The Signal, 1893-1-19, Page 6t
tie Slams V tpptess OS -me atria=
!.saes as Mums tsar tee Mesh et
Ota Tr..bIq.—The tl.11eee naw Owen -
mess one lr *.-saes Wile nae Ahs-
New York Resold : The lathe*. karst
Wet their new is dying sea; they ea u
detrsesimg a usbera every year. They
lime the whit. .tae for • large portage of
their misdsiNeaa, bet whet they my s
altered t. shrew, .set a •.ser : they .rt
refsi to their fate. They my that mos
She Wise r a.bjoet to colds and Woes
sad they clam that Naw are
assn'• •Itesssee and the Indium of •
few ett* ago knew them .oto ('..-
Midas is killing than of I
have same Mem tying diem any amp lire
etpeeoaeahig Wed in ooa de.ble quaa-
u tas, but this did sot seemt te diwrb their
serenity. They are very fund of visiting
assh other. sad whomever i patched my
Seat the darty children -.f the forest sett
mod to eych.age notes with the In
▪ sy employ. Just at prw.t thev are
wterteg from a -.ere vtwt•4ust of No
tea, and as they .re utterly hslph.m the
dealt rete a hags.
/aeLl'•» v. ITN THU Krtaeoi net .iteraltr.
Fdou want to see abject poverty, visit
of Canada to theft wigwams.
the terms of an old treaty the Indians
• flsb.ris 100511 a 14 per year from the
tev..faaest, but thta is a missrwble pi' canoe,
what the priers they are coos
led to pay for the n.oemanes of life are
taken into consideration
The Hudson Kay Compile.) halm the
pest driven out all opposition and although
sporadic effort. are made by traders to des:
with the .boragines these efforts soon die
est, for the competition of tbe last nto.up
(Ay u toe much for them. The Hudaoa Bey
:tatpset sells dour to Ube Indiana at ten
seta a pound. 1 bought aoaue of it tor my
owls .se but gave it away, the wieldy be.
tag miserable. Gunpowder. which is $ in
dispesib(e article to the lndtau, costs him
05 cents a pound. Ht pays fav for a parr of
very poor treaders, $4 for a mares .airs and
il_ for a single lsrrelled muzzle loading
pa, such u are sold to the boys in for
Bowery for ..i eyes...
Sall the Hodson Bay t ompeov is the
heat friend the !radian has, for es long as
the Iodine shows any disposition to pay his
deka kia credit u good with the comp•ay,
and no matter what has re.ori may be be
never dies of siareauoe or want. la mei test
ph.oss I war kindly permitted to examine
the books of the company. There is a
we.derfsl uniformity about all the .c
counts, for every Iodise is in debt to the
compny. Some of them are so tar to ar-
rears that it wall take them a year or even
two years of good trapping to .snee1 their
limey is very seldom used Whoa as
Indian has a streak of luck so phenomenal
that he has a credit to hie account he re.
wires a lucifer match for every dollar. In
tbe Peack !titer district quills are currency,
but .either hatches iter quills will be re
arrived from any one tee{,.tug the nate to
whom they were paid `Yheu an (ridisa
.,pens an account with the company he
stipulates that he is to receive • nee suit
of clothes when be did: when the has from
guaranteed to him herests easily. NO
greater reprusdi could be trade to an Indian
then P. esti ht is so bad that he will have
to be t.uried in his red clothe.. as a trot
ter of fart the company does sot permit
this; If 1t did 11 would soon lose ita hold on
the IndIAns.
Tiffs NUItk of Tut 1.111.1'
The items of credit fur Inducts on the
oompsny's looks consist of skins awl work,
the tut of wild animals end sledging The
books do not show how many or what kind
of furs Aare been furnished, evert.thtng
bowies been reduced to the unit stnad•rd.
