HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-26, Page 4THH SIGNAL : GODSRIQH. ONT.,' TH f U RSDA T J A NU ART 48, 1893.
m roes. .0
sT a. T.
s telal w♦tdrw1 Y artiwireM.
themes of Welbmerspieea 1
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BIZ ..... gas Olt
is seas& ISO twine 'Mr roar I.
Ad'.u1 g beam
List end other mua gad verde-- ti a
pee j� her Ant losertles, audit mate per line
Ser ssoorabrwMwa
s.equt t..aroa. Messer* bis
a >•..Isa. 1 sicale.
oard. •t Me tlaee and ender. Pt Oct
Advertwmrnu et Len. Neaman. stream:.
�twatiSUS TaCSml. 8•tiese Wanted and
wu Chem.'s. Wanted ant exceeding !
Ikese ae.sarrtl 01 par mouth.
Hewes* on Sale sal Smartt.. os bale. 0.•1 to
Moiled II hero. b1 One Stet mouth 50c. per sub"
Sediment mem IL Larose ad. te. in proportion
nal a♦.cW notfaa� t a object of whirr Is to
01.501045 the 1 benefit of mina tadt
Vtdt.l or .•ora peep es be considered ao ad
�.rtiaemrat and eh�esed loco dlad7.
I.m+al not toes la aeaa.lwII type was cent per
waelso not Ice teen i Mc.
sot toes is ordinary recants type Owe
pests per word. It. Salle. for le. Oise SSr
halers her cboraha sad other religious and
benevoi.t isstlt.11eae half rate.
1t0aesmerdu Oat0M.a Adveitlseneese.
A homed number or dtap--laxed advertise
meats .ill he t•uaeed at the &renewing rate.
Per loch. our t {p
lourtrset y
•• six eametha te
'j O.
" ear 1011 S V
Ne advertisement yea thtlrit.IoIowa will be eelmwlsyd OS ..b .er w
per rest. diaconal allowed for 0oeh payment.
ea three tnontbs'ss.trsss : 1e par semi-
swathe, and 15 per.bL os a year. Tor.
ooadltioss wit! beesrtcely enforced.
/Meal "This erse.L" melees Jr.
Subscriber eke Dan te receive Tits Rios Al
rsmwl.rly, either by carrier or by mala will
easter • favor by •gtm..ttno era et the tact at
es early • date as po.Mele,
Leek es Toter label.
Tsar label I. aatsoliso rw.el pi of the dare
M which you ars pad op. rise Usti it is au
allowed to rail issoon,„ar.
When a chasm,* et address is desired, boas
the old sad the mew address should he given.
Rejected s•et e.ipm cannot be returned.
COrvespendesee eaten be written on nus side
et paper coaly.
Mabliellemes Nelle.,
1. C. Le Toed. eg Ooderlrb, has been ap
�d�tad Ler& Wietrerlmg Agent for rhe town
ealpe of Godmriew, Os/borne. Aabfeld and W a-
Leen poomme ere over the di•trltx are also
gmpawred to reaMvs .ubecrtpUOea to Tux
• wA4
/I1 eemmanheatlone must t. addressed to
Tem tlmxAI�
MCOIL owers 0Alederke.'Oat.
Mime Ise ter.
During the next few weeks our
friends should load in renewal subscriptions
for the oomiael year. It is • oomperatively
.sod *Mir log every subscriber *.t himself
er hor*'.t quare on the tut for the ensuing
tern.. and whoa that is done they are not
h aunted by oribel la &tram . each week
pees by.
Tba StwiY. dories the coming year
will be neellh aided by our many
subscribers atakislL prompt remittance .d
e shsoriptioee. ��..ornery subscriptiot is
• small item, bet abs aggregate tomb up
thousands of d&Car•, and if every subscriber
would make ell his mind to continence the
mew year by gsbYag straight with his sub-
scription a000uat the sphere of usefulness of
this journal ossa be largely extinctrd.
During the past Sew weeks hundreds of
dol tars worth at Miscast. for eubeen ption.
and job work here Ibsen met out from t!rt
senting rouse of Tis Snow., and we hop.
M evasive a ready 1e1ptoes.
If you don't gat seileoount don't get .,t
lsuded, hat trail pow indebtedness to us at
Mmes, and you wart duo credit for it.
Look at your Mai •Did see that it get.
moved one not* in trent of its present de
d onation.
Yoesend the ssbsertption and we'll do
the rest.
