HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-19, Page 5• - .-�._a•. j. THE TRIS SIONAL: IIODNRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 1!, 1833. 5- ANADIAN BANK V F COMMERCE c3TAIMANI ...M7. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. Y. /Fs. VP) MI MILLION DOLLARS . - 00.0180.000• S1.00O,000. B. E. WALKER. (lttswAi. (MANAMA OODERICH BRANCH. A GtNenat. SAwuuo SUsu.t.a T.AwACTcc. Femmes' NOTts Dtsrowato. DRAFTS NOUN, PAMA.LI AT AL- POINTS IN CANADA, AND THAI PRINCIPAL WHEN IN TIM UNITED STATES, GMAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BuRSIUDA, to SAr1M I SANK SEPARTNCMT. DEPOSITS OF $LOD ANO UPWARDS INICMIWO. ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTERMIT At '. OWED. • INT.a.ST A00.. TO T1f. PNISBOSPAL AT Tota MMD or MAY AND .• 'SS11 /N MAWS MEAN. 'Der fel Afton/len gives. ea lite Oelleetfr ' M - • r---•• '----_ sr ! �•eitriert' Aldo* Motes. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. NANCY 8:':S BEAT THE RECOR1I! CIEYELN11 BEAT HARRISON! ,BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS COODS. W. ACHESON & SON Are showing this week the largest and bent selection in (}odericb. Handsome Handkerchiefs, French 7lannels, di Mitts, Silk and Wool Searjs, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves. Dainty Novelties and Dress Fabrics IN WOOLS AND VELUTIN AS. Bul E BEAT TAE ORLDINBPEION IN VIM). BARGAINS ORDERED CLOTHING Made from the Finest Fabrics and offered to our Patron at PRICES THAT NO OTHER HOUSE CAN NAME FOR FINE TAILORING. FOREMOST IN WORKMANSHIP CORRECT IN STYLE PERFECT IN FIT MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS THAT WILL WEAR. MEN'S DRESS SUITS THAT ARE FAULTLESS MEN'S OVERCOATS THAT ARE STYLISH. Ws also carry a large and well -assorted stock of MEN'S AND ROY'S IIEADY4IADE OYERCOATS Which we are selling at the lowest possible margin. We ars eiao Agent for the oelebreted "RIGBY' WATERPROOF COAT. Every Cost guaranteed or money refunded. PRIDHAM, The Tailor. A DOZEN OF MINISTERS. ALMOST THE WHOLE CABINET AT THE TORONTO AUDITORIUM. eareelk.t F.Ilttrat M.Nittg Y...t Ne1d to Taranto -rt. ■.y• cite at.b.-Tb. ti.veraawe.t'• FM/em OwN1..d by Jolla Thos/.... Toaocro, Jan 111 - Nearly 3,omn p nested lath the Auditorium as Friday night to hear Sir Jobs Thompson sad the members of the IAmi■ies Cabinet, who had neo•.tod the invitation of the Voting Meal Lt 'Conservative A-e10tien w adroit a! Mie t eti■g in Termite. The h all was diogether toe sena. Headrads were t.nwl away, sad it was found seam eery to hold ace overflow tweeting in Ts pease hall Sir John Thom poc+n received $ p.ri.O evaiioa, aad the ad rams by the .tj.r alio Weaken called forth unstinted apples& 1. la■my respects it was the greatest piibleal meeting ever held ice the Idly. Th. Globe relate to the iows . Never btdeee a t▪ he an knows history of public meekwp ion fermata have there been .sok asses as them at the Aedit.rhm when the Thecpen esiai.try made its first public Y FM.a.ss bdere she eNhsma h masa sew- ilIt1SaSmamkMA at work Sir Wr Joh. 1in.iw■td e dairies the bait ge■ seal ei..tian wee eclipsed h� tawwiM d tt Wak was mats► ■ e•m/Igis IM of el lai■Esters em the ptupm�msce ,Stip taketest eewie■ ta Dam■diamliWhery that sash • wing hue yg � 'Here was the utast interest ion iia •■meso, Uses It was the Ire op Sir Jolla Themes had bed .1 the policy of Ida goveonset open the great trade hsus, en which Mr. Laurier hen hien weskits at various pofmts through. eat Ontario, ewe lie Beed et 'ids la gqewtlat weere both were pries% int as wales rderemee to eentnr•erehil .stt.e amid ass hr muds. atla ■wwens te.rr. EMh.b rs■n erre r fel rh.e nava et ht. sephien Msat■r Nashomie aswi, midsiw d IoM sod esmenrIke i. asW., edefter .t rims* rill Nam Mk Ade** Ceees, pessreerserraerd Iles J. 0, Pattums, tsdalsew et MEM sod de - knee diene a.lwh, menhm d wales* .Mast •.s T.N. pate, mover d hada am. A. a Wise& edstm d gens. J. J. Owes •t MIL C. E. Tlwper setts ■d Nm 1tea w, t Neapolitans et atm es. ealk Mr. It beano ears. 11,P., .