A mist skin u the unit and connts as one
skis. A beer hide 1s fourteen skins. hot it
takes ten muskrat hiaea to make one skin.
if the Induu works a day for the company
he is credited with a skin and • half. The
work consists of carrying provisions from
one point to another, as the company nay
dictate, and in May of every year In for-
ormanilas the accumulated skins to Hudrot
Ray, from where time .re shipped to
Ragland. Carrying gouda from one
place to another I. dente by meas
,f dogs in winter. little work
of thin nature being doom au the warm
seams. The Indians make their own
sledge/. and four hundred pounds in addi-
tive to the driver are con.Idered a loud for
fear dugs, if rno:c are used • hundred
pomade is added for each dog. The dap
are principally of the Esquimau. !weed aaad
Dose of them are magnahcent animals. L
the summer swaths these dogs are kept in
large corrals, their owners clubbing to-
r for that purpose. When there is •
sharp crust of ice on the snow. show made
of caribou ekin are fastened to the feet of
the dogs, being teed about their ankles.
o5Yt I.A$. or THrI . oat..
P.. of the game end fish laws pared by
tate varmint provinces of the lbmtnion affect
the Indian. nearly every one of thew lawn
wastage a provilins that it shall not apply
b the aborigines This u due to the (act
abu Reh and pme furnish fed for the
Indian. Itut the Indian has laws of kb
own on the subject, some of these laws
being based on ssprstitios, others on ma-
w fourteen is the limit to the somber
d bears asy ase Indian say kill in •
imam ; if be kills more than that number
one of the numerous devils en. tituusg him
mythology will make trouble for kiat.
Resp are heated by meats of *eel traps
sod deadfall", the latter being bated with
fish. Should as ladies approach the nem -
her of kowtows be wall est ashy �gh trays
te rake ha eotoplishe.t is fall. H byany
maiden' he .hos esptan more the. 14 be
MU 'Memos all to .torr of .kat unsbor,
d the bran is store of fosrtosa here hera
hilted is deadfall. he expects some grave
liar and it takes • great many
lessors to avert it.
Il as ladee is stricken with illness or
snits with • serious *amidst his fellows
look at him .4...,sad argue east be mot
Irv- killed lose then Isertsse hears in the
past esn.aa. During the setwser seethe
e n Iodise .ay kaU • neer foe food bot he
sweet be sear Starvation boleti* he will de
as le ray trowels wit sacoaate.ed severed
bon bet se they did sot eller to molest s
the ladies* dselined to kill thea, although
qeJ right hawe do.. r with ease. WM.
ss !often kill • hear he remsvr his hid.
ami thou heap the skull .e the projettiag
bsaech .f • tree, if porUla war the sags
of . over er Ishii, an &Snag to sur d
t►.sr evil deities. These .hall•, whitened
by age. give many a 1st of sweaty s pica.
liar .:.poet.
11 by roams .f ose.teut hutieg er meso
cher cause my epsosr of ammo' gree.."..
111 oc,.nhoer he ladies euros his pursuit ..d
a t-4....eara this a abiishod by seams
+.rt.•000 �. far bettor .bury.& thea ekes
▪ a.... 'totde by Legislatures i. the Ue 4sui
Lams Jae► iNNIS
tinge ...ewe il..10
mom PAW.deters Mita emit. *Ow der- Lei
Pew WWII Mika Y..ttd..r►. ..oils Mi.
Thom will&t�� ti
b`:om, • mull > mtheis t.. she
haul Mi • some tommei.M use for the
walls me Who W goo. Is die wiam.sle
for sport er kala plessispu U takes hem
• hsadled M • ►.ached •d Gay stabile
le make • biokot. Tet -rima- ere e•p.
hared is the wi•w ma•Ym when the ha
le •sere all white. The her is eat bate
strips et the with► ei sheet en bask I these
e re bLelsed tegetber, •d deer they him
Isis • week or so the squaw. Mies them
into • bia.kot large o.s•gk fir ss Iodise to
bwrap ecome►vs.N►vse f epy et this had
m. Mea'-
with age sad lea eight or t.e
yams The c/uM•et est d W
labile hair is .a ohjectwaabls leaner* to
their ince in civiliaetige.
Doge, when allowed to ria .boat, witch
s never the gem with she pare f q.imaux
breed on . cosat of their dessrurtivs
faculties, sees to be always hoary, sad
they hem a .seaktag way shoat them
which diegeste the white tarn. They will
eat geytktng .i.ed.d to be mese and •
greet enemy thiap tat eeppesad to be Bt tor
glint purpose This is W ..*eluate. 1 ar
need •t wbe. • pair d Mem er dray de-
voured half • boatel of WE pewees est of
my ,mem sad by war at desert pit • ew
with two ben el es.ilt
roeft seaes.ri.g rrtg.swe. natfaed Vg mho'
Area a/ the a.... near +Nate.