THs En rums 0111011 UMW TAIL Le Sot. W H 1Tt
te its bosom. Ser. hos Riven no promise as
to the duration et his re.aiaiag there.
Council this year laeleven. Aa • result the
Conservatives did met put up • candidate
for the warden•hip.
Tag MAIL Hien Tea SAIL ON THE 11 AI,
.ben it mays : lie trouble with the fernier
is evidently the diioeation of bill market fo'
staple products, stapled with reduced
Tris Seem•L oomesa?VLATmI users (:aur
In, of Ashfield, tie hi de.ervd elevation to
the position d Warder of Herne. He is •
geed maw, an expsrisoed reeve sed • sound
Liberal. And what store is wanted in any
111 Tee I males QomanNwMw, suers oN
addle, * its.smptrolleta, it till mss M
bk. the Michigse regiment that returned
from the war with • full staff of officers and
Ste private .oId1.i u. About ens member mit
et every eight (brserV•tives in the Homme
eese bolds mime edits
Tea mu m W. G VAN Holies 141114.11.
rag OoLDwis Stara •pss " Loyalty" e ea
exe•odiotly rich sae whoa we consider that
VAS Hones u may C•o•disa teal poem.
maymesio., and that be in even mew Mu-
sing his mon at Went Paint for the Amen
e m army. Need will toll.
The Lamaism 'Maty o.o*a or Tont»no
resesty W 1 blg snare h sdiep whisk
.small thse
" TH11 same OON8ER V ATi V R9
Bays Oatomases ter ?KS eoybaawuwv "
ihe feet wee heelty worth ek.edslkeR, se
gush it sadMlu •f Wiwi w& M be se -
Tuba neo- em .* nam C•a•.s*e ►em
dues end Mho bast toothed@ M iw.aes the
psphfbm of Ibb e..et1y, are d pewter
.tee.- to the fusers el liwai thea the
ample ••I tosothiebl el do Doweems, the
initi .arw M■.eters whose sleek
le he veld M as *m-
et gesemao wad
slag* event the
mad the
ter bads
W Lam
4 .rprMm
1T m aNaOa&siY *1 AS MOSS.
Twelve months ago there were very
Iew ems ated no newspapers that
re.Oguited in 0ontueatal Union •
straight issue is (,`shhaeli•n pontine,
and the amen or the newspaper which
Howie a public statement affirming that
the quertiou had assumed • leading
position as a Dominion issue wool**
have been looked upon as very bold,
Tolley all this is changed, and not
only do sympathisers and friendly
newspapers look upon the question as
the great and all important issue, but
tb► politicians of •lI stripes and the
journals which oppose the Ole• recog-
nise that Continental Union as an is-
sue has already •teaiuecl portentous
Not Tong ago The Toronto World,
which of late has worked itself into
the position of leading t:ovsrnmeut
organ, undertook to snuff out the Con-
tinental idea with gibes, sueent and
atotfings, but without avail. Latterly
" a change has come o'er the spirit of
its dream," and in Re issue of Tllur*-
day last, iu a frantic article in which
• futile effort is made to pump Up loy-
alty, the closing sentence reads, "There
is but one sentiment itnCanada today,
and that is annexation or British con-
The World was wrong when it
thought to sneer the Continental idea
out of court as an bane, and The
World is right today when it recog-
nises the important position whish the
question has attained in so short a
time. The leaven has been working,
and today no question has so great a
hold on the Oanadiau mined as that of
Continental Union. Every expatri-
ated Canadine wbo returned at Christ-
mastide to visit old friends and old
scenes in Canada was a missionary of
the new polities, evangel, and every
letter sent by fathers, mothers, broth-
ers and sisters to loved ones "across
the line" was a text from which to
preach Continental inion.
The Ottawa Government has recent-
ly awakened to the importance of the
question, and almost every member
has been put into active service to in-
veigh against it. Nay, more, the Gov-
ernor-General las been forced into
harness, and in his own way has horn
endeavoring to show that there is •
reason for the tie that binds this half
of the continent to an European nation
three thousand miles away, although
kindred and commercial interest call
for its severances,
Suffice it that the question is a lead-
ing one. Like BANQvo's ghost, " It
won't down." It has come to stay.
tries .OYMat5507 Maras haws.
Last year the i►ominion O iovernment
placed discriminating rates on the
Welland Canal in favor of cargoes car-
ried to Canadian porta, and, notwith-
standing protests from American
freighters, threw down the gage of
battle to the United Stetes on the posi-
tion assumed.
