HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-26, Page 7• ESONIt + + + + + + + MOLL BALK OF ANTLE CLOTHS. AND SEALETTES. ifiresasla_ _- a -,- soder to ,lean oet the balsam of our ,Luck of the+ above goods be- fore stock taking, WE HAVE RE -MARKED in plain figures, VERT PIECE OF MANTLE CLOTH AND SF. A i ETTH_ This n Opportunity Seldom offered so Early in the Season. + + + + + + + Stock is 7-.ma.2"'g'e ANI) Must be Redwuced._ JNO. T. ACHESON. ALL TRADE 1892. The Fall Season is now upon ns, and, as a matter of Bourse, FALL GOODS are in demand We are in re- ceipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart- ments fully supplied. ice Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen I erns, .Mantle Cloth and Tweed Suitings will be a marked feature, while all the other lines—too numerous to mention—will be fully up to the mark. .I do not pretend to keep the largest stock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. SPHOTION KINDLY INVITED. PIR OHNT. DISCOUNT FOS CASH. OTLY ONE PRIOR. M'LTNiZO, Draper and Haberdasher. X -MAS FRUITS! We have le Mast prneeet • 1.11 11., st the following roods alencia Raisins, London Layers, Black Baskets. Dehesia Clusters. Kleine Figs. Candied Peels. Golden Dater, Filatra Currants, orida Oranges, Almonds, Florida Tangerines, Filberts, Messina Lemona. Walnuts, Cocoanuts, Braila, Peanuts. We have also the most complete stock of Confectionery to be load outside of the cities. Try a box of our ohoioe Creams, they are lire to pleas* you. Select Baltimore Oysters arrive daily. Finnan Hadaies, Bloat - and Oiscoes and all kinds of seasonable Sub in stock AT ED. C.A.MP &IGNE'S, (cot. Montreal -et and Square. 1 Telep&ne Cenneefeiod THE BEST THE BEST HE BEST E BEST BEST HA BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TEl BEST THE HE8T THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TOE MT THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST 11111 11EeT HZ BEST BEST UST HE EMT HE BEST 811BEIM BEET8'1' BEST EMT BEST BENT DINT BEST BERT RE BE RE 1 HE THE THE THE 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 18 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 19 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE SIGNAL ONLY A YIELAR. IN ADVANCE! • eft 8w:bb 56� tr.14 o A Dlei MAT RIMCNIAL BUREAU. Soar .ss as In alealeetm Were scoured wtea Wives Me Teem *s.. "Not sassy years age 1 wee is tie whole- sale match -caking beriases," mad •a os. officer of the &ray to • 1% i ehutgtua Star reporter. "It was tate uudkiag of the matrimonial kind. lit that terve, in ICS sad Ite10, Manitoba wee being op.sed for settlement &od there wea • rush of colon meta thither from Ontario .sed quebec sad trues Great lkitatu. The .Diners were mostly saes. Sows of them had female& sad would send for then 5 sow as they hadof somewhat fixed, but eery .*any were li lielore They were making homes for themselves, sad matur.11y they toured waded t'ley sdsd wives. Not • few of then were was of English farmers, and nearly &U were respectable sad hard -work tag fellows. 'They could not adord to ge and get wives, .ad so helpmeets Sud to be import ed for tbeta. Youag w..nten, guaranteed sa to respectability, were brought over from ff:ngland in great numbers, &od this bust sees rapidly grew to be .n important branch of the immigration traffic. else philanthropic lady in F.ogland deuoted her attention to exporting homeless but worthy girls by the shipload to Quebec, whence they were forwarded to Manitoba. Trams would oom. tato St. Bouif&ce, woos the river from Winnipeg, briugiag two or three carloads of available wives .t a time. They were chaperoned with den regard to prupnety and were oocsagud to the lend sod musing &gents, who conveyed them to Winnipeg, where suitable quarters were provided for their temporary accommoda- tion. The •coon violation was very tem- per; because they were soon disposed of. •'1'bsettlers who were bachelors &pptied ler the girls as feat as they were brought in. Their applications were not considered unless they were properly guaranteed ea to eharscter and ability to support a wile. Yew of them came to Winnipeg from a *hotter distance than lav+ mattes Most coin - newly they were aertalul by letters from had &gest& statiug that John Smith, for trample, was located on