A recently printed statelesst that the
weeern atwes of .lmence are beaoun ,.
croirded is dteproved by tiguros that,
tbrosigli venous tnaatpuletaons. tell • most
wonderful story of the length toad breadth
of the magnificent empire Tying west of the
Mississippi ever elf tbe vast area of the
larger western state..,poopk who Dave not
wted them and tneefkd oter them have
no coospreheasite idea. Texas, the largest
of the United stater, has am erns of 2ft2,200
square miles. To the cannel reader, says
Kat.c bend* Wahiagtoa, these figures
mean but sera httk tbey .bow,
however, that the lone star stele is
awe than nifty four times se large as the
state of ('oalnectucet 1f it were possible
to rue a railway train from Connecticut ye
Texas and back in a if the train
could take the satire pored/eta/no( the ant -
meg state, as given by the Lest .'mans, at
every trip, and, upon 1u return, there
should he as enemy permits is the state as
there were before the train left with its
cargo, and if each one of these people were
Owed upon au acre of ground upuo Ws ar-
rival in Tessa, tate train would be obliged
to make tape, kr to depopulate Can -
n octicut 2s.4 cisme, before accompltslung ite
mission. and then there would remain in
Texas 703,010S empty acre.. It may be of
paring into rest to know that such a train,
made up of cache, twenty feet long,
capable of accossmodati.g fifty pvseagers
each, would extend over a distance of more
than fifty-six miles.
If the entire State of Texas were planted
with corn and the hills were two feet ripest
and the rows were three feet apart, and if
every num, woman and child in the State
of Connecticut were lett to work in the
field to hoe the corn, and each porton war
able to sad did hoe two hilts in five mia
utes, it would take this army of laborers
seven years -', days end .even hours to
hoe every hill of corn to the state, laboring
co.tmnnusly day and night :MI days each
To those persons who have meter stopped
G. consider how great • oountry they are
firing in these figureal may he of Internat.
The nlan who fears that be could not elbow
his way around in the crowded west with-
out ch.fing the nap of hts coat sleeves may
gather some enlace from the statement that
the entire living population of the
1.40(1,000 ,000 souls, divided into families of
five persons each. could be located in Tesler,
each family with a hoax o. a half -acre Int,
and there would Mill remain 50,0014,001•
vacant family lots. _— --
The Arany of People Who Explore the
1" aubbiah ..n Pari. 'Streets.
Fla wealth of Paris is so tonndlesa that
the rubbish and refuse of the city are worth
millions, eats • writer in Harper's ].agates.
There are more than 50.4101 penmen who
earn a living by picking up what others
throw away. Twenty thousand women asd
children exist by sifting and sorting the
gatherings of the pickers, wbo collect every
day in the year about 1,1(Mi tons of mer-
chandise, which they sell to the wholesale
rag•deakrs for some 70,0(5' franca. At
Haight 100 nee men with Mathew sped
on their barks, a haters in ince haW _and
111 the other a suck with an iron hook on
the sad. They walk along rapidly,
their eyes fixed on the ground, .wee
which the lantern fling. • sheet of
light end whatever they find us the way
of paper, rags, bones, grease, metal, etc.
they stow away in their baskets. io t_he
morning, is front of each house, you see
men, women and children sifting the dose.
bins before they aro emptied into the sca-
vengers* carts At vriow hours of the
day you may remark isolated rsgpiekas,
who seem to work with lase method than
the others and with • more independent
air. The eighare t pickers generally novo
ices ; en who having bees thrown out of
weak, are obliged to hunt for their living
like the wild beast +. The morning pioken
are expennaosd sod regular workers, who
pay for the privilege of rotting the deist -bis
of a certain number of buses and of lead-
en with the results The rest, the major.
icy, see the eoureura, the rummers, wbo et.
mamas their profession freely and without
control, w-orktng when they piss.. and loaf
ing when they plwe. They ate the p►il
n and adventures of Ws profeenion,
sn their chief object u to sjoy life sod
nseditata upon ita problems
Engaged Ce.ptee 1. reams.