The result was retaliatory action on
the part of the HARRISON administra-
tion on all Canadian freights through
the Sault St. Marie Canal, and acanal
war was begun between the two coun-
tries, and a conflict of commercial en-
durance was inaugurated.
The Empire The World, and others
of the pap -frond journalistic jingoes, rais-
ed the chorus, '• Push on the Canadian
Canal at the Sault," and •' Canadians
Hold Your Own :" and other Bedlam-
i',e crier of equal vigor, volume and
potency, and the contractor who woe
at work on the canal was offered by
the Ottawa authorities a bonus of
$100,000 if he would complete the
work inside of • specified time. The
readers of the jingo journahs waned
eloquent over the independent poultice
Canada would hold when the great pub-
ealic work would 1* completed, and time
hated Yankee was to I* discriminated
against for ever and a day, oras long se
water passed through the Welland
Nine brief months nave not peened
since that time, and already the Gov-
ernment organs have lees instructed
to announce that it has been decided
M discontinue the discriminating rates
on freights through the Welland Canal
to American porta. True, the beg
ditch at the Soo is being gone ea with
ee the expense of the Canadian tax-
payer, and at the banquet the oilier
evening et Toronto one of the Ministers
of the Crown stated that rapid pre -
trees woe being made with the work ;
but sotwitltetaading the stand takes
by the Government last year, and the
immense expenditure •f public money
to which this suffering oeustry hoe
beam pledged to " conatruct a canal
whisk would make ((Sonde indepese-
dent d ass UsNsd State•, so far as,
Use navigation of the Sheat Irks was
year if it poo right /net Yaw to ut-
sari upon the aeetaneenoe of the dm-
c.tutt oiNexy ratio er inglWillnand
Canal against American lr, g its, it is
wrong today for (Meads M bask down
Dimply herau•e the Amertoens have
seen tit to retaliate. If, os Mee other
bawl, the position of the Oanadian
Government is right today. what is to
be thought of the jingo spirit of the
Government organs which Zest year in-
sisted that the absurd contention of
the Ottawa Administrationwar correct,
and which welcomed a retaliatory pol-
icy, which of necessity must do goat -
est injury to the weakest party engage.)
in the conflict?
Up to the present the Government
organs have done little shouting over
the reversed polio of the Government,
but if word tomer from Ottawa for
them to shout well, they'll shout
that's all.
TES .1nbtT era 000010.
Since Confederation, Canada has ex-
ported 32s,00O horses, and of that
number the United States bought
335,000. For the privilege of selling
these horses in their natural market
the fanners of ('allacia presented the
rich Republic to the south of us with
$6,50(),000 in duties.
No clatter what the politicians may
say, the fanner doer not relish the
McKinley duty on horses, or, for that
matter, on any other produce of the
Tarsi. Any intelligent farmer coul.l
learn how to avoid receiving serious
injury from the American tariff by
taking an object lesson from Isis own be-
haviour in the stable. When he per-
erto lves one of his horses is about to
kick, if he cannot get out of reach of
injury altogether, he simply springs so
close to the horse that no ill effects re-
sult. Continental Union would bring
the Canadian farmer iso close to the
United States that no American tariff
could hurt him. Horse sense is in
favor of Continental Union.
Many farmers have wondered why
the British Government did not pur-
chase Canadian horses for the army
when the atiimals were so suitable for
army purposes and could be had at
moderate prices. The reason is not
far to seek The 1Lngliah horsebreed-
ers objected so vehemently that the
British Government dared not buy
them. The circumstances are set forth
in the Canada Year Book for 1891,
page 297.
In the item of horses alone loyalty
to an European power has cost Cana-
da $6,500,000, and that sum did not
come out of the salaries of the official
clan, or the professional loyalty shout-
ers, but was wrung from the po4kets
of the hardworking farmer --the tax-
payers of this country, not the tit*.
eaters. And yet when the opportun-
ity offered the Canadian farmer was
debarred from selling his horses to the
Government for which an alleged
"loyalty" constrained him to make so
great a sa.rifice. When tete interest
of the farmer in Britain clashes with
that of the Canadian fartner,tne colon
ist has to go to the wall every time.
It is time the Canadian farmer bad
his eyes opened, and began to enquire
into and figure out the policy that will
best serve the interests of himself and
those dependent upon him. The maj-
ority of the voters in Canada are farm-
ers, and the destiny of this country is
in the farmers' hands, if he but gave
thought to the matter. The destiny of
Canada is a farmer's question purely
and simply, and in advocating a policy
that will enrieh himself the farmer
will undoubtedly make for the pros-
perity of his country.
new TS BBTdSPS ta1IIAaa.