such and such • tract. of land, was the owner of 1,500 borer, was sound and kind, and so forth. ou mak- ing formal application for • wife John Smith wan asked what sort of woman be prettified whether bloods or brunette, tall of short, plump or thin, etc. Maytag stated kis preferences he was introduces!! to one of the available ladies, whereupon matters were quickly arranged. A remarkable point was that no suitor had ever to be introduced to • *,coed girL Invariably he area coa- tsM with the first os.s and immediately married her. Apparently the nes consider- ed tip& when they bad gone ao farm an iatrod.otioe they bad committed 11011111•01••• irretrievably. "In this way by • praises of artificial se- lection, myself and other pewees officially aiar>je m at Winnipeg, made •tei;es by h��.� The young women were given free trsn.port tienk el course, the object Ming to maks hssnss u Hawtob• and thus *serve the permiowt settlement .t the country. i-i.a Melly the acetol lacrosse of the population wee provided for. 1 re- member one man who drove over 700 anile& t. get • wife. He was present whoa • trots - lead of girls arrived sod spotted the young woman he weaned of -head Within seven miscue after the train cense in the pair ��weoerooeamunited 1. matrimony and the bride =board started waway with kis bride in • wagon" THE BM THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE =Err THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEAT THE BEST THE BEST THE 8118T TRE BEST THE BERT THE BEST VIE REST THE BEAT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE 8181 1S THE AND !TOSWWNAL 18 THE BEST 18 THE HEAP! AND THP MIiGNAL /8 THE BEST 18 THE, OHBAP'EET AND THE ,RNINAL 111 THE BEST 18 THE' Off EA PEST AND THE j NG1f A1{ 111 SART IB THE OHBAPENT AND THE MT NALr THE BENT 1S THE " ^"T AND 1THX - ` `'''14: 1111 THE 11HEi T. Illy Det etose.. My deer, derb Mead, low lying thee, A without raeml et my Weld peruser d sly home sad fere, My dos is W street. 1 Mei Seta . our grant brew* eyes, When lo, • ..d loyal Aariig• fie, Ad weeder where the alarm* *ee Det.ore )our rel .d rip. re, ell the good thea 1 have Ms.d. MMus myself or horse Pled, Meth royally .wtoresed .d ,reamed Ter geode hem ad tided. 1 use the whsle bold ands 5,wead roe the oar hent obi*, led and tree, Darn trbnddip wlwest soder bong And rd no pines In yes. 1 use you as 1 ten the inn; Nor nod ben our edit tar phi NW beggary, w disowns bars, On moos you ben my dd. miler login As t`AriwLe mintd dd, A• tI. r a tomb with m•, int with ,as, brothers belt sae playful Men . frolic bey, M5,, vanillin Mea • artier- . Dp~and tloSi f "in sown .dpe.asSet tesiod qor brows yin olio ed ny Ad len sow ftWrip 1. es lend, Ad rhes a ssdassead. Asteals r r•• wotaip mi• Or Moo ober, VYlr 1r1Mr feed Did 1 sit sent at HY kin M ye, asst *pees, an m aim Aad wink Mm with a nisi s nos* 1y lir would p.. dlrw.1111Mm'Ibaam -1»I; dl. vs. J1d1a" Item from the latest society novel - "Aod Gustavus Adolphus diligently preened hie suit." No man eau tall hew meth it would take) to ,Dake kiss rich. The king can do see wrest -d Lite other fellow km the uses. It denial always follow that abaktag an &cgs•imtanee rattles hies. Viire the devil his due" is all wrong. Give him year "doe t" and you'll be h•p- ri•r. It was • Freedman who refused to fight • duel because, se he said, he didn't went to by.. She- - Yes will have to work hard if you sic lar. The Poet -I'll have to work bard If I don't Some mea are so osweieatrota that they never pot off anything till to -morrow but the bill ooUector. eters Mumma, dear. is • but harmful ! Mamma -1 deet know, my child. Ask your father, there. 1n *se d modern tmprovemeats it still takes the average yo mea • long time to put oa a pretty girl's skate Tammy -Say, w! Mr. WeU ! When a ole in the ground is filled up with dirt whet becomes of the hole ! It r curries how mach faster s street car humps along when you are runaieg after at then when you ere riding wit. "How ova I bewome • reedy ooa'eru•- tionallst !" " Perside yourself that you have a chroaw domes of some kind" "I'll be awful glad when paw swears cm .mokia' yip' mad Tommy. "This is the fourth Bain' I've got in three days." Lyman -le it tree thou .11 lawyers are liars! Lawyer Brown-li may be ; but it doss not follow that all bats ere