HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-19, Page 7TRE SIGNAL: OODKRIOH, ON?., THURSDAY, JAN JARY 19, 1893. N ACHESON. SPECIAL SALE OF ANTLE CLOTHS AND SEALETTES. oder to clean •wt the balance of our stuck of the above goods be- fore stock taking, WE HAVE RE -MARKED in plain figures, &V&RY PIECE OF MANTLE CLOTH AND BEALETTE. This Ooportunity Seldom offered so Early in the Season. + + + + + + + Our Stock its Z.e.rge AN1u Must be Red.uced._ JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL TRADE 1892. The Fall Season is now upon us, and, as a matter of course, FALL GOODS are in demand. We are in re- ceipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart- ments folly supplied ine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed Suitings will be a marked feature, while all the other linea—too numerous to mention --will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest •-tock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, tube found second to none. POTION KINDLY INVFrID. PNB CRINT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. OILY ONH PRIOR Draper and Haberdasher. -MAS FRUITS! We have in meek proses. a fall II., of the tolwlsg goods alencia Raisins, London Layers, Black Baskets. Dehesia Clusters. orida Oranges, Florida Tangerines, Messina Lemons. Rieme Figs, Candied Peels. Golden Dates, Filatra Currants, ocoanuts, Peanuts. Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Brazils, Ws have also the most complete stock of Confectionery to be bad outside of the cities. Try a box of our choioe Creams, they are Imre to please you. Select Baltimore Oysters arrive daily. Finnan Middies. Bloat- ers sad Oisooes and all kinds of seasonable fish in stock AT ED. CAXPtt&IGNE'B ParTelephosie Connection. Cor. Montreal -et and Square. THE WEARING OF MOURNING. Dsmosesing the •Ugs.1s. w R and ore neta.er Nor Is. all preen to the cele will be wan as Wog as the world iir it is the 'sly outward widgeon .t ems is psemIKed to make, as wall aseeq Me ei from the untimely a d lading st+•agttr who, were nee her ft ae ink a orb, mad ret be expand to Wow hat la With grated ea Ike feelhwe et a than ansinanse. tiermidesg is the net e ntaiire mnl, asthe peered UMW ihnO lessto Word k. dist thaemine • an ways to show to she world the n► net they had ler the dead and the sorrow obey overseenin their Ilea. Tie eti- tks d ss.eureing is entirely apart from MHment in the nen, for est'. owe Ilsip rather Hes • nidal ekeis •1e severs the knit .r tom. w sable robes henM be were. Widen wear deep none air. .i- tktg of weals' stab and erm pS. ler twit year& Children wear the same fer serene east _est then lights, K with ag i k1..kk ellk *Rhea nye. Seared • es.sNappb, weld Isllows the a9.usedp period ef tIIMI white. MI wine ael dMI{etre j..L h e rssrrw of O. bet 1. Ann Ines esenkg is genned sheen* bp Mt the depth of be onion with ear - mine. Mho _ ...neck... bemmer OM- ilni- ne or ennmatiia by Mw.M teepee vers. when a peen a lrie•� a w wat ershad din Per est year me Makinnalis den. nee b thele w pig*, is el. 1. Penile null Wien 1beesays4 hem* eitbir • ./ch, sae m- issiles. demotes, le e.. eb... Neem. en- iermpathy. eat en palatal se h ese ret p5 erM.Meg. _ they eel M :na b _Ari and tete proper •.e + . lest are W se olds as py• testa� i m end len widen ditto ted reser. be dleimiss el tee 111Ne er to Ow* The sad face glorys mach nes Imo" of a ewrtfek grief then a lean ewe veli En legible *yea The 4l.... , of msebsirg ebeithl ases.pusbeif_ by Repose rather askrerpine from Meek to oollara, as the Genre ten had been berden tbes they meld awry a Inger. 