The easiest and beet way to dsvelope
Canada would be to have an influx of
American gold into this country, and
an amalgamation of Yankee enter-
prise and Canadian perseverance.
This idea is in progress down by the
sounding sea, for we learn that Premier
FisLnten has just introduced into the
Nova Scotia Legislature an " Act for
the furtheresooursgment of Coal Miu
ing in this Province," in the presence
of a crowded House. He explained
that Obe Goveransent had induced H.
M. Wwryssr, • wealthy American,
and other capitaliste to put capita/ in
to the working of certain mines in the
Province, and that great benefits were
likely to accrue to the entire section
from the devsleree.t of the industry.
Wutrwsv, it is claimed, le amorist
Oa with enterprises Mt the United
MIatrq the m•wsgwn.enf at white re-
►quires the consumption d more than
1004000 toss elf earl annually. Swears/
prominent United Motel capitate
aro asiociatsd with Warren,, and
the great Booboo hankie( Monet ei
KIDDa1t, P1600141 it Co
In mercantile circles to Nova Weis
the tonne of the Government measures
were mach discussed, cad the general
opinlo. (*premed was that the Catenate
of the Province were aafeguaried, and
that the ooasuwutation tel the w•Leme
will be of enormous i'..irtit to Nova
Scotia in stimulating trace sod attend-
ing commercial r.latU,os with the
United States. One of the futures of
the enterprise is the operation of a line
of railWay from the mines to LntMla-
burg ilarbur, whicb is upon all the
dear round. The Government under
takes to grant a subeitly of $3,200 a
utile towards the completion of toil
rail way.
And right here the question arises,
if the development of the ruining en-
terprises of Nova Scotia by means of
.Vinericati capital is of such great im
portant* that the people are going
wild with joky and the Lae' Bovero
sent is giving unprecedented aid to
the project, what would be the result
if the artificial line whicb extrude from
the Atlantic to the Pacific between the
two countries were torn down and
American capital :end Cana.lian pluck
worked hand in hand for the general
welfare 1
The condition of things in Nova
Scotia ut:.ier the au.l.levs of the Gig
coal deal i; but a foretaste of what
would result all along the line if the
double line of tariffs and the artificial
boundary which hats worked so ser-
iously to the detriment of Canada as a
whole were torn down? The boom
down by the sounding sea ought to
prove an object lesson to every one who
lives in the great undeveloped West,
where opportunities for the investment
of American capital exist such as
never have been dreamt of in Nova
The tearing down of all larriers be-
tween the two countries would cause a
rush of American capital into the Sud-
bury district unheard of in history,and
would make that portion of Ontario --
which is now comparatively valuele.
---one of the greatest manufacturing
districts ou earth. Such action would
tlo more towards the progress of tbi%
country than all the ranting. of men
of the DENNISON stripe from now until
Tag o1D rueo osier 1* rT.
Tomato Telegram - Baler keep our
sacred emsigo in seclusion until Caned• has
tad time to forget what • tool • patriot
Government has mads of the young Do-
minion and the OId,Flag oft the meal gees-
• anwasiamita CLAUS.
Ottawa Free Pre.: His Excellency's
speech reminds us that not Inng ago • gen
Vernon who was at the time Mayor of (h
taws claimed that he was entitled to • sec -
coed term because the p.polation of the
city had Increased by sevsrel hundreds dar-
ing the diet year that he occupied the 0ri1ii
Toronto Evening Star : For an •seexa
tiomia4 wise thinks liea there ie me salva-
tion for Canada save by w...'.ia with the
Stat., Mr. Edward Ferrer is among the
fattest, happiest -looking sad best dressed
men in the city. So it be inferred
that this decaying country~ is d..i.g him
sumo good.
'THs SOWS •• to AT SSA.
Tomato News : The World says tiere is
but one nese in Canada to day-ameotntdss
vs. British eoenortioe. A short time ago
the journal named, thought there was •
third alternative open to the Canadian
movie--iod.ps.deass. Cats it 1» that Sir
John Thompsoi a deelarstb. that to talk
iscd•psndeseo is to propose ea absurdity, if
it is met to .dvosam trsaoos, has wrought •
ohmage in the aoevietiana ef ear •eatempor-
Tons* World : ie the fam of the e-
'•Mkm ss Canada within, sad of the Yankees
without, there is Holy one issue in this
ecoustry today, and that is, shall Canada re.
mats a poetise .4 this enactment indepen-
dent of the United Stat., or shall she he
coerced, deluded and sold into the boedngge
of anmexatoe
TUASKISO .eAy11N ren enALL MorGet .
