HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-26, Page 5il. THE SIar AL : OODIR!CR, OWt, THURSDAY; JANUARY $, 18la• f •1 CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE RCE I,aTAllie0H/O I..T. MAP O flOL T NONso► At a A6''r 8MI • owes ore oes DOLLARS e .• • • • 41 E I COO, S E. WALKER, Gemini& MAmao.a. f OODERICH BRANCH. A Os.1saAL BA11LIa &mega♦ TninsACT.n. FAaMswa' Norte DISDOurrTIPI DRAFTS WOAD PAYABLE AT At., POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE MtNCIPAL OITISS me TM UNITED STATS, GREAT BRITAIN. FRANC., BIRMt1OA, era SAM OS RANK DEPARTMENT. ntPOMTS OF 51.00 AND UPWARD. RECErvED, ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTERSST All OWED. ,NT.RaST A0011.0 TO THE PR/NOIPA&. AT Tats (ND OP MAT AMO re' 'eta IN LAO.. TSAR. epetlat AtNeOhm g vow a !M O.INetlan o! r`c^•m-eetr' '- •s., earl Farmers' Sala. Motes. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. NANCY IIANKS BEAT T11E RECOIIII! CLEYFJLAND BEST HARRISON! Bul WE BEAT TAE \VORLP TOR BARGAINS ORDERED CLOTHING • Made from the Finest Fabrics and offered to our Patrons st PRIDES THAT NO OTHER HOUSE CAN NAME FOR FINE TAILORING. FOREMOST IN WORKMANSHIP CORRECT IN STYLE ' PERFECT IN FIT MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS THAT WILL WEAR. MEN'S DRESS SIIITS THAT ARE FAULTLESS. MEN'S OVERCOATS THAT ARE STYLISH. We also carry a large and well -assorted stock of MEN'S AND BOY'S READY-MADE OVERCOATS Which we are selling at the lowest possible margin. We are also Agent for the oelebrated "RIGBY" WATERPROOF COAT. Every Coat guaranteed or money refunded. PRIDHAM, The Tailor. NOVA SCOTIA COAL DEAL THE LEGISLATURE TO CONSIDER THE PROJECTS OF A SYNDICATE. Stress Oppe•iti•• .hews - Sete•.1,. Mien Te Me tweeted under n Cembl.s- Nes et coolest -Ten Mile e. Dau... Rave Alread, Mees CubMrtbed. HAtaAi, 1f. 8 , Jen 90. - -The liM B enin Legislature was imposed this after - Mon kw • usgsien el more than ordinary. Importance. The seal del with emit -dime .f the United Butes aid "mad. s to be monidersd, Usate.ast-Go.er.or Daly is W omiiiig ep... hiresNid 1 ire to avail unreal, of emir advise a mated of immediate impwtases, aid therdire bees worsened Toe te most a an marker hie thea meal and bete_ the same platen of the pantie 'do.ameiue .simary be the ppaetepser es.std.ratiea el the ordinary beams ef she Thee epeeist Mist tubi hes .d upp88N Ibis way masetdd..g of IM Jagi.btw ,.1M* se the develop - mese a of ear _ berried wealth Besieged by the provider el the Mises soil lfiimaM £et of Lit swam e.pitaliets here sem. .,.wand to undertake ext The nensirstaerlim kooars he iai-stsw.a hoesallmait= .41 thethe faith el sseneenem gkiga are gearanae d thanL pre.embe the Watt they hew ward I /..1 .wed wW mesio. the pwalatd weeum ad d' sad111.1.Vie it wild era.t, M tM t fiwsia.eyyW to i..eatemliberal OM es mil n- ames serve. t year inseteir t medal eweilipi- Nes 6110 `a tae ole be selmtbeell te yesIrish the parties wits le amine she uupena.h ch my irw .iduto m this eseT orthat . 1* L reported Hae the 1W40 oat for senamsw P toratht t dM K.w ..e « b yatAs Ubimpested Met a lively dads Ire sew Lass, se • ibllar tbess= d 1. end. rm jltpl.E .1 D...a IS •Oral Miner' by ens si he 4. Inns me. moms" swim.ilist*Maar, e.. tie .p. .