After • girl has paged hes eighteenth
birthday she u thoeghtte be nae demoiselle
•mercer, het it is cosidered bed meta for
the pare.* Memories@ to oaks say effort
to whores • d•aghter'• marriage. Yonng
men, excepting an the country, where far
greater liberty le allowed, ere seldom shed
to visit • family when Nen aro grows
n p daughters, and sales as&sr stem e.a-
ese. ere suer asked to cone to Nadi ss
dimmer. 0. .. •comsat would • Fresah
mother .flow her don w to speak to •
n ae of known bid or
unfit to become fres husband Marais a le
as ever preseet psssibtlity is Tram* or
pieng aro e.eeer.od, shad, as may
he easily, this bas both dm mime -
=sad Nom •ad dia dwansagea Noof these
apply to sear eslataose. Abroad Mei.
liftsea • greet deal of ow smother, slid
eausins hardly over develop ism husbands,
mole MJ they .d t.....o
Wee Qessesan,
llri�—I ea Mem Mho, hep
.tier da�r Is my .mw suit, .ed whoa i Wei-
galledd her she was quite idipmet,...til I Laid
Ise it walways the see en te shriven
a vow mit i1 that waywas
Oaiq - Thee whet did she say
urs ted so know time was
reff/a rma1W.
- gip �UAI?t 1WSJ D'
.tomes megmet mel *wow Teweee•tt s
1. Wens see .geek-ateele4 Cba..-
imimee. we tie ret T. tale Mimi
.ladles seta resew *assts.
Marna 'L. Jas. la—Messrs. N. M.
Wbdtsy .d hh. pertaar. *r. routes,
bee as.. a i lestss se sake arraage-
aseNi ter the esespleeias et the by Nees
iesth. real deal referred M in Ns Cana.
dim prom ler the lose tew den Speak -
lag Ilea reporter, Mr. Whimsy said:
I as soar -.d with • m.a►erof mo—
ws GLesdhas and sass Amylases—who
famed to take over a sashes of those vie.
iag properttsa The s.dselyial idss of the
trials seem. is to being tato ono Wge es-
paiatisn with aleph. eapif•l • tgeidsr
ao *ober et these p aprUse, ss sett of
"Anal operated samosa, las loge able w
teaks this Wps espeadiesw aseasary to
the most e.e.ocN4 peoduct/ea mid tram-
port•tiee of seal.
'Oars bowies superiority seer the old and
imperfect methods now as vogue, simply by
the adoption of the best-kaowa preemies
and applia.ns by • large a.d systematic
numeric of works. will image us to extend
the coal trade of the couatry enormously.
We contemplate the exte.sios of the coal
trade in the Walt Indies esti pert of
South Amero*, and I Wlheve that
tb.• enteronee w111 have an .mien**t
bearing on the execution of the
``.aero. %rade of ('soda is that direction.
them of the largest savings will bo iu the
improved tr neportatiom facilities in the
I:elf and River St. Lawrence.
For Instance, 1 ne staamsts new it use
torr brtagteg (ape Kretou seal to Montreal
are mostly tramp stesrners, built with 00
specul reference to this weak .al harem •
carrying capacity of 0000 tons or there-
abouts. Now, a steamer earrying 3000 er
4000 tons can be run warty as cheaply as
on- car: ring 'Jf 000 tons. and if such a
stweter had the power sod aemesnry equip.
iweau for towing ons or two barges of equal
capacity, a, u the custom i. the Staten
awl on the lakes, it is arty so ars that
gad buuner can be done withal& at least
any Increase au the pressn oast of coal to
the people of Montreal.
"By oceans of the best and moat simple
fa:Attie* for transferring .cat at this port,
we expect to be able to distribute (ape
Breton coal through the country west of
'l..treal far beyond any potal it has
reached in the pest. The methods cow in
use in Canada for bandits( Lod tr.ssport-
ing coal are very much leabied the times se
compared with those is nee else-
where. This is partly dee to
the small output of the indi-
vidual isines, wha.•h is .gain is
tort rine to the fact that the precut mining
Maws Imre tt to the dtserotios of the pro-
vincial Government tt' change the royalty
front year 10 year and teepees new condi-
uos. This of roars. has effectually pro-
vide I the development of .bees proper -
1‘111111 •
Nova *esti* coal bar ltd. Their !new
Englaa.. Trad..
