for the chil-
dren's crib mad cradle by making ticks of
lyres. mottos °loth sari finis* thea) with
good straw or ones hay. Squire toilet of
white sloth, with • thkk Iyer of enema
batting bstwie,and tied with whits entta.
Tan, are made to ley ever tis. tick• The
.om.�I1 gsils are wr.
easily tnb.d, ..d tie oaks
•e�frwgwsetly refilled
i. this waythe ehildrea haws sweet and
wholesome t inexpensive beds. Soft
feathery plbw. swat heads are sat fit far wall
ehildres, se they ea11es perspiration and aro
.apP4l to be mod leo after they .hall he
41.mrd.d, oven whew they have had the
beat of ems.
Pale owl sallow giro and p�easm�•tor.17
aged women should ase 11r. Wfllf.se.' Plink
Pills ; they eine r . bass far all theca 111
whirl, •Abet the hark system. Pall, q
tha blond, rums., shaNmwd wore, sod eon -
tort sallow essrapineiens
f.ts rosy ehables.
All dealer* sr by i.4, .sS .e
per box, or de berme lee
The only duty there will
be in connection with my
goods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the moat satis-
factory manner and best
Beady -made Clothing a
specialty, and everything in
the latest and best Dry
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard times pnces at
The Toion10 Cash Slow
P anan, Ilasager.
For 1893.
Partial Prospectus.
Prances Hodgson Burnett
will contribute the ant seryl to appear in •
magazine from her pan for many years, entitled
H. C. Bunn•r
w111 furnish • aeries of ail wke.eh.s entitled
"J[R8E1 uTRENT AND JKtt81cy LANK."
Robert Grant
will Drekatte the further experiences of P't'ed.•ad
Harold Frederic
will contribute • pp++ditieal ravel of great power.
entitled THC COPI'tRHzAU.
By the Author of "Jerry."
Miss 8. B. Et.L.torr, the author of '-Jerry.'
wfll write • realistic story of life noose the
Tenne,.ee mountaineer. 'THE DC KKT
Personal Reminisoenees
abet, dacha with • part of Carlyle'.itte ter
different from that brought out V the never
literature of Carlyle reminiscences, RCCOtL
By the late YAtedrta oe Cairene Roth
articles are toll of new touter, 474 ARTIST
IN JAPAN By Hnwgey 111.C11. who hes jou
remelted from • teddeee • of nearly two years
in that oosstn. Abundantly Illustrated be
the author. HISTORIC Mt)MFNTe, which
have been • feature of the atyrla. dwlsw
1✓!t will be captioned by soave partteularly
striking popere. anima them several of the
creat war oortv.spondeat., Wtu.tita H. Hes-
s ani_ Ares:MAI t• Foams. sad others
11 [en's Ooeu potions.
A melee of articles on the lifework of men in
raw! callings --the chief ways texcltWTp of
probrmtonal in which meat ears their liveli-
The World's Fair In Chioago-
A series will be published later in the year
giving the impressions Made by the exhibition
upon different observer of note, both Ameri-
can aid torelso ; and neat' of these observers
will be
also artists
who atrste their
own ldlecellaneoue Articles.
Yunber oontrilutiors re the POOR IN
UREATCITlgg. Mrs. R.nerr '• lenotrsted
parer on the London _plan for HOME AID TO
INV ALIO CHILL/MKS. ere. 01special later
set also will be Professor H•it.rnlr'e authori-
tative account of the PILARY RELISP EX-
PRDITION dllUstrstedt, a very interesting ase
tide by Or ravg Ugv• i r the exhibition. of
WOMAN'S ART sew going on In Pare, and
anions spot artistic sugj•eta, account. of tree
vats, eta. tote.
The Illustrations
Of toe year will repnwart the work no..slr of
Om well-known illustrators, but maty draw.
Ines will also appear by artists who w hos
knows as painter..
TERMS: {Otr.
a seaserepsies Ihr I.5S SdJa
Tbr mime, whit asseit}rbcrs
enrol 1s dtlh, - . Ode
New is the Nor fe assisenM.
Charles Scribner's Sons,
743 Broadway, New York.
im MM! be
x. ' iI1 � sow • w`'y»eeb
tls.ssbr• �_��•
ttfanti& lamina
-bknq Ssdem of the seeswl
�Sw I�Y lea the aper*Uoaas�oft dlaee ._
the I▪ C: o 0weils egiee Owes 14,.
has provided oto tonere w coon with a
dr! 4voarod hevcrnac ►heh soy cavo
• stony leery Mewed hills. It is by the Judi
ellen* see of each 40.. of dietoutsett that • t
Ntura oar ba gee's its ha* up W.ma
=tk to tenet every demy to diesaa..'
ide of merle maladies are tiu.Ues �t
anima se tady m them ver theis • em
weak peat We may mosso W a 6ual
sphsarbh owed,..
by harpies wets tset�s.d with
Vitra Serene otdood mad ...tteerOps'ty ...rimhed h.ms.--
Made scum) wok trilling water or mUk.