- Jaw. la i. Mined 840 Dew Beak end wham t area, 1 as e.sdda n.etoa tf sil i ammo Oanedbsa .d awe Aswimms..8. hued to take *ver • asmbor of thew Ws- Ir=h r -i :? *I r ASP 4‘ one or woven -iterated separately has been able to make tlae targe expenditure near tory to the .nest eooasmioal products.. and transportation of coal We co.tem the .zt..sioi d the seal trade to the eat ladies and part d So.M Amerion Mr. Wbttaey's sytadimIe will haws • capital el $10,000,8O . It is said that W C. Whimsy is i.tersM4 in it. e. THAT MAMMOTH CHEESE. ;ogee. t mill Mil . d Ar sf w al. p.ilis.TP* NEW ILMI RIII.E ei da Aaewstomat by nem. se r esery Aseeish .4 she Nhs..l fMer_Mea. Lwow, Jan. IPL -Al the Peen of the Liberal Federalism ,wterdm ev a. Hems a..rmary AoyaMh ...ett.«a that tie plea d Hoerr Rale for lrelaad woad be es larger liberal ham Inland we.M obtain general a.teesmy, altie.gh the stomata .see.dan.y d the lw/wuT party would he effectually nwwaed. Mr. Aaq•u►, ad dressing the e4ctor.l &gouts to -day, int* mated that the C e .pt Premiere Aot would he We more etriugeat sad the period of residence required w goallty for 'mug would he reduced. • Erendlees Z;gttra mNat.ant Oe1w se P.r haeo 4* After the Tale. OrsAWA, Jen. bol -Professor James Robere.s, Dom ries Dairy Oassimie.w. memo to have bended hiawU greatly 4.r- img kis robed tri te Orem Bitola m Mel tag into mattes b.visg i.4. with the male el Casaba dairy peodss• .d faro pew date gwlo.Uy i. the Odd O.antry. Haloid tai • "1 s..iv.4 has the larva re- tail deabr in previsions is the weal en am len air -.sari- Casdiss ahem@ which is to flus the easter et thezzt pyramid at the Wadi'. Columbia use at Chicago. Re has as fewer the 5O begs shm in different para of Lenges, amid shops i. Nearly Vary large city is Great Britoil end Ireia.1. The pries ear- ed in .M wash will roeoq the department fad all the apemen el =lectern* the amsmd8 da...., sari MNi*8. the mast, am s se ether the .hesa tiV Lip ten, e retail Vales d tea 273 tens per wed, ..isrtakes to exhibit the ease bee ef espouse to the department and wish- es( eberge public m every sly s Greco and helm/ Ife will dee .pend Meso. am .bad delle.. is advertising it se the VV@t sheen is the Irma. M1 this will Volattender to the m.gsit.de d the Casaba trade In claim and bomb ke ex - W ase bettor known to the great masse .t.-er* '[1e mammoth ieeem in sew It weighs eleven Mee..d is bre lag erred Oar.. Met It ere be Is NV beet ..adios when it gam to Chew C:p a " IX-PIMNDENT NAVES. sea ..send a@.ssen_...MdeGNt- tees Tamar -.e. a@o.t..d •.t. -*. 1.asww,, O., Jeb 111. -Math end der 8.► sad daweed the funeral day el eat -Pre- tibia t-PM►ideas Kyes, ed the semen' were sway ore d the Lepel wWl provides dealers in Ned .Na the 18 .d. whit het ear the week, fir the s.mm.th (]wade= from he ad arm to de be the r etre wash is to fens the erste* of the sy .s the dneee st esMrwtss reeler. ' eh, pyramid ea the Wears Pie. pree.Ner 1.g PrNM s.i /ws4 ' OTIJARY novo.. .... .ri.ai nsorrily,a yaPdo.N.- + trait obi* i two to f Akira.. *8 gime avai Illielthl.ma Mod r Yermiseeli. MI 1m .We ime ee meg. hesTW wb p.hllllg- i -i -- bet Ttwig. .[ asp Caned Ia. Cat. M. L i . * oat, Jan. • 20.