lawyers. Mother -Do you know why year pa called Mr. Blowhard • bar, Tommy '• Tommy -term ; bus • gaudier man than Pi - .'Bat how do you get along! Yoa say you r don't pay expess"That's bow I gat aka( so well I make my os'-. pay thea" "Did you give roar towhead a box el cige s this year !' "No; the ear I give him last year card kis tobacco Mbit s- tudy." Mosses• --Harry, why don't you try and have as nice t•bb maniocs aoaH rry J Dass Jehaaie--Well, 'same I'm M home an' be. • vlmitia'. Wai 4ag for tie Wiener. _"Have you named the baby yet "No. His two uncles we backing each other in the stock marked just maw. There are too away singers as the choir who do sot kw any more meet the gospel they sing than the town pump der •bed the Lute of water. Mies Asa Gul•w-1 mak you would tell ms bow you keep your drama in each pret- ty Hope! Hiss Plumpest. -Simply by wearing them, dear. His. Yosogwife- Tom has a dreadful lupomt on I dad. Mother What doss he do! Mrs. YDo, why he never gets mad whoa I do. With all respect to the proverb it may be stated Not it ie set neressa'y to give the devil his due. He is quite competeat to cones it with interest Tbe Widow James has entered wit •gain.t us for 12,001* for breach d It she get+ it wi ll marry her as qst sad enlarge the paper. Without bens slangy it isp.rhMlycermet to my that wires a even/ ma takes hie bestgirl eat ea the foe and she abeam state, be will have to it her .tido. Gladys I supposeour Mother Henry hasn't dens mush walking ciaoe he bought • baycle! Vernice --No. He broke his log the drat time be triad is ride it. "Do you quarrel with year neighbor still about W dog oomleg over into our gar - d..?" "No; that's all over sow.', "Buried the hatchet!" "No; buried the dog." Tao Moro ReeMst. I led iedivest, sir, Imams I am mad. es eldest of oamparioa with sadry de - mil .f the germ home. For hetesm. a few days age • mea sat at h mimeses fetide and squirted tokens peke di over lay shires*' eine, alma Ismr. Of seven, the lady was highly bravest, mad I telt Mamie her, kat whoa 1 bawd her tall ray miaMae, with Mr eyes Meeks in, that that w nom, • regular hog, I ink hdige•at smelt. Tor why soeld site Mo• called hila • bog! Why, I wouldn't meet • bit of their vasty soca, If I nom, Narvhg, and if I did hike any I would est it mrd sot make my wnwmadirrp filth by *nisi tko nice tress ny south. 1 know I .m csty • beg. but I duel take fab say moo r A..I .ering exesig what I wait t. e s : 'Io kind t co min ,mite keno from tows wee dry s, drank he coma scarcely mimem. W a, lee attempted to feed miss be ambled Me sty Nye, and I W to not him eat ei Nm way to gin lay emu.Now, I smut is hep send is say mash diegreosal way s se what es earth W my reader w whs. he mid the had mime that be mood Wee a Wet Why, t nom or and M the halt to my kind that 1 taelmi a ori sal r-°-1. y ss I coca Of ,seem, bele mdy a bog, I ee ads't swear se • w would hove dose ; of the ides el en gMU.g drunk ea that fool of • hived lan aY Why, wire M tsnsbled lets my pen mad kb Mate d whisky 1i set .1 his d+ tomb the sooty Mi Wet erase I pear pied, wllrl,wsm swill — Taesmr'm Mi ,w. Wed to feswa10, Whim yea webs knssl rest et yew 111. *artless. leawl est ler eek dime yea en ell ides mideva same It le who to year sus* De set Wad rob* kr �r Aetna .Asa Ism their ref*1h X11 *nese Maroons ea lvalag wt wee serf rubs they we t•Neg. Malars* ..beds b . De ai b•trwrt.e(_ Ss. a* yes ass. D. ase ss. �i�1�1tt THE FACT That AYER'S Sarsaparilla cuss* anima of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing that the same course of treatment WILL CURE you. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla during the past fifty years, truth- fully appliesto-day. it is, in every ,tense, The Superior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AYER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- parilla, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, are blood -purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take Sarsaparilla pve�snd Dr. J; C. Air a Co.. L.owe*. Ila•► So ►r ad ;Rice h ; •i= hafde..:a Cent ahem will Orn yam They flamed *'eDi. Sleepy Parent I don't think much of Mr. LoogusyJ's mower." Fair Daughter " No ; they aro just like his calls they lack finish." a&ederlag on esasensp"t.a. When a ootd is .aeest.d it frequently develops. • condition be dung on oonaump- tiou. No other remedy will .o quickly re- lieve sad cure oases of Se daagetoas kind se Dr. Wood'. Norway Pio. Syrup, because no other remedy poessese..uch perfect cura- tive powers se doss this prime et p.ctorel rummies. '2w An Interceding Tnlhosl, White-" Bangs is a most iMrwling talker ; be never u .t . tam for • ssipM, Gray m ' Dons he keep • dtt; t i he pop of a chronic ailment!" 