Toren* Respire No better eertileate
ed *erecter meld have been gives Mr. Sol
While, M. PP , thee his impolitic* from
the sammatioe club. It argues .,..thio'
i. • ma's favor to he drnpp.A by se oroan-
imtiee se disreputable. Sir O. Mowat
might mew deep his solicitude sheet the
member nor Lases end give his enemies to
tint Simms magWeeie el his.
roe. sew o.n ..respondent.
V.n.na-Adrew Ones, of 81 1naw,
M�1d�, who formerly melded here, was
Amities old friends about here Ws week.
David Me(ill, of Neenah, is vtiti.g
shoot how ... Mr. aed Mrs. Cb.. Miller
with their daughter Asad• from Braman..,
Msa40.1•, who are speadlag tis Winter
snag Moods rod nlnlv.e, is Oita/a and
tgnes, are n prase t oho cwt id Mr.
wad m L L.usn Lors•sida
With deep Regret essay hlows* d
the Mesh f Phere Park W. Orem at hie 1515r'.
radd1Tik se Me aim d anewsy. Ww
Wilk S
hen be wee a genal fas.elte, W glm5
memos, Mends( Go reersoll N all
les .meson se* it aseitieboIsthim banese
is No wer es
PP15. 7 bmIft the hem, suwy, Oalksrest oi.e t4*s
rumens wend be bb hlat man
glees The 8..�flY . el Ike $a. ors.
faisesel aki
alarm tbW Unseal
be se
wppmdaea shovel ea J T.n. Seeds, Nee
Of Su11MNPta on..
A rss••a..r Trema Rime T•reugh As
Gees reuse and 1. bones lam as Ott
Teats -Tee .r the Teats Spann Op.s aid
• Sep Pham Itell.wa
ALTO*. 111., Jaw 'LI. -One et the meet
frightful .clam o that every secure* is
.r meat tit .tiny happened et 1 Saturday
mw•ming et Alter Jammer. four sales from
here.* the ('levelaud,Ciacinwti, Columbus
a St. Loam Railway. The southwestern
lumber train from St. lone was 13 mimetic
tete and came Leto Weak, the Manes et
dig Jua'tio., at the rate of 40 miles ea
War, and ren luta ea open awn*, crashing
late a true of freight care owlalusg a
lashber of oil teaks
Two of the oil teaks were *it open amid
the oil ulaght tire, apeaduep to the other
tank. bot sad freight ears, and the retire
trained burned ap.
The pe.eugsc s. *.ssr, W. IL Roes, of
Melton, la, reatuaed as his *gam to put
u s the ear brakes rad was killed Firatsem
Wbiis.•a escaped by lumprg. Tit eager
cad the a..0 wnatoe badger. oar and
smoker were damaged and signs oil teaks,
eight boa oars and six Sate were rap.dly
destroyed by the Ara The loss will pro
bably reach 8101/.000.
As eye -vow* nays the, the shock of the
collie., was** as to spirt two loaded
tasks wide open, and the u:l immediately
caught are. the flames s4uutaog 30 feet into
the air. The locomotive anal baggage oars
were totally wrecked, het the r.rmalmidsr of
the pae•sager train was removed beyond
the rove of the deems.
Ia an o.t-rdibly chert Diaes the freight
train was • .tan oils** Year of sa ea
ploroe pneented my attempt to save u.
The wreckta4 train mune up from Mast J.
Leant at 11 o cloak, bet meld do little, anti
half • dent switch .mew were rte out
trees here m clear the yard►
Hearing el she wreck budreds of people
from this city and vhcroity were dread
by curiosity to the soma
A t.w miasma pet 12 o'clock teem was
• slight explosion of oss tank, tibia sent -
tend the debris os •U sides sod set An to
the stock reedit's.cl.enrea This predated
tie impress* that the danger .f espionage
was passed, ad the trees of kydaulen
rushed tom .ave tee steak yards fr.es de -
A .haute Scor tare war •
report then shook the .rib sad • .10m
seething bereang oil was Snag is •U Urea -
tame. For tiese within the oarale of 100
yards More wee me escape Their eiet►keg
was burned and basally fell tram their
le • sisals* ghees who were not sem-
anther, disabled
Asir hoods hao ass
ter help. Seam wont to the merest wager
and niers New into the Atli sod Hill
mrrag. Peak reigned ter • abort tins
soul the ..lsjetod recovered trait prnaess
d sated mean lar the aA im .4.