--Reprv.entatives el the various Scotch interest to the Cana- dian cattle trade, wdudwg farmers, .8&p- ptrs.nd c.ttle eaie•men, twat in ,ouferenw at te:•.g..w to consoles the reit mimeo on the trade. It was de.ided to urge the Guard d Agriculture to brink pressure on the t:o.,-rumeut t• withdraw the prohibt uuu, rr it a cos udrre,d uattoosssary sad is urrooe to the inures:a tel the comsunity geoersll - DOMINION NEWS IN GRIEF. The Presbyterians of Paris, Gat , have decided to build • now 530,000 church. The Kase: public school building .d furstahuags,valued at $11,000, were destroy - .d by tire. Ata public meeting m Delhi stops were taken towards the incorporation d the place a. • village. "I enders have been invited for • now drill shed is Brantford, the Government giving 510,000 towards the cos*. Several schools in the northern part el Peterborough County w closed on acoosat of • severe epidemic of diphtheria. Co.tr.ctors ed work on the T. H. a B. railroad bridge is Brantford unearthed s bed a marbled vary superior quality. Mr. Mercier hes left Rosie on his reborn to Canada. He is expected lo sail on Salsa. day roe Havre, sad reach Montreal ea sbrwry The statement d the Hamilton Qty Treasurer shows that the corporation sx- peaditure for the pixel year resulted is en overdraft of 515,003. The LiberalCoas.rvMives of South Benz u oea,..uou selected Mr. C. C. Foz, reeve of LJoslield, to contest the esastitaency in Sha Legal Legislature The t.vit•tiow are eat for the Stam die - ser at Rideau ball .. Thursday might, Jan- u ary 9S, foUMwing tis formal *peeing d D.mi.ies Psrli•ms.c George Cstbberterm, el Platteville, Oat., est his thrust os Monday sight with seicad.l hent. He is not dead yet, bat his cha.ees el reesysry are slight. J. G. Gandesr, the Willie sculler, hat renal • shsllesee to raw any man ter the championship *d America sad • stake of 51.000 or 112,500 • @de. A Swede wha arrived foe St. Pail, Mane, by the floe trmis, died sad was buried with - is two boars d his arrival d wait is report- ed to be Asiatic cholera C,mm.d•.t Booth, el the Salvation Arse. is is Montreal arranging to convert, the old Joe Bed same= a the water Trent into • shelter ler the poet. tit. Themes and Port Staley people ere me is the bettor d having the harbor of the LtMs pilaus dredged se as to give i6 feet d .suer at w wharf. The Oge ski slap tor ges,eral edeien_y daring bol year, epos to city carps d No. 2 military d' has been was by the lath Battalion d Hamilto•. A hay farm, kept by • negro and his WIN. who have seised 50 children during the pad .4 hteas y.•n,has been discovered on the 'moulting el Hamilton. Ind S.terdy . mhos ragaism sass was chanted m Mestreal ea the omasioa e t the hundredth wiverr•ry d the death et Louis XVI., King of Frame. The K..iuel Farnham Compaq, d H•sover, Ont., while driUisg for water, bre diloww+d .troag i.dieati, i. d petre- I•am. sad will .satin.. deiUisg. The weather is most favorable to the bomber ideetry, end it is expected there will be heavy cute both u the Upper Ottawa ..d the (im ere. bay die ri.1.. The Meek hoe billiard match between Joseph Capron d Galt and George Sutton et Teresa for the ciamp....bip el C.s•da was was by Stades be 500 to 459. ♦ awarded $1.500 damages .g.1..