N a:w Vomit, .las. Itf. -'The soft coal leen
ars moth concern.' over the program
nib.. h the ambitious Kearliog president sad
the ,.perawra who are backing him have
laid out tor soft steal dealings i►epite to
res d of vigorous deai•in it is g.aerally ac-
knowledged .bat the Reading people. with
help from Prince, Whitney and others el
the Roston financial circle, have been mak-
iag heat y purchases to Nava Scotia coal
properties. They have figured the :cat of
haulage from Used., mines sad see a pro-
bable market in New F:agland over the
territory covered by the Restos and Maine
and the New York and New England roads.
The l'auadian Pacific is to do the feeding
of the product to these compa.ies from the
mums to the border, and it is churned that
oven with the soft coal deity of 50 cent. per
inn there still would be • proet against the
Western I'entievIvania and Virginia soft
coal btnsght to fiampton Roods and other
.hipping seaboard points, sent by water to
New England porta wed then reshipped by
rail to Use consumers.
A btg effort will be rade to have the dn'y
throwu off colt cool. The offers of cheap
mai to New England factories will be relied
epos to bring • strong pressure from these
section of the new Congress. There is now
a large and esteb.uhdd trade up the coast.
(►.e objection to the plea as that much of
the Nov. Scott* coal is of inferior quality
Sr compared with tbe Pocaboates and other
,vale from the Virgiara section. Still, there
are eery good noel outputs from Cape
Breton sod other provincial 4.lda, a.d if
the syndicate hon secured theae the plan
may work. The opposition will email
from the water 'wrier*, both Canadian and
American, while the Norfolk sed Western.
Baltimore and Oho and Pennsylvania
Railroad will suffer largely. It wall be •
Particularly sharp blow by the itoadin at
Its old fee, the Psnn ylva.ta road. and the
Readies shooters are maki.g mach ado
over the outlook.
4 C. e, ....ter Nye Mile C.ttearwe. Mime
Thu. Treated the Wearers fieetstp.
WAAHItr0Tos, Jan. Ie.—la the Steak
Rseerday then wee dismission over the
expense of the Nicaragua Canal Company
up to daft lab. Morgan of Alabama iso
vaired what simmer* world seers Mhe
U.itd States by the project, age thee
stated that if the easel compel week!
ask Great Britain t.. furnish the mosey tae
eosstructiou purposes and Great Britate
'bosh& accept the .per the Usitod Skate.
wield hare bus one paltry pHs (►e weeld
o ft call it paltry) oro .sssealatod plea,
and that was chi worn aad mire Meares
dactyl** which the states of the Caked
Suites had succeeded is kicking litarelly
tate doll rap.
OR. 8P'00ISM.
A Prse•Irt.r4. trt.t..ov Wine Oe. tree
Pull With tee Aseetehay.
New Vona, Jas. IS. —The Rev. Dr. Rd -
war 1 (lark, D. D., who hoe fee the peat MI
veers hest the paster d the Marsh of the
Puritans, yesterday publiely re.eee.ed his
allegcaw to the Presbyterlaa f le.era! Aa.
"I assent endure the t army of leo
General Asesshly," Mr. Mirk said. "i1
e..'t distals what I shell think .mil believe,
or rather I osmosis Nick kid Wives wheal
it may dictate. I am doss with 6t."
Waste ae.oi tree a Meter aiwstM.
• at,. as nae, ted., . J. I& --Dead'
leash. s harbor h shin Stay, has Woe meds
the0s g h. as settee of IM , M
Obersaslor Maw
that bio newaehe� ed by sarialesesses
w the part d the deiadeat V Irimdes 1►
..*sari. stator. •,.P„ wad,
LMM.►.1.. *—ff.e.s'Isw
Aid Isit dol• M lie look.. Aaveds14
sarsapar II
Is superior to W other
lions 1aimueg to be
First of all, because. the principal
ingredient need in it is the extract
of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla
root, the variety richest io Medi-
cinal properties. Mao, because
Cures Catarrh ddo k,ybl ng
raised expressly for the Company,
is always liresh and of the very
best kind. With equal diacrimina-
tion and care, each of the other
ingredients are selected and com-
pounded. It is
Superior Medicine
because it is a1ways the same in
appearance, flavor, . and effect,
and, bring highly concentrated,
only small doses ere needed. It
is, therctore, the most economical
blood -purifier in existence. It
Cures makes food nour-
ishing, work
SCROFULA pleasant, sleep
refreshing, and
life enjot able. It searches out all
impurities in the system and expels
them harmlessly by the natural
channels. AYER'S Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step, and
imparts to the aged and infirm,
r•: netted health, strength, and
S..53 -a.i br.Dr. J C. Ager Y C... Lova. ll.a..