■pair d on ism lir urea. �e�m la Mei to adhere w1 se eitaiiist mow what It would ate in tele cetera. "And.." he continued, "the National Polley, as 1 have described it to you as a mesas 0 developing the resources of Ca' rade aced welding itstogether, i the policy we lacedto ' (Applause.) "What d ra■tage,' ooaticeud Sir John, "would it be to have our exodus to the Gaited :hates swollen by operator who would be thrown out of the factories of Uaaada and added to the pay roll of the United Mates, what advantage would it be to have our yeuceg farmers instead of living In Maattobt and the Northwest to have been still p1 as in the Stated Michie• Joke told his a•dleian that the liberal-C:meer- vtive party of to -day stood for ..ch ea - Mahal developme•t as would make this country • greet oosatry. a united coentry acid • nationality in itself. (Proleaged applause. enITNH rua1r•yIOi Tot eOtltt5 eiTO]t. Why sit that we novo beard se moth about anaexatts ! Why is it that the Liberal party is emd.•voring is spite d itself to tear cot the cancer that is elitisg c.t its vitah! It is boo•os the ramose ie ertiag out their very heart. and the time Ivo oo.o when the people ere going to have me ttriiitg shoat it. We say that the very corner atone upon white we will build nor future 1. British o-mnestioa A little while ago we were Wombed with waving the old flag. But it was dvory *01) Mr thee. traitors to seer at tlla oldflee sed sneer at the institutions whisk ser bad left ria (Owen.) But now they mast tee efts talk of Retie .esm.etion. He oe.pnj the dative pietism of the br+.... Y the United £Menus sad Uta•d& One of their (tie United %des) great jtoreals was frisk enuegh 10 my that the Unted States hes penetio•lly get wider paw the last sere of kid that it will pay to raise wheat open. 1 Hear, hear). lewd•, ea the other had, bee thewesarle .4 yore moies of virgin is. which would prenital- y Sake her the grenls( whets-prodoeing amen ry is the world. Ad sit Masada the Uestd States would be compelled to go ter her wheat. (Appleton). This was .IK of the remise why (..d• was new of so sate mere impertaae• is the eyes of the limited Stem. Re asked the liberate to . ren •- 'Hama with eemmeati.m. and set allow ih•meelvss te be l.gar,lewed by the rel•hrsted Mr. vinare "1 elk them te .pore from the dear that emi.eary who bas given to the !fie of the limited Raise d) that M W shoat Owed, 1 will eek thew sone tsar mom ad that is mgt to trifle with eases Mem by talkie" ahs.$ Indepedeme-. 1.4. germed we on ion • ..as. that we have �t ��ss11te liberty of .N.em4 seneru (Apphmea 1.dependgt wen en hon this o ar•, hat w 8..e the p. .albs 01 sur preen, ,ltd as M the Seth et sill . - mY 1 W. ACHESON & SON oridol connection as to say Mat it abot♦M alwayt be ,00tlnned. rut ri'TI:Ki. TKAha ru1.1. 1. His opponents had made an effort to mis- represent his utterance r gardmg the future trade policy of the government But while I admit that the National Policy is not C mid never was, but requires to be moulded from time to time, we don't propose to p.tpaae tariff reform until tar- iff reform is completed in the United States. We propose at the wnung session as far as it is found neoeseu>' to change Sad mould the tariff system as will be found best is the interests of the people. Loud Ap- piause.l Three years ago, rid Sir John, we throw off 11.2.0t00,000 of tariff duties. We will continue the work. Where we can reduce taxation we shall ,iu so and do so in the early future. t('heera ) el l' atar t +H11S1' W105 OCT. We hale been taunted with looking to Washington, with waning on :he United Stat.ea. ,Well, what 0.014 you think of a Minister of Trade and Commerce if be abut hie eyes to the oommercial movements of other countries, if he cared nothing about their taxation, but went on an iron -hotrod tarter which, like Ilse laws of the Medea and Permits, was never to be altered The !..: 'lintster of Trade Sad C.omaierce s the nae who keeps the keenest look out It is eoly in that way we ma see when is the teed .f legislation either to build up or pull down Let ins ask you to consider what is the policy we are asked to adopt instead el this. What is the proportion of the leaden of the Opposition to increase our trade, workmen's wages and increase employment that will bring more mpital into the .oun- try! 1t is free trade. 