$ My . Demboa and 5500 .garnet Polies Lisped., Btsphc., bresto, far wrossfal serest d Mr. a Tmreruo lawyer. The Ontario Jodi" (deb will dis1rlbi$. ever 545,000 u five days' r.o1. at the May ✓ eeding The Toronto cup will be • race for 55,000. she largest ameast ever gives i. Naiads. The Ontario U...ram..t will make . mossy great for the r.oeptioa d the British Aoao.i•tioa for the Advaseemseit oSeieads. whisk is to be i.viud to sot u Torate I. ISS& the C.P.K. spatial train which Imre Mr. H. M..tegis Alias from Wissipeg to M..wal, mode the trip u 4 1 beer.. w e moorage d ever SI miles c fear fee the Miele 1,425 muse. 11 is •xpded that the P*.ident .ill mud a canes. to O.....s i. a few days, saggMieg • by will Comedies rail- ways, .spaoi•y the Comedies Paddle, nen be d.prlv.d et the beading privity.. OeTM Lades O.Ms.'.. ad Accident pad air to the Departmais d Jain.. y5 . Ming the shortage is the i......W d Mr. Brewer the Lm aeesest- ant d the Duoi.is l aass el C1.meua 1 A l.da burgllary was reported by Pre/ 1 Robwue, M Iw Omen Oren wed, Toronto. H. rays iwe yeas me. stud Ibis .hop at • quarter pad far, cowered las 1.md kin clerk with Midsv 'Vas., ed their hands epee. The femoral el Artane J *1ies. who bogie death from aeleseoeles seised .id . sies„ mak plass hem Reveneherg, MMeowed, the serial . The young w left .o will, to that Ns estate, amen. deg l wen • mains dsears, w4 ba divided amesg his Wedmore and eider. Pref. Jere Ritornelli, Di..Wu. Dairy Oemmieieser, .he ase rearmed te Ottawa its kb Holt n Voges. says that he kis resolved se Maw him upset', ef Laden. 1 walked d with .hat Mete p e..::d :.y W. ACHESON & SON Having finished stock -taking, and as the season is advancing, we are clearing Mantle Cloths, several lines at Half Price, and some ends of Mantlings st less than Half Price. Dress Goods, many lines at exactly Half -Price, for this month only. Wool Hosiery and Gloves at clearing prices. Men's Lined Kid Gloves, our best $1.25 line reduced to 92c. for all sizes. Ladies' Finest German Natural Pure Wool Vesta, our $1.25 quality reduced to 93c. Special $1.00 and $1.10 Ladies' Wove Vests, reduced to 82c. Ladies' Black Undressed Kid Gloves, $1.25, warrant- ed, reduced to 69c. Bargains in other lines. THIS MONTH ONLY, INSPECTION INVITED. _ Ma IL t Wllm . e eM a.hdsb.l were .de.lta.d RPM 0111110 et illirldaidw- 8. --rd i `re thud ttheePPebbble Bb .b...mwW their ir iN lb...*, bat Lm wed eethr. enol• 1) rams of OddtrOwUsmL ei Qrb..s. a gdtM.RGI sdead„ estheefeeleb. .ki.h volor .. _ rt..ee wiei -... ►-..a . iiia.- __S w. '+....v + ? -r.,,nvsm.. •r '"''`. 1.iw_ • y4* , . v 1l+e a yt.-A«vvl P.4 - . ` +., w atm. AMs ,M, a/ whe W. ACHESON 04 SON. Dona), int Jesus, died at Loyola, Biscay province, Spain. David Commtage, an old resident d Lou- don, u dead. He was born in Dundas, (bet., 70 year• ago. Frank Sprague, • (:rand Trunk porter, died under peculiar circumstances in tie freight shed at Toronto. Mr. R. Freeman, of Watertown, N. Y., died suddenly from heart themes .t the Royal hotel m Hamilton. A despatch from Zanzibar says that Capt. Nelson, who was with Stanley in Africa, died recently at Kahkugar, Kaes Atria'. Mrs. IeLong, d the township d Hillier, county of Haatiap, was found dead in her bed no Friday morning last. Deceased was 87 years old. Mn. A. F. Wood, wife of a prominent pioneer, has jest died at Unica, Iowa, d what u mid to have been leprosy in iia most malignant forst F.z • President Hayes' funeral took at Fremont, Ohio, Friday. Press ant elect Cleveland and representatives of Presi- dent Harrison wore proudest. The fansral was a military ale The death is easoueeed d Mo. (Dr.) W. F. Wood et Mishawaka, lad. Dr. Wood is . eon d Mr. A. F. Wood, M.P.P. Ise North Hastings Tb. d•osae-d was • meice