Two barrels d linseed ail wire taken
from • grocery Mere ar. t applied to abs
WOOS& by wveral phJatciau., Who \appas
ed to he es the ground. Byery hors u
,the little village wge tared taw a Mmpa.ry
bespial, amid every doctor in Alter ad its
vaatnity was as.seo.ed. As woo es peen -
Me • want was acede sp ad 90 of the oaf -
ferns were brought hent M St. Jem.rr'.
b. T. berm. 111.P.,,. le 11 Lloesssmge-r ere -
miner et waw Breas.t.t.
(Maw*, Jaa 12. -It has beam said .a
pretty good d
unborn that tymeettms
oleo is to same* Sirhe L.oeard Tilley se
Lie.t.eael-Governer of New Rrwgewiek
hes base settled, Did that the gest tame of
the Casada Oriente wit eoeteia the ap
poinues.t d IL 1'. Barr, M.P. , for
The same. of Mr. Bares, Ham. Miabeel
Ades, Hew Pear Mitchell sed ethers
Irma base asentismed o caeaesteiost with
the position for WSW tine pant, sod is is
sew said that all the o'.b.rs have dropped
set of the race, or have Oats dropped, sed
that Mr. Bern• has bees :snouted.
Mr Berne was bore e• Thonrstows,
Fippet rye 'reload, Ju. ft, 1811 H. was
e ducated et Halifax sed Rt. Jobe, mod ties
became • nemeses sad .ill -owner. He
starved se the militia (or a &amber of years,
and retired te 1874 with the reek of amp
tali He was a the N.. Brunswick Leg-
islature from 1874 to 4878, was first return-
e d to the Coosa** at the Rafters/ Mlectioas
is 18fU, surd n -dost d at the lest general
Maw Mitithal, Wk. Nardeesd Alen. WA-
l.teak. Will be belewd ea I.b,
seta nowt.
21Naet0., net., Jas. 12.--$m Mi0hel1,
sestesesd to 10 y.an fee the .order of
Alexander Malmo* will be released an
Fa. 20th meat. Mitchell shot Mole*ch
in hie house* Isabelle sereae,8a Themes,
en Ester Seaday, 1801 Tie a.eo.ae".
pity at the retern.d a orales d
eMYable 11 15is. Pekin spines wee
y in fever el Mitchell, sad W be
hose s M trial at teat nm he wowed
l.e bees.agmttad His trial did net tabs
plum till SINUS non the afterwards, sod in
the a.eantime additional fasts .Slanted re.
p.dfag the reiathon which had missed for
• Ione time between M.lM.ek sod Mrs.
Minden', of .114.4 It w.aM Mita11.11 had
beam aware, mused • rovoiies d Imam
and when Milohell was triad he was towed
guilty el saaal.egbtw sed notesesd to 10
yarn is penitentiary. Senna imply
igmi petitions for hie release were .wt M
the Mkermr of Janice. bet their peeper
egg use greeted.
B•.bl.• Mals Made • Mappp Mees ap
O.orslsg Asa. Bas bai..'ead Was.
B111.0&An.4 Ja& ant.-Bvoa the Senn.
Bdisale hen reined ie the ganef w
(hely ever s remasdMs
l•d Mdse sed
wwtaba MThe 0•.sp*.s are vines with
cook saber ke epeasi.g eelgrMsIMti•me
mod geed wishes. Venus Xing Alexander
bas leleperbed M W preen that the ar-
m•su.mest d the reahm.4tl.e was Me
.sidenseent el diila
ben found w &hews• of
se Basals • series* deisismeni
b ge M name d, .M-
dloTr;Ms dot &wgtei se .vel
� a .