1've ha whet In to hers sad lime, And ..WabNhese t the Wes, Met eyed K waleh ety heart sort fled Wes sled neget le win .ded. "no Sgt tag quite hen rsmsrk d the seal duaier . "Yea dolt leak it," rejoined the .areastie person "Hemet yon been weight.g y..ndl oa yo.r owe Beane!' Mother -IN year Cache John's wife a thorough n visk�gra �U I wag Soo Dela es asoomlertoMe with her e 1 am with yea yaa Tee Perftrnsus. -Fleet Bey-Dldoham mar se Pidmnse Making y bihdisldad! 8eewd Bay- No, t I saw hila dip dews • ew1 bol. with hie eyes ayes "Whose ane yen slaying T rl roll sad see yea" "Des's. o. ably think the wens et me when you mem earreand- ihoap. "Ob, lay sear fellow, that's Wipes - sills, yen know." ""i ee't yea think," the mother .old prowdl "that bit paving shows a re- nsnrbab. finish T^ tee, replied Um yang men, ..b.sstly ; ""Mt she was • bag tine ratios to it." lilic Mother—Wilde, ee 1 Why mak . will yon he b Utile W' 'epees ler Irma p • geed mlla�-I ' . bees a dead otter'. em k..a- "i bsiiak pry* man 'tendon"p aMI get said Aamt Hs sfs time ter Fit at de feats, nohow, es' you gtsly fib H drat her true Dews sic' w aa' her w news nil tree.' ""papa," said a Bits S.yuae-sld girl at as tows dieser Mhl.. 'Fve feW out the �sabeg Maws two holidays : The sae h levemher was TkabkIIvieg ; the see la Desumher Tkiagegieiag.' "'Dapp1� ..d Demi•nd--Preims Ser. heft' " sold Snartellint, lacking ewer dm Medlar of tM ___._-,lel la W =pipepaper. "Why, el ,.Ment ug ds r. might to harm that." '11e INg /latter Tommy, whit de pas new try maOkeg at W. eeM end t Tb. Little Endow— M 'lei thae.ka Wires thew M be tale Ne' mmebt • twee a ie thasrubee. "1 took the Oaks solo swearing Wt SIN ma.y� Tomes Dag." "nand I had how le 4:044. .i. will tele ft �tl ago aa.EMg W Will ler y..rr1R Skin diseases sropast annoying h*Ira so noticeable. Dr. Low's Sulpha, sea' heals and • ' mases the .kin. 1m Gold Wave Mas street us, bat we are mot afraid, as wen hare A COMPETENT STAFF woof C18 HINDLE 181 JOB I1 OUR LINE. WE *AVIS A WOOD t11'Oci Oi FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL OR WOOD. WI Ala Orta& MAE DIG T11/, RE -DIPPED TINWARE. GIVE 1.18 A CALL SAUNDERS & co. WEST BTRMIET. ARRIVED THIS WEEK. IBSOL09BLI PURE HO iBB38. The Largest assortment of Ona Chocolates. Bon Bons, Nn Raisins, TOWN. Florida and Valencia Oranges. CH82. N s A. B. CORNELL Tan LLQ -- -;=RT= • 'CM2 i irdir McLean's Block—Oa the. Square--McLean's Block, BTILL400NTINUIB TpoDONDUOT FUNERALS ATIRIB USUAL LOW PRICES. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ;N0 CHARGE FOR W ARAE8. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. TEZiEC--R_A PIE T-'ZiEPI ONR R s_ TORONTO BRANcii -- 99 Front -,t West MONTREAL Biu NCB -818 8f. James -at V AMMarH Wosia—Hall, Qinada. UNDERTAKERS J_ BROPHf]'Y at 10101•T Have added to their present batmen eon of B. J. Nash' s Lrata.t Style of Otty Hearses. also •be finest lint rot tumoral turalahings in the county. and are sow prepared to emoduet funerals at priono rennonabla. This department will be strictly attended he by his eon Williams. wbq is theeigo1oy d the baton Oorrlon for the past alta yearn bag a knowledge of the bmsiner, and by prompt attrition hopes to Aare pari 1 radio patronage. Reuesshar the phase- Wselmhi, H1 pow +ay to Wt rot dim oho us a call. d J. BROPREY & IAON. 5 v.i )),4 i ":d:t . ., WHY Does OE0. BARRY, Via Goderiob furniture denier illi undertaker, keep the bed .10 of furniture and underlain?, supplies? And bow ie it that he eon 1511 so cheap' BECAUSE He finds that it pays 1n tette long ran. His motto lel Small Profits and Quick Re- Mures." ewMu es." He picture sakes a =in(five i dcall o a before p++�c�a� i elsrwbere. Roe ab lsiilig Inlaid always on hand. 9367-y - Patronise True .Competiti o n. 15 tl ii�ig +tD panMiss eId 1 Nilo types*it ,matey seem woo rsrsstose."4"jratiltelialkiearis4 Mono. Ourd! er d. 're