11.Lss the wearies sad the •g oat of nee kg apparel ass be .eoest ech-i with de. ecsse�, it won t show far muse ranee to the dead if tt were never donned at all. The teas. Trus... There is a (:ooh Tenors Oatmeal Trust a Ptawder Tete, and sew and ties • Meas Trust 1 es it and net anewrpri.. to bars of the Inds' rise, is apps 4. pro. �erti�. of the Hoer 'rust The Bear Trum is ans at hen rgsly whose Inn dsad per a�en very Aimg., the hoof the Moes Ashen A.si.sapiVAtel at it yrepeess be _ en nee oits rs aid with anew off b► w duple paean leers mt w a pout at whish brewers eat sae WI, Se bay up its dimgm/td efvsY ii tee .nl t . sats nod prodestier of boar le the (Med Meat. limbi the plea se outlined w poper. It •Mehr gloom and neesnawss w the ranks .t the healthy army .f borer 000•omen. At dent there will be kwer pries.gnome end se kr se g =the Boa Time ares/. awn all o-.. —, t�eyiassksesms the isehH1ieg Ielar tt b • �� �iM. ate pane wp w leers n.etien d Me ,nano of the Hoer Tree will impel We*Min to eine : " Dona with An 1 1Asshester With Msiquartere Inn asek-heNen. Noevtin,-I haw Med R. Il. lk sin es.slls't cora/,, beth as ss bind posher a.d haftmel&d•f was bar • Lag aswkled wW id lanashe sod sal tried a bsltls. Mink that I hare Ilser, Oat. does thee wed b .a set sus A 0000 STORY. bbrs /pulling et glen Rha 1. WA • UNM aa..o.a. "Ass &sheat @rsetss kt'•n. said the deter, .. W bromide before bin • Loiter at the Neuss, who. alter a kid hearing, was oo•dem•ed to be stroll J. " Meroy, oh Kies ! " oriel the m•happy main. " x nopssded the king, .ter wly, .. Vonqat have oumpired me, aad yw must Py the penalty with your Me.. The clock as now grumbling co the stroke of 19 wh.0 it .oesde the hour yes .oust ted fare- well to ...elk." "tQaiok as • tbovght the prieseer tared ae the ciook, wbioh stood by the throne, mad, with • mighty push, threw A from its pedestal and it fell with • crash to the gate. "I bow to your will, oh king ! " he said, calmly. " Wilma this uIo;k strikes I will rho, and not before" '• As • tribute te bus preens of mind the ki.g spared the prieooer's life, .reef alter s kris( iapri.uenteat, gave Vim kis liberty. "Quite as iotennin4 as the ober," ea. °kissed s lady when the narrator had 8e - heed. • Shows that there is nothing new .oder the sass," chimed in soother. . Runge yea," said • .mall, quiet mea in the dormer, after the aanometa bad run their enures : " very good story and I bate to spoil it, bat 1 must du it." • • What r exclaimed the story teller. • lies, must do a. Thee were no clocks in sanest Persia. so the prisoner could not haw. ,wt.mhed ons. " Napoleonic see...ty. It seers to one," s.id a friend of the bank President, " that your Ca' silkier is meet too extravagant for safety." " How inquired the President, looking up user his spectacle. •• W 11, 1e • building two or three new h ouse", be is baying unimproved real estate, he owns a lot of railroad stock and is Inter- ested in various seh.nlea." "That's eceoomy, my dear sir,' explain- ed the President. " Rcwom), nothing," protested the freed. " His salary is only $2,500, isn't it•" " That's all." •• Well, how the dickens clan he spend 110.000 or more every year " The President took o0 his glasses .e!d wiped chem carefully. •• lin-er," be replied, " ooly by the most careful e0000 -y, my boy. It takes an eoosomist, I tell you. to do that. Now, d be were getting $10,0110 a year, and saved $2,500 for investment, then wouldn't be •aytbiag at ell is it, but to do it the other way is \.poleosic, my boy, Napoleonic." Detroit Free Prem. ae.soi isomer .a nesse.. " Undoubtedly my testator horses wee a- bsrit d, thoegh for year. latest. I have eelss the apes. m lrelead where my .ssontors killed an on to feed t, the honk, bet not WI I r.cb.d middle life did I tarn my •s- undas to what has Ninos become my greet - e st pleasure. Suffering from overwork, I was advised to buy a saddle bores by my physician, Dr. Samuel Hall, cousin of the Rev. 1h. John Hall - to fel/owing this ad - trice I attribute my vigor at the age of blas Dr. Hall bought a horse for ass in July,1866, saying : . II you rids ae hoar a day, it will do you snare good than any medicine.' I was them 32 veers old. Fissdissg 1st .addle too violent, 1 wbstit.ted dnvin, sad is three moo tb.gained twenty fiveposads. The long- er I drove the better 1 felt sad the more is - Wrested I became in harsh, bat sever own- ed more than six et a time until I bought a farm. Whenever 1 saw • better bass thus I had in my .table, I beught him and sold the least desirable of my six." " Is it • fact that Sunt was lame when you bought ber'" 'ea, I knew it. bat $..ator Stanford didn't. i told his superintendent and train. or, who were afraid to Worts :be Senator of what, however, gave DA WO wooers, as 1 Item that the trouble was in the shooing. Now just listen to this from that old book l' re