'That policy, 1 humbly think. would take mon operatives out of Canada In one year than had gone in t be last is. years. ((,'beers. )1 To test their policy read their own words. Ac- cording to Mr. Laurier they propose to hose 'bedsits tree trade as in &igbtod, t to v. at the tame time propose give yea • tariff al t0 or $O per seat. as agaiast Rag- land and all the world except Ike United States. (Cheers.) ytttlt FILM TLA.' la that the kind of free trade they bare in Reglad! (Voices : "No.") What would the apostle of free trade, Riebard Cobden and John Bright. t.hiak of a preposition at free trade with the neighboring ooentryr.04 the famous McKealeyism against the world. K1.gtLh Liberals would not know a las in whose mouth each eentimente found an she. (Cheers.) Sir John then said : Vou alight have got unrestricted reciprocity last Fekr.ary. Why did we not get it ! Because it wages American pointy against Britain Time was to be a 'soman tariff against all the world except the United States, aid are we to be obltged distinctly to discriminate apii.t the Mother Country .'A�AhA 0(1.1. NOT HAITI IT. On these terms we sold have got ware - seined reciprocity. On these terms we shall .ever pt it. (Loud ebseritit. l And I say further, that on *bees tens the Come- dies people will never let the Liberate tab it. (Rearmed sheering). Sir John them eve as additional Mantn- tien that ,kis is an America,' ppm Thowho beard Mr. aine and lir. Those Bl Foster dients this y..Shoo .t Washing - ten, saw that d thou prepo.ab bed been adopted this sentry world be at the mercy et the Uowd 141.1.. The tariff would be lade at Wasbingten, ad our trade be preotisJly eat off Meso the Atlantic to the pFa�mgd�t,. TIM 11505■v ouners1. sir Jobs expressed himedf to the same *Beet em this Bastion as at the Beard of Trade bangset. We are willies." said he, "to sake a bargain ea the i.i.eet terms. Het ma, the Asnerieem sanders said the goodies meet be settled eu the greed ei unrestricted n.iproefty. le seek caress- stamens a es.- stauses es Merles %mild hey been ex- hausted and depleted, as were the Amert- o. Thsse are ewers' msyears s that the Canadi.n people de mot sat, ad sever will have, and if the leaders a( soy political party .t *apt to make the people believe that they an bare frac trade and Mokimleyises, it is like riding two horses at the mem time. (('hers and laughter). ♦o ntr lAttOS MOM Uesagmv*tlan. Amid bed cheering Mir Jean maid: "We will adhere to the primdpkm and Mali- ties tiathan maim the Comer viten party what ft is, and made (Lmsia what tt la Still we are slmil to welmene the esti. meats of dads to i ritY an i emItty whisk bus lam made ay st.tu.en en the ether die. The venae el this e.amtry, iie anima yes it orletense. tltpwi ea k -4th g.. -• is estaMWng iMYei or bei si s here. ed ilowelopthe tie won .dales.. vends. M., sod trialh w61 roan bor.. we ern all ped to rapist winnower we shish of ser, tee breast p..gdmm that %iWm hos 113.4 dbierb110. Phnom Gel, is the fuse the ties of albsties awl Y. el .mtenl in- ternes will mel We beeirltell, but aIle.mgt►• wool and the sawn with int eon estui frwmwd eherrnb i'd's air tag Nastwaa .INa.e ea.11..M. 11I _ W the Ya.IMIt ..anal watts tris rases the wisest tailings ut the N•ple of Canada ere both aides of poli. Ib._ The one eoluties of this iteration, so Gar as we aro cowered, wail ise directly by what the wostituiies provides. An ap- peal km been presented a•kaug Ube (lover- nor-General lovernor General to interfere with the existing system of educattoa is Manitoba, as it wee established