Sold oily 1e e•ekess. Unions. labelled the.:
JANES t►Ps I gm, Mwgtsstic t!••e.'
t... e.eart. tsiakuad.
The Signal
an.. Mo .aha void a1/1N1•u the ib
Job Prinks. Aoilliam% wW aro rens•
posted eateditt the tale tar the promo
and proper .asestiss a4 all olasses of
printing A pertml d OM seacoa...
be isag.
nit year palet feeling ooallimN
*hot our snorts to pp1.... wit ,...t with
the approval el oar estrus.
This useful rise is kept in the loll
range of tjualities same as leiter
beats. N hik
Harper's Magazine.
Has',k'u MMAmtn.ler 1tB wW ewtlaa
N sWtain tisa s•rtval4,d standard of meet -
Mom which hro4srrtteet•ed it from the bs
eenies. Amass the notable features of the
Mnor theum toe er novels er A. Cwt A it
me or, 11, l'o.gTAwcs Yahleatn$ w °OL.nn, aid
Wittier BLACK. ethertserfswin bt.strf-
w4d by the fust popular anuses elf the day.
lochetintt Mast K. W rr.asns, RwuAwo Harm
1„0 1)5,1., 1 iw ,,rT LILe•ttt. Kaa.sait
it•rrnawtt, and utaay otasrs. The diagram!
deariptivs papers will embrace anodes by
JULIAN Hour u• new 11aat►art.a4 Weems
.utyes•u; b! Tiesotttw Came es ladle; by
1-ol'LT.IST wttr.w w kiwi• mad Useess, ;
M Rterau&r HASIDIM) DAvt.s • Loudon ilea.
awe: b) t'.dewd P. A. Dorms w erasers Skims.
eta. CDs le A. Mate'. Wwaralb.a of Make
apiary's Comedies will be motioned. Lit.sury
sulkies will be esetetb•tsd by Cowman tarot
Nu von Yew JAMES T. rumor. Wau.rats
Aeetu Hows&u, issaaoea Mayrnxws. sad
HARPER'S /II04Z1N1C ..Per rear II o
HI H1'h'K•" BAZAR.
It .1 RPKR'S t Ot'.uu PRMPLK., r m
Aimee J►to .11 ssbaaT(kUMW/ers de the UMW/A..dra's`"C asst. ead Yetis..
The Volumes tot the Measslw begin *Ha
the Number* for Jae and l)erember at ease
year. When no time ie speciled. suboertetlo..
w111 Pettn with the Number current at the
MOO of receipt of order Hound Voluw of
Harpers Magesise for three years back., is
n est Moth binding. will he wet by mail petreceiptpatd, of receipt of It.e per volume. Caoth
Cases, for binding. Weems esob---by emit, poet•
Remltteseee should be made by Poet -edge
Money Order or Ilrah, to •void .heals of
ct oozesnordws
nto cope Wm erta
awithout the
arwebssa 1.11••••• order at Harper 1t
Address. HAItPtit It BROTHERR%
New Tare.
1 493.
Harper's 'Weekly
Haartm's WttiLy IS askoowledged se
etaodlag first among. dlesirated a 11! perl.d-
teal.ln America, 11 occupies • wars
that of the tarried daily taper and that of the
less timely monthly magazine. (deludes both
literature and newt, and prowess with equal
farce •ad felicity the real events of current
bietory .rd the •areal•.[/Te Lactase of ails.
Oo moment of IU very complete series of Wee
trarter of the WorW. Pair, it will bs sot oily
the beet guide to the pat Kepositio., Omani'
its beet souvenir. aver, W Wk eves' of gen-
eral interest will be fully illustrated in item
mama. Its contributions being from lbw bast
onsetsa•d artists im this oosetry. It will eoa-
tib.e to enrol in literature, news. ..,d Wears -
Dues, all other pubiteationa eat its elms.
iPee Veer
in no vaned
3r a
The Volumes of tits Wsrsttr hewtn with**
.ret Naber for January of each year. when
50 insets me•tioosd, subscriptions will Sopa
with the Number census at the Urs of re-
ceipt of order.