� MSW has alder romoipboo ways nine
M ap As the diverse wee sae
pT.h•h17 wap soman .h./ ao.
e0 s spsseame'
Hawes. 111. Ja•. N. -Tb. Now
Genii Legitimate apeman Meed y alter
u ses dm •snake .f moo .baa .rii..ry
i.prteww T1.sal deal wit► s estsYMs
'el On Maned bane ad Omni& is to he
•eonaerea ua•t mmoro....... sus is
Me among womb .ands
I dente be .void .7.d/ el year advise 00
• .eater ef i.aeedi•se impertasss, .54
chordae hen _'d F.+ te
. arbornese ..
date ..1 eel . tea ogee
Flews. el the p0044.. desamente a.sora.q
te she peeper ..meidMat% . et the •rdt••r7
bemuses* .1 1 he pronie... The spea•al bun
m.+ which n. Md up t• tela early ..snag
.t the Lsgsi•t•re Mates to the develop.
meat el err .tmwal wealth. isenuraged
by the premiums el the Mia.. and Mimesis
Aa el lest e..i.s e.pltal1Me have mos
leeward te wodsrt•ke extensive seal utimisg
.perMttma The 4lsa Alemmal .taadieg
and knows euterprin el 00. parties
sod tae i.veat.a..s tiny have alree 1y
mad, ea the loath .l •m.raucee
give. Owes are a geafealoe et their tante
tem to vig treenly presa.nte MMe work the
have uad.rtaks•, ..e 1 feel assured will
argely low...• ler• provincial revnns.
ago ►•.•ictally des the sway deter. 11
•..ssct.d with tie opal wad.. Won b .111,
I trust, at the nam time yield to Jonston
the Itlsrnl rotes iamb tear esterprtsr
will se well deserve. 1 amen. your moat
careful oeseeteraa.• M the boll whin will
he submitted se yen t..oalrte the arrasR.-
meats whisk way g...r.m..t mada with
the parties who hem sa1.rt•kse tela very
*portant week.
It a. ropers* Mat the hill for .maet...t
el the deal .111 es seb.ut.d to the How.
en S•terday afeern..s .r brought dew.
..at Mesday in the latest. It is sap.t.d
twat a lively debate will •scar them, . •
sI .m0.ppositse t, tin praises r being
allose/ ie e•rtei. gw.rtera As ion
dent .f to -day wee Mho Maytag el "Deni.
is • Coal aim.' by the hood of me el the
banalities /.nsbg the guard of hewer ter
the .p.mlag •ermmeslu whoa .er•Wg M
Who• Orr. W.t...p ears
Bost... Jae. 12 -Mr. H. M. Whiney,
ens of the ydieste, said lf•$.rdy el ►s
H..a Senn sed scheme:
1 ate.::cowled with • as.her el nue,
amen Csoada.s ad some A.rriwma, who
Wend to take ever • member of tow mise
4.g ,. peetiea TLe usderlyhq Idea of tM
wwele eeie« is ti bring tete me Inge
wish wpie capital, • eau-
' .nee Nob. of twee soul properties.
Diu see d tibia o0er•red .pr•ney 11as
bees able M make the large espeediture
aemmen►y M two seen esaes.lmal re-
ties and weaspevtat0n d .sal We ova -
template the osmosis* el the seal trade to
Me Wen Lass sod pert of Semi
Mr. Wleiteey's syndicate will hen •
vital 4610.000.00u. It is said Mai W. C
Wkltm y is !•owned is it.
!we T..rtsa Aerismos es worew.6--
•atR .Ds.m. bop ...*.• ts3.r.tL
Oasewsza. Jae. 12.-A toed •d fatal
iseident sc..md as the Canada Cotton
Unarday dgbtin which Mr. Jona Ile-
Damadd brother of Mr. Dena MoDesald,
Been ef O.ew01 Toenail", Imes isle Ute
ad several .tine inn were iajund.
Shortly Wore the .i11 aimed dews for
the day. Mr. Jams Peederpat, magiow,
dieoeeered that • light limo .f sbaith.g in
the newhie..t meow el two boiler -house
.ns base. A meg d •se, aged Minn
was rho dseemed, were 1.Mtled te return
Muir Oma and npir i* A sagag was
ensued. mid abouts ease, as the toes
att.mpted to bleak so ewe.d ef the shut.
*es. the etbee sad gave way, .d, tilting uw
the staging. upset it, sod the whole hemi•
..., scaffold, slitshieg sad see, tai in •
eneesed atom es the hard doer bessati, •
di.taan of 14 f..i. The aheltieg was •nest
sin test lees wed bed • waseher d pslleya
With its s.teisgs is weighed •beet 500
p.u.ta The esu es the unmeant wore
ladaTeams C...mi.11, Job.
Cemsi.p, William Murphy, Joh. *dens.
and use deoeosd. M.Deenle • death wits am
staate•..... The weak had •eidesty bass
nuke, as Mere were nn este .r M..iee en
the body. T4..a. Cem.sap was ales
badly injured. Owe are, was ►rune* and
the ether badly bruised. Jelin Marto'•
leg .as set near the kw* by we keen boll
Tie .then wen all badly Makes sup sod
mon er len bruised.