Scdd T :.11 Drel4rt• • Tar.- t.. .. bettf.a. �.
Cure Wen, will curs you
K Wes om atarl.ld.e pare.
First City Child- Where did your puff•
go last Salitmer !
Second City Chill To Frog 0011.w.
I never heard of that place."
! i pose not. lt's t -cry exclnaive. "
• Isit!"
" Awfully. Then wasn't anybody there
but use."
1'be wives of two pceaiaent men in I:et
maatown attended • greed hell recently.
and e::h tell in a faint.og tit upon catahiug
sight of tes other. peach had ordered •
new, costly and ultra.fasbaonalde costume
from Parte, and the two coalmines were
alike in material and style.
The latest feat is epooe-esrviue is report-
ed from the capital city of Iowa, and was
secomplirbetf by S. E. Wilook. He took •
twsmmo12 lows souvenir spoon, one he•nag
the lows chat of arts ea its handle, a.d
wrote tI a wont. of the Lord's prayer in its
bole'. Every letter wed comma, is In its
proper place and can bestially read with the
naked eye.
orway Pine
es= the*teas Mame Pine
sad mipssio
psspsetha of atkarkt hobs mut huhu
i.A/,OT OINef /toil
amid all niAlldifitoeT. BRONCIDITS=
assess' MAY tenni
PESOS eao. stet. .poo. nose a111Tha.
WK. r s a e.eosww..
Coal, Wood and Kineling deli-
vered to all parts .of town
with Cuick despatch,
1 handl the hest atls4s of hard iso l
the merttet, vb : the New Tern. Osta.M
R Wasters Wyss. Cwt's UStebnted
laobawauns Valley (Jeal in tour .tees.
vis.: Chestnut. Stove pg mad Orate.
307T 00AL.
Beet Shawano Lump Coal far we 1a
prates, Moves, furnaces. etc.
>t[.aoTP"T3 OOA.L.
Ewaquallty resale* Blese►srph smith
las meal always es hand. Seeeyf *.cels
Om gime te coaster trade.
Cs. see split weed. N beim and f test
I. sheays to mask, Dea't Penes tam
tan smiles wood. cut mad mplk, ee.cheep
s yes as lay Hag wooden the maeket-
AS v was k "see W the earl d t!
fest or had nerd loss
.J t est bad. the net sad sole. IS beim
VM1 S* ^. added l my *.s+ etpped ...1
.sr weed yard • new . mss w.lgh nub.
Ai Asher emir caseoses seeweeaN
Orrice, Yams ADD 0051. Saiw is die
drill shed. N(tiaseet, fest of Hr
maws ems.
Cold Cream with Vaseline,
Nothtsp butter for chaps said i?Mathias.
Vaseline Camphor Ice, 10 cents,
Da ons Witch -hazel Cream,
Our Acme Cough Drops,
Black Cherry Balsam,
Our Cherub's Honey Cough Cure,
lsoalleist for oemeba, mitts. erase. oto.. le oh4tbes, 1 k,
A11 The Leading Patent Medioinee.
Prescription work a specialty.
W. 0. GOODE - nit.
Excellent awl oa y *come a peokarre.
The ole re hitt eoagb mew
ter which we aro wow pri ate&
.1104. mrNhg.s51g. e
le resulrod smil as palm
we Nal *Mak you most .gt•iss qct w
have est .tot is '. dimarsnest,
The is where skies-csrrs(stl rw .lost
ae eploss Wee la u county.
Ipl�e .teed Is the stars.
taati.aDe Me Mmeted
mee is snot complies and well bough• Our prices settee at
It makes little differ-
ence what others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
Gar. ilest'51. sod &imam
P.B.—The latest and best designs
for Winter wear just to hand.
We have just received a'sey Ades let et
Whie,' we
gauss Is sell aft neem.
10 Cents per pound Cheaper
Than ova be betrit.frezak=s
1 this etre order w itl ew-
'tassel . ll tie beet owns