Honed Vdames of HAwYei. W utgtr tor
three years back. la seat cloth bin Lug, will
oe seat by gait peewee paid or by ex.re.s,
free of express tprovsded the freight doss set
excised owe hider per votomet, 101. r.o per
('lots Came for each volume, writable kir
Mediae, IOU be wt by trail. post-paid, ea re-
ceipt or gime each.
Hemittaawe should be and. by ressidl s
Mousy Order or Draft. to avoid ...Made .f
loseare nee a eepp this .derrfdm
MOW s.414.et the eimme..rde► Of Renese a
Address: RARPhR t BROTHER/1,
New Tsob.
Harper's Bazar.
I L L IJ BTit ♦TIffi.O.
■ft �u�miess,mm
Rao le • jeumal ter1t•toe.
et rs►Met ..d to ismer' atem «.Itanm•tles ,
Ports 4.dgs, and p•ttersebmt wpplemeat•
ere 1•dls assahl• Mike to the hew deem
te•ker erd the prwfewbual modiste. No es-
pies* le spared to sake its •rthitk sttraatly.
mess M O. Wham eider. les bright sosrhe,
0•11w tad thoughtful Agit
tams. `e° lie lest page letee meats as A•
of vett ad sewer. 1s Ito w.eblustons,
eesrrtafag s l.elud.d wale► Met Worm M
name. The Herils ter Its Mil be written
by.w WALTta Rmsand $o a
C411111111all yot Lvati
Teen. Htetssct wlp f.r..1 !
pPrea•eettlsl series, retitled 'At the 7.114.
•tscr Kips, 0.,,. Taman Mru.a, cosi
CAMDAct Wnass.aa will he se.M
ten. The work of .oma. Is tl. OMwmw
tgposlitm will he fully rwprs•rated with ��.a../f
Ulmar•tles . T.W.Homists.., l• "Whim=
M.,' will Oases • edneated aMlms.s.
R4IPRRE 1�It6NJCv PrlOPLi. ... it w
YPootap Pm/ hY deli =we s,eWOV/Is1 Uwe& wit
Ire r..h ogri'3w...Ty 1..eli..r. 1.1rb..
s. IMM 1s maselL nrtlen
..enh.e wareerpt
• h• � the Msm►m semen* at 1ha Huss of
l.t.d Velnnsn of RA.Pstti Raxat fey
re years tl/•mmit. bev mist dash ermadior pr�wta
M_ 1t wWl«» Mi. s/eml �s1�t� sm`Sspb1MP Pwsr
N .na u51 is i filmy matsst s.t Ys irate
/Vent •aasi*t
lu tits line we love a very large
stock of fine writing papers out
able for every clam of busman
represented in this locality, tom
prising laid aud wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, raked
or unrulud, as may be required.
'Sem°. i\e(wtbs
are not so generally used, they All
an important place in ooalmeroial
correspondence. See what we've
got under the above heads
ISA\ ♦‘w►lis
If the " pay-as-you-go plan was
the order of the day the distend
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are some mem
who get so many thinners that
they wonder if the stock will ewer
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is aim
plate in this line with four saes.
(local paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cent* columna They ease
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelope*, and te
keep up with the demand ter
them we keep a Targe stock am
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, sad
the prices will range from 75e. to
53.00 per M. We handle cow
menial anti legal sixes exclusively.
CommereteoA b\��rtelt
has already been partially enus
crated in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast •moan
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Toa
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in salee
Lion sometime'', but we make it
an easy matter by keeping is
. tock the very latest and beret
samples to be had. Call and pee.
We aim to excel in all the dicier
ent kinds of work we tarn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papaw
suitable for all requirements.
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with coed and pencil attached.
Cove.% 1t15 & T •clefts
This head °oven a large range el
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat tolling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket ti a tasty
business card or a bendelfl11017
printed membership ticket
Our fatalities for turning out this
elans d work are evidenced by the
feet that the great bulk of it is
done by us. This line also is -
which oar three fast-rnamng Job
reesem are able to tam out in •
surprisingly short time.
Wool to the poster dep•riwant
.leo, sad we make a epecialby w1
thast--ptoasptneat helots oar ds
io this respect A nodos ed anis
will appear is Toa Shear. free 11
ahem when bills for sane ere gut
#kk Relaid.% os Work
in the typographical printing line
m do
b. ne M *Mai. a.tabliehment
in on orpmditiose and artielie
meow and
Our -P riot,, UseX\ bt jor►w 4
tet? rtosossoO\t.
We extend oar tusks for past fav-
ors sod Wilt a ssstist.w et the
T %IL SA Oils#ZA,