L the inside of the Toronto Paper Own -
posy lest eight Mr. Samuel Lower 1.14
doers the *Immo M ter. seller. • dna.m
4 ghees IS fees, wad streak his head side-
ways em the fres sage of the elevator. The
u slort.w•a .wn lay chere iesseeible till
ad up hy s•*e of hr fallow-w.rkmen.
Hs was covered with bl•.d, the sharp .dg.
.l the i..e banes ton the asalp need
Prem hie head. Besides the scalp weed
Yr. 1anteee jaw is fractured *rid kis fan
badly cut. It is feared that he leas •we
toned serious, if ..t fatal 1mra.l Sajid*..
t tt, Bosse. M. r.. Is M Ltossee•as.
MV.rae,. of 1.w Brw..wtet
O'Twaws, J... 23. -h has ►.n sead en
pretty geed authority that the quashes si
wis be seemed Air Lenart Tilley as
Liestssa.t-Connor of Ne. Breemeick
has bone settled, and 'bat the moat isms of
The Omani Omen* .i11 Sonia tee ap-
pretmamt ef L T. Burt., M.P. fere
Tin some. d Mr. Berne, R... Mhh•.1
Ache.. Rea reser Mitchell .ed *then
hen been .senses io ooaswMs with
the Feting ter seem time p.., sod it is
e ver end Chet all the ,tire hen d@.ppd
is el the repo, or has hese dropped. sod
tins Mr. Berm has bee& &predated.
Mr. Berne w born at Tb...tiw,.
Can be cured by the use of
of pure Cod Liver Oil, with
the Hypnphosphites of Lime
and Soda. A feeble stomach
takes kindly to it, and its
continued use adds flesh, egad
makes one feel strong and
Cam �,.4
Ileol Weak.
swots sot b7
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oil Ost Tires maiagdie•
hirers 1. CMads.
(alt ling, 10c. iter Peg,10s.
Rag, 20c.
Universally acknowledged
to be auperlor in every res-
pect to any other brands in
the market. Always reli-
able, as has been folly dem-
onstrated by the millions
that are sold annually and
the increasing demand for
them, notwithstanding an
increased competition of ot-
er One Hundred an 1 Twen-
ty-five Factoring This fact
speaks volume!. We are not
cheap Cigar manufacturers.
Largest and Highest Oracle Cigar
Manufacturers in Canada
repper•ry, 1ra sod, Jae. 0, 1041 lana was
Maimed ea ItsM6a sod Bt. Jobe, sod tbt&
beams* • .orient •d .ill -.erose.
served ie the online for • ■n.ber d mom
and reared in 1074 with tis task et eftp.
Min. He was se the Now Brensw4b Log-
g-Wenn from 1874 to 1878, was fes MUM
ed t. the O•m.oge n tM gerew•1 eiesller
es DMS. and rweleend se the lee greowl
Nee a ase per,i,.d.
0.11.., Lisle, Jan. !3. -Jamin Cone -
.. 'sakes, the .sly enrViviwg mea of the reset
Xing .res disaster, died yesterday Imus
iy, the !bth virtue. He died .nines
Wviag uttered • wtemrs r gives say
Wligewos se to hew as emblems ....nred
Pries Irt.to r.
PAWS, Jim. fit. -Priors or Ms Beene
d•rl*g the pest .eek were 6r.er 1W
during tee prosodies weak. Isteriallrs.l
feed• oho. hoettbeal adman*. Thee..
be.y bark/ d Roar s lb. part d tb.
pNa, wbi.a .99mea le hers ,.er+ere1 1M
srenm.kl p M_•s.m.N►
a... Sense alpavrtd a Woo
lea htv M._, .s. tis. 1011
Jmo. fe-*nesse. Yere••-1Je�f/sM
J•a IM --IA X.r.sra. reit.
lea. M-M&ee..•....... .Mea... New ant
IMO sfsat t Gus las1Mi
a �lii..
PimINN* INib Vasa
4 0U16 ie.~OT s cad
west eMhM redo toblIsiss nurrolowors
Ile vodfeal sansei. Mr Irma Nr 45 cher
ILII Qat it le -1-i-d M int It Y hent 00'
weft le Is the bee m ids world. 1* +b
wsMi°I"estapN.Nod re b m
iwd. It
Ill-•- ►�^^^.1