d Chid d Pekoe McKinnon, et Ham - atm. THE WIDE WORLLL Six mom d chokers Wave been at Budapest. The .wet d the Homestead nut to the State .t Penney! vaii• was 3434,419,59. The men employed in the building trades d Chicago, will doomed mcreaseJ pry os April 1. A oembise u said to have been establish- ed amen the wufacturers d type-wnt. rag machiw. Th. Miami' State Supreme Court has rein Jared a decision that women new vote M school elections. The old mercantile bonne of H. & L Tes- sier, d St. John's, Nlld., has .signed with liabilities of about 5400,000. The Londe° Times says that t 8e Cape- town Government is about to send • com- mercial meet to New York. The extraordinary cold weather osm- Immo throughout E:irope, and is causing couch coffering among the poor. The severity d the stomia and cold d the last 2.. ds s has been uapremideuted u Switzerland for the past 90 year. The comptroller of New York state aa - n ommen that the state 1* now practically out of debt, with 53,448,033 u the trea- sury. rio wry. Dempsey, one d the mea idieted is the poraomt05 case at Homestead, 1'n., has Wes feud guilty as idtot.el The wife d Dr. Sehw.rd, ef Bertin, sigbtesa married women .f geed familisa, .d twelve saris et the better Blare, are i. volved is • se.oatioael trial for child mur- der. ♦ deioieney el three sillies frames is dated to exist is the Rome breech d the Bow Napoli. Grave rumors are aloe rep.ding the Beano Rerem-o, and there w ..ria.e fears el • i a 1 panic. The French Government will soon strike • blow .t the Rtylfeta It is reported .. ineel4.at authority that there b sew ample evidence d • Royalist oomupiraey, and that arrests will be made .ten early dam. A quack doctor is New (iwang, (Aim. dverweed that his mediates nude m.. 8. - let prod. H. did a large basins.., .ad bat petiolate, .iter %ak..g the medici..., started • robe:boa. Han of the u..laarabis army 4.i1 m the Sed battle with troop., ad the rest were eapterie De. O.rs.liee Hers, 'barged with bevies been freeloatly implieseed in the parses . eend.l, was .meted i. Leedom ea a war - rest issued .. the demand of the French liever.nwt. iGts pbysi inn at.sd that he was too ill to be taken to prises, es he was d in dare. et. deWetsve. PERSONAL MENTION. Pee. M. Dwells% parish priers el Sere& uu... , 4a/ been ssle • Whop The Meed Dk. Artgge s to be appealed direct to the (rear•! Ameshly. Hon. G H. Tepper .i11 mil fen II.gled tram Drew York .. Wda..dy. Mr. W. W. Ogilvie has beim clamed prerYese ef the Mabeel Beard el Trade Dir. naebel Wein, es borate et tete Preemies, Orphism Helie et tutus.* In Dir. pe,,,, ,w bvsatw ei w Gasbag re. e to Mina len applying tai llthrem 11. J.l0.( moa was releeted by as __sats• es lumber for Moth Winnipeg is tb. Pr ei.i.l Legalism Mrs. Simpson. relict d the Les Senator Simpson, s desgereeely W at her her i. Bews.ivale Arms • p.nlytle strokes Mr. D. R Wilkie, cashier of the 8.e. al Desk el (8.