years ago. ()ur right to iater- fere is challenged by these on the ether side. Well, withal the next 10 days we shall all hear that question discussed as to our power sad ohi.gntions to deal with it. Let le.t any man or woman suppose that lurking in the breasts of any Minister there Is. a secret deur' to interfere with the legitimate rights Sad powers of the pro- vince. We will not interfere with the rights and powers of any province, nor will we de• serf any duty whi.h is iwposed epos us by the uoustitution, no aster bow painful to ocr Meting' or obnoxious to ate (('beers.) t;aadidly and beaestay we intend to be guided simply by the ee.sututioa, and the ..ustitntion as it will be expounded by the hi_he.t authorities fist ,an be got to ex- p,.Ind it, and not by the private opinion ons arty body. i repeat, we intend to stand by the com- sat utiuna 1 am not souivocaung and not concealing. The whole question will be argued in the prssssoe of the whole people of Canada- on will be able to see the argument* on both .ides and to estimate the value of the tetti..y and the weight that should be attached to it. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION. A Promoter or the rimiest MS rasa IN at Ottawa. O'Prtu,, Jan. 16. Mr. Coli. Betts, the pprroom.ohtte+r� of the International Navietios Copenal, thhas 1 )ereceived • tlete.Rahwayhe. .Stecd- C, stating kmeeh.oe being one worthy of co.suderetion and of mach public interest. Mr. Dutton will be given every opportunity of fully discussing the matter bsfor'e the Railway Committee of the Hoose of Cosecs, if been desires. The foregoing was in reply to a letter from Me. Dutton to Sir John "Tbietipson calling his attention to the application to Parliament for • charter o1 incorporation and fran- chise to construct and operate • 25- feot savigatl= from late Foie to Montreal and to like Champlain, wbenoe the lies will astatine through the United States to the Hudas river. In his letter to the First. Minister, Mr. Duties said : "An unfavorable attitude by voor Government toward the inter- settemal navigation scheme woeld, of costae, prevent its consummation ; aid even its public suggestion to the press known as favetsble to your Goyern- me.t is an obstacle of • very serious nature, tend will effectually prevent any progress until it be removed ; for no one will interest or exert himself in favor of • project white is supposed to be viewed with disfavor by that power which alone an grant it Life. I therefore beg you to .-onsider the mutter, and if in your matured judgment you think the project ooe which commends heel( to Me favor of your Government, you will let that fact be publicly known." ACCIDENT RECORD. Twenty-seven miner wen killed by as explains u the Union Pacific mine near A Iloilo deep•toh says Thomas Haas - pa, of via. Catharines, Oat, was killed is a eaten row then. There was an earthquake shook la Frideriek, Maryland, Whit* threw pods from the shelves of stasis Frees bot water piper ceased • stove to espied* in Mewed, malting taw instant death of Mrs. Joseph Houle At the Wheal Owle hairs, CmrnwsU, ) nglead, 10 teen were= b, as nnexp.cted rush of water from •m eased .he. A boy awed Harry Jackman is in jail at Ha.ilt.a, Ont., awaiting trial am • of hewing dabbed a sobeol.ate mainedarX mer. Little Reimer is hid up. The fl wheel of (*1... Bee*'. sten' r -i11 atm sod fa 10 iceseeatly k1 g badly y w sed hi It The .UI is lsdly wrecked and the .sehinery damaged. A lift. dw.gkter e( Thomas McBride while /hying et mead i0 Thank! fell Z�.� • seat, amities her keen se enverdy wvwnl seethes by the doctor were --y Wee. £*Mmes, el Mures tewmmhip, Brim en..sy. was Ism to death the other S ight R. weal eat 1. his berm thing w asenterm sod kW W way while resees- ktgtothe Immo. Mr. Those V a switel.ens was ▪ �rem sever by a keen SS is the O. P. and both W at Whoa/gag J et Ile iJ w kw been *Mall ism m Nebo. There les Y. d eceadbd ~MI ter the eo.men a ilme t knows se nem Tin vow Main mins! aced otimeral kiserione Ices boas nn.s.MI br awes. It la a tlklrpls ,.ands M mown .atee without pia In km Coes l ee eMr sad at.,N as MIetA.d tiro Ilia' le Mala GN 1u," sad as caw. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, _.._. - � 2,000,000. REST, - - - ,000,000. A Saving Department has bee" aimed is con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at cu' -rent rales. H. L OCK WOOD, Maxaesr Godesulch Brandi. Carriage Mars.ufacturer, Havi■p( purchased the business of McCREATH & WALKER 1 have now arranged, not only to continue the Carriage Trade. but hair deaid.d to do all classes of work in HORSE -SHOEING IBD GBIERAL BLIOKSIITHHIG' NONE BUT 'FMK NWT OF WORKMYN KMPLOYRDIN KVKR1 DEPARTMKNT. _3116-1y. JNO. A.. WALKER, P I I PH I ST'u. BELFAST. From ..r own oversewing*. Mile Annie Reid, of Locknow, is visiting friends around here. Weare glad to know that Mea McAllister u getting better again. The roads have been so badly drifted the stage could not go to t:oderich last week. The attendance at school for the past week has been very small on account of the stormy weather. R. B. HOLLANO, DUNGANNON A .r...mer. Puffer "Say, what kind of a train do SPECIAL REDUCTION you call this ! " Conductor -" This, my friend, is an se. oommodatio. traia' Puffer , "TM, eh? Well, 1 want you to understand that this vain runs off and leaves me about three days in the week, and I think if it can't aosersmodate • commuter by wain.¢ a few m45 -I it ought to change its name.' OPERA 310131131 1 I N WINTER GOODS ID RINCI- FFuneY 1� po STOCK TAKING. EVExo.J G Loida's Transalllies! A Performance eadereed by the Prem in all the leading cities of Kurope and America Admission, - 15 and 25 Cents. Reserved Seats, 35c. Now on sale at Fraser & Porter'. Bookstore. Elegant and Useful Presents event away each night. No charge for the present& DRY GOODS A Hill stock of Dry Goode always in store, winter wear especially. Also a fall -Stock of family groceries. b R. B. HOLLAND, GENERAL MERCHANT, DUNGANNON. Pay Cash ! A Credit is ruinous to both Buyer and Seller iy► We have within the week passed into (stock about 51000.00 worth of new goods,- -rather un- usual at this ,lesson, but the cash system enables us to be always in the market. In this lot we secured at a great loan to the wholesaler a line of Dress Goodi, formerly re- tailed at 121e. and 15e., this season's goods, which we can Bell atlC A line of prints, new pat- terns, to sell at 5c., worth 8c. A 10c. line for 7c., and Another lot of Asbton's fam- ous prints, 121c. quality : our lx ies, !1, _. Also new designs in art muslin, 38 inches wide, for voce New cretonne+ from 8c up. New fancy drapery, table .table napkins, towells, Hamburg embroidery, a p r on muslin and ginghams, eotton- adea, Turkey reds, table oil cloth, Ac. Special valves in flannels, underwear and hosiery. Remember, when yew boy from se you have all the WW1 of seek buying and sash M.* ARMSTRONGS_ • ift .4 R LA 1111 x a, • arfsais, UDDY, MEETIN IRON CC 1 Wort yin Year, E WARDEN penes to Jae it:k, 1 tbuanti tg 11 the I..ra. alt � mi.wrtl� vka sI^ 1►r'geI ss. Ka Imis d it Ned sle council o at per. M•Mwebie, si bat le . (i . *111114611 for du lapse Br.ass la d aced l prig .sea for the cot{ tbstried to tin d the me.b., reeds. the het red hen M mess esd W. toes c•meMtsa Iclanke u( i no d- atkr, neended Ilia. Cam, or for tis en rated W. G. r. Imus ems .11 tot named res arra leNurel odd. Oak, Rol Test. t. 1893 iitte. - Werra Spirl▪ 'Males 4« Ase eninet-S6.eera 0bl Olivet, ]kwms� (Fw Is. I Nasy, iV see, Ste *wet 1, Bans. Dena Etta•-Masrs- Mie IT OPINION. .01111111T cos. t: 6.John1 1 Huse i. such 1 .is tall remedy 11. P. • • nee : FRlterer A meaeS.sl ei n isi. l3.eeral t IM sed ti. of the UW (:n wry send Eles d masts * prise to ib et rendy kr i be pekes I • • .xrtaaa1Mu. Else.: Amaral edf no imp tweriniwet been ea Rails H estesierseta te d.ir silliet.tE U Mire s.1Mthe asill WI of how ,�i is ria e 1 esikkaly tIWer One . t "1 rtioGonne