soeo'iooerl." " Whs.'s the anther!" ' • W. Owner, a regular .argeos, who foaled oat 'hawk. for himself, believing with the Scotch pr• rrb : • The fox •ever found a better subetitate than harmed.'" '. ' Wherefore. know all mss by Leese presents, that whosoever talks of horses be- ing chest foundered or shook in the should ere, is .n ignorant pretender to the ksowl- edite of this animal, sad is Maned shakes in the head.'" " What do you call chest founder, inter- fering and overstocking ` " " Too monk toe A. enhanced Mot makes an novae gam end aeoouatn for meat of the trouble with lotus.. Apia, take the oohs bows. the lower pastern and tee upper pasters bens., plain tine is position ole . table is frost of you, and you will tied that by elevating the beak or wisp at the oak bean you inose .wily aeon er lower the i nkts. The abet d elev.sissg the heals In server been .udustod, so far as i know. Keep the nen of bosses in ite proper posi- tlou sad saticaetr dimes has a terrors for me." Dose nobody know anything neat the borne ! ' • There are exesptions, of course. There's Atsxa•tle Daher, el Washintoe,who was paid 526,000 to task oar .ray veterinary semen how to an for cavalry Men Almonerr e carried the WU through 2=Chmidu Great', Admieistrstisa eppesed it, bat whoa eared eed 'ohm flog called a lines epe.s� hes.s be released. " Ha• net aieir^ of New lark, great keened. of h.1?" ' Terve email the gee Miss TO whom I Re ler sslesssd Irw .1..1••.41 ire. i .e deeply imagi ed to bite is May ways H. knows heti to .hoe a ben ens be is etom- petwt so mite Won the hires." Apropos of lisant, I've • theory that (Ali orsia will peens ben iters thee any part of Mi. .sentry, besets they an he traisssd all the year rest." " 1t is mere $has probable. I know that a beers that gegen here the Inter p.rt of . mita will p to Q.lrsrsia end .ssgab. to the end. lined fe dardnpd there earlier " ' Will this sharks the naive lit. of . harm , " I've gine se shonght se that quer. " What yonban thesgbt riot, I dare sag, i, des simitsrity ie awe and not d the twasso ..a.n of wearing high bested shoes." ' That reminds to .f Seery Ward He..her, who erne keen my Ake whoa my yang daughter was there, Me Mew wear. Mg sigh hen Hoad.r tuned to nes say - ktg : ' Rebert Heiner, I abut yea k.4 mere seem ten to lot your drstllhtr war Wi ds ! " it wee a in reproof " -En F $desyWeshinte. sl.... Abseil Tema. It is the eon* report about toss that it.erpse Bo ler the theist lead Isla/ tssatisg net r N.Mlh•bb awes with who ars t e ldd with ens*, serve nine, baa hlik sad en nss5/ise Any engin MR OW. yes syes WW MMM bee et fem. it Is es mil are. The Imp bee-ilm ere Ills so as To Preserve The rubes.., calor, and busty of the hair, the greatest are lo .aoss•.y, much harm being dose by the sae e( eternises droning'. To be we ei having a first -chew article, ask your druggist or perfumer for dere Oar Myer. It is absolutely superior to any otter preparation of the kind. It restores the original color and fullness to hair which has become thin, faded, or gray. It keep the scalp cool, moist, and free from dandruff. It heals itching humors, prevents baldness, and imparts to THE HAIR a silken texture and lasting fragrance. No toilet can be considered complete without this most popular and elegant of all hairdressings. " My hair began turning gray and falling oat when 1 was about as years of ages 1 have lately been using Ayer's Hair Vigor, and tt is causing a new growth of hair of the neural color. '- R. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. "Over a year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recovered, my hair began to fall out, and what little remain- ed turned gray. 1 tried various remedies, but without success, till at last I began It) USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original - Mrs. Annie Collins, Dighton, Mass. •• 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five yam, and my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent Mate of presarvatioo. I am forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty-five years. '-Wm. Henry Ott. alis. "Mus- tang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor ler ++ remand= Rhin a verywkwal ossa horse M thew Mess We nitel. She