- . has bees y pry etheatt el the Ts. 1.04 e1 jaha Voidasa mdaa1to0. sad the Northwest, has written A bag letter m defeoee of secular education. Hos. A. 8. Hardy and lir. N. Awry, M.P.P., will deliver add reams on the public questions of the day in Burford a Jen. 30 and is Mount Pleasant on Jan 31. Mr. Dalton Md'arthy denies the etste- meet that he hue been retained to appear in the Manitoba school case when it comes before the Dominion Cabinet next Satur- day" Omar. C. Rom, formerly connected with the prom d Montreal, and Mir Oe n Coleman, .sus -ie -law of Qty Editor bone, of the Colonist, were married at Vic- tor». The name of Mr. Robert White, editor of tbe Montreal Gazette, a mentioned u oeanectioa with the Montreal collectorship d Customs, rendered vacant by the death d Mr. M. P. Ryan. Rev. Leroy Hooker, formerly of the Metropolitan Church, Toronto, n maid to have been ro.ived into the presbytery of (hicego, and will take charge of tie Fifth Presbyterian Church diem Mr. and Mrs J. G Beck, of Cole Har- bor, Halifax C,ossy, N.8., have just oelebrated the ixt fled anniversary d their wedddag. Her Wiow.11, who was present at the wedding, was also pretest 61 years later. Daniel Ba.aerman, proprietor of the Bat- aermsa House, Falls, Mich., bat been converted He ha. .hipped •11 kit liquors back to those from whom be pur- chased them, and bar dedi.sted his bar- room to Us lorvie. of God. ACCIDENT RECORD. 8tx perwas in East Liverpool, Ohio„ were poisos ed y eating diseased mutton. Two killed and seventeen injured in • railway wreck near Jersey City. A tram leaded with wheat left the track on Tueedsy sight at Wabigoon, and the motors of ten oars were spilled at the bot- tom d an emhanksent A street ear 000taini•ngg six people wM rte down by • Rock Ial•.d train to UM. o•go AB of the passengers were injured •ad one of them w die. e. Ry the breaking of e scaffold an a sew building in Chicago eight men were pprroeccjj prated to the ground' 30 feet below. frank Ward and Julius Emery were fatally hurt. Fireman lee.c Scott, and Brcakrw•n Houk. of Connell.ville, Pe., were killed in • collision on the B. & O. road at Eller - she, Pe. Other tris heads were badly kart. A train tilled with Titanic., runniiig from Slatou.k to Samara, took fire. Many of the men escaped with more or leen injuries by levies from the windows ad deer ,bat 4a wen bursa to death. Mrs. Elisabeth Coates, of Philadelphia, was barna to death from her clothes tak- ing Ore, sad bar 5 -year-old ore., who hr...- - 4; tried to best the ire out with his little kends, was badly fined. Mr. 8asuel K. I.agrell, of Denten, Md., and her three children were burieal is one grave. The mead and little ones were taken down with sseelss • weak Age end all died 'Hlod y m emii.g. R. B. HOLLAND DUNGANNON 1 BANK OF MONTREAL. ) CAPITAL, . - - . • 12,000,000. E, 000,000. REST, - 740, • '# _ it Saving Department has beers aloud ix cox - 'section with this branch. Interest allowed at nor' -est rales. H. LOCKWOOD, Manai'er Goderieh Branch. S_ .A -WALKER, Ce mtriece MaZzufacturer, SPE CIAL R E DUCTION "INTER GOODS DIIPI q0 - STOCK TAKING. BRY GOODS. Having punch• sd the basiness d MOQREATH & WALH.YR 1 bar' sow •rr•aged, mot oily to continue the Carriage Trade, but bare decried :o do .11 imam of work in HORSE-SHOBIHH ABD 6BHERAL BLACKSIIITHIAG. NONE BUT THE BEST OF WORK IdF'N KMPLOYEI) IN EVF.Iti IMPARTMENT. 2396-1y. JNO. A. WIAL The New C+rocexs, ST -u RID BROS_` Have a Kt.00k of Groceries, Crockery & Glassware which for quality and price cannot be excelled. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS. ¢ The INDIAN and JAPAN TEAS which they handle exclusively earh. not be anrpae.ed. A TRIAL SOLICITED. STURDY EROS., >r AT G30. GRA NTS OLD STAND BLUEVALE. From our owe eerewmdwt Mrs. A. Craig ie on the oink list this week. Milo Hattie Aodereoa is violin at Wier - tea at present.. Milo 1411; Oliver, of Clinton, is visiting at John Bergen's. Mist Georgina Dumas was visiting on the 4th of Morrie last wea- l/if sad Stewart are basking lop from their bosh farm at present. Election of officers for the ensuing quarter in tbe L O. G. T. lodge on Monday agreeing. Rev. J. W. Pring will occupy the pulpit in Wingh.m Melodic Church .ext 80a - day. Mr. Awl Mn. Jas. Timmins and Milo A. Richardson euadayed in Carrie. So dad Rev. J. W. Pring is holding revival inset - up at Ebenezer appointment of the Blae- .4. Circuit. The 1. U. G. T. intend hewing an enter- tainment shoat the 17th of February. Par- ticulars articulars later. The Rev. A. Y. Hamby who has been under the weather for some Limo was able to preach on Sunday last. Mrs. Robb, Grey vol DUSKY attended the district mteettag of 1. U. G. T. at Bel - weave on W edneeday 18th inst. Quite a number went over to Gerrie on Monday night to attend the lecture givsby Professor Kelly, of Philadelphia Mrs. Rob*. Sibbald, who has been vary ill A tall stock of Dry Goods always in store, winter wear e peaiauy. Also stock of family R. 8. flO DUI,MANNON. for some time la not vitiate soy better. There it little hope of her recovery. T. J. Dios, of Mt. Page, sttesded aha s8V1.•-witting bore last week. He 'ave the farmers some pearlier. os Wiater dairy - PORT ALBERT. Prom Our own correspondent Mrs. James M•beffy, of (loderieh, was in the village lad week. Jae. MahiEy, s1 Go4Nieh, bee of this village, has gone to Trodden, Mas, at a Waive trip. Mr. and Meta Thea Fowler, of New - brides, visited floe lately. Themes Hawkins and wife spent Flashy lad with friends hen. Themes Greene left ter Detroit s Mes- hy. Mire H. Meader' rimmed to Detroit e. Monday last. Mime Sarah and Alice I:ros.o retorted to Detroit a Friday. Oar sebool ratepayers intend MUM( sm- other meed to the near fixture for the perp se of meeting • trustee. This part d tbo 8.ainees was sot attended to at the liana meatiag. The remise of Nathaniel Pimm, whit died on Philo, last at his hams. Ilene, were interred hate ea Sunday. Thloe were shoat .i:ht7 teams is the faau al see sga j was well ad favorably know hers He was • brother of Mrs. John Stevenson. Hie widow, children aid other relatives have the er.patiy el all is this their gad amid almost snide. bsreaw.m..t. Pay • Cash ! Credit is -4 ruinous tO17. 7,e "'IV `t"Me'" msssavtr both Buyer and '4T, 't' SelIe r in .• Till We have within the week panned into stock about $1000.00 worth of new goods, -rather un- usual at this season, but the cash system enables u4 to be always in the market. In this lot we secured at a great loss to the wholesaler a line of Dress Goods formerly re- tailed at 121c. and 15e., this season's goods, which we can sell A line of prints, new pat- terns, to sell at Se., worth S A lot. line for 7e, and • Another lot of A..ihton's fam- ous prints, 121e. quality : our price, Also new designs in art mulling, 38 inches wide, for 10e. New cretonnes from 9e. up. New fancy drapery, labia linens, table napkins, low.ih, Hamburg en,Moidery, spree muslin, and gingham, eetton- ades, Turkey rads, table oil elota, Special values in flannels, underwear and hosiery. Remember, when you bey from us you have all the benaft i of cash baying sad sash a•ililoypy ARMSTRO!....,,....,, .~ r4