opus:tingl . Nooaesee ! I11 wager you'll be tired .1 marriage within toasty. fear hours after you bare bought see my sew dense." He lberoiaally) _•' Wen, Liss, PU never boy our for you_" Mrs. Andrew tern gis ho very systematic in her charities, and amen .11 needy cease whiok come to bee retiee to be investir•ted, and gives help where it is deserved. Pink Pills tor Pale People are tate oat♦ Seisate&c •sol Retinal, and therefore tie only Perfect Remedy ever di,00yered Id.' the cure of disease. depsading upon • de- praved and watery state of the blood. As they supply, to a oosdessed form, the 'ab- eamsss actually needed to enrich the blood and restore the nerves, they remove the o.nap and so cure the disease. All desiurs or by mail. pod l aid, at 50 orate • bo: or six boxes for $2.50. Dr. Williams' Modi- cum Co. Brockville, (at. Th1e Old ave Has struck w, but we are not afraid, as we hare A COMPETENT STAFF Au14 OAA HANDLE AAI JOB I1 OH LIB. WIC KAYE A LARGE ITOt a ur STOVES FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL OR WOOD. ws ANE !MIL RARING THE RE-DIPPE 0 TINWARE. GIVE :CS A/41CALL SAUNDERS & CO. WEST STREET. ARRIVED THIS WEEK. AB30LIR66Y PURE AND Y6&48. The Largest .sortment of Candies, Chocolates, Bon Bons, Nuts, Raisins, etc., TOWN. Florida and Valencia Oranges. A. B. CORNELL —Tam"was v��Rzi tate' licLean's Block—On the Square—McLean's Block, STILLIOONTINUie T3IOONDUCr ruN1gRALe ATIHI$ USUAL LOW PRICae. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to ggl1va him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ;+NO CHARGE FOR HRARSES A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. M3Oi V in 1a Tonoom Ba*lrcu—t9 Front -.t West. MoxraLAL BRANCH -818 St Jamas-et. MatiWtu Woa1>,.—Holl, Canada UN D ERTAKERS 3'. t0PH]' T BON Have added to their present badmen eine of H J. Nash's 1,44,4st t]g Qlw Esr ss, also *he Ansa Ilse of funeral iaraihNags is the county, sad ars mew papered ered to e..dem fuasrais as prune e reasonable. TV1.1spasrbm..t will b.Me D s11$adad .. by Ids sea � who, `k Mdga_ d the Mei issea, and by pros mpt s tka hethe past len m to emirs yTalrE O&• M Sive a us fa t5ai1. nage. Rensember the phew-WtMR+f:. way wto the pint J. BROP$BY & SON. WHY Dos. GKO. BARRY, the Goderioh furniture dealer sad undertaker, keep the best Mock of furniture and undertaker's supplies! And how is it that be oar sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE Ha Inds that it pays in the long run. His mow is : Saran Profit. and Quick Re - tarns." He s.picture mikes a vedGive bin • call before freesias. Mg elsewhere. TM Fluid always on hand. 3357-y Patronise True .Competition. Tint O•.•..•1. P•osao a• r w• frig : vluu with a Tv ler• ark els s en Is se crag 5.5. who istretre wires to Meet gum w . R LA. HIS tot, MIS Naw • m Anne. ;LIDDY UETII IURON Fig Work Pratt yaw HE WARDEN VTV OOUNCI P•rs...1 te Jur fhb, al the orbs: .l th. novas * 1,d peeps cls -rhes n" rs suss tV, 1 gist .+ids 4. . ..std bks owu.ci .resat yyssserr� r. Ilritwebse, that J•. 'hi , be 'arise for ✓ !neem Irl e( etabserine to .olard 4*,. 0 rtatga ke the .. hal the.mr nivel • the rand hem M kinneel W. .1 ss..itmwessd�j r., Qalm 1:1111 1k. 8ss.1, ot[ heir nein C led. Taylor, ssmsded Villisa CNN, oil titer for Its wren pointed W. O. fN nemities see .lei 19.f rend no keen Vsliarell B ydl. Cel, !toll ernes ea ME amitte-1i.elr& newly, Spalings ss, Yd's.., feel sines — roots. �tw Ours., 6M, B newels., I :omaate-Me..et! ersais, Misr, Me *nein 1Ws, • (loot, boa, ! ink. emu y en,��t�. dbEke arty - r...rs. 1 art, gr..., Darns Rattus --Messrs. .s, Vibe Rei ke,Girvia, 9 ENT OPINION. . ION. IT ORT. Neer: Sir Joh. T led Nus is enhs t kis fey remedy he N. P. Maser amen. u : Wen 14 dmsaAsia vie Wein Devwool o n Ma .otdine hawl the Did tee bent and oleos Us.Igsclin ' pe el nein ef the prise to ibe 1 seest teeny ler The 5 k :ea QPLANA I./. WHOM: Amm o r• seAnnie Ran* • sees 1.41 sate o keened du b.wewty w hmu tnlf • mains a H M has ►d tea _ s4. '.b m khan 15 est lag eye sad the tern elhen the son admiletendisely I theer nim• 4 eammo •'1 es11$ii•a er wish " drilla 1 e ba Wel OM* f`�isv jooil tare hem ke yeadienie . It Aglow her tem. Ins kw ssniw • VI Nifto Le boa. le. sed eve will rem Me hem ail Tots Thl wbr